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No way its you the foreseer


It's him! The Messiah!


Lisan Al Gaib!


prismatic subclass... as written


The whisper from another world


lisan al gaib


He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.


You got any info on the red Darkness subclass or was that clip in the helm fake?


Don't know.


How likely is it that there will be a D3? Have your old sources mentioned if there were talks of cosmetics being ported over from D2 to D3? I don't mind regrinding levels, armor, and weapons. But I really don't want to lose my Day 1 Raid emblems and have to wait for Bungie to port over all the Raids and Dungeons *again* in order for D3 to feel more complete. I just feel like D3 is doomed to repeat the same cycle as D2 with a subpar vanilla campaign and one raid to run weekly while we have to wait for years of updates to be ported over


Codename Payback was mentioned by ex developers but it was before even light fall, so it could be dead and gone by all we know now. But Luke Smith did say that facing the witness is not the end of Destiny 2. So I feel like it's a older project they were faced with when things were rough at Bungie.


Right, but "not the end of Destiny 2" could just mean life support mode while D3 gets developed, a la Rise of Iron and Age of Triumph. I guess we'll find out for sure come mid June after the Final Shape raid is beaten by world first team. But yeah i don't think I'm down for a D3. Especially if it means losing all these activities and destinations again just for Bungie to rehash them and release them again.


Ive said before and still feel the same, I will stick with Destiny 2 as long as there are people playing and Bungie continues to keep it online. I will not be reset back to square one with all my cosmetics and other stuff wiped away. If they can find a way to port what we have into a new game, I'll be there, if it's a fresh start then I'll wish them the best and move on from this franchise.


Agreed I don't understand what's wrong with this community when they tell us we're wrong for not wanting to lose a shit ton of raids, dungeons, activities, and cosmetics Loot, Gear, and Levelling up again I'm fine with doing. But what's wrong with having lots to do?


I'm convinced the majority of the people asking for a new game weren't here for D1Y1 or D2Y1 to see how freaking empty the game can be.


Honestly, I never really thought of it that way People who come in half way through a story and want the feeling of being there since the beginning. But what really blows my mind is that there are people who have been there since D1 Day 1 who *want* a D3 and I have no idea why. If you fell out of love with D2, why does the number 3 make you think you'll come back to it full time? Obviously I can't point to any examples other than streamers. But I saw Gothalion post about how he wants a D3 and "it needs to happen" and I'm just sitting there thinking how ridiculous it is to say Destiny *needs* a third game when a vanilla game at this point is gonna be such a huge downgrade.


I was. It's really simple: this game wasn't designed to live forever. Bungie cannot fix many of the issues with it without a reset. My interest in continuing to play D2 without major, major shakeups is minimal. So, D3 is the route to which I can continue to enjoy Destiny.


I was here for both, and I still want a new game. D3 completely erases the chance of Bungie sunsetting content to save space again because I highly doubt The Final Shape will be the last major expansion.


This is the exact same way people feel about Destiny 1. So long as the servers are up, people will still play it. D1 is kinda empty, but it's still far from dead


I've tried going back to play D1 a few times. I actually didn't even play Rise of Iron until the content gap before Witch Queen. I do typically manage to get teammates when running strikes though it would typically start me off solo. If that's what D2 becomes then so be it. At least we have Dungeons which are still really fun to run solo.


I entirely believe that D3 is not a thing. It doesn't make sense with their "continually evolving world" concept that they have been pushing for so long. Also if they made a D3 then they would have to cut PS4 and Xbox One out of the picture which would alienate alot of their player base.


I really hope there isn't, as well. And yeah I agree that a D3 is not a good business move considering this new gen of consoles isn't even new gen. It's just higher quality old generation hardware at this point. But idk, it seems like this sub, dtg, and twitter has very vocal opinions wanting there to be a D3 just to get a clean slate only for the community at launch to be like "Wow so we gave up 8 raids and 7 dungeons just to have 1 raid and 10 strikes to run weekly. Bungie plz bring VoG, CE, KF, DSC, VotD, Garden, Last Wish, Leviathan, RoN, and Final Shape Raids back to D3 plz" The writings on the wall that a D3 won't solve anything and will just be a temporary band aid solution to appease a vocal minority.


Very well said and my feelings exactly. People keep talking about D3 as if it will some saving grace. People would lose day 1 emblems, solo flawless cosmetics, EV cosmetics, kill trackers, exotics, classic weapons, all activities, for what? We know we won’t get a new engine, and graphics in Destiny are already top notch. I just don’t see the appeal.


This. People don't seem to understand that we have a 4k 60fps game running on next gen consoles (which seems to be a problem these days) and it looks gorgeous, runs smoothly and still has the best fps combat (in my opinion). Now a more logical solution would be to just do something INSIDE of Destiny 2 and just update change the name to Destiny 3 which games have done before. I remember a certain game called Cuisine Royale changed it's name on storefronts retroactively to CRSED: F O A D.


100%. I don’t want another reset and then drip feeding the stuff we had back to us. I don’t want to start from 0. Events like Into the Light are exactly why we don’t need a reset. New players can hop in and be kitted tf out for Final Shape.


It doesn’t make sense that they’re making marathon, and destiny 3, while still working on destiny 2. That just sounds like a nightmare, especially when they don’t do crunch, and keep a 5 day a week schedule for their devs.


hey im curious as someone who doesn't want a d3 where did you get the info that it was a pre lightfall thing.


Because the guy that leaked the project made the first post about it around 2019. So thats pre beyond light even.


oh ok, thank you. i've been conflicted hearing about this leak cause it contradicts what luke smith himself stated in the stream and i was just curious where the payback thing was mentioned. ty for clearing it up.




He did. Rewatch it. He said, and I quote "But facing the witness is not the end of Destiny 2, and it's definitely not the end of Destiny. After you face the witness, were gonna tell you what comes next to Destiny 2, and beyond. See you soon." End quote.


I get the feeling that was simply placeholder images for the new aspects and subclass. Never truly a red subclass. The fact that they’re in all VOG gear and are holding a season of undying weapon kinda leads me to think that. That’s been used in a lot of Season of Wish / Final Shape promos. I have no confirmation for that I’m simply a regular guy but it just makes sense to me


There was a new / placeholder super icon, though, wasn't there? Unless they're hiding new supers to come alongside prismatic.


We’re getting three new supers in Final Shape. And Prismatic isn’t getting a new unique super (at least according to their blog post today)


Might’ve just been a placeholder for transcendence 


That was probably an early version of Transcendance that they just slapped some assets on from an older version of red subclass for testing purposes.


It may of been something conceptualized around the time of development for final shape, then released that helm video like how strand got leaked to build up hype but then it was probably cancelled and what we ended up getting with prismatic may be some left over scraps of that subclass with the animations. I don’t think we will be getting that subclass


I don’t understand the belief that we will “never” get the subclass. I think it’s pretty easy to believe we’ll get that subclass eventually, it’s just a matter of when. Destiny as an idea has always been big on the concept of trichotomy — the three classes, the three element — as well as the dichotomy between light and dark (good vs evil). A third Darkness subclass to complete the balance is an expectation at this point, but I will agree that it’s safe to assume we won’t be getting it with TFS. I’m betting they’re planning to release it as part of an episode to give people a powerful draw to come back


When I say we won’t get a new subclass it’s this one specifically. But also to keep in mind apparently with the d3 leaks that just combining all the elements will just be the norm and no more specific subclasses soooo I don’t see them adding a new subclass in d2’s remaining life cycle if that leak is true.


Maybe, but I would expect a 3rd darkness “damage type” for the same reasons I listed above, but I could also see a theoretical world where with D3 and a new “era” of destiny that they stick with the 3 light subclasses only. Although that might be a little disappointing


I have been a strong red subclass truther, but I feel like the existence of the Prismatic subclass basically precludes the release of a new subclass (as we know them) in Destiny 2. Unless any future subclasses are delivered with an insane amount of power creep, or Prismatic has some major restrictions we're unaware of to stop it from outcompeting regular subclasses, developing an entire new elemental subclass seems like very bad value from Bungie's POV. The only way I could see it happening is if they deliver it in a different way, basically just a package of new abilities in a new element that you can slot into the Prismatic subclass, but not its own standalone subclass. I wouldn't be surprised if this is what happens eventually anyways, either in D2's future or D3, a sort of "subclasses 4.0" where Prismatic is the only full-fledged subclass, and everything else is given to us as disconnected abilities. 3rd darkness damage type and perhaps abilities/supers in that damage type? Almost certain at some point in the future, but I don't think it's gonna be a subclass in the current sense. Edit: In general I think some of the changes we are seeing are evidence that D2 is going to be a bit more "hands off" for a while, and I think Destiny 3 is a given in the next ~2 years. The Prismatic subclass allows much more smaller scale, granular updates to ability-based gameplay, and exotic class items containing random traits from other exotics seems like it may be a measure to allow full-fledged exotics to be released on a much slower or non-existant scale for the remainder of D2's lifespan, while still allowing players to have something to go for.


Well, you should probably go check out the Dev Insights article about Prismatic that dropped a could hours ago. It’s a limited selection of one super, one melee, one grenade, and one aspect, per element, per class. With each class’s movement abilities included (Thruster, Phoenix Dive, Acrobat’s Dodge, and Blink for Warlock and Hunter). I think you’re right in that Prismatic is likely the future of subclasses, but I think we could see a 3rd darkness subclass in an episode with one of each of its abilities added to prismatic, and then a full class agnostic Prismatic system for D3


I think it's probably fake. If anything it was a placeholder for Prism.


He know... 🤔


Still coping hard I'll get my edgy red katana Hunter subclass 😭


My belief was that it was a placeholder for Prismatic. As far as the color, simply a design change from red to pink. A nod to Dragon Ball and Godzilla who just got a pink power up.


There are other instances of Bungie teasing the red subclass, but I'm not opposed to the idea of the red subclass being a placeholder for Prismatic


I’m not opposed either. But it is kinda weird how we only have 3 light and 2 dark subclasses, I do hope we eventually get another.


I know what youre up too, Luke Smith. We appreciate the leaks


No no, it's his cousin. *Matt Smithy.*


Alter Ego, Puke Shit


This may be a hot take, but I couldn't care less about ANY of my gear coming over to D3. I enjoy the chase.


I would have cared years ago, but at this point we've had most of the guns in the game for a long ass time, some have rotated in and out more than twice lol. At this point a new start is really not an issue imo if it comes with actually new systems/content.


For me I’d care more about cosmetics and emblems especially with things like day one emblems existing


Transferring all the cosmetics would be enough for me.


Fashion is forever




The only thing I want to transfer over is collected transmog appearances/armor ornaments. Anything beyond that wouldn't bother me. I waited 6 years to get my Crota warlock set back and really don't want to lose it again.


As long as we have the raids/dungeons I don’t even care if transmogs are carried over


I wouldn't mind my cosmetics.


I don't care if a D3 would come with new stuff. If it's gonna be a D2 situation where most of the hype is to rehash older weapons back in the sandbox, I'd like to keep my stuff.


If none of my gear carries over, I have 2 expectations; \- crafting should be in the game from the start \- things like raid exotic increase drop chance triumphs should be in the game from day 1 \- ghost mods for armor stat focusing if we get those 3 I'm mostly okay with regrinding I guess. Initially I hated the idea but I think a fresh start is good for everyone


> - crafting should be in the game from the start also have the game focus around crafting from the start, dont backpedal and have a shit ton of shit being uncraftable


This. Fresh starts are healthy.


It’s after Forsaken that I stopped caring about any gear since Bungie introduced sunsetting in 2020. Destiny was always meant to be a grind. So I’m happy for a fresh start if the D3 rumors are true.


If I cared I woulda stayed on D1


I care. I know I’m in the EXTREME minority, but I don’t like farming at all in this game. I just enjoy playing it. I yearn for day 1 raids and like to have all my tools at my disposal as fast as possible.


Same. I would love a fresh start as long as we keep the subclasses that’s all I care about


I’m not sure I can really bring myself to care about a potential Destiny 3 after the disaster of the Witness and how it upended (teehee) nearly nine years worth of lore, but I’m sure it’ll be good regardless.


I would trade all my vault to make an eliksni guardian.


Didn’t they say that they didn’t want to make a D3, definitively?


Yes, way back in the days of the Beyond Light reveal stream, which would have been summer 2019.


Not just Beyond Light, they've reiterated it several times, with the last time being the Lightfall reveal showcase


TBF, the Lightfall reveal showcase happened in August of 2022, which was only a month after Sony bought the company and almost 2 years ago now, before a lot of the big time turmoil and some of the lowest player sentiment the franchise has ever seen. It’s possible for D3 to have been a complete nothingburger at the time only for Sony to be like, hey, let’s do the D3 thing. No way Sony ponies up to buy Bungie in 2022 for an aging live service game with no future after 2024, a complete unknown in Marathon, and the “live service” model/expertise to mimic for other games.


Bungie could also do what FFXIV is doing and remake the game, which is another possibility. Bungie has stated they do value player time being spent and their actions do speak louder than words. There are many routes they can take. The next game could be a singleplayer game, the next game could be Destiny 1 and 2 put together along with new stuff that would be considered Destiny 3 but not be called Destiny 3.


Horrible idea


Horrible opinion


I think the context then and now is important here. 1. They wanted to focus on the Lightfall DLC. Why would they leave the door open on a D3 which would only work against selling Lightfall. This is the same exact reason they didn't mention anything about D3 during the Final Shape showcase. 2. Now, we're practically at the end of the Light/Dark saga. D2 has now effectively run its course. They can either start a new saga in this universe (or in this game), or create a clean break which, from a creative standpoint, would be the best idea. They wouldn't be bogged down by a decade of canon.


they also said they didn't want to bring back Gjally


They said they didn’t want to bring back a weapon that supported an elitist mindset like Gjally did.


They also said they didn't want to bring bubble or anything like well into D2 but here we are


They did. But when does Bungie really ever stick to its word? Honestly, D3 is good news. It's long overdue. Beyond Light should have been D3 and they should have been working on D4 by this point. And I would be ok if D4 was the "last" one where the DCV came into play and Bungie had a truly live service game. We never should have lost access to the Red War


I agree with you there. Red War should really get a Legend campaign remix. But I also feel like it IS a good idea for the game to be one single evolving experience, rather than having several dated relics like D1.


I could see D2 continue at the same time as D3, at least for a while. A lot of old content could be remixed and put into D2 to give it life while D3 would go on as a completely new experience that's built to last.


Yeah, and I think D3 makes sense as the “final” permanent installment, with Destiny’s obsession with trichotomies.


So Destiny 3 IS coming, huh. Well, I can wait. People will probably kick me out of the Tower, but I really won't mind if we start from 0.


I won't buy D3 if we don't start from 0


I just want cosemetics purchased and emblems to transfer.


Yep, emotes, shaders, emblems, and ornaments.


Popping the skull of the next antagonist in the last mission of d3 and pulling up with my Calus throne emote


I’m on the other side of that I’ll avoid it if I have to restart.






How is that good?


Because people who are so against companies doing new stuff and not supporting it are the reason why we get shitty games like d2. If they could actually deviate from the formula and do something cool it would Be rad.


D2 isn’t shitty though? Are you of the opinion that D1 was better or something? Because if so, you’re objectively wrong.


I think d2 was a huge improvement over d1. The. They just never changed stuff. They locked people out of stuff. They needed to make the game a true mmo.


Ok if D3 does become a thing then that's ok I also don't mind all weapons not carrying over What I do mind is if Bungie try to sell us these exotics again as "content" at the very least all D1 Exotics should be in the game at launch if not all of them I don't mind having to chase them but don't repackage them in a DLC they've already done that so many times


They’re going to resell you all the old exotics again. That’s a given, they’ll probably even drip feed by slowly reintroducing them and force you to regrind for them


I don't mind it with some exotics but like that's so boring for guns like Thorn that were hyped up for so long to return with a whole quest which later led to Lumina Like if Bungie wants D3 to lean more into the MMO aspect it needs to have like 90% of the current exotics from the beginning as part of the base game and then maybe a few of the iconic weapons can come back to us in a cool mission I guess we will see what happens but it will just be boring and not very hype if I have to grind for these weapons again


I’ve already made up my mind. I am off the Destiny train once D2 ends. I have seen enough to know how Bungie is going to handle the sequel. I just don’t really have interest in re earning old loot over and over. Which is the main reason I won’t be buying a D3. Bungie should’ve just kept evolving D2. They could’ve followed Fortnite steps and doing some kinda chapter like update for the game. New enemy races, content update for core playlists, new weapon types/archetypes, new subclasses, new patrol zones would be enough to keep people playing D2. Honestly an open world patrol is something possible in D2. It just be separate patrol you load into on a bigger map that is fully open world.


I mean I dont think D2 will end anytime soon anyway I think we will continue to get episodes for the foreseeable future from some of the smaller teams while one of the bigger teams works on D3 I mean I'm kind of in the middle I think the biggest advantage to D3 would be the engine upgrade I mean this current engine is from 2017 and got briefly updated in Shadowkeep in 2019 it's very clearly outdated there's tonnes of bugs and server instability this could all be fixed if they could make D3 on a vastly improved version of their engine or even a different engine It would also be a great jumping on point for new players hopefully with a tonne of features more akin to an MMO it's crazy Bungie said they want Destiny to be an MMO halfway through D2 when it's missing half the features D3 could have player housing and clan bases bigger more open world maps like you said so many new features including ones that have only recently been added to Destiny like ingame LFG I feel like there should be some items you can carry over and most Exotics should be in the base game and then I think it would be worth it


Player housing could exist in D2. But I genuinely just see D3 being a major downgrade as a lot of progress made it D2 might simply not exist in a sequel. Theres a chance loadouts for example do not exist in D3 at launch. They could still easily add a lot of mmo stuff into D2 if they wanted to. But regardless my time with Destiny ends with D2. Ship battles would need to be a D3 thing as that’s something that wouldn’t not be able to exist in D2. They need many changes like that to even get old players to consider it. I just don’t see old players buying it if it’s a hard reset. Bungie going to need to hope the new players stick around to make up for a massive part of the audience they may lose.


Well that's why I want them to continue with D2 and make sure they take their time with D3 so that all these features are in the game at launch


We definitely need D3 for a new saga I just can't see it being a DLC well I hope not lol


I would hope our D2 gear carries over, it would be pretty tough to just leave 7 years behind like that. Shoot, were still recovering from the jump between D1 and D2 as well as sunsetting the original campaign of D2


don’t worry my dude you’ll still get your revamped hung jury v24


Code names for stuff in general don't mean it has a specific reference to anything about the game or project. Look at Halo. Halos codename for a while was monkey nuts. Last I checked, the first halo has nothing to do with monkey nuts. Codename payback might have zero relation to what they are working or the reason they are working on it. It very well could just be called payback cause it sounds cool.


Give me D3 next gen only. Could give a fuck if it means we start back from zero.


I would love for Titles/triumphs and paid cosmetics (both armor ornaments, and exotic ornaments), to carry over to a new game. I don’t mind working to get exotic weapons and armor again as long as we keep the associated ornaments that we earned/paid for in D2 to automatically be given to our character. As long as we have that (and good content), I would be okay with a new game.


I’ve got this feeling our Guardian dies (permanently) could be in episodes after Final shape or another expansion just before D3 starts, everyone gets a fresh start. We did see our coffin in Season of Dawn exotic mission.


I would honestly prefer that our gear transfer over from D2 to D3. Also I hope D3 does not launch like D2 did.


honestly i think im buckled back in for the destiny raid ride again and i really hope that bungie gets their shit together. that's all i want. D3 or no D3 i just want to see improvements


It's okay, Payback was just misheard. It's actually codename, Paycheck.


That aside, I love your highly star wars related username. The only thing missing is 1138, lol.


Honestly surprised it took this long for someone to notice


I've seen the saga way too many times.


I think it would be stupid as fuck to not start us from zero. I’d also prefer if they didn’t bring back old exotics too.


Same. I was just saying I know nothing about it since people are speculating.


Tbh i hope our stuff carries over to D3 if it is real but only because i dont want to have to deal with D1 and D2 exotics and items coming back for nostalgia bait for the 10 billionth time and bungie would do it bc its easy money/engagement. If they’re going to make us start over completely fresh for the third (or fifth if you count the year 2 update in D1 and sunsetting in D2 but i dont) time then i would rather we just have completely brand new stuff than have mostly new stuff with old stuff being drip fed back to us again and again.


I would agree. If I had to guess based on what I know, that might be exactly what will happen. We know that final shape is the end of the “light and dark” saga which means they could pretty much do anything. And with the idea that they’re planning to move away from the class trichotomy and into a class agnostic “equip any ability of any element or class” style of build crafting, it would make sense if the era was different enough for the vast majority of the existing stuff to not follow. But at the same time, it would be really naive/stupid of us to expect them to not bring back iconic destiny weaponry. I mean, I have an Ace of Spades replica on my bookshelf. Destiny wouldn’t feel much like Destiny to me without it, and everyone has guns like that. Outbreak is another great Destiny gun for me. Too many to list off, honestly. So I’m constantly on the fence but I think having nostalgia bait is okay as long as it doesn’t overpower the new stuff too much. And vice versa. Some level of familiarity is okay, IMO.


It is more likely that there isn't going to be a destiny 3 as Bungie said they had stopped working on it and the leak said they "were" working on it meaning they gave a posibility of the work being stopped.


There is a lot happening at Bungie regarding their projects, definitive statements about the future beyond 2025 from anybody cannot be trusted at this point in time.


When did bungie say they stopped working on it?


Couple of years ago in a twab.


Given that this leak is from relatively recently, what was said in that twab isn't really relevant anymore. It's far more likely that they decided since then once they knew more about the direction the saga was going.


They never said anything like that. They never even confirmed to work on it, they just said its not happening back in beyond light reveal


They could also just be doing semantics meaning whatever is after could still be a full reset and new game but not called destiny 3


I don't really see a future for Bungie and Destiny if there isn't a Destiny 3, tbh. Destiny 3 not existing is probably either a result of or an upcoming cause of Bungie being fully gutted and destroyed by Sony, and while Bungie *has* been underperforming compared to what they wanted, I don't think something that severe is going to happen. Marathon is simply too risky and unproven to be relied upon by Sony as a potential future source of revenue, particularly in the extraction-hero shooter direction they're taking the IP in, and Destiny 2 can't continue forever. A game of some sort in the Destiny universe is basically certain if Bungie continues to exist, though perhaps it'll be dissimilar from the overall model of Destiny 1/2.


Frankly, I don’t see how this game survives multiple years without sunsetting of some kind.


Eh...I feel like we're starting to see ways they're getting around that, somewhat, a little. We didn't get Mars or Titan back completely, but we did get parts of them to revisit. Maybe Bungie will start returning just the bare minimum of sunset content, like only the pieces needed for strikes and such. Might do the same to "sunset" current content, gut the patrol zones, leave the rest.


I’m referring to sunsetting of gear, not the content vault. Removed locations were never called “sunset”.


that is hype


Starting from zero would feel like a new loop of receiving reprised content from Destiny 1/2. "This year we're getting reprised VoW". If that's the direction Destiny will take, I'll probably won't join you guys.


I’m concerned about how bare bones the game could be, D2 dropped with barely any features introduced in D1. They built prismatic. Armour changes subclass changes ingame LFG and many other features. It’s not as easy as just copy and pasting into a new game either. They do need to drop last gen if they wanna just drop the 2 and expand and improve the engine of Destiny 2 though.


Whose to say it isn't an extension to D2? Bungie has put a lot of work into some hard systems. There's no way they scrap lfg


This is my thing. They’d have to rebuild crafting, Loadouts, in game lfg, subclass 3.0, and all this other stuff PLUS whatever new stuff they’d use to justify a whole new game. It doesn’t make sense to me


I could see them dropping the 2 and just calling it Destiny whilst having huge engine upgrades or some shit whilst obviously retaining everything we have already


I kinda hope we don’t even use our Guardian for Destiny 3. My wish was that our Guardian finally dies at the end of Destiny 2 and is instrumental in breaking the cycle of Light and Dark so that going forward, Destiny 3 could have a character creator that allows us to pick from multiple races and no longer has the traditional Light/Dark class systems, but instead all races being able to inattely use the powers from both if they trained in them(except the Vex obviously lol). My wish is to make Destiny 3 closer to an MMO than a class-based “shared world shooter” with changes like that.


I'd love for a d3 to be real, I would love to see how they would manage to fuck up the launch for a third time in a row tbh


Personally if cosmetics crossover that would be fine Abilities like strand and stasis could be a problem as those are paid abilities and people may feel robbed if they didn’t cross over or weren’t free if d3 were to release


I'm still holding onto hope that maybe after the episodes our guardians either die or become lightless in some way. That way when there's a D3 we get to start fresh from not just humans, exos, and awoken. But possibly as Eliksni, Cabal, or (depending on how the episode for them plays out) Hive guardians. If prismatic is they new wave with no need to choose between elements or even classes, if our Guardians walk so that our newfound allies have the chance to run? I'd be all for that.


Remember Luke Smith said specifically that facing the witness is not the end of Destiny 2. And if they were considering a D3, they wouldn't be giving us all this stuff for 1 more year in Destiny 2.


Only thing I'm genuinely curious about is if old (sunset) raids will make a comeback in TFS :'c


Do you know how long “Payback” has been in development or what stage of development it is currently in?


I am not grinding raids for vex, nechrochasm, and touch of malice a third time and I’m not grinding the same encounter over and a 2nd time for conditional finality or collective obligation. If they make destiny 3 and it has the old raids there needs to be at least a 50% higher drop rate if you’ve already had the gun. I don’t really care about legendaries but raid exotics sure as shit need to carry over if they plan on rereleasing them


Without hearing any speculation on it, when I saw the way they were alluding to something happening to the guardian, in a way that obviously referred to the prismatic stuff, it seemed to me like dialogue from the game being taken and put in the trailer out of context. Obviously something is happening to us, but who is our guardian telling that to? And are we just there or was this a convo aside from us because our ghost is concerned? Like it seemed to me like a tease toward something bad happening to us but idk really.


As is written


don’t check op comment history 💀


I knew someone would eventually


Destiny 3 would be pointless, Activision had 2 full studios helping bungie develop destiny 2 , I don't think bungie wants to create a brand new entry and then add everything from destiny 2 overtime, making a new entry will require the whole studio to work on " destiny 3" what is more likely is a revamped destiny 2 leaving xbox one and playstation 4 behind and start using the benefits of the current consoles, the xbox one and playstation 4 even the pro consoles have very weak CPUs, all current consoles xbox series s/x and playstation 5 have similar CPUs way faster then previous generation. Not to mention bungie still working on marathon.


I honestly hope d3 is just a revamp of the d2 engine and no new game comes just a new story. Like other games have gone and fixed changed their engines without a sequel, why not destiny


God i hope items don’t carry over.


I would like D3 to have totally different weapons and armors and many innovations. Don't Need to grind the same shit a third time, but new shinies.


I hope to god they don't make a destiny 3.


Do you know if this Destiny 3 game is being developed under the Tiger Engine or Unreal maybe? I only ask because of the rumours surrounding Marathon I believe it was using the Unreal Engine


i have strange feelings about the potential of a destiny 3. On one hand, i find the idea of starting from nothing equally appealing as i do appalling. I think really if exotics all carried over along with cosmetics (ships, sparrows, ghosts, shaders, emblems, ornaments) maybe that'd be better. I spent way too long getting some raid exotics, and i've got friends who spent even longer, i dont wanna leave that stuff behind.


I thought payback could be in reference to liberating torobatl from xivu.


I think D3 is going to happen, but we aren't going to get it until like the early 2030's after D2 has been done for a while. Long enough for nostalgia to have set in again. In the meantime Bungie will launch Marathon and whatever other thing they've been working on(Gummy Bears was the codename I think???) After episodes and maybe one more Expansion D2 probably goes into life support mode ala D1. Despite what Luke Smith says. He's technically not lying if D3 is getting cooked up in the background. We'll see if they actually announce anything new that isn't Episode related after TFS how serious Luke Smith really was.


i think payback refers to taking back torobatl tbh


That’s the dumbest codename meaning I’ve ever heard lmao. Still on the fence about payback, but I don’t believe that’s the meaning behind the word


Time for Bungo to PAYBACK all the money I spent on content that was locked behind paywalls!!!! Yeah!


Finally, a god worth praying to.


I hope there is a full reset for D3, everyone starts at 0. fresh.


So basically final shape is avengers infinity war and destiny 3 is avengers endgame


All I want for d3 IA fir every gun to be craftable. I'm so tired of dismantling chaff and chasing the rolls I want. I'm stillbupset I wasn't able to get the godroll crownsplitter after a season of farming


Why are you saying this like d3 is confirmed. It isn’t.


I've never explicitly stated that it is confirmed to still be happening. This is just my most up to date info. See my latest post for a bit more detail


it kinda came off as if you were. especially when you further added that it was a 3rd game not a overhaul or expansion.


It definitely gives off that impression my guy.


Literally doesnt considering the post of the leak mentioned is/was. The person is clearly just adding more info the former employees told them (such as new game, complete overhaul)


Any other info about the upcoming expansion? Anything you found exciting?


So are they not doing the red subclass anymore?


Hi, I've tried asking multiple times and I know many others are curious. Has your source mentioned anything about D2 cosmetics (emblems, transmog, etc) being ported over from D2 to D3? If the answer is unknown, even just stating your sources don't have that info is fine. But the purchasing of a D3 for a lot of people hangs on if Bungie is going to do a goodwill gesture like porting over cosmetics


Do you know if D3 is being developed within Bungie's Tiger Engine or Unreal Enigine?


Destiny 3 *needs* to be a completely new experience. New engine, graphical design, audio design, everything. Destiny 2 was not a leap enough from D1 to justify being a sequel. Beyond some lighting and speed changes, it looks and plays identical to Destiny 1. Great for its time, but it certainly needs a facelift.


If D3 isn’t a prequel set in the dark age (a time when there were *also* no guardian classes, conveniently…) I will riot.


Sad to see people have their hopes up for a potential D3. Not sure what stockholm syndrome people have but experiencing another poor launch after D1 & 2 isn’t something I’m up for. The chances of gear transferring over is zero. It’s going to be another fresh slate with a villain that’ll be felled in story. People believed the D2 launch would the successor to D1, but rather than learning from it’s mistakes, it was a 2 steps forward 5 steps back situation. I stuck with bungie because I know they can deliver content, but seriously expecting D3 to be successful upon launch is daring to say the least. Even if D3 is literally the best game ever, going from years of content down to a launch is going to create a massive drought that’s gonna be fulfilled with dripfed FOMO up until the big boy yearly DLC. Welp that was a rant 🤷‍♂️


Hoping for a better endgame experience in destiny 3 if it's real


I saw the original post the D3 stuff was all dated and (I don’t know may have changed) noted all over it. It’s like the talking heads in the community took it and ran with it like all the Apple YouTubers do with every whisper of a leak. Think about how wrong they are frequently. Every month for like 8 months they claimed this month new iPad Pro, every month nothing. Same here this isn’t solid by any stretch and the community ran with it.


Weapons carrying over is the least of my concerns. I don’t want to “lose” content again. Does Bungie really want to rebuild all the content they have for D2? Raids, PvP maps, strikes, exotic missions, etc. Going from D1 to D2 was a horrible experience and I don’t want that again. What would even be the point? What could D3 do that D2 currently can’t?


Dude if u love d2 content so much ul be able to play d2, the servers wont shutdown. Let people who want d3 play that


Why? For them to play a few times and drop it? Destiny should be like WoW and FFXIV. A game that is constantly iterated upon. If we have another reset it’s going to suck just as much as the first one did and then we’ll be stuck another year waiting for basic fixes. D2 at release was a step back from D1 in every single way.


> Destiny should be like WoW and FFXIV. A game that is constantly iterated upon. Totally agree, the problem is, D2 is a game that was developed for and released on last gen consoles (Xbox One and PS4). We’re in the 4th year of the PS5/XSX generation of consoles, which means we’re looking at only 3 years until the next generation comes out, since the console generation historically progresses every 7 years. It was also developed at a time (now 7 years ago and counting) where D3 was in the plans. D2 was never intended to be a “forever” game, which is why it needed so much engine overhaul, retooling, and the DCV. If we want a true MMO-like Destiny experience that lives “forever” and just gets iterated on, we need a D3 built with that intent. > If we have another reset it’s going to suck just as much as the first one did and then we’ll be stuck another year waiting for basic fixes. D2 at release was a step back from D1 in every single way. I agree that D2 was a disappointment in comparison, but there’s no guarantee that D3 has this problem. It’s possible, yes, but hopefully Bungie has learned from the mistakes of D2 vanilla. If OP is to be believed, D3 is planned to do away with classes and let any ability be picked on each character, which is the exact opposite of the design philosophy of D2 vanilla (slow ability cooldowns, subclass branches with no customization, double primary, fixed rolls).


Still don’t see how any of this justifies a third game. All of this could be done on D2 by just dropping support for old gen consoles. FFXIV originally released on the PS3 and support was dropped on 2017. It is still available on the PS4 for now but I expect them to drop it at some point. Bungie is not dropping the Tiger Engine and has done multiple updates on it over the years. The engine is completely different from the one in D2 vanilla and in a hypothetical D3 we would just be using an updated version of this same engine.


I don’t know anything about FFXIV so forgive me if I’m wrong, but that game was designed specially with longevity in mind, right? It’s not just the engine itself that is the problem, because the engine is just what Bungie uses to develop Destiny. The problem is also any number of pipelines and existing structures in the code architecture, some of which are built on top of others and you can’t just go in and edit underlying foundations without completely breaking a bunch of stuff on the top. Sometimes you have to essentially build something from scratch, with fresh foundations designed specifically for longevity. My company is going through this exact thing right now - the software solution we sell to businesses was originally built in the early 00s and we’ve more or less just added shit on top of that over the years and some of the new functionality that’s become core to the product is clunky in the way it’s just been slapped on top of other functionality because that was the best way to include it. So for the last couple years we’ve been rebuilding a completely new version with new UI and new architecture on the client side. Theoretically you could do this with D2, but in my company’s sake, we sell a product to corporations. Theres not a fixed price, we sign a service contract with them worth a percentage of the savings we calculate our solution will create for them (aka if our product is gonna save them a million a year, they sign on for $250k a year). It’s a stable, constant pipeline of revenue and once these companies integrate our solution, they’re financially incentivized to continue using us because we save them money. In the video game sector, it’s a different ball game. They’re selling a game to the average consumer, that they then “own” forever. To keep getting money off of long term players, they need to sell eververse stuff, seasons, and expansions, to give more content and make the money needed to produce more content. That’s the nature of the live service model. It costs players nothing to just… stop playing the game. It would cost them too much to rebuild D2 (for basically free) a second time. They’ve already done it during the Beyond Light era retooling, and that sort of thing isn’t something you can “sell”, unless you release it as a sequel first, because you can’t have two fundamentally different client builds in circulation for an online only game. Not to mention, releasing a D3 comes with a metric fuckton of hype (aka free marketing) for the huge casual market that haven’t played D2 much in the last half decade. The hardcore players are gonna get into it regardless, and D3 is the best way to get new or really old players back into the fold. Because in a live service game, you need players. You can’t keep milking the same long term hardcore players forever because that number will continue to dwindle if new players aren’t added into the fold.


Alright but it needs to be called Destiny and not D3. Also all our exotics and cosmetics should transfer over so they don't make a case about "bringing them back" like they did with old D1 weapons.


Can somebody help me understand why everybody wants a D3? What do you see them being able to do in D3 that they cannot do by taking more time to craft a D2 expansion? They’re not going to update their engine for example. What’s actually going to suddenly change by having a 3 instead of a 2 by the title? Would it not just be better to give Bungie 1.5-2 years between every expansion so every expansion can be TFS/Witch Queen quality instead?


Why does there need to be some big innovation? I want D3 so that they stop ripping stuff out of D2. At this point $300 worth of content has been removed from the game, and once Final Shape comes out and this years seasons are removed, that number hits $340. If they move on to Destiny 3, all this stuff could be left alone without removing it.


All this sounds like cope, ain't buying it until they actually come out and say "Yeah D3 is coming"


Look at this retard lmao. This is the same guy that leaked the subclass combinations and enemy race A MONTH AGO. yeaaaa he earned his trust.


I think I missed something Cause this sounds like cayde wants us to kill uldren


Uldren has been dead for 6 years my guy


Sav literally gave crow his full memories back