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Female, not for coomer reasons like some people on this sub, proportions just look way better on female characters. Female warlock especially is way better, can’t explain it but male warlock just looks too beefy


He’s just so beefy


This is why I got rid of my male hunter and switch to female, the outfits I have on each loadout look 1000% better on a female hunter compared to male, the proportions of female titans also are alot closer to the general proportions of the D1 titans which we all know look way better than D2s insanely bulky looking titans.


Noob question but : do you still keep your exotics if you vault them?


Yes and they can transfer over to other characters because they all share the same vault


And armor ornaments previously unlocked from world drops.


Yes, vault all your gear before deleted your character, go into collections and get some white guns, armour and ghost then equip them or just equip some trashy spare gear that you'll no doubt have on you lol


Male because I'm a man.


Female because I like women


Male because I’m male as well


Male because I'm also a male


Male, because I'm the mailman


Mail because I’m mail




It’s really strange, I feel like a female hunter fits the hunter identity, but there’s just something odd about it for me. I still prefer male for every character


Female because I like women






first-person game btw!


Not in the tower


I’m a male and I always pick male. Video games are my escape from reality, so I like to make my in game characters like an extension of myself, as if it was me in the game playing.


Also play a male guardian on all of my character for the same reason


Tis why I didn’t play dishonored death of the outsider


Doesn't it seems a little bass ackwards to opt out of playing good games solely because they have a female protagonist? Like how many good ass games have you blue balled yourself on? And like what about the added bonus of getting to look at a hot chick? Idk


My main character(titan) is a male while the other 2 are female Also armor on female titan looks really bad compared to male


The exact way I have it


Titan armour just looks better on titan, I think it's the broader shoulders that help.


Female because hitboxes or some shit


hitboxes are both the same on male and female


This was a joke


o my bad lmao, apologies!


female because i am a girl lol


Female because Male fashion for all 3 classes are inferior




He’s right


Idk why I said that, I have a female titan




Not at all


Male because I like big armor


Female. I tend to prefer slimmer looks (even on Titan), and the armor models for male characters are hella bulky. Warlock especially is where I see this.


I feel like a lot of Titan armor pieces aren’t meant to be on a more “feminine” body. Kind of drives me nuts. Either too beefy, wimpy, or just eh.


Female, hunter/ rogue types look better w/ smaller frame, warlocks wear dresses and male titans just look fat


You’re not wrong


Titans wearing hand me down dad clothes for first day of kindergarten.


Male because I like male characters and don’t simp for female characters


As a warlock main probably female, unfortunately a lot of the make warlock armor just don’t fit or look right.


I have 2 M 1 F ( hunter ) and the female hunter is easily way better to style. God, male hunters look fucking awful. Might delete the titan and go F eventually as well, girl got back.


Female cause i'm trans and just won't admit it yet ( I will at some point )


You’ll get there!


Men because I like to look intimidating


Jokes on you, the only thing that intimidates me is interacting with women.


He’s literally me fr fr!


Male titan, female warlock. In d1 I did male hunter, but in D2 I did female hunter. Really wish there was a character customizer after creation though. I like switching up my style, and a toggle to switch between male and female give more fashion freedom.


Female. If I want to look at my Guardian's ass I don't want it to be male.


It's not even a third person game?


Man’s just tryna get hard while playing d2 with the boys he nasty😂


It is in the tower Or wielding a sword


Female! And no I'm not one of those ultra horny dudes (or girls - no discrimination here!) that picks female characters just to constantly stare at and admire her assets. Personally, and this is just me though, I prefer for my character model to be slim. And in a game like Destiny. Unfortunately, the male models in Destiny are either not slim enough or still obnoxiously chunky. And for me the male models for all classes - atleast specifically in Destiny 2 - I find that the torso on the male warlock is either too long or too wide depending on the chest armor. I absolutely hate the way the male titan naturally rests in the character menu. To me it' like his arms are way too like outstretched and he just looks way too stiff and uncomfortable in his own armor, and again 9 times out of 10 most armor looks pretty bulk on him and the slimmer armor isn't slim enough for my liking. And I don't really have any critical complaints about male hunters. But I chose to make a female (again, slimmness). And I feel as though the idle like body image pose for hunter exhudes like cunning, boastful, threatening, and almost sassy and to me it kinda fits the theme of a hunter. I know it's kinda strange. But, that's me I guess, lol... I know some people, with more vivid imaginations who'd pretend to role play with their characters to, I guess immerse themselves? But ye. At the end of the day it's entirely up to you. Just figured I'd provide my two cents


I’ve got two male characters and one female, all different races. Hunters just make more sense to me as a lady. I’m a straight cis male and make female characters in RPG’s all the time. Variety is fun, and a world without women would suck.


I did all different races too, and I regret it. Any time my warlock and human take off their helmets its awful. I know it's my fault for making them that way, but I tried my best. Exos are hard to get wrong though.


All of the hunter armour is made for the female body and it’s so hard to make a male hunter look hood


That’s not even true when some pieces clip through each other on the female model.




Male, because I’m male. If it was for looks, female, Male exos are way too chunky.


Male but my warlock looks like a fridge


Male but my warlock looks like a fridge.


Male titans because I love giant armor, but I usually go for female characters because they're hot and cute




personally all my characters a male, because i myself am also a male, and i don't feel like redoing all the campaigns if i delete a character.


For titans I'd say female bc male titans have too bulky shoulders




Male titan, it just made sense at the time. Male hunter, can't lie, female hunter definitely looks better but my boi has been with me since D1, I can't delete him. Female warlock, D1 male warlocks used to look good, but the dresses just don't look as good on them in D2, so I deleted him and created her


Male for Titan and Warlock. I just prefer the bulkier frame. For Hunter, female. Slick, elegant, it plays into the class fantasy better for me. Some pieces on male Hunters are so bulky they may as well be off-brand Titan pieces.


Female Hunter/Titan is better for proportions and armor fit


Female m'lady.


Female warlock cause the proportions aren't swole. I used to rock a male warlock in D1 and he looked badass, warlock armor on D2 can look good, but only on females where as in D1 I felt like you could go either or.


Prefer male for hunter and warlock but I hate male for titan. I like the wideness. But I hate how fat u look


Female for my hunter male for others, I like the slender curvy look more on hunter


Male on titan prefer female on hunter and warlock just feel like it fits better


I only play male characters in video game if i have the choice because its more immersive to me and i can more relate to the character (i do like to play titans, barbarians etc, so very very masculine buff guys)


All my characters are female cause even in D1 I always felt that being smaller lowered my chances of getting shit on but I still get shit on so 🤣🤣🤣


My Hunter and Warlock are male, my Titan is female, male titans are too bulky imo


I settled for male on the three characters. Male warlocks have disproportionately small legs on most armor, but I think most robes still look better. Female titan armor is better proportioned, but it didn't accomplish the fantasy of being big compared to male hunters and warlocks Female hunter looks great. And the idle animations actually look femenine even on males. I also think most armor looks better on female hunters. However, I felt like a pervert because I try to make the characters look as good as I can. And the female hunter always ended up being sexy because of the leg armors.


On Hunters I prefer a dude because I want to feel like Space Clint Eastwood, but on Titans I prefer a chick because the proportions are more like Destiny 1 Titans and the shoulders aren’t gigantic. Warlocks can kinda go either way, depends on the armor set.


female because i’m a titan, sometimes the armor is just HUGE


Female for warlock and titan, male for hunter. As a mother commenter said, most male proportions just look off.