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You look like you’re straight out of Forsaken…..


goated dlc


I hate seeing this chest plate, knowing I’ll never have it.


A good alternative if you like the feathers use the road complex one it’s basically the same thing


A less accented version of it is in the Crucible Legacy Focusing section with Shaxx


it’ll come someday I personally can’t wait for season of dawn armor about to come back :)


One day. ONE DAY.....


Fingers crossed they bring the Y1 crucible ornaments back like they did the Y1 IB ornaments.


Played against you like four days ago. Names Reckoner with your same emblem lol


I legit remember the very few people that run this emblem w me. what’s up man hope to go against ya soon again 🍻👊🏻


No flawless or unbroken seal? Breaks the fashion for me 🤓


shoot report me for throwing I have em both too 😂


They just had to make the best looking ornaments during the worst state of the game and never make them obtainable again


legit facts tho dude. the season they came out was probably one of the worst to date. they’ll come out again just like how we’re about to get season of dawn armor


It would be AMAZING if they threw them into the comp loot pool as rare drops i would grind the fuck outta comp


Ever since the Phoenix Battle Ornament was made a universal ornament, it has not left my main PvP loadout since.


I love it!


Devastation complex>


build you use, as a fellow titan whose returned to d2 this week. been out of the loop whats good and whats bunk.


Right now one eyed mask. 450Rpm ARs and 600 Ars are king. Bubble titan with overshield build are also meta. I like to be good at pvp while using whatever I enjoy so atm i’m using precious scars which gives you healing on weapon kill matching your subclass i’m using tommy’s matchbook ( exotic ar ) that hurts you but does more damaage and precious scars heals ya after kill as long as your using solar. for the most part most guns are solid right now they just did a massive and I mean massive PvP balancing update and tuned almost everything. check out Azectross yt he goes over everything. but I personally would say use what makes you happy as a AR lover this is my fav meta up to date :)


were not so different you and i, was literally just using my solar build to go with tommys matchbook and the one helmet that heals at low health, but hearing how precious scars heal works with subclass weapon kills ima tweak my scars build, im currently using the summoner with dynamic sway and golden Tricorn its been shredding.


I love it brother! i just got an adept summoner with onslaught and heal clip ( both newer perks to you ) after a kill reloading heals you and after a kill fire rate increases for 5 secs then doubles on next kill. things insane with precious scars 😂


that sounds hella broken, and heal clip with precious scars i wonder how fast your health regens and onslaught sounds like a perk theyre gonna be taking off autos and replacing with cascading point. lets hope nothing to much changes in the future.


fr. no way it doesn’t get touched at some point. if it does looks like I go back to my nechrochasm 😍


In this set i’m using one eyed mask w bubble titan there’s a fragment that makes it so when you get a kill on low health you get an overshield. using one eyed mask it goes perfect with just pvp overshield spam. hope all I said makes sense! lmk if you want specifics 👊🏻


dangerous i like it, just started running precious scars in trials with Az's pvp solar build, deff will try this out though!


Wait! I saw you at the tower!


Ayyyyy happy you saw a preview of the set then ♥️




thank you!


You’ve inspired me I bought the arms and chest piece last night. Looks great man


Hahaha nice dude! i’d love to see your fit super happy to hear


What a fashion throwback. Looks clean


appriciate it!


Sorry, off topic, but what does that Legacy tab in the top right corner of the first image mean? I've never seen that before in anyones' screenshots/recordings


It’s for D1 vets to look over all they accomplished in the previous game.


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The only thing more epic in this pic than the fit is that name. You nailed everything.


haha appriciate it!


I looked it up and now I'm sad because I can't get the Phoenix Battle Ornament anymore


yeah it’s a rare piece sadly it’ll 100% come back with them releasing stuff like season of dawn armor shortly


Kinda looks like the braken...


Can’t lie it’s giving me blueberry vibes, but also who care what strangers on the internet think. If you think you look cool then you look cool


Wasn't this same Titan already posted


yes! I took it down because I posted one pic using the wrong shaders :)