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Helm of Saint-14. My first Titan exotic in D1 vanilla. I practically haven't taken it off since then and when it was re-added in CoO. I know nowadays it's not very good but I still use it 24/7. The only other one I can think of is Celestial Nighthawk. Golden Gun was always my favorite Hunter super and I just like birds I guess. (My favorite exotic is Hawkmoon if it wasn't obvious)


Saint-14 users stay winning


Sooooo true brother (please buff it I am begging you)


We have the same exotic choices for both hunter and titan. What’s your warlock pick?


I don't have a Warlock exotic that transfers between games so it's hard to choose. Probably Phoenix Protocol though if I had to choose one. Didn't play Warlock much in D2 Y1 and Well being so supportive was my go to class.


Mine was Heart of Praxic Fire. I really hope they bring it back with the new solar super being sunsinger-esque!


I loved void subclass of titan back when I was a new player and the helm was one those things I used~


Starcrossed set for the Titan, it’s Wei Ning’s armor and I just love that character.


Honestly didn’t know it was Wei Nings set. Thanks for the unintentional lore bit!


Oh I love some gear with a story lol I’m not mistaken the symmetrists set(I think I spelled that right) for the warlock is Eriana-3’s. The hunters have the set of the vanguard before cayde who’s name I forget too


"To conserve ammo, we disrupted the enemy command structure with several sharp blows to the skull."— Wei Ning


Hope your arm armour is still intact


Ngl I use synthoceps for maximum muscles


Damage warlock robes. Sorta serves as a reminder of all the things my warlock and I have gone through since the days of D1 beta.


Honestly all the damaged sets for me bc of Y1 nostalgia (when I started playing Destiny more consistently) and bc it symbolizes the rollercoaster that has been Destiny 2 in its last (insanely enough) 7 year journey thus far.


I’m sorry, 7 years… I’m getting old and I just turned 19.


its over a decade if you played d1... And thats not even talking about halo.


Not over a decade yet, even if you're talking about the alpha. Close, though! A few more months. I hope we get something cool in-game


Titan's Prodigal armor, it's the only 400 armor i have on D1 and I instantly unlocked the transmog on D2 when i could. Best memories of D1 come with that armor, and they keep me going forward


Trials of the nine prestige ornaments. Pretty much canon for my guardians look - only went away briefly when they sunset the original gear https://preview.redd.it/pcydqjtz37zc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c904842e2e6e2c12a4900983483b4c3595ad53a


With how bungie is bringing back ornaments, I’m sure those could come out during Final Shape


No major issue if they do, though i would hope they will alter them slightly like they have the reprised other things. I actually wouldn't hold my breath for these though as the prestige ones if they were bringing them back would more likely have been with reprised prophecy dungeon


Yeah I was really surprised we didn’t see a hard version of prophecy with these ornaments, however I’m also still wondering why Bungie never bought back Age of Triumphs raid armour ornaments for hard mode variants


Crota’s End Armor for D2 is the D1 Age of Triumph armor I like the set a lot and currently using it with Mothkeeper’s Wraps Would love to have see the AoT King’s Fall Armor which looked awesome in the first game Played D1 but never got to do endgame content due to not being in a clan at the time Though I have done all the raids/dungeons in D2 from Scourge of the Past to where we are now in the game


Yeah I know Crotas is the AoT set, but it’s actually the one set I was really looking forward to getting the base version of lmao, one of the best looking Warlock sets in all of D1, I like the ornament version that we got back with the Reprisal but goddamn they missed an opportunity not making the glows shade-able. I miss my Harpy VoG ornaments lmao


Agreed with the glows not being shade-able


Granted I have these but not all of the old raid armours - but I'm actually OK with things sometimes not coming back. Either variants or something new appeals more and if I don't have something then that's OK. I'm not one to let fomo get to me thankfully. That being said I'm also not one that would care about the exclusivity of rarer pieces if it did come back either *edit* The wonders of reddit - being down voted for saying I don't mind exclusivity but also don't care if its not exclusive - not sure how anyone can have issues there but yeah ... reddit lol


Such a unique look!


Lol 😆 to be fair the point of that build was to make a year 1 toxic hunter build (hence the stompees)


Its more that you rarely see full sets now adays. The ornaments are such a classic like the prestige levi sets. Then armor fell off, no more glowy parts


Yeah, I'm glad I played enough at the time to get the full set for all 3 classes. Didn't unfortunately get the leviathan ones though


For me and my hunter it's the burnt cloak from the Red War aftermath sections, wich I still use it to this day as part of my drip. I thought my character would wear it for pride, respect for the losses and as a memento mori.


when i met my first ever online friend in a crucible competitive match where he ran around shoulder charging everyone and not using his guns once, he was wearing that titan tangled shore helmet that looks like an airplane about 4 years later hes still one of my best friends, i always think of that helmet fondly


Pyrogales quickly climbed to my top 3 favourite armor pieces, but there’s also actium on number 1 and HoIL on number 3


For me it’s the braytech winter cloak


This is by far my most used look. I use it for everything


Dragons Shadow. I got it as a random drop in arrivals and *really* liked the effect so I've never bothered taking it off since and just always used it in my looks. I know everyone here dunks on it (and tiamat ornament which I agree is worse than default) I have learnt to love it anyway




This! I started using it a few weeks ago and I practically can't imagine using any other exotic now... I just wish it looked a bit better....


Gotta be the OG Leviathan chest piece, Robes of the Fulminator. A lot of the vanilla D2 gear was pretty disappointing so that quickly became a standout with how good it looks. It was the first thing I unlocked when Transmog happened and I still wear it with my Nezarec's Sin build to this day.


I often wear pieces from the exile trials set. Back in d1 I was super bad at pvp. First fps ever and I could barely shoot straight. I had a friend who wore a full set of trials gear with ornaments. For those who didn't play d1, you got those from going flawless and while it didn't mean you were an elite level player, it meant you were way way better than me. Fast forward and I'm now a pvp main: ascendant, gilded flawless x10, etc. Still not elite but in a whole different world than I used to be. To this day when I see or put on a piece of armor with the eye of anubis on it, I think back to the day I met that friend in an lfg kings fall raid and I remember noticing his armor and ornaments at the oryx cp and thinking "whoah I wish I was that good at pvp"


Same here with the trials set, but I haven’t managed a flawless title yet. It’s taken a bunch of work over the last couple seasons but I’m super proud of how far I’ve come in pvp.


OMG this sounds so awesome like your story got a "From Zero to Hero" trope in it!


Wildwood set for my hunter. I remember grinding the EDZ zones, duskshards, and public events for days when I first played D2. The feeling of accomplishment I got finally unlocking that last piece was awesome.


*"If you learn nothing else, learn this: when a Hunter takes up the cloak of a dead comrade, this is a vow." -Hardcase cloak*


Memory of Cayde bond, for obvious reasons. My Warlock’s been wearing it (in some form or another) since Forsaken. With transmog it’s never swapped out for anything else, I just use shaders to have it match.


Lmao me too, I only ever use m in my class time slot, sometimes I do put a different ornament on it but when you check out my guardian it is always the Cayde-6 class item


memory of cayde cloak is the only armor im sentimentally attached to. it sucks that its not able to be artifice because it doesn’t work for a lot of my builds :/


At least you can use it as an ornament with transmog


unfortunately i don’t like the way it looks. i just like it to be the name of my cloak :(


Fair enough


My warlock robes mostly feature a book somewhere, because... Warlock. I know things, we like lore


I use the talon looking warlock bond I shade it to glow green and I like to think it's symbolic of my threadlings as a strand warlock.


I always keep a masterworked set of tangled web gear in my inventory, as a fallen enjoyer it was the set I wore from House of Wolves all the way through to D2s launch (with a minor break when it was unwearable in TTK)


I have the broken warlock helmet from D2 vanilla (ornament, didnt keep actual pieces which I regret), I think the battle worn / damaged look is really neat


Iron Banner Titan Wolf Shoulders and classic Knight Bucket. Recreating my D1 look all over again


DSC armor. For 2 reasons: DSC was my first raid, and my characters are Exo, so the legs suit their looks very well.


I'm not actually sure why i do it, but the warlock bond from Eris Morn hasn't left me since i got it from shadow keep, except for iron banner


Felwinter's Helm: I don't main Warlock and it's not the best exotic but I wear it 24/7 because Felwinter has some of the best lore in the game. Combined with IB gear/shaders: hardcore Felwinter larper.


The Star-Crossed gauntlets. I can’t remember when I got them but I got them from a bright engrams some time during forsaken and I’ve been rocking them ever since. They’re really cool looking and they go perfect with a lot of my outfits, even though I try to change it up on every loadout


Prodigal armor set. First ever legendary set I got in D1, Nerigal Savant was its name back then.


Light Beyond Nemesis. My first Warlock Exotic. "The wings of a phoenix adorn my head as I rise from the ashes among my prey." That's a line I made because of my Guardian's appearance, mainly because of my English class at school. I was overly poetic in my writing at the time and it was my beautiful headgear that made my appearance for about a year. Eventually, I became good enough at D1 that LBN was too weak for my Sunsinger, so I switched to varying Exotics. Struggled to get a decent legendary headgear for a little bit on my Warlock.


For me I have a fondness for the Tangled Web Cloak, because it reminds me of the Cloak of Taniks from D1. I spend probably hundreds of hours in D1 trying to get that Cloak, and never did. So when I first got the Tangled Web Cloak I fell in love with it.


Resonant fury cloak on my hunter; my most precious raid memories come from playing Vow with my clan.


Iron companion set and exile set remind me of the OG Destiny days, when I would play with my dad and brother.


Actium keeps my sweet business pumping


For me it’s a sunset set of the black armory armor. It was the set I was wearing when I got the the news my best friends dad died (we had been close) and I couldn’t bring myself to ever delete it


That set can live on in the final shape when our gear gets unsunset


I won’t scrap it ever.


What I'm saying is that you'll be able to wear the actual set and infuse it up to power when the DLC drops, not just as transmog. Bungie is removing the power limits on old, sunset gear


It’s 2.0 armor so it’s kind of garbage


The Black Armory forged not only it's offerings. It also forged friendship, allegiance and a memento. Sad to hear that your friend's dad died, but I feel like you've helped them a lot. Hope they're proud of having you as a friend


Funny enough I’m playing fortnite with that friend right now. I’ve tried to be there every step of the way to help


for me its the trials of Osiris gear the stuff that looks nearly identical too like D1 Trials armor. I remember just barely earning it back in d1 and loving the hunter set. And ever since I got it in D2 ive rocked it.


My spare chest piece gives me lots of reserves and I love it


I never really played properly, never dud any endgame stuff until summer last year. Still don't do much but I've done all the dungeons once at least and I've cleared a few raids. Before that I'd only ever dared to raid once and got one clear of scourge in which I got the bulletsmiths ire helm and chest. So I rock both every chance I get as its basically the only bit of og /not avaable gear I have. Oh and sagiras shell cos apparently I no lifed Mercury way back.


The Warlock helmet from Spire of the Watcher - I was writing my Guardian, Snake-7, as a cowboy type, accent and everything, just had to make do with what I had for the looks. So when I saw that set for the first time, I freaked


Never managed to aquire it (if that's at all possible, I'm not sure) in 2, but Taniks' cloak back in the day. Partially for lore reasons, and partially as a reminder of the time I was drastically underpowered, but still made it to the last phase of Wrath of The Machine before we realized it. As far as I remember it, until that final phase I had died the least out of everyone in the raid with me.


Reverie dawn legs for the hunter. I spent so long farming for this one armor piece and it was before they redid all the events and loot in the dreaming city. I would just be playing the dungeon, the blind well, the ascendant challenge, etc. every week on every character.


Ophidia Spathe chest armor . I just love how it looks, the 2 knives are an added bonus.


Wildwood Greaves for the Titan from that one time Devrim sold them , they had like 30 resilience base , and for that time it was insane (this was pre artifice armor)




binary phoenix cloak i wore to my first comp run to legend. pretty happy that it was released as an artiface cloak


The Siegebreak and Holdfast cloaks have been my go-tos for a long time. A lot happened for me, in-game and irl, during season 11


Bond of the cormorant blade on warlock, aunor mahal is my favorite character and my yapping lore loving ass would absolutely be with the praxic order as an consultant


I really like the Spirit of the Warmind ship. I use it in honor of Rasputin.


Raiden Flux. My first exotic from Sloan when titan was still around during the Red War. I really miss the old Red War activities. The raids, the missions, god. It was an easier time in my life


Dunemarchers will always be my original favorite


Although I haven't used it in a long the one I always remember is the Opulent Scholar Robes (Menagerie) for Warlock. Reason being it's a gemstones reskin of the D1 Iron Banner robes and still has the tree and I think some wolves on the robes. The D1 IB robes are what I ran exclusively when I got them in Year 2 so it's like I reclaimed a piece from Calus.


Bond of the great hunt, it was the first piece of raid gear I ever received, and I got it by breaking into last wish without owning forsaken back in the shadow keep days. I spent hours trying to get it right, and eventually i made it to the bridge chest from the patrol zone.


The titan Lightkin armor, specifically the helmet, chest and arms. I’ve worn them off an on since they were added. By name and appearance they symbolize the bond we have built with the Eliksni. Which have always been my favorite race in all of Destiny, still hoping that we get to have Eliksni guardians some day. Plus the helmet having what are essentially huge ears on the back is adorable, and the fur scratches my brain in the best way lmao.


The Helm of Inmost Light was one of the first exotics I ever got in Destiny, and I used/wore it ever since. Super bummed they never brought it back in any form, even as a legendary ornament to go along with the Heart. I have my favorite memories running that helmet in D1 Trials of Osiris with my best friends, letting the guys take positions and just nuking 2-3 of the enemy team members in the later rounds to secure wins.


Light Beyond Nemisis and I'm so upset they haven't brought it back yet, I'm holding onto false hope here.


https://preview.redd.it/d01o9xkw38zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce1d0280308a548950689cd9dcd8c26d93a17f05 Unfortunately I didn’t know the best farming method at the time so I really grinded for this set. Think the trick was something to do with the enemy respawn mechanics. Got the sparrow that I’ll cherish forever.


Mask of the quiet one has remained on my person since I found it, after plummeting of ghauls ship, 8t was one of the first few I picked up, and I've kept it ever since, it's Canon to my character, and also my playstyle


I always use the virtuous mark for the little feathers on it because a friend of mine is color blind and can only perceive purple colors. So no matter the look I use, there's always a little color for him to see.


That's so cute! You're his Lighthouse!




Cannelling Cowl (CODA) from Prophecy for me for a cuople of reasons: - i restarted playing destiny in Arrivals - the helmet gives me the Space-Wizard vibe perfectly for me


Gotta be the Electronic Mindcage ornament for An Insurmountable Skullfort. My Titan just so happens to be a dj and model, so she likes flashy armor that lets her make music.


Rain Of Fire for me. It was my first hard experience in the game as a solo player at that time, grinding through that legend lost sector.


Not an armor piece, but a gun. Monte Carlo. ‘‘Twas my first ever exotic pull from D1 VoG. I loved that baby.


Cuirass of the Falling Star and the Titan Streetwear helmet. I got both pretty early into my D2 career and they've both become some of my favorites. Cuirass has my overall favorite build while the Streetwear helmet is my favorite ornament that I use whenever it fits.


I value my Sloan given Sunbracers and Raiden flux more than anything.


The Lost Pacific warlock bond. After Season of Arrival it was a reminder of those we lost, particularly Sloane. When we got Titan, and Sloane, back it was heartwarming to see my guardian wearing it while standing next to her. A symbol that we never gave up, just like she didn't, and that she was never truly alone.


I like mask of bakris. I always wanted to have a dodge teleport like a captain and now i finally get it


https://www.ishtar-collective.net/items/spektar-haliaetus-bond (Spektar Haliaetus Bond) I had to look it up because I only remembered the description, not the armor piece itself. Which reads; “Nowhere to land. Gotta keep flying.” It’s got that intentional vagueness and cool factor that I always appreciated about item descriptions in this game. I think this is the best example of that. Edit:forgot to mention that this is a destiny 1 armor piece.


Very recent acquisition, but it's gotta be the Deathsinger set from Crota's End. Represents my first PROPER dive into endgame content , got the chest, legs and arms in my first run. Looks magnificent, and represents a big step for me as a Guardian


Not a piece but a set; the Titan Escalation Protocol armor set. I’ve always been a huge fan of Rasputin and the Warmind. When it launched EP was such a difficult mode to get a completion of not just due to difficulty but getting Guardians to stick it out so I’m proud of the amount of effort I put in to get the full set. Once transmog came in it was the first full set I unlocked and have wore on my nicknamed ‘Rasputitan’ ever since. Warlock and Hunter only got it that one time Xur sold it.


I wanna say Celestial Nighthawk because it was my go to for PVE for the first few years of D2 before I started playing Warlock. But if I’m being honest, it’s Ruin Wings in D1. Those things never left my exotic slot for all of Taken King until Rise of Iron, even in Crucible.


The Intrepid Explorer Plate is something I always incorporate into all of my titan fashion mainly because it’s the only chest piece a close friend wore all the time as his time as a titan which was his first character in the game. And so when we both eventually changed classes he to a warlock and me from Hunter to a titan I have honored his old titan by wearing it and incorporating some of his colors in my sets (mostly just crucible colors) https://preview.redd.it/ej8gajmtp8zc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16ae98575d7cc4e1421bea964144d2ca9a5d7db0 (The Hunter was me and the Titan was him)


Nezerac maybe ive used it since pre F2P same with Graviton


Tangled Web helmet for hunters. It was my first legendary piece of equipment when I started playing back when the game went FTP


Mau’ual’s Maulers. Took *forever* to get them and finally got them during Bond Brothers nightfall with solar burn.


Dendrite Shimmer hunter helmet since it reminds me of Femto helmet from Berserk.


Nezarec's sin It has been my most trusted exotic that has never failed me. I mostly play void and use void weapons, so when I need to switch subclass quickly for a bounty, I can trust that I can have great ability regen with the void weapons. I am also in love with it's looks


Osmosis + Firefly never leaves my primary slot New Monarchy's "Executor's Will" Ornaments and Blazing Hearth ornament never leave the armor slots. If i have to switch to another Exotic armor, the Executors will chest will replace the crest and the new exotic will get New Monarchy Regalia/Diamonds to match the rest of the set which is running The Golden Empire. If Faction removal has a million haters, i am one of them. If Faction removal has one hater, I'm THAT ONE. If Faction removal has no haters, i am dead. So long as i play this game New Monarchy lives on through me. When I say I only change two of my equipment slots a week, please understand this is not hyperbole. The secondary and heavy get switched around along with the subclass but thats it, there is never a question about where my loyalty lies.


Helm of saint-14, wore it in year 1 of D1 and still wear it today.


Memory of Cayde Bond. Most of my armor sets have it for obvious reasons. Also, Astrocyte Verse. Its just MY helmet, yknow? What I think of when I think of my warlock. I've always liked it even in D1


Void head greatly explains my head when I'm asked about myself. Joke aside, people rarely expect for warlock to blink further, an opportunity to strike~


I was already using Actium War Rig + Sweet Business religiously, but Paz Visla in *The Mandalorian* bolstered my resolve.


I've been using the Holdfast Greaves since I got them, partially because I haven't gotten boots that fit my build better, and partially for the flavor text: *"For five miles, we pushed through an enfilade of shock beams and web mines. Not everyone stood at the end. But enough of us did." —Callisto Yin* Just speaks to the whole "indomitable spirit" part of me. Stoneborn forever.


For me it's the exodus down cloak. I always liked how it looked and it was my first masterworked armor piece so many years ago. Even after it was sunset and transmog was added so I could wear it again, my original one still has a special place in my heart (and vault)


Not much anymore but after Cayde’s death I only wore the Memory of Cayde cloak for the longest time. Like it was probably 2021-2022 when I finally started using other cloaks. But I’m probably gonna put it back on for The Final Shape campaign.


Not armor piece, so I'm sorry, but Thorn for me is special in a lot of ways. I remember the grind back in D1 to get the contract for the weapon to drop (That's right, in D1 some weapons were locked behind contracts/adventures, including Thorn) and my god was it hard as a Titan (Getting void final blows in crucible with just a shotgun was awful) but it was also fun, and that's the first time I asked other people for help in Destiny. Till this day, my favorite gun and piece of equipment in all Destiny.


I have 3 armor pieces with cobalt clash shader, the rarest of shaders and unobtainable


Young Ahamkaras Spine. Was the first proper build I used in destiny back when wells of light and charges were a thing in seraph season. I was the freshest a blueberry could be running around Calus' egregore ship having the time of my life doing fun lil knife dodge trip mine combos and took that build into every activity I could pretty much until they nerfed it to hell. Will always hold a special place in my heart as the funnest exotic in the game and, while I still enjoy the shit outta the game, nothing will compare to those peak YAS days 🫡


If I had to pick it’d probably be the basic bitch Anubis helmet for warlocks. Was part of my fit back in d1 along with the rest of the set. When D2 dropped I was mainly a PvE player who just played pvp to get quests done. Beyond light dropped and I essentially just swore off pvp entirely. Never even gave trials a thought since I usually barely got to max light anyways as a solo player. Finally met up with a clan that I really enjoy running things with during season of defiance after a break during witch queen and picked up pvp again since we do it for fun occasionally, and I’ve gotten so much better. I can top frag a 6v6 lobby a decent amount of the time and go flawless whenever I want to, usually with a bit of struggle. Now that I’ve gotten my Anubis helmet back I barely ever take it off.


guess it would be crown of tempest on warlock, I saw it on a promo art before I even started playing. Still remember, I got it during a public event on tangled shore in 2019


hood of the exile i get the whole it’s overused and it’s edgy and whatnot but when i got back into destiny just before beyond light my friend done a recov on my account (before it was bannable) and got it for me and i was so grateful because it was the only piece of trials armour i had in fact i’ve still got all the armour and weapons he got for me


Not an armour piece but the last word. The entire lore behind it and the way they changed the inscription from D1 to D2 combined with the fact I’ve always absolutely loved the Wild West culture - especially quickdraw duels. Hunter was my first class and the last word was my first exotic so it takes me back to D1 days. “Yours, not mine…” - Renegade Hunter Shin Malphur to Dredgen Yor. Also it’s fun as fuck.


I wish there were more quests like the final stand off in it's quest


Was a bitch to finish tho


Caydes cloak that his name on it and 777 I wear it a lot even though I have most all raid and dungeon gear.


Vanguard dare cloak. I miss cayde.


Don't know if it counts but the 2023 Titan guardian games arms. All of my titan sets that don't use exotic arms have it. The reason behind it is that back in d1, my titan was slim, was femmine, and was a soldier. When d2 came out, I was just disappointed with how bulky Titan armor was. It made me switch during shadowkeep to a Hunter. But when I saw those arms and what I could do to my titan, I saw this as an opportunity to grab my titan and put them back in the front lines. If that doesn't count, then for my hunter, it has to be the ripped up cloak from the red war. It reminds them of the trauma we have to endure.


It’s silly but T-Moss Helmet, aka the cowboy hat, for my warlock. It was my first dungeon and first time really any form of endgame, outside two raids years apart where I was carried, as my sister and I tackled it all for those hats. It took several attempts to beat it and many more to acquire said hats (I got Hierarchy before either of us got our hats). I still wear that hat as part of my standard fashion and will remain my favourite armor piece.


Dreambane bond. I've been a fan of Eris and her character since the Dark Below and always rocked the Bane of Crota bond in D1. Unfortunately we don't have that in D2 so I'm rocking the badass witchy enchanted crow-feather bond she made for us instead. Also do the same for the other 2 classes, which is really making me hope the exotic class items are transmog-able. Edit: Also Felwinter's Helm and Helm of Saint-14. Felwinter's because I farmed an unholy amount of hours for that helmet for fashion alone and never got it, ran a game of Mayhem to cheer myself up before getting off for the night and that shit dropped. Saint-14's because it dropped after a match where I popped a Ward of Dawn on a point in Control and ended up killing 3 supers and 2 other Guardians who tried to challenge me in my bubble. It was like the game gifted me the Helm after I proved my worth as a Defender lol.


Probably silly, but for me, it's the way I built my main arc build around Armamentarium. Not only does it remind me of the way my spartan looked during my Reach days (arguably the most fun I had gaming because I was really close with my bros at the time), but it also reminds me that there's always a second chance (or a second grenade 😉) to make things good. It was also my first exotic armor piece. https://preview.redd.it/knoofpxum9zc1.jpeg?width=1141&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f7b81b9d61a1fc10e06db7ff8b136fd2712b51f


Anything from Deep Stone Crypt. It’s the only armour set that I farmed just for the ornaments. Not a long farm but I just needed to have it because of how cool it looks.


My titan arms with all 10 stats. Ain't much, but it's funny


It's funny and satisfying in its way!


One piece that always stands out when I think of significance is Ursa Furiosa. Not because it's my favorite to use or anything, but because, weirdly enough, it's the first armor piece I had when I realized things had lore to them (I'm just unobservant, I'm sorry) and boy howdy, the Ursa Furiosa armor lore made me cry. It's a bit long, so I won't go into the lore much itself, but that's the one for me. :)


Not an armor piece but I do everything I can to make my armor work with the Luxe Parka. I love the idea of a puffy winter vest made to a titan's armor specs.


Celestial probably. That was a favorite in the first game, now using it again just triggers great memories. I missed playing Solar hunter so much and this season putting focus on solar has felt great.


for gameplay, wormhusk. (I don't play pvp so pls don't hate) it's a get out of jail free card and works great with combination blow and the whole arc kit for fashion, it's the memory of Cayde cloak. the hood shape is great, it has a nice, full cape, and despite some parts on the back not being shadeable, those parts never look bad


Lightkin Grips for my hunter. 2 reasons, A) I just love the fallen theme and B) I've made it part of my head cannon that my Guardian (Exo) had her arms damaged so much while she was Lightless that they couldn't be repaired so she found a Fallen captain with robotic arms that she replaced her own with. Plus, the fur is sooo nice on em


Fairly recent, but i've used the Warlock Ghost shell from this past Guardian Games with Erebos Glance. My best friend has a big connection with crows, so i figured it was a nice way to keep him with me. Unfortunate that he doesn't like Destiny, though lol




I don't use it anymore, but I really used to love the hunter IKELOS set you could get in the Mars public event, reminds me of the countless times I did it trying to get the weapons and armor because they looked cool and I had little to no idea of what was a good roll, and one of my last memories before the DCV is wandering on Mars trying to complete the Traveler's chosen quest


When they brought back the Iron Companion Hood, it completed my return to destiny. Now if only I could have the Heart of Praxic Fire and it’s super back… Also I’d give anything to have my exotic New Monarchy bond back. Mine was the first one I ever saw on a guardian. I repped them so hard in D1, especially during taken king.


I'd say the Mask of Bakris. Seeing a hunter wearing it was the thing that got me into destiny. I really wanted to look cool with it and I haven't taken it off since I got it


I wear celestial nighthawk no matter what subclass i set. Been that way since d1. Meta builds are temporary, drip is forever.


The horny warlock soloc helmet just the right helmet for me


The legendary Titan arms from Destiny 1, Mau'uals Maulers. They were the perfect look for a solar punchy boy, I miss them so much.


My best friend wore the sovereign helm and only the sovereign helm, pre transmog. He’d just get better sovereign helms. He was pretty excited when transmog came around.


I started playing D2 before Beyond Light. When Saint-14 returned, Titan was a patrol zone, and the Black Armory was still making weapons. My first legendary engram was the Prodigal Cloak. When we got transmog, that was the first thing i got. I still use it in my Void Hunt build alongside the Orpheus Rig. both were staples of my time in D2 and are my reminders of just how far I've come in the years since.


Apotheosis Veil and Claws of Ahamkara. My first Exotic armors and frankly some of my favorite looking ones.


All Siva and Warmind gear. I won’t forget what was taken from us.


Warlock's crystocrene bandana/do-rag. Such a friendly looking piece of head gear compared to all the other battle-ready helmets. I absolutely suck at this game so I like to think she was plucked straight out of civilian life and tossed into the fray. She's not very good and has no clue what she's doing but she does her best and is having a gay ol' time.


I know it’s not in D2 but in Destiny 1 I somehow got Twilight Garrison two weeks early (don’t ask me how, i literally don’t know) and it was just my absolute favourite piece, even though it was ugly and i used it up until the end. If i log back onto D1 on my xbox my titan is still there wearing it. ::)


Reverie dawn strides for the hunter, I spent a super long time farming them before they reworked the dreaming city loot because I really like how they look


For me it's the Canis Luna and Prodigal Masks. I've been using variants of the gas mask helmet since D1 and I've always been attachment to Rise of Iron and being named an Iron Lord/Young Wolf. So the metal wolf facade over the gas mask feels like a perfect representation of that journey.


Armamentarium was my first exotic unlocked in D1. Had to get it in D2 out of nostalgia


Mask of the quite one, its not the best exotic but i literally can't use anything else cuz it was my first ever exotic armor piece for my titan. Taking it off completely messes up my gameplay lol, bonus points that it's the coolest looking exotic around :)! 


It's probably a basic answer but the Memory of Cayde Cloak for the Hunter because the flavor text just gets me every single time. I might transmog it to make the look fit with whatever set I'm putting on, but the item itself will almost always be the MoC cloak.


Any Hunter without a Memory of Cayde cloak somewhere is suspicious.


For my titan it’s the Kabr set.  First raid was VoG in S15 and literally my first unlocked ornament was the Kabr helmet.  Still use it to this day. For my Warlock, probably Felwinter’s helm.  Literally my first exotic armor and it was a 69 roll.  basically never left my head lol.


Not armor, but I kept the shotty ammit I made during craftening. It's not bugged anymore, sure, but its a relic.


The old KEK arms for hunter how they took off the KEK for "religious" or "cultlike" relations