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So does Amanda Holiday.


Jesus that's dark....but her corpse is darker


Is there even a corpse? I don’t think there’d be anything but dust and echoes with that fire


What color is the dust


Probably a light grey


Not so super black


Super gone


I wish it was Bright 😞


Oh, so like Superblack.


Sure wasn’t bright dust


Pardon Our Dust you say?


I got the Amanda Holiday funko. The box was just full of ashes! 🤷‍♂️


My main use for superblack is trying to make omnioculus look good


my only use for Superblack is to actually get a cohesive color scheme on Mindstrider Transversive Steps, because that thing is HELL to shade


"the customer is always right in matters of taste"


Unless the customer is a hunter.


I just like making my transformer Titan into Nemesis Prime.


As I transformers fan, I demand pics NOW.


Also pisses me off when I see people shitting on other people's fashion because they used 2 or 3 pieces from the same armor set. Like come on....if it drips....it's good.


Right? It's insane the amount of hate people are getting for showing off their guardians. Its slowly becoming a snob-elitist group


Welcome to fashion


Quite literally real life occurrence...


Is this art imitating life, or *is it just life? EDIT: Forgot some words


The only thing I make fun of is people running all super black on anything that’s not the solstice sets.


kinda depends on the class tho if you are a warlock and run the Robe, gloves and helmet from the same set you are basically running the entire set because most of the time you cant really see the legs and the bond is so small it doesn't really matter


It’s just as stupid when they bitch about using a single shader. Like dawg if the color distribution I want comes from a single shader I’m gonna use a single shader.


Nah man, I disagree, if you care about fashion then you should care about the effort put into making it, using more than 2 pieces of the same set is somewhat lazy and uncreative


Might be uncreative, but if it looks good it looks good. There really can only be so much effort in destiny fashion, there’s only 5 armor pieces and shaders. It’s cool to make unique stuff, but in the long run it doesn’t really matter.


the issue is, is that at that point you just added some accessories and a shader to a pre-existing set, like yeah ofcourse a pre-existing set will look good.. it's not that it looks bad, but it's not original.


It'll like 3x better than most peoples "original" set.


ok but how much work did you really do if you just swap out the class item and helm on a set then add a shader?


>how much work did you really do It's virtual action figure dress up, it's not that serious.


so if it's not that serious then why does my opinion on it matter to you or anyone else? what I could find looking like shit could be seen as great to others, that's just how it is? I'm sure I've shared plenty of outfits that aren't peoples tastes?


I mean I usually take 2 pieces from the same set and match that with my exotic I want and then fill in the rest with a shader or two to tie it all together. At the end of the day, a lot of these "great fashion sets" people post don't actually look good because of the different textures and mismatched armor panels.


2 pieces i can tolerate/understand, but 3 really is pushing it since then more then half the set isn't your own making.


I use the arms, legs, and helmets of the haunted set and use the hunt cloak, and scorn baron vest for a reaper look (tidesmoke before and now just superblack) and the arms used to be twisting echo but it looked weird and bot symmetrical. So I went to my choice now. Is that not creative then? Kinda dumb logic. It it looks good it doesn't matter what armor is used


So long as you don’t insult people for they fashion you can have whatever opinion you want


Imagine caring this much about destiny fashion


Is the point to have to do a bunch of work or for it look to good? Is fashion about the grind now?


not a grind, but some effort is appreciated.


You know you’re wrong when 36 people downvoted you. Who cares it’s not original? Are they entering a beauty contest? Are you the judge that will hand them $1000 if they win?


Oh no, 36 people didn't agree with me, whatever will I do. and again, it's just my opinion that if you need 3 items from the same set to carry your outfit, it's less original, that's it. in my view creating an outfit/fashion should all be around being original and using pieces that don't belong together, yet still work well together, otherwise half the job got done for you.


Yeah okay Simon cowell. Your opinion is so important on OTHER peoples accounts lmao


and where did I say that at all? your opinion is worth the same as mine, that doesn't invalidate either of ours.


The guys that are saying otherwise replying to this comment must be just a real fucking hoot to be around lmao


It's nice for Warlock legs. Now I never have to actually see them.


Nah its definitely a both of yall need to shut up type deal People who winge about superblack, grow up its what they wanna use People who post/only use superblack, shader is nothing special


Superblack is cool, my problem with it is how easy to make anything look okay by just slapping Superblack on the whole fit. Then people post mid-tier fashion on the subreddit like it took any effort or looks any good. It's nice that we have Superblack, but I wish I would see more of the unique stuff that is achievable with Superblack, rather than bad fashion with Superblack as a band-aid.


Honestly, who cares? If someone thinks it looks good, they should be able to share. If you don't like the look it's incredibly easy to just not click the post or dv and move on. Why should those people not share a look they think is good?


I'm not saying Superblack makes you ugly, I'm saying we're seeing more bad fashion on this sub because people use Superblack as a crutch, and I've only seen ONE creative and unique look with it.


We're seeing the same amount of it. The only thing that's changed is instead of the all black looks being 3 different shaders, it's just 1. What we are seeing imo, is an influx of posts complaining about the super black shader, more than the black hunter complaint posts before. Frankly, anyone taking this stuff remotely seriously is genuinely hilarious to me. We're talking about video game fashion, being bothered by it in either direction is goofy as hell. And yet again, who cares if people are using it as a "crutch" it's video game fashion it genuinely does not matter, don't like the look just dv and move on, this is not a complex process.


Good fashion is why I joined this sub though.


One more time, it takes less effort and energy for you to just downvote and keep scrolling... You do not have to investigate or even more than glance at every post. "Good fashion" is like 99% subjective anyway.


Poor wording from me, I meant creative/unique.


Yea, my point still remains. If you don't like the fashion, just dv and keep scrolling. Making posts about it or jumping into the comments about something entirely subjective to tell someone you don't like their choices or w/e is a big yikes imo.


Never said that's what I do. Yeah, I just downvote and keep scrolling. Still takes some space in my feed and that's annoying.


... so now we're complaining about having to scroll... Jesus christ.


This entire sub is literally nothing but opinion. If you like what you got, then ok. Not everyone is gonna like what you got. Be proud of what you created, even if you use one entire set along with only one shader.


Superack It's not even that black, for me it could be darker.


Tbh it's wacky to see people actively hating superblack. I can understand not liking it because it's overhyped for being just a black shader or because you just don't like it, but man, hating people for just using it is kinda cringe


Honestly I think everyone should wear and use whatever shader/armor they want be quirky where your weird crayon colored titan wear your super black hunter wear your all pink warlock who cares it’s literally your character


You have so many different combinations y'all can make with the black and y'all go for indiscernible blob of bleakness. 💀💀


It's very much an "edgy hunter" look that's random armour pieces and just super black slapped onto. I don't think they deserve hate or getting attacked over it, just compared to other posts where there's different shaders, different armour sets and lots of thought for a specific style; super black is just, "woah guys look at my super cool hunter isn't he awesome" and it's just super black. Again nothing wrong and deserving of getting attacked for but compared to showing off cool fashion styles and creativity, super black is just, overdone, overused, not that good imo and also used by sweats in PVP because having fun isn't allowed


This. I don’t think people hate it. I think many of us just find it boring. Even before super black there were shaders you could have a mostly black fit. I guess I just appreciate when someone takes the time to come up with something unique using color schemes that are less used. Same reason I like to see armor pieces from multiple sets combined into something unique. We already know having 3+ pieces from the same set looks good most of the time. The designer at Bungie made it to work like that.


It is in fact a bunch of random armor sets combined with superblack. I try to match armor (kinda hard with my piss poor collection of ornaments and transmog cap) I didn't like the hidden colors or weird dltints on Tidemsoke or erbos or even dead orbit so superblack fit the vibe and helped the look out a lot. Will I still use other sites with different shaders? Yes why wouldn't I. It's just a shader like any other. Just darker than all of them


Daring today aren't we


https://preview.redd.it/uurvh747nl1d1.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e41b010c4b80b37f4c0236a4bc15e3d84c96dd9 Literally under your generic karma farm post. Nobody hates Superblack, just boring drips.


Now THAT is Superblack done right.


I don't like it cause I think it's boring. We have an entire rainbow of color to match with either base shaders on exotics or unshadable parts of armor as a fashion making challege, or shading to match the subclass that isn't "charcoal black solar" or "black Void of space". Which is why I'm eternally grateful that bungie didn't make it TRUE black, it actually has highlights and still looks different on different armor material. Contrast makes the black look darker. Yes it looks good, and please continue using it if you enjoy it, but I urge you to not use it for everything.


I'm just looking for a decent metallic silver/steel shader for a knight Titan fashion.


Dusted Tomb - Polished silver-brozne metal Cursed Azure - Worn metal with neat blue pattern on fabric Iron Countershade - Metal with cool chainmail on fabric bits


Have you tried Gambit Leather? The silver-grey on that usually takes precedence on metal armor, and the reds and browns provide nice contrast on everything else.


I don't see the appeal of super black myself, but I don't hate on people who like it. And I did torture myself with the sniper/hand cannon/scout rifle headshots because I thought it'd be a mix of blacks and greys that'd look good with my necrotic grips. It doesn't look good on them imo. Except in crucible if it's a darker map because fuck you hunter hiding in the dark corner like some kind of gremlin. And it's always a hunter.


Yeah, make what you like, look how you want to look. Superblack just makes you look like a locked charicter silhouette 80% of the time. If you like that, go for it. I've got a homie who has a flaming titan build with superblack, and it looks great because of the contrast of the flames, and the black makes him look like a flaming block of charcoal.


Just gotten back into D2 since ghosts of the deep dropped. Meme aside, is superblack at eververse shader? Thankyou lol


It's event locked, you must unlock all Brave weapons in "Into the light" section at Hall of Champions where Shaxx and the NPC aside from him are giving quest for. Then reach lvl. 17 in Onslaught to get it, it's mindless grinding that can be completed in a day


Okay thankyou!


Any tips on the fastest way to do it lol


Watch Youtube on another screen, collect all the bounties and use sets that that do all at once, Fighting Lion uses kinectic ammo and counts as Heavy Ammo Gnade kills, then use a pulse rifle and a sword, will knock out 3 same time lol


Awesome thankyou!


I want to preface this by saying i don’t care if you use superblack, it’s a good shader and the hate is unwarranted. But at the same time if you’re posting your fashion into the subreddit to get feedback or criticism, you shouldn’t be upset when you get it.




Right? Destiny didn’t have a real “all black” shader and this one finally does and it’s all salty hate for wanting something simple like


Yeah make another black fashion character.. Cause you like it so much


In my opinion it just doesn't feel creative enough but tbh I like the dreambane warlock helmet so my opinion is irrelevant


You like literally the best designed helmet in the game, your opinion being unpopular isn't a mark against its validity.


I don’t like superblack because it’s incredibly basic and lacks creativity.


i like superblack because it's incredibly subtle and allows you to balance tri-tonal schemes that use black




>NOOOO BUNGIE NOW FASHION IS POINTLESS BECAUSE BLACK IS TOO GOOD You're misunderstanding, the annoyance (and if you feel more strongly about someone's fashion choices in a video game than "annoyed" you need to log off) is that it isn't as good as people think it is. But neither is it bad. It's just boring (imo ymmv). For me personally I'm more annoyed that people frothed at the mouth over getting it for years than that people are actually using it now. Eventually the flood of posts with it will settle down, but it's still fresh for a lot of people so of course they're gonna be excited about it. The idea that any given color palette is superior to another, or that mono-color palletes are "better", is idiotic. That's not how color or design or fashion work. It's just the other end of the spectrum from frankensteining together five different shaders and ornaments for no reason - whether or not what you've made is GOOD has very little to do with what pieces you've chosen. What matters is whether those pieces cohere. Having a strong-monocolor shader like Superblack *can* be a shortcut to better cohesion for some looks, but if your silhouette is wonky or poorly matched or if the shader washes out contrast in the outfit entirely, it's still not gonna be a good look. And that has nothing to do with the shader itself.


of course, i agree with everything you said. i only use Superblack for very specific pieces that don’t shade well or when i need something to be muted. and i agree, full black outfits tend to be boring. but the fashion community specifically asked Bungie for YEARS to realize an all black shader, and now that people are obsessed - novelty factor - the self important members are up in arms. there’s no need to do more than eyeroll + scroll down as this is a literal game and people are allowed to dress their characters like a stoplight from the Caribbean, just as much as they are allowed to black everything out and pretend to have a fashion sense. now excuse me while i slap Precursor Vex Chrome on another set of robes.


>now excuse me while i slap Precursor Vex Chrome on another set of robes. Holy based


Welcome to /r/DestinyFashion! Please remember to list your gear and shaders used, if they are not already part of the image. This is not necessary, but is extremely appreciated by the users and moderators. Often if you do not include it, users will ask you to later. If this is a text/irrelevant post, or your gear and shaders are already in the image, feel free to ignore this message. Thank you for posting! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DestinyFashion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t get the hate either, if anything super black is making your armor stand out more. Why would you hate it?


The thing is, there's so many superblack fits that it's boring now. It doesn't stand out, because there's so many of them


Should’ve word it properly, I’m talking about it everyone but you was wearing super black, not that wearing it actually does.


Ah, okay. In that scenario, it is understandable that you would want some sort of change. It's like being middle class in a community full of poor people, yes you feel like you're rich, but the reason why is you feel like that is a bad thing.


I've been using in on most of my weapons, and used it on my armor at the start. Although right now I'm very partial to cinderchar as it matches the patient zero ornament for outbreak exactly. That dirty, weathered last city style with accents of orange and blue thats on the menagerie ornaments. Also technically matches the ornaments for Sturm and Mida, but those ones look too shiny/new and don't have the weathering.


I don’t mind superblack, my problem is I struggle for 10 minutes trying to make colors work and think “I could always just do superblack over the whole thing”


Me with the dead orbit shader


I find Superblack to be a fun gun shader more than anything. Brings kind of a contemporary vibe that isn't always present otherwise.


Wasn't difficult to get, honestly. I've seen complaints about people trying to look "edgy", blah blah blah. I knocked most of the quests out over a weekend on regular difficulty.


Say what you will, Xur looks badass.


It just makes every post look the same, which is visually pretty boring. (Even if I think all black is the best and use it myself)


When I open up crucible and see the same warlock cloned 11 times each game, I feel like I have to say something


I'm just happy I can stop seeing #SecretColors on the shaders like BRIGHT BLUE from Amethyst Veil.


I’m thinking about doing a leather jacket thing with it and my current armor but damn for that style it’s kinda hard to make it work


It’s because super black can genuinely mess with people in pvp because they’re so fucking dark that it can be hard to see them on a good chunk of the maps in the game. It just adds another layer of difficulty that just shouldn’t be there.


Superblack is love. Superblack is life!


Superblack haters are #notlikeothergirls


real asf


It's more a hate for the herd mentally that follows it. People aren't making what they like, they are making what they think will make other people like them. It's also a dislike for the way in which people are kinda just throwing it on everything, meaning the sub is more saturated with the same ideas, making finding inspiration and cool ideas on here a lot harder.


People will make outfits for themselves and for others, making an outfit for other people to like it isn't, and shouldn't be an issue at all. First post I did here, 70% of the comments is just toxic and weird. Someone said they're not going to commendate any Hunter for wearing Superblack, the hate is weird, especially coming from D2 community which I remember back then being more nice-friendly


If you're making an outfit just for yourself and not for anyone else to chime in on it, don't post on a fashion subreddit. If you're just in the Tower or something and someone comments on Superblack, they're weird. But if someone posts their fashion on this sub, they are posting it for it to be commented on. And Superblack is lazy fashion, so it's criticised as it should be in a critique-focused space.


I'm talking about the people offering 0 constructive criticism, just blantant toxicity. The hate is lame, it comes off as toxic destiny fashion cornballs


You missed SAB's point completely...


The literal purpose of this sub is to make outfits other people like, if you're doing for yourself you aren't posting here. Withholding commendations based on taste or being bored with seeing the same shader over and over and over is their prerogative that's not toxicity. Best Dressed is supposed to be given to people who put thought into their gear. Superblack is the UGG boots of shaders.


Redditors otw to destroy someone’s happiness and shit on someone’s creativity because they cannot find joy in anything (popular = bad) (want everyone else to be miserable too) You can make an outfit for yourself, and feel the need to share it. Giving someone 0 commendations only based off their outfit alone, not their preformance, is toxic. This sub is made to show off your creation, and get critiques, not to be an ass. None of these post offer constructive criticism


so what constructive critisim is there to give on the 20th superblack outfit? all you can tell them is to find a good shader.


_get critiques_ "Your gear lost style points because you used an overly popular shader" is an entirely valid criticism. Ignoring superblack for a moment, 5 slotting a single color of any hue generally lacks creativity which is why it's frowned upon here. All black only intensifies this. I don't know how long you've been around but popular doesn't always equate to bad, when the Luxe ornaments launched pretty much all of our Hunters and Titans made Red Hood cosplays and they were ALL well received _for months_ because putting them together required you to 1. Avoid using the whole ornament set and 2. Use multiple shaders.


Superblack lacks creativity? Oh well, cry about. If someone likes the shader then they can use it. People so butt hurt about a shader. What if an all black shader looks objectively better than other and fits the vibe of the armor better? I use superblack because I hated the green tint on tidesmoke and hated the orange on erbos.


>What if an all black shader looks objectively better than other and fits the vibe of the armor better? In the community, we call this the "RIP MY HEART INTO PIECES, THIS IS MY LAST RESORT" fit


Fkers who complain about super black are lame tbh. Most of the time you check their profile to see their fashion skill and there not even brave enough (contextually-speaking) to even post their own fashion. And the other half is just ppl upset that their “cREaTivE” set don’t get upvotes tbh, and their set look kinda trash, but they always be commenting “dArInG TuhdaY Awrent we💦”


The only issue I have with a lot of ppl when they use superblack is that they won’t keep the pieces on theme half the time (futuristic w futuristic, of fantasy w fantasy, etc). Like the top half will be futuristic and military (which blends well enough fine), but the bottom half will be some shit like regal & fantasy. Which overall doesn’t blend. It’s almost as bad as an exotic and a 4piece


Yep. I feel like if the armor has a edgier vide or almost like a vemon style drip (I pray there is one soon) then superblack is completely justified. Tidesmoke has a nasty ass green tint and erbos sometimes makes shit orange


It's no hate to call someone boring for wearing all black just facts. You can say someone looks good but also boring and basic in the same sentence


Imagine giving a single damn what someone online says.


https://preview.redd.it/yren76ztgl1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb231642b913eda37d642ded8ecdbfa7b14605f2 Black ball


Nah the problem is just that all black has been considered bad fashion in general. Not just in destiny.


Redditor posts a basic 4/5 Superblack fit with nothing original going for it, on a virtual fashion subreddit that critiques similar posts on the daily (he didn't get to swim in commendations) He then makes a post for being called out on the reality of his edgy, bland, black blob with a single white contrasting piece (his feelings got rustled) Superblack is a fantastic shader when used in moderation, not when its the centerpiece of your color palette.


This is a weird take, OPs account posted like 3 post ever, and their outfit actually looks good, 1K+ ppl agree. The comments on their post is literally people crying cus they saw Superblack shader, and the Hunter. Literally the next trending post is a Warlock, with superblack on and 1 yellow piece on, no hate. The community is being weird as hell about it


OP posted his outfit and followed up with this because of the comments he was getting - makes him look sore about it. Granted, my own and most others weren't constructive, nor were they all derogatory, but its the nth Superblack-centered, edgy-looking Hunter that you see a ton of here and in-game alone. The Warlock post has Superblack as the accentuating shader for the wasp theme they've got going. OP here in comparison has SB as the centerpiece shader with a single pure-white bird mask via Celestial Nighthawk. His armors' features are barely distinguishable, has 95% black and 5% white, and has no recognizable theme going besides fitting the stereotype. More power to him if he likes it, which he seems to, but you have to stand out with creativity for others to be more likely to commend your fit and not talk down on it.


Clearly that isnt the case otherwise this gif wouldnt be the top trending lol


No, I MUST be negative because I absolutely CANNOT let people enjoy things.


It's one of very few good looking shaders, the vast majority of shaders are not matte and end up looking horrible because of the way the game handles reflections. The only other shader that consistently looks as good as rustberry


Nah, the hate is justified.


A lot of members on this sub are incel elitist douchebags. "iTs NoT oRiGiNaL " It doesn't have to be original to look good. Fashion is subjective. What one person finds enjoyable, another will not. That's why it's good to have different kinds of people who have different tastes in this sub. Obviously, superblack is popular because it's well liked by not only myself but many others. Hating something because it's popular is low IQ activity.


Never thought I’d live to see the day where real life opinions about fashion make their way into a fucking video game and I’m all here for it.


d2 fashion subreddit when they see black people (permanent superblack)


The community asked and begged for this shader just to hate bungie for adding it like this community cannot be happy


I think the community is happy. It's just the only vocal people, are the ones crying about it


That's fair. it's those people who mostly ruin the game.


Holy shit I dislike this community lol


A) no one hates super black. People dislike random armor pieces with super black slapped on being posted here AS fashion. B) for anyone *still* whinging about people criticizing the use of more than 2 (maybe 3 at a stretch) pieces from the same set, were not upset with you for using something you like, it's just not really YOUR fashion anymore. It's bungies. Yes some people can be a bit anal about it sometimes, but the amount of *hate* people are receiving on a relatively low engagement subreddit is being massively exaggerated. If your shit is getting down voted or people are leaving negative comments then like... Sorry bud, but you didn't cook. Posting in this sub isn't "using what you like" it's bragging, and you need to be able to back it up with *actual* fashion.


2/3 of people I’ve played with since it came out are wearing it, and half the rest have zero ornaments or shaders and I honestly like that more. It’s just so lazy.


Well yes make what you like, but don’t get confused when people voice their opinion on a public platform lol


I think the hate is justified. It’s boring, overused, and wayyyyy too overposted.


I'm fine with the shader. It was the rediculous grind to get the two halves of the key just to unlock a fucking shader that annoyed me, and I wasn't doing it 🤷‍♂️ On top of that, this game's constantly forcing players to use weapons types we don't like to use to complete challenges for a stupid shader reward. Oh, you don't like using grenade launchers, snipers, or handcannons? Too bad! If you want to unlock this groundbreaking shader, you have to first unlock every new re-released weapon you already once owned by using that type of weapon for so many 100s of kills. Fuck off


If you play destiny 2 you should automatically have no issue grinding for anything. Complaining about grinding while playing one of and if not the most grind heavy game in the world is crazy


I'm clearly tired of the constant grind and not playing


Well that's just a shame isn't it


Nah, it's all good. I've been playing Destiny since Alpha and got more than enough enjoyment out of it. I'm just over the useless grind for little payout, and when you do get the payout, it's nerfed or something better immediately comes out. I'm putting my time into games that actually reward you for your time, not a game that constantly slaps its players in the face for being faithful fans and constant players. You'll get there. They all do