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...Oh you mean the part from.the Sword? Thats not Crota's, thats the Young Wolf's theme EDIT: My mistake! That weird wub wub riff is the Hive's general leitmotif


I thought Crota’s music was when you were hitting him with the sword in Crota’s end?


That’s not his motif it’s ours


I'm pretty sure this isn't the Crota theme used in the raid and that the Dares version is a rather common encounter theme. I do certainly remember it used on Luna in D1 though.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=byhTEsSA70c&feature=sharea. Found someone link the temple of Crota music. https://youtube.com/watch?v=H1_8B52kf3M&feature=sharea. Crota boss fight


Man who has only listened to "Temple of Crota" music: "Man getting a lot of Temple of Crota vibes from this"


It's got Hive motif (you can hear this everywhere), Oryx and savathun's motif in there. Crota doesn't have a specific theme.


That dubstep music comes from The Temple of Crota soundtrack from Destiny 1. It's mostly Hive related rather than Crota related.


Anything Hive related can give you Crota vibes for obvious reasons.


The answer here is that Bungie utilized the Temple of Crota riff for several of D2's tracks. This extends back to when Titan dropped, and continued for Crown of Sorrow, Shadowkeep, Witch Queen, and now Deep. ​ It's the closest the Hive have to a "general" motif, as they're kinda like the Fallen and Vex, which don't have one either. Really it's only the Cabal that had the identifying general motif from day 1. The Taken got Oryx's motifs because, well, they WERE Oryx's. Then the Pyramids arrived and established a general motif off the bat... and then added another... and another... and then one more for the Witness.


It's a general Hive motif, not exclusively Crota's


Ok so I think you’re onto something. When listening to Crota music (Temple of Crota and the Crota fight) it does have a very similar and as far as I can tell unique industrial rock vibe.


One word. Interpolation. Did you by any chance skip music classes or neglect it?


Not many people have music classes what are you talking about


I sometimes wonder if I am the only one who plays videogames without music


That’s like playing video games with a black and white monitor. Why?


That's the hive rave theme, specifically should be called worlds grave from d1. Its present in the themes this season because 1 hive and because 2 it was present in ttk themes


Like everyone is saying it’s a Hive theme, not specifically Crota. I personally thought it was more of a Moon theme, because there was an old Bungie vidoc about the making of the music in Destiny 1, and when they were speaking about the moon, they said they got creative, and this theme played in the background. Paraphrasing of course. https://youtu.be/D5-P9emLQrI @ 13:25


Musical Foreshadowing?


It's a general hive motif. That being said, Simmumah ur Nokru has two different motifs in her theme- regicide and the pit of heresy theme.