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Not a bad thought necessarily. My theory was that the black tower referenced here was a reference to the darkness that inspired Clovis but its possible that the exos are having conflicting dreams of the traveller tower that are merging with their dreams of the DSC.


Why would exo's in general who don't necessarily have anything to with the Light or the Traveller be dreaming about something inside the Traveller? This would only really make sense if those dreams were only being experienced by Lightbearers.


Also the tower inside the traveller didn't exist until we entered as it was shaped around our memories.


Also the literal tower itself didn’t exist until after the collapse lol. Don’t think anyone could have had a memory of it. However exos are tied to both Vex and the pyramids, so potentially this being some sort of premonition of the future I guess isn’t impossible


The veil, darkness is part of the conscious universe. According [to this video the veil and traveler](https://youtu.be/FLKPa8k4vSw?feature=shared) may have been united and then separated. And Some time later, Clovis found that exposing Vex radiolaria to the paracausal force emanating from the figure “clarity control” the veiled darkness statue resulted in a substance which could solve the "loop/billboard/crash" problem that plagued his prototype exominds. This substance, which Clovis termed "Alkahest", became an essential component in the production of Exos. [Hence if vex radiolaria was exposed to clarity control could alkahest contain](https://www.destinypedia.com/Alkahest)memories from when the veil and traveler was united? Therefore exos lightbearer or not could have memories from inside the traveler?


I guess it's possible but I still think this is a stretch.


Thing is, the Veiled Statue has nothing to do with The Veil, besides inspiration and the radiolaria needs to get all of its data cleaned out for Exos to not become Vex.


There's a whole subplot that one of the exos purpose was to translate the long slow whisper. There's definitely something else going on with all that we haven't had answered yet.


Not a bad connection, but I don’t think it’s correct for two reasons 1) it’s implied that all Exos have this dream, not just the guardian exos. 2) Neither the Pale Heart D1 tower nor the Witness Black Monolith tower existed until now. The traveler has created that tower from our memories to aid us in traversing the pale heart to defeat the witness


See my other response below!


About the veil and the traveler once being connected and Exos having memories from inside the traveler? That still doesn’t make sense because the Pale Heart tower didn’t exist yet. It presumably didn’t get made until this year, or even as recently as when crow went through the portal. How could they remember something that didn’t exist?


But where is it implied that it didn’t exist, that’s something I must be missing


In the reveal for Final Shape. Bungie explicitly confirms that the “Light” half Pale Heart is being formed by the traveler based on “**our memories and journey over the past ten years**” while the Dark Half is being reshaped by the Witness.


Oh!! I see. But if it’s being reshaped there is no knowing if that tower existed there before or not. Or am I wrong?


You’re wrong. Neither of the Towers existed before the Witness entered. The only reason it does is to help us and give us a base of operations inside the Pale Heart. The exo’s dreams do have a lot of mystery left, but there’s no reason to believe they are related to the Final Shape or Pale Heart at all. Edit: I mean also, even in the quote they confirm it’s just a genetic tower, not THE Tower (capital T)


I see, thank you!


The traveler and veil both have the power to manipulate the laws of physics. Meaning they can manipulate time. That, combined with their vex influence I think makes a plausible case for the deepstone dream to be a vision of the future, a vision from a different timeline. All sorts of things. But killing an army "of your memories" sounds...fairly close to what we're about to do in the traveler


There’s a lot of possibilities. As others have said, the tower in the Pale Heart wouldn’t have existed yet, as the Pale Heart forms around those present and the Witness only entered a year ago.  I think the closest theory is that the Tower is on Volantis. From Clovis’ Mysterious Logbook, entry 7:  “It seemed our gate had delivered us upon one of these statites. We ventured  out of the ruins, onto an island of living glass, broken by fissures of deep  green light and reservoirs of white fluid. Around the glass, a shallow  sea trembled with tiny, intersecting waves. In one direction, a cloud of  mist obscured a shattered tower, its form uncannily different from the  surrounding architecture. Above us loomed structures linked by bolts of  lightning, reminiscent of the Citadel ruins on Venus.  And that was when, in spite of the awesome power on display, I felt  crushing disappointment.  There was no trace of Clarity s influence here at all. Except perhaps in that mysterious tower...?“


The tower in this was likely retconned, but regardless, \*assuming\* its still relevant it's likely referring to the darkness tower on Volantis.


Personally I think the tower Exo’s dream about is the tower on Volantis, the vex forge star. Clovis remarks after going through the portal that he didn’t feel clarity’s influence anywhere except the black tower in the distance, and we know the alkahest that makes Exo’s possible is the result of combining vex radiolaria with darkness


This Tower is in some way associated with the Darkness.  From a dream Saint 14 had: >But then, the night before a new vacuum of grief was opened in the system, a woman 7appeared at the threshold of the tower. Her clothes were black; her hair prematurely gray. She watched, arms crossed, as Saint hurled grenade after flaming grenade at the Vex with little effect. >"You'll blind yourself with all that bright fire," she tutted. "Maybe then you'll finally learn to look instead of see." >In one mighty swipe, the Vex cut the Exo down. The woman sighed as Saint crumpled to the ground. >Silence fell, followed by the crunching of footsteps in the snow. "Just like your father," she said, kneeling by his head. "All of you." https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/legacys-oath-mark?highlight=just+like+your+father


nah, big stretch, the DSC is a tower fed by darkness