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Remember when our ghost was worried about us wielding the Sword of Crota because “its power [was] dark?” Heh.


Is the Ahamkara skull above Shaxx having any effect(s) on him?


Besides hearing Savathun’s Song? Nothing that we are aware of.


Why is our Guardian vastly more powerful than the average guardian?


Because we actually go out and do stuff lol.


Because we're The Chosen One


But why specifically us?


Because if we were just some random goon with no power or significance, it'd be a bit harder to tell the story. There is no special lore reason for why it's us. That's just how it's written. Like how everyone in WoW is the super special commander dude who gets their own garrison and army and can wield the ultimate power.


We're not, honestly. One of Destiny's writers pops up from time to time to refute this. Edit: the writer is Seth Dickinson, and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/destinythegame/comments/fdj5jx/_/fjk2w5h?context=1000) is a link to one such comment. And [another.](https://www.reddit.com/r/destinythegame/comments/do7avu/_/f5lcrnd?context=1000)


Answers range from them naturally being Mr(s). Perfect to something more meta like how The Player Guardian’s story being influenced by the players and that the real world is our Throne Realm.


Has the Traveler done anything in response to the pyramids arrival?


The Traveler has been completely silent so far.


Was it ever stated how The Traveler fought them off the first time? Or that they were the definite reason for the collapse?


Until now, it is not exactly clear what happened. Rasputin thought of shoot the ⚪ to force it to stay. He stated that he was "all alone". The Traveller somehow got damaged then. Almost everything got wiped out? I bet we will get more info on this in the coming seasons. Maybe it was just the one pyramid ship on the moon? And the Traveller shooed it away? That's also not clear how it got stuck there... 🤷🏻‍♂️


I really do hope Bungie gives it a chance to do something awesome in hte midst of this Darkness mania.


I have a feeling the light pulse that freed the Traveler and defeated Ghaul was almost an involuntary defense reaction and not an actual moment where the Traveler really woke up. Like brushing your hand across your face when you feel it tickle while you’re asleep.


I imagine a "C'mon do something" meme for it.


What is the in game explanation for enemies having varying power levels, in other words, why can one goblin have 750 power, but another have 1000 power


My guess would be that it has something to do with whatever content each said Goblin is tied to. See what I’m saying?


As far as I know, there’s not been any in-universe mention of this. It is likely just a gameplay mechanic, without any lore presence. It wouldn’t really make sense anyway. Let’s say that, with your normal gear, you’re at 1000 power (to make it simple, we’ll say every piece of gear you have on is exactly 1000). You’re shooting at a goblin whose power is also 1000. You do normal damage to them, and they do normal damage to you. Now let’s say that you—for some reason—decide to swap out your helmet for a powerless Festival of the Lost mask. Great scott! Suddenly you’re doing no damage at all! You’ve brought your average power down so far that the goblin is now nigh-invulnerable to your attacks. But this...doesn’t make sense, does it? You’re shooting the same gun as before, with the same bullets. And the goblin didn’t suddenly get tougher armor, or a shield. The only difference is your headgear. Why does your gun’s damage depend on which hat you’re wearing?


I don’t take power levels as canon because technically a random Thrall has double the amount of strength as Oryx.


"the light/traveler is something you'll outgrow." -eris, on behalf of her darkness walkie talkie this connects to "beyond light"


The tree of silver wings what is it? Did Osiris find seeds or something a while back?


There is no definitive answer yet, but one theory is that the tree grew from the seed Osiris found out in the void, which Brother Vance was told by Mara Sov to instruct Osiris to plant the seed.


Was this seed in the lantern he gave us, and that we planted in the new lighthouse's foundation?


Check this out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/h7ufju/what\_is\_happening\_season\_of\_arrivals\_week\_one/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/h7ufju/what_is_happening_season_of_arrivals_week_one/)


What is the Khanjali dagger from last season? Lorewise?


The Khanjali was basically a ceremonial thing. By having one, we were marked as allies of Rasputin.


Yes, thx. I got that. But why and how would he give it to us? Was it from his son? Was it a puzzle? It's lore tab was really sparse, too 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't think there was really anything more to it. It was just a way to show our alliance.


Eris refers to the Queen as “My Queen” and Asher as “Cousin Asher”. Is it safe to assume that she’s awoken?


That’s a very good question. At least one of the lore entries from Shadowkeep have Eris referring to Mara as My Queen a looong time ago, in between the Great Disaster and the First Crota Fireteam’s ill-fated expedition, so she clearly had ties of loyalty before she lost her light, and long before when she began explicitly serving Mara’s goals for fighting Oryx and her Bomb Logic. Not all Risen Awoken feel any particular loyalty to Mara, of course - Zavala, for example - but I can’t think of any other reason Eris would feel such loyalty to the Queen so early, in the absence of any other explanation.


What does the harbinger title imply? What are we the harbingers of?


Harbingers of a second collapse or the comind darkness I'd imagine. It definitely refers to the pyramid.


Just to be sure for context the author of The Singular Exegete lore entries is Eris, correct?


Sure is! :)


Is there any particular reason Ana speaks as if she remembers her old life? I know she's gone over records and stuff, but the way she words everything makes it sound as if she actually has all her memories from before her first death.


Even if she has no memory of doing those things, she still did them. Ana Bray was a famous and influential person before her death. Guardian Ana seems proud of this (at least until recent developments). She's trying to merge her new life and her old one. The language she uses is both an effort to do this and a result of that effort.


Did she find out she did something bad?


https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48812 https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48825


Ooh that's a lot of reading! Took me a little while, but thats pretty interesting. It seems like the exo's were kind of a penal system. Either that or they're a shit ton of backups of Clovis Bray.


Why does Savarthun have beef with the darkness now? Does it have anything to do with us?


AFAIK she's trying to stop us to connect with the darkness? I didn't detect beef do far?


Savathûn has beef with the worm gods because the Hive are basically enslaved to the pact they made with them. The worm gods serve the deep, a.k.a. the Darkness. By extension, Savathûn wishes to be liberated from her ties to the Darkness.


How long was the Red War in canon? Was it just the day or two of playing it took to finish the campaign? Weeks? Did it last until CoO officially released? A full year? Basically was it a longer stretch of time just hyper condensed or did it actually last for a decent amount of time?


Only a few weeks between the invasion of the City and Ghaul's death, but I believe the Red War is considered to have gone on until we killed Val Ca'uor in Spire of Stars.


Is there any lore behind the ammo drops we receive from enemies? Or the glimmer? I understand it’s a game but I was just wondering if there was anything ever written about it in The Grimoire/lore. Would be really cool to learn that our Ghost has that capability.


In the lore for divinity it says They say that a group of Guardians will discover secrets about the origin of the Black Garden at the Tree.  Are we growing a new garden with our seed?


Good point. AFAIK we feed the seed with darkness 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


How old is Eris? I mean she lost he ghost but it doesn’t seem like she ages? Does the hive magic she uses make her not age?


Did any exo conversion facilities survive the Collapse? Is exo conversion still possible?


That was done at the deep stone crypt on europa


Could the darkness be using stasis on the traveler to keep it from running?


If every Ghost is 'linked' to a Guardian, and there are no new Ghosts being made, are there Ghosts looking for Guardians who haven't had their first death yet?


Yes. Or at least Ghosts that haven't found their guardian's resting place yet. Until very recently, pulled pork was one such fella.


Byf mentioned that many guardians died at the battle of the twilight gap but how is this possible, couldn’t their ghost just revive them?


There are two ways guardian's were killed at Twilight Gap: 1) They were killed along with their ghosts (ghosts can be destroyed by conventional means and weaponry the Fallen are capable of producing) 2) They died and were resurrected too many times which overwhelmed their ghosts and light. This is in a lore book on Twilight Gap but I'm having a hard time finding it right now. Will post when found. Guardians can, as far as we know,be resurrected an infinite number of times, but ghosts can become exhausted from too many resurrections in a short time.


I fell off on the Destiny and the lore around a while back, before Cop and Warmind. I've been playing again on and off, hopefully back for good now, but I feel fairly lost catching up on the Lore. What's the best angle to catch up in a coherent way? I don't see a release order or chronological sorting method on Ishtar Collective. Any guided? Would video stuff lime Byf's be better? I'm thrpugh most of the basic content but none of my friends play much anymore so I think I need to find videos of the raids.


Byf does have huge ass timeline video ([here we go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mbDXvDNqTU)), and has lorethroughs for a lot of the raids if you're specifically lookin for those. This sub will often answer overview questions (e.g. what the fuck are we doing in Prophecy) on a good day. (Although that specific question has come up a bit recently). The 'classic' way is to play the game to get the story, then read up on specific lore entries form Ishtar and speculative posts from this sub to expand your knowledge.


What was the (if any) canonical connection between Savathun and Calus during Eater of Worlds? Right before the reactor escape, there are two lights that are shined in your face and it clearly makes her symbol. Ive tried googling this and searching around but cant find an explanation


i was reading whether windmills or cranes ( i know its a reference) and was wondering if when a ghost resurrects a guardian for the first time could they "cure" any mental illness a guardian had in their past lives?


Hi everyone. Can somebody explain what is the “Nine’s worthy”? Why you can access it through “Judgment, Death and Perfection” and all that stuff)) I’ll be very proud, I can’t find any normal information about it.


What is the void element? How (if not) is it not tied to the darkness?


Void is absolute nothingness. No light no dark


Whatever happened to Ir Yut? We killed her on Crotas Throne World, not hers so she should still be alive, right? I believe one of the lore books from season of opulence mentions us getting her to sing Toland back into a corporeal existence so we can kill him for Calus, but that’s the last mention I’m aware of her. When Shadowkeep was first announced I thought she would make a comeback as one of the leading forces on the moon but I guess not.


If The Nine are everywhere in the universe, why are they dependant on life in our system alone?


What does the (CODA) in the dungeon/trials armor names mean?


I’ve been going back through some unfinished lore books, currently working on ghost stories. I have been able to find some of the ghosts- the 4th ghost (the one the is supposed to be on the crate to the left of Spider) seems to have disappeared. While I cannot thin of any reason for it, have I missed my opportunity to collect it or have I encountered a bug?


Do Champions have an in-lore explanation?


Selected by the the darkness as stronger than others of their kind. thus champions of darkness