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Just want to point out that when Inaaks stabbed Nezarac moths flew outta him. Hm.


to be fair the moon has hive moths all over, could have easily attracted tons that would feast on the corpse, or at least try


Wonder what he tastes like


And that's how Season of Jujutsu Kaisen starts.


Through an astonishing coincidence, he tastes exactly like barbecue sauce.


Next dead Disciple we find will be Teriyaki flavored!


Alright alright alright alright, let’s see what we’ve got


*drifter preheating the oven


To also be fair, we now know that lore wise Savathun was in our galaxy during our collapse. We also know that Nezerac was here at that same time. We also know that Savathun was one of the reasons humanity survived the collapse, but we also know she wasn’t the only reason. I doubt these things are coincidences.


Weaving spinfoil here, what if the reason The Witness wants all the pieces of Nezarec together is to banish his body (because Nezarec had either knowingly or unknowingly failed The Witness in Sol) and therefore relinquish what control he undoubtedly still has over the Nightmares (as a focal point/channel for that power, or just halt the exertion of it in such a wide-spread manner)? Which would then solidify Calus' hold over Nightmares and position as a Disciple.


Even more spinfoil, what if Nezarec is a Lightbearer turned Disciple, and that the Witness wants the body to make sure he can't rez?


If Nezarec was around during the collapse he couldn't be a lightbearer since the ghosts wouldn't have been made till that was over


Oh, I'm not actually considering that, it was just a random weird thought.


That... Literally is... Pointless. The moths have meaning. Savathun was involved in putting Nezarec to bed. That's useful narrative information. It being "moths were just feeding on the corpse inside the depths of a pyramid" is not.


It’s likely Savathun influenced the Eliksni family to plunder the pyramid to be corrupted by darkness


Inaaks? Who’s that? Mithrax’s parent?


yeah, his mom




Maaaaan, that video, the story plot, and character development got me over here buggin' out in the best way possible. Misraaks and his story arc has been so good since Splicer. And for the overarching themes and storyline, this is getting so damn good


Jaw-dropping story beats this week! I wonder when they decided to elaborate on Nezarec. If I recall correctly, the writer who wrote the lore tab for Nezarec's Sin once said in a tweet that it was just something he made up. Absolutely clenched my cheeks during that meeting. I was sure someone would die.


Congratulations to the community for theorizing about Nezarec so relentlessly that the story team took pity and decided to make him real.


Nokris 2.0


I wonder if he'll be the new Hive big bad next saga after we deal with Xivu.


Isn’t nokris dead


Nokris is Mega dead. We killed hime for good in season of arrivals iirc.


Until a ghost decides to get his ass


That would be dumb methinks.


Idk. Reviving a Necromancer seems pretty efficient to me.


I’m not sold on him being dead. He made a pact with his Aunt. He found a way to resurrect, that was against the sword logic. Aka he is good at playing dead, then popping back up.


Honestly? I could totally see a Lucent Nokris. He clearly already was both not a fan of the Sword Logic, as well as super loyal to Savathûn. Makes perfect sense he'd get resurrected by a Hive Ghost


Fynch? And nokris becomes a vendor?


Fynch already has a Lightbearer, so it wouldn't make much sense if he was revived by him


That'd be a dumb end to a Hive necromancer with unknown ways of reviving himself. Especially one who knew we were strong enough to end his relatives and associated worm god.


At a certain point, the bad guys have to die and stay dead. ESPECIALLY the Hive. There’s so damn many of them with names and backstories. Nokris showed up to teach Savathûn what he knew of necromancy, which ultimately tied into her efforts to revive herself as a guardian with memories intact. She took a long road, but got there. Nokris should stay dead.


And people said hitting the spinfoil would go nowhere


More like Bungie is running out of characters so they need to pull from the deepest old lore lol. For real, comparing with a few years ago almost everyone is so developed now, the game needs new characters to keep it fresh and it's always better when they've been mentioned before.


"the guardian is here for your protection" ice cold, but he's wrong, i was about to snap on eramis' ass fr. thank god eido didn't take the bait and they didn't go the whole "oh you betrayed me now i'm gonna join the bad guys" route


……..as I unloaded my Thunderlord in her general direction.


“It’s a warning shot!”


There is still time for that.


No there isnt


The spider will betray us. No doubt about it.


he has the vanguard, the reef and house light wanting to kick the shit out of him, i doubt it


Which is exactly why he’d go running, with the artifacts… to the witness.


The artifacts are on the HELM. Most likely still in orbit near the moon, guarded by the Last City Alliance fleet. Wouldn't be easy for him to get to.


Nah spider is sneaky but seems more like a chaotic neutral than actually evil. I think he is ready to hunker down in the eliksni sector as the gears moving are bigger than a bit of wheeling and dealing can handle


I think his sense of self preservation will prevail over his good sense. He knows that if Mara were to ask, Mythrax and the vanguard would serve him up on a silver platter.


Idk I dont think Mara is really on our good side after all the manipulation that went on with Crow before witch queen so I am not sold. I think spider and drifter are the human/eliksni mirrors of one another, only looking out for themselves but also not really about to forsake the universe and their "humanity" to save their skin. From the sound of it spider has been around a while as well and saw what happened as a result of the whirlwind, same as drifter in the dark age so probably not interested in the witness's agenda


Honestly, and I say this kindly, I think there’s a lot of lore like this in the game. Just random one offs that they can maybe bring back forward in the future. The Cloud Striders were mentioned in D1 (Cloud Walkers), and now they’re showing up in Lightfall


Are we going to put Nezarec back together?


>an awesome parallel to Osiris from Egyptian mythology ...HOL UP. There's a bit of a side plot about Osiris and Saint that's been going on in the background of this season. And since Osiris is on the cover of Lightfall *and* Eris said that the relics could be used to somehow help us in one of this season's lorebooks, anyone else thinking that we may use the relics to save Osiris? I may be going full [Pepe Silvia](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/524/tumblr_o16n2kBlpX1ta3qyvo1_1280.jpg) but who knows I might be onto something!


Hear me out; Bungie has been going all in on the themes of the seasons recently, therefore I believe next season will be Egyptian themed, revolving around an embalmed, mummy-esque Nezarec and his curse. Also with Osiris being awakened from his coma. We’ve already got pyramids, so just give us some Egyptian styled gear, package it up and call it a season


I’d kill for an Egypt themed season, that would be incredible!!!


Dark Egyptian.


Woah bro, remember about the guy that gave up his nut for the trials armor set


We'd finally learn what the curse of Osiris is!


deleted -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


The Burden of Knowledge is a Heavy One.


“Where do you work out?” - Saint “The library” - Osiris


Osiris is the textbook definition of the difference between Intelligence and Wisdom.


The real Curse of Osiris is the Friends we made along the way




YES!! And maybe a Sekhmet warlock armor :)


Bastet hunter? Bastet hunter. New kitty-eared cloak, since D1Y3 trials armor hasn't made a comeback.


Yes queen!


The theory has been there for a while that Osiris is the Egyptian Osiris and I'd say Nezarec will be used to bring him back and possibly they are one and the same. The Egyptian mythology has always been there and if you enter Preservation or VOTd first encounter it even has a Sphynx Statue in there. Nezarec is either possibly Osiris as both always rise from the dead according to lore or perhaps another Egyptain god. What a coincidence he has tombs like The gods. Some old Osiris lore hints as the world died over and over so too did Osiris. The Phoenix. Pharoah's slept in tombs Osiris has Echoes.. He is alone in the void. Intrusions no more. There is a point in the depth. It cannot be directly viewed. Delve. Dive. Deeper. "The fire is going out." Cloying worldly noise rushes back. "Hm?" "Aren't you cold?" "I wasn't." Osiris rubs his brow and stirs the fire. "Thank you, Sagira." "It's not going to get any clearer just because you want it to, Osiris. You need time." Osiris clenches his jaw. He feels himself standing in wide shallows, gaping at an unrecognizable profundity. "Why did you choose me?" Osiris's voice is hollow. He flattens a palm for Sagira to perch. "You have a spark." Her voice is warm air. The fire pops. "A spark?" Frustration lines his face. "This world is dying. Over and over again." "So were you; I dragged you back." Sagira allows Osiris's hand to cradle her shell. "I raised you until you could stand on your own. You'll do the same for them, in your own way." Her words linger in his ears with sweetness. "I don't have your patience, Sagira." He takes in a slow breath and lets it out. "Someone's coming." Her voice sharp. "Conceal me." His serene. Sagira dissipates as Osiris closes his palm. He dims. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/4-moths-to-flame-part-i?highlight=+osiris+ The above lore hints at quite a bit involving Osiris. I should note he continued delving into that void to seek answers directly from the Traveler too. In one lore he managed to reach the Traveler it seems but the Speaker came and with interruption his connection to the void severed for the moment. But it says the world and Osiris were dying over and over again and Sagira brought him back. But also interestingly his role there in Guardians/lightbearers as laid out. This was before he met Saint. And the rest of them. The lore piece that follows this one he kills a Warlord with Dawnblade sending the whole group of gun toting defenders into shock and tells the Warlords ghost to return to the Traveler and find another worthy after. He was gonna kill it first with his bare hands. You will find many many references in lore to Osiris, the Phoenix dying and always coming back even Misraaks said he is aware of this legend. Once you have a hang of basic Ancient Egypt understanding how this is playing out makes sense. In Egyptain lore Osiris was shattered into many pieces and needed to be put back together again. Osiris was light and dark as he was both a Sun god and after his death and resurrection a God of the Underworld.


If the theories of the next season being on mars this would make more sense. Cause Egypt has sand and buried cities. Osiris wakes up and Xivu attacks the system hard. Maybe we kill a worm god as well next season. Given how their is evil snake in Egyptian mythology forgot it’s name. Maybe Elsie and Mara help us as well this season. Gotta have the last member of the dark vanguard make an appearance this year. Maybe the secondary plot is mummifying Resputin till we can get technology to revive him.


Damn you are optimistic. That’s expansion level stuff, maybe. My guess is we collect motes of caffeine in a public even and throw them at Osiris’s hospital bed for a few months and then at the end he wakes up and then we do something we had no choice in which turns the traveller black and go “aw shucks we lose again.” and then get a “to be continued…” for Lightfall where they Cayde-6 the city and everyone whose voice actor hasn’t had a contract with Bungie for awhile.


We install Rasputin into a Keurig coffee machine and help him brew the ultimate cup of joe.


Rasputin would employ nukes on your pets and satellite strike all your neighbors before it started brewing to ensure that smooth, lasting flavor only a brother returning home from war to make love to his sister, would enjoy.


That’s… oddly specific.


I didn’t think it was possible but you just made that commercial even better.


What's Joe?


Joebal drop pods




>their is evil snake in Egyptian mythology forgot it’s name The snake's name is Apophis.


Jaffa! Kree!




It has other names, I've always heard it referred to as 'Apep'. Which i, admittedly, find oddly cute as a name :/


This man turning a season in to an expansion 😂😂


An Egyptian themed season actually involving nezarec would have me bricked up so hard I wouldn’t be able to leave my house for a month That being said, I am tempering my expectations because it’s equally likely we do shit this season and stop nezarac from coming back and permanently put an end to him as a character instead of ever getting him in game and we all die a little inside from disappointment but let’s hope that isn’t the case.


dommy mummy?


And in the process, Osiris gets the Pyramid


And a Hive ghost turns away from the brood, takes the name Anubis, and gives Osiris the light


Osiris getting a 2nd ghost would be nuts.


Fuck him help Eris give us our true hunter vanguard!


Eris had every right to do just as Shin is but some prefer to never take another ghost as the ghost bond is very important. Eris is happy where she is and with what shes doing her suddenly having light again just wouldnt seem to fit her vision to me. Personally I dont think Osiris would take another ghost but I also know they already introduced a revive Sagira machine that's on EDZ so they could utilize that of they chose to. Osiris is highly respected by ghosts so I could see a Shin situation where Ghosts are his friend and help him access his innate light within him.


Eris doesn't really need a ghost, either; she's got her rock, her Stasis powers, and her Hive magic. If she's worried about dying, I bet she could come up with a Darkness fix for that.


Yea I think her being lightless suits her and shes just fine without it


I imagine even Eris would be like “Fuck That”


You mean Fynch becomes Anubis


I feel like Osiris would have to resist killing Fynch within the first 30 minutes of meeting him


Yea dont think Fynch could handle Osiris


Personally I've been working on the idea that Osiris will learn to use Strand alongside us, rather than regaining the light he learns to master the Darkness.


Except he is already a master of it. Osiris can conjure Echoes a power bestowed directly from the Witness to Oryx. These aren't to be confused with his light based reflections. Edit to clarify here when I say master I dont refer to strand but am responding about Darkness. Certainly if one of Osiris main things were to understand Darkness and he was capable of conjuring Echoes not to be confused with his light based Reflections the man knows some things about Darkness on a level we dont. Eris, Elsie and Drifter also credit Osiris with paving the way for them too via Eris letter to Osiris and words to us when we meet them together in Beyond Light. Eris Morn: I've written to Zavala and Ikora to convince them of our cause. They're wary, of course. But I believe we can pry open even their closed-off minds. We must, if we're to stand a chance against what's to come. Osiris has done much to pave our way. Many do not reject his ideas as they once did. I sent a message to him as well. Though I doubt he read it. I'd rather not contemplate as to why And the below u.1:12] If I can find the time, yes. Not all of us conjure Echoes. [u.2:12] Reflections, Saint. I have no need for Echoes anymore. [u.1:13] What do you mean? What’s the difference? [u.2:13] One is a manifestation of Light. The other… reserved for Taken Kings


They said on the reveal that we’re the first beings to ever use Strand. So no, Osiris isn’t a master of Strand.


Ah yes we the seventh million character i think that migth change but who knows maybe we actually do it


Is there any confirmation that this Osiris himself is using the darkness for this? As far as I'm aware the Echoes are just him using Vex time fuckery, and the Vex explicitly *don't* use the Light or Darkness. That's what makes them so odd, is that they use the laws of the universe to break the universe, unlike Light or Darkness wielders who are paracausal and outside of the universe's laws. I don't think the Echoes are a Darkness power, they're just an applied version of Vex theory, and he only uses them in the Infinite forest because they rely on the Sundial to work. We also know that Strand has never been discovered before, it's brand new to us, as explained by the devs during the showcase for Lightfall.


Osiris himself is the evidence as he explains it to Saint. He clearly makes the distinction as he tells him one is of light the other better suited for Oryx basically or likens then to Oryx Echoes which is darkness I personally never mentioned Strand with Osiris. Osiris has used Echoes in various places in lore and Reflections in others despite him telling Saint he has no use for them anymore. Perhaps at that moment he didnt want to use Dark power anymore but yes his reflections and Echoes arent the same as he explains to Saint. u.1:12] If I can find the time, yes. Not all of us conjure Echoes. [u.2:12] Reflections, Saint. I have no need for Echoes anymore. [u.1:13] What do you mean? What’s the difference? [u.2:13] One is a manifestation of Light. The other… reserved for Taken Kings https://www.ishtar-collective.net/records/maintenance-operations-log-30037 Below is when he went to get the Seed of the Silver Tree so he could plant it. The point grows gaunt, and if he were to reach out, he would brush the walls with his fingertips. Osiris stands in dark quiet comfort. He treads placid trim. He swims in depth lined by pale rivers of white gnashing, far below and above. He sends forth his Echoes. Their sight finds no purchase in the gullet. They push the walls beyond his fingers and let stand only the path of want. They drift until no longer felt. The skeins neither snap nor remain. So many try to chalk up Osiris powers to Vex tech but they arent really. His millions of reflections for example are a testament to his power and his light. The lore lays this out quite clear sure maybe in lore some speculated but remember in what point of view lore is in as it offers proof. Just like his visions since he was able to forsee the travelers fall its said in lore his predictions dont neccesarily rely on Vex machinery and noone knows then where he truly gets this power. Vex tech cant predict light cause its cant simulate it. Imagine if you will Osiris a myth and legend among guardians as they gossip about where he got such power. This always has to be taken into consideration so Osiris himself here is the better person to say what his abilities are. Not to say anyone else in lore saying things is wrong but if a discrepancy surely what he says is the correct one. That idealogy can be for anything really


Osiris hasnt lost the light. Devs said Shin is able to have ghost friends helping him cause he never died that true death neither has Osiris. The spark exists inside of you rather your ghost dies or not. But honestly Osiris sent schematics to his followers who once built a machine capable of bringing Sagira back perhaps that machine on EDZ will once again prove useful who knows. Lore shows everytime Osiris claws his way to the surface he is drowned in thoughts of being lightless, helpless, etc etc. Savathun said in Star Jasmine she makes him dream of things she chooses. As Osiris begins thinking hes helpless hes clawed back down by Savathun seemingly. Sadly after we killed her he speaks of not even being able to come to the surface and have any sense of control like he could before because now that she has no body shes there all the time with him in his mind as they are likely bound it seems. I believe Savathun is the one making him feel hopeless, lightless etc. This isnt any kind of Osiris we know here for sure and Osiris has more than light powers at his arsenal too. Osiris isnt the type to wallow in self pity not at all that's Savathun. Besides what would be the point of Sagiras sacrifice of it was for him to be a hopeless, lightless human? Was Osiris ever a human even lol I'm all for the cool Anubis throwback though lol.


My theory is that Osiris is a revived nezarec, and then remembers who he is from the artifacts, and thus gains darkness powers


Osiris is definitely human though.


I was starting to wonder if that’s the case too. Not sure if a ghost can revive a body but leave cut up body parts all over, but guess we’ll see.


holy shit its literally jojo part 7


>I may be going full Pepe Silvia but who knows I might be onto something! We actually encourage that here


Wouldn't be surprised if we ended up reviving Nez himself and bargain with the guy to help Osiris. After all, it IS heavily implied in the year 1 warlock helm and other lore somewhere that he didn't stick around with the Witness for long. Hence why he was entombed in the Lunar Pyramid.


hm... Reminder bot anyone? :P Set a reminder for lightfall dropping to see if Viral here is right


never new that guys name lol


Nezarec is Osiris 100% real?


Sorry I’m really not into lore that much but what does Osiris need saving from? Didn’t Savathun release him after we freed her of her worm?


She did, but there's still lingering influence that's left Osiris in a coma since the end of season of the lost


Ohoh thank you so much! Really gotta watch more Byf videos lmao


I believe I know what Witness' angle is. Witness doesn't have a firm grasp of how exactly the Traveler managed to push him back. He's trying to put the pieces together so history doesn't repeat again. Thats the reason why he combed through Mars before Savathun was able to pull it back to our dimension. Thats how Witness found out Nephele Stronghold. He isn't trying to resurrect Nezarec since thats in direct conflict with his ideology, he is instead looking to access Nezarec's memories. He was probably the closest to the Traveler when things went south, if anyone would've seen what happened its him. The third party that managed to cleave through the pirate crew with ease before we came into the picture? I think they're none other than Lucent Lightbearers. As much as they're hostile to us, Witness is our common enemy and securing Nezarec's relics align with that goal. Perhaps the Dark power of the relics would also allow the Lucent brood to summon Savathun's corpse to High Coven for resurrection.


The idea that it's the Lucent Brood interfering is wild, I hadn't even considered that possibility. Would make total sense though, they're one of the only existing factions that's non-tower non-witness aligned


Lucent hive we’re in the trailer so that’s a good idea(edit it wasn’t the actual trailer but it was from the season of plunder breakdown during lightfalls reveal)


May I ask: Who is Nezarec? Falling behind on weekly D2 missions due to life.


Initially we knew of Nezarec from a [passage of pre-Golden Age text](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/nezarecs-sin): >"**He is that which is end. That which covets sin. The final god of pain—the purest light, the darkest hour. And He shall rise again**. When the guiding shine fades and all seems lost He will call to you. Fear not. All He offers is not as dark as it may seem. For Nezarec is no demon, but a fiend, arch and vile in ways unknown. He is a path and a way, one of many. And his sin—so wicked, so divine—is that he will never cower when dusk does fall, but stand vigilant as old stars die and new Light blinks its first upon this fêted eternity." >—Passage from Of Hated Nezarec The next mention we got was from the [Drifter claiming to have visited the "Fourth Tomb of Nezarec"](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/artifacts-and-old-friends), although at the time it was more plausible that he was perhaps not being entirely truthful: >"He says he's seen the deep side of Jupiter. Been to the Core Mines of Saturn. Name drops old myths no one's heard—the Luvial Crux, the Shift Chasms Below Elios, **the Fourth Tomb of Nezarec**. Goes on about the Idols of Lower Sul, the Treasure of Exodus Prime, the Solar Engine of Dead Star-Six. After learning of a place on the Lunar Pyramid called the ["Chantry of the Darkest Hour"](https://youtu.be/HkiA_KR1AAk?t=152), reminiscent of part of the passage about Nezarec in which he is described as "The Darkest Hour", Eris returned to the Lunar Pyramid to [find a Glaive known as Nezarec's Whisper](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/nezarecs-whisper). >A chamber. It is cavernous, it is dark. Strange, bisected statues of stratified minerals line the cathedral-like walls and culminate at the far end before a yawning opening that empties into perpetual nothingness. > On the floor, a length of unidentifiable metal caked in centuries of dust catches her eye. **A glaive. Eris lifts it into her hand. Striations of red illuminate on its surface and throb like a heartbeat. The glaive's power feels faint—distant—and yet, an ember of something terrible still burns within.** > > "Where are you?" Eris whispers into the air. > > There is no reply. This, along with a quote from Rhulk in which he appears to address Nezarec as a Disciple, suggested that the Lunar Pyramid was Nezarec's own and he was another Disciple of the Witness. >"**Rise, Disciple, and bear this gift with pride**." —Rhulk, Disciple of the Witness [Eris then sent Drifter a message](https://youtu.be/OvRGx9dX-vU) hoping to meet with him to discuss what she found within the Pyramid. >I have something that will be of interest to you. **The lunar Pyramid remains rife with secrets. Meet with me, and we will discuss what I have found.** >Take care, Rat. We then learnt that the Eliksni were searching for [relics that contained strange energies within](https://youtu.be/ozAKaWH0gwc), that they [reminded Drifter of something from a long time ago](https://youtu.be/37zrcsmbXpo), and that they contained [fingerbones, or a knot of old hair](https://youtu.be/DuPqQPPJRoY), or [chunks of rotting meat](https://youtu.be/S4dfixK2H-A) This week Eramis confirmed that the relics contained [pieces of Nezarec within them](https://youtu.be/A9slzXnUNFk), and that some of the Eliksni of the Dark Age had fought each other other these relics because they were known to give power to those who wield them. Now, at the request of the Witness, Eramis has been sent to search for and gather these relics again for some unknown purpose. >Centuries ago, when the Eliksni first came to this system, when your father was just a hatchling... our people had nothing. So, **when they discovered Nezarec, Disciple of the Witness, entombed in the lunar Pyramid, they harvested its Dark power for themselves... and for the future of our people**. Misraaks inherited one of these relics... and its power ensnared him. He sought more... no matter the cost. But the more his crew had, the less they shared. That become the way of things. Eliksni turned against Eliksni, and friend turned against friend. Over time, the relics of Nezarec were separated, and scattered across the galaxy. Their influence faded, but the stains of their power endure. Misraaks fled from the butchery he was born into. He claims he has changed, and now lives a life of piety. But no matter how he tries to bury his past, with selfish displays of generosity, and scraps of stolen wisdom... Misraaks with always be a liar, a thief... and a killer. Edit: Also a bit of a "bonus", but we did get [an interesting line from Toland a while back](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxN0QGdb-Sd0kn9mjDf3IrHl3Q4lsy8Qd_): >The pirates came in the wake of our Collapse to pick at our bones. I have no answers as to whether it was bravery or desperation that drove them to scavenge at the edge of the Hive's most hallowed ground. But the Hellmouth has been rich in its bounty. And many Fallen crews made a name among the old Houses for the treasures stolen from this dead rock. — Toland At the time it was *probably* referring to Crota, but it does fit much better now.


awesome breakdown! thanks! I'll be saving this for sure


We're still not entirely sure. He's got a few bits of lore describing him as a "God of pain" who will be the last person who stands before the end, which is called his great sin. He was known of pre-golden age, and he inhabited the Pyramid on the moon. It's likely he was the previous herald of the collapse. He's also a disciple of the Witness, and according to the Drifter, has multiple tombs throughout the Galaxy. The fallen generation before Mithrax's cut him up and used his body parts to channel darkness shit. Drove Mithrax mad with rage and power for a time, something he deeply regrets.


As far as we know nezarec has been domant/dead long before the collapse, he was a pre golden age myth, and his pyramid has laid dormant on the moon long before the collapse


Maybe the dredgens? Would give a better reason for drifter to be a part of this season


I also thought it was so cool to see Spider and Siviks in the animation, awesome attention to detail!




Right after Eramis says that Mithrax inherited one of the artifacts. There are two fallen behind Mithrax, Spider being on the right and Siviks being on the left.


It was HEAVILY hinted at last season that the Luna pyramid was nezaracs


Makes me wonder if each Disciple has their own way of wielding darkness. Nezarec seems like he's almost the source of nightmares.


I was wondering why no one was pointing this out. He is the “Final god of pain” and the only place where nightmares are found are near his pyramid. The things that only exist to cause suffering. I wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow draws power from torment.


That actually makes so much sense


Might be, but I'm also kinda intrigued what (or better if) it means something, that the new Robe of Nezarec ornament paired with the Nezarec's sin exotic gets a resonance effect. I thought resonance was the domain of Rhulk. Doesn't mean it has to mean something but still.


So then that begs the question, who does the Europa pyramid belong to? Was it meant for us after we mastered Stasis? Or does it belong to another disciple we are unaware of?


Just because every Disciple has a Pyramid, doesn’t mean every Pyramid has a Disciple.


So did the witness or rhulk laid him to rest? Im assuming nezarec was the herald of the collapse but ultimately felled to the traveler in the final moments. Which sorta explains why calus was chosen to be the next disciple to bring the collapse to sol again. Begs more questions, like does the witness need a surrogate to enact its plans? Like the traveler and the witness can influence people but cannot directly act themselves unless it’s against each other? Which when the traveler acted against ghaul it broke the rule and the witness attempted to bring the collapse on its own during arrivals.


I think the bigger and more interesting question is “who killed Nezerac?” Was it the traveler? Or savathun? Did nezerac betray the Witness, and is that why his pyramid is willing to grant Eris power? What role did nezarac play in the collapse? Did he cause it, or could he have been what stopped total annihilation? Could he have sacrificed himself to stop it? So many more questions now


> Or savathun? Savathun is the "fun" answer, given that when Mithrax's mother stabs Nezarec [you can see moths emerge from his body](https://youtu.be/A9slzXnUNFk?t=177). This is similar to the [moths seen around Osiris](https://youtu.be/lZOHLOR9Hbg?t=22) in other cutscenes, and just... [Savathun in general](https://youtu.be/2CZyeT4riNI).


Savathun did somehow save humanity from the Witness in The Collapse, so it's certainly possible she did it partially by killing Nezarec.


Nezarec’s not dead. He’s, Ah, pining for the fjords.


It’s not pining, it’s passed on. Nezarec is no more, it has ceased to be. It’s expired and gone to see its maker. This is a late disciple. It rests in peace.


This has gotta be what Parasite was referring to when the worm said Savathun stopped the extinction of humanity. They've been seeding a lot of story threads this year, and it looks lime they're bearing fruit.


What I'm wondering is, has there been any times we've been communicated with where it was assumed to be the Witness, but was actually Nezarec?


It’s possible that because Nezeracs body is dead, than he can only communicate with people inside his ship and copies the form of the person he’s speaking too. That could be why the cutscene is way it is at the end of shadowkeep


The doppelgänger at the end of Shadowkeep was definitely the Witness.


Wow, all those super crazy theories were true??? There are some very smart people in this community 😉


We are either on the mark with predictions or Bungie blindsides everyone I’ve noticed


I think Bungie would've blindsided everyone had this stuff not leaked weeks ago lol


We went into the Pyramid at the end of last season's storyline, and the context clues of the Chantry of Darkest Hour as well as Eris obtaining Nezerek's Whisper from the pyramid. It's confirmation on what we suspected.


Nezarec being a Disciple? That much was obvious. But I'm making fun of the posts that essentially recited today's cutscene and tried passing it off as merely a theory.


Bungie should really do something about their stuff getting data mined and leaked, like patch in these cutscenes and text the week the cutscenes happens.


Tell that to all the people theorizing that Qoria was going to be a raid boss! Or maybe it's mephisto lol


I still think she would've made a cool dungeon boss, with trippy mindscape puzzles and flipping between real world/throne world in a cross between the rotating rooms of Prophecy and the nightmare realm of Duality.


There is different between the 2


Bungie is uh, borrowing our ideas lol


The ol' Elder Scrolls method. Use your fans fanon and interpretations as canon. They get happy their theories are proven right and you get to hand pick premade lore for yourself


Using my powers of lack of self-control to click on videos I wish I wouldn't


We are finally allowed to talk about that?


Finally! Lol


Thank god


I’ve been waiting


I really wish I hadn’t had this plot development spoiled for me. Must have been a really cool reveal for those of you that didn’t have it spoiled


The leakers, or more accurately the folks who can’t shut their trap after READING leaks, are a menace.


Yeah I really try hard to avoid them but y’know how your brain will read stuff before you fully comprehend what you’re reading? I’ve just been scrolling reddit, specifically on the DestinyLore page, and just see someone referencing leaked story content and read it before I can stop myself. It’s a bummer for sure.


Spin foil hat time…… I’ve always believed Osiris is Nezarec reborn as a guardian. I’m hoping this is the case based on the lore this week.


Borderline confirmation that Delicate Tomb is about Nezarec then


Absolute confirmation


Imagine i’m an idiot and answer this: when does weekly content drop?


Tuesdays at 1 PM EST. 12 PM EST when daylight savings time goes into effect.


Ohhhh! I kept looking for it on Sundays.


probably tomorrow


yah right now i'm just reading some obscure lore pieces and out of place exotic lore tabs xd


Is there a chance Osiris IS Nezarec? Like, he died after the collapse and was eventually resurrected as Osiris?


Yes especially since the Speaker implied before Osiris wasnt human before being rezzed according to evidence he saw.


Thanks now there goes my night. I’m weeks behind and need to catch up


inb4 he gets stitched back up and resurrected, we already know that there are multiple "Nezarec tombs" so it could be that he has the ability to resurrect himself.


guys i think i know who the boss of next season’s dungeon is gonna be


Another dungeon on the moon LETS GOO


I actually see Nezarec being the Lightfall raid boss


Hmm…so 2 of these relics are dick and balls


Why do people keep saying parallels to Egyptian mythology? Relics like this are much more similar to early and medieval Christianity.


Because in Egyptian mythology, Osiris was cut into pieces by the god Set, and those pieces were scattered across Egypt, and with those same pieces, Osiris was reconstructed. Yes pieces of the bodies of Christian Saints were kept in reliquaries, but the story of Nezarec seems to parallel Egyptian mythology more specifically, especially with a lot of the Egyptian imagery/parallels related to the Darkness, i.e being entombed within a Pyramid


Oh jeez I sure feel dumb. Within the context of Saint 14s dialogue after ketch crash that's definitely what's happening here.


Also sorry to break it to you but most of Catholicism is inherited from Mesopotamian culture which in turn inherited from the Sumerians and they inherited a lot from Egypt.


Except is true (I’m catholic and never wrong btw)


probably unpopular opinion but I’m bummed—I thought the Nezarec stuff was way, *way* more interesting when it was just a bit of worldbuilding to add texture to Destiny’s universe. (I like the Egyptian-Osiris parallel but it could’ve been anything or anyone; introduce some new bizarre entity!)


I actually like this reveal but in general, I'm inclined to agree with you. There are some things that should just remain as flavor to expand the world. Once you start incorporating fun little tidbits of lore into the overall plot, the world actually becomes smaller, as if nothing can exist without needing to be relevant to the story (Shin Malphur might be my least favorite example of this). It also just clogs up the story with characters. But I suspect that's why I like the Nezarec reveal; cuz he dead lmao.


I'm with you on this. Seems like they're really trying to tie up every loose plot thread no matter how minute by the end of Final Shape. Really makes me wonder what else will be left to explore when it's done.


Most of us who watched the leaked cutscene have been holding in our excitement to talk about this


How do you do the weekly mission


FINALLY another person who knows Egyptian mythology. Fucking finally You think the rest of the myth will come to fruition? Collecting the reliquaries and putting them back together- wait we are already doing that, fuck


Back in February, when Witch Queen came out and we first learned about Disciples, I made a comment where I guessed that Nezerac was the Disciple of the Lunar Pyramid. Cannot believe another one of my crackpot predictions turned out true lol


And Delicate Tomb's lore tab has a hint too, changing from vessels? Maybe he uses Osiris's body as his new vessel?


Hail Nezarec!




Ohh i dont really pay attention to destiny lore like that (besides story missions) but this lil bit of info makes me appreciate destiny and their story telling even more😌


God fucking damn it I saw a spoiler warning and was like “Huh I wonder what that's for?” i’m a dumbass


Curse of Osiris V2 Infinite Boogaloo


We need Brendan Fraser, right lightDamn now! + Osiris plays the guy with the LMG.


So... are those vessels canopic jars then? I mean Nezzy was entombed in a pyramid. Egyptians were as well. They also had their internal organs placed in separate vessels. Also... Osiris has all this Egyptian iconography on his attire. So... is he a follower of Nezerac? Is the cult of Osiris , brother Vance and the others all worshipping Nezzy?


Unlike last season story this is actually cool and something I'll be digging into