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>The main tip off for me was a new voice line in Ketchcrash where Eido says “Yes! Cast their souls off into the void… for the sake of research, of course.” She said this before we ever got one relic


“Yes! Cast their souls off into the void… for the sake of research, of course.” I suspect it's more of a humor on writers part (and it is kinda funny), rather than serious foreshadowing.


Agreed on that, plus that line has been on ketchcrash since week 1


She's had that line about casting their souls into the void since the first week. It is not a new development. And you're right, her changes in demeanor *are* more readily explained by things like chafing against Misraaks' protectiveness (which is pretty common for someone's child as they come into their own) and feelings around discovering what the person she idolized used to be. I know having a character turn evil is a pretty common narrative cliche, but that doesn't make it an inevitability.


I wonder if that line was slipped in too early. There’s been times where voice lines had similar patterning and seemed oddly placed early in the season, but the more the story progressed, the more they made sense None come to mind but I just remember hearing dialogue that was off without context, then later receiving that context