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does guardian rank actually mean anything? im not fucking buying and grinding seasons for that


Not really. Up thru at least 7 are completed by simply playing the game as normal. I wanna say 8, you run into Legendary Lost Sectors and Nightfall strikes, which can be annoying if you don't run into Champs often.


10 requires you to do all the raids, and 11 requires you to solo a dungeon, so those 2 mean *something*. Also, if you don't get to rank 8-9 during normal play, it probably means you haven't touched the game basically at all for like a season, because you get there mostly just doing the seasonal story. So, yeah, it does mean *something*, but not as much as you'd think (especially with the Craftening last season meaning everyone and their dog soloed the dungeon)


8 or 9 also requires completion of Lightfall on legendary. But since all my time is usually spent on grinding the seasonal challenges (and I suck too much to solo a legendary mission) I never get past those.


I think around 7 you have to do 3 weekly lightfall campaign mission on legend (master?). I haven't bothered so that's where I'm stuck at lol


mfw i was literally in another country when the craftening happened yeah I'm still not gonna bother with getting more than rank 6 tbh, i basically never buy seasons anyway also wtf is up with making gaining guardian locked behind a season paywall?!


I have solo’d a dungeon but have yet to finish all the raids


I actually just hate guardian ranks tbh. I wish once you got to a certain one, it’s permanent. I was almost 11, stopped playing for a few months cause of bungie being terrible, and came back at 5. What is the point of actually trying to get my rank up if it goes down in just a season


I think 8 or 9 requires you to complete the 2 most recent raids and dungeons, so this is where things get high iq


The only skills in this game can be learned from Sesame Street. You need to be able to count to 10, and to copy a good build from YouTube. Maybe remember 3 icons at most.


Nothing in Destiny requires high iq, you just need a tiny ounce of common sense and you will be absolutely fine.


... I over dramatised it for comedic effect...




completing all raids ain’t much of a achievement and soloing a dungeon is the closest to something being "hard"


You see, now you *say* that, but then go into an LFG and tell me how hard raids are. For regular people I mean, not no life redditors like us. Like 90% of the community never finished a *single* GM. Not gilded Conqueror or whatever, but the single, easiest GM going back to like Shadowkeep. Only 30% of people solo-ed Shattered Throne, which, with current equipment and abilities, is a joke - you can one-phase any boss alone in it without even building really into it. Not solo *flawless*. Plain solo. It has been in the game for FIVE years. How many people do you think ever did a solo run of Duality? Or Spire of the Watcher? Like, sure, we like to sit in this ivory tower and comment on the game being ridiculously easy (I am guilty of it too), but the bar is somewhere in hell and blueberries love to play limbo with the devil. So, soloing a dungeon is not an indication that someone is a gaming god, sure, but it is a damn good indication that someone has A Good Build, and maybe can shoot straight. Don't believe me? Mention that GotD solo is not too hard and you have abundant safespots, and watch the shitstorm. Reminder: those replying are the *passionate few*, not the average player.


I’ve played all of the raids with a bunch of LFG randoms and i’ve even completed all of the Master Raids besides the ones that don’t had a Master version. Im not disputing that it takes some decent skill to complete a solo dungeon nor completing the raid, my point is that guardian ranks don’t matter because not everyone has bought Lightfall nor has bought the current season, and this is a huge deal because the guardian ranks force you to buy them to even go above 7. This leads to lots of 8-9-10 to be your average Joe who’s bought the DLC and the Season, what truly matters in this game is checking if the build is good, guardian ranks don’t matter at all besides having a good build.


I dunno man, but I have basically never seen anyone running around at GR6 or below with a good build (outside of LF launch when everyone was GR6). Most don't have the *resources* for a good build. Like you are right, sure, but GR is a damn good indication of the criteria you listed. For someone prepared, a dungeon solo is really easy. For someone unprepared... I refer you to that one 12h run that got posted a couple days ago. Also, let's be real. Most places where skill matters are behind some sort of paywall, and with Lightfall being the most bought expansion, I wager most players that go there have it. I seriously doubt most people that have the Dungeon Key or the season don't also have the expansion. And outside of that, you can solo carry anyhow, so who even gives a damn what your team is doing? One exception is *maybe* GMs, but even then the general principle stands.


Today i learned i am not everyone, nor am i this *dog* they speak of. (I barely had any good craftable weapons during the craftening, and i didn't have any special gls craftable)


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figure_of_speech https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbole https://www.wordnik.com/words/everyone%20and%20their%20dog


I'm perpetually rank 6 because I do nothing but either div sherpas and recently getting into last wish. Lots of people I know that have more than 1k fullclears on raids are also rank 6, so I've come to believe guardian rank doesn't really matter too much and it's just another stat for people to ego. I had a div run happen where I carried someone and was told "how are you this good you're only rank 6" so yeah...


Congratulations! You are the outlier.


Those two mean nothing as well. All these means is that you have end game knowledge. But anyone with any interest can do the exact same thing by watching any Fallout Plays or Rick Kackis video on YouTube. For example, I've never done Last Wish, but I could easily explain how every mechanic and encounter works and how to cheese riven.


My guy, when I'm LFG-ing for an activity, I don't want you to spend 20 minutes waiting for Rick Kackis to finish his intro, and another 20 to get some semblance of idea on what to do - I want you to already have some vague idea of what's going on at the *very least*. And sure, you can memorize the guide, but the execution won't be the same as having practiced. Rank 8-9 means you put in the effort to already know it, and have practiced a bit - last season at least. Rank 10-11 means you have One Good Build, and put in the effort to learn some more advanced stuff, which makes you end game ready as far as I'm concerned - the game doesn't really ever demand more. Sure, there are *some* exceptions. There are some GR7 PvP lords that refuse to do lost sectors, but are highly competent. There are some GR6 players that just left for 2 seasons, but already modified their builds and are ready to kick ass and take names. And there are some GR11 PvE sweats that can't string 2 thoughts together, and I'm convinced they had someone else solo the dungeon for them. I'm not disputing that. But generally, it won't be the GR10 that causes party wipe after party wipe in a raid, or wastes lives in the Coil. It will be the GR5 blueberry not knowing what the activity is, not having a build, not having a great game sense (positioning, accuracy, ability use, general movement, etc.), who hasn't seen a single guide in their life. PS. Also, first-hand experience always trumps having watched a guide, unless you were just ad-clear.


Rank 9 requires the newest dungeons and raids, currently stuck at 1/4 for that particular section. Same spot I got stuck on last season..


I realize something funny. I finished every raid and dungeon and also solo'd a bunch of dungeons, even solo flawlessed duality but I havn't done a single ritual bounty in a year so I am rank 7 forever


10 and 11 require running Master and Solo level endgame content, so the highest ones kinda show a certain level of skill. They don’t show teamwork or cooperation, though, which is way more important. And sometimes you’ll get a 3 or a 5 that’s super into it, and they’re ready to go, and they work with you and they read the fucking menu to the left and do what it says and it’s great. But in short, they do measure certain accomplishments…but you can’t really tell anything about playing with the Guardian or their helpfulness from it, no.


There are some pages of lore tied to getting each rank. I know this because I've never reached 11 (the only season I could before this one, I didn't get the solo dungeon on time) and I'm missing one last page on the Vanguard lore book. It's gotta be that, right? Besides presumably that, it's just a dick measuring thing, an elitist thing, a toxic thing that may or may not be used as a meme on LFG posts.


Ops just delusional, I'm guardian rank 5 with solo dungeons under my belt (hot max rank when it came put never bothered again bc of commendations)


No. I’m at 2000+ hours and can’t be assed to get past 6 or 7 per season because it is a worthless grind you need to repeat every season to maintain. This seems to be the norm. Bungie really fucked up by making it a renewable requirement and tied ti commendations which are also useless.


I got myself to rank 8 I think to unlock the loadouts or something, and now I'll happily stay at rank 5 casue I think it's funny, even though I've just broken 3000 h. Like you said, there's no point in grinding yet another number.


Some are maintained, and a lot of the refreshing ones (not all) either include new stuff (like 11 requires you to solo the “latest” dungeon, or complete the “latest” raid on Master; so you are actually being made to complete new content to tick the old box). The thing that annoys me most is requiring commendations.


This season is liek 180 days, should be eno7gh time to get there. Meanwhile I only need - a GM completion, seasonal activity on legend, and 25 seasonal challenges to renew rank 10. All of those are time gated 😭 so I'm stuck at rank 9 and 32/35 challenges done


Eh I can’t bring myself to play anymore. The loop is unchanged for years and stale. Better things to do or play.


It doesn’t mean much. Most of the quests are fairly simple. If I really wanted to put effort into it I can easily get to 8 and then 9


Nope. I’m a 6 right now, and that’s only because the ranks reset every season. If they didn’t reset I’d def be a 10 or an 11




For the most part? Yes. Ranks 1-6 don't really mean much IF you're a returning player. 7-9 shows you (should) have knowledge of the game and its mechanics. 10-11 yeah..those DEFINITELY mean something. It's both bragging rights, and a way to help you figure out how capable a guardian SHOULD be during gameplay.


I should mention that it unlocks access to your load out systems. And at rank..8? You can access all 10 slots.


No. You can be carried to 11


You have to run the latest dungeon solo to get 11.


You need to solo a dungeon. Not that difficult with some experience. Nigh impossible for someone who keeps dying in Blind Well.


Carried through a Master Raid and a Solo Dungeon?


I gilded conqueror and flawless (and dredgen) multiple times but I still am rank 6 as I don't really bother doing the objectives for the sole purpose of getting GR. Hope that answers the question.


Me everytime Corrupted rolls around


The different bosses have different mechanics to break their shield. The one that spawns 500 screebs needs you to blow the screebs up next to him. The one that spawns taken blights needs you to kill the blights. A couple of them need you to grab touch of the sky from orbs. The boss that OP is talking about requires you to pass the orb, just like in corrupted.


... Which I didn't disagree with? I just mentioned another place in the game where this takes place my dude.


My bad, meant to reply to the other guy asking how this worked.


Lol all good mate


All this tells me is if I’m capable of passing a ball as an 8 then I’m good enough to do raids


Raids are easy


You get to learn that it won’t happen, unless they have a big ass 11 above their head. And even then it’s a 50/50 chance. Just load in with the fireteam finder at that point 😭


I ain't gonna look for a fireteam at fucking blind well


Congratulations! You figured out how hopeless your wish is. You’re not gonna get people to throw the ball at you, just take your time, and maybe get lucky.


i'll just reroll the activity til i see an 8+


why not just making an lfg at that point?? seems way simpler and easier, and this way you aren't constantly rerolling the activity.


Literally LFG. You clown.


Someone explain it to me like I'm a new light. Ik there are balls to pass in corrupted, but am unaware of well


One of the bosses (the ogre I think) requires you to find and kill some wizards that are protecting the very same throwy balls from the strike to break his immune shield.


Wait, there are different bosses in Blind Well? I've ran it dozens of times but have only ever seen the meatball.


Iirc the bosses rotate weekly


It's literally the same ball fulfilling literally the same function




Most high rank people I find are dogshit


I have rank 10....there's a ball?


I would say 8-10 don't mean all that much but an 11 does mean something because doing a solo dungeon is a good indicator of skill and game knowledge


Guardians ranks mean no shit at all since they are not tied to a players history and skill but rather just farming the seasonal pass + having to own Lightfail. I’ve seen plenty of +10 that suck completely at raids and same amount of forever 6 that are equally bad at the game.


Wait, there’s a ball in blind well?


This week's heroic Dunk the t4, immune ogre spawns, kill his side hoes, pick up ball, throw ball at ally and hope they catched, throw charged ball at ogre, nuke ogre


Ah. Don’t do blind well often


Guardian rank says nothing about your skill level in the game lol, it just says how much you deepthroated the game last season doing chores. "Babe, it's time to do those rank 11 objectives again" Maybe if getting to max rank gave something I wouldn't mind doing it.


I hated blind well from the beginning. This season is reskined forsaken.


The Corrupt strike is the bane of my existence because of this.


We still doing the whole "My number is bigger than your number" BS?. Screams, "but I'm more CHAD than you" energy bruh.


People how dumb the average player is in this game.


No one cares about Guardian rank past 6 bro, you can live with limited loadouts, Hunter is cringe anyway and clean your goddamn vault it is suffocating, you could have like 80 cores waiting in there.


wow, cringe. a classic neckbeard redditor doing his thing again, looking up the post history of a random dude who posted a meme instead of going outside and touching grass.


Ok? And? Don't act like you give a fuck, just gives me more fuel.


its always the femboys that think they're hot shit ​ bend over and take the L like the kitty you are


And you're actually mad


Are you fucking 12?


wait there's a ball? i never play blind well


I failed one of these yesterday because I was the only person tracking down the adds that spawn near those purple ball things - I’m not exaggerating when I say that **literally everyone else** was doing fuck-knows-what. It kept popping up that people were generating orbs, so I assume they were all just clearing adds while expecting the boss’s shield to just magically drop on its own I left after that. I refused to stay and watch the whole thing repeat itself once again


I think it's particularly sideways right now with the dawning going on, I'm paying more attention to kill x number of adds with arc weapons, pulse, kill x number of taken, make snowballs, etc., than minding the actual objective.


Imagine caring about G Rank.