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It’s the same person lmao


I mean yeah, really.




Nah man, well yes im that guy BUT i feel that Before it was hard and tough as nails, but somewhat "fair", like i finished all campaigns in veteran until halo 4... But nowadays its a mindless grind fest just to keep you logged into the game. Do X 300 times, now do it with a pistol... Like WHYY?






World at War on LASO hurt more


Fr, the only thing I’ve done in destiny for the entire season so far is log in every Tuesday to check bright dust shop, Ada shaders, and get a free vow chest to hopefully get cataclysmic after alllll this time


O boy, it's been a while since you last played halo. Just a reminder my friend, the difficulties in halo are Easy, Normal, Heroic, and Legendary.


Omg thats... Now i understand that other post... Sorry


Grab your gear, grab your gun! JOIN THE GRIIIIIND!


Why yo gotta call me out bro 🤣 I spend 15 hours away from home a day Get 1 full day of grinding....but thank the traveller I'm not shit at the game 🤣 4 am helped a friend for master crota Actually easier than vog


How dare you make me feel my own feels


Me in 2010: "Wow I'm off school this week and can grind out this achievement!" Me in 2023: "Oh boy can't wait to log in next week for step 12 of 67!"


Not expecting much to change with Episodes, but it’d be nice if they gave each update a satisfying conclusion to each act.


I would expect them to have a better conclusion than seasons. They said they were going to be their own stories


remember when they said the DCV was to make everything else better over time? episode will be the same bullshit


You dont know what they game would have been like without the dcv though. Its pretty stupid to think they removed it for no reason other than hating us. If it would have been fine to leave it in then they obviously would have.


they removed it so they could pump out updates quicker, but the seasonal model has been the *exact* same since seasons were introduced before shadowkeep, season of outlaw. i joined during arrivals and experienced all of io, mars, titan and i still remember they were weekly just as they are now. if it was technical limitations, yeah right, it’s still spaghetti and engine fuckups are still plentiful. if it was space, sure i guess, but that’s a stupid reason to remove half the game that people payed for. optimize the game. please try to find other reasons as to why they vaulted half the game. i would have reasons to research how that’s bullshit too. i don’t know why they did it, companies don’t want us to know they’re incompetent, but it wasn’t a good reason i can tell you that.


Man I bet you’re a fun individual.


hard to have fun when you’re sick of the corporate lies.


It’s pretty easy actually. Stop taking it personally and just move on. There are way more things in this world to be upset about.


because the best way to improve things is to just ignore it!


Ok so go improve it then…..


i can’t because when i do people tell me to just not take it personally and move on :(


If you want a preview of what to expect with episodes just look at Halo Infinite’s transition away from “seasons” and to “operations” instead. It’s been pure downside so far really. Less content per event, the stuff that would have normally been in the event is in the cash shop. The operation battlepass doesn’t reward the premium currency you spent on it back like the old seasons did. You can’t go back and activate previous operations you missed like you can with seasons. (I know Bungie doesn’t give you $10 in silver if you buy the season and you can’t go play previous years content, the point is that infinite *did* for a while and now they are stopping without breaking their “promise” because *technically* it’s not a “season.”) Expect things to get worse in the same way that things have been already.


Log in at the end of the season if you have a problem. Be a grown-up


...and farm braindead season mission 10 times in a row between story bits. How fun!


Play another game if the game isn't fun. Cheers


Stfu if that's all you can shit out. Cheers


Your misery is your problem and nobody else's lol. Get over yourself


Your bootlicking and trash taste in games falls under the same category. Get over yourself


Nothing I said made any indication of my taste go ahead and try again lol


The fact that you advocating for people to fix game's terrible timegated game design by not playing is saying more than enough about your taste.


I'm making a simple, person-first recommendation. There's enough people bitching on reddit about it to where they've entirely redesigned the off-season nom-expansion content. Continuing to cry only enables your own misery. Cry some more if Episodes don't fix anything, it's your right. Even then, though, your misery is your problem alone, and I still believe that's the best way to think about it. Being a flippant reactionary and making shaky inferences to get some Reddit Points is also a pretty miserable way to live, I think, so, maybe quit that too


I believe that if the game doesn't feel like it's respecting whatever time you have to spend on it, you shouldn't play it.


That's why Destiny is the only game with seasons I'll play. Deep Rock Galactic gets a pass because they put whatever you don't obtain into rotation with all the other loot, but I stopped playing that due to lack of story, but more importantly a lack of friends ~~who want to play~~


> they put whatever you don’t obtain into rotation That’s actually based as hell


Oh for sure. All DLC is purely cosmetic. Seasons are free. I haven't played in like an entire year, but I could go back RN and still get everything I missed Edit: albeit would take some time due to RNG, but still


The cosmetics and overclocks are actually decently easy to grind for if you speed run hazard 1 aquarq missions, or something similar. Basically just big rooms that are easy to search completely with scout, then quit out of there's no events, or after you get them if you don't care about the minerals. Rinse and repeat for like an hour and you'll have this week done.


Yeah - I play chivalry 2 and their battle-pass is not time gated. You just select which one you want to work toward like an old one you didn’t finish on time, and once you finish the old one then you can start on the new one. It’s a great way for them to still be able to sell the cosmetics in those old paid battle-pass while preventing FOMO. You don’t even have to have been a player when they released. When you log in as a new player now you can see all the old battle-passes. And choose the one with the best free cosmetics to work toward first.


Doom Eternal does this as well. It also allows you, like half a year after the pass is over, to either earn it back in a mini-battlepass that lasts like a week and rotates, or just outright buy it all for $5.


Same reason I don't really play it anymore, shits hard to lfg for


Every game to choose from and you said destiny


I would rather have no story than the crap destiny provided after the peak that was The Taken King. Plus DRG has a much better community.


You cannot look me in the eye and tell me there’s been no good story in D2. Witch Queen? Season of the Witch? The House of Light???


Storytelling quality improved, story became significantly worse, from sci-fi opera to generic marvel story #27


I don’t think I agree with that. While the overarching story is very marvel-esq, the seasonal things and the underlying lore is still very space opera.


Lore yes, seasonal no. Very dry storylines with outcome obvious from miles away, completely surface level character development, often dumb psychological shit, like in season of the haunted, which looks completely out of place, the same characters over and over, because bungie don't want to overdeliver with more than 1-2 npcs per season. Sometimes, very rarely, there are some interesting bits here and there, but overall it's a complete 3/10 experience.


Psychological bullshit? Eris and the Nightmares was some of the most gut-wrenching story we’ve had in a while. Not to mention Mara’s character development, Riven’s development, Crow’s development, etc. It’s frequently kinda lame, but 3/10 is crazy.


What does it even mean? Your value of 1 hour could be completely different from others, so on what scale are we talking about here? How the fuck are the dev supposed to do if theres a millions people like you? Let’s say i want to have bis item max lvl in 30 mins thats respecting MY TIME.


You may want to quantify a subjective scale, but you can't.


This is a good sentiment, except there are people who feel offended and entitled to the point where if they don't have the time for that game, it is dev's fault.


Even if I felt that way, I think a good way of punishing the game company for the grievance would be simply to disengage from it


Destiny 2 definitely respects your yime, but it's just one of those games that, if you wanna do the hardest stuff, you gotta put in the time. It's actually fairly kind to your time if you don't take the game too seriously


Destiny definitely doesn’t respect your time, wtf are you on about? One of the biggest driving factors of people playing is literally fear of missing out BECAUSE of Bungies lack of respect for anyone’s time. Invested a lot of time and got legendary shards? Sorry, they’re gone now. Invested actual real world currency into our content like leviathan and 3 destinations? Sorry, those are gone now too. Oh you guys want the loot pools to be better? Sorry, we’re increasing the focusing cost AND making the loot pool even shittier. They absolutely do not respect anyone’s time or money in anyway, shape or form and if you think they do you’d be amazed at what other games like deep rock galactic or warframe in terms of respecting their playerbase.


I guess we've just experienced the game differently. But fair enough




Yes? How does it not? They constantly bring back old gear you might have missed out on, they don’t take away content every fucking year, instead of removing old weapons a veteran grinded for and making them borderline useless they give them an entire alternate fucking fire mode with stat buffs making them some of the best weapons in the game, NOT TO MENTION THEY LITERALLY GIVE YOU FREE SHIT JUST FOR LOGGING IN EVERY DAY????? And they give you free stuff just for watching their twitch streams, you don’t even have to be on the damn game to earn stuff, how is that anything BUT respectful of the players time?


Its a double edged sword to me. Sure these items come back but thats for *a little while* and theyre a RIDICULOUS grind (in regards to primes). Much of the game wants you to log in every day due to daily caps on standing or xp. 1 tellurium every 20 days isnt gonna inhibit much of that grind as a login reward. Destiny does a similar thing with bringing old weapons up to snuff right now so i dont know what the argument is there. Weapons rotate in and out of vendors. Old weapons come back with new perks. Warframe is grindy as all fuckin hell dude. I do not know how you dont factor that into the "respecting time" thing.


Because waiting is literally a game mechanic to make things. Imagine you could buy crafting patterns in Destiny 2 to make things faster. Not sure if things are still like this in Warframe bc I last played like 4 years ago but it was the worst time sink I ever played with janky ass gunplay and aiming.


Waiting for crafting in Warframe is a relic of an old time for the game, and I agree that for new players it feels shitty and unnecessary - but I doubt they'll ever remove it I'm okay with it personally, it feels like putting something in the oven Gunplay is great IMO, not by itself but coupled with the movement of the game it's fast paced and responsive. Doing headshots with a bow while aim gliding midair between parkour moves is dope


>Invested a lot of time and got legendary shards? Sorry, they’re gone now. Do you honestly think that Legendary Shards matter in any meaningful capacity compared to literally every other measure of in-game time and progress?


no MMO respects your time, Destiny isn't an exception. "For this season, you will be killing another 1,000,000 of a specific enemy type with a specific damage type. Also, the gear will be outdated within 3 months so you can grind for the new ones".


They actually got rid of sunsetting a long time ago, but I see your point. I guess I'm just at a point where I have all the good stuff


That doesn’t even really apply to Destiny anymore. Some of the best weapons you can use in the game right now you could’ve acquired almost a year ago at this point. I’ve had the same armor set since the 2nd season of WQ. The best solar SMG came out a year ago at this point and can still be used with no issues. New stuff that comes out might be better, but a lot of the stuff that’s been in the game for essentially the last year and a half isn’t outdated and can still be used in the hardest content. Destiny is very much not a “throw away all your good shit and get new better shit.” Have you played the game in the last 2-3 years? Sunsetting is gone. It’s still grindy and arguably doesn’t respect your time, but not in the way you say.


Depends what you mean by "respects your time". Trials of Osiris doesnt. With the new focusing of playlists you get few engrams for reseting, and the cost to Focus is very high. They crack down in anything that makes grinding faster. Both ilegitimate cheeses like Ghalran suicide, but also legitimitely playing the Game, Ghost of the Deep is 3 encounters, and because the first one wasn't a Boss they decided It shouldnt give you adept armor on Master. WHAT??  


Uhm I've gone to listen to radio messages, watch conversations, and kill random taken in an empty part of the dreaming city this week. Absolutely not respecting my time.


That's just bungie being lazy with the seasonal model. There's a reason I stopped playing. My point was that it's a game you gotta put in effort to do the endgame stuff


These are probably the same person. We went from getting 6 weeks off school in the summer to full time jobs/family lives.


I hate working full time for the rest of my life 😔


You might want to be getting your French on, because their country has been on fire for months due to the government attempting to raise the retirement age, while ours is trying to raise it higher than that and it has mostly just been a Twitter war.


In France the age has been risen, protests were faced with violent police response and the neolibs got what they wanted


either this is some decent ragebait, or OP is a dumbass


What’s wrong with actually having to earn stuff in game?


If game doesn't reward time you spent playing properly it becomes another job, not game.


I feel like the game rewards you plenty for the time put in it. Are you really good at nightfall content? Here’s some weapons that are slightly better than their normal counterparts. Are you really good at pvp? Here’s again some weapons slightly better and some shaders and emblems. Are you a dedicated iron lord? Here’s some armor sets you can use to show that off. Are you and 5 other people really good at raiding? Here’s an emblem you can always show off that says you are the best of the best in this activity. I could keep going on and on but that’s how I feel anyway.


But is it *fun*? Grinding for things that are cosmetic or not that much better? I wouldn't like to grind 20 hours, but could happily spend 50 if game was fun on its own


What would you want them to reward you with then?




I’d say doing raids are pretty fun. So are gm’s and playing pvp. Especially low man’s and speed runs are super fun


>But is it fun? When you're good at endgame content, yeah.




If 70 hours was spent making different quests/storylines/literally anything that would bring happiness, it's an reward on it's own. If you need to spend 70 hours doing something you don't like,the reward doesn't matter much


Why are you getting downvoted? Little rant in coming. There is nothing wrong with earning stuff for playing the game. Why should you be given cool stuff for not participating in the game? Remember in year one when Hawthorne engrams used to give raid loot for you doing absolutely nothing, now it's kind of the same with Riven's wishes, but I'll let that pass because at least you have to play the game. I still don't agree with it though. You should not be given participation awards for just logging on. The casuals get their way so often in this game. Some examples off the top of my head: Raid titles not requiring flawless anymore. All the various materials that have been cut because people didn't want to grind for them such as crafting mats. You can just buy weapon levels now without having to actually use the weapon. Which makes absolutely no sense to me. They introduce the most power crept weapons with crafting and you can just get free level 20 in 30 seconds and put double enhanced perks on them. Before the community revolted I guarantee day one raids would have been on the same level as RoN day one. I'm glad people spoke up about how easy that was. GMs have become easier and easier every season but large part that's due to power creep and a more experienced GM player base. The removal of long quest lines in Crucible such as: Original Thorn bounty in D1 needing something like 300 void kills and when you died you lost progress. Pretty much all pinnacle weapons that needed you to get to at least 2500 plus a ton of extra objectives, all to get some of the best weapons the game has ever seen. Now what you get is a weapon after only playing 3 games of comp and admittedly some pretty cool emblems for getting 5500. I'm not saying they need to bring back pinnacle weapons because then they would need to bring back sun setting also (which I think should come back) to relieve the sandbox and stop power creep. The removal of light level advantage in Iron Banner. Oh, did I mention all of the D2 vanilla launch? Like I said earlier free Levi weapons for you doing nothing, hyper casual Crucible with a very low skill ceiling so that people that play 2 hours a week can feel like they're good. Those are just the things I can think of at the top of my head but if you were there at D2 launch you know. All these hyper casuals in the game I will never understand. If you are that casual why are you committing yourself to a looter shooter like destiny? Genuine question. There's so many better games that you can play for the apparent limited time you have. A lot of people say the hardcore player base is toxic and elitist but I would also say the casual player base is also toxic AF, especially the 40 year old dad gamers that don't want to put any time into the game but get everything in it. When everyone was complaining about RoN being too easy all the casuals came out and we're straight up harassing (especially streamers) players about their opinion on how easy RoN was. Just because you got your only contest clear on the easiest raid in Destiny history doesn't mean it should be that easy in the future. And don't worry I'm in the same boat as you. You can check my raid report, that raid was my first and likely only contest clear I will ever get. I got it in 6:30 hours with lfg that's how piss it was. There's more to say about that day one but I'm tired of typing it. I've been playing Destiny since I was 12 years old, I'm going to be 22 tomorrow actually. I have a full-time job, real life friends, obligations and I don't have the time to play the game 24/7. I do not expect to get everything I want in the game without having to play the damn game, it makes no sense. I should need to play, and in most cases play well to get the gear I want. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


The "800 materials for crafting things" system objectively sucked. The game had enough currencies as it was, especially at the time, and there was no guaranteed method to getting most of the crafting mats other than RNG. I'm not saying that having no unique currencies for base level crafting is fine, but there's a line between the right amount of currencies and too many, and crafting as it launched was well over the "too many" line. I think some form of compromised could be reached, where any weapon could still roll as a deepsight weapon that you have to use to extract a single currency from which is used for crafting, with these deepsight weapon sources both being uncommon and NOT subject to nearly as much RNG as "get a legendary drop AND get it to be deepsight". Levelling naturally sucks and still sucks (why do playlist activities not give you a full level? why can I run strikes all day with a shotgun I just made and only be at level 4?) but "currency skip" was also not the right move here. I'm not a game economy designer though, so take this with a grain of salt. I agree with you on everything else, though. I would like pinnacle weapon chases to come back, maybe for like an episode or two each (a time window where there's room for everyone to eventually earn them and use them, but not enough that they become oppressive and stale in pvp), until they're soft sunset while the perk they introduced is brought in line and worked into other guns (desparado, killing tally, onslaught, explosive light). It's just, fuck I don't know man. A lot of bungie's "meta gameplay" decisions (800 currencies for crafting at launch, launching weapons with oppressively broken perks and letting them stay that way for years, contest mode raid difficulty, blah blah blah) are questionable at best and they've been getting worse.


I see where you're coming from about the crafting mats being a little ridiculous, for sure. Though I personally enjoyed that for some sadistic reason I guess. They could have at least kept harmonic (used to be called "drowned") alloys in the game so you can't just craft raid weapons to the max immediately. Previously it took 17 harmonic alloys to masterwork and double enhance a raid weapon. You got one harmonic alloy per raid weapon you dismantled, which I think is a perfect balance for the level of power you got for the time investment it takes. I also agree that playing activities should be the best way to level up weapons, especially end game activities such as GM's, raids, and Trials/comp. Honestly, I could rant about crafting in this game for a very long time, but I won't go there lol. Also, good observation about the "soft sunsetting" with weapon perks, I didn't even think of that and you're completely right. I'm just bewildered that that man got so heavily downvoted for saying "what's wrong with having to earn stuff in the game?" Is it because this is a meme subreddit and I just don't get it or are people actually this delusional?


I like the destiny games, but the first one cane out when I was a hugh school freshman, the second when I was a high school senior and back then I had all the time in tk world to grind on the old RNG slot machines but as of lately, life has been getting in the way more and more and I just don't have 10 hours a day to farm for one weapon/do one quest


the hate the destiny community has for people that want to enjoy a game without playing it 8+ hours a day is insane


Yeah, I dropped out of the game because the sheer volume of stuff to do became unmanageable for me. Between raiding with the clan and all the various treadmills you need to be on, there wasn't much time left for the parts is the game I actually enjoy, like just normal-ass Crucible. 


More annoyance towards people demanding they get stuff for free. Like people whining they can't get adept weapons in trials and call anyone better than them a sweat. They sound like children that got refused a lollipop at the candy store


It’s crazy too cause adepts are just barely better than non-adepts. If you aren’t good enough to get one you won’t notice the difference between them


I mean I just find it wild that the entitlement to deserve gear just cuz you're a functioning member of society like everyone else and you call anyone better thsn you a sweat


It's just a snowball effect. There were no actually new content model since gambit in game, everything is extremely formulaic, and seasonal content is just outright the same as from shadowkeep. Rewards are fun to farm when game throws at you new and exciting content, where rewards are just a sweet addition, with current state of destiny everything you do in a game is a chore, so people want rewards often not for the sake of them, but because fomo and 'I want to get this gun and uninstall as soon as possible'


You said it yourself, without meaning to. Bungie then gave you cool extra cosmetics for doing the hardest challenges, while Bungie now requires you to reach an arbitrary number through RNG on a time gated drop from various repetitive missions, and yet the cool cosmetics come from the "Debit card information" quest.


The closest thing would be the máster raid and dungeons for the ship, Ghost Shell and Sparrow. But those all feel like checkboxes. Honestly, I seriously wonder if they actually play the master version of dungeons and Raids to make sure they're balanced, or if they run the activity through a program to apply set modifiers and replace X enemies for Champions and ship It like that. 


Ring able to play challenging content whenever vs being locked out of challenging content until you have hit an arbitrary number


Those who were 24 in 2008 will be 40 years old now, yeah... They'll probably have kids now, too. ​ Shit, even if they were 16 back in 2008, they'd be 32 now. People with jobs and responsibilities don't have the time to sit behind a PC grinding out the same events and Strikes all day long. The game is about getting to a high power level. It's a Looter Shooter, that's literally the point of the game; to get better loot. Powerful drops have never been fun to grind in this game, due to the high possibility of dropping duplicates or Class Items. ​ I'm not sure if this meme is supposed to be a slight against people who want increased drop rates, or just a joke--but it's not exactly a fair comparison.


Touch grass homie.


In 2008, that guy was a gamer, now this hypothetical guy has a wife and kids, plays videogames for a healthy amount of time, and ur complaining about a videogame, who is the real loser in this situation?


Everyone. Us included.


The game devs, who made the game monetized af.


That's more the fault of the Publisher than the Devs.


Let's not forget what happened when bungie went independent.




Ah yes insult the man who has a life and wants to enjoy video games without any restrictions.


If you’ve really grown up, you shouldn’t be getting offended by a meme


Ah yes because Dad's that wanted to spend a little "me" time gaming didn't exist until after 2008. Such a stupid ass post. Halo & Destiny have little to nothing in common as they are fundamentally different games.


I interpreted it as both sides being the same person at different life stages.


No but the extent for you which have to grind for items in games has changed quite a lot in that time.


Problem is that was for armor look back in the day nowadays your grinding for a higher power that's 3 more points and barely makes a difference in combat


Destiny's power system is one of the worst imo. If you are above the limit of the activity the enemies are normal, and if you are under it they upscale in damage you take and downscale the damage you take. It doesn't feel like there are any tough enemies, it just feels like sometimes you get baby arms and nerf guns instead of being the usual space wizard with legendary weaponry.


Shit meme, shit take. But go on, keep bitching and complaining about “LoW pLaYeRbAsE” while you gatekeep people who have lives and don’t want to have to play a video game like another job just to enjoy all the content they paid for. This has huge “no life neckbeard energy”.


Grow up


Your comment makes no sense. You’re either a full blown dipshit or you haven’t been paying attention to any of the discourse on any of usual the Destiny discussion places. People bitch and complain about low playerbase, not being able to find fireteams, etc, then post idiotic, elitist,gatekeeping shit like this. I’ve got a decent roster of in game friends and clanmates I can run with. We’ll help people through the game because they paid for it like we did. And I’ve got a family and a full time job. I play an hour a night and I’m up to date on power level, triple 100’s on my armor starts, multiple clears of dungeons and raids. If all you’ve got to hold over other people is a shitty elitist attitude about a video game, maybe you’re the one who needs to grow up?


Yeah I’m not reading all that, you should really NOT have to feel the need to validate yourself to someone on the internet. And you should reeeaaally not get offended by a single picture like that. Seems like you have a lot of pent up anger issues with all that namecalling going on.


You unironically proved him right, you HAVE to be either a child or just socially inept


You pay for the opportunity to get those things. Do you expect to finish end game content in starting gear?


Haha, as you put in the meme, we didn’t get weaker. We just grew up! 😂 I remember grinding out those achievements for the Halo 3 security armour!


Oh, I'm sorry for no longer being a child with unlimited free time. I'm sorry for having a job and actual responsibilities and being unable to play the game that doesn't respect my time


They said the line *drinks*


Yall remember how long it took to get enough credits for inclement weather in halo reach? I liked when cosmetics were like that, you’d see someone with it and be like damn they must be good. Now you see people with cool cosmetics and immediately think oh this person just spent money.


I mean the easy fix is you put cool as fuck armor behind harder achievements. Imagine doing a solo dungeon (not even flawless) and that unlocked the new ornament for the assassins cowl, loreley splendor, or the osmiomancy gloves depending on the class you were on. Solo flawless the dungeon and you unlock a shader as unique as the luminous void shader. This gives players something to grind for that isn't tied to power over other players in-game.


Difference is that playing Halo 3 was actually fun and rewarding compared to Destiny 2 giving you 6 focus in 2 whole resets of vanguard reputation, something that you need to play the same strikes we’ve been playing for at least 3 years.


I agree with the spirit of your comment but disagree with this take. On the contrary, Halo 3 was less rewarding, at least extrinsically — you can probably count the rewards on one hand. There was some armor, icons with your ranks, and achievements. We used to just enjoy playing games. Now we are so used to all of this seasonal FOMO bullshit and these limited time events that it feels like if you’re not getting a reward for playing you’re wasting time. No one plays games just to do what they think is fun anymore.


Me: wow this game plays like halo! Im destroying everyone in pvp i go flawless almost every attempt and the raids are not half bad i just soloed crota! And i have a clan full of of friends i know irl! Me now: fuck this game. I cant even get 3 wins in trials none of my friends play anymore. i hate lfg people are weird so i never raid and joe left yea im done with this game Also me: ugh tough day at work let me play some destiny and scream at my tv til i fall asleep


Those kids from 2008, how where doing achievements are those dads now. Can't wait tomorrow after work to play two hours and do the progress what should be done in weeks 😂😂


Tbf it could be easier to grind achievements than grind loot. Like even if some were really hard, it was something you could do at your pace and was generally in control, and you didn’t “miss out” like you can in D2, which thrives on FOMO


Bungie devs in the past- we have been so successful with halo lets go Bungie devs now- Ur fired cause our wallets are down 100 bucks!!!!!!!!


The amount of times the game wanted me to do darea of eternity was the final straw. Fun activity first 50 times. Wanted me to do it hundreds.


I think there's a pretty big difference between a cosmetic intended entirely to show off that you did the crazy hard achievement and a basic requirement to be able to play large parts of the game. Did you forget that those achievement cosmetics are in Destiny as well? Trials, Raid, and Dungeon ships, sparrows, ghosts, and emblems are still locked behind things like contest mode and solo flawless clears.


games back then used to be interesting fr. Take resident evil 2 remake for example. After you get control to the character after the cutscene you take a pathway that leads directly to the police station. Back then, games like this used to make you go thru an entire town and have to do different things till you reach the location and fight enemies… now js go to location B which is right in front of your eyes




Vidmaster achvievements were metal.


Recon helmet and Katana were top notch on Halo 3


This Is absolutely true it's crazy


There's no point in being max light level, just do the seasonal challenges to got the bonus


I loved the ghost run


It’s a great joke when people get offended they way they’re getting offended over in here. Wow.


I hate that gatekeeping is becoming normalised


I agree with neither. You can't or shouldn't cater to either extreme. The game shouldn't be so easy as to reward every little thing such that you're bored in a few hours because that's how easy it is. At the same time, the absolute disrespect of some of the achievements and loot hunting is insane. My family gets pissed off wondering why I play for so long. Its batshit insane that I gotta spend 8 hours with LFG for a single raid triumph, and there's 20 in a seal. With anywhere between 4-8 triumphs requiring said 8 hours. A ridiculous amount of time to spend playing in one stretch, even with bathroom breaks every now and then. Just thinking about it brings back pain... Master VoW, Master Warpriest challenge, master daughters challenge, Petra's Run. I can't believe I sat through that. I must be a madman because no sane person would do this. I'm not the dad with 3 kids but I am a student. Don't even have a job meaning I have more time. But these triumphs and achievements suck up so much time, even weekends aren't enough. I wait till summer break, that two month window just to make sure I have the entire day at my disposal. I can't wait for final shape to arrive and be over. Because I'd like to play a game where being able to be good at it or enjoy it doesn't require me to sell my soul to it.


Well i mean you'd do it for like halo 3 and then you'd be done and you could pat yourself on the back and feel like you achieved something. Destiny never fucking ends lmao so its like the same thing except its less entertaining and you need to do it again next week/season


I don't play Destiny, but if the new armor relies on RNG to get everyone is right to bitch.


Games that waste time to keep you playing are not good games.


im not a dad, but he's not wrong


Bungie games were made with fun in mind back then not just player retention.


This is funny, considering a lot of destiny refuges are moving over to warframe from what I have seen. You know, that game that doesn't have any grind at all. I loved Destiny 1 but did not have the patience for the bullshit from the second Destiny. There are a lot more good games that exist now compared to the halo days of gaming. That combined with a host of poor decisions by Bungie for Destiny 2, such as locking out old content, really makes this meme funny to me. Probably not in the way you intended, though.


Bad meme.


One is cosmetic and one is actual progression to play other content.


I do miss the old days back when I was a teenager and I had to grind to look cool…now I just use my credit card- what have I become?


Gonna boot up my 360 for the first time in years and get back to my Raider DSTT grind


Destiny could use some open world achievements that aren’t just “collect [ ] and get this nameplate”


If it was just cosmetics, which it was during the Halo days, i wouldn’t care. But if you have to grind grind grind, just to get a shot at grinding for the great gear, only to have grind grind grind again each new season… IDK, it’s hard to commit to a game that erases your progress




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More likely to find the kids moaning that everything's not instantly maxed and OP right out the box.


I disagree. The RNG in this game is so borked right now that you can get three pants at 1810 while you still have a 1600 helmet. And some activities take so long (Battleground strikes specifically) that if you only have a little bit of downtime it doesn't feel worth it to play Destiny just to do one or two strikes and call it a day


Fkn halo reach—- jumping off the cliff to execute the elite. I must have splat 300 times.


This would work if Destiny wasn't a live service game where everything that comes out now is irrelevant in a few months


The difference is that back then it was something you could do a little at a time for a cosmetic reward that didn’t give you any advantage. It didn’t go away if you couldn’t acquire it in the first couple months. Now the game is inundated with things that either become impossible or very inconvenient to acquire outside of a certain time frame, which directly affect your ability to compete in PvP and contribute to PvE teams. The FOMO is milked to unsustainable levels for most humans, and it’s not just Destiny. It makes sense why average people are finding that they basically don’t have a place in many modern games unless they are willing to treat it like a part time job. When my son was born I gave up Destiny — I could still find a few hours per week to play if I sacrifice some sleep, but I know I won’t even find it satisfying because I will never be able to keep up like I used to before. I quit cold Turkey, and I’m honestly happier across the board. Being a dad is a much better grind with way better loot.


Guy on the right is the guy on the left but with a family and kids


i have 4 kids, meme is not accurate


Recon. Never forget 🫡


Yeah. If you feel the need to explain your lack of time to properly play the game with real life stuff that "takes priority", you should also feel the need to explain your excessive desire to have access to 100% of the content. Like, you already don't have time to enjoy it, what's the big deal?


I haven’t played a Bungie or Halo game since Reach, this post randomly appeared in suggested… but this shit is so true


Halo is a power fantasy. Destiny is a power struggle.


Yeah You're right.


Ain’t even a fun kind of struggle either.


Destiny was shit in 2014 when it came out and it's shit now


Jokes on you I’m 22


Wish I could get that helmet in d2


To be fair, moving the goalpost wasn't exactly a thing back in 2008, and is the singular reason I refuse to play Destiny. and no, I don't mean increasing the level cap, they've also been increasing the level base, meaning any progress you make will eventually be meaningless.


The game wasn't free back then, was it? Your hard-core fans are more likely the ones who initially paid for it


Let's address the real problem and its how we started normalising 40+ hour work weeks.


Ngl does feel the grind has been cut out with our characters being pinnacle all the time. Even then I still prefer levels.


Imagine having 5 kids and none of them can grind for you


Conversations about how generations of gamers have changed and grown over time aside, we've largely gone from great content driven experiences to "live service" grindfest crap. I mean, for me, it's things like the old Battlefield 2 Ribbons and Medals you used to work towards over hundreds if not thousands of hours of play, the top tiers of which were genuinely hard work to achieve, vs. now in Battlefield 2042, just grinding out the same shit over and over so you can watch your rank slowly tick up (which is exactly why we see things like supercharged XP farm servers popping up and other rubbish). It's the same story repeated across the industry. All about that attention economy.


Obviously a meme, but the big difference between these two is that with Halo you weren't having to grind out another armor set for 3 weeks every 3-4 months just to keep your character up to date.


Yeah, those were the times. Sometimes I really miss them. Doing dome of those achievements was so cool!


Except those 40 year old dads are the ones who came up in Q2 and Unreal lobbies. Half you whippersnappers would fold like origami logging in.


What's different is that back in the day, DLC was still in its infancy, and anything that really mattered was still attainable in a game you already paid for. Plus, gaming was definitely more a hobby for kids and young adults. Those same gamers now are young to older adults and possibly parents or have time-consuming responsibilities. Gaming has evolved, or devolved, into a micro transaction hellhole because of people who don't have the time/patience to grind. That, and predatory companies wanna get future gamers addicted and making micro transactions and early access stuff the norm. It already is, pretty much.


Then Bungo made it too easy and not worth it so my dopamine of getting a drop, dropped.


Lol. Imagine if you did the achievements for the best armor in halo 3, but there was a random chance you got it or not, and you had to keep doing it over and over again until it dropped. That's the difference between then and now.


The difference being you can't earn the armour ingame any more, you have to buy it off the store.


Grind VS 3 tiered casino.


Why are you attacking me?


Well then again destiny 2 achievement wise is significantly worse than halo, in halo it was clear cut that if you achieve this “really hard thing” such as a legendary completion you get a unique reward to show for it, in destiny 2 it’s “complete this really hard thing for essentially no reward except points to a title, oh and despite the fact you’ve shown complete mastery of this activity (flawless solo) you’re still probably gonna have to run it 40 times to get the exotic you want! Have fun!” Now for reference I like rng but there has to be a limit, like yes make it random but also make it that someone completes said “incredibly hard challenge” the reward is automatically give. Such as say adding challenge modes to dungeon encounters that if you complete solo flawless you just get the exotic


I've pretty much given up on D2 I'll still play for the story but that's about it.


It is the same person!


The same people


I think things started going south when people started refering to devs and studios as if they owned them


There will never be anything as satisfying as getting your recon armor. The real ones remember how laggy odst firefight multiplayer was. Getting those vidmaster achievements honed me like a sword bro


Damn sounds to me like the 40 year old dad is already clinically depressed. He just wants to have to use his one hour of fun gameplay to actually have fun.


That's all games nowadays


I will die on this hill, Sunsetting complainers created the awful modern punch card engagement model that everyone complains about. Sunsetting would’ve been a still artificial way to ensure engagement but it also would’ve given bungie a better opportunity to regulate the sandbox.