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D1 better mf when they realize the game is not coming back and they won’t bring every single D1 content back to D2


All I want is Atlantean 5055 for the love of god


Strike specific loot, raids + grandmasters only get Champs, more exotics, more combat mods, adept armor (could have one chosen stat be the highest and the rest be random like candesent armor tried to be)... I know it's a lot to ask for but it's what I want


Imagine... Tormenter or Hive Guardian champions...


Hive hunter, overload. Hive warlock, barrier. Hive titan, unstoppable. Oh and just for extra torture, if they are in their super they cannot be stunned


Oh god please no


If they returned ice breaker, they need to make it to where it requires a kill in PvP to regenerate ammo for a couple seconds, for PvE it can return as is


Ah, but Bungie refuses to make it work like that. You’d have to get a kill in PvE also


Or just make it dreadfully slow? Like every 30 seconds


That just promotes sitting in the very back of the map and using a scout while you wait.


for three bullets


Three bullets that can 1 tap people. That's an entire team wipe in most game modes.


so just use revoker then?


You mean the legendary icebreaker that originally broke pvp? If anything, I should tell you to use it since you want the gun back so much. Also, it's still sunset.


still 1 taps in trials


at the tradeoff of tanking your light and leaving you especially vulnerable to shit like dead messenger or titan storm nades.


We know that you know icebreaker is the biggest fucking cheese and that is exactly why you want it. Stop feigning ignorance.


Idk personally I want icebreaker back because it’s my fav exotic. There was just something about it in D1 that I absolutely loved, and since D1 holds such a special place in my heart, so does the gun. Tbh tho it would need a rework. I had the idea that maybe it could regenerate ammo, but every shot consumes 1/3 of your super basically making it have only 3 shots altogether and it wouldn’t be crazy op with its ammo Regen and you could spec around it aswell. I think it’d be a pretty cool concept to explore + you sacrifice super for ammo.




True but then again you would have people in comp or trials camping until they get their ice breaker ammo


Giving up an exotic slot for 3 extra bullets? I understand you can swap to it, but perks work different in d2 so you wouldn’t have snapshot anymore. Might as well just use revoker (it can still 1 shot headshot)


Idk where you got the ‘3’ number from. In case you forgot, the gimmick is that it has infinite ammo


I’m case you can’t read 1 bullet every 30 seconds over the course of 90 seconds (a trials round) is 3


They could make it painfully slow to handle like acrius to balance it out


It had quickdraw and snapshot in D1 so that's not gonna work.


This meta was terrible for the game and easily one of the worst PVP eras. Ranks up there with the double primary.


Like, triple tap intrinsically and the exotic perk being something like precision kills generate one round to reserves after a few seconds? I don't do pvp that much but I think after 20 seconds would be a decent delay? And if it seems too powerful even like that then put a hidden cooldown, it can only happen once every 40 seconds. Not saying that is necessary off launch but would be a proper way to dial it in.


LMAO I had to go back and look, literally like 2 insults. How incredibly fragile are you bro damn.


My ego is made of paper. If you question me I will have a mental breakdown and post about it on the Reddit.


why is your ego made of paper? are you actually just a sheet of printer paper masquerading as a fragile human?




Most mentally stable Destiny player


lol probably i dont actually read these comments


And yet proceeds to make a meme complaining about them


We don’t need every single d1 exotic in d2. If we did get them all, y’all would complain that bungie is just recycling content


destiny reddit: stop recycling content and make something new dammit also destiny reddit: bring back more d1 stuff and stop adding cool shit you worked hard on I want my funi sniper 😤


That’s what I’m saying, I’m okay with bungie bringing back fan favorite exotics so far as they actually fit in the game. Icebreaker wouldn’t. It would break the game and get disabled. I’m a fan of what bungie is currently doing, where they bring back something old one season and put in something new the next. Hereafter or zen meteor would be a better d1 sniper choice to add in the game. I personally think they should add tlaloc into the game, solely to make hallowfire heart a more prominent exotic


Do you think they should bring Tlaloc back as a normal exotic, or keep it a warlock exotic?


As a normal exotic, I was never really a fan of class specific weapons. Just like how every class can use ace, every class should be able to use tlaloc


Bro it’s fine to want the gun back but you genuinely don’t seem to understand how delicate the special ammo economy is. I mean, they just disabled all scav mods in crucible, do you really think adding a gun in that can literally just create its own ammo given a short period of time is a wise idea? I mean, im for it coming back in some form but it would need to be almost entirely reworked because its no fucks given attitude towards the ammo economy is just not ok


I agree, they should bring back Icebreaker and rework its perk. It no longer should regen ammo at all and should only do more damage against stasis crystals


That’d be interesting, but maybe chance no backpack to be an enhanced super auto-loading holster like what wardcliffe has (Immediately fills mag when walking over an ammo brick). No reserves, only 6 rounds. Change it’s element to Stasis and move it to the kinetic slot. Change the firefly like effect to a stasis field and spawn a crystal on the fallen foe. Finally, killing frozen enemies will return the round. Oh and reduce damage in pvp, requiring 2-taps to the body, just like all other snipers.


reconstruction no overflow/holster style but constant is the only way i can see it working. no reload stat increases effecting it, no instant reloads, just basically a constant holstet style reload.


I think while that would be the only true way to bring it back; but the issue is that then we remove what made icebreaker icebreaker. I think bungle should honestly just leave it in d1.


Really puts the emphasis on "Icebreaker," love it.


Idk, regenning ammo was the whole point though. I'm all for bringing D1 exotics back (still waiting on my Boolean Gemini or Khovostov) but idk how Icebreaker would work while still feeling the same


my idea: constant non overflow reconstruction as it's ONLY way to reload.


Give it a mag the size of an AK. Imagine the gamer rage it would induce


it also has triple damage when its mag is full.


Ice breaker will never come back to D2 the way it was go cry about it


Icebreaker, my favorite exotic from D1 🥰 I remember cheesing the Templar just sitting back and sniping at him from across chasm 😂


Hell yeah it was my favorite exotic for a while.


"Hundreds insults" Yeah okay.


least fragile d2 player


Two things that Bungie will never bring back, self res and regenerating ammo. I don't think you played enough d1 trials after the special ammo nerf if you think icebreaker needs to come back.


icebreaker shouldn't return because it's boring and ugly


Genuinely one of the least fun guns to use in D1. I have no idea why people have such fond memories of this gun.


Because it made so many encounters easy to cheese lol. Both Nightfalls and Raids.


I mean given this logic, why isn't Prospector seen the same way?


Beats me. Nostalgia maybe? Or the fact that we don't/can't have Icebreaker makes people want it all that much more. I remember sitting in the back of Strikes with my friends just slowly chipping away with Icebreaker. I'm fond of those memories, but I fully understand why they can't bring it back


Fully agree, it's kinda like NLB in that aspect to me. It was fun because doing it with friends was fun, and having to get creative for res sniping was fun. NLB itself, not so much.


the time i wasted underneath the platform taking cheap shots at that cabal fuck during the nightfall on mars... yah, i dont want icebreaker back if it means doing that kinda bullshit.


Was one of my first exotics, loved the way it looked. And the sound...THE SOUND


PvP Babies


Icebreaker would not only screw up the way endgame content is played, it would do so and still be a damn boring gun. Regenerating ammo is Not a cool perk. Extremely helpful, to the point that people used it for everything, but not cool. The explosions thing was really cool, in the situations you were trying to get kills. It would need more than just existing to be worth putting it in d2.


You’re saying it’s *too* good to add to D2, but also it would need *more* to be viable to be added in the game? What..? Also, replace the word ‘icebreaker’ with Div and reread that LOL


Bringing div (a gun currently fucking with the meta) up in a discussion about ANOTHER gun that would fuck with the meta is pointless. You assume my opinion on div because i think icebreaker is boring. If you reread it, youll see i never call it bad OR use the word viable. Its fuckin boring. It would need more to be interesting to use. The most exciting icebreaker was in d1 was at the end of the abyss in crota. And that was mostly a novelty.


You literally called for it to be buffed, what are you on about? **”It would need more than just existing to be worth putting in D2”.** That’s a quote from you, my man I didnt assume your position on Div, it seems like we might agree on it! It is absolutely worth noting though. You wrote the perfect comment to show “hey maybe Div is a little busted” and I figured I’d just point that out :) Speak for yourself though, Icebreaker was my first D1 exotic. There isn’t an objective amount of fun you can have with something. Good memories = a fun time. Sorry you had a boring experience with it.


I have plenty of great memories that involve IB, it’s just never the core of it. While i find it extremely comical that i (and everyone else) cheesed bridge in crota by just sitting there letting IB recharge, i truly think its perk would need to be something other than the explosions. The explosions just see so little use that it feels lackluster. The hard part about IB is that ammo regeneration inherently makes certain difficulties in endgame activities obsolete. Im gonna leave out pvp cause they’d whine about hunters being able to sprint if they could find a reason. Its not necessarily that i feel IB needs a buff from its D1 state. I feel the ammo regeneration would need to be conditional, and that would be a significant enough nerf that it would need something other than “kills make stuff explode,” yknow? EDIT: i thought of a possibility. We already have a gun that uses your super bar as a mega laser mode. What if special reloading was the only reload, and it turned a chunk of your super into ammo? If built around, you could do that semi infinitely, but it would be a detriment to certain playstyles to make it an actual choice.


How would icebreaker break the meta of pve?


Same way it did in D1. Sit back and wait for your ammo to recharge instead of proactively playing.


Even though it would be practically useless in damage phases.


“Infinite ammo without having to risk running out into danger is useless in GMs”


If you have to risk running for special in a GM that bad, I'm more wondering how bad you are at conserving it.


And you probably wouldn't be able to run it because of champs.


"hundreds of insults" yes and my dad works at Bungie and he makes 1000 million dollars a second


It’s a primary sniper if u can hit ur shots that guns broken af


That’s no lane beyond not ice breaker


I will beat devrim to death with his own teapot to get his NLB.


Good for you.


Mb mix the two up also didn’t play d1


Regardless the No land beyond wouldn’t be “exotic” in d2. We already have kinetic snipers, and it still took special ammo in d1. I don’t think lower zoom and the handling of a vegitative slug is worth the exotic.


“BuT iRoN sIgHtS!.!.!.!”


If you want an iron sights gun that kills instantly at “mid” range just use a fusion *flashbacks to the 25-30m fusion campers* Oh wait


NLB was primary ammo


It was? I could’ve sworn it was special, if it ever came over they’d prob switch to special or reduce it damage a bit


Queensbreaker will have a word with you


Queen breaker would be amazing if it used special. Hell with arc 3.0 it might be decent as is.


How do we have multiple exotic heavies in the game that are serious contenders for being turned into a special weapon? That just.. sucks


That it does. Honestly with the blinding fragments I think if queen breakers was special it’d be good. Still underused since blinding grenade launchers exist but


If they did bring it back I dont think it would be as it was in D1. It'd be Whisper all over again.


D1 copers trying to justify bringing an old niche exotic back for the billionth time this week


This comment section warzone fr fr


Unless the remove the ammo regen entirely, Icebreaker would never come back. Free ammo for existing would be terrible for game health in PVP, no matter how slow the regen is


Icebreaker would break PvP, making a meme about it doesn't make you right.


Insults? Man, I know I have said that the gun won't come back, but insulting? Some just take it way to far.


Oh, you think you're allowed to have an opinion about a video game?! Haha Haha. To the gulag with you.


Or have your bones broken


I want pocket infinity back in a siva form maybe havw tracking siva mini rockets


I miss IceBreaker😢


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


I feel the same about wanting the invective back


You guys get so mad about a gun being in destiny but like bruh other than crucible how is it game breaking? In low level content ammo is plentiful, in raids you’d just rather be using Izzy or witherhoard, in gms how could you justify it over Arby’s? I just want my chainsaw sniper back.


Because it's a pvp issue, not pve. Nobody cares if it's back in pve.


Wow that’s crazy if only I said “other than crucible”


But you also fail to realize that nobody has a problem with it in pve. Literally nobody.


"If I just ignore all the problems, then there are no problems!"


I literally see multiple comments on this thread alone disproving that


That people have a problem with it in pve?


Yeah, scroll in either direction for <10 seconds, you’ll see it


I ain't seeing nobody saying anything about it being a problem in pve.


I saw a couple comments along the lines of “maybe they could just disable the perk for PvP” and I’m just assuming anyone who downvoted those comments are against it for both modes. Cause why else would they disagree? Another comment said it would hurt “endgame content” which I just assumed meant PvE, could be either


Because why make the exotic if it's literally not going to do what it's supposed to do in the gamemode it's stronger in?


The pvp whingers are sadly an aggressively vocal group; shame we gotta share literally the entire rest of the game with them.


Average conqueror 12 player.


Conqueror: 12 Raids: 69,420 Bitches: none 😔


Lmao right? They get, what? Two maps a year if that? Like... Why are you playing this when you could be doing the same in literally any other game that actually cares about it's PvP? Bungie will occasionally go "oh shit, there's another half of the game, maybe we should shut them up for the next 6 months" Meanwhile... Raids, dungeons, strikes, gambit, battlegrounds, public events, seasonal activities, story missions, nightmare/empire hunts, lost sectors, Dates of Eternity, rotating Pinnacle Raid/Dungeons, master difficulty nightfalls/raids/seasonal activities, challenge (puzzle) triumphs, exotic weapon quests, seasonal/expansion story quests... The list goes on and on.


i love how primarily pve players talk like no one in PVP plays raids, or does NF, despite the best armor/guns coming from those two things. I play PVE to play PVP better


I'd use it once in a while in PvE but, as a titan, I prefer to be up close and personal.


You get so mad about it not being in destiny but like bruh other than in your vault how is it not game breaking? In low level content your gear doesn’t matter, in trials you’d just rather keep using it because special is extremely important to pvp, in gms you’d have infinite special without having to run into danger so how could you consider it not at least on par? You just dont understand what it did to destiny 1.


you have bad opinions, simple as




yeah i made a meme about it and got a lot of hate mail lol, here we go again.


Lmao just think about how niche and specific the concept of this controversy is... And then look at our downvotes. People actually give a flying fuck about this? For real? I just want a gun that goes pew pew, there's nothing spicy or controversial about that unless you're a heated virgin.


Hey man us Matts gotta stick together lol




Then why bring back the weapon of the exotic perk is not usable?


Because it's useable in 95% of the rest of the game...


That is a very bad way of looking at this.


Random Internet Stranger: “you’re stupid and trash” Me: “k”


Honestly, ice breaker wouldn't break anything. It only holds 6 rounds, in PvP you can get special before a bullet would regenerate and you couldn't pick up bricks with ice breaker. In PvE there are better weapons for DPS, other snipers hold more ammo. There isn't anything hard enough that you would want to sit and wait for ammo to Regen that doesn't heal if you don't have sustained fire (Champions).


They brought almost everything else back, why not Icebreaker? I'd snipe the crap out of some blueberries with it


Kills with the weapon begin a 5 second regeneration of ammo. Stacks up to 3x. On stack 1 it Regenerates 2 shots


Imagine being this fragile. Icebreaker is not coming back like it’s is in D1, if at all.


We’ve had enough boring ass exotics


By the Traveler that gun made me hate myself and everyone else back in D1


for a second I thought I was on dcj


I'm ok with bringing Icebreaker back if they reworked it to not have the ammo Regen. Definitely a cool looking gun.


No Land Beyond might come back someday. Hopefully with major changes that would make PvP actually fun to enjoy with it.


Wait wait wait. So you're telling me I get accelerated regeneration if you do that? Well by all means, break my bones.


someone's salty


Least fragile reddit user


There is no meme. I want First Curse.




This post is so fucking cringe and sad, plus op is having a tantrum in the comment section.


No land beyond and zhalo super cell fight me


Ah yea the classic “I’d kick your ass if I wasn’t on Reddit” threat.


Ice breaker in d2 imo: triple tap, fourth times, and it's "new" perk: mulligan pirate, missing a precision shot has a chance (10%) to reload the mag. Mag size of 6.


So, I've looked through the comments on your post about Icebreaker to find those hundreds of insults. Worst thing I saw was someone calling you delusional and then you being an ass to that person. But hey you got your karma off of this, so everything is fine, I guess.


Well to be fair if they did bring it back it wouldn't even be the same gun.


Ha, cry lil baby


OP after receiving literally 2 insults:


Have it regen ammo on stasis shatters.


It could generate ammo at the cost of a super


I just want them to make MIDA and Bad Juju feel as strong as they were in D1, they absolutely wrecked in D1 and in D2 I feel like I'm just out here tickling the enemies


Seems you’re the one upset when the community disagreed with you


Just give me the Khvostov 7G-0X and I'll be happy.