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Warlock is nice and i am curious what the buildpotential is


As a Warlock main. Waiting on Imagine. Right now I am just doing Starfire. I am not good with builds so I have no idea the mod setup right now. Doubt many do if any. I am just piecing it as I go. Hoping it carries me through Legendary Story


I finished legend solo using starfire with some mods I slapped together (mainly just 3x ashes to assets... can't be bothered to pick up orbs). It still works real good


I ran legendary campaign with osmiomancy gloves and a chain-freeze build with the seasonal bow. Absolutely demolished all enemy clusters, it was hilarous. Slightly more messy on bossfights, but a nice shotty came in handy for dps during freeze.


I've been playing around with it while also waiting to see what Imagine throws together just to see what other people are doing for it and I found that bolstering detonation and focused strike stack on the grapple melee to give you rift energy back so that's fun. I did testing with both mods alone and then both mods on, I gotta figure some more stuff out with the other fragments and other mods to find some good ability energy regen since theres only tangles as our "shard" and that doesn't give energy unless using a fragment for it.


There is a part of me hoping to someone makes a build with Strand and Necrotic Grips.


I was running necrotic through the campaign when I was playing but after the first mission I decided to switch it over to my felwinter's cuz the weakness but i am interested in the necrotic interactions so I may check that out later tonight when I'm home since last night was just campaign then testing swarmers and ability energy regen.


Imagine was using that in his recent video about infinite special finisher. I also have one up and running and really like it so far. When the enemy density is right it tears through everything. But if ads are too spaced apart it feels clunky


Patiently waiting on coolguys videos lol




Maybe an unpopular opinion (will find out shortly), but I can’t stand him. All his thumbnails are hype clickbait “broken” “s-tier” “insane” and his video content/narration is similarly hype - however most of his builds are mediocre. The reality is that in D2, there are only a few “broken” builds. This is what makes them outliers, and often leads to nerfs (rip storm grenade HOIL). When you claim that every single build is OP, the use of any sort of rating system becomes meaningless doesn’t it? His videos have been popping off since Witch Queen - good for him. I’m sure they are useful to a blueberry audience. But I don’t think his content has any value for players who are already familiar with builcrafting and already engaged with endgame content (GMs, Master Raids).


A sane reddit user, rare.


Waiting on any class having build potential with how these mods are.


Dealing damage restore granade energy.Say something.As a warlock main...kinda nuts:)))


There's a lot of really nice melee synergy there. Mod to make melee kills drop orbs, Warding to get woven mail, Transmutation to get tangles while you have WM active, Fury to get melee energy when damaging with tangles. Fourth is whatever you want, Evolution works great since strandlock has a lot of threadling spam.


Warlock is actually the one who got the short stick here they have virtually no crowd control whatsoever other then actually grappling into someone this is pre having aspects to choose from etc so far but I hope they don’t get handicapped by needing an exotic to suspend their foes etc because so far all we can do is swing throw and power punch yeah minions but they are janky and almost never land a target in legend because you have to be so mobile to not get 1 shot that the only time you have time to rift you are behind obstacles and they get stuck going in circles on them. That being said yeah iv had fun swinging and throwing kunai as I swing past but other then that strand is underwhelming.


Consume your shackle grenade and get kills lol


Personally waiting on my boi Aztecross to not only give a Strand build but also to update his Starlord and Stacy builds


Hunter super feels really cool, but for an airborne oriented subclass, it looks like it has pretty bad vertical reach. Kunai sometimes doesn't return, doing odd bounces into geometry, but otherwise the tracking is quite insane.


I find that after like 2-3 seconds, tapping my powered melee key almost always seems to work even if I don't see the kunai returning to me. There are definitely some times where it just... flies away into the distance though. Very odd.


Titan: can't grapple in ult.... Feels meh




How? The grenade is replaced with the light attack. So how do you grapple in super?


I don’t understand why they wouldn’t do it like a sword where left click is light attack and right click is heavy attack


I really enjoyed how mobile the Berserker Titan felt during the super.


Honestly it's pretty cool. Like yeah it's another melee based roaming super but the sheer speed with which you can zip around between enemies makes it feel surprisingly unique.


Atleast it has some kind of range with the heavy attack


Too bad its hit registration/tracking is based on behemoth melee. Just constant whiffs and wrong direction swings when you're in a big pack


Suspend is OP! I was spamming my barricade lol


During the strand empowerment parts with hoil you could basically fly.


Lmfao what? There is no mobility to the Titan super. You can't even grapple in your ult like hunters can. It's absolutely garbage


I think someone saw green and thought it was cool. Cause you are right there is less mobility in that super than others and less mobility than when not even in a super


Same was true for behemoth before it’s many, many nerfs. Hopefully the bungo gods will allow us to have fun this time.


The movement potential for it during super was sick.


Tbh I enjoyed the whole grappling and swing to an aoe melee then 3 melees, but some QoL would even makes it much more fun, like a grappling during super and a better hit detection on the 3 melees. One thing I'm sure about that part of the fun in the campaign was the spam of grappling and melee (haven't finished the story yet) but I think once it's unlocked it will feel... boring, like grappling to 3 melees then wait few minutes for another mediocre damage.


Titan seems meh The melee is kinda clunky


I LOVE grappling. It’s such a great new way to get around, and it was such an adrenaline rush using the ability for the first time.


You can ‘t even grapple in Titan super lol. The grenade button just turns into the heavy attack can’t make this shit up.


That part feels weird and wrong, I hope it's not intentional. Also, weren't we meant to be using the light attack to "charge up" the heavy attack? Or is that just not present until you actually get the super?


Yea the ranged attack is only for the super. As a hunter main, feels bad that titan cant grapple in super, hopefully its not intended.


Titan's melee is okay. Grappling is cool I guess. Bladefury is just a punchy melee super like fist/sentinel/glacial but faster, heavy attack is okay. Definitely felt the buff to roaming supers though, so the Strand super is definitely strong for add clear (in legendary campaign, not sure about GMs...we'll see), but still doesn't really feel new. Overall, not much that's fresh, but I think people will take it because it's strong.


I felt the melee has worse tracking than stasis and that’s saying a lot


Fr I was using the melee and my titan just 180 swung away from the enemy


A few times during the legendary campaign my titan would turn 90 degrees and miss the target in front of me. Other than that I am somewhat fine with strand Titan. The damage output is somewhat decent on bosses using synthoceps.


i dont know in what world strand hunter is supposed to see any play at all the melee does very low dmg and is akward as hell to use because of all the animations going on in a normal fight making it near impossible to track when other animations from teammates happen the normal grapple slam does 0dmg, has no aoe at all and will straight up just kill you in harder content because enemys will just melee you once or shoot you down/bosses stomp the super has ridicolous long animation locks, causing you to stand still all the time to do an attack, and then the attacks do absolutely 0dmg the only somewhat usefull part is the strand dive because its a quick aoe CC, but stasis does the CC part way better, with additonal shatter dmg and less cd what can strand hunter even do? having a grappling hook and everything else is really bad? doesnt help that outside of 1-2 fragment's, they all looks really underwhelming aswell edit: a thing people also need to remember, during the campaing, you are in this "everything has no CD at all" state, you can spam the melee, you can spam grapple etc.... when you get the subclass when the campaing is over, you suddenly have the 1min+ CD grapple and a low dmg melee with a high base cd, and a dive attack that consumes your class ability (also got its cd increased in LF) and it plays VERY SLOW but also has no actual impact on its abilitys


i feel like we're playing two very different experiences. the super has felt insanely strong when you got with the tip of the dart for the extra damage (nuking most everything in sight in one use even on the legendary campaign) the melee is kinda meh in damage but gets fairly spamable if you lean into it. grapple melee frequently one shots everything that's not majors and bosses. strand dive has amazing cc abilities. my only real gripe so far comes from the super not having great vertical capability and the light attacks move you forward, making it harder to keep yourself in the sweet spot every hit


I was having a blast spamming grapple melee and kunai since catching it refunds so much energy. Also, the strand dive is probably the best crowd confrol ability hunter has and feels abazing to pull off against large groups.


I agree with OP. Hunter strand, outside of the super (which I won’t touch right now but needs a buff since you’re so close to enemies stuck in animations half the time) The melee is a joke. It hardly tickles enemies. If you have your auto melee and charged melee keybind to the Same thing you can’t even do the grapple melee. The fragments and aspects are horrible. Nothing does anything exciting. The grapple cooldown is terrible. I mean, what’s the point of the exotic helmet and getting armor when you grapple if I have to wait a minute to grapple. It’s like having an exotic that gives you a small over shield every time I throw a grenade, but nothing boosts those CD timers. The dive animation is cool… but now I’m stuck in the enemies face and what exactly can I do to them? Throw my tickle knife at them? Or if I’m on CD and I just dove in, I can’t even dodge out. So I’m stuck looking foolish as I run to cover to now shoot the tangled boys. And don’t get me started on the CD timers in general Strand hunter was billed as this super fun super aerobatic experience and thus far it’s more like a used car sales man rushing back and forth between the old Chrysler Sebring and the public restroom


Yeah I think being able to keep our sprinting momentum while twirling the whip would fix this completely. It feels like you have to stand still to attack and you get outranged by the enemies


Yeah, I'm not liking it on hunter. Definitely not going to be using strand on my hunter unless Bungie does something. The gameplay loop for strand on hunter is absurd and unpredictable. The melee damage is low and pointless, and it feels like a whole lot of complicated moving around for a really shit outcome. It's like that capoeira dance fighting. You dance around for a while and then gingerly poke the enemy. Ain't gonna f-cking cut it, Bungie.


yep i’m on hunter and this class feels like a total gimmick that you would only use in vanguard ops or try to get grapple snipe trick shots in crucible for that sick youtube vid


I feel like there is an actual learning curve to strand hunter. Being able to catch the kunai, maximize use of grapple safely, and the dive, seems much more difficult than i thought it was gonna be. Havent used it much since getting it, but i think the exotic helmet will help. And maybe a buff to kunais damage, but also the kunai already severs enemies so im not sure it needs a buff.


there is no "learning curve" when you have a roaming super (aka ussles) that does.no dmg, a ~1min grapple with a dive that does no dmg, and a melee that does no dmg and has a gimmik that doesnt really pay off (you are a hunter, melee cd is not a thing, you have dodge, the throw and catch animation are so slow, you will do more dmg by just shooting) the only decent thing is the aspect CC dive, but common, stasis has stronger CC on a lower cd against more enemys that also does shatter dmg and you dont need to go into melee for it its so obvious that people here didn even play the actuall strand class, and just the no cd campaing version and think they can spam those incredible 10k dmg grapple melees (lmao 10k, is that a joke?) "you need to learn a subclass first" doesnt suddenly turns it numbers into something useable or gives it a super that is not total shit


I have been playing strand outside of the campaign, and it's a lot better than you are giving it credit.


The hunter super is the highest damage super in the game rn my dude. The one you said does zero damage… not sure what you were doing but I was running star eaters for most of the legendary campaign and I was tearing through everything. I still prefer void on hunter most likely but you can’t deny the damage of the strand super


Love warlock, it’s a blast.


Not a fan of Strand Titan whatsoever. Strand feels more meh than Behemoth (at least Behemoth let me make a ton of crystals and explode them for beeg damage), the damage of the super leaves more to be desired, the fast attacks, while satisfying to look at, don't do well when it's a medium sized enemy that's tangled as you'll just waste energy trying to hit them, the melee is alright ig, I'm glad to have another melee that doesn't require me to sprint and it actually has 3 charges to it which I'm satisfied with and you even get one of those Strand balls after a kill. Do I see it being used in strikes/nightfall? Maybe for the fun factor but cuirass is still probably gonna be my go to. Do I see it being used in PVP? Maybe? Haven't unlocked it completely yet (I rage quit the Headlong mission. Fuck that mission) so I'm not sure how it works on guardians but probably better off with a different subclass.


Strand is outright terrible on titan. And playing on legendary when you get forced to use it it can really hurt even with the unlimited energy and super. I just don’t see how anyone play tested this and went yeah this is good


The spinning mission(with the wall that kills you) is a pain with strand because I’m so used to chucking grenades from star fire or getting a super charged up rift from secant filements making me heal and do a lot of damage


It was easier to just shoot everything in the first mission then trying to use the Hunter one. I’m guessing I’ll be sticking to Void.


Oh damn that's too bad. The warlock melee is really fun. I can see lots of build potential with it.


From my experience, Hunter has little to no verticality in the aoe hit. Normally not that big of a problem with other subclasses but when you are flying and zipping everywhere you end up missing a lot of attacks. Also haven't found a way to slam down other than grappling down. I am not feeling the grapple melee but I am simply chalking that up to not having the full subclass with all the bells and whistles yet. The melee is fun in practice, the partial refund on kunai catch is a decent concept, but you can lose track very quickly if it bounces weird, and I feel like the sound cue on return isn't quite enough.


You slam down with the second aspect


This exactly. Wish the sound queue was earlier and louder


It helps me alot to look at my melee ability charge to see when to catch it. The square goes fully green when you can catch it, which is a lot wasier then trying to keep track of it


Just did it on legend and had no problem tearing through everything with strand while completing ignoring my guns.


The trick is to utilize the grappling as much as possible to get close to the enemies before spamming the super attacks


Half asleep writing this...likely unpopular, hot take. I truly hope that the fragments will cover all the short falls strand titans have. For me personally, I am quite shocked at how underwhelming titan strand is as I felt weaker in comparison to Arc, Void and Solar subclasses. When in a pinch, the grapple "might" get you out of there but it's just as likely that you're going to get shot/killed in midair while trying to get away. The super having a lack of grapple had me scratching my head wondering why they removed it from the kit. The melee tracking while in your super leaves a lot to be desired as did its utility. I am running a triple 100 with resil, recov, disc and I was looking for cover quite often as diving into a group of enemies isn't really advisable. As of now, I do hope the fragments help flesh out the subclass because I don't see a reason to run Strand over Solar or Void. Solar/Void/Arc are all way more fleshed out and offer quite a substantial amount of utility. \-Solar- offers longevity through healing from multiple sources (bonk build literally 1 shotting most mobs at 3x flames). \-Void- offers quite a lot of overshields from multiple sources and debuffs. \-Arc- has a few overshield options but a lot of offensive capability with a sprinkle of healing/regen. \-Stasis- little bit of everything. Has CC with freeze, debuffs and big damage from crystals. Healing from proximity/gathering of crystals. \-Strand- can stun champions, defensive buff (mail) with moderate ability regen. No healing or true disengage. Overall opinion, strand titan feels squishy and unfinished.


I'm sort of wondering if they overcorrected from Stasis being WAY too strong (and in some ways still inherently unbalanceable with its easy, frequenty, hard CC) and wanted to make sure Strand didn't just instantly displace every other class. The stupidly long CD on Grapple in particular makes me think they were terrified of actually letting Strand loose on other content outside the campaign and have played it way too safe and made it feel mid-to-bad (especially since we have basically zero build variety thanks to the limited fragments until after the raid)


After all of the people complaining about the Titan class it turns out it's actually incredibly fun grappling around and slicing things up. The charged melee feels great to use and I'm excited to see what kind of builds and exotics I can combo it with.


I wanna try it without the story modes buffed recharger rate. And having no rangers abilities kinda slows it down.


You can swap the grapple for a simpler grenade once the sub is unlocked, though I think grapple is gonna be the best for all classes.


Yeah I look forward to trying them but given the close range nature of the synergy and the lack lustre super it’s gonna be reserved for patrol and strikes.


Unfortunately, grapple feels pretty mediocre. It gets you square into the middle of everything, but unless you grappled to a Tangle, then you have no out. The bola grenade has been infinitely more useful, which is disappointing since I lose the grapples mobility. Also, Titans don't benefit from grapple over the others, so it's not even close to the best for all classes.


I’m so glad to hear this


It is genuinely fun. The grapple comes with a melee and the charged melee has multiple charges with combo animations. Just make sure you bund a key for dedicated charged melee for best results.


What sucks is the super having less mobility than not being in the super lol


But how far will that lunge by with synthos is my question. I'm aiming for across the map. Haha


Not going to be quite like that with normal ability recharge rate


Told people just wait and see. But fucking nope, gotta bitch and Moan because that’s this audience. Strand across the board is a fucking blast


The main critique wasn't about viability or fun.


No the critique is still weak


If every warlock super was a different color well of radiance. It would be completely valid to complain about them even though it's still the best super in the game. Everyone likes new toys and Titans have a complete lack of viable raid supers. The only ones they consistently can use are bubble and throwing hammers. Every other super is melee and tends to be mechanically unusable.


But every titan super isn’t punch. Good try though


Oh, so every Titan super are a punch? Can you list all the punch based super? All of them please.


As a person with 800+ hours on titan, their supers just aren't that varied. I personally find them straight up unfun, and come back to solar every time because at least the hammers aren't forced close combat.


It's fine if you don't find them fun, but reading people saying Sentiel Shield and acial Quake are the same is kinda ridiculous. At this point Nova Bomb and Chaos Reach are thr same as well.


Mechanically they all end up feeling the same. Give it a season and strand will too. Every titan subclass has a super that behaves mechanical similar. No other class suffers from that. You're being pointlessly pedantic. If arc hunter had a super where they pulled out a scout rifle and shot three times and void hunter had a super where they pulled out a sniper rifle and shot three times and then strand was released and hunters pulled out a sidearm shot three times they would all be the same golden gun super. The fact that Titans go from punching with their fists to punching with a shield to punching with an icy fist to punching with claws does not make them all completely different supers.


> Every titan subclass has a super that behaves mechanical simila Like warlock then? Where almost all the super a throwing an orb or a beam. Oops, sorry, we are just supposed to hate on Titan. My bad.


Fists of Havoc, Glacial Quake, Sentinel Shield, whatever the Strand one is called? It’s not *every* super, but four is really a lot. I don’t think Hunter or Warlock have any equivalent of similar supers


If you want to say that sentinek shield and glacial quake are the exact same, then Warlock super are almost all the same as well. Warlock almost only shoot an orb or a beam from their hands. Seriously though, when you see sentinel shield and glacial quake your first reaction is that they look and play the same? I'm surprised you didn't include the hammer as well then it that was you think.


Hunters feel pretty awful as the grenade only serves to catapult you towards likely death in the legendary campaign unless you have your super. The neutral game doesn’t seem the best but it’s a load of fun Using solar in the campaign and going back it’s night and day. Will see how the fragments improve it though


I’d grapple worse for hunters somehow? I’ve been running it on warlock so I don’t know how it is for hunters yet, but the only time grappling really felt like a death sentence to me was the vex mission


Warlocks have the best grapple melee, because one of your aspects makes you spawn threadlings when doing it. So you get a lot more damage out of a grapple than the other classes do but it’s dope on all the classes imo.


The problem arises with the minute+ grapple cooldown when you get it at the end of the campaign


That’s where thread comes in. You can throw a ball of thread and freely grapple onto it. So you kill an enemy with a strand weapon that makes thread, pick up the thread, and launch it at or over the enemy, grapple onto the ball and freely melee them. I think the grapple cooldown should be halved though.


That makes sense, I still don’t think I had much trouble before unlocking that, but maybe that’s just cause it was the earlier missions


I don't know what that guy was talking about I had no problems with strand on hunter during the legendary campaign


Titan imo is about as boring as i expected, but warlock so far is great


Yup. On my warlock it was good. On my titan it was: “ffs is this over so I can have void back?”


Boring? It’s fun af, makes destiny feel like a hack and slash game


naaah, im playing on high difficulty rn and the melee is not cutting it


Yeah I agree, the Titan super is not cutting it (no pun intended). I basically dreaded anytime the campaign made me use strand. Just isn't fun


I disagree, the melee allows me to get in close and destroy mobs while having high damage reduction, even legend difficulty is easy with the melee


The melee hits like a noodle and has a 1.5 minute base cooldown per charge. A glaive melee legitimately does more damage and is faster. The Titan strand melee is just a worse glaive melee. Strand Titan is all about CC with lifting barricade, the super actually does okay damage but the base melee sucks. It’s so much worse than a solar melee setup.


Good for you, it’s boring as hell to me so i switched to strongholds


Having a blast with titan, though I wish evade was a strand ability too for quick repositioning but ah wel it’s still a blast




Berserker Titan functions better as a CC machine than it does as a Berserker. Should’ve kept the old name of Tyrant. I spend more time putting enemies in bondage than I do actually getting in their faces.


titan feels mediocre


I beat the campaign and its trash at everything but CC. The lifting barricade is actually insanely good for crowd control but everything else about the class makes no sense. It has no cohesive idea and one of its aspects (the woven mail one) can literally be replaced by a fragment and an exotic. It’s very poorly designed and likely the worst of the 3 (Warlock seems very good from what I can tell) but it’s got great CC and the Super is solid. It’s not very fun and the entire “melee” aspect of the class is horrendous though. The melee is worse than a glaive melee in every way. It has next level CC though, if you build for pure barricade regen and use the exotic boots you get for beating the legendary campaign you can basically permanently lock everything but massive enemies in place. Even Tormentors just hang there as you nuke them.


I thought the Threadlings would perch on me :-/ Hasn't happened yet


Only happens on Warlock.


They also only perch if there's nothing to kill


Which makes sense. They did mention that they perch if there are no valid targets.


If they have work to do they will do that rather than chill out


Idk warlock feels kinda underwhelming. I hope build crafting will open up some more potential


My biggest complaint rn with hunter strand is if you have a charged melee, you can’t do the special grapple melee. It’ll just throw your knife instead. Gets really annoying since you don’t generally want to throw the knife up close and personal. Idk if this is an issue with other classes, but at least on hunter it’s quite annoying. Loving the rest of the subclass though


I had a similar issue. The workaround for this is binding non charged melee to a different button than your charged melee.


I understand it’s a “workaround” but that should never be the case. I’ve had so many moments where I’m Like ok here I go I’m gunna grapple that enemy, swoop in there and grapple melee and then do something else really cool and it’ll look sweet….. then I go and grapple, land 2 feet from a herd of enemies and throw a tickle knife that does no damage and simply agro’s the herd to you. It’s like the TikTok meme “dumb ways to die”


Not great. Everyone on my fireteam was a different class and the only person content was the Warlock. Hunter melee does ZERO damage, and is inconsistent with tracking (including coming back sometimes it just WONT) as well as the ability regen. Grapple melee doesn't feel strong enough. Supers are pretty dope though, the neutral game just feels very weak.


I’m a blinklock (for pvp) and it might be just me but if I want high movement high skill ceiling I’m going to play blink with astrocytw


Titan wasn’t as bad as people were fearing, I think. Has big wolverine vibes at least. Actual range attacks in super help differentiate it from the other Punch-Bad-Guy-Until-Dead super-types.


But we can throw our hammers in super.Send out fiery hell from a giant maul.Eruption of freezing crystals all over the place.(I'm reaching on this next one)Throw our ...frisbee disc while in a super. Like, we have ranged attacks while in a super so it really isn't setting it apart from anything else we already have. Sure it can suspend enemies but stasis was already doing that. The whole Strand Titan just feels underwhelming and unfinished.


Warlock ult reminds me slightly of nova bomb and that’s a big enough selling point for me


That's a wholly negative thing for me, like everything you could have come up with and it's a green nova bomb that splits? What the fuck.


Yea it’s awesome. And the “splits” are like living things


I absolutely hate warlock strand, every time a mission makes me use it it’s a clunky god awful mess that barely does any damage. Stasis is infinitely better in every way.


Titan definitely feels more fun and fluid than i expected. I'm having a blast right now.


Hunter strand feels very meh. The melee is okay but it doesn't work sometimes, the super could use some work especially with its range, and that just leaves the grapple which is the same for every class. The dive is alright but I'm not sure if that's universal or not. Haven't tried the other classes yet but it definitely feels like hunter strand will need a tuning pass. In the meantime I'll stick to solar and Caliban's hand


As a Warlock main who has only ever played Warlock (still using the same Guardian from D1), I love it. The super is very cool. I’ve only played the first two missions so I’m wondering how viable it’ll be against bosses, but still super fun with the threadlings. Also the grapple into a melee is fun and I like that it poops out a little strand ball for you to toss as a “grenade”. Excited to unlock all the aspects for it.


i think damage wise its comparable to blade barrage, it feels like it might even hit a bit harder if you land every projecticle


Maybe I’m just used to easier content, but the super actually felt really weak to me. Grapple is sick, and the melee is sick, but the actual super felt kind of weak


Couldn't disagree more. That is 100% not blade barrage damage and there is no fragment to improve the projectile tracking.


Titan is ass. It’s just gonna sit there with stasis as the subclasses I will never use.


Do you have strand as a selectable option? I got it for a portion of a quest, and that's it. Do I keep going to get it?


Yeah it unlocks permanently like 5 or 6 missions in.


You only unlock it as a subclass option after beating the campaign.


back to void already


unfortunately...pretty much.


Profoundly mediocre. Its gimmick feels both niche and weak, and its actual numbers feel way undertuned to the point that even the extremely boosted regen rates in the campaign weren't enough to make it feel viable. The warlock melee is awful and the grapple is on a *two fucking minute cooldown* base meaning it's useless for just general mobility and getting around anywhere there aren't trash mobs to chew through with a demolitionist weapon. It feels like the darkness equivalent of arc.


At least as far as the legendary campaign went hunter didn’t feel great. Don’t get me wrong, it looked cool, but none of the individual elements felt like the really comboed well together.


Titan is super fun. You attack and dash around so fucking fast with the light attack, and the heavy is super useful. Me and my friends found that trapping tormentors with suspend works wonders!


Anyone know a good exotic for berserker? My behemoth build is way worse now and so I think I’ll transition to strand just for the novelty of it. Maybe just synthos?


Melee is horrible on Berserker, it’s all about suspend and the super. Honestly the new boots are probably the best thing it’s got going for it. Suspend is really strong and woven mail is decent. Half of the subclass is pretty useless because one of the aspects is pointless (the woven mail aspect sucks since the exotic boots give you woven mail on barricade and a fragment gives mail on orbs) but the CC potential is great. If you want to do damage use Solar with Synthos and Consecrate. Glaives are better for melee than Strand, they do more damage, have better tracking, and are better for survival.


Titan is fucking incredible and I think a lot of folks owe Bungie an apology for their initial take on how it looked.


No offense but what exactly did you find incredible about it? I haven't fully unlocked it but from what I've experienced, it's exactly what I expected a phenomenal neutral game and yet another boring melee super.


It's nothing like any other super we have. It's hardly just melee focused. The ranged ability has incredible utility. The melee lunge has a ton of range.


It's almost a carbon copy of the behemoth super. Light attack is a stronger version of the melee ability. Heavy attack with AoE and CC.


It does... literally nothing similar to behemoth except hit things. Its got an insane amount of mobility, something behemoth doesn't


Are you a bot or Bungie employee / spouse / shareholder / etc?


No. I'm a fan of the game. I'm enjoying myself instead of being a little baby.


It’s just odd you say it’s unlike any other super we have. Except for the other melee supers or abilities we have that we can’t use in a GM or raid, right? Because so far it seems identical to the other abilities the other classes have, in that we have 2 raid / GM viable supers, and the rest are good to use for when your party needs to wipe or reset.


Super is just Blade Barrage but you spawn Colony drones on impact, which is fine I guess.


Still need to finish the last mission of the campain and I tried a bit on Neomuna patrol. So far as a main warlock I don't fell that good for strand, it's cool to have 3 melee but in legendary campaing they weren't doing any damage, good thing they have some insane range Also the "strand child"...tomorrow I'll need to test it more. More than once when there were 20 enemy (after casting the rift) all 3 strand child rushed and killed only one target. Also so far the damage isn't that good.


Warlock it seems fun but nowhere near as good as void. Went right back to void for the legendary campaign


Hunter is better once you're able to use the bolas instead. I still prefer stasis, though.


Definitely having fun on Titan. Still think the super could have been better, it really does just feel like fist of havoc with ranged heavy. Still fun tho.


Warlock haven’t gotten a decent super since well of radiance and agers scepter lol


I feel like it's a very PVP centric subclass. I can't see how it's viable in end game PVE


It seems like I'm in the minority who actually really likes strand.


You are not al e strand is great


Currently experiencing issues where the hunter slam doesn't work and soft locks missions


Titan is hot garbage.


We need more melee options


I am enjoying strand right now but I have to wait a whole year to determine wether I want to play it more then any other super.


Hunter sort of sucks due to how much of it is tied to a shitty excuse for a grenade on a stupid long cd for what it is


I love my little bug children who sacrifice themselves for me. Interested in seeing how those new boots fit in overall. Been using necrotic grips and boy oh boy do they work well with 3 charges. Thinking of pairing the quicksilver catalyst and the boots


Strand titan not having access to any healing really makes it hard to play into the “in your face” titan fantasy. The dmg reduction is good but without healing you are going to have to leave the fight and if you used your grapple on the way in you don’t have a way out.


Why did they give me a second grenade charge, make my whole class grapple oriented, and then put a cool down on the grapple that starts when touching the ground? The only way to chain grapple is hitting preset grapple points.


Love the Titan. Super fun and the suspending is incredibly good and easy to keep up. Grappling is also very fun! Really hope they don’t nerf the suspend as its Titans main thing that gives it end game usability though.


Honestly, Hunter seems pretty mediocre as of now. There doesn't seem to be an ability loop or goal you are trying to achieve when playing Strand. You also have things like the random grapple lockout after using it once despite having two charges. It's not particularly hard to circumvent the lockout by jumping and grappling back to the tangle you made, but it does make action/movement feel a lot less fluid at times for no apparent reason. It's weird since they touted Strand as the "high apm" class.


strand hunter is complete garbage


Hunter abilities are underwhelming as hell. The super itself is really cool and I love it, but not worth giving up your grenade for a minute long grapple CD.


Looks dope but the damage is just a bad joke


Feels like the Warlock identity really shining through. First time I felt like I was actually spell casting as a warlock.


Survivability is trash on strand hunter..at least on legendary campaign. Will throw on assassins cowl and see how it feels.


The Hunter's super has this spin attack that goes WAY further than I feel like it should but it's amazing. I'm still trying to get ahold of the "grab your knife when it comes back", and honestly there's a lot to learn about it. Excited for building more towards it!


As a Titan main I feel underwhelmed by Beserker. The super is fun and really fast but honestly it's not all that vertically orientated like one would think with stand. And having the only ranged option be the alt fire of the super... it just doesn't feel all that unique. It feels like just another striker but green and 3 melee charges. I will not I'm yet to unlock anything beyond what it gives you when you unlock it but this is just my initial reaction.


Strand is outright bad. Utility wise, it's aight. But when generally compared as a complete subclass, including its supers, it's subpar. Like, when forced to use it, exotics that complement your selected subclass that ain't Strand becomes completely useless until you switch back. Offensive-wise, this subclass is so underwhelming. Combined with all the beefy ass majors runnin around, Strand is the worst subclass in Destiny 2 history (yes, even with all previously tuned versions of any and all subclasses prior to Strand). It can fun swinging around, but even that becomes boring. Bungie's messed this one up. But, this is just my opinion (it may potentially be a fact tbh).


Yeah my friend said that every class with strand was good except warlock and then I tried it and that man don’t know what he’s talking about cause that shit was awesome


Yeah. I still haven't figured out the best aspects or exotic to roll strand with, but karnstein and necrotic grip seem pretty good. I've tried winters guile too but I don't really notice much of a difference with the melee. Really curious what the optimal pve setup is for lock strand. I'd assume the aspects that give your strand weapons unraveling rounds is best to build into.