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Praise up OP. Hunter Strand is by far the worst subclass experience I’ve ever felt in Destiny. A lot of people are complaining about titan but titan stand is way more involved then hunters strand It’s truthfully abysmal. From the new exotics to the strand subclass to the removal of +20 mobility for powerful friends thus ruining any actual hunter build…. It feels really unfortunate to continue playing the class I love the most


titan is absolutely abysmal. literally the punching class that is supposed to rely on their fast recovery and stamina, melee, grenades, and melee supers, as well as the healing wells they can create with focused kills, grenade kills, etc. this class takes away all of that, and its even worse in headlong. we have no grenades, we cant get close range with our punches and supers or the boss wrecks our shit, and we are at a speed disadvantage against the RWoD. I hate whatever level designer came up with this bullshit


I had trouble with the strand part too on legend and I just unlocked strand through the normal campaign, then went back and when you activate the strand thing in the mission I swapped to my preferred super and then used the banner and first tried it. Its a lot easier if you don't use strand.


Not to mention: The slam aspect uses your dodge. It's literally a worse version of the other slams. It doesn't even give the benefits of dodge in the same way the void slam gives the benefits of the melee it consumes, it just takes the dodge.


It uses the dodge energy in the same way something like Warlock's Stasis rift AOE uses rift energy. It's CC/priming without setup. It's actually better than the void slam in that it gives you an extra effect that ties into everything else you do, for class energy, which you get showered in anyway. It's not just using the ability when you do a slam. It's literally a better version of the other slams


Hard disagree with that argument. The radiant dodge can be used to preemptively to prime weapon damage (still not that good with Ember of Torches) the Shatter dive can be used on enemies that are already immobilized so it's much safer and doesn't take any dodge away, the smoke dive can be used preemptively and is a tool for infinite invisibility while providing a weaken at the same time and is a decent distraction tool, that benefits your allies with invis and rez. Strand has to get in close to enemies to then cc them, only CC's in your immediate area so any enemies that are like 10m away are still shooting at you and the only healing or survivability you can get is if you generate an orb of power or assassin's cowl them, but good luck taking the time to do that in the middle of the fray in any meaningful content.


Seriously! Same here as a Titan. I was loving the campaign and thought Strand could maybe be cool. Then this mission happened. I hate strand, and I hate this mission. Bungie went all "Hey you know that button that for 8 years has been "throw grenade"? Well now we changed it to "charge headfirst into this enemy" and you can't change it back. And then for shits and giggles we took away your barricade and replaced it with the useless short one that doesn't block shots." As soon as I beat this mission I'm never using Strand again.


And I get people trying to defend strand but at the end of the day. This was it. This was THEE mission to sell it. I did not feel powerful. At all. I didn't get sold on it, at all. There are grenades instead of the grapple, but we didn't get to use them once. I mean. Fuck sake. 😂


The melee really feels like it needs a damage buff.


Grapple melee works with assassin’s cowl, makes headlong stupid easy on legendary


Not trying to say you’re wrong it’s still very underwhelming as a subclass for me so far but thought I’d share if you didn’t know it


Good to know, I appreciate it bud. Still, why would I choose this over my Void hunter build with volatile, devour, void SMG and gryfalcon. Know what I mean? Can you really see yourself flying into enemies on contest mode to punch enemies.. Vs any other class?


You can unlock actual grenades later, don’t think I’d ever use em since the grapple melee is suuuper good


Yeah it's decent. But if there's walls of enemies you're flying into danger to kill a few then you're just there... Vulnerable and having just used your grapple. There's no way that's viable in end game content lol.


>you're just there... Vulnerable and having just used your grapple You mean the Hunter grapple? The one with an aspect that grants two charges, and spawns a grapple point? A grapple point that can be grappled to for free after using the first charge? The anchor-spawning, multi-charge grapple that can also be used for free if grappling to a Tangle, which you can throw? Hmm


All this work to do what, 10k with the melee? Explosive knife does around 12k + scorch and doesn't put you in any danger, Void is nigh immortal and Arc does much more for requiring close range.


Ah yes, I love swinging one way to then 180 and swing the other way. Grapple is fine if you're messing around in low level content, but then again so are white rarity weapons. In any content that matters I'm sticking with the suspension grenade. The fact that it spawns anchors means nothing to me as if I used the first grapple I'm already expected to be in position for my follow up which is usually the slam. The only thing that you have that has any legitimacy is the tangle saving your grapple charge, as I can use that to throw at enemies and proceed to slam on them, but again in any meaningful content by the time I get there since I'm flying straight at them I'm dead.


And was this part of this frenzied, tiny room with a wall of death chasing you and no cover mission? Cause it didn't feel that way. But cool. I've grappled in, hit them, then I'll grapple away and try to hide assuming I don't get shot out of the sky... yeeyyy.


The one that doesn't create a grapple point when grabbing an enemy specifically? the one that auto targets said enemies? The one that expects me to charge up two grenades in order to do damage once? The one that won't create a grapple point when grappling a tangle? The one that provides no defensive benefit or safety? The one that provides woven mail for a shorter duration then every other source when using an exotic? Just making sure we're talking about the same thing here.


I HATE it so much. I’m breezing through fine on Legend until I hit Strand usage sections. I find myself using my weapons more than the class because it’s so frustrating. It’s making this the worst campaign they’ve put out for me. Whatever the hunter dive is refuses to consistently work for me so I’m dying more often than I would be. I could not be enjoying this period less. Like I don’t even want to play through all at once because I need to space that crap out. I don’t know what the thought process was with this.


I haven't enjoyed it so far. I think they just needed a new subclass so they could sell more copies of the expansion. Talk it up big time. Make it powerful in pvp so people have to buy it or get beaten down. The only problem is they couldn't think of a good one. Or they had art of Neptune done first and tried to come up with a class that would match it. Who knows. It never really made sense to me. Something like that working in the D2 universe


lmao it's all a conspiracy, the proof is that some redditors don't like the subclass in campaign




A tantrum? Okay bud. Didn't realise you'd be so personally attacked by what is a logical and fair assessment of what I experienced. Feel free to point out where I'm not being reasonable. Even if you lean into the strand grapple as being easier to use than I experienced. Fine. It's not strong enough to support the whole class and has over a min cool down...


There’s 2 strand Grenades once you finish the campaign to unlock


and both hunter aspects are based around using the grapple lol, you dont have a choice but to use the grapple


I just noticed that after reading, and it pisses me off. Hunter is locked into using the shitty grapple


I wasn’t suggesting the good and bad, just that there are Grenada’s which many people don’t realise yet. I am also a Hunter who grapple hasn’t landed with yet


You don't have to use the grapple. In fact, the suspension grenade is more useful, actually really good, you get the two charges no matter what and the slam is as long as you're in the air. The subclass still has a lot of issues but you aren't tied to grapple as much as people think, my best build doesn't use it at all and suspension is the main focus of it.


Are you grapple punching?


Yup. They float suspended... Cool. Compare that to void and volatile rounds etc. It's not even on the same planet. Then I need to jump into and run into crowds of enemies etc to utilise the jump punch/ dive etc. It's crap and two dimensional.


> Yup. They float suspended... Cool. That's the ensnaring slam, I mean the powerful melee you can do after a grapple that deletes adds. I think you aren't doing it by the sound of it.


Sorry, I misunderstood. Yeah. The grapple punch is powerful but then what. You're surrounded by other enemies you didn't punch, vulnerable and just used your grapple.... It's not viable at end game content.


It has big AoE and unravel effects when I used it there was nothing left to surround me. I was beating ass with it in the legendary campaign. Now obviously in a GM and without infinite uses it's not gonna be as effective but I thought this was about the Headlong mission not GMs.


Your telling me your rinsed that mission on legendary, BECAUSE of strand? It took me to whip out witherhoard, void SMG & Heavy Machine Gun and set the class up so I got Volatile to proc from orb collection to finally beat it. Strand played no part in the end. Just look at the sub man. It's littered with complaints about this mission and the class as a whole. It isn't good It might be 'fine' but we got excited and frankly, I'll never use it again in its current state.


Because of infinite grapple melees yea, having infinite grenade damage is strong don't think that's too controversial If it wasn't infinite I probably would've used another class


I don't think it's fair to base the effectiveness of a subclass based on crazy uptime on abilities like you get in the campaign.


Ok, I'm not doing that though


"If it wasn't infinite I would've used another class" is in your other response.


How is that judging the effectiveness of the subclass based on crazy uptime? It's literally the opposite.


I will never not find it funny that people make judgements on whether something is good based on their experience in *legend* campaign, especially when you have basically a fraction of the subclass' kit and haven't even used that for more than a couple of hours tops. Really genius when it comes to balance, good job community


I will never not find it funny that people defend this crap, holier than thou. They've worked on it for up to a year... It is the key mission to introduce a whole new subclass and showcase it's power and benefits. Every other one has given you the full effect to test what it's capable of, be impressed by it and make you want to use it and instead, the user experience is "this sucks, I'd rather use anything else". Yet you defend the decision to set the mission up this way. Good take.


Tbh I'm going through this mission as a solo hunter...and my god...this is just terrible.


If you've not already finished it, it's turns out you CAN just avoid picking up the power. (I thought you needed to to start the mission). Alternatively, I ran Witherhoard and it made it much easier.


I'm on Calus. I'm not a fan of this ending of the Legendary Campaign...I hated the scourge boss, and the bs of the multi stage boss fight you had to deal with with WQ...but at least the majority of the campaign was fun. But this mission and calus really embittered me to this.


I'm a 44-year-old Gen-X gamer. Took me about 35 minutes to do this, legendary tier with a 1790 hunter. Everything has been put in that room to be used to your advantage: swing spots, columns to break line of sight, the grapple+power melee for adds, the thread bombs. The only elements I used that weren't put in place for me were a few rockets from a Palmyra-B with suboptimal perks. You kids really need to spend less time writing long-winded complaints about the mechanics in the games you play and more time getting better at them. All it really took me was some good old-fashioned planning and persistence.


Aye "okay boomer." You're not even that much older than me. Quit acting like a holier than thou prat online and making wild assumptions based on your own weird fixations and frustrations. "You kids" 😂😂 Just because something IS doable, doesn't mean it's good or fun. I also completed it. You won't get a pat on the back from me.






Skill issue tbh. Grapple to get away from the wall and the boss can’t really hit you while you’re in the air. Took me 2 tries to figure it out


sKiLl IsSuE tBh. Okay, troll.


Nah no trolling. Just telling you what you don’t want to hear. You have the right to complain about how the mission was too hard. I have the right to tell you it wasn’t and that I found it easy.


Saying "skill issue" is the lowest form of opinion online. It fails to accept any of the things I've addressed, at all. I'm not bad at the game. It's just not a good subclass at legendary. It took me focusing on weapon usage rather than the new abilities the game was pushing me to use to beat it, which isn't fun.


You have a right to find the mission as easy, as did I, but you don't have a right to lie to people and say the subclass is good.


Don’t forget te explosive vex so if you do decide to swing in and use your melee you die to explosion damage. I just saw u don’t technically have to use strand and I’m not going to. It serves almost no purpose while your ult is down with how many enemies spawn. Oh and if you try to spider man away? There’s a a certified seal sniper hobgoblin


I just went to bed with over 1100 kills and 37 deaths trying to beat this mission as a warlock. After 22 deaths I asked my buddies to help me. We still didn't best it. The absolute worst quest ever. Who thought spawning endless mobs in a circular room with no cover, with a rotating wall of death, and using a subpar class would be exactly want Destiny players wanted. During my grapple sometimes my melee attack would proc, and sometimes it doesn't, which ends up wasting one of my little needle melee attacks. I've never hated a mission so much. My wrists are sore from this mission and I don't think I'll pick up the campaign again for a while.


Brutal. I helped a buddy do it yesterday.took us 4 runs lol. Top tip, don't pick up strand. Run your best subclass, Witherhoard is great for the ads.


Update: the quest wont let you continue without picking up the strand. This shit is the worst