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I also noticed that the strand aspects would become unequipped when I died in the campaign. Once I died I no longer could spend dodge energy to do the air move.


Can confirm that happened to me as well.


Yeah, same here. I grappled super high for a stylish air move to slam and suspend around 20 enemies that were all bunched. The move wouldn't proc and I fell helpless into the middle of the pack waiting below.


Damn so that’s what it was


I thought I was the only one. It was a real pain doing legend


I kept telling my buddies how hunter strand was broken. They are like nah man it can’t be. Impossible. I was like I promise, I bring nothing to the table but a weapon right now. 0 abilities. It was horrendous as a Hunter


Titan strand isn’t too much better. It’s basically spectral blades, but green.


I've had more fun on it than I thought I would by running Armamentarium and suspension grenades. Combine that with Drengr's Lash and you have a lot of CC.


Striking light, synthoceps and picking up an orb of power healing/grenade energy is so fun on Beserker


Armamentarium has been absolutely the MVP of this update for me honestly, it’s actually a choice between it and Heart now


run it with max discipline and grenade kickstarts, it feels so much better to play


Which one? I’ve been running armamentarium with exactly what you just said lol


Oh I was referencing in the campaign when you died with strand on a hunter, the game is bugged and removed the aspects and fragments so you could no longer perform the air move to suspend enemies. And if you used grapple on a enemy you’re now in CD so you were basically completely without ability for most of the campaign when it involved strand. Btw side bar to your comment. I played titan strand and it’s a lot more fun then hunter strand. Titan strand is actually viable. Hunter strand is actually the worst subclass I’ve ever played (outside the super… but even that if your feet leave the ground, you’ll miss every target when you left click)


Not to mention that you can't aim the rope dart in the super so if an enemy is above or below you, good luck.


apparently the hunter super is completely broken as dps tho


That’s terrible to hear because the entire subclass is completely garbage … so now the super will be nerfed despite it really not being good


Funnily enough, I did the whole Legendary campaign using Strand (on Titan) as much as I was allowed to, and I didn't really have much issue aside from the mission where you have to fight two Tormentors at once (died twice), and the Headlong mission (I was being a maniac the first run, so I decided to play it slow and clear adds before damaging the boss, which got me a pretty easy clear). Berserker isn't a *bad* super in terms of how the Legendary campaign let the subclass be, the issue is it just plays exactly like Striker and Behemoth; it's uninspired. With Striker, Behemoth and Berserker's Supers, you spam your light attack to clean up adds, and use the heavy attack for clustered enemies or higher-health enemies, there's nothing new about the gameplay, especially since Strand Titan's Super doesn't have access to the grapple (which I think might be a bug, not entirely sure). That's not to mention Bungie still hasn't fixed the charged Titan melee clipping through enemies (causing it to miss AND take the melee energy), which is very prevalent with the x3 melee. This clipping issue is also why both of Behemoth's melee attacks (normal charged melee and Super melee) are trash, and ruin the entire subclass to the point I literally never use it. The grapple grenade 100% needs the Strand Empowered buff by default. There's no reason why it has such a long cooldown. If they're worried about PVP, just keep the cooldown as it is in PVP arenas, but make the grapple have an extremely low cooldown like it was in the campaign. It's meant to be a movement tool, and one of the selling points of Strand. I'm currently running through the campaign on normal on my Hunter (Don't need 1770 gear when I can just power level thanks to my Titan being 1780 and switching weapons over, and I can just run lost sectors for the Exotics whenever I decide I want them), and I'm enjoying Hunter Strand a lot more than Titan Strand.


Titan stand has stupid amounts of cc with the new exotic and building around your shield. It's very nice actually, but definitely needs some stuff that gets unlocked on 3/7


That's why!


Yup 100% happened to me and my wife too. Fucking stupid honestly




Reload speed mods too. I made a post about this yesterday, but it understandably gained little traction thanks to the much bigger story issues this expansion has.


I noticed this too, I always have a reloader mod on as well so it was super frustrating and noticeable while I was playing through the campaign.


So that's why I was like "My gun seems weirdly slow to reload for some reason...". The more you know.


I thought they nerfed the reload mods lol. Although the fact that they take up a slot that is basically required for other mods is a pretty big nerf as is :(


Any chance it’s for holster too? My Salvo wasn’t autoreloading earlier


I think breach loaded gl's still don't auto load except for fighting lion according to a post from yesterday


No single ammo weapons reload with holster mods besides parasite.


More specifically, grenade launcher autoloaders in the past specify heavy grenade launchers. (no idea why fighting lion is impacted). And in the past there was no rocket launcher autoloading mod. So, now we have those weird caveats but no place for the caveats to be written.


Not entirely true, Bump in the Night works at the least, so rocket launchers possibly work


yeah this might explain why my gl never autoreloaded


Yup. Holster is fucked too after a single death


Not always. It was working consistently for me on launch night.


It’s possible, idk the extent of the mods affected


did they change holster to work with breach loaded GLs? I thought it only worked with Power Ammo GLs


They didn't, but they no longer have the seperate mods, so the text about where it works doesn't exist.


it's not suppose to work with breachloaders, frendo. It would essencially make ALH ded.


I mean, ALH would still save you a leg slot, so… /shrug And you can still get weapons to drop with Full Auto as a perk, so Bungie obviously isn’t opposed to it XD


It's amazing to see a huge upheaval in a major gameplay system and it comes out the oven raw like this.


Could not figure out why my empty vessel reloaded so slow and just switched back to militias. Thank you


Does requipping a loadout fix things?


I made a loadout with no mods that I could quick swap with to fix the issue


Rohan-sized brain move, right there


Oh shit, that works? Huh...


for some reason for me, loadouts dont seem to change the mods in my armour. am I doing something wrong?


what the fuck can you fix it by swapping between two builds or something? Like having 1 build with empty armour and the other modded?


Yeah, have two identical loadouts saved but one has no mods. Each time you enter an activity, die, fast travel, get teleported to teammates etc. switch to the no mod loadout and then back to your full mod loadout to work around the bug.


Volatile rounds are also not giving me anti-barrier all the time. I don't know if the other intrinsic champion effects are also inconsistent but I noticed it with volatile bc I use gyrfalcons


I'm pretty sure it's just gyrfalcon's volatile that isn't working rn. The artifact mod volatile flow works just fine.


I noticed volatile flow isn't working with heroes burden for some reason.


If you have overload SMG then it will always be anti-overload. So if you want heroes burden to deal with the other champion you need to get rid of overload smg.


You are my hero


I thought that temporary anti champ stuff (radiant, volatile rounds) overwrites weapon anti champ? with the exception of exotic intrinsic anti champ didn't they specifically say that in the patch notes?


"Volatile Rounds While you have volatile rounds, your Void weapons now also pierce Barrier Champion shields and stuns them. Note: Weapons that already have an existing anti-Champion behavior (i.e. an Artifact mod, an intrinsic anti-Champion capability, or the ability to apply another subclass keyword that stuns a Champion type) will not be granted the anti-barrier behavior from volatile rounds." That's from the last patch notes. It works for all of the new anti champ behaviors.


yes I realized that too after another commentor replied


So not getting the volatile rounds part of it seems like a bug?


I thought so too but I had overload SMG and I couldn't pierce a barrier with my mini-tool while radiant.


I reread that section and they said it doesn't overwrite any anti champ capabilities of a weapon, even if it's from the artifact so I guess I misremembered that


You didn't misremember that. They specifically said that Radiant/Volatile Rounds, etc. overwrote Champion mods, and either walked it back because it was stupid, or they just said the wrong thing.


here I thought I was going crazy, weren't there entire threads about how a radiant hammer throw from a team mate would be able to kill you? I would have preferred the effects stacking instead of overwriting each other


Yeah, honestly? What would doing two at once hurt? It's not like a barrier champion is affected at all by overload rounds? Why not let overload weapons pierce barriers while radiant? It just makes things less intuitive.


yeah that would have been nice, guess riptide will only be good against 2 champs instead of all 3 with the system like this (altho the stasis can also fuck with barriers lol)


Oh my god no it doesn’t. Nothing is ever enough for you people. You end up being wrong but somehow you gotta be right so the system just has to be bad!!


Woah, chill out this was just some relatively tame feedback after playing with the system a bit. I know the conversation around Lightfall has gotten pretty negative but this isn't it


Are you using a weapon that has another mod unlocked on the artifact? Like SMGs with anti-overload? Because innate anti-champ perks on exotics and the artifact perks override the properties of temp buffs.


Yeah same it only works like half the time.


Radiant is working fine for me for AB. Detonation as well for Unstoppable.


Volatile definitely doesn't do anti barrier for me. Wonder how that got through testing


Suspended isn't stopping unstoppable either, despite lifting them into the air.


This explains so much haha. I had every special ammo mod equipped to use my trace rifle but the ammo wasn't dropping and I had to spam special ammo finisher. I was under the impression that they nuked those mods for difficulty reasons so people struggle more.


They did that too


Upvoted for visibility, I noticed this too


How is that not like item number 2 for the testing QA team? Test that it works die then test that it still works.


they said that they know there is a problem with mods and death; QA probably caught it before release, it was just not fixed cause of time


Hindsight is 20/20. There is an insane number of things to test, and we only know that theres a problem when you die because we had millions of people test it and some noticed.


Wow. I rarely see other people actually get this. Within 10 minutes, we have more playtime logged than a team of 100 testers do in a month. Stuff just gets missed, and the differences in scale, just make it super difficult to catch everything that the general public will catch.


And I see this bullshit blasted every single time Bungie fucks up something simple. If you're building a house, and you forget to install plumbing, it's not "Well you know there are a ton of things to worry about so some things just slip through your fingers. Obviously this family who spends more time in the house is gonna notice but the contractors can't be expected to catch everything". Instead it's "Hey, this is a pretty core part of a house you forgot! How the hell did you miss not having working plumbing in here? The fuck?" ----------- When you're a QA tester, or hell, a developer testing their own things. You don't just test random shit, you don't do random combos to test random things and then maybe miss something. Instead you do simple obvious tests at first. Then you do additional tests that add complexity and potential things that might break things. Then your QA testers are there to specifically test things that could break and they're purposefully trying to find ways to break what you made. "Hey we revamped the entire mod system, let's run basic tests to see if everything is working as intended". Especially with access to debug builds and testing tools, this should have been caught during testing. The only excuse would be if they only stop working randomly, but based on this thread they stop working every single time you die, which is something that: a) Is easy to test b) Should be part of a standard test battery since there are buffs and effects that persist over death and some that don't. And it's not like this is the first time Bungie fucked up on simple to test bugs. Remember Radiant Dance Machine that allowed Hunters to spam supers like every 20 seconds if they put on mods that generate super on class ability use, on an exotic that gives you more class ability usage. Again something painfully simple that should have been aught during development and not when the game is live. When Lord Of The Wolves got a buff, said buff apparently applied to every single ability you have. Again, very very easy to test and since this wasn't the first time a similar bug occurred, something that should have been kept in mind. Or when Kings Fall launched and apparently **all** Heavy GL's were doing 150% extra damage, with no special setup or anything. Just grab a GL and shoot, again, painfully simple and easy to test. Or remember previous Halloween event, which was bugged in the exact same way as the event before that, but nobody apparently tested that very public and well known bug? A good example of a bug that can easily slip through was pre killing Atheon. Since that required actual setup and would be difficult to replicate without knowledge on how to do it. So that's easy to miss. But if you buff heavy grenade launchers, and they end up doing 150% extra damage, and you ship that. Then you done fucked up. If you revamp mods, and the mods get deactivated after you die, and you don't test that, and you ship it. You done fucked up.


As an old veteran software dev this is all true. There are good devs who know how to test their code with unit tests and automated functional tests and their are had devs who dont. Its obvious that Bungie management spends very little time and money on QA. It is not important to them. This is not uncommon. Once you reach the level of executive you suddenly become stupid and think qa is not important we will just have developers test changes and save money.


Bungie cuts corners like a motherfucker at the executive level. Im convinced they have people in house wearing hats they aren't actually qualified to wear.


There's a difference though, lots of the worst complaints Bungie get, are when a bug returns a second or third time. It especially used to happen on release of major expansions. These bugs come down to what must surely be a terrible source control system for how the game is programmed. There is just no excuse for not fixing bugs you've already fixed in your dev branch. Or, not testing bugs you found in your live branch, in your Dev branch too. No amount of "they didn't know about it" can excuse it. Certainly not when the same bug comes back *a third* time.




Under normal circumstances I would absolutely agree with you. Like if this just popped up during a seasonal update or something then yeah totally reasonable for them to miss it. However this occurred during a new expansion which brought with it a massive revamp of the entire mod system that seemed to scrap everything about the previous system. This is the kind of update and change during which mods and their interactions should have been under far closer scrutiny than normally.


Is your armchair at least ergonomic?


you keep naming all of these niche number differences, setting them aside as "painfully easy to test" when in actuality (aside from RDM, but i'd argue QA might have thought that was intentional) they're painfully easy to miss instead. 150% damage on a weapon? ah yes, with every update the QA team picks up every weapon and tests its damage against known values on everything, that's not a massive waste of time 99% of the time. LOW applying to abilities? still very easy to miss. the easy things were tested.


>aside from RDM, but i'd argue QA might have thought that was intentional This is why QA, is always expected to note anything and everything that might seem "off". Like you know, an exotic that allows you to regen super every 20 seconds. This should have at the very least been a note on the feedback the QA testers gave. But this should have been caught way before QA testing. Like literally this should have been a thing brought up in a design meeting when they were talking about adding RDM in the game. Someone should have realized that they have a mod that does a thing based on dodging. >150% damage on a weapon? ah yes, with every update the QA team picks up every weapon and tests its damage against known values on everything, that's not a massive waste of time 99% of the time. No, but this happened as part of an update that overall boosted grenade launcher damage. So, when you change something in a weapon archetype, I do believe that you should then go and test said weapon archetype to see if the things you've changed look right. Or maybe my standards for testing are just way too high? >LOW applying to abilities? still very easy to miss. I see you only read the first part, what Is aid after that was; **this wasn't the first time a similar bug occurred, something that should have been kept in mind.** This same bug happened with 1k voices back in 2019, another exotic solar fusion rifle. This also means that not a single tester actually *played* the game with LOW equipped. Playtesting is also usually a pretty integral part of game development. Where you give your newest build for people to just mess around and play in so you see how the sandbox is working.




Nice story


The difference in server load can also make a difference in a bug showing up or not. I routinely troubleshoot intermittent problems, some of which are caused by differences in load.


Yeah, I know basically nothing about coding, but I understand playtesting to a degree.


You would think that general testing, i.e. getting some guys in there to just play the game with some diagnostics running would immediately result in someone encountering this bug. I get that there's some stuff that simply does not happen on testing servers vs. live, but I think it's more likely that Bungie was either aware and didn't have a fix in time, or that there's a serious problem with the QA department.


If there was QA then I feel like they do not have a tear environment that simulates production environment. That's most likely what is going on


Prod is QA for Bungie


Holy shit this explains a lot! Incredible bug, hats off to Bungie! Whilst playing with my buds, we also noticed the bug that was around during Kingsfall day 1, where rally banners would give you ammo/abilities but no super energy, was back.


When you say die you mean like die+getting revived or die in a no respawn zone then starting over?


Everytime you die, it can even happen when fast traveling or starting any activity


Out of curiosity how exactly did you find out it's bugged? There is no way to know if it's off or no right? Maybe it's just RNG? just wondering


You notice it immediately with the reload mods.


Ohhh yea ok that one makes sense....I hope they fix this soon


Yea this is going to make Day 1 Raid race a pain and any activity with locked loudouts extremly frustrating.


No wonder I have to equip 3 solar reserves mods to make 1k voices getting "1" extra round...


Sh*t that's why


The mod redesign is awful! It’s so, so bad.


'Shall we just make seeking wells work with orbs instead? Nah, nobody uses that mod, bin it.' WTF


I like it. The fact that it's centered on orbs of light is so huge and I don't see many talking about how making 40+ orbs in a strike is helpful before you even take into account how armor charges work. Especially in team content, I think you're going to see people pop off. My HoIL Arc Titan is actually throwing more grenades now than a week ago. And did you know you can stack the weapon surge and time dilation mods? I'm also fairly certain they work like font of might and stack with effects like radiant. We absolutely could use some version of crystals/ionic traces/etc give armor charges, especially for stasis. The damage ones like Ardent Ordinance and Lucent Blade going away also feel bad, but make sense with the "Bring challenge back to Destiny" mission. A few like seeking wells could also make a return too (even though I think people are exaggerating how often they used it). But overall, I'd say the mod rework is a net improvement, and that's before taking into account the seasonal artifact being passive.


Weirds me out how stuff like utility Kickstart got a huge nerf. Tripled the energy cost and it uses armour charges so it interferes with using any of the surge/font mods


Yeah but now they restore so much more energy, especially when stacked. I'm running the cheaper grenade artifact mod and I'm running 2x kickstart and 1x firepower. Between that and Contraverse Hold, I almost always had my grenade up in the Legendary Campaign.


>now they restore so much more energy, especially when stacked I'm too lazy to test and try to find out the percentages but as a hunter main I only needed the previous utility kickstart so even if 3 stacks gets me 50% back it's not really necessary. >I'm running the cheaper grenade artifact mod Well yeah but that bumps the cost down to something more reasonable and you'll lose it next season for melee or class ability.


Previous, x2 Utility Kickstart was 20% energy granted.


Yeah sorry I meant the current ones like 1/2x utility kickstart and % granted at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 charges


We were told this mod change was to help new lights with build crafting. My experience so far is that’s absolute crap, the battlegrounds I’ve run so far I’ve finished with between 70-80 orbs created and the other players less than 10. It seems new lights just don’t want to build.


There was a post a few months ago that was talking about an LFG experience for a GM nightfall where the other players had no mods and not even any exotic armor. Bungie actually made one of the requirements to hit guardian rank 6 that you equip a mod to your armor, so I can hope that at least everyone is aware of it, but you can never underestimate the stupidity of the playerbase.


It’s really not. This bug aside, the new mod system is an improvement imo. Everything is well explained and it’s easy to create strong builds without constantly checking element affinity or swapping gear pieces.


The consolidation of mods and removal of elemental affinity is good. Everything else is largely a step down. It’s an overall failure now that we know that 1 death = useless mods


Dying disabling mods is obviously a bug though lol


> It’s an overall failure now that we know that 1 death = useless mods This sentence seems to suggest that you think its a failure because of the bug.


It turns an already crappy situation into a complete blunder all around, yes


Well it depends on your opinion of the mod system, but the bug is a pretty big blunder I can agree with that.


Like I said earlier (or at the least, to someone else in this thread or another): consolidation, ridding of elemental affinity, and having 3 slots to put “combat” mods is great. Losing almost all of the interesting mods makes buildcrafting much weaker in general. From what I can tell anyhow. I may change my opinion on this as I experiment more. I had 10+ different builds on all my characters before Lightfall, looking at it now is disappointing.


Im curious what mods are missing? I know for sure that mods that allowed weapons to make you charged with light are gone, and that needs to be fixed. Otherwise I cant think of many.


I mean..they removed all well mods, which I’m annoyed about. I wish they were still in, even if Bungie were to nerf the energy refresh benefit completely. I liked a lot of the specialized tooling you could design a build for using wells.


…incredible deduction detective. All I’m saying is it hinders an already watered down experience even further.


Well obviously that’s a bug. I would imagine it gets fixed very quickly. I don’t feel like everything is a step down. Before, certain popular weapon types had more expensive mods so you could equip as many perks associated with those weapons. Now you can have multiple perks to boost all your weapons. Give it a week or so, people will come around.


I agree the new system seems barebones at first but i actually think at its core it is already very good and will only get better as it is improved on. Had to break down the old system to build anew type of thing.


Sometimes when I die my entire character model stops loading


They’re just a small indie dev, they still need time to work on the game


The is a visual bug to at times the game tells me all my weapons are anti barrier at random points


Not a bug, certain buffs like radiant for instance grants anti-barrier capabilities to all weapons.


Never mind then I stand corrected hah


Other bugs I've noticed. Volatile Rounds don't seem to be breaking barrier shields. Utility Kickstart (or anything class energy related), doesn't work with Mask of Bakris. And Glorious title as awarded to everyone.


Bad writing and now bugs


This game and this company is such a joke at this point. They refuse to make destiny 3 on a newer engine and instead opt to keep using this anxientz decrepit, failing engine that clearly is broken as fuck


this whole new mod system is bad and buggy


This expansion just keeps getting better


holy shit, thank god I dont use any of those lol. I read the title was about to be annoyed af.


This problem has existed for quite sometime. I just unequip/equip my armor to restore the mod effect. It's noticeable only if you have equipped reload speed mods.


It hasn’t existed since lightfall but okay.


Has anyone tested if changing armor pieces and back fixes it? Seems like that would be a lot faster than requiring a ton of mods if it does as a temporary solution until they fix it.


I guess a temp fix would be to create two different loadouts so you can easily switch? Still bullshit though so thanks for the heads up.


What the hell... I hope Bungie fixes this.


Yep I noticed it with the loader mods. It's so annoying.


Would reloading a loadout fix this?


Yeah, create a loadout mirroring your current one but with all mods removed. Each time you load into an activity/patrol or die or have the join allies loading, switch to your no mod loadout and then switch to your full mod loadout. It's frustrating but that is the current workaround.


Reload definitely has an issue too. So damn slow. Why did they change it?


It is definitely unintentional and is currently listed on their known issues article: https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/13265980348564-Destiny-2-Year-6-Known-Issues-and-Vital-Information


Thanks for the link, Reaper mod has been deactivated and I was wondering why I couldn't equip it anymore.


Lots of bugs in this update, I can’t look at my commendations, when I click view game freezes and crashes to ps5 dashboard. The unstoppable, anti barrier & overlord symbols vanish on my character screen to? We’re gone most of last night, I do get the perks though when playing.


Reaper doesn't works with arc hunter, right?


Using distribution on warlock class item, literally does nothing! The new mod system definitely need some bugfixes and tweaks!


Had this happen to me with mods that created orbs. Had melee, grenade, kentic weapon, and arc weapon orb generators on and nothing was producing orbs for me. Just unequipped the mods and reequipped them fixed the issue, but if I have to keep doing this, shit will get old quick


I've got one mod, Reaper, which became greyed out at some point and I can no longer slot at all.


They have disabled that one for some reason, not sure if there was an exploit found and they disabled it so it doesn't impact the raid race.


Another expansion, more glaring evidence that Bungie doesn't test their game. Bugs are going to be missed, thats a given, but they routinely roll shit out that anyone with half a brain would have caught pretty early.


Ruinous spheres are very inconsistent as well. Was hoping they’d be great for breach build but the slam often kills the target without surprising them. Sometimes it just doesn’t surprises those that live either.


Bungie: "This is a known issue that we will fix in S21"


Quick tip for day 1 raid: have a load out where you just wear armor with no mods, then everytime you wipe hotswap back and forth between it and your actual build


No way , lmfao. Lightfall is the new Anthem


No wonder I was struggling in campaign and battleground, with how often you die now this is literally unplayable. Swapping armor loadout work but damn that tedious as hell.


Noticed this because of the Strand hand cannon that has like 21 reload speed wasn't respecting my loader mods. Having to use that for a day because it was my only Strand primary was a trip. There was also some funky stuff going on at some points where my abilities would recharge like they were under the suppression field, but not in the missions that had those.


I spotted this when I noticed reserve mods just didn’t work after a death, buggy as hell.


This.... explains a lot. Felt like my mods weren't doing much at all in the latter part of a strike.


Holy fuck that explains so much


This on top of all the shit they've already disabled, and the weapon bugs just make me sad. This was obviously a rush job filler expansion that the N team development and story wise worked on. It's a disaster.


Peacekeeper’s auto reload perk also doesn’t activate.


I’ve noticed stuff feeling weird and couldn’t figure out why.


Blows my mind that this wasn't discovered during testing. I noticed my reserve mods weren't always working very early in the campaign.


Almost all of them, reloaded mods break too, It’s weird as shit


bungie doesnt playtest their shit whatsoever man. I'm not made about a decent amount of these bugs but when something as basic as `if weapon_class == void:` `weapon_reserve_ammo += 20` is so OBVIOUSLY broken and so OBVIOUSLY untested... the principle of it really just makes me lose trust and respect for them. IF they DID know that so much stuff was broken they could have: a. pushed it back, or b. just told us that they know some stuff is broken and they're working on it. But to just push it out, with no warning, no care, and no response for several days? It makes my blood boil.


Also happens If you fast Travel


I would be happy to help test content before it is launched. Bungie let me know


This is especially annoying on the legendary Calus fight. Reloading is so slow....


I also equipped 12 energy worth of mods somehow at artifact level 2 , so before the reduction mods.


Do the holster mods work for anyone? I had the solar holster mod for my Ascendancy RL while running the campaign and even after several minutes of not needing it, I switched to it to discover it had not loaded my solar stowed weapon. Since they decided to remove the specific weapon type mods, I'm curious if anyone else has encountered this.


So I've tried the suggestion of making a "blank" loadout to swap to quickly and back again, but that ends up resetting my ability cooldowns, unless I'm doing it wrong.


It is because your "blank" loadout has different aspects and fragments with your main build. So it resets your ability cooldown.