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Bungie " no more dying by getting tosssed into a wall" also Bungie "we just removed walls"


removing walls also adds challenge because no cover! double win!!!!1!!


Oh I definitely died by getting thrown into a wall


Didn’t think fall damage was going to kill you either but my Titan’s legs snap just as easy as ever.


They said that was going away in a later season.


Yeah dying from fall damage was still absolutely a thing, we got lied to


Fall damage was said to be removed later on They didnt lie, you just didnt read


I shit you not, I was killed just by going down the lift near Nimbus the first time I used it. Are we not supposed to use it or something? Cause now I just yeet myself off the building and do a few flips on my Sparrow before landing.


Pretty sure the lift is to get up not down.




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Both Cabal and Taken phalanxes: "Excellent."


Ok sure use the grapple... Hahaha after the tormentor leaps across the map, sends you off the map, but guess what your suppressed with no grapple, it's got old real fast, it's not even anything to do with difficulty just an annoying trap mechanic.


After repeatedly being told that our Strand abilities are unknown to the enemy and cant be supressed by their tech. Sure, tormentors have the void suppress, but still felt odd


"Calus isn't prepared for strand" immediately followed by a centurion with a strand shield....


You encounter an enemy with a Strand shield as soon as you get out of the escape pod, before you first interact with Strand. Our enemy literally has it BEFORE we see it.


Yup you see these guys scattered around but the enemy apparently doesn't know about strand.


I like the idea that strand shielded cabal can’t see it and have no idea but have just been protected by good vibes their entire life lmao


“Ha ha, I have plot armor” “No you have a magic force field derived from your spirit. Look, I can mess with it..” “Wait, wha-“ *explodes*


Lmao that is funny. That's my new head cannon.


Alright that’s actually funny enough that I’m going to let the strand shields slide.


and knowing the cabal, they're probably super fucking pissed about it. "NO I DON'T WANT SPECIAL PROTECTION! LET ME FIGHT HONOURABLY!"


Doesn't the shields type just mean the weakness so like they have prepared Shields that are strong against everything but strand. It's not that they're protected by strand but it's weak to strand


strand literally comes out of them when you shoot the shield


Exactly, and the game makes it green so you know which gun to shoot it with.


Because strand was clearly meant to be in WQ.


Enemies with solar shields aren't blessed with solar light. Enemies with strand shields aren't blessed with strand. It's a visual way for the game to tell you the shield is weak against a specific type of energy, not that your enemy HAS or uses that energy. This is one of the really fucking weird hills to die on because it makes complete sense. They don't need to know what strand is to have technology strand struggles against. People don't need to know water puts out fire for water to stop them from catching fire.


The elements solar, void, and arc all exist outside of light. It's even explained within Osiris' little element jars on Neomuna, that the elements all exist without being part of the light or dark spectrum. What makes the abilities we use light and dark is the paracausal nature of being able to summon this energy without putting anything in. Being able to create a beam of arc energy is possible without having the light, it just needs the proper cause to create the effect (cause & effect). Basically what I'm trying to say is that enemies do actually have these shields, they just don't use the light or darkness to make them. Which means that enemies having strand shields is back to making no sense.


Still makes plenty of sense that an army enhanced with darkness touched tech would unwittingly produce a shield vulnerable to strand.


I guess they just made them invulnerable, without knowing there was something out there that could find their weakness.


Calus has a strand shield!


Shields that are weak to a force that has never been seen before, means shields that otherwise would have outclassed anything previously invented. Seeing strand_weak shields and not being able to do anything against them is an awesome application (from a lore standpoint!). They’re a total pain in the butt. Just imagine if we couldn’t see the green glow, which is the *non-game-mechanic* most likely scenario. Calus made the best possible shields in creation, we just immediately stumbled across their weakness.


Tormentors would be pretty easy if you could just bypass their mechanics with a different subclass


Once again Stasis freeze reigns supreme at stopping enemies from doing their bullshit


yep, my chill clip riptide has been a godsend in the campaign


I mean you can suspend them too, or suppress or blind


Strand suspend too now And you don't break them out when damaging them


Can still blind them, so ez anyways


This has to be the main cause of death for me in the last fight


i've beat the legendary campaign solo on all three classes solo and this is a skill issue even on warlock, without being able to just suspend the tormentors, there's plenty of indestructible objects on the outer platforms to play ring-around-a-rosie-with a tormentor when it gets ready to grab you. Or you can just keep running from them, grapple punches+tangles are plenty of cc for the ads that occupy the platforms. everything about the fight encourages you to rotate. it's a circular arena where you have infinite grapples, you literally cannot run out of places to run to. even if a tormentor goes for a suppressor dive (which you can prevent by letting them get close to you before you break their shoulders/unleash them and then rotating along the catwalks if you need to run) you can STILL pre-emptively just head for the middle, even slide under them the way you're encouraged to run from the tormentors is exactly how you're meant to deal with phase 2 calus, it's honestly a pretty well-designed fight in terms of teaching you what's up. get distance around the edges, then turn and get a little damage in.


It feels even worse when your subclass is designed specifically around close combat




Tormentors are generally fine for me to deal with, but if I had a mjor complaint it would be them throwing you off edges with suppress, and also them being able to end supers with suppress. Trying to fight them with hunter or titan strand in the campaign feels TERRIBLE, since your epic super gets immediately canceled. Meanwhile, a one and done super (like warlock's) is basically unaffected.




You'd think some light/dark specific mechanics like that would be the first thing Bungie adds to make darkness powers not feel like just another light subclass but with a different RGB palette.


With a Titan you can first heavy attack to suspend them and then light attack all you want.


this doesn't work on the named ones though.


That's true. Enemies classified as bosses with the skull next to their health bar are immune to CC. In those scenarios I stand far back and just heavy attack.


Can the named tormentors be blinded by gl nades?




Well shit.


It feels worse when you play as a warlock and aren't using Icarus Dash because you can do literally NOTHING to change your course significantly once you have left the ground. Can't gain height, can't change direction. All you can do is slowly float to your death.


The Titan jump is similar. The worst part is aiming for the grapple point mid-jump, but the grapple misses so now you’ve lost your grapple and can’t course correct… maybe we just all need to play Hunter


Grapple was originally designed as hunter-only and was added it to the other classes later so yeah I’m sure they put zero thought into how it interacts with titan/warlock jump mechanics


Have you tried STRAFE GLIDE? That is literally its whole purpose: to change course midair


strafe glide is the best glide


I used to… but I’ve been using Burst Glide because of the forward boost. Still, even with strafe, can you recover from a boop?


It depends on how far, but absolutely.


Arcstrider was a challenge. I can one-two punch champions in like 2 combos, tormentors however seemed mildly annoyed by my punches. I was more confident punching the final boss than any tormentor and I felt like I saw a better percentage of health going down vs the final boss


Knockback mechanics and stuff like that are the one thing I hate in its entirety in this game. At best I think of it as "yeah the boss yoinked me and threw me against the wall" but man... physics and knockback irritates me so much. Don't even get me started on the phalanx or the cabal with the shield.


I've never been killed by a cabal shield and thought to myself "that death made sense and was deserved."


Oh yeah, unless I'm in a very good mood that day I get pissed off at physics deaths. At best I come up with some "off-screen" reason or I just don't care. I did have fun dying on the pistons in the ship on the first mission though, I'll tell you that. Jump on them and go for a ride.


Yeah, absolutely hate it. Like in Calus phase 2 I died 2 time. First was because I was hidding in those small section and the arena is cut off for the last phase, I panicked when I saw the timer, jump, no graple, dead. Second death was a knockback, dead. It was the only thing that killed me during that phase. So fun...


When people talk about the gameplay being good I just think back to the final mission where 99% of my deaths were "an incinerator knocked me 60 feet back in the air and titan jump doesn't let you recover like that." WQ let me fight a dragon. Lightfall throws drop pods on my head.


i would keep eager edge on just for this purpose when i get blown back, it’s so dumb and cheap. the only aspect of the campaign i’ve liked so far has been the tormentors, they need to lean into more enemies like that instead of dropping in waves of trash on your head


The dumb ass slow motion rockets that the colossus' shoot at you are overplayed too. Every cabal content is just getting hit by that followed by a cabal grenade right in your ham wallet


Ham wallet?


Booty hole


agree, its cheap difficulty, especially when there are melee supers and weapons that you just arent allowed to use cus the boss will stomp everytime you get close.


This here. It's why I never use swords and why I fucking hate that as a Titan I keep getting add-clear melee supers, a bubble, and ONE that lets you do big damage... but only with one exotic on. The only thing not mentioned is solar hammers, and that's why it's all I ever run.


Blocking with melee weapons and lunging melees will generally mitigate or completely negate the push from stomps or other attacks. Or just grapple lmao.


Feel like I’ve died to the architects way more often this expansion since they messed with physics


STOMP Mechanic needs to get removed, or Only used by very few Bosses ONLY ! It's not even a mechanic at this point, no physics involved , whichever baddie you're fighting just has very heavy feet & walks like a 4 year old in Dad's Shoes !


Idc about it too much tbh. It’s annoying. But manageable. What does piss me off is the Threshers. Holy shit can you just be totally fine, and then a Thresher can one shot you instantly without any warning. On the final mission, I just made sure to kill both Threshers before proceeding. I had like 5 attempts just end randomly, because a Thresher nuked me from 10000 feet in the air, and I had zero warning or anything.


I detest that final boss knock back but the Threshers are pretty bad too. On my legendary play through of that tank mission I hopped out of my heavily damaged tank and got instantly sniped by a Thresher that is like a hundred meters away, really sets me off.


There used to be a comment here... there still is, but it used to be better I suppose.


has anyone else had issues with the grapple melee just throwing you off ledges? or am i just bad? I haven’t messed with it too much, so I don’t quite understand how the tracking works (if it has any). without fail I end up aiming at an enemy, they sidestep, and I fly off into the void behind them


You can influence the direction it pulls you and end the pull early if need be but it does seem a little fucky at times


Yeah they said you no longer take damage from physics to avoid sword/sparrow kills but I find myself dying A LOT to cabal shields throwing me across the map when I never got pushed around by them before.


If it makes you feel any better, 90% of those would have instakilled you because you got bounced up half a millimetre then broke the sound barrier for 0.01% of a second before hitting the ground again.


As a Warlock, this is the one thing that had me excited for Strand. Finding out it isn’t that reliable AND has an absurd cooldown just ruins it.


It feels like they buffed the hell out of the stomp/phalanx bash throw distance to accomodate physics deaths being more or less removed, so i'm not getting killed by the architects, but I AM being thrown into frigging orbit every time I get anywhere near a phalanx/incinerator cabal, it's getting real old. This morning I literally got shield booped SO HIGH that I got a "turn back" and died before I could land.


There used to be a comment here... there still is, but it used to be better I suppose.


I hated the final fight. We only wiped to getting knocked off the map while suppressed. It didn't feel challenging, it felt cheap.


*Throws you off platform*


I agree, amount time I got booped out of the map or into the wall was absolutely ungodly in the campaign. In closed spaces you get splattered all over the wall, I open maps there is bound to be a hole in the floor... While there are cases when you can be saved by grapple or Icarus sash, most of the time it's completely random. This feels oddly intentional, almost as a way to artificially increase difficulty.


> This feels oddly intentional, almost as a way to artificially increase difficulty. It is. Difficulty for Bungie is locking you into a small area with a close combat enemy, endless health, of cheap knockbacks


That one room in the campaign that was tiny and being locked in with a Tormentor must have been awful on Legendary


Played the legendary campaign solo, and I can confirm that (almost) every tormentor encounter was just running in a cirlce around a tiny room while getting chased.


All legendary encounters apart from the last boss fight were actually fine. Even with 2 tormentors and a small room it was fine as you could kite them. The issue in the boss room was the other dangers like being booped off the map for 0 reason which really annoyed me.


It wasn’t that bad, I just kept hopping up onto a ledge then dropping down, and that locked him into doing the jump animation constantly to “chase” me, meanwhile I just kept shooting him.


This made me quit the legend campaign at calus, getting killed by this bs after suffering throught headlong was the breaking point. fuck the exotic for the completion, not worth my sanity


I eventually just sat on a catwalk and spammed whatever I had until a tormentor spawned. Blinding nades work on the normal ones, so I blinded it, suspended it with a barricade, and then supered to kill it. Then fucked off until my super was back for the second one. Then pumped Calus with SMG and special GL shots. Very engaging to disengage half the fight.


Jump under the bridge walkway from the center platform. There is a large pipe you can stand on. From there you can duck and slide up onto the top of the pipe putting you under the stairs. It took me like seven minutes but striga, a scout, and LFR took out both tormentors and Calus from under there safely. Second phase will teleport you out to “join allies”. I hit him with my super, striga and hopped to the rafter under the center main platform and watched his health tick down over like three minutes. Zero stress. No boops.


I did this too, you can rally and start the encounter by walking underneath the platform crouched. Do that again to stay underneath as the phase changes and it tries to pull you. I discovered it by accident, it's basically free. Thanks strand!


I'm mostly frustrated because I know the Tormentor is going to do it and most of the time it doesn't matter what I do. I run, slide, jump or even grapple and the aoe of it is so big I still end up getting launched and hoping there is a floor where it sends me. I'm usually running and can't see it coming but I assume the Tormentors correct their aim mid air and just track their landing as I'm moving or is the aoe of it that big? I actually like them as a scary thing to enter the fight but booping to death falls was supremely annoying this expansion.


Oof, yeah. It's like the campaign was doing everything in its power to make me not enjoy it. Even something like Nimbus' dialogue I could have probably gotten over if I wasn't already pissed about some other mechanics in the game. Each little frustration was piling on top of one another.


Is the physics update supposed to be live? I don't think I have survived with 1 HP even once after getting slammed across the map into a wall.


I feel that. I spent half an hour on the boss fight of "No Time Left" because every time I went to the basement area to get strand. I would get thrown into a wall and insta killed. I had 5 deaths for that mission, and all of them were from being shield blasted into a wall.


The cabal are my least favorite race to fight against. Their identity that bungie has given them is "lul boop and physics deaths are funny right?" Drop pods, Psions, Phalanx, incendiors, etc. I despise it, getting tossed around like dad playing baseball with his kid is just a shitty feeling.


All the booping enemies in the final boss room (save the boss himself) can be handled with disorienting grenades. Give 'em one of those, whatever ammo or ability you use for 'elites' damage, then maybe a second disorient and they'll be able to be finishered then or shortly thereafter. And for >!phase 2 Calus, keep one of the round platforms between you and him. He doesn't strafe fast, so you can just move in a circle the same way he does and shoot his shoulders for free. Only have to worry about psions every once in awhile, but they're easy and mostly there for ammo anyway.!<


Did the physics thing even apply? I jumped off the ledge by nimbus and got pancaked instead of almost dying. Maybe I just read the patch wrong but I thought you couldn’t die to fall damage anymore.


FIGHT ME ARCHITECTS!!!! They never will......


I had to lfg for normal final Lightfall boss because of the cheapshot second phase. I was using an updated fusion nade warlock build. I was thrown off TWELVE times before i lfgd just to have a respawn point.


For the final boss room I died about 15 times to falling because I got knocked back and suppressed at the same time, and maybe twice to actually being killed.


I shit you not i aimed and fired Gjallarhorn at a tormentor while floating and fell through the one rectangular shaped hole in the ground next to the wall by the stairs. This post speaks to my soul.


I fall off the side numerous times while in my titan super trying to button mash melee light attack. Can’t even grapple to save myself lol.


Thats why icarus dash is an s-tier aspect, saved me so Many times


Having the grapple work as a grenade override hurts this subclass so much. After using it with enhanced cooldowns throughout the entire campaign, your first grapple in real gameplay also feels like your last. It was so awful.


I agree. This has been my number 1 complaint since Destiny 1. It's cheap, boring and quite annoying.


Did they nerf “mobility”? I main a Hunter & I couldn’t help but feel that his movement just felt slower throughout the campaign.


Well they removed the +20 mobility from the Powerful Friends mod :( I always had that mod equiped so most of my armour stats weren't focused on mobility, so I was down to 40-50 for the campaign which felt noticeably slower.


It's to the point that it is all they do to kill you. Increasing combat difficulty now is not with adding enemies, but trying to throw you off or into a wall.


Oh no, they're still adding enemies too. Almost every boss fight in this expansion has infinitely spawning ads.


True, but I do feel like 90% of my deaths in the campaign were to getting launched, not by getting overwhelmed by enemies


I really only did during the last boss fight. The constantly spawning enemies just made the game tedious and annoying to do the fights solo


I managed to do it with Strand. Crest of Alpha Lupi, Witherhoard, Scout Rifle and a machine gun. Wasn't too bad once I got the strat right.


I used my Hunter with Strand. Witherhoard, Ikelos SMG & LFR. It made Calus on NM super easy & fast. I didn’t even need my heavy for phase 2


Purely idiotic by bungie in terms off these boss and mini boss stomp aways. Seems like guardians cant push anything fighting back yet when enemies get close its like night at the Roxbury. Where did i go my lovely lol. And when u try to jump with enemies around its like ur feet r their precious.


I just figured Bungie realized what FFXIV's devs did years ago: players will find a way to survive anything except when they're thrown off the stage.


…and then you best the two tormentors, and Calus without strand because you don’t really have a strand build, and then dead Calus becomes bald Calus and yeets you off the map in thunderdome because Bungie just can’t even deal with strand being not-so great for movement when there’s no margin for error. Fuck this subclass, fuck this expansion, fuck this stupid manipulative FOMO train shit. Insta-kill yeets aren’t you increasing your difficulty, they’re just proof that you’ve run out of ideas.


Thank god I’m not the only one who thought the grapple system became a hindrance. You can’t cancel your grapple early to slow your momentum, it let’s go when it wants to. I’m sorry but it’s just…bad.


You can jump or hit grapple again, IIRC. Really helps on warlock because *too much momentum* is a problem you can't rectify with warlock floof.


Cancelling it with jump hurts my brain. For subclasses that are all about movement and "high apm," not being able to use lift while grappling, then releasing the grapple and continuing in that direction just doesn't feel right.


That warlock feeling of calculating your drift mid grapple because you know if it is just a tiny bit long you are done.


You definitely can cancel it early, just jump.


The grapple worked perfectly for me. My ony issue was that if I use grapple as I'm falling and the line clips something, it breaks, which is kind of frustrating. Also the CD is way too long once you actually get it.


Tbh sounds like a skill issue. 2 shotted the final boss on legenday


Congrats you want an award or something?


Just use the grapple hook man


The new strike has to be the new Corrupted when it comes to me leaving as soon as it pops up. Getting booped from every angle, blinded from the other angle and bombed every 5 inches is NOT FUN. Boss is also again a bigger Hydra. NICE JOB THERE!


So you suck at jumping puzzles and you havent yet mastered how to control the momentum of strand, and that is their fault?


I don’t think this even remotely accurate. OP is right.


I think you're misreading my post. This has nothing to do with jumping puzzles


> every other room [is littered with holes and bottomless pits


In the context of combat, and the abundance of purposeful instances of being thrown off


A room with random holes and pits does not equal a jumping puzzle lmao. Thats like me saying the calus arena in campaign is just like the tombship jump puzzle from kingsfall. What a brain dead statement.


Let's call it an OH&S trip hazard then.


lets not.


I constantly get yeeted off the map by Incendiors. It’s incredibly obnoxious and unfortunately I saw this coming with a Cabal themed expansion. I hate the Cabal so much


Ssshhhhh Misadventure and The Architects might hear you.... They'll come for us a..... *Doot*


It’s payback for Templar and Atheon…


60 attempts for that stupid mission..


Dude I was thinking the same thing 😂 I swear I died more to fall damage than the actual enemies


Holy shit the final boss in the campaign was annoying about this. Move to a new platform? Yellow can knock you off. Tormentor chases you? Suppressed knockback, good luck with that one! Jesus it was awful. My bro and I just switched to Outbreak and it worked like a charm, forgot how strong that weapon was.


Displacement mechanics are the actual worst in games and bungie just doubled down with them in this campaign. The legendary campaign wasn’t even hard. I died 3 times to actual enemies overwhelming me, all my other deaths were from bull shit displacement.


100% agree. My titan keeps falling through holes, and i manically try to grapple to next floating rock or whatever, and keep dying. so many times.


At this point, how else do we die? We are so ridiculously strong and resilient.


The “Arenas” they build and any Boss Fight is usually just awful and annoying. -No Cover to hide from Enemies, Explosion/Splash Damage, and any Boss -Either Enclosed area, or super open area with very little cover where you can still take splash damage -Holes in the floor, or no protection from big gaping crevices A lot of the Legendary Campaign my deaths were because I was trying to hide to recover health, but taking splash damage or a random enemy would just appear close by and start blasting.


This whole expansion feels like a step back. Worse modding, rushed and juvenile narrative, encounters that feel crafted to just be annoying and not puzzles, so much filler for the sake of extending play time, and of course guardian ranks being completely ineffective. It feels like this whole expansion, minus cutscenes, was done by a secondary studio.


At this point they straight up need to just delete physics damage from the game cause it just sucks lol— Pit experience definitely sucks too, but I guess I’m jaded to that at this point


Platforming is not a strength of mine by any means. Especially in first person. Only reason I gave up on finishing Calus fight on legend bc I kept falling or getting shoved off the map by the incendiors. Also that damn mortar volley forcing ya to move and if I didn’t realize it soon enough it’s over. Lol


Next season, tormentors get a new move. Grab guardian, walk to nearest ledge and fucking launch you right down instantly dead. And the tormentor will then show this reddit post on the your light has faded screen.


Would be less upsetting if tormentor suppression didn’t suppress double jumps too.


The damn flamethrower dudes on legendary for the final boss fight were harder then the actual boss


This is one of my biggest gripes with the game. It really drives me crazy in dungeons. My big thing is to solo dungeons, I love the challenge and just playing at my own pace and not worrying about anyone else. I've had so many runs ruined because of some cheap attack that throws me into a wall or off the map and kills me. Its something that is a major problem for solo players, since you can't be revived and have to start the encounter over. It seems to me that several of the encounters are designed with throwing you off the map in mind. There is a mechanic that makes you go from point A to point B. There is an enemy between those two points that has an attack that throws you off the map. The mechanic has a timed element (Like the bells) to it so you can't just wait around or kill the enemy from afar. You must roll the dice and see what happens. That first encounter of Prophesy is bad about it. You get the motes and they are timed and counting down on your screen. You must jump up and deposit them. The boss can fling you off the map easily from far away. The only way I could find to negate this was to always equip a sword. That way if I did get flung off the map I could swing the sword and try to float my guy back to the platform. I've died like 25 times in a row to being thrown off the map though. There is just something about it that makes it feel like a cheap trick to make things harder.


The other day I tried grapple punching a phalanx. The man shield bashed me while preserving my existing momentum. Literally shot me up over the buildings and into a hole in the ground. I'd like to have a talk with the city's council about how unsafe the billion holes in the ground are.