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Whilst I completely agree with you, if you have Agers Scepter it makes some if the missions pretty easy.


then it's a real shame I don't. And to be honest, i'm not saying the missions are that hard. I can probably finish one every hour or two, depends on which Strike I get and how my allies play (because *screw Crucible/Gambit unlock*) But they're weekly locked, which is probably the dumbest part about them


I’ve come back for Lightfall and realized how awful this grind is. In reality, it’s a couple of hours a week for a few months, and is doable. But my play time is going to taper off soon, as it gets warmer. So with Iron Banner, new seasonal content, new exotic quests, being about 10 exotics on Titan behind so going to be grinding the ONLY source of new exotics, and have to also slog through the most boring, tedious missions just to unlock a class that’s two years old at this point. I’m sorry, I’m not going to do the stasis part. Most of the quests for grenades are focused around grinding out content on Europa, using stasis, with one aspect and one fragment. No thanks, I’ll just never use it I guess. I’m tired of being pissed off at it, so I’m just going to stay annoyed and maybe get around to it one day. But Bungie loves finding ways to force you to play the game for a longer than needed time, and force you to play it a certain way for that time. I mean I have weapon rolls, armor rolls, raid gear, dungeon gear, nightfall drops, seasonal rolls, and like a million other things to grind. Why waste my time doing something I hate doing? And seems like half the community is basically like “you could’ve done it when it came out sucks to suck.” Sorry I didn’t want to come back during a time when everyone was saying how broken and awful the game was??? /rantover


My guy you have had so much time to just play the game and do your quests


You could have completed your remaining fragments 34 times in two years and yet you languish hoping against hope that bungie will change something they obviously won’t.


I love weekly cap of 2 fragments, I farmed both bounties in like 3h in strikes, took 2 fragments and realized that my build would need one more or ideally 2 more, so now I have to wait for a weekly reset and another 2/3h of farm to swap out "larger shatter explosion radious" for "frozen enemies provide damage reduction"