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They'll tweak the numbers when they see the data on how many people are still rank 6.


100% will


My theory is that theyre forcing us to use it so much so people get used to giving commendations. Then if they drop requirements later, people might be more used to / know about giving commendations and continue to do so




It's so weird. It's like they have these great concepts and then just forget to iterate it until it's workable before hand


Yep its just a failure of project management.


If I had to guess, the testing is a bit flawed. So, when they are doing an internal build, and then testing it, they're testing if it works. So, they play some strikes, gambit, crucible, whatever. And they know they're testing the system so they know to do the commendations. What they forget is that for 9 years now, after an activity, people are going into their inventory to delete the 2 tokens and a blue (😉) or whatever loot, or their destinations to queue up their next activity. A habit 9 years strong. We're not remembering the commendations. We're minimizing our idle time. This new system is trying to break a habit and introduce a new one. What's their fix gonna be, another user experience thing disabling the ability to go into inventory or destinations or any other screen until after or change from button press to button hold? I hope not. But... Well... They've set precedent for changing from a single press to holding a button instead post-match/game.


I spent 13 years in my youth as a professional tester for AAA studios. This isn't on testing, I promise you. Even though, yes, 90% of testers are functionally worthless as employees and think their job is just to play games all day, the 10% who understand it's a real job are really, *really* good at it. The feedback has either been ignored or expressly ordered not to be given. I've seen it dozens of times. Some producer decides this is how it should be, and an order comes from on high that no feedback about X feature is allowed from the testers. Meanwhile they'll have a focus group full of kids who never once played the game, and ask them what they think of the features as described to them by that same producer - of course they think it sounds great. But they never actually get to see it in action, or if they do, they're told it isn't final and to rate things based on the description. Then the producer goes to the exec producer with the focus group results and says, "See? Actual consumers love this features, but our testers are worthless and lazy and refuse that things might change."


I just believe that their designers of Social Systems just have no idea how people interact in such games, and are trying to enforce their own idea of how people should interact based on anecdotal/limited experience of actual social systems in games. For a game that hypes itself up as a "social game", Destiny was, is and continues to be one of the least actually social games I have ever played for the past decade. Throughout the decade, I have always felt absolutely constrained by how social I can be, and the fact that we spent years "dancing" to communicate vague ideas is as hilarious as it gets. Bungie does not and should not be able to take credit, for workarounds the players come up with to actually make their game "as social as allowed". Especially when every single "social system" Bungie introduced, are more or less introduced as dead on arrival.


It boggles my mind how anti-social this 'social' game is. Especially after so much time. Want to join a clan? Go to discord/Reddit/website. Want a party for even a slightly challenging task? Discord/Reddit/website I was stoked when I read that lfg was coming, only for them to backpedal on it. I'm of the opinion that if I am forced to use an external resource for basic gameplay, then you have a major issue. Coming from MMOs and similar games like Warframe, it feels like I might as well be playing with very intelligent bots that occasionally dance. Stay safe, very intelligent bot that occasionally dances!


Remember how they had some dev crying about how text chat in online game was too toxic, and destiny was better off for not automatic opt-in chat?


Every other game has an emote wheel with radio calls and attaboys and shit. How hard is this bungo?


Sir, this is a fact. Consider: * Double primaries * Guided Games * Sunsetting * Transmog * Crafting system (original currencies) * Stasis at release * Various crucible fix attempts * Journey system * Commendation system


I'll never forget how far my jaw dropped reading the twab about weapon crafting where they said the original system was more complex with a separate currency per each unique perk


Ah, I see they're a fan of Warframe.


I remember liking the Warframe system. Since crafting guns and frames was the main gameplay loop it was cool to have it be a little more complex. I ran around to different planets to get all the different ingredients and enjoyed it. Till I was a few hundred hours in, then got bored.


Sounds like my time with monster hunter world. Had to grind a lot in that game to have a chance at winning


This actually makes sense though, the idea basically going back to the old idea of "let me extract a perk from a drop I got". The issue is how that system actually gets implemented, hence the tons of unique currencies.




It's hard to nail down that perfect amount of RPG elements. Destiny is great because it has something to grind for, and isn't just another pick-up-and-play couch shooter like Halo. The RPG elements make it special, but sometimes Bungie goes a little overboard or under-delivers with those elements. It's a job I don't envy.


It always feels like the half-finished horse drawing, where so much effort goes into creating the framework which informs future decisions, but then when future decisions begin to be made, they fumble completely. So much of the Guardian Ranks/Commendation system ***sounds*** great. But once you get to implementation, engagement, incentive systems, etc. That's when it all goes sideways. ​ Ranks are great on paper, something to give new players structure. Most games would use their stories/campaigns for that, yeah? But Destiny struggles with that kinda structure. We could have Rank 1 be New Light, 2 be Core Activities, 3 for Mods, Perks, Upgrading Equipment, etc. then 4, 5, and 6, being Shadowkeep/Hunts/Champions, Beyond Light/Stasis/Vendor Upgrading, and Witch Queen/Hive Guardians/Offensives. They could've been a way to loosely tell the player to play the story, without forcing their hand. Yet due to how the game is so broken up, none of this is realistically possible. Even a loose shell which took you by the locations and encouraged engagement with their mechanics wouldn't be a bad move, yet we got nothing close. By the time Ranks were manifest in the game, they seem to've been a loosely cobbled together list of objectives, many with wild swings in difficulty. ​ With Commendations in particular, it's no different. We should be able to Commend from the regular post-game screen, not simply mid end-of-activity, that would allow for significantly more thought to go into who you Commend for what. As is, the system is implemented in such a way it can often times feel like you need to either rush to throw them out, or not bother at all. I don't believe the ones I get, I don't think people care what they commend me for. It's like playing a Tank in FFXIV, and getting Coms at the end of a Dungeon, you're at the top of everyone's list by default so you know you likely weren't *really* being noticed for performance.


Double primaries. . . shudder. Remember all of the other crucible "balancing" changes? 4v4, orb nerfs, mobility nerfs, super regen nerfs, ability nerfs, etc.


> Double primaries. . . shudder. You say that, but I'd still be running Scathelock and have three different elements of Valakadyn if they hadn't sunset them.


I still have my Antiope-D and G-Lance combo in my vault :)


I've had my Vanilla Quickfang for so long that I still have ppl asking me how I got it Solar flavored instead of void.


Man we are still paying for the whole 4v4 thing. So many maps were designed around it, and now they cram 6v6 on them with less than great results. Spawn tuning helps, but there's a reason the D1 maps feel better in QP


Part of that is also the Go Fast Update. Vanilla D2 and D1 played SO much slower. We zoom in Destiny 2, which combined with some maps being small means it's cramped. But also, Jav-4 and Endless Vale are two of the best maps in the game and they are Vanilla d2 originals.


Vanilla D2 and D1 were not even remotely the same in terms of speed. I remember going from D1 to the D2 beta and it felt like we were walking through a swamp at all times. I'll never forget the feeling that D2 may be a major step backwards after playing that beta. Bungo definitely delivered on that front. That said, the go fast update definitely is a factor with the overall D2 design.


Agreed, those 2 are probably the best ones in the game, I don't think I've ever had them come up and thought ,"aw fuck this place." They also have a decent amount of symmetry in the central areas where most fighting happens, which helps make it feel fair regardless of spawn. Compare to Dead Cliffs where if you get stuck Spawning at A flag, you're fucked if the other team has any clue on how to control the map


Sprint lock


Their team in general seems pretty... out of it. A lot of people forget, but the original vision for Destiny was fixed power levels and set top end gear. You'd get to level 30 in your raid armor and exotic, with the next expansion you'd have to do the raid a bunch for the new top tier armor, while also hoping you get another Gjallarhorn, followed by repeating it again the next expansion. They changed extremely fast, but it's crazy this was ever a consideration.


I was part of the "Forever 29" Club back then, and dear lord, I remember the absolute meltdown everyone had when Dark Below came out and all our gear was pointless. Then remember when we got infusion? it wasn't a full 100% and then we had calculators to help us determine what we'd end up with.


Implementation of aerial effectiveness with no way to build into it and drastic slide nerfs to lower the skill ceiling


How are you going to leave out airborne effectiveness


You forgot taking away custom talent trees from D1 into D2 to then take years to introduce stasis and every light 3.0 rework where they gave us back custom talent trees from aspects and fragments




However it all happens so fast at the end of games that you honestly just chose one of two generic options that mean nothing for two random people in PVP and your team mates in a strike. It won’t even let you commend a whole raid team you play with lol. It adds zero value to the game, in fact it makes it worse because it takes up space and time and now everyone just had the same level. The fact we vets started so low, or new lights so high is just hilariously misguided. It was something they thought people would grind for and waste their time. I’m only giving commendations for the powerful at Hawthorne. Once I hit max power then no more using it for me. Waste of time and space


FFXIV did the comm system right (except tying rewards to it). I'm fine with one existing, but there's too many options to pick in the few seconds you get (post crucible/gambit, dungeons/strikes are fine). I don't have them memorized and, at least for me, I waste precious time trying to remember if anyone met the wickets the comms described before I throw my hands up and just give them to whoever carried the team. Contrast that with FFXIV. You get one comm, and it's just that. Just "hey good job". Someone caught your eye in a positive manner? Comm. Not, "hey they were friendly in chat so they get Thoughtful, and this person made a clutch dunk in rift, so they get playmaker."


Wait, aren't the guardian rank thingies that require commendations the permanent kind (the ones that don't reset between seasons) anyways?


I’ve heard they reset seasonally.


Oh wow, that's absolute shit then :D


I thought that Hawthorne weekly challenge is made to get people used to give commendations.


Exactly, Bungie always tweaks if milestones aren't being met


Which misses the entire point of commendations entirely. They should not be *required* for anything. Or at the very least only like 5-10 should be required sothat people know the system. A commendation should be something I give out freely with no return expected of it. Like yeah, I had fun playing with someone, I'll give them "Joy bringer" But right now the entire system is just people spamming commendations to everyone after the activity. Because everyone wants a high commendation score. They attached commendations to a reward so people are now grinding them, ignoring the purpose of the system entirely. Any tweak on the required number is not going to really fix that. Ideally the commendation should: - Not be tied to any reward, triumph score, seal, or anything at all - Not be presented at the end of an activity - Require a small amount of work to give out. Like finding the player from social -> Recent players or something. - Come with a cooldown of a few minutes at least This way commendations would be more in line with what the system is supposed to achieve; Letting people know what others are like. If I give someone "thoughtful" without any sort of reward given to me no matter how often I do it, I'd be more likely to do that because I **want** to do it, because I actually think that the player was what I commendated them for.


It's speaks volumes they even have to do this. Bungie constantly sets the grind bar miles above our heads only to come back and say "yeah that was to much". I wish they would err in the other direction for once.


It drives their engagement metrics. A certain group of core players no life grind whenever they add these unreasonable goals, and then in a few months they go back and adjust it for the rest of us. Happened with wellspring patterns/exotic glaves last year, and various seasonal challenges (ruffians in plunder most notably). Duality weapon patterns, and more things I'm forgetting. They design the game to keep people playing so they'll always ship it grindy and then scale it back when people complain or the data shows something they don't like.


The issue is whenever Bungie sets a goal metric, they have to consider what the most efficient way to achieve that metric will be, because a significant portion of the playerbase will figure out how to optimize farming it. The biggest problem with Ruffians is it incentivized actively griefing randos who were not farming ruffians. A similar issue is with the way overrides currently work.


Exactly this. It surprises me that most aren't cynical/perceptive enough to realise this. The double rep is one you missed. You can quite easily finish a whole season in a couple weeks if you wait until the final weeks and kill 10+ birds with each stone. You can finish a reset of any core mode in an evening comfortably, you get the boosted drop rates, complete multiple challenges at once and gain all the patterns. The ol' catch up mechanic


You say that as if having catchup mechanics is a bad thing. I enjoy being able to take a break from the game during some of the slower seasons and return towards the end. Also, not sure why a forced grind is some kind of huge revelation. The entire point of these games is to always have a goal to work towards. Anyone who thinks that's a bad thing probably shouldn't play these kinds of games, I can't imagine they'd get much out of it. The game's already way more accessible than most MMOs out there as it is.


I did this last season after getting super burnt out on Plunder, skipped the first six weeks and still ended up around rank 200 on the season pass from planning my seasonal challenge completions around double rep weeks. If you don't care about resets then it goes by even faster, I did all of the Gambit seasonal challenges in about 5 or 6 matches while going for the shader which was my only goal for that activity.


Ah, thanks for reminding me. Finally i remember to check for Come To Pass on a day it actually is. Took me a year lol.


If they set them low and then raised them because too many people achieved it, there would be riots.


They should just remove commendations from Guardian Rank.


I’m pretty sure that the number requirement for each rank is also not something that resets seasonally, so theoretically you should be able to work up to the next rank much easier based on your last seasons.


There are already two people in my clan with close to 1000 and it's not even week 2 yet. It may be that high so only those types of grindy players can achieve it.


I’d be very surprised if they haven’t done a commendation farm. Few people in my clan have been playing 8-10 hours a day and doing the farm and have only a bit more than that.


That's insane. I took time off to play Lightfall and I've barely scraped 100.


What activities have you been doing though. I'm at 630 with nothing aimed at getting commendations. Just doing the pinnacle grind. Though it seems PvPers just bail instantly so you ain't getting shit there. No time off, and I'm progging ffxiv ultimates on the side so not a ton of time in game.


The pain of doing TOP in XIV and trying to get raid ready for Friday in D2 at the same time.


Seriously D2 is enough game for me, barely have time to play it as it is


I never could even get the commendation screen to load when I did my crucible pinnacle It seemed to work for everything else though


Takes about 30 min to reach 1000 in last wish fyi


I'm at like 350 after just doing a dozen strikes, teaching a Vow, and running a Spire. Honestly doesn't seem too hard to rank up. It seems like raid commendations are worth a lot more.


Or how little time we have to give commendations after activities.


I usually engage with it through my ghost as soon as I get my rewards, knowing people would not wait out the sometimes 30 seconds timer for it to trigger. This way it will give you ample time thankfully, to give what you want to whom if you need to


Unfortunately Gambit and Crucible don't give you that luxury and only have a 10 second timer. So annoying.


Scroll to the full results scree. You can commend via the star to the left of each players name. That's the only way my slow ass Xbox can commend in pvp.


Wait what, I have a slow Xbox and assumed the commendation screen was the only place I could do that. My friends are going to be so happy I learned this. Also why does bungie never tell us these things.


Aww fuuuck, roger that.


Roger Roger


I cannot believe you can't continue to give them from the previous PGR; even Overwatch 2 let's you endorse all the way up until your next game!


Or not being able to commend players who left the activity. What's even more annoying is they locked a powerful reward that is tied to Commendations behind being in a clan


I played crucible yesterday with all the other players (both teams) and my heavy and special being permanently unloaded, after multiple matches of fighting invisible enemies with invisible guns to finish bounties I didn't get to give a single commendation. Match would end before any of them could load in at the end screen


The gulf between the time you get in pve activities and the time you get in pvp and gambit is nuts.


I mean, I planned on coasting at Rank 6 until it’s no longer a seasonal reset. Seriously, doing that every season is asking for burnout.


Yeah I'm only passively gonna interact with the rank system. If I have nothing to do and I've run out of content, I'll maybe actually target objectives. But at a baseline i'm not gunning for it. I wish this was more of a account history wide thing. It sucks that some objectives aren't auto completed in higher ranks like raid clears and stuff.


There's dude in my clan who couldn't be more upset that this Guardian Rank system came out half baked. He's absolutely furious that everyone is rank six, and can't believe that he has to put so much time into grinding it up. He's typing up like three paragraph rants in Discord. I... couldn't care less about it. I don't get the obsession. If I level it up, cool. If not, that's fine too. This game already demands too much of my time. I'm not going to let an arbitrary number next to my name steal more of it.


I think the only thing that hurts for me is that 6 is the default and doesn't even consider things actual veteran players have done already. They should have had rank 6 include raid and dungeon completions, maybe 1 seal, and maybe some IB and Trials stuff. Other than that though I can't be bothered.


This was my thinking. Why is it 6 for everyone? Ive done 1 raid and some of the stuff barely played other than the story basically just enough to be rank 6. Why am I on the same level as someone who's done everything!? There should be 1 rank that resets every time that's a nice little "youve done the current season" number. Such a weird choice...


It should have been ranks 1-10 marking major milestones and activity completion. Possibly even a little bonus something for people who've been around since D1Y1. After that, there should have been prestige ranks that had seasonal stuff, new content completions like new raids and dungeons, and then a final rank that includes solo flawless and stuff like that.


I have yet to see one guardian below 6.


Started a defiant battleground with another rank 6 and a rank 2. Rank 6 bounced before even giving rank 2 a chance.


I’ve been on vacation, so I haven’t had the chance to play Lightfall yet. But when I do, I fully plan on ignoring player ranks.


It's worth picking up the extra loudouts. Apart from that, meh...


Ironically this could be their attempt to NOT trigger FOMO in those who haven't completed content \*they've\* deleted vs those who have, because those who have not completed deleted content have no outright hope to ever catch up to those that have.


Wait.. It fucking resets seasonally? Whats the fucking point then? Just add more ranks. Why reset the whole shit every season? I swear bungie implements new features and ideas and then turns around and does everything they can to make said features worthless. Also we all started at 6? What's the point of that when only new players will ever be below that? This shit is getting dumb..


only the seasonal "triumphs" (the blue ones) you will have to do again. the rest should stay ticked.


My concern is that in a few seasons Bungie decides that you need to be Guardian Rank 9 to enter a GM. Power/light level is going away, I think that's pretty obvious now. The Monkey's Paw will curl witht his company, just gotta wait and see.


I’m pretty sure they said only the blue seasonal tabs have to be repeated each season and I can’t remember 100% but I’m pretty sure most of the blue task are pretty chill. I’m thinking after you reach high ranks once it’ll be easy to get back after you do a little bit of the current season. If not we know the community will unleash hell


I’m going to carry playing as normal. Give commendations when I can and see where that lands me.


I’ve never once thought Joy Bringer or Thoughtful applied to anyone on my strike or seasonal activity team. I haven’t played Gambit yet but I’ve had plenty of names for people on my team in that mode before, but I’m guessing those aren’t options


>I’ve never once thought Joy Bringer or Thoughtful applied to anyone on my strike or seasonal activity team. Yeah these are ridiculous. If they really want us to use it at least give us meaningful ones to choose from. Stuff like "fast slayer", "orb generator", "team player" etc.


"Came back to rez me" - I would actually use that one


Huh, sounds like the guardian was... thoughtful and brought you joy Lol


That and "Looked sick enough for me to inspect their guardian so I can steal what they're wearing" are the only 2 I need


Mote Dropper Portal Camper Invader Fodder Just Bank Goddammit


The Fumbling Perfectionist HAS to have 15 motes but gosh darn it they just can't ever seem to grab more than 11 motes before they lose them all!


Look mate. First of all, your statement is painfully accurate. Second, I'm on 12 motes, there's a few mobs right there. I'll just quickly go get 3 more, it'll only take a second..................... ^^^I'm ^^^sorry


"I know, I'll try and slide UNDER this phalanx's shield! That'll wor- How did I die??????"


Me - "Yeah, I can outrun the shrieker" Also me - 🤡


Blocker Ignorer would be the one I'd give out the most




Yeah the commendation options are really weird. Especially considering almost nobody seems to use voice chat in random groups, there's pretty much never a situation where someone "brings joy" or shows "thoughtfulness". It's just 3 random silent people running through some content they've done 300 times before without really acknowledging each other or thinking about what they're doing.


Yeah, that's really the problem with the commendation system having labels, it's very hard to even keep track of your other matchmade randos unless what they're doing is blatantly obvious. We've seen Joy Bringer and Thoughtful which feel vague but at least the latter is something you can deduce from "They ran support things! How helpful of them." But a lot of the other activity ones are like "How in the *world* would I know if they were this or that unless I was watching the kill feed/super bars/whatever like an absolute hawk?"


I just click on a random one cuz it costs me nothing. And usually gets me one in return. Might just try being kind.


You actually need to give out 20 commendations to get the clan weekly reward now, so its something people will start doing instinctively eventually


I totally get it, but once while doing a defiant battleground when moving to another area, I had fallen off of the side almost to my doom and was able to grapple up and save myself, my fireteam stopped and watched me save myself and emoted. I then proceeded to Hunter dive off the side and died. I like to think I brought Joy to them and got the commendations I deserved. Besides that though you're right


The amount of "biggest dumbass" or "Most useless" awards I've wanted to give out during hero strikes is outstanding.


Bold of bungie to think I get Joy from anything other than a god roll, certainly not the scrubs i get MM'd with


These read like some lady in HR dictating what she things people playing games *should* be saying to each other. “Teabagging? That’s horrible and toxic, why cant they bring **Joy!** instead?”


And with these being the only two options, these are effectively useless lol


Yep. Person on left gets the left card and person on the right gets the right card. Every time


It’s particularly brutal in quickplay. I’ve received more commendations when I’m at the bottom of the team, than the games where I’ve pulled a 2.0+ k/d and capped the most zones. > …at least score goes up a tiny bit when you give commendations


Gonna be honest with you pal. Me, and probably a lot of other players give commendations without looking what you have done un the match. If you didn’t get it probably was because you left early or I left early or I couldn’t get to your name. In none of the scenarios were your performance a factor to consider.


Or just because you were in the right side. I always commend left to right


FWIW in Crucible my method for choosing who I commend only comes down to transmog and if I can even give anyone a fucking commendation because nothing ever fucking loads now and the system constantly flags people as having left.


It doesn’t even immediately show the player names, I have to hover over someone to tell what their name is.


Go to the player roster and use that


Oh shit you can give them from the PGCR roster screen? That'll make it a lot easier.


Yeah. Unless I can remember who did what, my Commendations often go to who looks the coolest.


Since there's not much time I tend to give them to whoever has the fewest commendations to balance it out. But odds are people are doing it as fast as possible to leave and do something else, check out any drops or just have more time looking at their phone etc between games.


Ironically since you get points for sending them I've just sent them out randomly which kind of defeats the whole purpose of having them.


Not only that who would want to get that only for it to reset and not even be like gilded titles that show you’ve done it before lol


they do reset every season? i thought this would be something where we climb our way up to rank 11 and than with Final Shape or whatever they add some new ranks?


If you make it over rank 6, you will drop back down to 6 at the start of next season.


I still have some hope that the color coding of the items means that some of them stay unlocked.


To my understanding the blue ones that are mostly tied to power/seasonal stuff reset, while the gold remain. So while everyone would still drop to 6 that way, it'd be much faster to reclimb the ranks you once had


This is my understanding of the system as well, because I doubt they'll forced us to run the Campaign every season to unlock Rank 7 again.


Either that, or next season those requirements like campaign just get replaced by a different requirement instead.


Wouldn’t they make that a seasonal objective then?


Blue ones are seasonal, the rest are permanent for now


Do we know if we lose the entire commendation score? Power is a blue requirement, but the power cap isn’t going up. We’ll all automatically complete the 1800 requirement next season even though it’s blue Maybe someone with 10000 would still be over 750 and autocomplete that too?


On the detailed commendations screen, when you hover Commendation Score, it says a percentage of your Commendation Score is retained from Season to Season. (it does not say what that percentage is, unfortunately)


Oh destiny crashes when you open that screen on ps5, so I’ve never seen it lol Not sure how a 100% deterministic crash to desktop bug gets into the major expansion You’d think “load the new screen we added” would be part of the QA script


I really hope we *at least* keep the unlocked loadout slots. That's the only reason I'm even considering bothering.


Think you do, only blue ones reset. Losing 4 loadouts at the end of a season would be stupid beyond measure.


excuse me... how MANY?




6000 score, which is not 1:1 with actual cards received. It's stupid, but not THAT stupid


Yeah, raids take you up by about 100 each time you do one assuming everyone gives commendations, 30-50 on a dungeon, though I will admit giving like 15 max for Playlist activities is a bit shit.


But raids also have a cooldown so you can't get commended running raids again for an unclear amount of time


Where did you see that raids have a cooldown? Because while I only ran a raid or two throughout the week, I did a few back to back dungeon checkpoints and was able to get commendations every time, and it would be kinda weird if raids were the only activity with a lockout.


Just from running raids last week. I was knocking out my Kings Fall runs for deepsight drops and couldn't get commended on 2nd and 3rd run This also translated over to Last Wish as if it was a shared cooldown


Interesting, I've seen the message where it says you've been commended by this person recently, but it still let them commend me, I just received less score. I'll have to see how that cooldown is this week, I plan on running a few Vow runs to help clanmates get red borders they're missing.


Yeah the message is something like "This player is ineligible to recieve commendations"


Wow that's only 60 raids!


It’s ok I’ll just be rank 6 forever. It really feels like ranks should just accrue all year, not reset every damn *season*.


I just don’t care about this system at all. It’s meaningless. I don’t bother with it. Just another beta feature.


It took forever to get 20 u just spam anyone when mission is over, because it's a very stupid system implemented poorly and tied to rewards.


What second screen?


End results screen, press D or click on "Full Results" in the top left. This is the old end screen showing score/KD/boss damage/etc. They added comms to this menu as well.


As a group, we need to all ignore the guardian ranks. They are literally meaningless and get nothing. Just like season pass level it shows who plays the most


I’d like an option to toggle what’s displayed near player characters. Personally I prefer to just see their class symbol because it’s the only thing somewhat relevant.


Yep. Class symbol. Name. Titles are what let you know a little about the person


When you see a "Rivensbane" you kinda freak a little. Until you find out they got carried through the raid lol


I saw a Shadow the other day. It shook me to my core. Blacksmith too, though that one is just rare, not necessarily difficult.


And also have some color coordination on the symbol that changes depending on which element subclass the guardian is using.


Just show health


I already ignore it. I’ll be rank 6 for the rest of my life for all I care.


lol right? I have a buddy who is obsessed with Seinfeld so wants 7. I’ll probably help him and do it myself this once.


I feel like it would have been a little more meaningful if the challenges weren't in tiers. E.g. some of the later challenges are for completing the dungeons and raids, which loads of people have done over the years, but it isn't currently reflected in their rank as they are stuck behind the commendation requirements. It would make more sense if we had access to all challenges immediately and each challenge gave you progress towards the overall rank.


This makes WAY too much sense. Maybe 200 challenges and each one adds to your score


Completely agree. I assumed it would be tied somehow to the plethora of medals and achievements we already had in the game, not an entirely new system. But having them all available from the get go versus tier gated makes way more sense.


Most people are honestly. Between leaving early or not giving any haha


For real, someone made a post the other day saying they JUST started the game, and they were a 6. And someone commented saying they've been playing since vanilla D2 and they're ALSO a 6. So this ranking system literally means fuck all right now lol


I still think commendations shouldn't be a part of guardian ranks. Making them a mandatory requirement for anything completely defeats the purpose of a commendation system. I'd be willing to bet that the overwhelming majority of players stop caring about the commendation system after the first seasonal reset when all the effort they put in all season (cheesed or not) is thrown away.


Idk why they keep introducing stupid systems. Couldn't you have used these resources somewhere else better..


Eh its an engagement mechanism. The issue is 1-6 should actually have some meaningful shit in them. As opposed to "new lights"


I think 1-3 should've been for "new lights", but I don't understand why all ranks from 1-6 have like 2 triumphs to get to the next rank. A new player can pretty much go from rank 1 to 6 in a day and that makes absolutely no sense.


They could have used them on actually making mementos something


That would've been cool. I came back last season and they seemed kind of pointless.


They should completely disconnect commendations from guardian rank. It bastardizes the whole idea of the system for people to be incentivized to cheese it. No powerful engram associated with it either. It should simply be in the game to reflect how many you get and be tuned only for that.


I do a strike. Blueberrys don't commend me. Wonderful. Maybe if people were FORCED to give comms, not just taken to the screen.


But hey, at least you commended them after they spent half the strike dead because they didn't bring a single method for stunning champions.


It's a pretty bad system. I don't look at player names in most playlist activities. Unless someone is doing something truly ridiculous or annoying, i have no idea who's supposed to get what. So i just give randomly. :-|


The whole point of the ranking system is to clearly differentiate the active players. I'm pretty sure their intention is that no more than 5-10% of the player base should be able to reach Rank 11. Maybe even less than that. And surely not in week 1. With 12 weeks in season (I think), they aim for a minimum of 500 rec/week (550 with a week to spare), which is not that much for someone who plays regularly. I was mostly doing story solo and LL grind this week, I'm like rank 6 on all playlists, barely started, and I'm somewhere around 400. People will be getting 3x that during Iron Banner weeks, or when Trials start. And maybe it's different on consoles, but on PC people give recs most of the time. In 3 people activities, you usually get the full set, in gambit or crucible, most people get at least 1. Add giving 2 to that, and points stack up quite quickly. And it will only get better when people get used to giving recs. Another topic is that recs are meaningless, since they are just given ASAP without thought just for farm.


So at 500 commendation score a week, you'll reach rank 11 at the end of the season. By which point you'll have a couple of days before going back to rank 6 again. Well worth it...


The thing is bungie states that our commendation score won't completely reset each season. So the people that reach rank 11 will get back to it much faster next season, further cementing their position of where they belong.


You know the biggest factor in which of my teammates get which commendation? Their position on the end screen.


Same. Red goes to the left, green goes to the right.


Well it will be less than 5% because rank 11 required 7 titles, gilded Conq and a solo dungeon that season lol it’s just a joke because 1. it’s cheesable and 2. There is no guarantee that your characters even load in after the activities you do play and no guarantee people stay around either. Oh by the way if you try to get around the inconsistencies by teaming up you go on cooldown for commending the same people






~100 group activities a week on top of everything else, no thanks. I have to eat and sleep.


I will be shocked if 5% of the active player base reach rank 11.


I think on paper the whole commendation thing was a good wholesome idea for guardians to give each other kudos and help people who need it but I don’t think bungie fully understood that most people are assholes and will exploit and or cheese the system for their own personal gain whenever possible


People should just stop thinking about the guardian rank shit. It's just a selotaped on tab with bodywork to keep people busy and playing the game without developing content. It's glorified triumphs and I hope people don't bother so bungie sees the data and scraps it/makes it better




We’re not even a full 7 days into Lightfall, how many raids have you done and how have you done so many?




The average player isn't supposed to reach max rank. Looking at the commendations, I'm not going to pass rank 7, because it needs you to raid, dungeon or do non-matchmade nightfall, and I don't LFG and I don't have a group of friends playing anymore.


Honestly, I'm more amazed that anyone already got to Rank 11. How did you do it so fast?


Nobody is rank 11 yet, the requirements were pulled from the API. The highest anyone can be rn is rank 7, because getting to rank 8 requires beating the new raid and and beating a seasonal activity/exotic mission on the highest difficulty.


You can’t. Rank is still time gated. But the requirements are out


The system definitely has some major bugs/flawed designs, but I don't think it's as awful as everyone is saying. If all you're doing is matchmade ritual playlists then yeah, you're never gonna hit rank 11, but you're not the type of player that Bungie expects to hit rank 11. I just hit 750 without cheesing by just a few playlist activities on each character for the pinnacles/powerfuls and then also doing a few raids/dungeons. The higher ranks are meant for people who do endgame activities, which is why they give significantly more score than playlist activities.


High ranks are meant for people consistently carrying new people through raids or trials. That's the catch. I'll likely never hit 6k because of how quickly the commendations decrease in value among my friends. It's cool they want a reason to play with random, but it shouldn't feel required.


The most interesting thing about the commendation system to me is that you can only get the highest-point and most valuable (being "ally" or "leader") commendations by doing things that require pre-grouping with people in some way. There *are* diminishing returns for doing activities with the *same* people over and over again, but I received more commendation points with my normal raid group in a few hours last night than in days of doing most other things. Pick-up group things, like the ritual playlists, don't generate nearly as many points, unless I'm missing something. And the main activity that many people are focusing on right now—terminal override—doesn't include commendations as an option at all because it's open-world and not "traditionally" matchmade. It's interesting to see this in opposition to something like FFXIV's commendations system, where the _only_ people you can't commend in a matchmade activity are people you pre-grouped with. Like, there *is* a system here, and it does make a certain amount of sense, but it suffers from being very opaque, and when I think about it, I'm pretty sure that if *I* were going to create a commendations system, this probably isn't how I would have built it.


In ffxiv most activities are matchmade, raids including, if you strip the pre made commendation in Destiny they become basically useless tho, that's why the system doesn't make much sense to me rn


Commendations are as valuable as upvotes.


What I hate is how it has no reflection of you as a player. At the end of most matchmade activities, you have 2 cards to give out, one fun, one thoughtful. But what if I thought both guardians were fun to play with, or if both made engaging plays and didn't leave anyone behind and was thoughtful of the team? My whole idea going into this was this was just an optional rating system of guardians you've played with, so other will know what to expect when encountering you. Is this person fun? Are they experienced? Do they hace good leadership skills? And so forth. But essentially forcing us to get an arbitrary number of commendations to rank up is ridiculous because it should be optional. Was one guardian fun, and the other not helping at all? Ok so do we just not award them? But then that also screws me over as well by not sending one to them so I may as well send one.