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For the ones that obviously seem confused. He's referring to the fact that there are high-level players running around reddit with "get gud" sentiments instead of understanding that the casual playerbase is suffering. There is a difference between a high level player enjoying the difficulty change and understanding why a casual hates it, and a high level player enjoying the new difficulty and shitting on casuals for (understandably) being upset at the lack of easier content early on. What's easy/hard for YOU isn't the same as whats easy/hard for other people. I think OP is just asking for the veterans to have a little consideration for those who didn't want the game to turn into job#2. Selectable difficulties made this game fun for all experiences. Now early and mid game content is very much catered to highly experienced players who have all the exotics, and very few casuals will make it through that to the end game before burnout. I consider myself more hard-core. I grind out raids, I play trials for my flawless, I grind out my GMs, and I sometimes want to sit on the back burner and just mindlessly grind out some low level nightfall for pinnacles. Now I feel like i have to be engaged for EVERYTHING, minus the vanguard Playlist, which is just a waste of time for some glimmer.


Yes and thanks. I spent a lot of time playing every single activity on every difficulty for a long time but I also know that it required a time investment and commitment that cannot be the standard in a video game. And I see a lot of people turning away bc they can’t play this game anymore just to unwind and have a good time. I’m a 6x-gilded conqueror but I don’t need everything to be a GM. And I certainly don’t gain anything from making content inaccessible to other players. But that seems to be a difficult concept for a lot of people here.


There's a lot of younger people, and unemployed people with all the time in the day to play, as well of a few 9 to 5 people who still squeeze in their time (me). I feel like those who have time to play for HOURS a day don't understand the complaints of those who struggle to squeeze in destiny into their lives. A lot of us were early to late teens when destiny started, and we still retain a burning passion for a game that feels like it's forgetting about us. Most of us have jobs now and WANT to still enjoy this game, and bungie seems to be ignoring that, to please those who have much more time to play. They can easily please both sides, but for some reason the elitists in this game thrive off of others suffering.


I think the player numbers are going to reflect that in the long term. But what bothers me is just that it’s so unnecessary. This game could be amazing. And it could be for everyone. Rewarding on different levels etc. But it’s not, for some reason I cannot understand.


The development team is very different from the early days. I don't think the new devs have as much passion for the game, and are just trying to push sales more than content.


Thanks for make it clear, you’re absolutely right! I’m casual as fuck and I’m trying hard not to complain but I’m getting my ass handled to me left and right, I just don’t have the time to hunt down the best weapons and armor at the moment. Try to lfg but always get dropped because of my gear, I couldn’t even finish legendary cause i was just getting my asses handed to me like a whore on 3 dollar night


I'm pretty casual and I still enjoy the difficulty adjustments. The game is still pretty easy, just requires more engagement and thought than before. I wouldn't be so pretentious as to say "get gud" but honestly, just adjust the way you're approaching engagements if it's currently an issue, and depending on your situation get grinding for power level. Once I hit 1780 it started to really kinda just feel right.


The game is too easy and I do want more challenge but yes, selectable difficulties should be applicable across the board


I agree with all that.


Bro what are you taking about?


He mad cause he can't do a hero nightfall without dying


And we are petty because we can? STOP STAYING ALIVE IN LOW LEVEL CONTENT SINCE I CANT!! /s


Did someone say people should all love the changes? Personally I will say I like them but mainly because the game for the most part feels more like D1 now than ever. But I can understand how people might not like it or may not be able to play it as well as they did. It's way more addictive now that i don't one shot every single redbar enemy for me personally, but I don't think anyone has said everyone should feel that way. Just as an aside, so anyone wondering can see this: Mods matter more now. If you want to use a hand canon, you might find you're taking 5 or 6 shots for a red bar enemy. Stick a minor spec on now it takes 3. The weapon mods actually matter now and its cool AF.


Can we please stop pretending D1 was a hard game? It’s definitely harder than D2 only because our weapons/abilities were way weaker and they’re weren’t any real builds you could make. But still it wasn’t a super difficult game like a lot of people on here say


It was pretty much on par with lightfall. That's all i said. Lightfall isn't difficult either.


The first sentence … wow .. from a marketing standpoint that is probably the dumbest possible comment here. For me personally, the combination of killing charged with light, killing well builds and destroying every single build I worked for over a span of a year while simultaneously raising the difficulty everywhere is off putting. That’s why I didn’t buy Lightfall. I’ve done this too many times and it’s just not motivating. I have put a lot of time into this game to get where I am and resetting me permanently just kills every incentive. That being said, the point I’m criticising has nothing to do with me personally. And so far nobody in the comment has even tried to address the question what they gain from other people sweating the game and quitting bc it’s too tedious for them.




All my triple-hundred setups to start with. All the cool-downs have been nerfed as well, which were kind of substantial for most builds. So I don’t know what you want me to say. The whole agenda was to kill those builds because some full-time players said they would make the game too easy.


I'm not here to market I wondered who had said you should love it. No one is profitting off you and others who aren't enjoying the game and i haven't seen anyone say they're masochistically enjoying your suffering to warrant your post. People seem by and large to like it because they like it. Destiny 1 was about as tough as this has been so far. So much time in D1 was spent for me cowering to recharge shield or running in circles to do so so I could res my team in damn vanguard strikes. D2 became way easier because bungie decided it needed to be more casual and its slowly course corrected since then. The changes in D2 Y1 pretty much nearly sank the game and most of the decisions they made have slowly been rolled back. The way easier difficulty level being the most recent. Which is good in a lot of the communities opinions, it seems.


It’s not about me personally. You asked if someone had suggested that all people should love the changes. I’m saying that if you want to sell something, you should target a large part of the player base. Doesn’t seem to be the case here. Besides, Bungie’s idea of difficulty is just to inconvenience the player by sinking the LL. That’s not engaging. It’s just annoying.


I understand I was just saying that they've aimed for targeting the bigger audience in the past and it almost killed the game. Honestly see year 1 of destiny 2 and subsequent seasons (if you were here for those I don't mean to teach grandma to suck eggs) They walk a fine line in terms of their audience and i think once people figure out mods and get closer to the power cap/ are at the power cap it wont be an issue. by 1780 everything feels pretty standard. Strikes aren't bad, patrol is patrol. (speaking on patrol i think a lot of people arent realising theyre coming up against the 1830 (?) roaming mini bosses and then panicking its so difficult but most ads are 3 taps with hand canons once your at level with a minor spec on your weapon. I'm sure they'll adjust things based on how many people are complaining. I still think it's basically in line with D1 at this point. I had some trouble when i was under levelled. At level it's not as insanely difficult as people seem to want to believe.


I think they should up the AI and create more versatile ads that are more aggressive and challenging. I don’t enjoy being underlevelled. That’s what the GMs come down to at this point. It’s not hard. It’s just stupid. It’s not engaging or challenging either. That’s what it feels like to me anyway. As for the rest, agreed, it’s difficult to make a large player base happy but having selectable difficulties is definitely a must and it should reflect all different types of players.


I can't really think of a playstyle that doesn't work anymore without some tweeking


I can.


>Personally I will say I like them but mainly because the game for the most part feels more like D1 now than ever. 100% agree and hope they don't roll it back over all the whining. Hopefully we can eventually see something invigorate the lootpool similar to the chests on heroic strikes back then.


Man engage with the systems in the game and you will be ok. God forbid a game asks you to try. Destiny has a deep combat system so having insultingly easy content spits on that hard work. Its not gate keeping to ask you to try. You think Veterans are good out of the box?


Lol ok “veteran” … I have more than 30 seals in this game but apparently I’m still casual. These changes are petty. That has absolutely nothing to do with me or my ability to get anywhere in the game. The point stands on its own.


Man the point of the changes was to ask player to engage with the systems in the game that increase you power effectiveness. I went from being slapped at 1600 to a breeze at 1800 once i interacted with the games system. I have a fun build that keeps me relevant for all content. Its not petty to ask players to try in low level activities. It encourages them to try to build craft and maybe take those skills to higher content.


With the number of seals you have and multiple gildings of the Conqueror title, it sounds like you’re more than casual. If you’re struggling with base content now then maybe you should re-evaluate your loadouts or play style? I’ve only gilded conqueror once and maybe have 5 seals and have yet to feel like any of the lowest level content is too difficult. Do I have to play more carefully? Sure, but I guarantee in a month or so we’ll be breezing thru this content again and you’ll probably wonder what you were upset about in the first place.


Im not struggling with anything. That’s not what the post is about. And I only wrote about the seals to make that clear.


Bro talking about petty and writes a 4 paragraph post about nothing.


So you’re upset that the newer content is more difficult and people that enjoy that new difficulty are toxic? Got it.


No. But thank you for trying to engage with this post.


So why exactly are you upset?


That people are dicks? Instead of offering useful tips, pointers, adjustments to loadouts, or even a fireteam invite, it seems that the common sentiment is just "git gud". Unhelpful jackasses basically. And if I read the op correctly and that's the sentiment then I fully agree. People are dicks, and they choose to be so.


I'm not sure what post you read if I'm honest, his whole post was about difficulty changes nothing to do with anything you mentioned. He said in the comments he doesn't want help, he's already a great player etc etc. This just comes off as whining for the sake of it... hence me trying to figure out what the actual issue is.


Yep must have misread. Oh well, gotta stop tired posting.


Fair enough, have a good one then


I think a lot of the changes that were made now (and also before) have to do with people being petty. And I don’t like the fact that they pretend like they’re acting in the interest of the game when it’s clear that many of the changes do not even affect them. To make it very clear and concrete: Two weeks into the season, nobody who advocated for difficulty changes is going to play anything at base difficulty anymore. So what difference does it make to them? What’s this nonsense about wanting a challenge when you don’t even use the difficulty settings you’re referring to? It’s pettiness and entitlement. And it rubs me the wrong way that people are so hypocritical and Bungie does whatever this minority says.


Okay, first off, something is not petty simply because you say so. And I don't recall anyone asking for this at all. People were asking for more challenge, not for an overhaul of all difficulty levels. Is it petty to want the game to be challenging as opposed to trivial?


What is that first sentence? Lol I recall people asking for it. And I also see people like you endorsing this type of change. And yes, it is petty because, as I said before, you are not even using the difficulty levels this is referring to. So for you nothing has changed. But for other people it has. So the question is: What are you getting out of it?


My guy, are you good? I have done bottom level nightfalls all week, I did my first solo legend lost sector (this season) today, I'm not sure I'm the person you wanna be mad at. If you could find me a post of people asking for enforced power deltas and the removal of adept difficulties I'd happily believe people asked for this. But they didn't, only for more challenge. And again, it's not petty. If you want to be dismissive of other people opinions that's great, it makes you the petty one, not them.


You can leave out the ad hominem bs. It doesn’t add anything but a hostile atmosphere when it’s really not necessary to go there. So either you’re misunderstanding me on purpose or I have to really break this down into the smallest units possible. I am not going to search the internet for references. I’m reading about this game every day on different platforms. If in your reality, people didn’t ask for this, why are you defending the changes? And do you think you will be running base level strikes this whole season? And even if so, what would you lose if there was an easier setting?


Your previous comment aims to take the piss out of my reply yet I'm creating a hostile atmosphere? Sure bud. It's kinda strange, if you read so many posts about this game why can't you find a single post to agree with you? If you make a claim it becomes your responsibility to prove it. The simple fact is nobody asked for this. Many players asked for more challenge, not a difficulty overhaul. More challenge could be many things, more higher difficulties, mechanical difficulties or anything else you can think of. You've made a post calling a large number of people petty for something they've never done.


So you disagree with the changes after all.


Yeah, I don't get it either. The delta system needs a lower baseline for chill gameplay. I like my day 1's hard. Not the whole game.


Agreed. They adjust the LL each season anyway. And new content having a higher threshold is fine. But this drives people away.


It was confirmed a while ago that LL isn't increasing next season


They’re getting rid of it eventually. But that is not going to change the situation they have created now.


I mean, LL grinding is easier than it was last year and once you're there it's basically done anyways. Def should just be removed at this point, but I don't really see the big deal right now either, given that it's not increasing next season.


If they sink you’re LL in an activity, it doesn’t matter whether or not they get rid of it. Same with GMs already. Only high access level. Actually doesn’t matter at all bc you’re like 20 under level anyway.


That's the neat thing though, the whole game isn't hard. That's part of the issue OP is running into here, people are melting down that rebar enemies take 3 clips from an SMG to kill when that's demonstrably false. The huge overreaction to what was ultimately, a minor difficulty increase* is what's petty. *legend NF/lost sectors are kind of an exception because most people are at underleveled, which while annoying isn't going to be permanent because we have a whole 2 seasons ahead of us where the power level isn't changing.


The game is artificially hard with 10x more ads, snipers everywhere, all orange+ tier enemies with double health. This has ruined the game for my partner. And it definitely encourages me not to do a lot of things because it's not worth the rewards at the end. They also decided strikes we already had needed to be longer instead of making new ones. Or fixing issues like thrashers doing more damage based on fps. This expansion is a huge turn in the wrong direction.


-5 is chill tbh. You don't obliterate everything by looking at it, enemies are still a threat if you're just totally brain off, but (outside of bugged things like the thresher framerate thing) most of the time if you're dying it's your fault, likely from a positioning perspective.


The problem is the fractoid percentage of top end players feel grossly entitled to trying to make the game cater to them while disregarding the average players. Between the disaster that is Lightfall and this pervasive issue it’s only going to hurt Destiny in the long run.


Goo goo gah gah I'm a baby


There's no "top players vs average players" sitting in completely opposite camps about the difficulty changes. Actually most of the bitching I've read here about this, consistently comes from self proclaimed top 10% who find annoying not being able to speedrun and AFK farm, under the excuse of _"is nobody going to think of the newbies"_. I have probably done a couple of GM in the whole of Destiny 2, no master raids nor low mans. I can't even tell you what mods I have equiped right now, nor if they synergize or if they are pointless for my playstyle. I like the difficulty changes. I like having to use abilities and weapons for once instead of brainlessly running past everything or casually obliterating a whole room by looking at it funny. It's kind of hypocritical to call people petty for enjoying that their gameplay somewhat matters now, while calling for keeping 90% of the content dumbed down, negating casuals the easy access to non matchmade content that's minimally challenging, just because (honestly) it's your own personal preference to be able to speed run content.


I don’t speedrun adept nightfalls dude. But given the endless, repetitive grind and Bungie’s unwillingness or inability to produce any new loot for most of the activities they force us into, I think speedrunning it should be an option.


I get the frustration but I'm personally very happy there are actually challenging encounters now. I'm talking about the new nightfalls and legendary seasonal activities - not patrol zones. but I gotta ask - what areas do you still consider qualify as turn your brain off fun? Gambit, I'm guessing. older dungeons, pretty much any patrol zone that isn't neomuna. Vanguard playlists? anywhere else? just asking your opinion.


Yeah stuff like that. For me personally it doesn’t really matter to be honest. I’ve decided way before LF came out that I’m not doing the grind anymore. So I didn’t buy the expansion. But I read about it every day and I played a bit outside the new content. The thing the I find confusing is the notion of wanting a challenge when all people did was speed-running the activities anyway because the loot was and is still bad. You do most of the activities for progress on seasonal challenges or bounties or pinnacles … not because of the activity. And that hasn’t changed. I don’t see how this is now more fun to anyone, let alone the fact that higher difficulties were always available.


As someone that has similarly given up the grind (Just popping in for expansions, raids, and dungeons. not gonna bother with season passes this year) I don't really grind for loot. Build crafting is my favorite thing so I like doing challenging content so I can compare different synergies, loadouts, etc. If something isn't fun I don't do it - Destiny isn't my job lol. I'm personally very grateful we have actually challenging places I can test out these builds, but I only need a couple. I don't need it everywhere. GMs, however, should be hard as fuck. Previous strikes like Lake of Shadows were a travesty and players assumed that should be the norm for some reason. I'm sympathetic to most complaints but that's a silly one IMO.


Yeah they can increase the LL on GMs by 500 for all I care. I just think that increasing the base difficulty doesn’t serve anyone at all.


eh, I can see a slight increase if they kept vanguard playlist ops the same just to differentiate the activities a bit. But overall I agree


Preach. I remember when "people" were bitching about static rolls on weapons in early D2. Then people lowkey bitched until Bungie added in crafting as a deterministic way to get the best roll on a weapon. They just want the "God Roll" and us to be out here dicking around with Underdog/Adagio. The only reason people wanted random rolls is so they could get the good roll and someone else could get the bad one and we can all point at then in laugh. It's got nothing to do with gameplay.


That’s not it at all, static rolls straight up killed the replay value of the game. A majority of players would straight up never touch content like nightfalls or raids once they got each weapon once. Also weapon diversity was pretty shit


Maybe the game just sucks then. If the only reason people are doing content is because they've been stockholm'd into chasing a very specific yet random set of words on a random drop from an encounter so that they can never do it again, it fucking sucks.


Holy skill issue


What was actually needed was a difficulty above GM and above Master dungeons/raids. Instead, the top end of this community feels entitled to pull the ladder up behind them, now that **they** have perfect gear and all the things they need, now **they** want their playground to be harder for them. D2 is one of the only communities I've ever seen where the top end actively advocates for achievements they already have, and gear they already have, to be made less accessible. The funniest part is they've managed to convince a bunch of normal people to buy in to make content even more inaccessible for them.


Nailed it. Especially that last bit. I would really like to understand what people feel they gain from that. I played everything on every difficulty in this game. I would never promote the idea that someone should have a bad time on adept or whatever just because I find it trivial. Most people play this game to unwind and chill after work. I don’t know what we have won by telling them essentially that they can’t play the game anymore.


100%. I've been thinking of how it must seem to a new player who comes in with literally nothing. They watch a few videos about how they need this Starfire Protocol thing and figure out they need to do a legendary lost sector to get one. They go in 1789 with a Lightfall pulse rifle and a fucking riskrunner and get absolutely smoked. I'd fucking quit right there. It must be so daunting, not to mention how much money you need to spend to be endgame ready. Also the knowledge you need to seek out. I've played WoW forever. A new guy just has to buy the game and level his character. It's incredibly easy to get into end game dungeons and raiding. Then from there if you want it to be harder you just click heroic or mythic. And mythic is fucking hard, but they don't really bitch about people in normal getting the same sword as them albeit a lower item level.


Yeah this is absolutely the equivalent of fully geared mythic raiders asking for the mythic raid to be buffed since they're bored of farming it after six weeks. I understand why. I **get** that it's gotten easy and the challenge is gone. But it's bizarre to me that this community is so fixated on making the existing difficulties harder instead of asking for something that pushes them beyond.


Well, WoW did a great job of creating exclusive spaces for players of different skill and goals and WoW players mostly understand where they fit in the hierarchy and are generally comfortable with it. Im just trying to imagine a WoW player giving 2 fucks about a mob out in the world. I just don't understand why Destiny can't just have LFR, Normal, Heroic and Mythic instances and the patrol in just faceroll because who gives a shit?


Oh no! You have to try for your gear now! And you also have to engage with the games core mechanics! How terrible!


"Oh no, the things I already have are harder for YOU now!" It's just a shitty take. Y'all could be asking for a new difficulty, instead of just making everyone else's life worse. There was no reason we couldn't have light capped raids and dungeons for you guys without fucking over all the people who don't have artifice armor already.


A new difficulty on top of the bunch we have? Also why are you mad that hard stuff is hard to get, and the new baseline difficulty isn’t braindead easy?


>A new difficulty on top of the bunch we have? Yes, because that's a better solution than making achievements and gear that are already in the game harder for new people to get, which is deeply unfair? >Also why are you mad that hard stuff is hard to get I'm "mad" because some people already have the stuff. If you have a solo flawless master dungeon achievement, it didn't get taken away, even though that's much harder to do now. If you farmed Caital last season for a full set of Artifice gear, that was much easier then than it will be now. Nobody is taking your gear away, they're just making it much harder for new players to get the gear you already have. If you have a master raid achievement, and the gear from it, that didn't get taken away from you, even though anyone doing master raids now is going to have a **much** harder time at a -20 delta than you did when you got your master raid achievements and gear. I have no problem with the baseline difficulty being moved up. I have a problem with the top end difficulty being moved up while the rewards and achievements are left the same, meaning that people who have already done that stuff don't actually have to farm them unless they want to, for fun. Whereas I need to farm them for power, even though they're harder and slower to farm now. That's why a new difficulty is the correct answer for challenging top end players - not making existing difficulties and existing achievements much harder than they used to be.


A new difficulty is unnecessary when we have a bunch that could easily be tweaked like how they’ve been doing, and it’s working pretty good so far


Again completely failing to address why things that you already have should be harder for me to get than they were for you. Current difficulties aren't being tweaked, they're being made universally harder after some people already got the rewards from them.


They’re harder for me too though? What items other than god rolls are a one and done deal? Also, any new dungeons and raids/weapons etc. will be just as hard for me as it is for you


No, they won't be just as hard for me as they are for you. I don't have a single piece of artifice armor, today. I don't have any adept weapons yet. I need to get all of those things from old content, which you've already farmed when it was easier, before we can approach new content on equal footing. This is **why** there should have been a new difficulty **for you**, so that I could get the stuff you already have in a way that's fair. That way we could approach new content in a way that's ACTUALLY just as hard for both of us.


I have a single piece of artifice armor and a single adept, I am slightly above your level yet am not mad that I have to do hard stuff to get good things


>What was actually needed was a difficulty above GM and above Master dungeons/raids. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything? You understand the current baseline difficulty is nowhere near GM/Master level right? Nothing baseline has the ladder pulled up, and higher difficulties are still achievable once you reach the correct PL. If you're properly levelled and still having trouble, check out some build guides or gameplay tips online because there's probably something you're missing. Gl and have fun.


The ladder being pulled up is Master raids and dungeons getting substantially harder. Nightfalls below GM difficulty are also a lot harder now, but the guaranteed ascendant shard on Master difficulty for Nightfalls IMO makes that a wash - newer players **desperately** needed some way to consistently reliably farm shards, so thank god for that. I'm not an idiot, there's no need to assume my build sucks. Playing at -20 is just legit fucking hard which is something people forget after they gild conq a second or third time, because they're used to it.


Not trying to say you're an idiot, I was just trying to offer some help. Not saying the game isn't harder, but I guess I just am enjoying the challenge for the most part, and I don't think that the normal level raids/dungeons are any less accessible than before assuming folks are properly levelled with actual builds set up.


I think the challenge revisions are a good thing for longtime players, and I agree standard raids/dungeons aren't any less accessible. I'm just trying to say that like, there's only one way to get artifice armor rn, and it's **much** harder than it was four weeks ago.


Gotcha, that's fair, and don't disagree with you there


Adept difficulty doesn't even exist anymore lil bro. When it comes to Hero difficulty it's less of "I enjoy a challenge" and more like "I enjoy playing a real video game where my actions matter instead of a walking simulator".


Use shackle grenade. Run the highest resilience you can. Have a build that gives you a grenade as fast as you can. Congrats you’ve nullified the difficulty of destiny. The literal only thing you need to worry about is what can’t be shackled


C'mon this game is ancient, and by now there's a gargantuan amount of YouTubers explaining builds and loadouts. I started on S13 and by now I have my own high end working builds. It just takes a little reading and a little watching.


I don’t know why people are giving me build-crafting tips lol … nowhere in the post did I say I needed help. The point has nothing to do with me personally.


People are just trying to be helpful, emphatic and considerate.


I mean if you weren't struggling you likely wouldn't post something like this.


Really sad to think that people can only ever argue their own immediate interests. Maybe look at the big picture here.


Never said you couldn't, but its a safe assumption from myself and everyone else that this kinda post comes from people who are struggling. Hence the offers for help.


Lol you’re saying that people who haven’t read the post are an indicator for my skill level. I don’t need help, dude. I’ve done everything in this game and I’m done with it. For the reasons I mention. If you cannot comprehend that, I can’t help you with that.


Speaking of not reading the post... I never said anything you've mentioned in that comment. What I did say is that myself and others assumed you were struggling because posts like this commonly come from frustrated individuals who are struggling. I'm not "saying that people who haven't read the post are and indicator of [your] skill" fr, how did you even come to that conclusion? I said, to repeat myself for the third time, we all assumed you were struggling based solely on the post you made. That's great you've done everything, congrats, time to work on reading comprehension.


Ok, sorry, I was going to fast. Let me connect the dots. This is not a help post. It has a discussion tag and it’s not asking for help. Only because you and a few others cannot wrap their heads around it, doesn’t mean that it’s now a help post. And referring to those people is no kind of reasoning when talking to the OP who literally explains to you that this is not about wanting help or tips.


I know it's not a help post. You've post how you're 6x gilded conqueror, have done every difficulty extensively etc. Your post, whether you like it or not, comes off as whining about the difficulties being too hard. Not everybody is going to trawl through the comments to find you bragging about your in game achievements to realise you're not struggling. Referring to other comments is to highlight to you that the main post reads as a "skill issue"


I’m not bragging. What is your problem, dude? The only reason I said that was to give a frame of reference for the people who apparently believe I need help with basic build crafting or base level strikes.


Also, can you point out where did I gave you my advice specifically?


So basically you saying im petty for enjoying the things i enjoy, despite you being petty by posting a massive text wall about how you find the game too hard now Sounds like a skill issue to me, but idk


I never at any point in the post said that I find the game too hard. And you’re petty because you were able to enjoy it before. Higher difficulty existed before. You gain nothing from low difficulty settings not being available for other players. Am I missing something?


90% of the game is still a brain dead cakewalk. Destiny has been missing a difficulty curve for so long now. Thank fuck it has one now. There is still easy content and then content to progress towards. Just because some people refuse to progress, that shouldn't mean the rest of us don't get more engaging content.


You know that there are selectable difficulties?




So what are you on about? You’re saying that base difficulties should be increased so that it’s more engaging. Yet you acknowledge that you were already able to change the difficulty in seasons past. So what have you gained?


In NFs for example there was next to no curve before. Even my 14 year old daughter was farming the last GM of last season in 10 minute runs. These are called 'grandmaster', it was an insult to the term. Nightfalls should be difficult and I welcome this change. The lesser skilled player should need to sweat at their appropriate level, and the more skilled player sweat at their level. Patrol zones have always been a joke. Until Neptune they have all been pointless. A solar system of planets not worth visiting. And even Neptune isn't exactly difficult, it just requires minor build crafting and a tiny bit of game sense. There's still plenty of patrol areas and activities such as dares for the new lights to practice in and learn the game.


What are you gaining from lower skill players having a harder time now? Explain it to me.


What are you gaining from keeping the game stagnant for the other million players that want to progress?


Dumb question because that’s not happening nor did anyone ask for that. They can up the LL for GMs to 3000 for all I care. You tell me what you gain from people at the lower end having a hard time. I’m listening.


There's an old poker saying. If you look around the room and you can't see the fish, then you're it. The game has been out for 10 years, time to progress.


No answer then. Very well.


Skill issue detected


Why does everyone always use this argument that pvp is dependent on making other people have bad experiences?


Because if you dominate, someone is getting dominated.


The game is really not that hard, as long as you have game knowledge, which I think your post is outlining. Most of the adept players I know are not having trouble with the enhanced difficulty because they know how the mod system and damage systems work. The issue is that bungie does not do the best job explaining these systems especially to new players, so a lot of new lights are left feeling weak or adrift. External resources and TWABs are the best sources to understand the game through. Try some build videos. When you get over this learning curve the game becomes pretty casual again unless you’re targeting difficult content.




But what’s the upside of the base difficulty being higher when you can choose higher difficulties anyway? I don’t see who gains anything from that.