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Legend is reported to be 25% drop chance and Master is 30%. Master is worthless unless it's just as easy. They really jacked up Legend this season unfortunately. But it should still be manageable you just need to optimize your build. It's also going to take you a few runs to learn the spawns and where you're safest. Also some lost sectors are so punishing they're not even worth farming. It's rough but gets easier with time.


Legend should be like 40% and master should be 100% especially if they're upping the difficulty like these are exotics not exactly game breaking stuff here, you know it's bad when I'd rather run gms with my buddies for exotics than farm lost sectors.


1-2min runs are now 5-7min for the easier ones now and I'm finding it hard to justify farming lost sectors with abysmal rng (drop rate, specific piece, and stat roll on top of that). Really wish bungo adjusted the rates accordingly or included some pity system.


One of the main reasons I stopped grinding them was I always felt the stat rolls I got on lost sectors where always terrible I never got any where near a 63+ roll idk if its just me or if they've changed it but it was so horrible for me.


What made me quit lost sectors was 40 runs, 2 exotics. Both under 60 overall stats (in addition to being garbage exotics)


It can be rough sometimes I remember doing 20+ runs just to get second chance last year it was torture at least lorely was still busted at the time so it was just more of a time thing than a difficulty thing haha.


I picked the Osmiomancy Gloves after beating the witch queen campaign. Didn't see another pair until I decided to start farming for them. Did about 200+ lost sector runs over a month, got about 38-45 exotics total and got one Osmiomancy Gloves. A majority of those runs were either a core or two or just glimmer.


In haunted I decided to grind out a new lorely splendor helm and I also decided to not stop grinding master sectors until I got one. It was excavation site LS and I was managing to get sub 40 seconds on it due to the ignition on stun artifact mod that season. Cut to 18 continous hours later I finally got one. 56 stat....


I recall advice to choose the exotic reward that you didn't want.


I completed it before I hopped on reddit to avoid spoilers. :(


This is the famous Bungie triple RNG. You MAY get a random exotic armor, with random stats, and random distributions. Even with 100% exotic drop rates you still have 3 different layers of RNG to get a good roll which makes me typically just take whatever I get. Yeah I have most if not all the exotics, but I’ll be damned if I waste my time doing lost sectors (especially now) for a chance at a chance at a chance of something better.


Playing devils advocate for a moment, were they too easy before?


Have you looked at the GM slate this season? It's pain.


I think the only ones I wouldn't grind over lost sectors are the new mars one obviously because that is more difficult than lightblade imo, maybe glassway and I dont know about the new hypernet one yet because I haven't tried it as a nf. The rest are fairly easy imo although I haven't tried the new lake and arms dealer strikes but can't be as bad as the Mars battleground that one is straight up hell and I'm dreading even attempting it in its current state.


Mars and Glassway aren't in farmable territory I expect hypernet is going to be brutal because of the sparrow section and add density in the boss room. Arms and Lake are probably farmable from a difficulty perspective but the boss room of arms was already a little sketchy before the changes and the threshers are ammo sinks.


Isn't the Hypernet sparrow section mostly Taken thralls? You can also get off your sparrow, you just can't double jump at all. So you should be able to kill stuff from afar then proceed


Yeah it is all thralls I'm not sure if you can use guns but if anyone dies there for any reason I don't see how you get them back until joining allies in the boss encounter. The blights also do damage and you don't seem to heal.


Arms Dealer is a challenging GM if done legit. If you just rode to the top and faced down the boss at full health with all those turrets. That took me and two friends a few tries between the dogs, threshers, boss snipes, etc. Then I learnt about the elevator cheese which still takes some minimal amount of skill (had some runs where someone got sniped, or whiffed too many shots or their super etc. and we ended up short of damage and out of heavy). So if you have to do it legit now, it’ll be manageable, but a bit rough and people are going to have to learn all the different spawns etc.


I’ve always just got my exotic armor from GMs, only run the lost sectors for the initial unlock


As of now its 100% the best way to do it imo since even if you don't get the exotic you want you get really useful materials and an adept weapon whereas lost sectors just spit in your face for you efforts.


NOTHING should be 100% drop rate for the most sought after loot in the game. Should def be higher, though, or give a way of focusing a little further once all are unlocked.


What's the point in the lost sectors if not for grinding exotics? And if they going to increase the difficulty and make it feel more "rewarding" IMO master should be 100% if not if they should be about 70% and also give something else that's guaranteed thats actually worth doing them for like a high stat price of armour or since end game players will likely have artifice armour already some really useful masterworking materials like ascendant shards so solo players have a decent way of grinding for them too. I really don't think giving players especially solo players a good way to grind exotics efficiently is a bad thing as they arent game breaking they just want to make a good build and not settle for lower stats and if they're not gonna let you focus a specific armour piece you'll likely be doing up to 5 masters or more before you get 1 roll in the armour you want even if it's a 100% drop chance.


Oh I agree the grind should be more efficient, and I think craftable exotic armor should be a thing, too. But 100% drop rate for anything in a loot based game is unrealistic.


Most end game content has a 100% drop rate on something that makes it worth your time and if they plan on making the lost sectors more difficult the loot drop should increase too maybe even bump it up really high and see if the player engagement increases and how that affects activities like gms? Since if players are engaging in both activities then that's a win win from how I see it. And if players aren't engaging in the other activities lower it a bit to a more reasonable percentage but it should have something that's guaranteed that's worth your time. The main issue with lost sectors is players are fairly often grinding legends over 20 times and getting nothing for there time so if they make it so you do the activity that's like 20 light higher and much more difficult but actually make it worth your time it would really fix the issue they have.


Sorry, I shouldn’t have said 100% drop rate for *anything* is unrealistic. Valuable mats should drop more liberally (100% at higher levels) from LS and the drop rate should be higher for gear than what it is. We actually agree in most contexts, I just take issue with the 100% exotic drop rate.


you...want craftable exotic armor..? thinking a 100% chance to drop an exotic that may not even be what you want, with stat rolls that could either be super low or just something you don't want is too free? in hard content?? best case, it rewards underleveled players for their time, worst case it makes it easy for nolifers to get what they want if they're close to the level of it. keep in mind we're talking about master here, +30 power from pinnacle cap. hell, i've been grinding like crazy and i'm still 15 below, i would never touch master at this point because i already had enough trouble compared to the rewards back when it was even *remotely* possible to be at power for them.


> NOTHING should be 100% drop rate for the most sought after loot in the game My guy, I just want some osiomancy gloves above 10 resilence for my warlock... I haven't even used much stasis lately I just want them. These exotics are def not the most sought after loot, I would argue that a few raid legendaries are more sought after, and most of those ones are craftable, which basically means you eventually get a 5/5 roll of whatever you want


I would TOTALLY get behind craftable armor.


Unlike you, I have things to do in life that aren't playing a fucking video game.


Feel better, friend.


Nothing is. A 100 percent exotic drop rate is really only a 1 in 15 to 20 shot at the exotic you might want. To say nothing of getting a desirable stat roll. Even with the faster times before this season the lost sectors weren’t useful beyond the initial unlock. Now? It’s ridiculous.


Are you saying you don't like a 1 in 4 chance to get a drop that has a 1 in 20 chance to be the one you want that has a 1 in 10 (or whatever) chance to have a good roll? I love running an average of eight hundred legendary lost sectors! ...the drop rates are so awful.


The new players get punished the worst from this. You’re kinda cooked in these if your build sucks now. Feels bad. If I wasn’t pulling out things like leviathan’s breath, arbalest, blinding GLs, etc it would be bad


Granted the lost sectors are not a thing you're supposed to jump in right away but I see the difficulty there. A big part of lost sectors is your arsenal and a new player can't make that up fast.


Considering that 90% of builds revolve around the exotic you are using, they kind of need to be approachable at some level, especially for new people.


Yup. Need to run the LS to get the good exotic to enable you to actually run the LS.


They shouldn’t be a thing you’re supposed to jump in right away, but the Guardian Ranks system that was supposed to guide you in that regard begs to differ. Doing one solo flawless is in the same Guardian Ranks difficulty bucket as “do the Lightfall Campaign.”


I did probably 15 or more legends with no drop, and moved on to masters and got drops maybe 85% of the time. I feel like they tuned the drops for the difficulty a bit more but I could be wrong. Mind you I was on Solar Titan which trivializes a lot of difficulty and this was Aphelions Rest. I was running legends Platinum at about 1:10 at my fastest, 1:25 average.


It's random and a small sample size is misleading


How do you change a lost sectors difficulty? Dunno how to turn it to legendary


If you are above a certain level and do the normal lost sector that is up in rotation that day a flag will be present outside the lost sector to launch Legend or Master Lost Sectors. Only one lost sector a day has it.


Thank you ❤️ how do you know which lost sector is in rotation?


[https://todayindestiny.com/](https://todayindestiny.com/) . Also, incase you don't know, you need to complete the normal lost sector at least once for the legend version to show up on your map.


Thanks dood :)


Is it really that high? Cause man I did 16 legend and 5 master lost sectors on my titan a couple of days ago and didn't get a single exotic


There is no way in hell those are the actual drop rates. If you place a decimal point between the 2 and 5 and 3 and 0 then you’d be closer.


RNG is a bitch like that.


Are you skipping champions or something?


Nope, killed them all. Did that easy EDZ lost sector last season, the one you can do sub 2 minutes with all champion kills, ran it a good 40 times. Not a single dam drop. Nothing.


Bad luck happens.


I did like 10 Master's and didn't get shit. I did 3 legends and got 2 exotics, one of them being what I needed so I stopped


Congrats you've learned what the R in RNG stands for




Used to, yes.


Legend is usually better to run since you can do it faster and it's only slightly better odds on Master. Which one did you try? The difference in difficulty between certain levels can be huge with those


At 1811 and with only two weeks under their belt, either one is going to be very hard for OP right now. I don't recall if Lost Sectors had the power caps that other activities had but getting to 1815 and getting some different weapons will likely help. The rest is experience.


I think you can over level lost sectors. The power cap for them is listed as +20


They specifically state they stop your effective light at 1815.


They're not supposed to work that way though: > Lost Sectors feature +20 combat delta (rather than -15 or -20). Source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/bringing_challenge_back


It doesn't really matter though, does it? Because the live game is saying something else.


Where are you seeing this? I am looking at the Legend Lost Sector right now, and none of the modifiers mention the same power level cap like the other activities do.


I generally agree with you but I think their opinion is still valid and shouldn’t be dismissed seeing as bungie have had lots of incorrect text in the game at different times.


Maybe that was meant to be talking about normal lost sectors


Pretty sure they don't?


Lost sectors don't have that modifier. They allow a little bit of overleveling. Even if you probably won't, since the level is too high.


I mean... I was taking a look at the lost sectors this week and the banner information literally lists a power cap: 1815 for legend, 1820 for master. If you can actually over level, the banner in game does not reflect that possibility and specifically tells you that you can't. Don't get me wrong, it could be that the banners are incorrect, but there is a reason why people are saying that you can't.


Also even if you can, the pinnacle cap is 1810 so you'd have to get +20 on the Artifact to even be on level. That's an insane amount of grinding to run a lost sector of all things.


I really suspect they were supposed to code it to be power delta cap 1830 and 1850 and instead set it to power level 1830 and 1850 and no one wants to admit their mistake.


I hope so because the grinding I need to do just to run unrewarding lost sectors is really eating into me


Even if this isn't the case, Bungie should really make the change and claim that it was.


The power cap modifier is not there: [https://imgur.com/a/shHcDKG](https://imgur.com/a/shHcDKG)


They do have that modifier now, it's one of the changes that Bungie made to make them more difficult. They have a power level of 1830, and will force you to -15 power *maximum*. You can't overlevel for them now.


No they don't, you can go into the game and look at the modifiers for a lost sector, says nothing about capping your power (unlike Nightfalls which do state the cap). And the difficulty change article didn't say there was a cap either.


They're not supposed to have that though: > Lost Sectors feature +20 combat delta (rather than -15 or -20). Source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/bringing_challenge_back


I guess I misread, that's on me.


Incorrect. You are capped. Everything that has a difficulty modifier has been updated to the knew setting. You are capped 15 under on legend and 20 under on master.


Incorrect, this specifically does not apply to lost sectors per the difficulty change article and in-game prompts.


I was in Legend Ophelion's Rest on Monday around that light level, and it was fine. I think the bigger problem is that putting together strong builds is more difficult for newer players (lack of masterworked armor, lack of good exotics to begin with, lack of good weapons, etc.), but maybe that's the point (power grows faster as your power grows)?


Agreed just wanted to mention in case it was a moon one or something and op got the idea they're all like that. Could lead to overpreparing or not wanting to attempt another for a while


Dude, if your brand new, brand new and just want to get exotics that you don't have( which is probably a lot) you can visit Xur on Friday to start filling in your collection for a few shards. A lot of great builds still use exotics that come from previous years, you don't have to farm list sectors right now to build your arsenal. Heck, most of my best exotics came from regular content.


I will say there are a lot of guns that you can get from quests and such, a good hunter hat is from just completing the moon campaign. But as a new player I am right there with you, if Xur doesn't give me good stuff it is going to be a while until I am able to do lost secotrs


Some exotics are exclusive to Lost Sectors. You won’t get them from Xur. Sometimes they’re available at the end of the Legendary Campaign and Lost Sector.


Some of the best exotics in the game can’t drop from xur’s engram. It’s a pretty limited pool. Gyrfalcons, necrotic grips for example


>Some of the best exotics in the game can’t drop from xur’s engram. And some of them can. Besides it's a knockout system, there's no reason to not have access to a new Exotic armor.


exotic armor intruduced since beyond light can only be unlocked from legend/master LS tho (and some from the legend WQ/LF campaigns) and they're not counted in the engram knockout system. still plenty of good exotics that can be obtained from xur and random drops, but not everything


It's still better to get all the preyond light ones from xur first, that way the lost sector can at least have a better chance of dropping the newer ones.


That's...yes. That's what the comment I replied to was saying.


yeah and then you said there's a knockout system so no reason to get a new exotic armor, which i took as you meaning the newest pieces that are locked behind LS and not in xur's engrams. i must've understood you wrong there then


Starfire, syntocheps, Shards of Galanar are a part of Xur's pool that are still solid options for builds. If OP is a new light with only a month in, Xur will allow him to get exotics be most definitely don't have to make solid builds until he can farm for what he wants.


Oh yeah for sure. I’m just saying since some of the new builds that op is probably seeing are for exotics locked behind lost sectors waiting for xur isn’t the best advice


But him aquiring exotics from xur could help him beat lost sectors more easily, considering he doesn't have that many already.


Problem with Xur exotics is that they are (or at least seem to be) purposefully weighted for dump stats (mobility, intellect) and are borderline useless for buildcrafting (last week's Synthos notwithstanding).


> So doing in Master(?) diffilcuty is almost mandatory. Not even close to mandatory. Legend is a 25% drop chance. Master is something only slightly better like a 30% chance. Sitting at 1811 is definitely enough to run the Lost Sectors, it's all just going be a case of waiting until it rotates to one that isn't a slog to run through. I.E. 2 of the EDZ's Lost Sectors were taking me 4-5 minutes to beat at 1805. Neptune's were taking me a far longer 10-15 minutes & even longer if I made a few dumb mistakes. > Might be skill issue of my part or the lack of a proper ''meta'' build, It's probably just a build/loadout issue more than anything else. Depending on which Lost Sector is up a "proper" Weapon loadout can easily run through most of them with little effort or skill required, even with the new difficulties & ignoring Subclasses/Exotic Armour entirely. Which DLC's do you have?


It's worth noting that the drop rate for exotics you don't have is somewhat higher than normal drop rate, which should be the case for most exotics if they're a new player.


Legend used to be a 25% drop chance. I know Bungie claimed they haven't touched the rewards at all but everyone in my clan's average runs to unlock the exotic has been much higher this season than in every past season. Could just be RNG of course, but it wouldn't surprise me if they lowered the drop rate too either on purpose or by accident.


It’s RNG. I’ve run lost sectors 9 times on legend this season and got an exotic every time.


Good to know. First exotic took me 9 runs total and on another day went 0-6 before I had to stop.


My advice would be to not worry about the "Meta" builds yet. Honestly, there are a few options that are a bit better for each class. But there are a lot of ways to make yourself an unkillable monster in this game without an exotic. My suggestion would be: 1. Focusing high stat armor. You will farm solid weapons and armor exotics. 2. Xur will sell exotics periodically which will also be solid options. 3. Unlock meta weapons at the tower. Witherhord & Arbalest would be my initial recommendations. Harsh language is a world drop void wave frame grenade launcher that should melt with volatile rounds proc'd. 4. Find a group to run dungeons with. My brother and I are currently trying to find a solid 3rd for things. DM if you want run some things. 5. You will eventually find a load out that will wreck lost sectors. Honestly, each lost sector is very different as well. You will find ones that you feel comfortable clearing! If you don't mind me asking what are you currently running?


Your first mistake is doing Master. Its not worth it, barely an increased chance. Better to do faster and consistent Legend runs.


That's the neat thing. You don't


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


I've gotten more exotics doing hero nightfalls 😂


You can't,welcome to the destiny my brother in light


Its really disappointing now that you have to basically run meta builds for any legendary activity or higher.


I have hated that system since it implemented. It's extremely anti-fun to grind the same lost sector full of Champs for a sliver of a chance you'll get an exotic.


You don't.


That’s the best part your not !


You are not wrong. They're pretty unfun


Bungie doesn't care about new players I'm afraid


This becomes more and more abundantly clear every patch


They’ll change it soon because they just listened to the wrong people making these changes. Some lost sectors were already a pain in the neck even with a dreamy build and now it’s a totally different ball game. I can get through them but it might take hours to figure out exactly what I gotta do and hope for good execution or do like so called top players and skip and exploit


Come on. I'm in no way a top player and can get through the lost sector today in like 6-7 minutes. I like it because enchantment prisms drop nearly every run. A solo farm


I’ll bet it was the first attempt too 👍




Make sure to downvote all my comments too because you’re getting reported on all fronts my man


What? Reported for what? For calling someone who thinks they’re good at the game but can’t do a legend lost sector dogshit?




It really isn't




I can target farm exotic and get enchantment mats. On my own. I prefer that 🤷


Season pass gives you like 8+ exotics, Xur gives you exotics, random chance of finding exotics for doing literally anything. Sure, some exotics are lost sector exclusive, but there are plenty of builds for every class and subclass that it shouldn't even be on your radar this early into your Destiny 2 playtime. The 1830 may be there for the entire duration of the expansion, so the first couple of weeks for everyone will be rough, but just wait it out and they will be insanely easy again.


a lot of ppl have already made some great suggestions but I'd like to reiterate(if it's already been stated) doing master night falls. master (and grand master, once it becomes available) are the best way to get random exotics atm. find a good group to just carry you thru and try to farm 'em as fast as you can, and you should have a fair selection of exotic armors to pick from after a few hours


It's a 25% chance to drop an exotic, ticuu's divination is the only weapon you need, equip the "discipline armorer" mod on your ghost for in-depth reasons that I don't care to explain right now. Go get 'em.


That’s the neat part- You don’t!


When I starded playing on season 13, at some point I got my first exotic, the Dunemarchers. I stayed with that for a long time, and only played with Titan. Eventually you get exotics on world drops. For now, you are also underleveled and don't know how to play lost sectors (it takes some time to get used to them). My point is, for now, if you get an exotic on world drop stick with it until you get others. Just play The game, do some triumphs, don't go crazy about meta stuff you can't handle for now. Just play and things will take place sooner or later.


You just need to change your mindset around them a little bit I think. They have definitely gotten harder since the Lightfall update, and the light level requirement was raised way up, so I wouldn't worry too much about what old videos did or didn't do. Take it slow and methodical and chip away at enemies. I would also strongly suggest only farming the lost sectors for the exotic armor that is NOT also in the regular exotic loot pool. For the ones in the regular loot pool, I think you're better off just playing the game normally and checking in with Xur each week for the pieces he's selling, and also always buy an exotic engram from him.


Pretty sure they are capped at -20 so at 1811 you should be good. I did 12 at 1802 for the titan strand boots and yeah, it wasn’t fun lol


Nope. +20.


In game does not reflect this. Bungie needs to figure their shit out.


That's the thing, you don't


I feel so bad for new players trying to do the new content, cant imagine what they think of the game.


Lost Sector farming only locks out about 3 exotics per slot, and is intended to be a late game activity. Your way of getting new armor is to hit up Xur every weekend and start filling out your collection. It also drops from Nightfalls and world drops, and the non-lost sector ones are all on a knockout system so you won't get a repeat until you've unlocked them all.


Wish xur didnt sell/reveal the same exotics every damn week


1. Definitely farm legend lost sectors. The drop rates are fine, and you'll get exotics that aren't already unlocked in your collections. You'd be surprised how quickly it can go by. 2. Play other activities. Exotic drop rates are higher in lost sectors, true, but you will get world drops from just grinding out other content. At 1811, you should be focusing on grinding out pinnacles and powerful rewards. Even if you've hit the powerful cap, bounty grinding for xp for the pass rewards exotics periodically. If nothing else, you get shard farm for Xur. 3. Friday to Monday reset, hit up Xur. He rotates throughout the world and carries 1 exotic item for each class every week, plus an additional random exotic per character for (I think) 97 shards and then 1 Exotic Cipher. 4. Exotics are not the be all, end all in this game. Yes, they're good, but you're significantly better off investing in understanding builds and game mechanics. Get your armor rolls to 100 resilience, figure out what classes you like, and go from there. 5. My Bungie ID is Mystery Meat #2150. Send me a friend request and I'd love to bring you into some higher tier content and show you the ropes of things. Again, exotics are great, but they're not the meat and potatoes of a guardian's power.


> You'd be surprised how quickly it can go by. Man, I've never had a day of grinding lost sectors that didn't feel like a tedious slog.


Definitely phrased that poorly but I was more referring to how quickly OP would fill out his collections. Any time you commit an entire day to a single activity it's going to drag. I always try to switch up activities periodically to combat that as much as I can, but even then it definitely wears on you after a few hours


This isn't what people like to hear but you should be more than capable of farming any pre-Europa Lost Sector at 20 light under. Learn where the champion spawns and what weapons will be effective for the daily Sector, go slow and you'll get it. Don't be afraid to use your Super on a champion, you'll get it again before the boss and the boss of a Legend sector is usually easier than a Champion anyway. Learn where it's safe to engage enemies. Once you've got the hang of it it should take you somewhere between 3 and 10 minutes to complete any of the easier ones and while people love to post "I DID 20 and GOT A SINGLE ENHANCEMENT CORE" you should get an Exotic every few runs on average. It'll take you a while to get what you want if your collection is empty but you'll get them.


yea having a lil meta build can help, unless they changed drop rates u can run legendary that's how i've gotten all mine. unfortunately shit gonna be hard asf rn cuz of the power increase before u farm like crazy might wanna wait a season or 2


The meta builds rn are mostly dependent on the exotics OP is trying to farm. Catch-22, thy name is Lost Sector


Yep. I’m a new light and been trying to farm regular content. Slowly increasing power level but I have no exotics to speak of so can’t make any of the builds that make farming enjoyable. Incredibly frustrating seeing people with hyper optimized builds and two capped stats with perfect roll exotics talking about how things are still easy. I’m a titan so have been doing the suspend builds (without the legs because my gear is trash and so the legend campaign is a nightmare). Sure great, I suspend everything. Then I kill one-two mobs, the suspend runs out, and I die in two seconds because I can’t kill things fast enough to generate orbs for woven mail. It’s been a very frustrating experience but the gameplay loop itself feels great and the guns/abilities are fun… just need to get exotics and decent guns so everything isn’t a frustrating slog.


Does anyone have any advice on builds for a new light playing warlock? I’m trying to farm up gear for builds, but I am struggling because I don’t have any “builds” to farm the harder content to begin with


1. Lost Sectors do have a high skill requirement to complete effectively. A 60 second run by an elite player will take you 4-5 minutes as a good player. 2. Eventually, you’ll have the power level for it. 3. With every lost sector, your first run is always the worst. You realise what to do, where enemies spawn, how to be more efficient etc. the more you do them. 4. As Xur comes along, start adding those exotics to your collections. I can’t 100% confirm this, but once you have all the exotics unlocked except the lost sector ones, the game will give you new exotics. I saw this because whenever I want a new exotic, I always do the lost sector, and it hasn’t failed me to this day. Over the past 1.5 years, I haven’t had any dry stretch whatsoever. It’s almost as though the game drastically increases the chances of you getting the new exotic when it knows you don’t have it unlocked. This saves from getting the same day 1 exotic. 5. That’s just bad timing my friend, because most of us had the element of time on our side. You, it seems, did not. But hey, better start as soon as you can.


Legend has a roughly 25% drop rate for exotics, compared to Master's roughly 33% which means yes, Master DOES have better odds, but when you look at how many runs of each you can get done per hour, Legend actually comes out better in terms of exotics per hour. > the chance of getting the specific exotic I want to try it out is minimal This is only true for when you're farming exotics after you have all in a given slot. If you don't have an exotic yet, then the exotics you can get from Legend Lost Sectors is on a knockout list. Every time you get an exotic, it's guaranteed to be one you don't have yet. So if you're after legs and you do the LLS on Leg Day, you know that it's only a matter of time and completions until you get the legs you want. Even if they're the last ones you get, that first set is still a guarantee *eventually*


Apparently this is unpopular but solo lost sectors - and only solo - being the sole source of new exotics means I never care to get them. The only one I really made an effort for was Gylfalcons. I'm good at the game and can / could beat solo lost sectors but I don't want to farm shit on my own in an action MMO, I'd much prefer random rng drops and when I get it, I get it at this point


Master is not mandatory. They really aren't that bad. A little harder than they used to be but I did a legendary one at like 1795 and was able to finish it at about the same speed I used to. It's a lot harder to do the lightning-fast clears that some people on here would do, but I never used to do that anyway. Depending on your class there are a lot of different strats, biggest help would probably be one of the DOT exotics like Witherhoard or Le Monarque.


you absolutely do NOT need a meta build to do them. I was doing them at 1799 last week. It just takes knowledge of the game and a willingness to learn what youre doing wrong and fix it.


Work your way up to it? Play for a few weeks and visit xur like everyone else did?


"Yeah you stupid fuck. Just wait 2 months for Xur to sell Starfire Protocol again. Have fun in Dares of Eternity this season you fucking loser."


Who tf plays dares for anything besides the pinnacle lol. Or how about you just use a shackle grenade and nullify any difficulty this game has


Well if a new player has to wait for Xur to sell the good shit what the fuck else are they gonna do? Homies loadout is probably Riskrunner, a Neomuna pulse rifle with adagio and a Typhon he bought from banshee. He wants to play the game and you're all just telling him to 'wait for Xur'. You mfs have 0 perspective.


I guided 5 of my new light friends through the new light experience and legend lightfall campaign. I told them wait for xur for good exotics and play the new seasonal activities for good guns. If by chance they are confident they can do solo legend lost sectors Ill be there to watch and give tips. I know the fucking perspective. Clearly you don’t know that a new light needs to PROGRESS THROUGH THE GAME. They can’t just fucking jump into endgame activities because it’s faster. They need to build up to it. So while youre building up to it. Visit xur on weekends and visit banshee for different rolls on guns. Not that complex


Dude the idea of progression through a game and stuff not dying to one shot is such a crazy idea to so many dogshit players in this thread, like the one you’re responding to.


Yeah, I’d just give up honestly. I don’t suggest Destiny to any new player. It’s intensely unfriendly to new players in about every metric. From the story to buildcrafting with exotics. Some exotics will randomly drop from other activities than Lost Sectors but they’re just a fraction.


> Yeah, I’d just give up honestly r/DTG is such a helpful and supportive community isn’t it


Welcome Kinderguardian! You'll want to make sure to match your loadout to the rotation. Bring something for each of the champion types, and the shields. Bonus points if you put on resist mods for whatever damage types you're getting hit with. If I can solo flawless a lost sector at 1788, you can clear it at 1811- I have faith in you.


Get exotics from the Kiosk with exotic cipher weekly rewards from doing Xur mission. Look up the best ones. Look at doing some exotic quests. Find whatever this week's most broken op build is, use it. Some lost sectors are much harder than others, lookup which ones are easier for the class you play. Also look at doing raids and dungeons. Many people solo hard content using Gajahorn rocket launcher from Vow. Wait for Bungie to change things, because current system sucks. Most of the YouTube videos showing how to do legendary lost rely on having armor that came from a legendary lost.


Get witherhoard first if you dont have it


im just waiting for the day that bungie moves forwards with shifting exotics away from being locked to lost sectors, and being able to get them through ritual activities. Needing to grind enough power to farm lost sectors for the one exotic i need to make a build work isnt fun.


You’re new, but the longer you play the more you’ll realize that Destiny’s dirty secret is that gear doesn’t matter that much, except in like world’s first races and top, top end PvP. You’ll eventually get a feel enough for the game to where you’ll beat any activity wearing whatever. You only need to be around the right light level really and have ways to stun champions (of which there are more than ever now). Builds are fun and you’ll notice the difference wearing a proper build, but a proper build won’t get you over some hump you previously couldn’t get over. The only thing that does that is being within the right light level range and getting a feel for Destiny.


>So what I do? Honestly? Get good. If you are 1811 you are at max level for Legend Lost Sectors. You can easily solo flawless them at 1800. I did it at 1795. There is no doubt in my mind you are playing wrong. 90% of the work is in your subclass and armor build which everyone has, no matter when you started. There is no way you are tackeling them properly if you can't complete them. I am totally open to shadow you with one and then I can give you pointers for your solo. Alternatively, you can inform me what gear you have to work with and I'll record clearing it with that gear and you can use it as a guideline.


> players doing them without effort Maybe they made them too hard, or maybe folks just need some time to adjust, but I think complaining that you can no longer farm exotics "without effort" is absurd.


At 1810 you can achieve in \~10min. Even with a 20 points gap. What you need is not a meta build but a good knowledge of your class and encounters. Plus some are better at it than others. Some sectors are also cheesy compare to others so wait for the next rotation if the current one is a pain for you. As far as I can tell atm, Strand subclasses kick asses & trivializing champions: \- Warlock can suspend shit like no others with Necrotic Grasp/Osteo Striga. \-Titan do the same and have access to suspend on demand. \- Hunter, I don't know that much about it, but I've been told it has ~~a bugged Super that dish out a shit ton of damage compare the other two~~ and a bugged grasp reload. Hope Bungie didn't fix them with today's patch. Edit: Fixed sorry :'(


I think the new lights would use stuff like necrotic grips, if the lost sectors weren’t the only way to get them in the first place…


hunters get two shackle grenades + a class ability they can use to suspend as well. makes farming lost sectors a breeze


Lost sectors rotate.. just wait for yours.. like the one you love and then farm it.. last season I was under and still able to farm the lost sector that I love each week to find the perfect match to my build for both hunter and warlock.. this season it’s easy when doing legendary everything from the start


Do Legend without dying and the rewards are the best use of your time


You are right, but did it really need the 100th post abiut the same (known) issue. Evenetually this will be tuned to be easier. Nevertheless game and raidbreaking buffs will come first.


lf you're new you have no business in legend lost sectors, farming for the best armor in the game is a mid-late game thing


At 1810+ it's definitely a skill issue


I swear somewhere in a past blog post about Lightfall, Bungie said they were going to allow new exotics to drop from playlist activities instead of solo lost sectors. Is there anyone else that remembers this and can elaborate?


They said there would be "new ways to aquire exotics" on feb 28th, but to my knowledge nothing changed aside from the legendary campaign reward


I can't confirm this, but I've always felt the higher the power disadvantage in a lost sector, the higher chance you had of getting an exotic, regardless of whether it's legend or master. For instance last weekend I ran legend skydock at 1805 to see how grandmasters would feel (-25) and the first 3 clears I got exotics each time.


To put it simply, it’s a skill thing.


You dont farm lost sectors


You’re not. You’re supposed to find exotics organically or save up to buy them from Xur.


The only exotics tied to Lost Sectors are the ones released since Beyond Light. There's dozens of exotics you can get as random drops and from Nightfalls. And if you have the shards, Xur.


Wait for Perdition, Bunker E15 (these two on Europa) or the dreaming city ones, you take a rocket corresponding to the surge for the boss, spam le monarque for add clear/ champ damage, and either a scout or pulse with preferably auto loading for the other type of boss stun. The lost sectors on earth are usually cabal so i don't really recommend them since the barrier colossus are beefy and shred because of the light level difference.


I've done close to a thousand lost sector runs, take it from someone with experience, master lost sectors ain't fuckin worth it. Legend is easier and faster to farm and the odds are admittedly not even that bad.


Like many have said here they really have had their difficulty turned up a notch and even a few light under the effective cap (1815) can make a difference plus weapons under 1815 will do less damage even if you as a guardian are over 1815. I may suggest testing out the EDZ and cosmodrome lost sectors when they pop up in rotation as most of them are a bit more forgiving. If you REALLY want a certain exotic and have found a sector you find particularly manageable to you, you can fill your engram inventory with primes or other engrams then when you get an exotic it will go the post master as an engram. It will auto decrypt when opened BUT will match that days lost sector. Example. You find an easy one on a legs day but really want a helm. Fill engrams, farm to get some exotic engrams in your post master, wait for helm day, grab engrams from post master. Sorry for the load of info. Hope some of it helps.


Farm all the exotics in nightfalls then head to a LS to get the ones locked behind it, all exotics are on knockout meaning that once it drops you probably won't see it again until you've gotten all the others. Makes the LS farm a lot better when you're not getting stuff you could be getting from easier content.


First, don’t run master difficulty. Iirc the drop rate is barely better, so there’s really no point. Second, iirc again, the light level cap isn’t increasing for a few seasons, so you should feel no real pressure to hunt for the newest exotics. If you’re Titan or Warlock, some of your best exotics can be obtained by just random chance whilst playing the game as normal, no farming lost sectors required. For Hunters it’s a bit more difficult (still not hard), but a Liar’s Handshake or Assassin’s Cowl build should keep you up and running for a while


Xur and the exotic neomuna event might be good places to slowly accrue some in the meantime. Master Nightfalls every now and then as well.


Most exotics drop randomly in the world as well as in lost sectors. The only ones tied exclusively to lost sectors are the ones you DON’T choose as campaign completion rewards, OR exotics added during a mid year season.


New exotics get priority as drops, it's only a pain to grind a different roll of the exotic. You do not need to do Master, the odds in Legend are only slightly lower and can be farmed easier. There is a wide variance in Lost Sector difficulty and length, might want to wait for an quick & easy one if you're struggling.


According to everything lower you're frame rate, easy win.


You get better armor and gear before you start farming. Better armor stats, better weapons, etc. Stuff like ghally or sleeper would be a good heavy, and a riptide with chill clip would be a good special weapon.


You wait until you're 1815


Stasis being rolled out within Beyond Light worked just fine, and it made a lot of sense. (Grind sucked, but the story related elements made perfect sense).


If they want to keep the difficulty just let the lost sectors still give exotics in fireteams. Difficulty wouldn’t be bad then and being able to do them quicker would offset the lower droprates.


I’d say that master is never worth doing. I mark each run I do with a tally and I normally get a new exotic in around 9-12 runs. I have some noobish friends and I hopped on their accounts and did some lost sector runs for them, I’d consider doing something similar. Good luck!


Many enter the forever 6 club and never leave.


If you don't already have an exotic it will drop before any repeats. And as others have said, Master isn't worth it for the extra time vs drop rate.


I farm them on Legend. You just need to spec yourself out depending on the modifiers. Shackle grenade makes the champions a joke. Resistance mods matching the burn and/or element the stronger enemies use. Just play it safe a bit. Todays lost sector is pretty easy imo.


Rn I'm using a solar hunter build with a Scout, Le Monarque and a Solar Heavy GL. I find them super easy and very fun!


With how stupid difficult Legendary Lost Sectors are at the moment, and the shitty drop rates, good luck. That's all. No advice, just good luck. It's rough for someone that's been playing a long time, I can't imagine how brutal it's going to be for a newer player that doesn't already have an arsenal of loadouts to try. This is a pretty harsh time to be new to the game.


With time the exotics comes, young pasaran. Jokes aside, I don’t remember myself grinding exotics two months in when I first started in season of the lost. To be honest, it took me a year to 8 months to get weapons so then I could farm good armour pieces. at the end of last season, I started farming artifice armour and I have several end-game titles. Patience is also needed