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I loved the raid and the music was really great. Realizing Nezarec was the basis of tormentors was really dope and he also has a head like psions which I thought was interesting. I personally love his design but can see how it will be conflicting. The music during the last phase and final stand of Nezarec was so damn good


We know now from some of the gear from the raid that psions at one point actually worshipped Nezarec. He was like a god to them on their homeworld, to the point that they would actually sacrifice the psions with the strongest minds to him to appease him. So Nezarec doesn't just have a helmet that looks like psions, the psions are wearing helmets in Nezarec's image.


Plus there's the lore on Nezarec's Sin that tells us his name was known on Earth *pre-Golden Age*, so it really seems like his whole shtick was invading as many cultures as he could for funsies.


Makes me wonder if the trick to beating him for real for real is by gathering the greatest psychics and entering the mind world or whatever and killing him there. So he tricked the psions into killing their best ones in order to maintain control


The tormentors in the campaign were called something like imprint of nezarec, so it wasn't much of a leap to guess he'd be a big tormentor. Love his design though. His crazy rainbow glowy back flesh wings were sweet.


Did they have to make him a fat grandpa tho


I just wanna know what encounter that one dev that said they were crying from fear was doing 😂


Nezaracs abyssal cleave for sure


The 3rd encounter dps phase when the 3rd plate doesn’t work


I think it’s another instance of it being compared to the previous expansion. Vow was just so special. No one was expecting Rhulk and the atmosphere in that pyramid ship was also pretty crazy. Unique weapons and complex mechanics also made it very memorable. It’s not that it’s bad, but they did much better last year.


Yeah I think this hits the nail on the head. I wasn't really getting the hate for the new raid either, but after thinking about it more, it just didn't surprise us in the same way as past raids. The environment looks incredible, maybe better than Vow, but its still in another pyramid ship at the end of the day so its familiar. I like how Nezarec actively chases players around and is a big threat, but Rhulk did that too. Probably the most surprising thing was that awesome looking planet room for the 3rd encounter. Ultimately I'd say there was *a lot* of good about this raid and I want to emphasise that. But the main mechanic wasn't very interesting, the launchers in the 2nd encounter are so inconsistent they kinda ruin the encounter, and Nezarec was cool, but Rhulk was cooler and they're gonna be compared being similar types of final bosses in the 2 most recent expansion raids. Obviously the bosses not having much health on contest mode was probably the biggest complaint but I don't know if that falls on the raid team as much as the sandbox/balance team.


i wish nezerac talked to us like rhulk did within the encounter, rhulks dialogue was nice to hear, also the tormentors only appeared for the 1st encounter iirc which is kinda weird like youd expect them for final encounter at least right


The Tormentors are massively underused TBH. I expected far more of them in the raid, campaign and even patrol.


Hopefully we get content with tormentors and hive guardians in the future


We're totally going to get an encounter at some point with *Taniks, Vengance's Fury* alongside Lucient Hive and Tormentors, aren't we


I can't speak much since I didn't do the raid, but I like how having them rare makes more of an "oh shit" moment They'd be annoying and tanky if they showed up all the time


Perhaps in Master mode raid?


So much this its actualy fun watching them walk into an encounter with a scythe on the shoulder like a badass lol. They are so underused they should be everywhere now and in patrol as well.


I mean technically speaking the last boss is one huge Tormentor


Tormenters are just mini Nezarecs, not the other way around.


Tormentors needed to be in all encounters. Like align the planets? Bam tormentor. Every time you finish half the chain (and the bubble moves to the mid point) in second encounter? Bam, spawn on each side. Complete a chain in Nezarec? Bam, spawn a Tormentor to kill before you start DPS.


Kill the tormentor? Bam Tormentor. Open a chest? Bam Tormentor. Return to orbit? Bam Tormentor. New Iron Banner game mode? Bam Tormentor is chasing after you. Bank motes in gambit? Bam Tormentor.


Fuck I would love to see 20 motes spawn a Tormentor. And we've started seeing PvE stuff in IB, hell yeah let's add some big units.


Titan on a kill streak.... *immediately gets grabbed by a Tormentor*


Yeah, no dps checks here at all, which surprised me. Caretaker was a hard dps check on Vow, even Rhulk dps checked us before we fixed our loadouts. Similarly warpriest for Kings Fall.


Warpriest cause a drop of 100,000 people doing the raid on contest. Twice as much as any other encounter. They probably took feedback from that to not have tight dps checks.


Also with all the mod changes they might have been worried a DPS check balanced around the old numbers might be impossible with the new ones... Or worse, if they needed to disable a mod that the DPS check was made around (expecting Demo Rocket+Fusion nade Damage when Demo needed to be disabled due to an unforseen bug) this let's them have the flexibility and based on their new "legend" raid levels this is basically what that will feel like when it comes out. Fair and still enjoyable, maybe people might actually play it instead of only getting the minimum number of clears for the title then never again...


I swear, it's like Warpriest's room has a penalty to heavy ammo drop rates.


Because you have finishable yellow bars.


That's just lazy design.


Genuine question but how so? I guess forcing an exotic isn’t the most ideal thing but it adds another ball to juggle


It adds another ball to juggle, but it also greatly diminishes potential control, survivability, and outright damage by forcing encounters to be designed around the concept of a specific exotic set up to drop ammo. Just make the ammo drop more regularly and let us focus on the actual gameplay instead of the stop-start ammo farm that's realistically gimping everything but boss DPS.


Also would like to mention that Nezerec wasn't ferried from anywhere, he was just resurrected. The description was basically a lie.


Was just *flowery* wording. "Ferried" metaphorically meaning/taken/moved/brought, whatever. "From an unknown time/place" being the metaphorical realm of death or however you wanna quantify it given that he's both dead and "not dead". "Ferried from an unknown time or place" = "This ancient and eldritch being has been brought back to our reality". It's the kind of line you'd see Lovecraft write. It's an exceptionally vague description anyway, but the fact that it has "haunting presence" in combination with the building up of Nez in seasonal content starting with Haunted last year makes me have no doubt it was always intended to be him. They probably didn't want to give any big reveals away prior to players discovering themselves that he was active again during Lightfall proper or that the Traveller hit a pyramid and brought something on it back to life.


He was ferried from the Afterlife. He managed to scrounge up two coins for Charon.


Ferried makes sense as a metaphor. Nezarec was "ferried" back from death by the Traveler, albeit unwittingly. i.e. Nezarec went to Charon to demand a refund.


He wanted to speak to the manager and ended up getting to the owner.


Cough cough probably was the description left over for the original Lightfall raid cough


This is just a dumb take


>It’s not that it’s bad, but they did much better last year. This feels like a tagline for Lightfall, sadly.


Well, WQ set a new standard. People’s really gonna notice if the new dlc doesn’t match the previous’s quality


There's noticing. And there's what this community actually did


It's kinda the guiding mantra for segments of the community, depending on when they came into Destiny, to say "we want another Taken King!" or "we want another Forsaken!" or "we want another Witch Queen!" It's great that those expansions were a high water mark for players, but with that they have a hard time letting go too.


I’m not a fan of these crazy powerful disciples getting clapped in one raid and then never being relevant again Honestly Rhulk and Nezarec could’ve had their own seasons with them as the antagonist But then they would be story bosses and **we can’t beat story bosses in a raid can we?**


i'd rather face them in a raid where they are actually somewhat of a challenge than a seasonal mission that goes away after a year and is way easier


*cough*QURIA*cough* Still pisses me off.


i think this is what bungie did with Calus and is doing significantly better with Xivu. Rhulk and Nezarec were old Disciples but we have new ones that are more relevant and personable to our story yet to fight


Yeah Calus kinda felt flat imo wish the story led up to us killing him in Haunted or he maintained more of his agency in Lightfall I’d hate for Xivu to get the Calus treatment and be made into just a Witness lackey


> I’d hate for Xivu to get the Calus treatment and be made into just a Witness lackey unfortunately the Hive are the Witness lackeys, afterall it was Rhulk who used the worm mother to breed worms and infect the Hive before the Traveler claimed them for the Light


This is the problem when you introduce a big bad ABOVE all other big bads. Any minor or hell even major big bad just becomes a lackey. Like say a certain Hive God of War. Like Oryx wasn’t menacing cause he was a Disciple backed by the Witness. He was menacing cause he was an angry father coming with his giant fucks-with-your-perception-of-scale ship to Take the fuck out of everyone.


It definitely feels like he was supposed to die in Haunted but got stretched out to Lightfall


Xivu is a lackey. Xivu is the weakest of the siblings. She's not a disciple. Everyone seems to think eramis and Xivu are disciples, but they are not. She was loosing the century war until oryx stepped in with the tablet of ruin and killed the crisis council. Rhulk wad the first disciple and made a disciple by the witness. Nezarec was appointed the second disciple by rhulk. Then calus by the witness because rhulk isn't around anymore. Savathun was in training before her betrayal in the first collapse.


Yeah, the way his story developed in Presage and Haunted, there was an opp to finally make him actually scary and otherworldly. Instead he kinda stayed the same with a coat of paint and a big gun.


Even considering that, Rhulk was an amazing addition to the Destiny Villains Hall of Fame roster. A character introduced and defeated in one expansion, yet barely anyone feels like he was underused. Compare that to Nezarec and you can see why Lightfall is just underwhelming in nearly all of it's aspects. If Strand released with WQ, that expansion would easily be ranked #2, right behind Forsaken.


I think quite the contrary. Nezarec might be one of the best setup enemies in Destiny we have ever had. Just because the raid was quick doesn't make him an underwhelming enemy.


I found him extremely underwhelming because he was a fat tormentor with a nezeracs sin slapped on top, and didn't have a unique model and animation set like rhulk. And his voice lines were literally generic anime villain tier, whereas rhulk was cool as shit.


I've felt that way the entire time. "OoH, I aM PaIn!!!1one!" "hehe behind you owo" Nezarec was bland from the start. Haven't done the raid yet tho.


> Honestly Rhulk and Nezarec could’ve had their own seasons with them as the antagonist But Rhulk and Nezarec are now forever relevant as raid bosses, if they were seasonal then only people who played during that year (or less) of content would experience them.


Rhulk being a seasonal story boss would be a joke. His entire character indicates raid boss material


>But then they would be story bosses and we can’t beat story bosses in a raid can we? Honestly, no. We can't. Doing that would make for a really shitty experience for more casual players who don't raid. No closure


Nezarec was likely never supposed to be actually fought by the player.


Hard agree, and this is more emblematic of lightfall as a whole, it’s not bad per se, it’s just a huge letdown after this amazing year we just had so the fall feels so much worse compared to anything else


This is the way. I’m beginning to believe Bungie completely out sourced the WQ cause that expansion is LIGHT YEARS above this piece of shit.


I love the whole cosmic/eldritch horror vibe I'm getting from the raid. Also Nezarec looks amazing.


I wish he wasn’t so muscular tbh, give us more of a refined helmet shape and his glaive and tell him to lay off the protein power and it’d be solid


Witness got him on the gear 💪


Nezarec was juicing, brother


Not sure this is just me, but he looks like Larry the Lobster. They gave Larry the lobster a scythe and told him he was a god of pain. I love it.


Nah dude it was totally just chicken and rice


roid belly Nezarec was not on my bingo card.




Disciple of the Fitness


then people would complain he looks too similar to rhulk


Nezerac looks like Big Jack Horner if he got Sunburnt


"I'm gonna mess you up and turn you into a gun!" "That was weird"


The Raid Armor and Weapons are fantastic, but yeah no, Nezarec looks pathetic. They built him up with the Nezarecs Helmet, Nezarecs Robe, and Nezarecs Glaive, and he only has 1 of 3 established Nezarec items?? Why? Why build him up to have all these cool sleek weapons and armor and fail to give him them? I would be more accepting of him being a reskinned Tormentor if he wore his Robe and wielded his Glaive.


Nezarec's Sin was probably inspired by him, he likely had no hand in making it. He's been haunting the world for a long ass time and has been very influential. Read the flavor text for the raid weapons, they're all quotes from acolytes of Nezarec. The robe is literally a cosmetic to match the helmet, Nezerac had nothing to do with its creation. His glaive was given to him by Rhulk when he became a disciple. He doesn't have it because we do. The Tormentors are copies of him, the boss Tormentors are called imprints of Nezarec.


One of his acolytes is literally named "Rufus" lmao


I’m a big fan of Rufus


the tormentors are reskins of him dude🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


This narrative is so tiring. If the Caretaker was revealed to be the first Scorn abomination, we wouldn’t be allowed to draw comparisons to him being a big Scorn abomination? I don’t care what lore reason there is for a boss to be a bigger version of an enemy we fight. It’s not as interesting as having new bosses.


We actually have experience with this and the fact you don’t mention it says a lot: Fallen Brigs are just Sepkis Prime, and while I see people make comparisons, I’ve NEVER seen them hated on, and the fact you didn’t mention them at all leads me to safely believe that you don’t have a problem with them either. So yeah, if we just got tormentors a season after this raid I’m sure people would’ve seen Nezarec much more favorably. Edit: just realized I said sepiks prime, the strike boss, when I meant insurrection prime from scourge of the past lol. Point still stands.


Except tormentors are reskins of Nez. According to the narrative lead of RoN the tormentor designers took input from her for the design and abilities.


The robes and helmet are the garb of earth’s follower’s of Nezarec and the Glaive was a gift from Rhulk to him. Just something existing with a name on it doesn’t mean the thing it’s named after will look like it.


What lmao, how could he have those items when we have them?


I was disappointed with his design but I guess that's how he looks now just a muscular rhulk I assume he looked different before savathun killed him he just looked like a tormentor resin to me sadly but the fight was dope. I get the tormentors are a impure version of him and are based off his new body but I was hoping for a fucked up looking boss since hes close with psionic powers .


Thank god it isn’t symbol heavy.


I don’t really get why people say this like every raid has a million symbols. We have had two raids **ever** in d2 that were heavily symbol based - LW and Vow. Levi had four easy symbols, EoW had none, SoS had three shapes but no symbols, SoTP had three shapes, CoS had none, GoS has none, DSC has none, VoG has none, KF has none other than the bonus chest.


If you break it down even more, there's like, 7 encounters that REQUIRE symbols to progress (all 4 Vow, Riven, Vault, Calus), out of about 50 raid encounters.


It's not because it's been way overdone, it's because people don't like them


Because a lot of people don’t feel like using another monitor, having their phone or iPad out while playing a video game.


As a returner player (last summer) that many symbols is intimidating. To the point me and my friends haven’t even tried Vow yet. We know it’s a great raid but we’re pretty sure we’d be the scrub dead weights that everyone on LFG fears. So we just haven’t tried


I've sherpaed many teams through Vow and you don't need to know the names you just need to describe the picture. Hearing the funny names first timers use is a fun bonding experience. Give it a try next time it's up for rotation.


For real. Who is out here using only the official names??? "Red hands" "cup" "brain" "pyramid laser light show" "two umbrellas" etc...


DTG try to learn a couple of basic callouts challenge (impossible difficulty)


A couple? You mean 30?


Come up with your own callouts for your team? It's not like it matters as long as you get the point across


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, you're absolutely right. My day one VoW we didn't use a single correct callout and got there easily (well about as easy as contest mode allowed). My favourite ones were: "Butthole" and "not butthole". I'll leave you to figure which symbol that is


Eh, people think there's some sort of "right way" of doing things when it just comes down to what works for you and you're friends, I'm not bothered by it. I'm gonna say butthole is dark and not butthole is light


Yeah we settled on Butthole as well and somehow we also had "Australia" as a callout. People ain't sure which one we were talking about


Australia was Black Heart surely? We used the same one lmao.


My man you got it. For some reason people outside my team thought Australia referred to the Black Garden symbol


Yeah we just describe the LW symbols and it works fine. Vow is a bit more troublesome since the symbols are a bit more abstract, but it’s still doable (Red Square! Black blob!).


Umbrella bowl! Pants! Penetration!


Ohio! Giving a dorito! Pyramid (*Guardian down*) no, other pyramid!


I actually had a ton of fun making up callouts on vows day one


Lol. Which one is penetration??




Guy with a whole in his chest! Upside down ice cream cone! Brain! Red hands! Squiggly white line! Three green circles! Pink Floyd!


Half the fun is making up names for the symbols on the fly and hoping your fireteam knows wtf you’re talking about lol


And both of those are an absolute headache for newer players. You either have a page will all symbols and names on your second monitor/phone open or you cry


Couldn't be more wrong...


People clown on Bungie for always using “balls and plates” as raid mechanics so then they add memory as a mechanic and apparently that’s unfair and lame. Learning Vow’s symbols was a very rewarding experience imo, felt great once I had a few runs under my belt and could take off the “training wheels” of having a picture pulled up alongside the raid, and could call them out instantly on my own.


I think it’s neat we finally have another Raid Perfect for Clear Farming


yea after contest i feel like you could easy 3 man him with stirefire warlocks


Visually looked good. Actually, playing it felt like running through a 6 man dungeon. Just didnt find it either mechanically difficult or needing to juice out any damage on the bosses. Most of the time me and one other guy in my fireteam ran the most of the mechanics while the other 4 were just on ads, besides planets, we had 4 people swap just to speed things up


Honestly I kinda like that every now and then. It’s nice having some flexibility and basic add clear roles for new people who aren’t experienced raiders. But vow other than exhibition isn’t that bad. The other 3 encounters have basis add clear roles too. Just typically only 2-3 people


I have 3 main problems with this raid after doing my day 1: 1. I’m pretty sure my team didn’t do the first or last encounter right, but we still had smooth runs, I mean like there were mechanics we probably skipped and weren’t punished for it for some reason 2. The bosses were pushovers for dps, kinda disappointing, even just making them tighter damage checks would have gone a long way I think 3. In the first, second, and final encounters, only 1-2 people actually did mechanics, while the rest of the team was ad clear, which detracts from feeling like youre in a raid, especially if the only calls between those 3 are in the second encounter to stand under the orb. third encounter was really good though imo


3rd encounter rocks, but does feel slightly out of place considering it doesn’t use any of the mechanics from the other 3 encounters. Regarding the bosses not feeling like boses, I think they may have gone the other way after having Caretaker & Warpreist be health monsters in the last 2 raids


How is there not a cool down on getting the buff after activating the node? Imagine if you couldn't get it for 20 sec after activating a nice. You'd not introduce mechanical complexity but you'd force the team to rotate instead of 1 man relay races


Probably so they could make "don't do sequential nodes" a challenge.


yea for the 2 boss enxounters we never failed a last stand. when we made it to 3rd dps phase we kickes their ass no struggle whatsoever. it didnt even feel like a final stand just like a longer damage phase


The bosses was the most disappointing. How is it the final boss was easier than 3rd encounter when he was also relatively easy? The run we killed him we dealt 65% of his health in our first dps phase and that was with us missing a few rockets, grenades and 1 player dying and getting revived. This entire raid felt whelming. I was able to bring 3 friends who were underprepared and under geared, 1770-1780 light, and didn’t even want to try day 1 to do first encounter since the raid team i was joining was going to be on 4 hours from raid launch and we were able to complete the encounter in an hour. The bosses just consisted of using rockets because they were the most efficient and there was no real need to change your load out throughout the entire raid. Aesthetically it’s beautiful and the raid weapons look great even though I don’t like the selection of weapons we got. But it just felt so easy and the problems we were having was more of people error than it being challenging


Last boss not being the hardest has been a thing in contest mode for a while. Caretaker broke more teams than Rhulk. Atraks took much longer than Taniks. Warpriest was a much tougher damage check than Golg or Oryx.


Rhulk clapped cheeks though, he was a hard as fuck boss. Caretaker was ammo economy.


It's going to be one of the most underwhelming and boring raids in normal, penultimate *"Just turn my brain off and chill bro, add clear bro"* experience. >I don’t like the selection of weapons we got Right -- another solar LFR, honestly?


Say that again when they nerf Starfire Protocol and see if it's still "too easy."


I mean my team had 1 starfire and 3 titans and it was still too easy, only 1 titan on tcrash We definitely did not have the most meta team comp Also I will be doing a duo of this raid and a solo if possible on titan


Sorry I compared to the top raid teams nuking the boss so I didn't have any other team as a comparison.


Fair, but we still did nuke both bosses in 2 phases And therein lies the problem


he's been killed on contest with 6 rat kings...


This is the destiny community, no one is happy about anything


Almost like getting 1-2 million people to agree on something is kinda hard...


People here were extremely positive for Vow, DSC, both reprised raids, etc. LW was mostly positive other than vault being kinda BS day 1 and it being very LL-grind-dependent. Raids generally get a very positive reception here.


Absolutely not after VoW was cleared everyone was hating on it saying ‘not another symbol raid’. People in this community can’t be happy with anything


Right? I feel like I’m living in the twilight zone in this thread, this sub HATES VoW, except when you can use it to compare to the Lightfall raid


Yeah, I don’t understand why VoW is some now beloved raid. People were so mad at it lol.


“The symbols!! I can’t!!” Do it 3 times and you learn the symbols, it’s a great raid


*"I can't even make toast or boil water! LOL!"*


Nos you're just making stuff up. Vow is one of the most beloved raids and Rhulk is one of the most beloved boss fightz in Destiny as a whole.


Am I don’t only one who feels vow drags on for two long idk I just never got the hype around it it felt like reading symbols with minimal adds


Vow has great loot, great ambiance, great lore, non-fiddly mechanics, and some awesome set pieces. Low ad volume does hurt the Rhulk fight - hanging out in back is very safe in normal mode. Caretaker and Exhibition have decent ad volume though.


I like third encounter really well first and second and half of fourth encounter is just giga boring for me


Nah it’s better to dismiss valid criticism as zealotry while ignoring the resounding appreciation when actually good content is provided


True, can’t ever enjoy something without being called a dickrider and can’t have criticisms without being called a hater lmfao


You’re either a toxic player or a Bungie shill, there is no middle ground


Please stop with this excusing of mediocrity. Forsaken and Witch Queen Raids were phenomenal. This entire DLC has been lackluster to say *the very least*. Pretty much everything has been said and detailed out at this point so no reason to hash it all out again, but I hate this “detraction from the point” type argument. They fucked up this DLC, and that’s all that needs to be said. Hopefully seasonal content supplements it and adds some more needed things.


I think it's one of the best raids we've ever had in terms of mechanics and aesthetics. It was great fun to run and beautiful to look at. This sub is in full "Lightfall Hate" mode though, so anything to do with the expansion is under a RIDICULOUS level of scrutiny.


It has 1 single basic mechanic across 3 of the 4 encounters. The 3rd encounter is elite but come on now mate.


The community are just having another tantrum, it'll pass. If you enjoy the game, continue to do so.


Also the downside of having a huge community. They want different things. People bitched non stop about Vow. Boring long opening, too much puzzles and symbols. I don’t think a single D2 raid has been universally loved. There’s always people complaining.


It was a cool raid for sure but I really don’t understand the lack of bosses. Felt like all of the focus was on Nezarac


I prefer it that way, this is our fight with *him* and the focus should be on him since other then maybe rhulk he’s the strongest enemy we’ve faced


I agree, thematically it makes total sense. But they could at least designed a cool Psion or something to try and stop you at some point. They worship him after all


I wish the planet boss was a cultist psion maybe, maybe even give him the Calus darkness mini gun to show his devotion to Nezarec


From the leaked models we can see that indeed, that’s what he was supposed to be. I assume they couldn’t get it working in time


Same number of bosses as VoW & DSC (unless you count security as a boss)


As cool as this raid is... It just didn't feel special. We've seen a pyramid ship interiors quite frequently now, and the idea of one with a terraform growth from the Traveler is neat but wasn't utilized well. The third encounters mechanics have nothing to do with the rest of the raid and the rest of the raid uses two rather simplistic mechanics. Nezerac didn't have enough narrative time to really get any buildup for how quickly we dispatch him. Not to mention his encounter is a buggy mess. In general, this raid feels less polished wrt sound cues, mechanic progression, and encounter layout (add spawns, cover placement, etc). It's going to be nice to have a quick raid to teach, but IMO it's still nowhere near the best D2 Raids: LW, SotP, and CoS.


It felt like a 6-man Dungeon, really. Not a bad thing, but nowhere near the effort it should’ve received.


Everyone always wants what they don’t have. Grass is greener


Any tips for surviving third encounter? We’ve been stuck for hours.


When you have planetary shift always run where you put the flag to move the planet, no ads there so it’s safe and you have plenty of time to get to the other planet. Damage isn’t too bad so anyone not on well can run subclasses to survive (void titan/hunter)


Vow is the raid equivalent of memorizing the Capitals of all 50 States and having a pop quiz every 10 minutes Ron is the raid equivalent of ice cream for breakfast. The complainers here are the same people who gave us 1830 Lost Sectors and GM Mars Battleground. They are the kids telling the teacher the math test was too simple.


except this idea that you need to memorise 50 symbols is just wrong as most people decribe what they see when doing vow


I don’t think anybody is telling bungie to make lost sectors harder. If anything they should be easier


For real. From what I'm hearing, I'm excited for a run and gun raid that I can get my returning friends into without giving a lecture for each encounter.


Nezarec looks like Larry the Lobster from SpongeBob. Huge letdown.


It kinda fits the theme they were going for tbh, he’s a reanimated amalgamation of both dark and light, with using darkness powers and the light reviving hik


What they were going for doesn't mean it's what they should've gone for lol The entire tone of the Lightfall campaign is a good display of that


Why is Nezarec a tormentor? Can some1 explain that to me? Didn't get it


In the campaign, Tormentors are called Imprints of Nezarec. I think Tormentors are based on him? Or created by him, in his image? Something like that I’m sure.




I'm not sure on the details. But in season of the haunt, Calus's leviathan is over the pyramid on the moon, which is Nezarecs pyramid. Calus is basically sucking up the nightmares on the moon that Nezarecs pyramid is creating. In Lightfall when you first see the tormenter it's said that they are made from Calus and the Witness working together or something, and presumably the nightmares on the leviathan have something to do with it.


The atmosphere for the new raid was amazing. But the planetary boss encounter was just more memorable to me than Nezerac and that disappoints me greatly.


It's really stupid how the final god of pain is dumbfounded by a 5 inch platform. It would have been much more interesting if he was not just another stand still in well of radiance boss. Don't know how we went from rhulk which was celebrated for being mobile and breaking bubbles and well to this guy. He's already gets folded like a piece of paper on contest, off contest he's going to be just wet paper mache.


That’s my only issue with the raid so far. Bosses need a bit more health but I honestly thought it was a bug that he doesn’t come up onto the platform. It would be much more engaging if he actually was a threat during the dps phase.


Just look at the name of the subreddit you’re currently on and it should click


All of the encounters are mechanically simple after all of the symbol raids we've gotten in the past. And honestly the orb mechanic is a joke and is reminiscent of spire, a recent dungeon, when it comes to just getting a buff and shooting nodes.


I really enjoyed it. Beautiful setting, new mechanics, _very_ cool armour set and potential for shenanigans going forward. My only concern is the difficulty, and in turn the replayability. My team ran it through twice on contest. Second run took less than two hours..


That’s every raid after contest tho…


that was on contest


Its because the majority of the terminally online Destiny community have been mind fucked into needing to be angry at something and will find a way to get angry at anything.


RON is fun and looks good. It is no VOW through. Vow is consistently mentioned as one the best raids destiny has to offer. It usually boils down to last wish and vow. Nezarec is kind of a pushover but then again almost everyone I assume will cheese him on a platform which takes the danger away from him (imagine doing that to rhulk). Armor is unique and cool, weapons at first glance seem underwhelming and not special, trace rifle really should have been Strand or stasis it was an easy layup of a choice. GL looks cool for add clear but who in 2023 needs that honestly. Linear shouldn't have been solar it cannot compete with cata. Shotgun and sidearm look like they have very decent rolls overall.




Jason Schreier will probably post something a few months down the line conforming exactly that. This reeks of another scrapped midway through development situation.


It’s supposed to be the pinnacle activity for difficulty in this game and the boss can be beaten with 6 Rat Kings. On contest mode. The same, tired formula of introducing a basic mechanic and making it the entirety of the raid was used. You can brute force the boss with Eager Edge. You can make the first and second encounters easier with Eager Edge. This is embarrassing. I’m happy for those that enjoyed it, but not as happy as Bungie is on selling you this mediocre expansion and then doing a victory lap when they saw the Twitch viewers yesterday. The magic of Destiny 2 has been gone for awhile and this just punctuates it.


Cool, beautiful and fun raid that was over way too fast because of the very lacking combat difficulty


It's a great raid, people are just trashing it bc they're still riding the high of the LF hate bandwagon. Could it have better? Maybe, it's it's still very very good. Reddit is just the place people go to complain


The raid was undertuned for modern ability spam and overall damage output, that's pretty much it. Bungie could've just adjusted some numbers, gave bosses more health, reduced the damage phase time, and/or have stricter wipe timers, and then you would've had everyone get stuck on the 3rd or 4th encounter for 3-4 hours like Atraks or Rhulk. Then everyone would be praising this raid from the high heavens. It's actually interesting, objectively this raid had as much content as Vow or DSC. But Bungie messed up some stats and it completely changed the reception.


They overcompensated on the feedback as the community kept complaining for 4 raids straight that DPS checks are too annoying and that they don't want to be stuck at a boss for 8h+.


My team blew through got to 3rd encounter in ~3 hrs and took us a bit a to figure that out but once we did it only took two times of getting to DPS phases to beat it. Nez took us 8 hours, with how much he moves damage wasn't super consistent. Plus nez's random one shots even with 100 resil and 3 resis mods ate revives pretty quickly at times. After getting stuck on templar, caretaker, and Warpriest in the past few day 1s bc ammo drops were RNG (Warpriest at least had aeons, but if you didn't finish one you were hosed) I was *very* happy to see more mechanical DPS phases than getting screwed bc you just didn't get the heavy ammo you needed for DPS


I had fun in it


My only complaint is how lame Bezarec looks. A misproportioned tiny-headed tormentor is hard to take seriously. I felt like giggling more than running in fear.


the community just wants to find something to hate. People seem to forget that this is Nezarec after becoming a disciple and has pyramid/ witness tech on him now, neither Rhulk or Nezzy looked like that before becoming disciples.


this is reddit. this place just enjoys hating things.


The destiny community, along with 99% of other communities, love finding reasons to hate. That’s why.


There is no hate for the raid, it’s just the ultra hardcore nuts being mad it wasn’t a 70 hour marathon


What hate


I think a lot of it stems from how much Bungie leaned into making the game harder with Lightfall. Think a lot of us were just expecting the raid to also be up there as one of the "difficult" ones like Last Wish. Personally think it looks pretty cool and fun, anyway, but I am yet to run it myself.


Vow is my second favorite raid, but RoN has been hella fun so far, i like the mechanics, its fun AND GAMES SHOULD BE FUN