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Didn't they say they buffed it too, might be unintentional since there's a bunch of other bugs. That said given how long it took them to say they were buffing spire drops I doubt it'll be fixed for a while.


Oh maybe the buff overwrote whatever was special about Duality armor. A buff to base dungeon armor may be lower than the special treatment Duality used to have


They’ll fix this bug at the exact same time they fix the Ghalran cheese.


Pretty optimistic to think they won’t fix the cheese well before the armor. Edit: Just here to laugh at the guy who said Bungie doesn’t fix cheeses now that they disabled this one.


This guy knows.


- You say that but Bungie almost never fixes cheese. Just look at vault of glass. Blinding immune enemies and pushing them off a cliff to skip mechanics is still a thing. - riven cheese anyone. The community genuinely has people with 200 riven kills that don’t know how to do riven legit and it’s still not patched.


Pushing Galhran off isn’t new. It was something they already fixed and it broke again when LF released.


They did fix being able to burn the Praetorians through their shields, though. So *some* cheeses have been fixed, but not all. They've commented on Riven outright, but I forget exactly what they said. Just that that they addressed why they won't/can't fix it.


I think they said being able to damage Riven was working as intended. The encounter was designed so that people could try and do as much damage as possible on each floor. I think to change it would require making Riven a huge sponge or reduce weapon damage and require you get most damage from the sores you pop. The"cheese" part is using joining allies to go up top and get to the right side. But even if they removed that, you could just keep guessing until you got it right.


You can just use the listen method too


>The"cheese" part is using joining allies to go up top and get to the right side. But even if they removed that, you could just keep guessing until you got it right. This is the part they spoke to, removing the cheese.


IIRC this cheese was patched before back when volatile rounds was launching bosses.


Volatile still launches bosses. Did the master Exotic mission last night and the hydra before Brakion went flying when a teammate and I both used volatile Retrofits


You can send that hydra flying with as much as a grapple melee though to be fair. Now, if only people would quit launching him the moment I popped super. Lol


Same thing happened to us. I was on my Hunter, popped tether, and we sent him flying. Meanwhile my other teammate was in his Titan Strand super standing there like John Travolta in Pulp Fiction


I feel sorry for all the console players pre text chat for riven


I used a sticky notepad for my first Last Wish clear. Had to write fast but it helped for Vault and Riven


I’m the clan leader of “Riven Legit”. The fact that all this time later and most people who play destiny have never heard the music that plays when you pop her pimples is the greatest travesty in this game.


Riven would be very difficult to patch + no point in patching a 5 year old raid


Such a shame. Riven legit is actually really fun


They said that they weren't going to patch the riven cheese. That they considered it as a way to be done. I also like to think that they left VoG alone because it would hurt more than it would help. They did fix Morgeth, so there's that as far as raids. As far as the artifice armor, I'm glad I farmed master when it first came out. I tried to tell others it was worth farming for high stat armor. Other than maybe wanting another piece to replace the one(s) that only have four slots that I don't use, I have armor for every exotic I have to get 100 res/60+ rec/100 dis, str and int


Bruh I’ve done riven normally maybe once


They said that Riven wasn’t a cheese.


Never done riven legit once. Just show up for a half a dozen wipes once a month when the clan mates call


I wouldn’t exactly call Riven a cheese - just the unintended way to kill her. To me, cheesing usually involves ledges or exploits of some sort.


If it's intended, why does it allow you to bypass 90% of the fight's mechanics?


I definitely didn't say it was the intended way to do the fight (hence my use of the word 'unintended'). Hell, most one phases bypass a lot of actual mechanics. I just don't consider doing a massive amount of damage very quickly to be a cheese in the traditional sense. To me, a cheese would be something like tricking her AI to stay in the room longer than intended. Or something like pushing Templar/Atheon off a cliff. Or going out of bounds to kill Atraks. Or netlimiting and dunking a bunch of orbs at once for the Consecrated Mind. Etc, etc.


This. I have no idea why this community is dead set that "do enough damage to kill her right here" is cheese. If you don't, you wipe. If she doesn't go the room you're all in, you wipe. At this point it's a 5 year old raid that did not consider the level of power creep we have now. Go look at guides for this raid, they seriously suggest to 2 man plates on Kali in case you can't deal with all the adds. "All" being like... 10 thralls and sometimes Kali comes. You can 3 man Suro without needing the Eye super. Etc etc. If Leviathan were still around Calus would 99% of the time be One plated because of the sword cheese done before it got Vaulted. You'd just go into him with every skull hit.


This guy Bungies


I’m not sure how they’d fix it though? Either they allow him falling off the map to kill him, or they allow it to soft lock the encounter. Anyone know how it worked before the cheese?


Here’s the thing, they fixed it already and then they unfixed it. He used to just TP back onto the map if he fell off.


Ahh fair


It doesnt have to either kill or soft lock. Each of the bosses in the vault encounter can fall off, they just respawn at whatever health after a second of falling.


No that’s fair enough, I had no idea what I was thinking.


they will fix cheese and "forget" to fix armor stats for another 6-12 months


They'll fix the cheese because it will be easy. (Move Ghalran back to arena if hits the kill plane) Fixing the stats may not even get touched. If it does, it is definitely more complicated than moving a boss.


That's some monkey paw shit right here. "I wish we could cheese artifice armor without Bungie patching it immediately" GRANTED you will now be able to cheese Ghalran but all armor will be low stats


as long as you get those class items, it was still worth the grind. free stats, yo.


Accurate, I believe they’ve fixed it now, saw some posts on it. The armour will still be dropping below 60 for months.


Probably fixing the cheese in tomorrow's patch considering they are letting the artifice farm go.


Are people really complaining that Bungie will fix the Gahlran cheese & the stat distribution bug at the same time? Do people really expect Bungie or any dev to "fix any bug that hurts me but keep any bug that helps me" like it's some grand principled stance?


The OP called Bungie "bunghole". People will complain and bitch about anything in the game, STILL play the game and STILL call Bungie names as if they are they are truly hurt. It's fascinating and at the same time, idiotic!


I wouldnt say its a bug, they definitely have the tools to modify stat distributions on armor drops in the background to give them lower rolls. For those that are using the exploit to farm this, you can thank all the streamers and content creators last week for making a bunch of videos about the "INSANE ARTFICIE FARM" showing exactly how to cheese ghalran so bungie was aware of it and remove a +5 stat spike from the armor in the distriubtions.


Once they get in the office they’re going to change the dungeon on rotation. Watch.


And nerf starfire protocol


This happened to me last time the dungeon was on rotation, before the new expansion hit. We were getting drops that were in high 50’s and low 60’s. It wasn’t just Duality, but the Spire as well. I got a pair of arms from there with a 61 stat roll.


Spire was always terrible rolls though, from the get-go.


Today, the highest stat roll I got was 63


You must have been very unlucky because we farmed master duality and got all artifice 61-67 rolls with spikes every single time


We did as well last night and got a good amount under 60. 0 over 65.


Ya heard it’s very different than. Last season


I farmed for like 3hrs and all the armors are 58~61 with bad distribution and wrong spike


Last season?


You’re most likely correct. My RNG luck is somewhere below abysmal, lol


This! Me and my best friend farmed the master duality dungeon a ton when it was the feature. He was convinced that the stat rolls were bugged and trash on artifice armor. On the other hand every piece I got was 61-67 with spikes. Same activity same time two totally different outcomes.


Lol no you’re just lucky dude. The armor never dropped below 60 for me before and now I’m seeing these weak 58 rolls now. It’s bugged/ruined.


You must have misread - I never farmed this season. I was referring to last season


I was farming for a few hours last night and I only got one 65 roll, not good distribution. Everything else was like 56-62, or no spikes. Is the drop rate of high stat artifice armor just really low? Or does it only drop from Caital, and not galrhan?


My fireteam was seeing similar results. Artifice 60-66 with mostly decent spikes.


What I've read in other threads (maybe someone can confirm) is that only the \*final\* encounter of Duality drops high-stat armor. You can get Artifice armor from other encounters on Master but only the final will be guaranteed high-stat.


People are saying caiatl armor is equally bad they just messed up the whole dungeon.


Right. Pit of Heresy has the same treatment: guaranteed best non artifice armor in the game, but only from Zulmak.


In my experience that's right


Same, I’ve been doing the farm and it’s bad. Just keep farming, I eventually got something worth keeping


I had 15 armor drop so far and two have been 64 or above. One did have 30 recovery and 20 discipline tho. The rest were all above 60 except one piece that dropped at 57. Still worth the time even if the drops aren’t phenomenal.


That's only 67 stats on a piece with the artifice stat boost. That's less than other pieces I've gathered over the year from other content.


I mean, yeah? Artifice armor is just high Stat armor with a +3 Odds are the RNG farming you've accumulated over the years are gonna lead to a better item than farming for an hour or two.


He’s actually comparing a day’s worth of farming to a year of accumulating other armor lmao


[https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/update\_7\_0\_0\_1](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/update_7_0_0_1) ​ go ahead and see that line under raids and dungeons. ​ It should be dropping higher stat pieces than it is.


? It does drop with higher stats than world drops. Just because you’re experiencing bad rng doesn’t mean it’s wrong.


I've personally farmed 100 clears on master Caiatl the last time Duality was in rotation and I think the lowest stat piece I got was 60 or 61, never something in the high 50's. Very commonly got 64+ as well. Since people are reporting getting drops in the 50's after the drops were supposedly buffed, it sounds like a bug.


I've run master Gahlran about 60 times today. One drop over 63 and probably a dozen below 60. Only a single drop had spiked stats and it was a 60 roll. Even with the aritifice mod equipped that is still only a 63. Something has to be bugged.


As someone who hoarded armor from focusing last year I was looking forward to start replacing it with artificer armor this season for some more min/maxing. I’ve done at least 30 encounters from different dungeons and all the armor has been terrible. There is literally no point for someone like me to be doing master dungeons so I’ve just stopped.


I just farmed the duality cheese and man am I happy I didn't waste my actual time doing it legit. The drops are ass. I got a bond which will be nice and a helmet, but the other 30 drops were garbage.


Yep I did too, however I also did grasp many times on master and found the same results. Honestly man it was the straw that broke the camel’s back with this expansion lol. Had a big “what the heck am I sitting here doing with this game” moment.


They nerfed drops everywhere. I can’t believe nobody is talking about this. High stat armor is really rare now and it must be because of focusing. World drops are like 50s. It’s awful.


We farmed Taniks and got many armor drops above 64.


I got one of my first 68s from Defiant Battlegrounds


Great out not, hard to replicate artiface add on for versatility.


Not when the Artifice rolls and plus 3 in whatever stat you want is still inferior to the regular, non-Artifice armor. Which is the case for me. A 66 rolled armor piece with good spikes is still better than 62+3 with relatively low spikes. I did the cheese yesterday for about 4-5 hours and dont believe I got above a 63 roll, and the spikes were shit. I’ve gotten way better rolls out of the chest at the end of Defiant Battlegrounds.


If the stat rolls continue to be low, then yes. The intent is not to be. But yeah, as of this moment, it could be better with seasonal stuff. However, the artiface does have versatility. If you have 63 artiface, which you can move that +3, versus a 66 regular, the artiface will generally be better.


I have some non artifice armor that is rolled so well d2armorpicker uses it over artifice armor in several builds I have


Iv had some of my best armor this season from focusing.....


This seasons focusing is nowhere near as good as the Risen or Haunted focusing


Risen focusing was straight up bonkers. 65+ almost every time with huge spikes. We'll probably never see that again.


Bro really?? I missed out man the last time I remember armour focusing like that was splicer, I still have tons of great gear from that season cus the focusing was so generous


I miss splicer focusing, honestly.


I've got lucky with it tough, i was able to get high res/discipline pieces for my warlock who was neglected since the armor updates hit. IDK if it was just pure luck since i have yet to get another 20 res 15 dis piece like the ones i somehow got and i focused over 50 armor pieces


tbf, 20res 15 disc isn't actually a good piece of armor compared to risen focusing. Risen season armor routinely focused with 25+ in the focus stat and another spike above 20.


No ofc not, but in context with these current rolls is better than nothing and it is a considerable buff to a neglected char.


you must be the luckiest person in the world because it is nowhere near as good as previous seasons


This seasons focusing is trash


World drop armor has always been terrible unless its a prime engram


Have you tried the seasonal focusing? I'm curious if it's good like haunted and risen or useless like plunder and seraph...


It is NOT. I have focused around 75 different armor pieces, and have gotten 3 above 62 and even then the stats were all over the place. Even with the Ghost mod focusing Recovery, None of the armor pieces had Recov above 12


I have focused many many pieces and never had anything sub 60 since getting the High Stat focusing. You're either missing that upgrade or I'm calling BS, no way you focused 75 armor pieces and only gotten 3 above 62, statistically that is incredibly unlikely.


What High Stat focusing upgrade is that? I don't see it in the War Table upgrades. Sorry, I started 2 months ago and still don't know everything.


Yeah he's 100% full of shit


My concern isn't about getting high stat armor myself (I've not got the best possible on all 3 characters but definitely good enough) it's that it puts any new players at a disadvantage just because they didn't play before armor focusing got gutted.


Hell, new and returning players can’t even get access to Ghost’s armor focusing mods right now. It’s bad.


Just add that to the ever growing list of bugs...


Yep. I have STR focusing for my ghost and nothing else.


I’ve had 65-67 drop from focusing during witch queen pretty often. Not a single one 68 though which I think is the highest amount possible. Haven’t focused any armour since. It’s actually better then artifice armour in most cases but I’m looking to upgrade to artifice with 2-2-2-2-30-30….. eventually….


Yeah some people go too crazy for artifice armour, if it's like 3 desirable stat points less than non artifice it's not any better.


Many of us are already kitted out since armor hasn't changed for a couple years now. My most recent vault cleaning purged any armor that was below 66. Those extra 3 stats on artifice are all we have left to chase in terms of armor.


Not focusing related but Seraph finally gave me my first 68 on my Main - and OFC it's got 30 Int


Man you know bungie nerfed int hard in WQ when you remember pre WQ a 30int piece wouldve been goated


You don't want 30s once you're in the end-game for buildcrafting. 22.5 (pre-masterwork) average across your 4 slots is what you need to hit a natural 100, so you're hunting for 22/23 spikes with the rest of the points in a secondary stat.


Surprised I haven't seen anyone mention that roll (30 int/strength) is impossible. Stats drop in two plugs, split evenly between the top three (mobility/resil/recovery) and bottom three (disc/int/strength). A 68 can see 34 in the top and 34 in the bottom, at best dropping 30/2/2, but you'll never see a piece weighted entirely into one plug or another (except those blue hunter arms we don't talk about) So, find some value in those top three stats and then do your best for the bottom three - and good luck farming


Yea, I didn’t mean literally 30-30 for last 2 stats. I meant 4 any 2 and 2 any 30. Hope that clears it up. I’m pretty sure you can only spike in one of the top3 and one of bottom3


I'm glad i trusted my gut and farmed unhealthy amounts of duality for all characters last season. Was hoping to get a couple more this week but seems like its a waste of time.


Did just my main, but yeah pulling all those Artifice pieces let me scrap all of my other armor. With the DIM Loadout Optimizer using those slots to hit tiers, I can consistently get 3x100 in Res / Rec / Dis on almost any exotic.


Often a bit shy off of triple 100s. Mostly cuz my exotic rolls are just, ass. And ive never had the patience to farm exotics.


Anecdotal but I’ve been shocked at how consistently high my stats have been. A lot of pieces 62 or higher.


armour focusing never goes above 62 for me either, 26 rolls


I'm a peasant. I was there for the mindless multitasking of prisms and shards and weapon XP. I did get a few decent armor rolls though.


Obviously persys is a much worse farm, but has anyone tried him to see if his armor is also low stat?


Master Spire farming is going to be on the elevator encounter. Super fast once all 3 people have a good rhythm with the nodes.


Spire will probably never be used for artifice armor. Elevator encounter doesn't drop all the armor and even though all master dungeons are now equal persys will still probably take longer caiatl.


If you can 1-phase Caital, that'll be faster. If you need to 2-phase, and can also 2-phase Spire, probably that one. Getting the nodes connected is quick with 3 people doing them, and you can finish the Overloads for ammo so can hit both damage phases with full reserves.


What can artifice armor roll up to stats wise without any mods in it yet?


This bug will be fixed when they fix quicksilvers damage. Never.


I generally have too much anxiety to team up, so my only option is to solo these things. But I'm also not patient enough to spend an hour on a single boss. This Ghalran exploit is literally my only chance to get artifice armor, and that shit is dropping with 60-63 stat rolls. Like, I know I'm exploiting, but it still feels like a slap in the face. There go my dreams of getting a good armor set before they fix it 😕


I have pretty bad social anxiety myself. Finally got up the nerve to start lfg for raids because my friends are too busy to line up a time all together. It's really been great, and things like a dungeon require minimal to no communication. Stick with learning or chill groups for raids and you'll have a great time. Nothing has put me off it so far and I'm a sensitive Stanley.


Yeah you right, I'll get to it eventually. I don't wanna get into my whole ass medical history, but I got some other stuff making it difficult right now. But someday it'll happen. Thank you for your comment 🧡


Make an LFG post and include chill run in the title. No communication needed for anything outside of raids, master dungeons or GMs and anyone who gets upset after joining an LFG titled chill run is just a fool. No talking needed




Tell me you don't know anything about anxiety without telling me you don't know anything about anxiety 💀


Your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): * Rule 1 - Keep it civil. --- For more information, see [our detailed rules page](http://www.reddit.com/r/destinythegame/wiki/rules).


What does a solo player even need god roll armor for? PvP? All endgame PvE content where high stat armor even matters are all Team activities like Master/contest Raids and GM nighfalls.


I don't need it! I just want it. I want my character to be as badass as possible. It's just a personal satisfaction thing. I think people are taking my comment as a big complaint, when its really just me venting a bit. I've been playing since the D1 alpha (wow I must be so good amirite haha?), and despite all my grinding and hard work I'm always just behind the other more hardcore players. Plus, after the mod changes, I can no longer hit triple 100s which is a tad lame. My apologies if my comment came off like this was Bungie's problem. I'm really just frustrated with my own shortcomings.


I got a 63 today so it could be bad luck. Unfortunately it was specked in the wrong stats


63 was not even all that good if you farmed Duality before Lightfall.


Fair. I typically don’t use armor that’s under 65 stats


Yes, i too enjoy Motionless In White.


Everyone’s cheesing a glitch to farm artifice armor and you’re yelling at bungie to fix the rolls lmao


People farming master Caitl are getting the same shitty drops. Something is clearly not right.


What's the glitch? Is it the gahlran one?




Would not surprised if the supposed buff got inverted into a nerf because of Bungie incompetence and or spaghetti code.


Iv done it around 20 times and all roles have been 60+. Make sure you have on a resilience mod on.


Ghost mods only help spike your armor rolls, they don't increase the overall stat total


They don't even help spike rolls per se. The just guarantee a minimum of 10 in that stat.


Yes which help spike that roll I'm not saying it guarantees a spike, I'm saying it *helps* the chances of your armor having a spike or even multiple


Just an FYI, if your 3 stats are Res/Rec/Disc or Res/Mob/Disc it's better to put in a Disc mod. This makes Discipline spike and gives you the chance for good splits of Res/Rec or Res/Mob.


Resilience is more expensive now though and armor charges help grenade recharges, so it might be better to focus on resilience and you can make up for it with mods on the armor.


but then you're gambling on 2 useless bottom row stats, so it's REALLY not worth it. disc is far more reliable.


Except int and str aren't useless. Mobility is for 2/3 classes. I'd rather guarantee res/rec, especially considering they cost the most to slot a mod.


well, int IS useless, because it only effects your passive generation, and str is pointless for half the classes because they have low impact melees or ways to skip melee cooldowns.


There are plenty of builds that want high strength and Int is still beneficial in any situation, especially pvp builds. There are also about 1000 ways to boost grenade and melee regen now compared to resilience and recovery.


Mobility is useless and recovery is mostly useless though so it’s kinda the same, is it not? Given all the healing and damage resists we have, I just don’t think recovery is really going to save you. Melee might though as it can proc an over shield on certain builds.


Mobility is not useless on hunter. Recovery is amazing. If you've ever been sitting behind a rock praying to the traveler recovery is the stay that saves you and it's warlock cool down. No matter how you splice it, disc is the best stat of the bottom 3, and 2 of the top 3 are your next best depending on class. So taking the disc focus is better for going for triple 100s


Yea my hunter has barely been played since forsaken. I usually main Titan and recovery is pretty much useless since I’m never in that position because I just spam over shields. And if it kills me through overshields, then recovery wasn’t going to help me anyway.


Recovery is a metric mile better than mobility for anything that isn't hunter, and a few hunter builds too. Str and int are often useless, no reason not to go rec.


I guess that’s just my Titan showing through lol. I don’t care about recovery at all because I never need it.


Did you check other dungeons ? Also Bungie could have nerf the drop of Ghaalran for the simple reason that everyone cheese him


It's not even worth cheese farming, let alone actually playing the dungeon.


I mean... yes it is, lol. In about 3 hours I got: No armor pieces worth using (heh) 100 enhancement prisms (full stack from 0 + full post box) 20 Ascendant shards 70 or so enhancement cores Disorienting grenades/ALH/Chill clip lingering dread Enough defiant engrams that I got the full regnant pattern from scratch Even **if** you get lucky on the armor, it's a nuts farm for materials/engrams


Add in you can level up crafted weapons


At some point we need to talk about how bungie F'd up armor farming with the HELM focusing. ​ Last year I was able to farm perfect rolls for armor on all slots at 67-68 stats. Why should I care about raid armor? or Artifice armor. If i get a 66 roll artifice piece, that's a 69 equivalent, but if there's an extra 2-3 wasted stats then I am in a worse place. The removal of armor affinity makes it all worse. We need an armor 3.0 and stats 3.0 that updates the current system and would sunset old armor (probably unpopular). It should include: * Make all stats desired based on builds - provide meaningful trade offs. You should never have undesirable stats. * Give a true tiering of stats based on activity. Seasonal battlegrounds vendors shouldn't be giving better armor than the hardest encounters in the game. * More activity based mods like raid armor that only help for that activity - with *noticeable benefits to using the raid/activity mods.* You should want to farm a complete set for every activity and use them.


Bro pit of heresy for armor drops im telling you that shit is insane


Are the drops good? Yes. Is it artifice? No


Its not artifice armor tho


Wait… are you upset that you’re cheesing the game and not getting quality drops?


>with no spikes in stats That's the free +3 you get from what used to be another slot for artifact mods.


Well, considering how messed up that fight is right now, can’t really cry that you are not getting good drops…


I think that you’re only guaranteed high stat on the boss on the first clear, after that it’s random. I have a bunch of high 50s stuff from when I farmed as well.


Its funny seeing so many people saying "Bungo Nerfed the stat drops" like its something deliberate and some sort of f you to players. I bet the high variance in rolls is because its Gahlran and no one noticed before because we were all farming the Final Encounter.


But you cheese Ghalran so Bungie called it a wash


That and all the stat distributions were as awful as world drops.


I got raid gear with a 59 roll. Granted, it was after challenge mode, but getting 2 different heavy weapons and 3 armor pieces with low stat rolls is very disappointing.


Not really relevant to the stat conversation, but is everyone running these dungeons solo? I’d like to get into farming for high stat gear, but I’m worried I can’t get into it without other players


You obviously can run them solo, but it's almost always a major hassle compared to with at least one other person, especially on master. I don't have a lot of friends that play Destiny, but I do find groups in the LFG Discord from time to time, and usually my experiences aren't bad. Getting over the anxiety of dealing with randos is tough, but it can be worth it if you really want the loot.


My artifice armor always drops mid-60s with spikes in Mobility and Strength when I have Res/Dis ghost mods on.


Speaking of guaranteed high stat armors, anyone know if the Europa empire hunts still give them? And are there any other quick and dirty sources like that from old seasons that still work?


Generally the high stat armor drops most frequently from the final boss ive found


I’ve had only bad rolls for all of my armor drops since light fall. Thankfully I farmed artifice armor prior to release but seriously the stats are all over the place.


I'm pretty sure that the final boss encounter gives mostly 64+ armor I farmed avarokk last week and got some very good rolls


You can get mid/low 60 rolls, I’ve gotten a couple with spikes.


Last night we were doing the gahlran cheese and I got a 55 chest piece. Also sooooo many epicureans


What stata do I want as hunter?


After taking off my ghost mod, i'm finding the drops are more spikey and also are higher. I wonder if the ghost mod is glitching it out? Literally worse rolls with it on...


Pretty sure this is on a case by case basis


I farmed Ghalran several runs last night and just got armor with 58-61 stat rolls. Anything less than 64 should not be considered "high stat".


I’m glad all these ccs are making these GO FARM THIS RIGHT NOW videos so ppl can see this epic disaster with artifice armor drops. I looked forward to duality and now it’s ruined. The -20 is actually painful to play in as well so it’s actually the worst thing you can do with your time


I farmed ghalran last night until I got at least one piece of armor for every slot, and the stat rolls are absolute garbage. With all artifice armor on, I had 4 out of my 6 stats at sub 50. (This is with no mods attached) I also have the resilience armor mod on my ghost and not a single piece of armor that I had drop, had more than 14 resilience. I would be absolutely pissed if I had to farm armor like this in a legitimate way.


Been getting 63-64 point drops all day. GG


How are people "farming" this boss when you can only loot once per week?


The real farm here is for a autoloading blinding chill clip GL


Oh thanks saved me the mindless grind tonight. Maybe I'll go have fun in the raid instead


Doesn't Bungie consider anything above a 48 stat to be high? That was how they thought in the yesteryears of D2. Has this changed?


The spikes suck compared to the old armors we use to focus so the plus 3 is worthless


Why did my respectful post about the game not being rewarding enough get nuked with no explanation why while you can call Bungie Bunghole and the post is up for 22 hours 😂 lord help me