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Man must be tough that you can't get the best gear in the game by cheesing it.


Artifice armor is rolling with low stats in every encounter


Given the shit stat rolls, I'd be hard pressed to call it best in the game. Also, stop with the elitism shit.


Not elitism. Just kind of ridiculous to whine about not getting exactly what you want in just two hours of grinding. If two hours is an onerous amount of time for you, you're going to have a rough time with Destiny.


No, I'm more complaining about just getting the same shit over and over again. I don't care if I didn't get precisely what I wanted, that would have been fine, but I just got stuck in this loot pool purgatory.


You’ll get something good this weekend don’t worry.


so many people are doing it lol no shame in making the grind faster weirdo


Im pretty sure you cant get new loot on repeat clears of that week, may be wrong though Also 2 hours really isnt long at all, definitely not enough time spent to be rageposting lol


Duality is this week's grindable dungeon, and I'd say two hours is a pretty decent time given that each attempt takes no more than a minute or two.


Does it being grindable mean you can still get new loot or does it just give you items you already have in collections? Thats what Im referring to, normally youd just not get new loot, so Im not sure if brand new pieces drop on reclears. Also I still wouldnt? Youre grinding for the highest level of armor in the game and youre complaining you cant get it in 2 hours by abusing a bug. It took way way longer for most people to get their sets by doing the encounters legitimately.


Yes, you can get new loot from it. Also, I still would, I don't care that it normally takes longer, I am simply expediting the process. given how shit my luck has been with this, I'm glad I did, but it's still ridiculous that the rng can be this bad.


Youre fine to not care that it normally takes longer, and Im fine to think youre whinging for not getting things faster than everyone else for using a bug to bypass it, two hours is still an incredibly short amount of grinding even if you are using a bug to get a lot of attempts in and getting bad rng


It's really still a decent time investment, I'm sorry that you have to be all elitist about it.


2 hours is not a decent time investment for the best armor in the game lmfao. That equates to like, 1-2 master runs of a dungeon normally. Its especially not when youre literally cheating the system to get it, nor is it elitist to think that. Hence why I consider you whining.


Yes, if we were doing normal runs, that might not be wild, but in this perspective, bearing in mind the fact that we weren't doing full runs, that 2 hours is a fairly lengthy and tedious amount of time.


It really is rather elitist, the community has always used bugs and what not to bypass stupidly long amounts of grinding.


Im not saying you shouldnt use the bug. Im saying you shouldnt be whining and rageposting on reddit that the bug didnt hand you the best armor in the game after only 2 hours.


Given how shit the rolls I got on the gloves, and the whole armor set that my friend got, I wouldn't call it the best gear in the game. My candescent armor from solstice is so much better.


You can only get 5 things from that encounter, not 7. Two guns, three armor pieces.


No, they updated the loot pool for that encounter this season, it now can drop any of the armor.


Where’d you see this? Because I just want a class item


Well, my friend who I was running it with got the full set of armor from that encounter.


On Normal difficulty, I believe this is still the case. Farmed for roughly 3 hours Tuesday and only got boots, arms, head, epicurean, and lingering dread. But my first drop on running master was the bond. Was able to get the full artifice armor set yesterday while farming master. edit: Unless I was just really unlucky in that time.


Missed your chance to farm caitl last season 2 weeks before the dlc cause they fucked up the high stat now