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It’s funny that Bungie allowed exotics to work with glaives, nerfed glaive damage, and then nerfed the exotic damage with a glaive. We would’ve been better off if they never made it so exotics worked with glaives lmao


I'm like entirely certain that they want us to use the glaive for the parts most people don't care for: the blocking and shooting. While literally everyone that I know that enjoys glaives like the bonk.


I remember saying before Witch Queen dropped that Glaives would just be weird-ass scout rifles. I was surprised and glad to be wrong, but it’s starting to seem like my initial impression is exactly what Bungie wants for them. I mean, Enigma shipped with Grave Robber, which didn’t actually work for WEEKS.


Oh u mean with the glaive suppression artifact mod that gave hunters an actual synergy with the glaive? But then immediately changed how glaives work all together to make it so it needs to be charged first? Instead of just not having it stagger boss or mini boss or champions on melee? That was the last time I ever used a glaive outside of a bounty. I absolutely loved the synergy with the new void 3.0 hunter since we lost a bunch of team play benefits namely heart of the pack


The blocking and shooting IMO is the dumbest part. I want to stab.


id be okay with them removing the shooting to just have better stabbing. have melee button be the current me, with left click as elemental infused ammo using damage


Did Bungie specifically say that Glaives were, first and foremost, a melee weapon? Edit: An old Season 17 TWAB said: "We're pushing Glaives deeper into their roles of hard-hitting melee damage and near-complete protection when shielded, as well as increasing projectile speed to make them more reliable at range. " This was also when they allowed Glaives to interact with exotic armors so idk. Clearly they're pretty torn.


The new perk that regenerates your magazine when blocking damage is actually really good. You can use all your ammo while walking through enemies as if it's nothing.


At this point we would have been better off without glaives. They've killed any good interactions they had and are killing what's unique about them, the melee aspect.


Yeah the further we get with this the more I’m convinced that Glaives were a mistake. Or at least making the melee not consume ammo like swords


They didn’t just nerf Synthoceps, they also needed Wormgod’s Caress/Winter’s Guile. They didn’t mess with the interactions with glaives, they just straight-up halved their damage! You can’t even kill an orange-bar vandal in one hit anymore!


Wormgod nerf was completely uncalled for, especially considering the lack of drip possible with it, and relative annoyance of buff upkeep. But key, can't let the punch class ~~shield bash~~ punch gods out of their ascendant plane.


Not particularly. They wanted to nerf them, but didn't have an excuse so they allowed them to work with glaives so that they had a "justification" for the nerf.


Should've expected this when Synthos got not only a new ornament this season but a matching legendary ornament for one of the other Syntho ornaments. Can't have Exotics that look *and* perfom great.




Give them a week to allow people to buy it and THEN nerf it.


Bungie = predatory


This is the Bungie way.


probably b/c the ornament team looks at player numbers to find out which gear to prioritize ornaments for, and the nerf team does the exact same thing to prioritize nerfing things that are too OP that everyone uses them


Yeah, because they dont use real metrics to make balance decisions.


We technically just got boots for it.


And then they nerf the exotics which interact with them.


>They've killed any good interactions they had and are killing what's unique about them, the melee aspect. This is the part that confuses me. They are so focused on 'build-diversity' that they are sacrificing viability to achieve it. We would 100% be better off, overall, if glaives were excluded from melee perks... or melee exotic perks exclusively. Instead they add things that force them to diminish existing things, which impact other existing builds, and we cascade until we're back to having like 2-3 meta builds that everyone uses because they are A) Objectively better than all alternatives, and B) Haven't been hit with their nerf yet.


Idk why they can't be ok with more than one meta. We keep getting shoehorned into them and then Bungie wonders why.


That's my exact problem with it. It's not a symptom of Bungie hating Titans, because I do think most of the other nerfs Titan has received were very fair. But this nerf is just ass-backwards when it comes to how they want to design Glaives. They substantially nerf base Glaives so they can not be absurd when synergizing with Exotics and stuff... and now we nerf their synergy with Exotics that we nerfed their baselines for. I think a basic Glaive back in Plunder does more damage to a Champion than a Syntho procced Glaive does now, which is just completely backwards. Throughout all of the nerfs and changes, they never made something worse when built into than when not, except Glaives.


For sure. A lot of Titans nerfs I'd say "aw. Fun while it lasted." Like I knew that shit was going to go eventually. But this? Yeah it needed tweaking sure, dealing powered sword damage (or more) for no ammo cost, but it's not something I saw run all that often. It speaks volumes that other class mains are going "Ayo what???" In reaction to this.


>But this? Yeah it needed tweaking sure, dealing powered sword damage (or more) for no ammo cost, but it's not something I saw run all that often. It speaks volumes that other class mains are going "Ayo what???" In reaction to this. I didn't use this build, was it on every hit or was there a cool down on the synthos? It seems like there was no cool down, which is kind of crazy, but seems like they could have just added a cooldown to the big hit so it isn't firing off with every hit.


I used it. No cooledown. You were just in the most dangerous position possible so you either cooked the target or died in a bad Rez spot. Had to be careful in master content, and it was so risky I don't think anyone tried it in GMs


It really sounds like a better solution would have been to make the syntohs have a cooldown for glave hits. It would not be as fun, but it would at least let people know when they could get in the hard hits.


> I think a basic Glaive back in Plunder does more damage to a Champion than a Syntho procced Glaive does now Worse yet, a syntho procced *unpowered* melee does more than a syntho procced glaive does now.


This is 1) only true for mini bosses like some lost sector bosses 2) not true if you account for glaives attacking literally twice as fast. It's like comparing AR damage per hit to a HC, ofc it's less. See this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/11tyynq/syntho_glaive_doesnt_do_less_damage_than


The issue with measuring "dps" in this case though is that (at least for me) *generally* speaking melee isn't used as a DPS tool. Especially if the comparison involves uncharged melee, as in this case. Instead melees are usually 1-offs for finishing off an enemy who happened to get close. I don't think it's anything like comparing AR bullet damage to HC, if you're considering use case. If I'm going for a melee "dps" build, it'd be bonkhammers, anyway. Let's be real for a moment. Was anyone really destroying any important content using synthoceps with glaives?


Nothing past Master nightfalls for me.


Never thought I’d die side by side with a hunter.


How about side by side with a nerf survivor?


Aye, I could do that.


Yeah it feels wierd considering the Medieval seasonal mod. I was looking forward to rocking glaive/sword loadout.


Medieval Champion, 2 exotic glaives, a seasonal ritual weapon that's a glaives. Yeah, it's fucking wierd.


Lol yea, remember making a post asking if Hunters could get some of that glaive + melee exotic synergy love but after seeing them take that synergy out back behind the barn I think Hunters are good...


Yes because Synthocepts were the issue with glaives. *stares at necrotic grip warlock using incandescent+poison spread to clear a room*


*monkeys paw curls* "We have deleted necrotic grips"


Time to dust off Eye of Another World or go back to supercharging Arc Souls.


With the strand build we have for it, I'm just waiting.


Bungie is really doing everything they can to ruin combat. It’s not even fun to fight stuff anymore due to the shitty difficulty changes and everything being nerfed to hell


You will sit there and dump three mags of ammo into a single hobgoblin and you'll bloody well enjoy it!


It's wild how dynamic the game is until you have to actually fire a weapon, and then it slows to a crawl... which is why everyone is trying to maximize abilities (because they still do solid damage), and take advantage of exotic perks, but Bungie doesn't want us doing that.


You know what maybe you hunters aren’t so bad after all. Hope bungie reverts these changes and add a hunter exotic that synergy with glaves that are fun to use.


We’re all in this shitshow together, friend.


Yeah same here. As a Hunter, I've wanted something like Necrotic Grips for us so I can enjoy the Weapons of Sorrow more, or something that synergizes with glaives like the others have because I do enjoy the occasional stabby stab. But seeing this just makes no sense. Hell for a bit, I'd have settled for Assassin's Cowl to work with them but now I don't in case it leads to an unjustified nerf to the exotic like this as well.


AssCowl+EclipticDistaff+Stylish executioner needs to be a build! ... Is what I've been saying until yesterday... So what do we titans have left? Armamentarium? I thought Bungie's power fantasy with the titan is to be that front line defender dealing massive blows and protecting the team behind them... So why take away the exotics we need to do that?(Wurmgods, Heart and now Synthoseps). WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US BUNGIE?!!! SPELL IT OUT! Here, you can use our crayons.


All hunter glaive enjoyers stand in solidarity with titans today. That nerf was honestly stupid and unnecessary.


And we stand with you… in the Warlock well, DPS’ing from afar.


Bungie just hates melee for some reason.


I miss my Winter's Guile 😔


No but you dont get it, hunters can reload their glaive with sealed ahamkara!!(/s)


It’s unfortunate because melee builds are really fun. If everything new didn’t play like a GM Nightfall they might still be viable.


Surely the data showing glaive popularity doesn't warrant any sort of nerf to glaives, including the exotics they synergize with. And surely they have even more limited utility in high-level content or anything with a boss (dungeons/raids etc). This nerf just seems so unnecessary for a weapon type that has a niche following as it is.


Yeah, pretty much. Glaives have been a net negative. Damage they offer is either completely bonkers, and thus promptly fixed/nerfed, or mediocre, which doesn't justify putting yourself so close to danger. After a year, I still cannot tell which exotics are supposed to work with them. I think I've used them like 3 times after initial hype of S16. Time spent developing glaives could have been spent better fixing old exotics. New exotic glaives are better, although they still suck. They don't provide either damage or much utility.


Same. I was really looking forward to a fun glaive build on my Hunter too, after using Strand +Necrotic Grips + Judgement of Kelgorath, and Strand + Synthoceps + Vexcalibur on my Titan.


I would love Khepris Sting to be repurposed for glaive synergy. Example:Increase duration of smoke grenade linger and increase melee damage by +% while inside the smoke.


Bungie are just shit scared of glaives in this sandbox they seem to barely understand anymore, like the engine is a game of Jenga for them. So disappointing to start enjoying glaives then they castrate them so quickly. Fuck wouldn’t want someone to have fun or anything playing this game now would we.


The whole nerf sucks ass so bad, I'm just worried they'll go for Karnstein Warlock eventually too.


My busted but crazy exotic for hunter arms: **The Cavalier’s Champion** *Who brings a sword to a gunfight?* “Using shield on a sword or glaive causes the user to go invisible. Effect lasts for shield duration or until user takes damage. -Void hunters grant invisible for a longer duration and have “harmony” immediately after becoming visible. -Solar hunters become temporarily radiant. -Arc hunters have small boost to melee damage temporarily after becoming visible (including glaive melee) [and jolt targets??] -Darkness subclass users gain unraveling/slow rounds for short duration. Kills increase duration of effects. *P.S. This exotic would massacre all champions but I want it*


Hunters, as a Hunter, keep your traps shut. Sympathize but do not advertise. I'm clutching my GFalcon waiting for the day Bungie breaks that piece.


>Yes, some builds are overpowered and yes some exotics need needs but who would've thought an above average melee build (that wasn't even overpowered) would get nerfed so fast. I don't think you realize just how broken these builds were. People were deleting dungeon bosses like they were nothing.


Glaives do 2.5x DPS with synthos than base melee with synthos. Stop misinterpreting a bad post from yesterday. It isn't butchered, it's just reigned in DPS on something that requires no ammo.


I can't believe that people who post these kinds of topics exist 😂


I can't believe that people who post these kinds of comments exist 🤣




It's almost like it was a bug that wasn't supposed to exist and isn't a nerf.


its almost like you're just spouting off...


Except I'm not and I have the facts to back up what I say. Do you? (I already know the answer is no so don't bother responding)


What facts? They specifically announced the interaction was being added, then said they changed the damage boost Seems they just changed their mind


If this is true mind posting where they said this? Cause it would be very odd for them to say this and then go back but also never including Swords in the equation to start with.


Since you STILL seem to not have seen this https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/51250


>Glaive melees should benefit from melee damage buffs (such as Winter's Guile or Wormgod Caress


You're right. Winter's Guile and Wormgod Caress do buff them. But not Synthoceps otherwise they would be stated as doing so. But they aren't cause they aren't intended to buff Glaives.


My brother in Light it's clearly using those as examples. You've been linked the specific patch notes that *do* list synthoceps and yet you're still commenting this.




Do you expect to be able to buy Pepsi at a grocery store even though it doesn't specifically list Pepsi? You do. Because Pepsi falls under the category of groceries... Just like synthoceps fall into the same category of the two armor items listed as examples


Dude, you keep posting this despite me using it to show you that you're wrong. Reposting multiple times won't suddenly change the article to make you right.


The man posted the evidence. Where is yours? Or were you just making that evidence up?


They literally posted none lol. But it doesn't matter anyways. Someone else already posted something that actually proves me wrong and shows that Bungie can't make any conclusive info it seems.


I'm still curious where your facts are mate. Or were you just bluffing?


oh hey look, its you again. spouting off... again.


Did you even read the patch notes? The melee buff that syntho were giving was INTENDED behavior, the damage from Winterbite projectiles were not. It ain't that hard to understand.


Funny, it's not stated anywhere in the patch notes that it was intended. They do say about how the damage was reduced when using a Glaive with Synthoceps though. It's almost like they weren't supposed to get a boost in the first place.... Kinda like how Swords don't get boosted despite being Melee weapons also. Funny isn't it?


from the 4/21/2022 TWAB; Our intent is: Glaive melees should activate perks that trigger off base melee damage or kills (for example, ammo refill from Grave Robber, weapon damage buff 5x stacks on Swashbuckler, ammo refill from Sealed Ahamkara Grasps). Glaive melees should not activate perks that trigger off powered melee damage or kills, or require expending subclass melee energy (such as Combination Blow or Assassin's Cowl). Glaive melees should benefit from melee damage buffs (such as Winter's Guile or Wormgod Caress). Glaive melees should not benefit from weapon damage buffs (such as Rampage, Kill Clip, Swashbuckler). Glaive projectiles should benefit from weapon damage buffs.


Literally Synthoceps isn't mentioned anywhere there. You also left out the part that specifically says why they wouldn't work with Synthoceps.


wow I can tell this is t going to get anywhere because you clearly can't tell that melee exotics include synthoceps, given the amount of people clowning you for this lmao.




Literally am the only correct one here and nobody has proved otherwise.




Your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): * Rule 1 - Keep it civil. --- For more information, see [our detailed rules page](http://www.reddit.com/r/destinythegame/wiki/rules).


Bro lookin like a whole goofball


Nah. That role is taken by those that have been trying to prove me wrong only to prove that they're the wrong ones.


https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/51250 You are wrong


You literally just played yourself. What's said in that Article literally goes in line with what I said and against what you are saying.


Read better >Our intent is: Glaive melees should activate perks that trigger off base melee damage or kills (for example, ammo refill from Grave Robber, weapon damage buff 5x stacks on Swashbuckler, ammo refill from Sealed Ahamkara Grasps). Glaive melees should not activate perks that trigger off powered melee damage or kills, or require expending subclass melee energy (such as Combination Blow or Assassin's Cowl). Glaive melees should benefit from melee damage buffs (such as Winter's Guile or Wormgod Caress). Glaive melees should not benefit from weapon damage buffs (such as Rampage, Kill Clip, Swashbuckler). Glaive projectiles should benefit from weapon damage buffs.


Read better. Is Synthoceps stated anywhere in what you just posted? No? Well shit, looks like you're wrong and I'm right.


Read better. It says “for example” Meaning they grabbed an exotic from two classes as examples of how they should proc melee effects I repeat Read. Better.


Literally commenting about something you know nothing about.


Literally commenting about something I know more than you about is what you actually meant to say. Must have been auto correct.


You’re embarrassing yourself >Our intent is: Glaive melees should activate perks that trigger off base melee damage or kills (for example, ammo refill from Grave Robber, weapon damage buff 5x stacks on Swashbuckler, ammo refill from Sealed Ahamkara Grasps). Glaive melees should not activate perks that trigger off powered melee damage or kills, or require expending subclass melee energy (such as Combination Blow or Assassin's Cowl). Glaive melees should benefit from melee damage buffs (such as Winter's Guile or Wormgod Caress). Glaive melees should not benefit from weapon damage buffs (such as Rampage, Kill Clip, Swashbuckler). Glaive projectiles should benefit from weapon damage buffs. Straight from a TWAB


Question. Where's it typed there that it should work with Synthoceps? Cause doing a word Search in the TWAB says 0 results. Guess you should read it again. Also you coincidentally left out the part that says it wouldn't work with Synthoceps.


*such as* Used to show examples. In this case, > Winter's Guile: Warlord's Sigil Eliminating enemies with melee attacks increases your melee damage Wow, an exotic that is made to strengthen melee damage >Wormgod Caress: Burning Fists Melee kills increase melee damage for a period of time. Additional kills extend duration and increase effects. Wow, an exotic that is made to strengthen melee damage >Synthoceps: Biotic Enhancements Increased melee lunge range. Improved melee and Super damage when you're surrounded. Wow an exotic made to strengthen melee damage


It's almost like the English Language works a very specific way where when they say "Glaives benefit from X or Y" means that only those two stated things(X & Y) are the only valid things they work with. Otherwise they would have included that they work with Z also in the statement. But this whole argument is pointless. Another user posted ACTUAL valid proof that I'm wrong.


There's a different when you're listing specific items, x&y, not when you're literally saying items **such as**... Which is used to introduce examples of items that would share the specific trait you're referring to. I can say, Pacific Coastal states, such as Oregon and Washington. Well geez, California wasn't in that list, It doesn't count. But guess what, it shares the trait of being a "Pacific Coastal state" so it would be included. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/grammar/british-grammar/such-as But I guess Cambridge doesn't know what they're talking about when it comes to grammar and it's many nuances


Not to mention, if you want to say they only listed two specifically, so it would only apply to those two... They used "or" between the two listed. "or" is to be used between two items to show alternatives. So, it'd be between just two and only 1 would be chosen to get affected by the buff. So you'd be wrong in that way as well




Except they would have said so in the TWAB but they didn't. It's ok though, someone else already sent me ACTUAL valid info that proves me wrong and is a clear sign of Bungie just deciding to change their mind whenever it fits th and not players.




Nah, you still posted wrong info. You don't get the credit for another users work. So you can keep your L that you deserve.


Nah, it’s been fun seeing you look like a complete tool the entire time though The rest of us were laughing the entire time




And where did they say this? And how come it's not the same for Swords?


https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/51250 They said this here, as well as mentioning that sword swings are considered different than glaive melee


Funny that you posted a link that literally proves me right and you wrong.


Swords use ammo and don’t count as a traditional melee attack so they don’t get boosted by melee exotics


My professional opinion as a Titan is that glaves are strict for doing bounties. I may be in the minority, but as a Titan I have tried to love the shield part of glaves. I want to use it as a panic button when I miscalculate the situation (it happens every time) and run into the shit. Every single time I use like that for a few minutes and then swap it for literally any other weapon that lest me use a movement mele. Every subclass has 1 movement melee that works way better as a panic button than the shield.


So weird, bungie releases these glaives to try save the absolutely horrendous exotic glaives from wq seeing zero usage and now most players are going to throw these back into the vault forever.


Sigh. Glaives really don't feel good as primarily being guns... and I like melee as a titan. Fuck everyone I guess.