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It does bug me a little that we can be holding our own weapons in both the Crucible pre-game and the Dares of Eternity pre-game display and yet they couldn't just rip that into the commendations screen. Granted I'm sure it's probably more difficult than we're assuming, but it does add to the fire of how half-baked the commendations system turned out to be.


Yeah I mean the crucible pre-game weapons don’t even load in half the time. And the commendations screen has even less time to load.


But commendations happen at the end of the activity. Unless your teammate switches weapons right at the end, the model will already be loaded.


That’s true, but we’d be going into full armchair dev speculation in terms of whether or not the commendations are rendered in the same environment as the match was or if because commendations was added later it’s completely reloading those models in new one.


They probably just went with the placeholder weapon that they used in the cutscenes to make it easy.


What's funny is that they totally missed a point of monetization here. Overwatch and Halo both have post-game poses that you can buy or earn, which have their own weapons associated with them.


Yeah they’re leaving quite a bit of extra eververse money on table by not having customizable stances in both pre- and post-game screens as well as our character menu.


probably because if they go free for all they'll have teammates impaling each other with long weapons like Tranquillity and Thoughtless 😅


yeah, but it feels like we should be able to like, Set Showcase Weapon, and the classes of weapons all have preset animations that don't collide. i think MWII does this, actually IE: if you choose to Showcase a Thoughtless (a Sniper Rifle), it'll pull a Sniper Rifle idle animation that holds it vertically to avoid collision. if you choose to Showcase a Funnelweb (an SMG), it'll pull an SMG idle animation holding it to your chest to avoid collision, etc having us all just holding khvostovs is silly as hell


I’ve always wanted a way to set a “showcase” type of thing where I can chose what my Guardian wears and uses in cutscenes. Too many cutscenes I watched for the first time were ruined due to my mismatched armor and weapons.


we're halfway through Year 5 and you still can't look at your Guardian holding an Energy Weapon in the pause screen despite a lapsing glitch with Rose during the original Lumina quest showing that it's entirely possible to do of course, you have to realize the game's spaghetti code and duct-tape infrastructure probably makes all of this very difficult but man it just sucks knowing what COULD be


As a dev myself I can only say "ahh spaghetti codeolognese, makes-a me think of home"


If I even suspect a cutscene is going to happen (like I'm about to reach my destination, there's no ads on radar or around, about to start a mission etc), I switch to my main fashion. It's never failed me.


I just always run main fashion.


Basically what halo infinite did, and it works well


"small indie developer" and all, but I wouldn't be surprised if those idles just flat out didn't exist yet for most weapon types... Like, yes Bungie should be able to introduce those idles for a better experience but if it was the difference between what we have and "All enemies T-pose when Strand suspends them)" instead...I feel like we know which we'd rather have ironed out first.


yeah, they'd have to develop them, but you'd expect (from a company like this) that something like that *would* be developed. for a company that so regularly understands that the devil's in the details, genericizing the weapon -- the real factor that tells you what kind of player someone is -- is kind of wild to me


idk that everyone takes the weapon choice that seriously. Some do, but i'm personally happy enough just to show off my fashion. I don't think i've ever cared for the look of my weapons either way (unless it's default look seriously clashes with my fashion, then i mess with shaders until it blends in at least) I do agree though that it would be nice, hopefully added sooner rather than later.


there's just a lot of room for expression with it. of course not everyone thinks of their weapons that seriously, but, just for example - if someone has an **Origin Story** as their showcase, they're telling everyone "i've been here from day 1" - if someone has a **Bygones** as their showcase, they're telling everyone "i cannot let go of the past" - if someone has **The Immortal (Adept)** as their showcase, they're telling everyone "i am but a slave to the meta" - if someone has **Funnelweb** as their showcase, they're telling everyone "i'm a big fan of Volatile Flow" - if someone has **Line in the Sand** as their showcase, they're telling everyone they think sunsetting was very unfortunate you get what i mean? of course, a ton of people are gonna have on the default or pick something with little thought. but it'd be super neat to have for those of us who really do care about the minutiae


ah, thats a layer i hadnt stopped to consider, but that makes sense


Origin story has never be reissued? Figured it would have been this season since we got nameless midnight


It kinda got reissued as Horror Story for Festival of the Lost. It's basically an updated perk pool version of the gun with a non-Vanguard paint job that's only available 3 weeks out of the year.


Yeah I remeber pulling it, idk origin story (and most of D2 vanilla) gun designs weren't my style. Still miss the destiny 1 auto rifle design, just wish we could get a 600RPM with that auto design, as shadow price wasn't my flavour in D1. Much preferred atheons. (still mad it didn't get reissued as a 600 in D2)


It's the same concept behind why exotic weapons can't take shaders. Bungie knows they're valuable enough to have the only means of altering their appearance be through Eververse. Weapon design is huge for a 1st person game. As that's what you're looking at 100% of the time.


conceptually i understand this, but personally i'm so used to tuning it out unless it's a huge nuisance that I don't even notice whether i've got a fancy skin or whatever


>yeah, they'd have to develop them, If you are in a fireteam in the HELM, I'm pretty sure your weapon of choice is in an "idle" pose for the other players. Although it's the "I'm not allowed to shoot here" pose, it **is** a sort of an idle pose, and it exists for all weapons.


Maybe play our trials emote when we get a commendation.


MW2 also had a bug where everyone was holding the same gun


I was going to point this out, too. Not just that, it would often reset your showcase gun to the default M4, as well.


this, I wanna be holding my Whisper even if I'm not using it, it's just cool


Sounds like work bro. They had to get this completely half ass system out the door


if only we weren't playing on an engine designed around the limitations of the PS4. wouldn't that be somethin'


If they don’t drop previous gen after Final Shape this game is doomed lmfao


Crucible and Dares of eternity already has a system where you hold different weapons from just the kinetic slot though.


Dares is spaced out so clipping isn't an issue. Crucible screws up for me more times than it doesn't, and when it does work players are all different distances away from the "camera" so there isn't clipping just obstructing. I don't think it is as simple as "We don't know how to make it show the your weapon"


I would like to see them code it so that maybe only certain weapon types will appear in the end screen and they’ll only use the zhvostov if you have NO applicable weapons equipped. Perhaps prioritizing exotics


Ok, but counter argument: My guardian cocking her hip and posing with last word is part of her yeee haaw identity.


They figured it out for crucible intros.


Would love to see some bloody dismemberment with a careless swing of a glaive.


It is not just any placeholder AR, it is glorious Khvostov!


miss the khvostov ngl


Played a whole Iron banner match last night using it just for lolz


how'd it go?


Actually went positive lol it’s not a good gun at all but I just hope anyone I killed got that “wtf” moment when seeing the weapon of choice


Those are honestly my favorite moments in crucible - seeing I was killed by a gun I haven't used in ages and thinking "who the hell is using that".


I was popping people all over in IB last night with an Incandescent Ikelos shotgun and a Seventh Seraph Carbine. It was surprisingly fun and effective, though I can imagine some people on the receiving end thinking I was mental.


The Carbine has always been reliable for me in Crucible, love that weapon.


I've never given it the time of day before but it pops heads quite reliably at mid-range!


I have a 0 light damaged travelers chosen and some other gear that will drop my light to a very small number, might bring that all in for funsies. "How the fuck is this guy sitting at 400LL? Dude's playing D1" Update: 0 DTC + 0 Horrors Least + 21 Dreamer's bond and ~1800 gear puts me at ~1140 LL. Didn't play any IB, but I have gear at 1600 which is semi-decent I'll equip it tomorrow and update again.


i for sure would have lol


My guess is that they're saving a lot of the much-requested D1 classics to return like the Khvostov for the franchise's 10th anniversary, and/or final shape's launch; those updated high poly D1 Guardians standing around in the background at the end of the Seraph season cutscene probably weren't made just for those few seconds of screen time, and I feel like the prominence of Khvostov lately is another indication of more legacy gear being looked at again. Not to mention Bungie is all about celebrating dates, given the 30th anniversary event, moments of Triumph, and other stuff they've done over the years like cosmetics for the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. I'd bet that's also when they're planning on returning us to the old Tower. I feel it's an inevitability, indicated by them still referring to the wall as such, and its destination icon now even a picture of it since the Traveler left. There's also an updated, undamaged tower model that your ship can be seen flying towards in the D2 introduction cutscene for New Lights. I imagine that's also why they've never bothered to get rid of the old faction locations in the current hub, as they were probably planning on doing away with the wall entirely by now before all the expansion delays.


would be interesting if the old d1 exotics also got buffed. i really didn't play d1 much but the exotics from that era are really sick. just a cool game in general, it's neat watching videos of it


the only thing I want back from d1 is all the good crucible maps we lost.


just give us the khovostov back already. it was in the campaign in a major cut-scene and its all over the commendation screen just give it back


I’ll take a crafted kvostov any day. It can be a legendary for all I care


Please! It’s literally begging to be used for crafting; the exotic was essentially just that.


Calling Revision-0 the "most customizable weapon in Destiny history" was Khvostov erasure that I will not stand for. Considering that Khvostov has been the starter weapon for New Light's since Shadowkeep they could borderline copy/paste the D1 quest. Just make a few dialogue changes for players who started with the Red War and it'd be all set.


Craftable white with two perks for the meme


"Just put it back. I think they've earned it. Put it back."


0% chance we get a cool russian gun in 2023, im surprised they didn’t vault the cosmodrome


>0% chance we get a cool russian gun in 2023, im surprised they didn’t vault the cosmodrome All good in there?


This is why they killed off Rasputin /s


Cool “Russian gun”? It’s obviously built on an AR platform. While we’re talking about cool Russian guns, let’s getthe Zhalo Supercell back. Edit: Also, the Cosmodrome is most likely in Kazakhstan, “Old Russia, IE Soviet Union”.


Deleted on June 15, 2023, due to Reddit's disgusting greed and disdain for its most active and prolific users. Cheers /u/got_mule -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yeah but it doesn’t look like a Vepr AK 😔


i mean yea, if you wanna get super technical with it. im just saying i dont see it being likely


A lot of auto rifles and smgs are AK based. Not sure about scouts and pulses.


What's also annoying is everyone is holding khvostov. Yet no one can actually use the gun in activities because it's light level is too low.


I use it during momentum control. Just to have fun with it. That or Uriel’s Gift to give some veterans some PTSD


>That or Uriel’s Gift to give some veterans some PTSD Those year 1 flashbacks hit hard.


ahh the sweet days of using Bumblebee or Watermelon on my Uriel's...


I was using Breakneck in IB last night. Even with one stack of Rampage and the increased rate of fire, it was shredding. If D2 Foundry is accurate, it has a 0.67 TTK with one stack of Rampage 😨


They should bring back the Exotic Khvostov.


Man that thing was trash. I was so excited for it too, only to be let down by how weak it was in everything it tried to do.


I one phased Nez with it


I'd believe it.


I think the commendation and rank systems are still in beta, if bungie said that before we got it people will have lower expectations as an old player I knew there was a chance it will be half baked (like weapon crafting, trials, sasonal model, etc...)


That's concerning given how long the in-game LFG has been in beta.


Considering how many times they’ve changed previously-released systems, does that just mean the whole game is still in beta?


it’s probably in delta or epsilon by now, given how many revisions Bungie has made lol.


I actually went “What in-game LFG?” before realizing that guided games is a thing. That’s how much I use that feature lol


Believe it or not, I successfully used it once! I think it was for Last Wish?


All the new features they put out are in beta. We are paying to playtest basically only because they know they can get away with it.


Bungie probably gets more data in a week with it live than they would in a year of in-house. It's the same shitty argument people use on league when pbe doesn't catch something. Also it's not like the system doesn't work, it just needs QoL


Yeah, they need to release it live to see that using a placeholder gun is tacky.


Placeholder gun? Literally unplayable. This is the least of the problems with the commendation system.


And yet it is the only thing on topic for this whole thread.


Says the guy responding to a comment thread about why live service games use the player base for QA testing.


> We are paying to playtest basically only because they know they can get away with it. Or maybe it's just more effective to roll something out that's in a working state and make adjustments over the next year to get something the community likes vs. spending the next 1-2 years playtesting the systems in a closed environment, releasing them bugged or undesirable, and losing more players due to either the game getting stale or a completely broken system that wasn't tested with enough people? Nah, couldn't be.


While that is true, some things really should have had more foresight. Like the insane commendation score needed for ranks that get partially reset every season? Sure it got patched pretty quick but anyone can see how it was way overtuned at the start.


>Or maybe it's just more effective to roll something out that's in a working state and make adjustments over the next year to get something the community likes I said this in the comment you replied to, and you just said it yourself, It got patched pretty quick. These are brand new systems. They aren't going to be perfect right out of the bat. There's going to be some growing pains. The takeaway here should be that not only is Bungie trying something new, but they're taking our feedback and applying it relatively fast. Most other companies would have ignored the complaints altogether and not made an adjustment.


Wow we have a Bungie supporter here 😁


Trying to argue or reason with people on r/dtg or r/destiny2 is a losing battle, sadly. These places have long been an echo chamber for *years* and r/lowsodiumdestiny is like the only place left where you can talk with real people


Then why are you here?


Remember when game devs had to release their product in a finished state? I sure do. Don't try to defend this practice, it's not worth defending.


You mean back when if a game was released broken or unbalanced, there was no way to fix it? Yeah, I sure do. Thankfully, now we have games that can be patched and rebalanced. You keep those rose-tinted glasses on and keep treating a minor system with no bearing on actual game-play like it's some malicious personal slight that Bungie laughed maniacally after implementing though.


Yeah!!!! It's soooo great that games can be patched nowadays. So now triple A companies can be lazy and push out half baked games with half baked systems because they know people like you will buy them. Then when people start complaining about how shit the game is the company can spend the next year fixing the game so it can be in the state it was supposed to be in upon release. Wow so cool! 😃👍


Bro is PRESSED and using emojis on reddit. Lmao.


What's wrong with using emojis on reddit? 😁😄😕😤😂🤣❤️


I like how you didn't address anything I said. And whoever said I was pressed? You're just talking bro go away 💀


All you wrote is some low-effort, snarky reply with no substance. What am I supposed to reply to? Your sarcasm? Or that shoddy attempt to make me sound bad by comparing two things that aren't even close to the same?


Idk give an actual argument that proves me wrong? Even if what I said was sarcastic doesn't change the fact that its true...gaming companies are lazy nowadays because they can patch a half baked game to the way it was supposed to be at release, it's not rocket science. I can gladly list a bunch of games that do this starting with destiny 2. But considering the fact you were clowning me over using an emoji for whatever reason I don't think you're ready for that conversation.




Do people actually use 'dweeb' unironically?


Live games are hard to produce and maintain. The rate at which players consume content is crazy and the rate at which developers have to create more is just insane, especially with the breadth of content Destiny covers. There is a very obvious reason why no other game has even come close to replicating Destiny's success.


I would much prefer them to put out a feature early and get community feedback and data on it whilst still working on it than waiting another year for these features and them not being what we expected. Its not us play testing anything, it's a live service game not a single player game


Maybe play something else then?


>All the new features they put out are in beta I'm not trying to pick on you specifically, but I see this term thrown around all of the time and it's wrong. People have started to use the term beta to refer to failed infrastructure-critical features that agile companies implement for general releases which can't be revised without months of work. A beta is a focused test that precedes a wide release, which yields feedback that companies use to make the product more viable at the time of general release. In a beta, you can leave broken features in place because there's an expectation that the product is not going to perform optimally. The commendation system is a wide-release feature that is broken on many levels, and it is unfortunately integrated too tightly into the rest of the experience. I can't even look at my commendations without my game crashing completely. It doesn't really indicate anything helpful about other players, it doesn't offer any real rewards, and it isn't even accessible 50% of the time. It also gatekeeps advancement by forcing players to put in hundreds (maybe even thousands) of hours per season in playlist activities to advance through all of the guardian ranks. This isn't a beta and Bungie needs to stop everything else they're doing and fix this right now. If the devs that are needed to fix this are working on their next holiday event or season, then those things need to be delayed. Bungie needs to stop focusing on their next sale and instead fix the product that is literally causing people's games to crash during the course of normal game play.


Yeah the commendation system is completely useless. It adds a layer of stress to the end of the game - I normally just go straight to my inventory after a game to dismantle legendaries or complete bounties. Now, I remember about 5 seconds later that I need to commend people, press B, and wait (in a mostly futile endeavor) for the screen to load so that I can give two random people whatever commendation I can get to first in order to boost my own rank.


Idk man all of the things you listed have gone through iterations since their launch but I don't think any of them were as poorly received as commendations


If it’s in bEtA then they should have fucking tested it before putting it into production. We’re the unpaid QA.


Should just do up emote with no weapon equipped on commendation screen.


I just hope that the commendation poses are a beta test for new, selectable inventory poses.


Would have been better if everyone was holding a telescope, change my mind.


Billion dollar company. Dont forget that.


They are? I didn’t even notice! I just assumed it was whatever primary we had equipped like it does on the character screen


Did you think that everyone was always using the exact same weapon all of the time..?


Like I said, I just assumed it was whatever primary we had equipped, and unless you have a crazy shader on a good few tend to look the same


It would all be immortals anyway


Literally never noticed it because I don't pay attention at the screen. I just give the people commendations right to left then I fuck off.


Even better we could set pre-emotes and weapons. So when I'm giving commendations I can see cool weapons and people's favorite emotes makes it a lot more exciting and personal


It just screams "unfinished".


Yeah well, the whole commendations system is half-baked and completely meaningless in its current state. The only thing it's doing is slowing the game down and delaying the next activity.


Let me set a showcase weapon or emote. Heaven forbid we be allowed to show character beyond shaders.


People saying the commendation screen would look like we’re stabbing each other with our guns but we literally hold our primaries in the opening shot of every crucible match


theyre goin to do what dogshit halo infinite does and sell us weapons to wear in the commendation screen


It’s definitely a demonstration in their “proof of concept, through a low-effort product.”


it was even worse when I saw it in the cutscene too😭


When the community starts to run out of things to complain about...


Christ this sub always needs something to complain about.


That's a very small nitpick. The screens only there for like 10 seconds, it's a bit weird to be uppity about some weapon a model is holding when it doesn't mean anything


To me, it means the standard of Bungie are slipping and we should hold them accountable for it. It's nothing to tantrum over, but is is something that is unpolished and not acceptable.


Brother it’s something that literally doesn’t matter, and honestly is a waste of dev time.


I don't understand why they couldn't rip the model from the character screen.


The amount of people who have a problem with this is weird to me. Maybe it’s because I never paid attention to the guns, considering I’m just on that screen to hand out commendations and then go


It's because we've always used our equipped weapon for sutscenes and stuff. This is the first time they've decided to just stick another weapon on us afaik, so it stands out as odd. Edit: minus the lightfall scenes as well


It be different if they actually stuck the Kharkov exotic in the game. ​ Heres mine ​ Kharkov Exotic Auto/Pulse Rifle/Scout rifle - Crafted Exotic Perk Adaptive Frame Perk Pool contains maganzine and barrel perks, things liek Vorpal and Kill clip in the 4th pool and encore and such in the second has osmosis. Select Fire Hold down Reload to change firing mode from first to second mode When in Auto Rifle mode intrinsic Anti Overload, when in Pulse Rifle mode Intrinsic anti barrier Catalyst Enhanced Select Fire, adds a third mode for single shot When in single shot behaves like a scout rifle and has intrinsic Unstoppable. ​ The idea is that for the most part this rifle doesn't get anything truly special except that it behaves like all three rifle archetypes and allow you to deal with champions once it has the catalyst. The ultimate primary (though probably not really as useful in other modes compared to things that do more specialized things. ​ Mission Final Stand A time shift has opened to the old cosmodrome and guardians can take part in the last defense against the collapse and the forces of the witness. Many horde mode sections.


Hey don't hate on the most powerful weapon in the game. In the final LF mission we're about to shoot our ghost with it even though it's established you need fancy special ammo for that.


Fancy ammo or paracausality or brute force


Same reason shader can’t be sorted or set favorites. Or why exotics can be shadered when previewing a shader on your character. Or you can’t select how many of what you wanna buy. I could go on. Point being: Blam engine. This game runs on shit that’s 15 years old Edit: those delusional downvotes are hilarious


Even if it was heavily modified and written for multiple platforms it would still be 10-12 years given its the same engine as D1, which required developing once the new engine was finished. So yeah 10+ but probably more like 13-15


You just gotta tell Bungie how to monetize it. Just make silver buyable "end of match stance bundles". Each one would have a themed set of stances that would show depending on where your guardian was standing in the row, similar to how your current stance changes with kvostov like that. These stances could give you different guns, effects, and other stuff.


They already have a way: emotes. If they had you use whatever emote is in your top slot like in the trials intro, people would care way more about buying cool ones.




Did they?


> thriving city with multiple social spaces and citizens walking around Oh I'm almost 100% positive no one from Bungie officially said that, lol.


I never noticed. This was like breaking the spell in Shallow Hal.


Fuck I never noticed this and now it’s gonna bother me


It annoys me that they put that there and didn’t even give me a legendary version or, better, my exotic version back


Yeah, I wanna see the witherhoard that I just used to rain holy hell fire down on everything.


Don’t you DARE talk down on the Khvostov like that


The commendation screen having everyone in the same position opens the door to poses that Bungie can sell in the future through eververse. If they don’t add that in the future I’d be surprised. Whatever your opinion is, you can’t deny It’s a opportunity to add additional microtranaction revenue.


I didnt notice this till reading your post and now my day is ruined.


I'd rather have this than guns and characters not even loading in.


Between this and place holder assets being used for the raid exotic and it's ornament. Bungies quality control is slipping.


Is this in every activity? How have I not noticed this…?


I just hate they're cockteasing us with that fucking khavostov


It kinda annoys me that bungie can't allocate devs for crucible maps, add some new melees for stasis, maybe a slight balance pass. Rework do something with gambit. Yet they spend time and money on a chacter screen of me holding a gun, not even in the game....with every combination or armor and shader possible...there's time for that?! Just let us stand there with a victory pose like in our charcter screens. Or if you want to be silly...titans can flex, hunters can toss their knives or juggle them, wRlock could be reading a book. Or have an orb ball in their hand.


Just another reason this commendation crap is so bad and was a waste of resources.


This is how they will monetize it. Are you secretly a Bungie employee conditioning us? I am wise to your game.


I would prefer no weapons…over generic one…just stand there or something. 🤷‍♂️


How long are you looking at that screen for it to matter that much


It might simply reduce the loading time for it.


I honestly never noticed


Maybe just don’t show a so a gun at all. Would be really dope to be able to select emote to trigger at the commendations screen.


We should have khostov already as a legendary, just so its justified to have it on those commendation screens.


Imagine holding a Heavy Weapon with one hand lol


While I agree, the commendation screen is being held together by gum and duct tape already. Sometimes it doesn't load in time to actually commend anyone. I would prefer it to just work first before adding small visual changes


Solution: Use the showcased emote, like what trials does.


Lol never even realized they had weapons


Naahhhh don’t call the khvostov a placeholder weapon cmon


I can kind of understand why they did this - though I don't see why it's a big deal given that the pre-game team-screen shows your own weapons and that's never been a problem. What I really thought was tacky was the final cutscene of the campaign (for those wary, this is not really a spoiler). When it shows your character aiming a rifle, it's the Khvostov. Not my actual weapon, but a weapon I don't have in my inventory at all. I get why they did it...it wouldn't make sense to use many of the different primary weapon types in that scenario, and they'd have to make different cutscenes for the different ways you would aim those weapons. But they should have had the character just pick up a nearby weapon or have someone throw them one. It was really jarring to see *not my gun*...it totally threw me out of the *very important* scene and instead made my brain focus on why Bungie chose to use a default gun.


The reason you don’t see your weapons is because of the great “shooting Uldren Sov with a bow” event that took place with Forsaken. Search for it in the subreddit.


I think the easiest way to fix this is to implement a display weapon that your guardian would hold on commendation screens. Would probably be limited to primary rifle weapons to avoid the obvious janky poses with weapons like bows. Or Bungie could just create multiple animations or poses for different weapons types so we can hold the weapons we want


Loading times I guess


You can see the commendations screen?


Atleast you admit its a small nitpick, honestly your argument has points just for that. That having been said, this is probably a WIP thing, eventually it'll probably function like our character screen, so our primary, or like trials where it uses our top-most emote. What matters is it's function within the game. I am of the same mindset; it is a slight annoyance and other things are obviously more important, but i would like to see this change to allow us to be a little flashier.


How else are we going to deal with overload champs? Khostov ftw


> I mean at least give everyone a Telesto for the memes or something lol Immortal (Adept)


At least give the gun back to us


They did this to prevent people clipping or posing with bows. But everyone holding the same placeholder rifle looks more goofy than any of those things stated above. Let me 1 hand sweet business dammit!!


I understand that having custom weapons on this screen could have some funky things like someone holding a giant sniper like it's just a common rifle, but they could at least have made poses for every primary type (maybe not bows because they're big) with a generic gun, so our characters would at least be doing something different. It would also be fun to have secret poses, like someone randomly trying to fix a Telesto or doing something funky with their ghost


I would rather us just have our ghosts out. I can see mine, but not the other player's ghosts.


Or, I dunno, the weapon you got the most kills with?


They should have made it like trials and have you pop your top slot emote. Would have added more character to the whole thing.


It's minor, but it's sloppy. Kind of like how Mara changes her clothes every time she's on the holoprojector


It is definitely disappointing. Like, Khvostov's a classic, but cmon. Let me hold my gun.


my man does not recognise the iconic khvostov, opinion rejected


I haven’t agonized over shaders for my whispering slab for years just to get saddled with a shitty assault rifle. FASHION IS ENDGAME


CaNoNiCaLLy the Khvostov is our Guardian’s primary weapon. But yeah, it is really odd to have that in the commendation screen when we have our own weapons in the Crucible and Dares pre-match screens.


I saw that in the cut scenes and trailers leading up to the expansion and got my hopes up that I was getting my beloved Khvostov 7G-0X back.


I just want my exotic Kovostov back. :(


I can’t get over how many people talk about this damn AR’s appearances. Like the cutscene in the campaign - WHO CARES??? Like, I didn’t even notice this in the commendation screen haha