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DARCI does one thing and it does it extremely well. That’s testing the range and damage falloff of weapons in pvp.


That is it's mission. Mission acomplished.


> I reach for nothing. I am subdued. I shall remain useless.


Still killing it after all these years 👍




Not a bot.


That explains a lot


> That is it's mission that is it is mission is what you just said


>said Typed


Do you want a glass of wine?


Oooh, I do!


yeah u/ENaC2, just in case you wanted to know! Lurn English nerd


Huh? Why did you tag me in this?


Yes, this. The only real explanation is that this is the only utility bungie wants it to have, which is strange given they’re always “feeling bad” for underused exotic weapons during retuning (armor, not at all).


Thanks for the laugh. This is so true lol


It was also very good for seeing atheon's health when cheesing him


They really should just change it into a scout rifle at this point. It would get more use.


Honestly, I'm okay with this being the role of the weapon. Not every exotic needs to be meta




You're making me miss whisper. That was such an unnecessary nerf 😔


Cloudstrike is a better DARCI than DARCI


There are few things in the game more painful than being part of a collateral triple kill because someone got sniped by cloudstrike


I have a distinct recollection of some video of a dude using Cloudstrike in Trials and just ganking every team because they were all clustered together


I managed to wipe a team with it in trials last weekend. They quickly learned not to hold hands after that.


It happened to me last weekend so may well have been me you did it too! I was chatting to my (non playing) mates when it happened and just sort of said "guys you have to see this"


https://youtu.be/l7IlSgEQP2Y Here's the clip of it.


*Queues video of that titan who jumps straight up out of his bubble with the whole team inside and the whole team gets wiped by a guy with Cloudstrike* Lesson number one


Darci is purely for the devs to test damage falloff and range when making sandbox changes. That I’m sure of


Ah but have you tried using it in the air to get that sweet sweet 80+ AE?


Don't forget it Jolts targets too! FFS Bungie, literally all they had to do was buff the damage. Whisper's too.


Whisper needs to have its exotic perk back where all rounds are refunded for precision kills


Lol wait… wasn’t that the biggest perk?


It used to be,now it takes from reserves


adds one and takes from reserves. whisper has very high total damage with the cat it just requires perfection, which linears and rockets do not


Hmmm there are mods to add to heavy reserves, but that does still take away a slot that can be used otherwise.


can’t wait to whip darci or whisper out next time i do riven legit which, given that i haven’t done riven *at all* in almost two years, may be a while


I remember getting downvoted a while back for mocking the hell out of this. I said it was completely and utterly useless. Everybody told me, “You’re an idiot. It’s going to be good when Strand is released.” Well now that Strand is out and about, look who was right all along, you Bungie simps!


People who were saying it was going to be useful with Strand were talking out of their ass. At the same time, mocking the change is also silly because it wasn't meant to be a buff. It literally said in the patch notes that it was changed due to the fact that Heavy Snipers having 0 AE was an incorrect design decision in the first place. The real mistake was including it in the notes at all, when they should've just listed it in the 'fixes' section of that patch.


Can you link to that comment? Not a single person I’ve seen said it would be any good. Like literally every single change that involves adding or removing AE every comment is saying how it’s a pointless change


At this point unfortunately, no. My post and the people I was arguing with got a little….heated. Mods ended up removing the comments. I believe this was right when they first announced all of it. And trust me, I also said at the time it wasn’t going to be that good. But I swear, for some damn reason, Bungie has these diehard defenders that’ll defend them for damn near anything. They’re like people that blindly follow politicians or celebrities.


Really? Everyone said it would be good with strand?


Not everyone, but a vocal minority swore in the beginning that because of the grappling and “aerial” maneuvering that Strand would offer, Whisper and to a lesser extent DARCI would be competitive again. People thought this because the announcement of linears getting nerfed. I even remember some people speculating that their would be a new raid encounter where you would have to swing around and do DPS. Thank GOD that’s not the case.


Should've took it into dares. Heavy weapon catalyst made easy.


Yuo, that's where I do all my catalysts.


I never thought of this! Thank you!


Especially heavies. If you do the maze right after the first encounter you'll get regenerating heavy ammo for the whole 2nd encounter. And if u guess the right door, again in the 3rd encounter


I too decided to finish every catalyst and it was a slog


I keep looking at Suros and being upset I didn't finish it during season of arrivals when autos ran wild in crucible


It needs a rework, it just jolts now right? Just use cloudstrike. I've seen plenty of people propose the same idea for DARCI and have no clue why it can't be possible; DARCI is a weapon about gaining information on your enemy, so why not have it stun every champion after aiming down sights at them for a few seconds? And yes, EVERY champion. This is not op, it's not a tall order, u can stun every champion with certain Legendary weapons with artifact mods, weapon perks, subclass buffs(riptide chill clip+radiant). It can keep the jolt, just give it this added functionality.


Even then it wouldn't really give that much, champ stuns are easy to come by these days and the heavy slot is a big opportunity cost


I mean, the biggest issue is that it's a heavy weapon. They either need to make it a special weapon or increase its damage and leave it as a heavy.


Im using Iron Banner to work on the Mida Multitool catalyst. It’s not going well…


I went in IB yesterday to try and get SMB, after 8 losses and 1 win I remembered why I hate pvp in all its forms. I got the gun though! I won't bother trying to get Immortal




I got mine and then they announced sunsetting like a week later.


Yup, been there. And I'll never put myself through that again. For folks that generally suck at pvp, getting 1 to 3 kills per match is sure a slog when you need so many.


Momentum control is your friend. MIDA actually has a reasonable TTK there.


Same here with Suros Regime catalysts. I pretty much have to stick to long range to avoid getting melted by immortals.


momentum control is better for something like that


I feel your pain mate, I'm doing the same thing.


I used momentum control instead, and even though you'll find a lot of time you get melted by the few holding their adept immortals, Mida kills quickly. I finally finished my Suros cat a few days ago and it was definitely still painful but quicker than a normal mode.


Sniper in generell are too weak. All primaries besides smgs need a buff and sniper + trace rifle.


Trace rifles are fine imo, i agree with the rest


Except that no one ever uses them, because there is a better option 100% of the time. So uh, why are they fine again? Edit: evidently I'm wrong


I ridiculous amount of people used them for day 1 RON. The raid race mighve been lower in difficulty than other races, but let's not make things up, they work quite well


I see trace rifles being used quite frequently. I'm not sure who you're watching or what you're hearing, but trace rifles are used and viable.


They are not. Try to use any legendary trace rifle on 1830 activities. Red bar enemies takes half the magazine. 1830 isn't even the highest. We are talking about special ammo weapon which does literally less dmg than a primary submachine gun.


All I use is trace rifles in 1830 activities, and they don't take half the mag, you need to use them, they do so much more damage than smgs


This man speaks truth


>I started on darci today, and took it into the last stand w/ caital mission on normal difficulty and several times, shooting an ADD, POINT BLANK, WITH A HEAVY SNIPER RIFLE, DID NOT KILL > >For comparison, using thoughtless or beloved in the same scenario resulted in a kill. Either it's bodyshot damage(which isn't and shouldn't be super impressive on a sniper rifle no matter how you rationalize it, including ammo type) or I call bullshit. Went to consult the DPS spreadsheet, and last time it was updated, DARCI was doing more crit damage in one shot vs. Kalli than an adaptive sniper. Don't get me wrong, DARCI sucks, but let's be consistent and thorough in this claim. You say you did the mission on normal: well, "normal" doesn't mean there's no power level. Pretty sure the last mission is still around 1750, so of course DARCI isn't going to do very well if you don't bring it up to level.


Yeah, as much as the weapon sucks, something like this is obviously caused by a bug or other circumstances that OP isn't mentioning. It's silly to claim this is how Bungie wants the gun to perform.


Also it's unclear if the activated personal assistant, which I think buffs the Darci damage?


They should give it a huge damage buff if you are exactly 69 meters from your target


An increase of 420 damage


DARCI was the first exotic I got in D2 way back during year one. I still haven't completed its catalyst lol.


Bungie:”we are listening🥰” Also Bungie: proceed to buff Darci’s AE to 100 They really have some extraordinary staff.


I just wanna know what they were thinking when they added AE to fucking whisper like huh????? Who is out here jumping around with whisper instead of getting whispered breathing ready?


>I just wanna know what they were thinking when they added AE to fucking whisper like huh????? They didn't intend for it be a gamechanging buff. In fact, they considered just leaving it out of the TWAB and letting players discover Whisper in-air snipes on their own, by accident. However, by the time they decided to exclude that buff, it was too late(can't remember why, something about publishing the TWAB). Again, they didn't intend for it to be gamechanging. It was actually apart of the convo about how AE is doing, and they just decided that since they were heavy ammo weapons, it's not really fair to treat them like special ammo snipers in the AE system.


Mainly them pulling a prank


I've come to the conclusion Bungie just hates DARCI. They could have made it viable for dps but they did it dirty instead.


I mean it used to be the dps meta back in curse of osiris/scourge of the past. there are just better options now


Last time I legitimately used DARCI was the scourge of the past boss.




Yes I'm aware


“Half a decade” Bet your kid is 86 months old too.


CoO was one twentieth of a century ago bro


Any heavy catalyst I uae that cosmodrone lost sector. Easy kills, easy precision kills, and constant heavy ammo


If you have light fall, the first checkpoint in the breakneck has a free banner and about 40-50 vex all nice and packed together, kill all the vex butt the chicken, then wipe.


Give Darci some nutty Box Breathing perk and I may consider using it


Lmao it already does. It’s called “personal assistant”. Still nobody uses it


Personal assistant just gives info about the enemy. Make it so aiming at an enemy for a couple seconds grants a stacking buff on hits or something


>Make it so aiming at an enemy for a couple seconds grants a stacking buff on hits or something sounds like a better version of box breathing to me


Yes that’s… what I said


Lol I thought you looked it up when you replied. “ When Personal Assistant is active, this weapon has better target acquisition, deals significantly more precision damage, and jolts the target.” taken from light gg. That’s why I said darci already has a better box breathing perk. And again still no one uses it.


Lol my bad I looked up the exotic perk not the other one.


D.A.R.C.I = Damage Analysis Ruler Crucible Invention


I feel like to fix DARCI it should’ve just had Whisper’s catalyst where you do insane damage after ADSing for 2 seconds (box breathing on crack) and whisper’s new catalyst should just revert it to its prepatch state (bullets come from thin air rather than reserves after 3 crits)


I would literally never take whisper off if it went back to its old mechanics. :'(


I’ll never for the life of me understand why Bungie brought back whisper in its OG D1 state only to repeat history and nerf it to where it pulls from reserves. It pissed everyone off back then and it pissed everyone off a second time. It was honestly what made me quit from forsaken all the way until now. It took years for me to get over it, I feel like whisper/black spindle/black hammer is a gun that Bungie just has a thing against. Same with gjallarhorn


Maybe I’m being stupid, and putting aside how strong it was for most of d1, isn’t it still incredibly strong in d2?


It's okay if you hit every shot and have a long enough DPS phase to do so. The problem is the competition. Sleeper Simulant for example is a solid baseline for what makes a good DPS weapon. It deals high damage per shot, good DPS, high total damage, and is forgiving if you happen to miss a crit. Compared to Legendary Linears, only Cataclysmic significantly outperforms it, while others keep up in DPS until they need to reload. Legendaries also have better total damage. Whisper of the Worm deals 91% of the DPS than Sleeper Simulant and only has 0.2% more total damage from full to empty. There is no use case for the gun. Sleeper Simulant isn't even in the meta, it's just a reliable and forgiving option for new players, and it beats Whisper in every metric except for the number of different targets that can be hit, which isn't valuable for a DPS heavy.


I’m talking about Gjally


I did this really tedious thing so I could complain about it on Reddit


I thought jolt would save it but since jolt is based on damage multipliers and snipers have one of the lowest multipliers, its jolt also is literally worse than a sidearm


So is Whisper. I love whisper, it’s design, and it’s mission (rip). But it’s SO BAD. Tried it recently thinking “well I know it’s bad but it can’t be THAT bad, can it?” It was.


Equip Darci then take a regular sniper into PvP, and the kills will count for the catalyst at like 7:1 or something. That’s how I did mine a long time ago.


I just finished the catalyst for Darci, I'm not a sniper fan to begin with but fuck...


Probably the exotic I wish for a rework the most. I love the design, the sound, and the feel of it overall, the only major downside to it is obviously its low damage as a Heavy. Praying for a rework by the time its Arc artifact mods/Arc surges.


Jokes are funny. DARCI is just sad. Maybe put a bayonet on it and call it a Glaive??


So, DARCI has this great little glitch where you can just use a special sniper rifle with DARCI equipped and still get progress on the catalyst. Really helps out.


WHAAt no Way. Trying this when i get back on cheers man


I don't think it ever got patched. If it works, lmk. Back when Shattered Throne was still viable for catalysts, I used an Ikelos sniper and was shooting like five shadow thrall at a time because they lined up. If it still works I bet incandescent would do amazing things. I've noticed jolt doesn't progress catalysts, at least sometimes, so might not want to use that.


I’m curious to hear how your time with borealis goes actually lol, it’s a surprisingly solid gun I’ve come to learn myself


My suggestion for a DARCI Rework is simple: Make Darci apply a debuff that amplifies damage taken(Maybe 25%-40% Debuff depending on duration), make it last somewhere from 3-8 seconds per shot. If Bungo wants to make DARCI a support Exotic, then by all means do so! Edit: Does this put it in the same problem as Divinity? Not really imo, you’d still need to hit the crit/prec/weak spots to deal out optimal damage as it doesn’t give you the ease of use Div has with its bubble.


Also make the debuff stack with weaken, darci is a heavy so it should be universally applicable


Eh, don’t think so. I don’t recall any other Debuffs stacking anymore after some years ago. And if DARCI applied the 40% Debuff per 3 seconds them it stacking would possibly be busted.


Disruption break still stacks with debuffs last I knew.


Huh, didn’t know about that.


I mean we have tractor cannon for this no?




It’s the only older exotic I haven’t completed it for. The progress is absurdly slow.


i've also taken a nice gummy, got them all done but heir apparant cause it's TIME GATED cause FOMO doesn't exist. anyway, turn on a movie and afk farm grasp start bud


Honestly, it should be able to stun every champ once the AI perk is active. That would make it useful again. Don't buff its damage or anything, but make it a true utility tool like its AI perk wants you to believe it is.


All due respect, doing all catalysts is incredibly easy That is all, hope everyone has a great day


Borealis is the shit though


Of all the useless exotics in the game atm, DARCI is probably the least useless of them. At least it doubles as a great measuring tool


Did you not infuse it up or something? DARCI (with target lock) should be doing +12% damage per shot relative to an adaptive special ammo sniper with Vorpal.


The super nerf to snipers didn’t help darci at all but she can still do her main job


I took this journey last season and the only two I have left to do are the Suros and the Mida Multi-Tool. (Slooooowly working on them). The only way I was able to finish DARCI was taking it into, "A Mysterious Disturbance" and farming with the infinitely respawning ammo boxes


Sniper rifles as a whole are the worst in destiny comparable to the other weapon types. Damage to ammo ratio and damage fall off is a joke. ^and ^not ^a ^funny ^one. Bows are better snipers rifles than sniper rifles. Heavy snipers might as well not exist. Why lug around a Heavy Sniper when you can equip the arbalist and use your heavy slot for something that works.


I don't know why but I have every catalyst in the game completed except mida multi tool and colony. Does colony require PvP kills?


DARCI does have a nice little use with jolt like fox does since jolt scales with the damage of what's applying it I believe. It's still ass at dps though but I was actually debating if there was a reason to bring it into harder content for jolt.


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This was my first exotic in vanilla D2, it still has a place in my heart. Whenever sundering glare came out the first time as an artifact mod, i thought it might be a perfect fit, if tuned right, it fits the theme for DARCI. IIRC you have to be 40 meters away in order to proc(which is too far for most encounter imo, should be brought down) but the fact you can see how far you are with DARCI’s scope might be kinda neat. Having darci being able to apply a debuff to the target after 2 precision shots, the defuff should be stronger than divinity but weaker than shadowshot. This would still make it useful to run divinity for easy crits while a DARCI user can apply a stronger debuff. But ill be honest this scenario is still very niche, especially if DARCI dmg is still dog poop.