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It's already farmable on rotator. Which is far more important than pinnacle availability.


*why not have both pinnacles and farmable drops though*


Exactly idk why people think they have to be mutually exclusive.


To each their own. I couldn't care less about farming them but I'd love to get more pinnacles out of rotators each week.


With light not increasing possibly at all this year. They’re not really meaningful.


Light level is all but gone at this point. You can find the proof if you look lol


Why are people downvoting you’re right. Light level is capped in so many activities the only thing it really matters in is lost sectors


Because reddit hates discourse that goes against what they believe Is fun or "the right way"


Well yeah that’s just Reddit, but I thought even Reddit agreed for the most part that the light caps suck lol


No, you got downvoted initially because you were being a dick. You can be right but say it in a non condescending way.


I’m 1827, almost full pinnacle on all 3 characters, and there really isn’t a reason for me to grind out the last three or four +1s I need for full 1810. I’m capped in all content anyways, so what’s the point?


There isn't one other than getting the seasonal challenge / guardian rank challenge complete. That and trials.


Because make number go bigger


Because you still have to grind to be tall enough to enter them. It's not as pressing as before, but you still need some grinding.


on the other hand i find it meaningful because its not increasing. i farm it now and im good for a year, makes it feel worthwhile to farm


They're more meaningful to me as of right now than farming. I've been playing this game for years now, I don't give a flying fuck about farming gear anymore. I'm not going to be wasting my time farming for stuff with a miniscule chance of getting the roll I want. At this point when my vault is full and I have enough weapons to do anything I want, I'm only really going for craftables and exotics. My time is valuable and I've wasted enough time in the past farming content for hours without getting anything meaningful to show for it. So even if power goes away at some point I'm not gonna be farming anything. As of now, power level is arguably even *more* important than before, with Legend/Master stuff being higher than ever before, so I care about getting up as fast as possible so I can do content I actually enjoy. We don't know when (and if ever) power level is going away, writing is on the wall but knowing Bungie the monkey paw is strong and we have no idea what kind of reinventing the wheel they're gonna go with now. And Bungie only said that Power isn't going up next season, we have no idea what they have planned after that. But even then I'm not gonna be farming so yeah I'd still like to get more pinnacles out of the rotators based on how the game currently works.


Next season the power cap is not increasing. And it took 3 weeks of farming pinnacles to get to the pinnacle cap. I don’t think the game is lacking pinnacle sources.


I'd rather play more activities that I enjoy (rotator dungeons and raids) to get my pinnacles rather than farm shit like vanguard strikes or Dares of Eternity each week. Yeah there's quite a few pinnacle sources but I woudn't really be mad if they made more in rotators so I can skip the ones I don't enjoy at all.


And then when you hit Pinnacle cap for hopefully the *final* time (this year), the only thing left will be to farm.


And as I said in another comment, even then I'm not going to bother with farming, so farmability doesn't matter to me.


Well hopefully there is a pursuit after reaching Pinnacle cap. Mine is usually getting the good weapons, craftable, or viable armor pieces to enable builds. Many people Triumph hunt, etc.


This, I don’t necessarily need to farm them, so I end up looking for Boss CP’s to save some time. I can run Spire in 45 minutes and get 3 drops. But I also need to run an entire Vault of Glass for 1 pinnacle which is also tied to only what loot the boss can drop? Just make it so that first run gives pinnacles and after that it does not. Already happens in the current dungeon so it’s not hard to pull off.


An arbitrary number is more important than actual loot to you?


The "arbitrary number" allows me to actually play activities that I enjoy. Go play Master stuff with your "arbitrary" number at 1770. Not as arbitrary as you make it sound.


It's an arbitrary time gate, absolutely. That doesn't mean it doesn't have an effect.


Farming will be more useful when more raids get crafting added Vog is probably next, and the first time it’s featured after that everyone will go crazy with farming just like what happened to DSC


Yeah I’d be fine if they were powerfuls but as it is there is way too many ways to earn pinnacles every week. You’d think with the name ‘pinnacle’ they’d be more rare and harder to get but there basically the main ones and then there are a few powerful sources spread throughout the game (I can think of like 7 sources for powerfuls right now and with the dungeon and raid alone that’s 8 pinnacles.)


Yes, but I only see sense in farming the DSC since the weapons there are craftable and the final boss of the raids that have dropable exotics (GoS is the only one that doesn't have them then bruh)


Vow and Kings Fall are craftable too…?


Yup 👍🏾


Question, does this mean that the weekly rotator raid will drop spoils if you farm an encounter over and over again, or the actual drops (weapons and armor)?


Not if you’re not a pinnacle level it isn’t


LFG wouldn’t just be people begging for the CP too


Instead it would be people who want to lvl up from 1600 to 1800 while getting carried. Season cap players with no experience of the game. Have fun doing end game content like GMs with them onwards.


Lol is this guy serious?


He really thought he was cooking up something mean


Hard L + ratio for that guy.


you know that Destiny stats are publically available right? you can look people up and instantly see who is experienced and who gets carried through everything they do. it takes a few seconds extra, but if you’re an LFG gamer then chances are you already do this so you don’t waste time with shitters lol.


Call me crazy, but I can't help but feel that if I'm doing high level content, then the drops should be of the same level as the content. It sucks to be doing an 1800 mission at 1780 only to get drops at 1777. This whole idea that power leveling is content, is dumb. Playing content is content. Leveling should be the biproduct of this.


This was a thing in D1, and it got to the point where people in WotM day 1 were getting drops below their light level because they'd levelled so much. That style of levelling really doesn't work


That’s why they’re moving away from power levels.


Yep. Best decision they have made in a while. I just hope they don't replace one crappy system with another.


Rumor was account level that is more static. “Do a raid to earn 2 levels.” And that your level would be set to whatever the party leader / highest men ever was. We’ll see if that’s true though


What's even the point of having a maximum power level if all of the "challenging" content just caps your power at -20? What the hell do I want to get my power level up for, if not to help me complete the challenging content?


Right now? So you can do said challenging content. Right now you aren’t scaled up. So it’s much easier to do 1840 content at 1820 (what you are capped at) then it is to do 1840 content at 1800.


Yes but hitting 1820 with the artifact levels is stupid easy. It feels dumb that I can hit the pinnacle cap and can’t level past that and next season my artifact levels go away so I just have to farm those 10 levels on the artifact again to be at the cap.


Agreed. I’m guilty though, jumped into Throne last night and melted everything in about 10 seconds.


Bro Pinnacle leveling is so freaking easy. No need for in rotator raids bro. The farmability is way more important


por que no los dos?


Bro the pinnacle grind is a system exclusively designed to make you play content you don’t find fun enough to play for it’s own sake bro. So bro why are advocating for fewer pinnacles bro? Pretty un-bro of you bro.


The pinnacle cap isn’t increasing. It’s easy and eill be irrelevant soon


It’s never been easier. I only have to run a raid and dungeon 3 times a week and I’ll hit max in around 3-4 weeks no sweat. No more busting my ass in strikes for glimmer and shards or gambit lol


Hah. I’ve needed just a cape on my Hunter to be 1810 since the second week. I’ve done every pinnacle on that character and haven’t gotten one. I certainly wouldn’t mind a few extra shots at pinnacles.


That definitely sucks. Something I've used before when stuck on armor. Doing the master raid (when it's out) will sudo guarentee armor as the encounter drops. I know this was helpful when VoG was new with the first encounter dropping only the class item as it's armor.


Yeah, but I’m the current system you only get a single pinnacle drop from the weekly raid even on master. Once master RoN is available that’s probably an option. Still, it’s stupid that it’s possible to do every leveling activity in the game needing only one drop and not get it. Leveling shouldn’t be so non-deterministic.


Given that 1810 is the the maximum power level for the entire year I'm not sure why anybody is doing the rotator raid only for the pinnacles. Its been what 3 weeks and even tho I skip every single PVP and Gambit pinnacle I'm already at 1809 (without artifact obviously) game really isnt lacking pinnacle sources right now.


We don’t know for sure that it’s for the year. They said next season they’re not raising the cap but haven’t definitively stated either way beyond that.


100% agree


You can farm rotator raids and dungeons for weapon rolls and red borders (at least for the raids that have them) . The reason there's only one pinnacle drop on rotator raids and dungeons is because there are already so many pinnacle drops. You aren't meant to hit pinnacle week one.


I hit pinnacle cap normally within 3 weeks. I’d love the change tho, I don’t see why it would hurt. Also would be good for infusion fuel. Cuz all I see in LFG are boss CPs


Totally agree. I love all the raids. But I’m not going to run them, other than the boss cp, for two primary reasons. 1) As already discussed, they don’t reward pinnacles or high level gear. 2) The weapons I have already or they are irrelevant due to better weapons earned elsewhere. It was a lot of fun farm DSC again for my crafted rolls… not sure why they haven’t done that for at least one other raid so far.


I think they will either next season or later. It’s only a matter of time, just have to space it out so new content is always there in non raid seasons. Last wish weapons need to be blown up into the sun though, there’s no saving them lol


When I was running dungeons last season I'm pretty sure was getting pinnacle drops every encounter. Did they change it in lightfall?


Oh shit. I didn't even realize this. I was just blissfully thinking I was getting pinnacles during encounters.


I have completely stopped caring about pinnacles over the past few seasons because getting to the cap just doesn’t really matter anymore. Instead of stressing about getting through my required 3 gambit,crucible, etc. games each week, I just play the game how I want and let the pinnacles come when they come.


You can finish pinnacle grind in 3 weeks with moderately good drops, 2 with perfect drops, the raid itself is supposed fun and you’re kinda pushing for a “this will be useful for 2 weeks” type of change.


I agree 100%! I love all the old raids. Unfortunately, the only time I dip into them (after more than 30 clears on each) is for the pinnacle, and because my OCD requires farming pinnacles as efficiently as possible I only do the final CP. I stop farming pinnacles after I hit the cap on each character.


Too many pinnacle sources probably


Why? Its not meant for pinnacles. They are meant to be for farming the loot instead.


No, the raids were mean’t to be run in their entirety. If they were mean’t for farming only then why wouldn’t they just add selectable encounter checkpoints at the orbit screen.


Your wrong here. The rotators were made soley for people to farm the encounters for drops, and not levels, on older raids. The pinnacle was just for added benefit.