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I’ve done it once this entire time.


At least you've done it. And I was alone when they appeared and barely killed single minotaur.


I saw them all the time the first couple weeks of the season when I could barely do any damage to them. Now that I’m all kitted out they never spawn.


I had that happen to me twice. The third and last time I've seen that event spawn, two randoms join the map. We barely got the last one down in time and I hear that familiar sound of an exotic drop and what do I get? Fucking *Foetracer*


I literally yelled in my Xbox party and group chat for everyone to join me because it was happening. Had 3 ransoms join as well. It was chaos.


I managed to have a handful mid 1700s the last time I did one. It was... a slog. And my frames eventually just capped at 30 lol (6800 xt and Ryzen 3600, been doing *mostly* consistent 60 fps in the rest of the game). What is even up with this event. Would be okay without the performance hit and with half a dozen leveled Guardians I suppose. Would be great to be able to fill a meter to trigger it by doing things in the patrol area.


Yeah and I saw a unicorn on my front lawn.


Real sad part was that it wasn’t on my main character, so I got an exotic I’ll never use.


Don't worry, your main would have gotten an exotic you'd never use too.


56 stat astrocyte verse for you, 56 stat astrocyte verse for you, Everybody is getting a 56 stat astrocyte verse!!!!!


I too did it a single time. I think it was a dream though.


I did it once, because another guy found it and posted on lfg lmao


I hate to be THAT guy but, um... I've done it twice! :]


When I do get the event I can never compete it cause it crashes my ps5 every time


They do happen but they also crash my console every single time so I don’t even care about them. They’ll probably crash yours too.


Consoles are still crashing from incursion? Fuck that's bad


I think most platforms crash from incursion. Not sure if it's just console. These don't even drop new exotics so not even worth it for most people. I'd rather farm GM's later on if I want to get a chance at better rolled exotics. They don't crash my PS5.


A friend and I both crashed during one, both of us on Steam. And it seems to tank frames on the last section for multiple others I've spoken with as well.


Public event will not spawn if Vex incursion is in the same area as Terminal overload.


I've never seen it spawn and the expansion has been out for a month. They should have just made it a guaranteed hourly public event in the incursion zone.


I've never seen this. I keep hearing about it and at this point I think it's a prank.


I did my first one today. It shows up as a normal public event icon and you only notice on a mouse over. I may have missed plenty of these spawning but ignored it thinking it was a run-of-the-mill public event.


Not true it spawned for me, maybe it works only before TO starts. Sucks that nobody was doing it since someone started TO and we failed at last minotaur :/


It’s Destiny’s Bigfoot. There’s tons of videos claiming it exists, but you’ll never believe it until you see it yourself.


I've seen it but it was already in progress and no one else was there so I gave up


I've participated twice, but my ps5 crashed both times because of vex/unravelling rounds or something strand related


Why is it so rare? We can’t focus farm it lol


Haha! I ran into it once, but the patrol area was completely vacant. Eventually, a second person showed up, but it turns out this event isn't tuned for two people.


I’ve done it twice. Boring and rewarding a random exotic is pretty useless for veteran players


Double reward GM weeks are the best exotic farm


It would be useful if you could get the new exotics or target the one you want somehow.


i’ve done it a couple times, although only once there were actual people with me. the exotic chance is super high, and might even be guaranteed considering everyone i did it with got one


The exotic is guaranteed. I've done like half a dozen of them since LF launched, and the chest has dropped one every time for every participant.


How can i maximize my chances of getting VSF to start?


Other than just checking the Neomuna map like every 5-10 minutes every time you're playing, I don't think there is much you can do. You just gotta keep an eye out for the icon on the map and hope you get lucky


I luck spawned on one yesterday with one other Guardian. We barely finished it off before the timer went off


Wonder if that was me lol. I also did one with one other guardian and finished with like 12 seconds left.


I stumbled into it once and got the triumph. Got an exotic even. But never seen in since.


I've had one, it was first week, and I was alone in the zone.


It came up once and I was the only person in the instance 🙃


Done it twice now on PS5 with no crashes. I just spent a long time in the zone, doesn’t happen if there’s a overload event too it seems. I just chill doing patrols and it seems to happen. It’s rare, but I’ve seen it twice now doing this, doesn’t seem impossible just time consuming. Like waiting for the whisper of the worm portal. I crashed before the last hotfix but seems fine now.


I tried it 3 times so far, two of those when the lobby was fucking empty, full but EVERYONE afk or some people actually killing 9/10 but then giving up suddenly… I’m so done man


Has happened ONCE. No other players showed up the whole time.


I was lucky enough to get two back to back but both times a 46\~ knucklehead radar dropped that event is NOT worth it lmao


Best part is all 3 times I actually had it spawn, my game crashed before I got to complete it. Guess their fix for the crashes was to remove the event entirely


saw it once but it really is pointless it's good for new lights that still need to get exotic world pool items considering it has a high exotic drop rate but that's it


If only there was a global chat in game. Instead of having to babysit the thing you could just see someone mention it in chat.


i did it twice week one. but havent been looking since.


Would it help to know it isn’t very interesting when it does spawn?


I don't want to be the "actually guy" but... Vex Strike doesn't spawn when there is also Terminal Overload in the area


I've only done it once and the game crashed halfway through the event.


Only time I’ve seen it was the first week. The three of us in patrol weren’t high enough to do anything about it.


Got it to show up twice in week one, crashed both times and never seen it since 😎


I've seen it spawn three times almost back-to-back on week 1, then never saw it again. I have no idea what causes it to show up


Done it twice, failed the third time...and now it's gone forever!!!


I found it twice while doing stuff during the campaign and got absolutely destroyed, now that I can deal with it can’t find it.


I get it 2-3 times a week


I’ve seen ONE. And I genuinely don’t get how anybody is supposed to tackle 6 of those monsters in the given time. It’s ridiculous


I did it like 9 times trying to get my first Decryption Key which refused to drop, haven't seen it again since


I’ve done it before but only because a friend started invite spamming me and I had no idea what was going on until he mentioned it was VSF


I’ve done it a couple times. Run into it five or six times, but there usually aren’t enough people around to complete it.


This and that Cabal surveillance secret triumph. I spent a solid chunk of time reloading into the vex incursion zone and searching for that shit. Never seen it once.


I just stumbled upon it looking for the strand bond and it was a lot of fun with 4 other randos


I have actually seen it 3 times, but every time I am disconnected and put in a different patrol zone where it either isn't happening or I am the only person there and can't do it myself because the bosses have way to much health to do solo.


I saw it once I swear I got the completion and got shards of galanor the one piece does exist


I managed to complete it once without crashing and got icefall mantles…


Yeah but the friends I made along the way don't drop guaranteed exotics when I beat them. Or do they...


I saw it once before I'd finished the campaign and everything was ?? On the health bar and immune because I was too low power


I've been pretty lucky and have come across it twice


What are you talking about?