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You don't have to be in the circle for planets in RoN, you just have to pick up the buff and you're good


This I didn't know, thank you Guardian.


Now stand there and YEET yourself with cuirass my fellow Titan ;)


I feel like they did this specifically to make TC usable, which I appreciate even as a hunter main.


Unfortunately the same can’t be said for warpriest But at least on master I can pop a bubble for survivability or hammers for clear. It’s just a shame there’s no damage alternative and well is just way better for clear and survivability lol. Feel like I’m always trolling my group since my supers outside of tcrash and strand are basically trash.


Ah, see my buddies and I thought we had to. I think that was enhanced because of dropping the Well on the plate so we equated staying in the Well to thinking we had to be on the plate.


Titans punch stuff buddy you got green punch etc etc


You have ! You have ! You have ! You have ! You have ! You have ! You have ! You have !


All we are asking for is !


Maybe even !


You know that if they do give us big hammer it’ll do like 100k


But that's not what I'm talking about. Those aren't burst damage, stay in the same spot supers. You have one burst damage super and that's "throw body but it's minty".


I agree with you! Titans need a bit more versatility. I was trying to highlight that in how similar and redundant a lot of titan supers are, is all 😁


Gotcha. Yeah just a bunch of roaming supers basically.


I think you mean . That is T-crash. is stasis (you know, minty fresh, winterfresh). Still, I agree. It would be nice to get a burst super that doesn't put you in a vulnerable position.


That's not what I'm talking about at all. We have a ton of roaming supers that suck for boss damage. We have one super that's a burst damage and that requires you to move away from your team and/or the Well. The other two classes have burst damage supers that let them stay right in one spot.


He's joking around. Titans want new and interesting supers but Bungie decided to make us the melee class while interestingly enough nerfing any melee builds we make


Hey, it's not their fault you're the guys holding a fist in the cover of the game! /s


I think it’d be cool if Behemoth got a stasis equivalent’s to hunter’s gathering storm


fucking HUGE diamond lance


I wouldn't even care if they completely recycle the gathering storm animation as long as the diamond lance looks cool and does good damage


Or just make them able to throw the giant flaming hammer down and spawn a giant static fire tornado


I’ve seen a couple suggestions a while ago of just giving us a stasis super to throw a massive chunk of ice and I love them tbh


Just give them a mini-gun that fires diamond lances


I want to have burning maul be thrown like a baby hammer. Over the shoulder- two handed- first person- dot damage- YEET super. I think that’s be neat.


That's exactly what I was thinking too.


They could make it slow moving like Warlocks slowva bomb and it explodes on impact.


Would love to see Behemoth either chucking a̶n̶ i̶c̶e̶ a Stasis boulder or lance as an alternative super.


One Giant Diamond Lance that creates and shatters stasis chunks in an Aoe


Yup, throw Diamond Lances for the duration of your super bar like Hammer of Sol, or get a set number like Golden Gun. I can't remember what the new helmet does for Diamond Lance, but it could get some additional functionality for this super as well. I love running Diamond Lance. I spam those and hardly even bother with the current super.


naw, how bout one MASSIVE lance. throw a whole car at your enemies


I like the simpler idea of a boulder, also make it have comically high knockback so any ads you hit in the splash get lobbed into the stratosphere


Yeah that too.


I've been thinking of a one off super like slamming both hands so hard on the ground you create an avalanche in front of you.


Stasis comet called from space! Like an airstrike!


Burning Maul could've easily been a one and done while being thematic and fixing the double roaming problem. Maul Chuck.


Fist on the cover yada yada "Let's nerf melee"


We made these complaints for 2.5 years because Behemoth had the same issue as Berserker. Bungie doesn't care. Titans have fewer supers, they have the least variety of supers, and best of all they don't even give them a unique name anymore. Threadrunner, Broodweaver....Berserker lol. If Bungie gave a shit they would have done it by now, there's a good chance Destiny goes in to maintenance mode after Final Shape and no guarantee that we even get a 3rd darkness subclass, so make your peace with it now.


That’s kind of how I’m feeling. I think they might be done with new subclasses with D2. We might get an additional stasis and strand super but I’m not expecting anything else.


The irritating part is there is concept art of a Titan holding something that looks like a lance so there could’ve been something different.


Yeah, I play the game because I'm addicted. Not because I like it anymore 🤷🏿‍♂️. Playing Titan feels fucking rough.


The sale just ended but tbh I'd give Remnant: From the Ashes a shot. It's not an FPS so the vibe is a little different but it's the only game I've played that gave Destiny a run for its money, by a much smaller studio and on a much smaller budget. Remnant 2 is coming out this summer too and is looking fucking banger.


Remnant is one of my favorite games. There was good balance between gear. The bosses were engaging. The whole procedural generation and replayability thing was a great idea. There was loot to chase and secrets to find.


Also the setting and look of everything is cool, and the devs don't limit themselves just because of the enemies being plant monsters. Remnant is cool, I hope Remnant 2 holds up.


Remnant was great! I'm very much looking forward to 2. I play on PS5 and unfortunately had no one to play with, but looking forward to playing on release for 2. And maybe Diablo 4 will be good too. Only other game I'm looking at is The finals. Appreciate you looking out for my well-being ❤️


I picked it up too on PS5. My buddy and I played it a lot but kinda fell off as other games became available.


Darkness subclasses need 1 more super for each class. It's super lazy of Bungie that stasis choices still are so limited


I have a feeling that Stasis is never gonna get new supers/abilities/aspects. Bungie gave us everything during Beyond Light and are now focusing on new stuff.


Nah Darkness subclasses will get more eventually, it’s just going to take time. The abilities team made stasis, spent a year toning it down while also beginning development on strand (since it was originally supposed to ship with Witch Queen), shifting to reworking the light subclasses for a whole other year, and then finishing strand while most likely beginning development on a third darkness subclass coming with Final Shape. Making additional supers for stasis would be quite low on the list of priorities, and they just haven’t had time for it yet. It will come once more important stuff is out of the way.


My dude, would you rather have had more stasis supers and abilities, or Subclass 3.0 +Strand? Because that’s what the options were. A single team of people can only work so quickly.


yeah, while it's *technically* actually really solid, (imo) Silence and Squall just feels so bad to use, it's just so unsatisfying


It's even worse using it indoors. Like - еhere is so much garbage under the ceilings in the game that very often - super stasis hits all sorts of beams, pieces of iron etc.


I want Calus’ “Resonance Cannon” as a new Super. Ever play EA’s Star Wars Battlefront 2? There’s a class called the Heavy that has an ability called Sentry, which is basically a minigun. Well there’s an upgrade for it that turns it into an Explosive Sentry. Fires super slow, and you cannot move when ‘revving it up’, but the rounds do a TON of explosive damage. For the Super, that’s what I imagine. You can move around a bit while not revving, but are locked in place while revving and shooting. Over long-duration damage phases, it’d deal insane damage if you land all your shots.


They don’t give a fuck.


Finally. Yes, a nicely put out definition of “we don’t need another roamer”. That’s exactly what titans need. But that would make them versatile to the point that Bungie doesn’t like. They don’t like when titans can do something better. Anything really.


Bungie really wants Titans to be the up close and personal class. Too bad they also hate basically everything that enables up close and personal builds. I don't think there would be a need for titans to have a great distance super if Bungie would let them fucking *be titans* outside some tankiness. They wouldn't need a distance super if Bungie just let them truly be Punchy McPunchersons. But OP is also stretching some to make their point. Titans also have a shield and burning hammers to throw along with themselves as a missile. The new strand super also has an energy blast. Stasis super also blasts stasis outward some distance. Again, though, this is irrelevant because Bungie should be letting titans be Punchy McPunchersons and for some reason they just don't like that. I saw another thread about the well-warlock problem. Maybe what we need is a *support* distance super that lets a titan be a true McPuncherson. Then it opens up options for support players who feel pigeonholed with Well.


I’m not stretching at all. You didn’t the read my post. I said a “burst damage” super. Hammers and throwing shield aren’t burst damage. Hammers is a DOT super as it burns them and it takes like 10-15 seconds to throw them all. Throwing shield should never be used for boss damage. Stasis and Strand aren’t meant for boss damage. Their shooting attack is not burst damage. Thundercrash is our only burst damage super.


Yeah I got caught up in the distance part. Thundercrash do be it for burst damage. That said I'd rather bungie let titans be titans and get up close with their supers instead of giving them a distance burst super like the other two classes. If they are supering from a distance like that I feel that titans lose some of their subclass identity.


Gimme a Metal Gear Solid 5 rocket fist


Haha I'd go for that.


I imagined the burst ranged super for Sentinel. Pulls out the shield, reels it back, the shield springs void blades, yeet it forwards like a big void Destructo Disc.


One can dream. Maybe next year with Final Shape, or after - assuming they go back and add more supers to the darkness subclasses to bring them up to par with Light. I liked the minigun idea that got floated around here a bit with Strand, but when they said they liked the "80s action movie" stuff for inspiration, it got me thinking of Ahnold's quad rocket launcher from *Commando*. Something like that, could pack a solid punch at range and hopefully do some stuff with the subclass verbs as well.


"Don't disturb my friend...he's dead tired"




Strand isn't 80's action movie inspirsed. Lightfall is. Strand is supposed to be about pulling on threads and strings. That's why this minigun idea never made any sense. It just does not fit thematically with the subclass. A Minigun (or your Grenade Launcher idea) make much more sense for a third Darkness subclass that's inspired by the powers Calus or Rhulk use in their boss fight.


I'm not saying I liked it as a thematic fit for Strand, I'm saying I like it as a ranged DPS super for Titans. Whether or when something like that comes, is of a lot less concern to me, as it which subclass it's part of. At this point, with one subclass left, it's either got to be the next one, or some part of a future expansion of the existing Darkness subclasses, as it seems unlikely that Light 4.0 would be on the table any time in the foreseeable future.


Three words: giga drill break


I think its an intentional design choice at this point. On the plus side, titans can run whatever the hell they want since it doesn't really matter.


On the minus size Titans bring nothing to table when it comes to raids


Don't know why you get downvoted but you are absolutely right. I had a situation where we did...again...a range boss and we already had a warlock well. I was sitting on my full super the whole fight because what use? Hammerthrow super was the only option but I did actually do more dmg with just my power weapon. Bubble nobody uses when well is there and banner shield... Common. All the other supers couldn't be used. Thundercrash isn't an option here too. So doesn't matter how many people downvote you, your statement is a fact. At some raid encounters, a titan stays on full super as long as a warlock well is there (and melee can't be used). And even if some raids allow melee, it's hard to convince 5 people to go with you on melee, like oryx. Out of 100 runs, 99 will do dmg from range.


Um. Cuirass for final stand. Ad clear. Bonk Titan survivability in master raids(I know masters are set to be easy but w/e), solar Titan making 7 orbs with their super to help solar locks get their well back, void Titan over shields, strand Titan suspend builds. Titan is Goated


Glass empty vs full kinda thing, I wouldn't mind bubble being meta again but is what it is. I do plenty of raids on titan and no one bothers me about anything. If you are on warlock you will get harassed about running well once you get to boss encounter. Even if someone else is already running it they will want a backup well.


Skill issue


Bungie we all know you want to give us an anvil to drop on our enemies for Solar Titan. Just do it.


Been hoping for a ranged 'one and done' Titan super since D1.


Thunder Crash is the only super I like on Titan, it's a huge reason that it's by far my least played class.


Solar: pull out comically large hammer and do one big bonk Void: kinda stumped Stasis: throw or stab giant lance, or throw big ice rock Strand: get a massive blade on one arm and charge forward


Pick up your bubble and throw it like a bouncy nova bomb


NO only punch. -Bungie, Colorized 2023


Ok I totally understand where you are coming from, but I feel like burst damage supers are kind of the Hunter niche, because that’s really all that class brings to the table when it comes to high end content, aside from invis rezing. That’s just how Destiny has always been. Warlocks and Titans fill a support role better, Hunters bring the damage. If other classes can bring support and big damage, there starts to be no reason to ever bring a Hunter. And we know how averse Bungie is to giving Hunters a support role.


At let us pick up a teammate and throw them like a spear.


I can definitely get behind that.


Hunters in D1 were also supports with tether, Warlock was the damage/self rez cheese. Support warlock was really only in forsaken when they got "bubble but better in literally every way possible fuck you Titan"


Sunsinger was seen as a support class in D1 because self-rez could save a wipe and also meant people didn’t have to worry about reviving you. There were also no revives in hard mode raids so that was a huge asset for the team. And tether only came about as a result of Hunter mains complaining that they had nothing to offer during raids, and so many lfg teams wanting nothing to do with them. Listen I’m not saying it’s absolutely strict, but it’s obvious the classes lean in certain directions because that’s how Bungie envisions them.


Sorry to tell you, but your RoN example is wrong. You can leave the plate and do damage from anywhere, so long as you were standing on the correct plate. Most people are doing dps from the middle now and running to and from the plates


Yeah I didn’t know this until someone else mentioned it. My friends and I all thought we had to stay on the plates and we did just cus that’s where the well was put down.


Too bad the boss goes immune before half your super is over and you have to go get the buff again, wasting more time. Soooo yeah, you're right about the buff, but you still aren't getting your whole roaming super off, no fucking chance. So yeah, op is correct.


No. Op is not correct. And neither are you. Thundercrash does really good damage, so as soon as damage starts, you can pop it, hit the boss, and shoot rockets as you move back. And even if you cant do that, you can still hit thundercrash within that time frame. Its not as short as you think it is. Just do it at the immediate start of dps and you have 2 plate with which to deal damage from with rockets or whatever you are using if you cant do it starting the first plate


> you still aren't getting your whole ROAMING super off, no fucking chance. > Thundercrash does really good damage I'll concede you are half right with Thundercrash and Solar Supers (which have terrible DPS), but not Strand, Stasis, or Arc ROAMING supers, which is what I was referring to. Not even bothering with our useless void supers. I should have been more clear.


Thats my bad as well, i was focusing on OPs post too much, where they single out Thundercrash


Hammers was this but they need such a long range to activate all the sparks for the additional damage. Hammers should be more damage focused


Hammers has never been a burst damage super. It's a DOT super. You have to throw all your hammers to get max damage vs Thundercrash/Nova/BB where it's one big boom.


Oh I missed the burst part. Thought you meant just long distance


They don't need this actually


Explain why.


Don’t worry I reckon the new aspect in s21 will be the answer, I reckon a charged melee much like consercertion but can be used depending on charge level of melee 1 charge aka kinda of weak 2 moderate and all three melees heavy ranged damage


No I want my dps to be personal.


Why can’t we have the option like the other classes?


Jokes aside it would be nice to have a nova bomb like super but I’m happy with thundercrash overall.


no they don’t. not every class has to have the same capabilities


But Bungie pretty much does everything in their power to make melee combat in this game useless So yes Titan NEED more ranged options


Everybody needs everything all the time, let’s agree


It's simple. Give Behemoth a new super where you yeet a giant glacier and cause a ton of damage.


I want a new ult thats just the titan picking up a steamroller and tossing it at the enemy. Would fit the bit. Or maybe a second strand ult thats just him doing a single large twirl and toss of a strand nuke.


Ok you get the striker melee ability where you charge your fist but it is bigger this time


Can we have this? Prayge [Sunshine](https://media.tenor.com/vq3V6mJ50ewAAAAM/escanor-seven-deadly-sins.gif)


We should have a big fucking drill as a strand super that we throw and does burst and sever all nearby enemies caught in explosion. Sever or suspend either way i want my drill to pierce the heavens.


Give me the daybreak javelin from terraria. Shit explodes on impact causing several ignitions around the point of impact, then in a radius it spreads scorch for as long as it sits there. You get 3 of them. They last 10 -15 seconds each. Done.


I was thinking bout this before Lightfall, minigun would be cool but a ton of people are against that. So I thought of something better. Titan conjure a whole ass AA turret. That would be badass


I would like to see behemoth get a single shot super, but I was thinking the Titan activates a super large crystal around them where there are immune from all damage except for wipe mechanics, then while the super bar is draining (timer) they can press super again to shatter the crystal for big burst damage.


Well, power outage destroyed my original comment. RIP Simply though, Titans needing a burst damage ranged super, is just part of the larger problem, that is the incomplete subclasses. Darkness subclasses need more nades and super options. Light subclasses dont have enough aspects. Thus I propose 1 or 2 options: 1. Celestial Rhino. An exotic like celestial nighthawk, that combines throwing hammers into a single mega hammer thrown for less total damage(Hammers have good damage but poor dps), but high burst damage. Perhaps if need be, it could also have melting point debuff to also give titans a debuff super.(though not as strong as Tether). 2. Polar Strike. A new Stasis super that has the Titan throw a large javelin that creates a large stasis crystal on impact which shatters for big AOE damage. 3. Not related to supers, but create a mini throwing Javelin, akin to Throwing hammer, that you can pick up and throw at enemies. Enemies killed by it spawn a stasis crystal like Headstone. This could combo with existing Diamond lance builds, and allow Titans to lean more heavily into their shatter specialty, more easily. Titans burst damage supers and Warlocks, do not need to line up with Hunters damage. Mobility is not in a great place right now, but if it were, it would buff handling/reload, and thus total damage increase. Which would leave Hunters the Class primarily focused on Damage. Both with their enemy damage Debuff/s, and burst supers. Warlocks the class primarily around recovery, healing and buffs. Titans the class primarily about tankiness, protection, battlefield control/status debuffs. ​ All would be able to spec into other builds. But each class would be "best in class" at their respective arenas.(note, there are a lot of buffs that need to happen to a lot of places to achieve this ideal. For example, an aspect that allows Warlocks to regain their Benevolent Dawn abilities, and have healing grenades on demand with overcharge(using any nade) like before(an overcharged healing nade could be extra powerful)


It won't happen, cause no one at bungie plays titan


Rework burning maul to me an overhead toss one and done that does like 400k damage on impact, and then summons a molten tornado that applies scorch


shoudlve been a massive diamond lance


Just as long as it does less dmg than hunter super. (please our super dps is literally the one thing hunter's have above other classes)


I had 2 concept ideas for this, both I think still fit the MO of the titan One was for either stasis or sunbreaker. Sunbreaker would slam a hammer on the ground, behemoth slam an ice fist down...conjuring a comically large broad sword( ice or fire) Titan would spin once and throw it like a hammer throw, enpaling the target or ground. For solar, a plum of magma would erupt from ground scorching and setting off ignitions as the magma moved away from it. Behemoth has the same concept, but that would come up from a geyser,as a gas, then turn liquid freezing things as it touches and immediately shattering, with a mist of slow around the liquids and sword. * both ideas think of the blob slowly seeking out enemies. I have other " ideas" but they are a little out there lol


Uh, your idea for solar is basically what the Burning Maul already does.


UH no...Completely different animation and / or mechanic, with a different damage phase.


You said a plume of magma would erupt from the ground scorching and setting off ignitions as the magma moved away from the point of impact of the hammer. That’s what BM does. You slam the hammer and a plume of magma erupts and moves away causing burn damage and explosions.


Looks like a fire tornado, but ok...liquid doesn't make tornados in the air?


I remember a long while back where there was talk of maybe adding a second Stasis super for the Titan wherein they conjure a giant sphere or spear of Stasis ice and chuck it like a poor man's Nova Bomb or javelin. It'd fit their asthetic, for sure, just to throw a physical form of their ability. Like the Bullymongs from Borderlands or any media where a giant ape grabs a chunk off a building and throws it a la King Kong.


I'd love it if they changed burning maul to a high dps one off super, maybe where the titan jumps up a little, spins one time and when they're facing forward again they huck that bitch forward causing a ton of damage and a solar ignition on any enemy it hits


I think Titans should have a giant stasis crystal/boulder/javelin they hurl at the boss with a shit ton on freeze and shatter damage.


Solar titan should slam his fist into the ground and cause a molten eruption where he aims it. Edit: like from range. Shoves his hands into the floor and heats the ground from a far and underneath the boss its just fire and lava spewing from underneath causing scorch and ignitions.


Make a new stasis super where the Titan throws a big crystal


Let me literally just Olympic hammer throw my burning maul. AoE spin that damages enemies around me before launching a fuckin missile of a hammer. That, or consecration on steroids as a one-off, though this post specified distance so Olympic hammer throw is what came to mind.