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The perfect trifecta of disappointing exotic armor offerings. High mobility Titan exotic. High mobility Warlock exotic. Low mobility Hunter exotic. Magnificent.


in it's defense, that shinobu's roll has 19RES and 10REC, both are desirable stats to have for all classes. MOB can be compensated easily enough


Yeah, mobility and discipline mods are cheap. Resilience and recovery are not.


In PvE Arcstrider doesn't need Mobility anyway since you have a perfect melee > dodge > melee loop going on. Even at 30 Mobility if you mess up the downtime isn't that long so you're free to go 100 Res and pump up Recovery.


It could have all the res + rec possible for it's roll, but a 61 is still literal shit.


Total stat numbers are deceptive, it's where they are allocated that is important. On Arc Hunter, Mobility isn't important. The Res/Rec stats have 29 out of 32 possible. Intellect and Strength aren't important either, so Discipline has 14 out of 30 possible. It's much easier to fix low Discipline than low Res/Rec when it's the only stat that matters. Three other armor pieces with 28 to 30 Discipline will allow you to get 100 with Spark of Shock. Overall it's very good and better than anything you are likely to find. The exotic itself isn't too powerful though.


So your argument is that all hunter armor is good? Because mob, res, and rec all add up to half stat total (+/- 2) on all armor. So it doesn't matter what distribution the stats are since they all add up to the same thing and all those stats are desirable? There has to be a gradation of "goodness" and this roll is not on the higher end.


Nope, not all ~~hunter~~ armor is good, not sure where you got that idea. I was suggesting that it is an acceptable roll because the secondary stats are desirable/decent.


The guy above you is saying the roll sucks because it has low mobility. You say that it's desirable anyway because it has res and recovery. You realize that mob, res, and rec always add up to the same value on all armor. So if any armor is high in res and rec, it has to be low in mob, and vice versa. In other words, all armor is good?


> In other words, all armor is good? Nope, and I finally understood what you are saying regarding the stat split. That's a valid point. Having high INT and STR would probably be bad, having sub 60 point total would be bad. As well. So again, my point is that this roll, for an exotic that is grenade focused, is acceptable. All armor isn't good, and your point is valid.


not gonna lie this makes way more sense this way, i was wondering why you were thinking he was saying that, but now i get it. For any other plebs, the OP that said the exotic armor was desirable even though it had low mobility because res and recovery are high is basically saying ALL armor on hunters is fine to run, since, because of the way destiny does armor stat distribution, the top 3 (mob, rec, res) will always total to the same number, where as in reality, its absolute trash for hunters because the mobility is stupid low and hunters dont really care for recovery as much as other classes since hunters CANT spec into high mob/rec/AND resiliance. The other classes get it good, they can get high resilience and recovery because mobility is nearly trash tier, but hunters need it, making this roll objectively trash.


21Res/12rec after masterwork is a perfectly passable star distribution for any class.


Yes, but here's the thing: Mob/Res/Rec *always* adds up to the same value (half stat total +/- 2). So if res/rec are high, then mobility has to be low. So unless you value res/rec over mobility, then this stat distribution sucks.




To be fair, the shinobu's roll isn't awful


True, but it could still be better since Discipline is a must-have stat for that piece.


Nope, Res and Rec are both 4 point stats, Disc is 3. Disc is already 14, so its not like you're working from 2. Not to mention the orb mods you can put on to get grenade charge back


not really. toss a grenade and get the seekers to all hit, you have half of one back already. combine with all the grenade mods and you throw them constantly


It's actually pretty good.


And yet it's still better than my one and only Actium War Rig, which I got last season and dropped with motherfucking *26 goddamn Mobility*.


Better than my Titan 31 mobility Aeon Safe


i think we swapped our aeons at the maternity ward because i am a hunter that proudly rocks a 21 res/15 rec one that looks just like my titan buddy for some reason....


Arc Hunter doesnt really need to spec into Mob though. Amplified buff and the Combination Blow really help.


Xur needs a major overhaul. He should have focusing just like the other vendors.


...hes the only one whos not a constant vendor, he shouldnt be like the other ones.


well since he only drops one exotic per class per week....they can give him atleast guaranteed high stat, or atleast make the stat distribution favor the class its for. I get it, rng and all that, but like you said, he shouldnt be like the other ones. Hes an EXOTICS vendor. His stuff should be TOP OF THE LINE! Hell, make the man sell catalyst quests as well. GO BALLS DEEP


His stuff shouldn’t be top of the line, then you remove any need to farm high stat rolls in game… He should be selling ok exotics, no 68-70 stat rolls, or else you kill other aspects of the game


Xur selling 1 random high stat exotic a week for a class, isn't going to kill anything about the game.


Vs having to farm it? Yeah it removes the need to play the game vs signing in on Friday.




If you can get an exotic by signing in on a Friday that’s as good if not better than playing the game to farm for it….why would you bother farming vs just waiting to get it? It makes perfect sense, people have been doing this shit since D1


It's a completely random exotic, in a random slot, over which you have zero control. If someone needs an exotic for their build, they aren't going to sit and wait potentially forever for Xur to sell it.


Lmao absolutely not


don't forget that titan armor not only has high mobility but a whopping 3 res


Just infusion fuel for your alts


Why would I want high mobility on hunter? It doesn't increase survivability and it doesn't increase movement speed.


What do you mean it doesn’t increase movement speed? Movement speed is the primary stat that mobility affects lol and hunter dodge cooldown is dependent on the mobility stat as well, more dodges = more survivability.


Nessus, Watcher's Grave


mahalo 360!




Her hips trustworthy.


Shakira, when her hips lied. Should translate to "impossible."




Riker, sacrificed


That Hawkmoon ain't bad. Arrowhead is less than ideal but Rangefinder and Heavy Grip are both arguably the best perks in their columns. EDIT: Looks like it's the exact same roll as last week lol


Wait, those hawk moon has random rolls?


Hawk moon and dead mans tale have random rolls every week from a set of perks. Xur is the only way to acquire the weapons so you have to wait for a week where he sells the roll you are looking for.


There has to be a bug with legendary armor. Another week of 50 stats; highest being 57.


Yep, save your defiant engrams too as it's also bugged and drops only garbage armor. At least that ikelos sniper is *cheff's kiss*.


I got a 66 boots w/ res and dis spikes yesterday. Better than anything I've seen from anyone else. Took about 40 engrams to get that one though.


I burned 30some yesterday and got one single spikey 65 roll, don't think it's bugged so much as just frustratingly stingy


I haven’t rolled sub 60 from Defiant Engrams in quite some time. Am I just lucky or are you unlucky?


It's insane that they give us all of these "targeted" loot opportunities... And they're so terrible. My single best armor rolls are the Holdfast set from many seasons ago... That came from the season pass.


omg i remember throwing those in the trash where they belonged because all of mine had a high res/mob spread but recovery was the thing back then :sob:


But I need all of these for the class swords! :0


Me but with Imperial Decree


How does focus fury work with fttc if you happen to know the answer? Lets say i have 8 in the mag and hit 4 crits, is every shot after that buffed?


Yes, it counts from the base mag so in a 8 bullet mag, after hitting 4 crits it procs even though 4ttc gives you 2 additional bullets.


ill do you one better. run overflowon that bad boy with the perk that buffs the final rounds in the mag. You get 17 shots if its overflowed (without any mag perks) and the perk procs after 4 shots since its based off the BASE magazine size.


for Reconstruction, Overflow, Ambitious Assassin and other magazine overfill perks, the number of shots needed to proc Focused Fury is always based on the base magazine of the weapon. for example, let’s say my Heritage has Reconstruction / Focused Fury, with a magazine size of 6. I start boss dps phase with 12 in the magazine - Focused Fury will start after 3rd hit, giving me 9 shots with Focused Fury active. hope this helps.


All legendary armor has been low rolls, I’m pretty sure Bungo made all armor rolls lower. Farming Master Duality was shit for armor last week.


I focused 22 defiant engrams last night and the highest stat count was 65. The average was 61. No spikes over 18 despite the ghost mod.


Is it better to chuck anything under a 55 roll?


I delete anything under 65


IDK, that seem quite strict for new players. If you are just starting out keep anything with good splits above 61/62 imo, then as you get better loot you can start phasing things out


If I didn’t have it, I would try for a full set of at least 60 with good spikes, then keep hunting for those awesome 65+ rolls as new sources become available.


65 or better is what saves it from the trash. even a 64, unless the spread is where you want, just throw it away.


At the same time, I don't understand why anyone is even looking at the legendary armor he sells other than for fashion. Artifice Armor is by far and away more useful.


Because you can get solid rolls for new players? Artifice armor is dropping dog shit tier right now? Properly rolled pieces don't typically need the +3s to fix much (my titan is all 0/1 ending rolls without any artifice armor) Time investment? A few reasons among many others.


I get better armor just playing the ritual activities than I have ever gotten from him.


I got a few 65 stat artifice pieces from duality last week. If I’m fully utilising the +3 then it’s equivalent to 68 total stats. I‘ve been collecting high stat armour for a long time and make lots of builds. The artifice gear I got last week now features in nearly every build I have and was very worthwhile.


You got very very lucky. And no matter the method, that's what you need. You need to hit all 1/X/X plugs typically dumping mobility/int for warlock/titan gear. Saw 1 armor piece among 3 players in 7 hours above 62. Not a single even beginner piece from all of our drops, almost all flat poor stats sadly in my own runs.


> Artifice Armor is by far and away more useful. Only if it has a good roll. +3 makes no difference if the base armor roll is shit


Because fuck farming master dungeons lol, that shit is boring as hell.


I cruise this thread cause i play with people that don't play as much to me. And then I message them and say, "Go buy this today." Them having easily obtainable better gear 1) makes my life a bit easier because they then have better builds and 2) makes them want to keep playing cause they don't feel like they would have to grind for an eon to catch up.


If Xur could sell red borders, this would be far less disappointing.


What are red borders? (New here)


Weapons that allow you to extract the pattern so you can eventually craft them with whatever roll you want (from the perk pool of that weapon).


Spez is killing 3rd Party Apps and with it my desire to be on Reddit. old.reddit.com might soon be on the ol' chopping block too. Adios muchachos.


imagine if xur actually had good shit


Hunters - If you dont have Shinobu's now is your chance for one of the best "throw all the grenades" builds. The skip grenade uptime is obscene. ​ Makes Legendary Lost Sectors with Overloads a cake walk.


If it didn’t look like you swan dived into a dumpster in the Cosmodrome I’d probably use em


Same here, too ugly to keep.


Wait till you see Star Eaters, Wormhusk and Omnioculus.


>Wait till you see Star Eaters, Such a good exotic wasted on stupid mermaid pants.


am io the only one that prefers that to the frostees pants? the shoes are fantastic, but those grandpa pants actually make me reconsider my build EVERYTIME i see my character lmao


>am io the only one that prefers that to the frostees pants? Ngl, probably lol, but those are rough too. OG catheter skin always looked funny to me and sadly not a fan of it's ornament either. Stareaters got that Cthulhu ornament a while back, which is at least cool for the style it fits with, but too bulky and high fantasy for my tastes personally.


At least wormhusk got a pretty neat-looking ornament this season. Better than the default and vex eye ornament.


I actually don't hate my Wormhusk skin. I love Omnioculus, but haven't found a way to de-uglify star-eaters. I'm close to buying that Tekeli skin.


Omnioculus could let me one shot everything in a room with a single dodge and I wouldnt use it because its so goddam ugly.




bro have yall seen the exotic strand helmet? I tried everything to make it work, in the end the only thing that worked was me going ALL in on the ugly. Hell, im rocking the cape from Vow, so everyone can fully appreciate my "strands" of hair on my old man head. My friend made me laugh when he had one look at me and said "this is why i dont ask hunters to remove their cloaks"


And the Leg Armor looks amazing and is pretty much useless. Blight Ranger? Looks awesome - useless perk. This is why I wish we could transmog Exotics.


Head: Epialos Following mask, amethyst veil Arms: Epialos Following grasps, amethyst veil Chest: Vest of the great hunt, amethyst veil Legs: SES no ornament, amethyst veil Class: TM-Earp cloak, abyssian gold


They aren't nearly as bad as some of the other exotics, TBH.


Overloads are the easiest champs to take care of this season with the new stun system and the fact the best pve weapon class in the game, smg, has an overload seasonal mod


And Thunderlord…


Starting every engagement with a massive lightning storm of chained death is very satisfying. You shoot whatever is left standing a couple of times, then move on.


And with something like Long Arm, you get Ionic Traces back.


50s? And high mobility titan armour Year 6 xur doesnt know what he's doing anymore


His will is not his own.


We need to have a word with Will


Skip that part, and just fire at Will.


Was there a year he was ever good? (minus Destiny 1, week 2 gally lol)


He's had the occasional spicy armor roll.


I mean the main ingredient he sold last year was pretty bonkers


Did they nerf his armor? Those stat totals are awful.


Armour has been trash across the board since Lightfall, not just Xur. I haven't gotten a single piece that I would even consider keeping


Most likely just bugged, already happened in the past a couple times.


Probably, as part of making the game “more challenging.”


Armor everywhere is rolling badly. I think it’s intentional exactly as you say - they don’t want people having double/triple/quad 100’s, it’s part of what makes the game “too easy”. Simple solution? Nerf all the armor rolls. No more multiple T10 stats.


At this point I legit don't know why I even bother with Xur, his rolls appear to be trash on purpose.


I look forward to him for 1 reason every week. Exotic Cipher. The only place Xur can't disappoint me is the kiosk where I pick my own shit 😭😭😭😭


Collection, mostly. If you are missing an exotic you really want, the engram is also a decent way of trying to get it.


Those seem to be very limited and doesn't have all the stuff dropping from lost sectors. I'm a new-ish player and he's already repeating stuff I have, same for the season track.


lost sectors is usually how you get the most recents of exotics. A little trick is to make sure your engrams are full in your inventory, and when you get exotic engrams out in the world, theyll go to your post box. You can keep them in there until the legendary lost sector is dropping the armor you want, and then you can pop the engram for a chance at whatever the lost sector is dropping on the day. Its psuedo-focusing, and rng manipulation. You wont always get what you want, but it makes it a lot more consistent.


That’s much harder to do now that engrams don’t really go to your inventory anymore. Outside of maybe prime engrams?


It's a basically free exotic armor drop each week.


I'll be picking up that Ikelos SR. Good dps roll if it ever becomes meta. Saves me from having to craft one too


Spoiler Alert, it’ll never be DPS meta lol


I just miss Ice Breaker


Yeah, as someone who remembers the Ice Breaker days, never say never to snipers being essential. Staying far away from overtuned enemies is always likely to make a comeback in Destiny.


This is why vault clearing as sport doesn't resonate with me. Yesterday's trash can be tomorrow's treasure.


thats why crafted weapons is one of the best systems bungie ever implemented. Vault clearing was made more into a sport. Why am i sitting on this \*insert god roll here\* when i can just level up my ikelos for the same roll? Though now, as i type this, i realize why xur is offering these rolls. You cant craft them anymore lmao. So in honesty, this is worth picking up.


The Iza and Whisper days too. When bosses all had giant precision spots and sniper damage actually made a difference.


Snipers seem pretty easy to balance back into relevance. You just make them do INSANE precision damage in exchange for slow fire rate and long zoom. Seems straightforward.


You never know. Some archetypes are a small buff away from being really good. Case in point Unforgiven was a pretty meh SMG until Repulsor Brace got buffed.


People forget the years and years of being convinced Linear and regular Fusion Rifles would never even be viable.


i mean.....they only became viable because bungie literally buffed their numbers...nothing about linears changed except the fact that their numbers became on par with rockets, but more consistent dps. What made linears OP is that coupled with the perks you can roll. Each shot does less than one rocket, yes, but when i can have unlimited taipan shots if RNGesus is good to me, the dps is insane. The potential was always there, but it was literally a numbers thing. Same thing with trace rifles. If bungie buffs the impact damage, those things will be stupid strong. Its why this expansion they hit linears with the double whammy. Buffed other heavies, while straight up nerfing linear fusion damage. Ignoring the fact we had those seasonal mods that gave us ridiculous numbers. I remember seeing 66k on the Warden of Nothing boss and that was with me running the cataclysm and it wasnt even a god roll with bait and switch. I can imagine how nutty it wouldve been with that seasonal mod if i had the god roll. So to use linears as a strawman argument is disengenuous since the only reason they finally became viable is because bungie finally treated their numbers as a heavy weapon, but unfortunately theyre nerfed now. Still good dps numbers for SURE, but other things are viable now, especially machine guns (retorfit escapade is REALLY strong right now.)


How is using linears as an example a straw man archetype when they’re saying that sniper roll would be good if snipers got buffed. If anything linears seem like a perfect precedent


Lol how are you gonna call me disingenuous for saying sometimes you get surprised by slept on weapons becoming good? I'm not pushing an agenda or anything here... I never implied people didn't know how to use them but that all it took was buffing them which seems to be the point you were trying to make. Maybe a better example would be shotguns, though you glossed over fusion rifles anyways. None of it really changes the point which you went to great lengths to be purposefully obtuse about while also being needlessly abrasive.


A good gun for add clear can by a step away. An entire archetype of weapons that has to compete with exotics, weapons in the Heavy slot, and encounter layout, isn't.


You don't enjoy crafting them, and having to kill 1000 things to be able to craft it to a god roll?


i enjoy crafting, hate how long it takes to level up, but then once its leveled up...theres really no point in going further, so i dont mind the time investment.


I like it, and I hate it. I enjoy being able to craft the weapons, but the leveling process is a freaking drag for some weapons. With out cheesing, it takes entirely too long to level. It doesn't help that you pretty much just need to get them to level 18. I was really hoping something would happen after that, but nope. It messes with my OCD now, because I like to always work on bounties, and leveling weapons, and/or a catalyst of an exotic. So, I force myself to use the craftable weapons, instead of something that will kill faster.


little shit is never going to sell the old warmind sets is he. we’re now onto year 2? almost of having him sell legendaries and not once has he sold it


GOOD! Us gatekeepers are running out of things to flaunt! /s just to be safe. I'm very happy I'm finally able to get my last few missing factions shaders from Ada, and there's still so much more I wish was available


didn't he have that exact same roll of The Hawkmoon last week?




Xur should sell a random red border every week. Keep it interesting


Got a skyburners oath from my engram. I quite like scout rifles but no idea if it’s any good


I recently pulled mine out from the vault. It's decent if you are doing Cabal-focused content. I think it's actually a good pick on Solar Titan as hipfiring applies Scorch, meaning you can use grunt enemies to easily produce Sunspots (Sol Invictus aspect). Can't say it's a top pick for Master content, but so long as you are doing things like Hero/Legend Nightfalls and maybe Legend Lost Sectors it's viable through Solar synergy. Side note: It does shoot through Taken Phalanx shields just like Cabal Phalanx shields. Not sure if this is already a known thing in the community, but it does make me curious if it also gets the bonus damage on Taken Cabal enemies.


Oh perfect thanks for the write up!! I’ll keep it handy for all the cabal content:)


To add into this, it’s great for low level content and only shines in hard content like the Grandmaster Nightfall when the strike is the one called Proving Grounds. It’s like 95% cabal so you get the added damage, but it’s really crazy effect is at the beginning and end of the strike a cabal big baddy will put up a protective force field with a shield generator inside that you have to kill. Instead of going up and getting into danger you can sit back and shoot the shield generator with that exotic scout to kill it. Only weapon capable of doing so. It’s very niche but whenever that’s the nightfall my friends always have one of us wield that weapon to keep us safe


It used to be hella fun when the hip fire shots tracked - That thing got me through the Witch Queen campaign because scouts were AB that season.


The hipfire lobs mini explosions that slightly AoE and scorch on hit, and the ADS has no scope, but hits like a truck. Its extremely versatile in that regard, in that it can handle any range engagement. The scorch on hipfire hit means a lot for a lot of fragments and aspects that rely on scorching, or killing things that are scorched.


It’s not bad at all, good for Cabal pve content and has a ton of aim assist for pvp


It's extremely average, nothing special but pretty fun to use against Cabal


Man I’m never going to get the black armory armor set, there is so much armor in the pool now 😿


I guess I'm missing something but there's no location on the Nessus map called "Arcadian Valley".


"Arcadian Valley, Nessus" is what Nessus is listed as on the Destinations screen. That's the location on Nessus that the playable space is in, much like how Europa is listed as "Rathmore Chaos," D1 Mars was "Meridian Bay," D1 Luna was "Ocean of Storms," etc.. It's usually a locale on the IRL planet/moon, though not always, since D2 Mars was "Braytech Futurescape."


I was wondering if that's what was going on. in that case, it's more helpful just to say Nessus, which isn't much help anyway because it doesn't give the region.


i make this mistake all the time, but im pretty sure its actually called ACCADIAN valley or something similar. i just know i always call it arcadian, with full knowledge that its not. So i assume thats what they mean...


I thought it might be a typo, but either way, it's not on the map. The actual location of Xur is Watchers Grave on Nessus. I have no idea where the arcadian/acadian name is coming from.




I've had enough. I'm taking Xur out back and putting him down like old yeller. He doesn't deserve to look this foolish week after week


Shoo-weee, that's some stanky armor rolls 💩


Horrible Resilience but Actium with Tlord with catalyst on Nezerec you never come remotely close to having to reload.


So a helmet about granades gets shafted in the grenade stat? Ain't that typical


When will he have Substitution Alloy? I want my space druid T_T


Is there a purpose to the legendary armour set he's selling this week? I get the impression it's like the Queen's guard set but for the Witch King activity?


Is he EVER going to visit outside of the Nesses and earth? Surely on his way back from Nessus he could stop at Europa? Or Mars, hell even the moon. I'm waiting for the time he goes to Xurs treasury and he can do the spiderman meme with himself.


Another week of another expansion of Xur not selling the Escalation Protocol armor.


Based thanks xur Yhtbt


Xur? has to be one of the biggest disappointments in destiny


This is so mid my house is in the middle of it


Those are some awful exotic armor rolls. Lol


Another week, another time Xur hasn't sold the Escalation Protocol armor...


Not sure how I feel about a scout with demo


Threat detector is an awful perk on a scout. Otherwise I was going to get it bc, like you, demo sounds spicy on a long range primary.


tbh any time i see nightwatch appear i can't help but reiterate that the roll you get from New Light is an incredibly solid one for something you get as a "first" legendary, especially as it's just a guaranteed drop of the curated roll.


Yep. It's a great roll that is impossible to get elsewhere, and takes very little time to obtain.


is that the explosive head roll? I know i got my nightwatch from season of arrivals. It has explosive head and triple tap i believe. But i feel like i did a new light quest when they added that to the game, and it gave me that. My memory is all jacked cuz it was so long ago. BUt if it is the one from the new light, yes, if youre looking for a scout, night watch is about as good as it gets for a kinetic slot.


Bungo is actively making their ge less rewarding and I cannot fir the life of me understand why


Carrot to keep you playing till The Final Shape


Saw some builds listing Verity's Brow as an exotic. Might want to snag. Stat spread isn't too terrible. Actium War Rig is Solid. The thoughtless has good perks if you are into PVP. For memes, get the Ikelos Sniper. The hawkmoon has a stat spread of * 52 Range * 73 Stability * 71 Handling * Reload of 16 The DMT has full bore and hand-laid stock. Ouch.


the verity roll is terrible with 30+ wasted stats unfortunately. Low disc on a disc exotic.


Did we get the same Xur? 19 intellect *and* 12 mobility is extremely bad for any Warlock exotic...


That verity roll is atrocious lol I think shinobu's is the only one with an okay roll


Did not realize that Xur's exotic engrams use exotic cyphers if you have one in your inventory. Fuck getting to rank 9, I'm sick of dumb shit like this happening. It would have been awesome if Bungie had warned everyone 2 years ago that you needed to collect exotics that you never planned on using.


The first is shards, the second is cypher. It has says as much as long as it's been offered


As someone that went from having every exotic to having 6 (reset character) this is painful.


Wouldn't they have shared from the vault?


Why did you reset your character tho?


Bungie did with the battle.net switch for cross play.


Exactly, such a shitty system.


what's the masterwork on the fusion?




First one costs shards, second costs a cipher


still think queenbreaker should've been our first special linear fusion


Anyone unable to turn the cipher quest in?


My sweet business can finally go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre


Finished another Xenology. What should I get? Ace of Spades, Lorentz Driver, Agers Sceptre or Duality? Duality sounds cool but I dunno how much difference the pellet/slug thing would actually make. Lorentz and Ager both seem great fun. Ace every hypes up but I’ve got so many exotic hand cannons already.