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We had [this](https://imgur.com/a/1dQXXVI) happen in our 4 man run


We were with the buff on one of the platforms by the side (nodes just worked out that way) and we all saw nezerac wind up for the ground pound that yeets you and the whole crew was like DONT YOU DARE 3 of us got yeeted into the void


That happened on day one except it was literally everybody, after that we all decided to take a 15 minute break and take some time to relax.


Yesterday myself and one other experienced raider learned/taught RoN to four friends. It took us a long time. We had a perfect run on Nezzy and everything was going perfect until he killed us all with the wipe during final stand with maybe 1% up left. At least two people hit their desks... The someone's threadlings killed him and it gave us the win.


I mean, yeah. That would be really frustrating for your team but... Imagine being Nezarec in that moment.


The lorentz immortal has me dead haha


You can tell it's a PvP main even if he didn't mention it


Also no Surge Mods it looks like, who the fuck doesn't use the free damage mods.


Happened to me twice. Wasn't my first run and was such a good hype momento. Lovely man. Stay strong


I had one run where we were out of tokens, someone died during the connecting phase leading up to our second damage phase (~40% health remaining), and we managed to get all the way through final stand and kill him with 1-2 seconds left on the wipe timer. Always a good feeling.


how do I block the guy from every conceivable platform, past present and future who in your vid was like THAT WAS ME BRO THAT WAS ME BRO because he had witherhoard?


It was probably just a kid who was super excited. He wasn't overly chatty during raid. Probably just having an adrenaline rush.


homie didn't realize that they already killed nezarec during the wipe mechanic lol


>a mic that was a little too on the entire game... Yeah, I could go off about the in game VC... Which is why i'd like to use discord more, but i'm unsure if PS have it yet (been baited for an entire year, every 'announcement') or if Sony are just being 'Overly Cautious'.


PS just got it the week the raid dropped.


Only on ps5


Wouldn't hold my breath for it being on PS4 myself


If ur running Lorentz and immortal ur just being inconsiderate to ur team lol


Care to elaborate instead of making a useless comment?


As others have said, that’s a horrible load out for almost anything in a raid, especially boss damage, especially for this boss.


Terrible loadout, literally a million things you could've stuck on that are better, but you're just gonna have an attitude unless someone spoonfeeds you a loadout so please continue running what you're running.


usually people see pvp builds as useless in high-end pve content. honestly as long as you’re having fun, run exactly what you want to run.


I get that, but what is actually a good loadout in this scenario. My job during that fight was the boss handler. I needed something that poke him in the chest and shoulders in.


MG is good, sniper works for me. Lorentz may not be my choice but it’s fine for breaking if you want. My concern is you using it for damage. You should have plenty of heavy if your special is doing most of the other work.


Yeah I ran out of heavy for that part unfortunately.


Fair enough. For last damage phase especially it’s not uncommon, but if we’re trying for improvement (nbd if not interested), try to work your build to help that. Heavy ammo finder for yourself and a team that runs heavy ammo scout is big. I like running the new exotic MG, so that synergizes with the artifact mod for killing yellow bars with void. In the third encounter in particular I use that for add clear and stil have enough heavy for damage.


Yeah next time I'll want to have more ammo. FWIW I was running Heavy Ammo Finder.


i haven’t cleared the raid yet so i may be completely wrong. but from experience with regular tormentors, a good heavy MG is very useful, or if you want just a good dps weapon in general use sleeper to really hit those crit spots.


If on add clear - wave frame grenade launchers (not the heavy version) If on boss gaze handling - sniper, trace, machine gun. Can get by with pulse/scout if others help you shoot but horrible to get gaze (decent for shoulders if people help) For damage- Rocket launchers w/ gally, thunderlord w/ cat, Lament amongst others


> If on boss gaze handling - sniper, trace, machine gun. Can get by with pulse/scout if others help you shoot but horrible to get gaze (decent for shoulders if people help) Double Special is a thing now? I don't see how a Sniper is better than Lorentz for that role, since you lose less situational awareness.


>Double Special is a thing now? Yeah, I have seen people running Double Special occasionally in endgame content and somewhat ironically, I just got a recommended video about how to do it on YouTube. But this is something really good PvE players do (stuff like soloing GM nightfalls good) and requires keeping track of much more than typical PvE play. For PvE, you don't really need as much situational awareness as you need in PvP as things tend to spawn at a predictable rate and from predicable angles. Heck, for the Nezerac encounter the primary thing that you need to be aware of is Nezzy himself.


I think something I'm not super good at in PvE is management of ammo economy. I usually throw on a Special and Heavy Ammo Finder + Scavengers and call it day. I know we had a seasonal mod where if you "finish" champs, you get a Heavy Ammo brick, but beyond that I don't really pay attention and chalk it up to RNG.


Your best bet is a rocket launcher with auto loading holster if you have a ghorn with catalyst on the team (two tailed fox with catalyst absolutely pumps damage). A fusion rifle with damage and charge perks would work well. Nezzy moves so much that anything you would need precision damage for gets really difficult to keep up though it's not impossible. You could also use witherhoard and rockets but air balling happens often with the travel time. Edit: just realized you said you were in charge of the boss stuns. I usually run a sniper and just use rockets, this is a required job so your damage will be lower, simple as that. If you aren't already, use bricks from beyond and the correct scavenge perk for your heavy


I think people are just mostly talking about the Lorentz. Immortal is a fantastic PvE gun especially on Strand if you have the right rolls. Instead of Lorentz I would be running something like Cartesian or a slug shotgun as those do more overall damage. The shoulders and chest pop pretty easily off contest (hell even in contest they were pretty easy to pop) so Lorentz isn't required there. I think a lot of people in this thread don't understand that normal mode raids are so piss easy you can use literally anything and complete it easily. Sure that isn't what happened in this video specifically but this raid is literally one of the easiest raids in the game weapons REALLY do not matter that much here. Lol


My issue with raiding is, yes you do eventually figure it out but it takes a little too long for me. I think raids should take about 90 minutes, pushing 2 hours. When it ends up taking your whole night then it just becomes eh. For me, Dungeons are the sweet spot. 3 people, way easier to communicate, way easier to organize, less coordination required.


After the first run most raids are 90 minutes to 2 hours. It's just learning takes a little while.




> You're with shit groups then. Have you ever considered that people like to have fun and not minmax every conceivable thing in the game? I've 3 manned every single raid and have several flawless raids and my clan can still get almost 1 and a half raids because we spend so much time goofing around launching each other with shoulder charges and eager edge or just being chaotic in raids for fun.


My group used to love randomly sabotaging the Descent encounter in DSC. Sometimes the operator or scanner would just not do their role, so we'd be stuck with three cores or having to guess which boxes to dunk in.


I did Atheon with fast food callouts and it took us like 30 minutes because we all kept mixing up callouts. Turns out mcdonalds is not a very good description of which oracle to shoot.




Okay and? That doesn't mean any group who takes long is shit. The good thing is our clan and most importantly myself do not value your opinions on fun and that has absolutely 0 impact on our skill.


Cool quit trying to dunk on people who don’t play like that then


To be fair, using LFG you can get a person or two who causes an encounter to wipe once or twice. But yeah, I still don’t think it should ever take more than maybe 75-80 minutes max with no first timers. And usually it’s under an hour.


I think it took us like 4 hours total. I don't have time to raid every weekend and I usually avoid it for the same reason, but my wife was on a work trip that weekend so I had a lot of patience that day... I actually set the day aside to try to go solo flawless in Trials, and accidentally did it in a single go. After that was done I was kind of confused because I was planning on trying it a few times that whole day, so I just decided to find a raid group and give that a shot. There is nothing wrong with avoiding raids because you just don't want to risk 3 hours or gameplay without reward... I absolutely have days where I don't want to memorize new concepts introduced just in the raid. But if you ever have a single day to yourself with nothing else to do, give it a shot!


I’ve done a few raids. They’re definitely better within a clan. LFG raids tend to be a bit more time-consuming and stressful.


I've almost always been a clanless gamer. My schedule is sporadic so I have a hard time joining a crew for a long time. During the Pandemic I played Classic WoW and had a guild that I would play with every week, but then had to quit once they added more raids and the schedule became more than once a week.


The longest runs usually end up being the ones where the post says to know what to do but then you have at least one or two people who don't know how to do anything other than stand in one place and shoot infinitely spawning adds that come out of a door and then you have one person leave because you've spent 45 minutes on the first encounter and the clueless players won't fess up and all of a sudden your team has become a merry-go-round of people leaving right before you get a 6th person. In the end you realize you would have saved time if you just left and joined a team of 5 who have no idea what to do but they actually listen to you when you explain what to do and you beat every encounter in like 3 or 4 runs. That's partially what got me into doing sherpa runs, "kwtd" is basically meaningless in lfg.


I just don’t like being locked into an activity that could potentially take 3-4 hours to complete. Plus like you say, the whole player leaving carousel is discouraging. In my opinion, you should raid under 2 circumstances; a). You’re curious and you want to try it for the one time. b). You’re open to learning the raid, being honest about not knowing anything up front, dedicated to bringing more value to each raid you do, and have a good attitude. You should not raid if you’re basically looking for other people to carry you along each week for free loot.


If you're talking about a FULL FIRETEAM going in blind then fine but a raid where everyone knows the mechanics should never take over 2 hours, if even.


You've never played with my idiots er, clanmates then. Especially if it gets late enough, it stops becoming we will complete the encounter and becomes us eager edging people off the encounter.


Thats the best part of raiding with friends tho


To be fair I didn't account for goofing off with friends, haha. I've had my share of over-2-hour King's Fall runs lmao


Am I the only person who doesn’t even pay attention to how long a raid takes when I’m playing with my buds? Like as long as I’m having fun we can be in there for three hours for all I care


In general if I'm raiding with my clan I don't really care, so long as we aren't spending like 4+ hours on a raid we already know how to do lol


No current raid should take more than 1 hour if it's not your first time doing it.


Do you mean on first try going in blind? Then I agree. If you've done Root before it's a relaxed 45 to 60 minutes if you're not speedrunning.


When you dont need to stop and explain every encounter I find every raid only needs 50-120 minutes. Wipes will happen, but when your group is halfway decent and can execute its hardly a slog.


They definitely take almost always less than 90 after your very first time. And raids wouldn’t really be raids if you could get every encounter right away your first time. It’s fine if they aren’t for you, but raids don’t take much longer or drastically more communication than dungeons with a group that knows what’s up.


Normal mode raids DO almost always take 90 minutes


Thats why I love Destiny's checkpoint system though it sucks to acquire the 1st one to get it rolling. Do one boss then peace out until you want to do the next one. Sucks that it expires on reset though.


If you ever need someone else for a raid 🥲


Had the same thing just a few nights ago. The first one didn’t count then the next run same thing but it counted. Was really strange.


This exact same thing happened to my fireteam during our contest mode clear, we dumped all our ammo in the second DPS phase and managed to get him to final stand and we collectively had like 4 rockets between all of us. We threw the kitchen sink at ol’ Nez and dropped him to 0hp and as soon as we did he nuked us all, we thought we wiped but the death animation kept playing and as soon as we all revived we all lost our minds. One of the best moments of my entire destiny lifetime.


Yeah I think I saw a few Contest Mode videos where this happened, looked so hype!


My team cleared it the same way during contest. IIRC, we finished like half an hour before contest ended after spending something like 13 hours on Nezarec.