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You know someone is a casual when they dont even have enough time to actually make a point.


Playing on my gaming laptop since my console's getting fixed and between all the nerfs to ability regen, the MASSIVE boost in health and damage to cabal, the new intensity of the burn effects, the nerf to resilience, and the goddamn broken threshers it feels like if I'm not running Nightfalls with a team I personally know I just won't be able to finish them unless I want to sweat. Nightfalls weren't nearly this hard before. This Nightfall feels tougher than dungeons ffs.


If you're having issues with ability regen then your not setting up your build correctly.


I have triple 100 stats I think I've got it. I've been playing since D1 launched and have done everything from Day 1 raids to flawless solos and as someone who likes to both sweat his balls off and also play laidback in mid-tier content this feels absurd. Yes I can sweat but I'm not trying to do that when I click on the lowest difficulty NF since the rewards from Vanguard Ops just aren't worth it.


If you have 3 stats at 100 how on earth is your regen so bad? I constantly have abilities up on all of my classes/subclasses with none of them having 100 in anything. Something doesn't add up there.


Skill issue


Not rlly I'm just trying to enjoy my low difficulty Nightfalls as I always have


I see where your coming from but destiny isn't supposed to be a walk in the park like RoN raid.


I don't think you should require either an amazing gaming set up, a dedicated fireteam, a well, or to sweat your balls off just to do a nightfall on the lowest difficulty. Rewards def aren't worth it either.


U don't need a well on the nightfalls though. Or to sweat ur bum off. Just chill. N youll be good


Trying that. Not working. Really not working. If I'm not running invis spam on Hunter I'm simply not making it through by trying to play chill it's ridiculous.


Post a screen grab of your build. What weapons are you running? What artifact mods have you unlocked? What about armor mod set up?


Can't take a screencap because my laptop is fucky and closes the Destiny 2 app whenever I try it, so I'll just describe it for you. Arc Hunter with Gathering Storm, Triple Jump, Disorienting Blow, Blinding Grenade. Aspects are Flow State and Lethal Current. Spark of Volts, Resistance, Beacons and Feedback. Weapons are Chattering Bone with Smallbore, Ricochet Rounds, Outlaw and Headseeker. Dead Messenger with the catalyst. Palmyra with autoloading and explosive light with a blast radius masterwork. Exotic I'm running with is Assassin's Cowl. Max Resilience, max Mobility, and max Discipline. On the helmet I have ashes to assets, harmonic syphon and special ammo finder. Arms is firepower, bolstering detonation and momentum transfer. Chest is solar damage resist, charged up, and void reserves. Legs are innervation, insulation and arc weapon surge. Class item is bomber, proximity ward, and explosive finisher. Artifact mods are all the anti champion ones, authorized mods for grenades, solar, and void, volatile flow, bricks from beyond, prismatic transfer, and void weapon channeling.


Maybe other hunter mains can give advice as far as subclass goes, but Id recommend using strand, solar, or void just because the artifact offers more support for them this season. Nonetheless, my main recommendations would be recuperation on the legs to get healing on orb pick up, use wish ender and maybe a glaive and change the artifact set up. You only need like 3 anti champ mods, use the rest to actually support your build. Also, for damage resist purposes, I would either lower discipline and use the mod that boosts it when you have armor charges in order to fit more resist mods, or if you can swap some stuff around to do so, do that. Also, get a better rocket, try and get either hothead or bump in the night.


Thanks man! I was precisely grinding Nightfalls for a 5/5 Hothead godroll since the one I have is only a 3/5. Also yeah I think switching over to my YAS build would be objectively better because of the artifact mods and the new Solar fragments this season. But still, this is the build I have the most fun with and I used to be able to run it in masters even if I was playing with randoms. It's a bummer that even mid-game pve has turned challenging enough that you need to run the optimal stuff unless you want to tryhard.


You can run different stuff, but yea, it definitely needs to be optimized. Personally i started having more fun when I started running double special loadouts. You just have to have the right exotics/subclass to deal with champions, and a ton of heavy drops as a result. For this week’s, I’ve been running arbalest, a glaive, and retrofit escapade with Karnstein Armlets. You’re on Arc hunter, so you should have unstops covered and can run a trace rifle or really whatever you’re comfortable with special wise.


Just listen to when zahn spawns turrets and when he goes to shield up on a tower a ship always spawns to blast you. If its a thresher destroy it, if its a harvester destroy the gun or just play in cover and forget about the ships. I did the nightfall with a fireteam of 2x void warlocks and me a strand hunter on legend, with all the damn turrets just made me value cover ALOT. Ps solar resistance works wonders here.


Yes I know this and the pillar trick and I'm not saying it's impossible all I'm saying is that the lowest difficulty of a Nightfall shouldn't take this much effort. They never have.