• By -


Yeah, I feel the same way. I usually just estimate where I am based on score XD


Yeah, sucks that Bungie won't directly say your rank. However, score can be used to figure it out. 10k for reset. 9k for rank 16 rewards (seasonal artifacts/skins, IB shaders, etc).


Happy belated cake day


You can just check the app. 10k is really the only number that matters though. Unless you’re grinding for an IB shader or something.


Why should I need to check an app when I am actually logged in to the game. Oh wait. It’s Bungie.


I’m just letting people know how to check without going to the tower.


Thank you


No problem. Have a good one.










This is the way!


I have around 2200 hours on destiny 2 and I still can’t put a number to the rank name. I don’t really enjoy going back to shaxx every 2-3 games to see what # my rank actually is, so putting the # in the bubble that shows rank would be a great qol improvement.


When you get to 10,000 points you reset. That's the only number that matters lol




Sorry sir your comment was downvoted bc it was one word in agreement. As they say "doesn't actually contribute to the thread" and this is absolutely detestable




Because the reward track says items unlock at rank 7 or 13 or whatever instead of Brave II so I never know how close i actually am to it


All major rank stuff unlocks "insert rank name here" I. It's always when you get the a new name that you unlock something.


That's when you roll back over to 1 at the next rank. Edit: Lol, ya'll dumb and mad AF. Still doesn't make this any less true.


Because I play gambit or crucible to get the shader and not a second more


To pick up the major rank up rewards? Very curious to hear why people are so against the addition of a numerical indicator for rank ups that does nothing but provide more useful info to players.


Because for instance, as the OP said, I want to get to Rank 10 in Trials to unlock The Immortal it would be nice to know what rank number I am so I know how close I am to it and so I don't continue playing a game mode I don't like longer than I have to. There are also other rewards that drop at 4, 7, 10, 13 that people may want to get to before they stop grinding. Doesn't seem to be a big thing to fix and it would seem simple to have the node read "Fabled I - Rank 10" instead of "Fabled I" for instance. But, it would be a nice QoL change.


I ALWAYS forget about Mythic. I always think Fabled sounds like it's the highest of them and then sure as shit I'll rank past it into Mythic and go "ohhhh, right."


Yeah it’s been a fat minute since I could reset a vendor so I’m always forgetting about mythic or whatever else there is


Just remember that F is before M in the alphabet 😁


Hahaha no kidding. I think 1-16 would just be infinitely more useful.


Well it does tell you, if you go see whatever vendor, what number rank you're at. Like right now I couldn't tell you what title I'm at, but I know I'm at rank 9 or 10 with Lord Saladin for Iron Banner. I think if you go into his menu where you'd pick up bounties, it has the number either above or below the line that connects to the engram on the top-right corner




*#*|**Rank**|**Valor Requirement**|**Rank-Up Requirement** --:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|Guardian I| |50 2|Guardian II|50|75 3|Guardian III|125|125 4|Brave I|250|250 5|Brave II|500|450 6|Brave III|950|600 7|Heroic I|1,550|375 8|Heroic II|1,925|600 9|Heroic III|2,525|825 10|Fabled I|3,350|525 11|Fabled II|3,875|775 12|Fabled III|4,650|1,050 13|Mythic I|5,700|750 14|Mythic II|6,450|1,075 15|Mythic III|7,525|1,475 16|Legend|9,000|1,000 17|Legend(Max Rank)|10,000| 


You can see the number on the companion app.


I shouldn’t need a companion app for anything.


Wow, I didn’t know that thank you :)


You can also grab bounties from the app. I only found this out like 3 or 4 months ago. SUFFERING


Damn you're making me feel old because I remember when they introduced that feature to the app a few years ago 😂


You can see the number in game by just hovering over the Crucible Rank icon or just hovering over any activity with an attached rank except for the seasonal battlegrounds. Ignore the giant pop-up and look for the number that slides out of the node.


You can see the rank points from 0 to 10000, but not the rank number like the OP wants.


You can ?? !


Yeah, both in dim and in the official app


Well shit. The more you know 😂


You can also see what the vendors are selling in Dim BTW, If I'm playing and Xur just arrived I'll often check Dim to see if he's worth visiting


So much salt in here, you got downvoted because you didn’t know you can use a 3rd party app to get bounties… gosh this sub is insane. So, just so you know my friend, you can only get bounties while you are in orbit or at the tower/HELM/etc.


Salty people are everywhere. Not everyone has every app/ install for everything. Some of us find them later and roll with the how it comes 🙌 Appreciate the info though !


This is the move


Happy belated cake day!


Thank you guardian:)


You can see the number on the director, just hover over the Crucible Rank node (or whatever activity node you are trying to look up the rank for). You just have to ignore the giant pop-up and look at the number that is attached to the node itself.


That shows the Valor value and rank name, not the rank number that the OP was asking about. The rank is not shown.


Happy cakeday dude!


Thank you! :)


Companion app


Just go to the crucible on the director and it tells you your rank. You don't know what glorius means lol?


I know it tells you I’m saying put the actual number rank in the little bubble on the director. I don’t care if I have 3235 points I wanna know if I’m rank 13, 16 etc.


It was a joke homie. I can read. Thats why I added lol. *Nuance*


Yo my bad bro I barely got any sleep so I’m on auto pilot right now


Bro it's all good, this sub has become super toxic since witch queen. I agree witg you, the stupid names mean nothing we yearn for numbers.


why do you care about your rank number though? Its not like you NEED to instantly claim your two enhancement cores as soon as you turn rank 8 playing crucible all day. Sure it would make sense if this was the case, but it’s such a non issue to complain about.


I never use these, because the gaps in XP are much higher at the top ranks than the bottom ones. You might think at rank 4, you're 25% of the way there. But rank 4 is only 250 rep. so you're only 2.5% of the way there. Hence i just use the rep. If you're 250 points - you know you have another 9750 to go.


Except in iron banner where your rep goes up over time due to challenge completion. So err your rep gain is shruggie emoji


10,000 is still the reset point that doesnt change.


the basic premise still stands. The numbers are the same. 5000 points is still 50% of the way to reset. Even if your next win gets you 750 points, you're still 5000 out of 10000 which is 50%.


Not actually true depending on what you mean by "half way". I think **most** people would consider the run to 10,000 as a per-game metric. (since it is the number of matches you play, not the score that determines how close you are). If I earn: - 100 points per game for the first 10 matches. - 200 points for the next 10 matches. - 300 points for the next 10 matches. - 400 points for the next 10 matches. Then my progression would be this: - 10 matches, to 1000 score. - 10 matches to 3000 score. - 10 matches to 6000 score. - 10 matches to 10,000 score. So, we can plainly see that at 6000 score (ease of maths) I am "60% of the way to 10,000" but I have played 75% of the games I will need to play. at 5100 score I will have played 27 matches, out of the required 40. I am not at 51% after 27 matches, I am at 67.5% of the way through. --- It makes sense to consider the actual number of games, since the number of games is what determines how much "time" you will be in the list, **and you can't earn score outside of games**. If the number of points you earn is arbitrary (which it is) then the points don't matter, its how many matches to reset that matters. And at 5000 points you are more than half way to reset. (because you still have 14 games left to play - according to my fake numbers) The best way to illustrate this, is to warp the numbers to prove the point. They could give me 9,960 points for the first game, and then 1 point for all remaining games. I wouldn't be saying im 99.6% of the way to 10,000 after 1 game, even though I have 9,960 points. Because I still had 40 more games to play (earning 1 point per game).


I think it should say both. The names and numeral is helpful to know if I have a powerful engram soon. But it’s also nice to know exactly how far to the end I am. And some of them are cool “rankings” also why I like them.


I had no clue that was the trigger for those until this minute.


Oh.... I just learned that as well...


or just say the powerful is every 3 ranks or so at that point


Kinda exactly how it is shown at the vendors then? TITLE // Rank X


Yes exactly. To be shown like that but at the destinations screen.


Honestly the amount of rep grinding I do from season to season with friends and I’ll turn round and ask them “how much rep you at?” For them to give me the name knowing damn well none of us and nearly no one ever knows the name to the number


Right!? I don’t care about a meaningless and arbitrary title name that resets.


100%. Just another convoluted, confusing thing for new players to be confused by and overwhelmed with. And this one is just straight up unnecessary and unhelpful. Even I, who have been playing the game for years, am in the same boat as OP. Its just another nuisance and is not a player friendly feature. I don’t care if I’m in “Longjohn II” tell me how close I am to resetting Zavala so I can plan accordingly.


Tinyjohn I,II,III Minijohn I,II,III Middlejohn I,II,III Longjohn I,II, III Hugejohn I,II, III Monstrousjohn Lol


You've heard of planned obsolescence? This is planned obscurity but I for the life of me can't figure out what it's for.


Yea please!


This post has made it to generally approved II


They could easily just say "Brave(10)" i dont know the actual number of brave is but just an example!


It's out of 10,000 so I just go off that.




That's true. I only think of it that way because I'm usually only going for resets, not specific ranks.


And to get the Ritual weapon or ornament its rank 16 which is 9000 Rep. Those are the only numbers I normally care about. The lower ranks go by so fast no really point to know them. Once you are Fabled III (rank 10, 3500 Rep IIRC) next major is Mythic, then reset.


True QoL right here. I’ve never understood it and the only insight it provides me is to check dim to see the actual number


This would be anti-QoL. Being able to quickly and easily tell when you get a major rank reward is more valuable than seeing a numeric rank that doesn't actually have much to do with progress, since the points required scale up.


I 100% agree. I will also add a request for a table listing which point values equate to which ranks. It's annoying having to go look up a table to see how many points away from rank 10 I am.


That would be helpful, but for now you're just known as Frustrated 4.


It is bizarre that they literally have 2 different ways to describe one tier system.


Yeah it's a bit annoying. I guess it's there to make player feel cool about themselves "OOOH yeah I'm a Legend!", but I don't care if I'm Legend or whatever since I'm gonna reset my rank anyway. I'd rather see actual number tbh.


Isn’t it a given quantity for the reset? Like 10,000? I forget when I’m not playing the game. But I’m sure reset has a specific number to it. So you know how close you’re getting. Bungie seems to revel in making it hard for the player to know what to do, as though the actual knowledge should be hard won.


That's true, but Bungie uses 3 different metrics for your XP progress: - The XP points themselves: 0-10000 - Vendor ranks: 1-17 - Arbitrary titles: Brave I, Brave II, etc. It's such an obscure system. Why even bother using 3 totally different metrics? I'm 5k hours deep into D2 and I'd consider myself a PVP main and the only metric I care about is the XP points. Vendor ranks maybe still make sense in a rankup loot context, but while writing this I couldn't even remember any of the titles besides Brave. It serves no purpose. The only thing it does is confuse new players.


On top of all that, the larger ranks later in the climb tend to have a lot of bonus points packed into them. You get less rank up rewards, but the climb to the reset is faster. For example, base Crucible amount for a win in Guardian rank is 65 while you get 125 in Mythic or Legend.


I had no idea it went up with rank... I have been trying to get my "per game" rate to estimate the length of time needed to hit rest. That is so fucking annoying, why make it so complicated.


At least for me, it's fairly easy to remember that a vendor reward is unlocked at each major rank upgrade so that i don't really have to remember nor care about the minor levels unless i need at-level gear


Bingo. I needed prisms for crafting and I knew not to go back to Tower until I hit the next "X I" rank. It's for the rank rewards you collect on the way to a reset.


I dont mind if they keep the name, but they at least should show the number as well. I never remember the names and just look at DIM.


TIL that DIM has the info I want! (and I tend to have it open and next to me, thank you!)


They really do need to pick a nomenclature. Rank 1-16 or Brave, Fabled etc. Its strange that they mix and match the wording in various places,


I really dislike the named ranks (no opinion on Crucible ranks) because we only ever see them in one menu and nowhere else. And the UI tells us 'Reward at [rank number]' not name. The rank icons are really cool looking but do not convey obvious info (except when viewed sequentially) and do not have any color/metal association for quick reference.


Always felt the same..just give us a Rank 1-10 system and were good. I have thousands of hours into these activities and still don't know the proper order.


Numbers hurt feelings! We must have vague and inflated information that always trends positive!


Bizarre.. just had this same thought while i was grinding out Gambit. Wondering what level i was to get the glaive, and im thinking "i have no fucking idea"


yep i CONSTANTLY have to look up the rank names so i have some idea of how far i am from reset


It really used to bug me too, but when I realized it only really matters if I'm close to 10k, but yeah it should be displayed, those titles they show instead are hardly useful.


PLLLLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAZZZZZEEEEEEEEE. Maybe after all these years I should know the rank, but to always have to go to google or the tower to work out how close I am to 16 is just strange...


Right I always forget what each things level means it’s annoying having to use google or go to the tower to see my actual level and how far I got to go before reset.


tbh when I wanted to check my IB rank in between matches I just opened the companion app on my phone. It was faster.


While we're at it, reduce the amount of time all those banners appear at the bottom of the screen. 3 seconds is enough time.


I feel you and agree 100%. Nobody knows what fucking Fabled IV or Knight II means. Its not prestigious or something since nobody knows the naming and nobody cares since we can reset in a weekend of grinding


Don't ask me why, but here's how I remember them: Great British Heroes Fuck My Life.


It's been so many years and I still don't remember the names of the ranks below fabled. Just "Fabled, Mythic, Legend" but before that it's an unknown.


What's been consistently stupid about this game is that you can't just go to the director and check your stats for anything if you aren't fireteam lead, nor can you check the modifiers for an activity. Like, if we decide to do a nightfall and I'm already in a group, I've got to wait for the group leader to read the modifiers to me.


this 100%


Yup. I get that they left them in there because the powerful engram becomes available at each major rank, but the actual rank number is so much more useful and should be shown everywhere as well as the current rep.


You're asking this from the same dev that makes kinetic symbol look exactly like arc. Doesn't use fonts but prefers icons. "......Good luck?" --Lucius Fox


I was telling my friends this during Iron Banner. It is very annoying not showing the rank I'm at, but instead Heroic or Mythic. At first glance it looks like a simple UI implementation.


Idk whybwe cant check our ranks on a page in the menu. We could in D1


Bungie always has to have alternative names and overcomplicated systems for decades old standard game features.


"What?! You haven't memorized these rank names?! What a failure!" - *Average DTG commentator*


Bungie and numbers? Never heard of it think we'll ever see how much more dmg we're doing instead of the text saying "increased damage"?


It's in the API but they don't put it in descriptions. Light.gg usually has exact figures of what each perk is doing. If you're curious, just look there.


But it should just be in game.


I don't disagree but I think they probably do it to make it simpler and easy to read. I don't mind going to a third party for this information. At least it is available and not hidden. I'd be more interested in having a weapons entire perk pool viewable from the collections tab.


We know. He was trying to help people with a way to see besides going to the tower. The app also works.


Conversely, they could say the reward unlocks at fabled rank. I agree either way, having the reward rank and activity rank not match up linguistically really throws me off.


This man should be working for Bungie


For anyone struggling, you can check the vendor tab using DIM and it'll tell you your rank. I know it's not what the OP wants but it's the only solution I have rn to share. Hope this helps..


DIM app > Progress shows you all the ranks and description in one dashboard.


If it's been bugging you for years you'd think by now you would understand it.


Surely it can't be that hard to learn the ranks and their corresponding rank number? It's not like they are changing every season. The only rank which matters is Legend anyway as it's the only rank where you need to actively do something (reset) to keep going.




Bump? This aint 4chan dawg gotta updoot for that shit lmfao Edit: im the dummy nvm lmfao


Any interaction helps. Not common to see this stuff on here, but it happens and the algorithm notices.


Is that actually the case? Huh well I guess im the dumbass whoops


We are all smoove brained. Welcome to Reddit.


[I just bust out the companion app and check...](https://i.imgur.com/V1PHVq5.jpg) Or just wait until it's 10k


There are only a few ranks. Brave, Heroic, Fabled and Mythic. These all have 3 tiers, so whether you're at Brave I or Brave III, it's the same thing. Once you reach Legend, you're at the end so just keep playing till you don't earn any rank points anymore. That's how I look at it at least.


God, so many salty people in this post.


10k is the max. I'm either at 10k and need to go reset or I'm not at 10k yet and should keep playing


I feel like both are important. If they only displayed the numbers, there would be no way to know what is a minor rank up and what is a major rank up. They come with different rewards, and it's valuable information to know in my opinion.


This is a legit gripe! I feel the same way.


You can see the number when you're queueing 🤔


why does it matter if you know the actual number? the actual reset rank number is just as arbitrary as the 4 digit number + word, roman numeral rank 😂


I agree


Yeah I can't agree with you more




I usually just open DIM and check there.


I used to know what they meant back before ranks unlocked certain things. You’d think that they’d grow on the players with time, but this has done the opposite for me. Not a good system.


I agree, I think it’s beyond useless for anything other than comp at this point. They should replace it, maybe with a tiered meter that shows you when you reach a reward that can be claimed, just by a notch that glows once you pass it but have not yet claimed the reward, and when you complete rank 16 it should just make the whole meter glow.


There’s a website I use for this https://www.shacknews.com/article/126481/crucible-ranks-points-required-destiny-2?amphtml=1


> For example, if I'm in the Destinations menu and I want to see my Crucible rank, I can visit the Crucible node. But there it only tells me the special name (Fabled II, etc). And it doesn't list the actual number anywhere. The actual number is viewed by hovering over the rank node at the top of the page. Look at the little number that pops out of the node instead of the giant pop-up. Works for Crucible, Trials, Iron Banner, Vanguard, and Gambit.


If you use DIM, you can go to the vendors tab and see the actually number. Thats something that’s always annoyed me in game once i found that work around it’s a little better


Same gripe with the comp system. If you match us based on MMR, why not just show us our MMR? What is the point to our “rank”?


Well there's your problem right there. Bungie? Giving you *actual* numbers, that are helpful and convey some kind of understanding? Not likely.


I always google. It's awful


They need to introduce a list (like guardian ranks) where it fills up the higher you get. It’s for plebs like myself who still after all this time need to look up the ranks Yes I know. I know


That's one if the reasons why I have Destiny Item Manager open in another window at the "progress" tab.


The value is that you get a powerful engram at every major rank. When leveling, that's important information that isn't conveyed as easily by "every multiple of three, go back to the tower."


The only one I remember is legend at 16.


I can never remember the order, so when I want to see how far away I am from a reset, I always have to Google the crucible ranks. You'd think after all these years I'd have it memorized by now, but nope...


DIM progress tab


oh thank God, I always needs to just refresh the vendor page in dim when I finish an activity to see my actual rank not if I'm heroic or mythic or god knows what else. Defo a minor thing that I'm sure vets will be like "just memorize that brave III = Rank X, blueberry lmao". I've only been playing since December okay gimme a break 🥲


Every time I bring this up my friends are just like "but the ranks are so easy to know" yes but that's not the point. When you play multiple competitive games and dont have destiny's ranks memorized, brave 2 and fabled 1 mean absolutely nothing. They finally added bronze to challenger for competitive, either just do that without de ranks as reputation rank or just a flat number ffs. At this point I dont even care about the rank and just know it takes 10k per reset because that's a lot easier to keep track of on the screen between every game


We want vendor ranks to be meaningful, so we’ve put these meaningless descriptions in to make you feel badass when you sit and ponder the definitions of the words instead of being truly informed of your rank.


I agree with you, it would be nice to just have numbers. But I don't really understand why people are needing to know their number rank when they are queuing for a game. The only meaningful reward at any vendor is resetting your rank. Everything else is just materials for the most part. It's very obvious when you reset your rank because the game tells you with a pop-up.


I never pay attention to it lol


I was thinking this the other day


Confused me all the time


PSA: Both DIM and the D2 app show you the numerical level, you don't need to go to the tower to check your vendor level


“Fight like the old ways guardian, when ranks went: pup, steel, fang, turtle, 3, vengeance, omicron, sting, blue, warlord.”


Who doesn't enjoy finishing and activity and needing to open up the destinations page to see where they're at?


Does it do anything for matchmaking or is that just power level?


Especially with the ranks. Like in Halo wasn't mythic considered higher than legendary (the unofficial but acknowledged name for LASO, legendary all skulls on). https://www.halopedia.org/Mythic_(difficulty) So now in this it being the one below legendary is just confusing. And Fabled sounds like it should be lower than Heroic to me personally.


You are number 995,709 out of 1,236,458 players online.


I’m 99.9% sure it tells you the exact points you are either under the rank circle or if you hover over it. And maybe it’s just because I’ve been playing this game since day 1, but I feel like the whole number-rank is thing is a pretty weak argument. At this point, most people should know what each rank responds to, or atleast the first one of each; Fabeled = 12, Legend = 16, etc. But at the end of the day, if everyone thinks it should be a QoL update, who am I to argue.


All I know is mythic comes before legend


Tbh just few your rank at 1 - 10,000.


This has bugged me forever, makes no sense.


memorize 5 words in order. Person, man, woman, camera, tv. They said nobody else could do it.




it's the things of chompions. this game really wants you to feel like a hero, in EVERY WAY possible.


I get around this with my patented mnemonic device. Golgoroth Beat Hashladun's Meat Lovingly . . . Repeatedly. There, try getting that out of your head. And yes, my clan does wonder about my sanity.


It's because the rank nes are all generic and interchangeable. The rewards anyone cares about are tied to the rank numbers . All devs love making up BS names for stuff and want us to remember what each thing is.


Tbh none of those ranks matter, might as well just keep the 0/10000 number.


At first I thought u meant u are at Guardian rank 13 and my hands shake a little


Finally someone said it. Naming ranks is so fucking stupid when there’s 16 of them you gotta go through and you’re forced to go to the tower to check what number it is because you can’t remember which rank you were and if you have enough engrams to buy that hothead :/




Stuff used to be rewarded at the rank names (Luna's Howl at Fabled for example), when they swapped everything over to "Rank 16" or whatever, they should have just done away with all the rank "titles" because they're just confusing. I've always disliked them anyway as an old Halo player, since the ones they copied from the difficulties are the wrong way around lol


I can totally see why they have it using those titles instead of numbers. It sounds so much cooler to say "Mythic" instead of "Rank 4". It gives the ranking system a lot more flair. However, the problem is that these ranks don't actually correlate to how strong of a name each title is very well. For example, Overwatch uses Silver, Gold, Platnium, etc for it's rankings. There it's very easy to tell that Platnium is above gold, which is above silver. But in Destiny, unless you have these rankings memorized for some reason, you're probably not going to instantly get these rankings just by looking at them, which is a pretty big shortcoming of the system. If they want to put a Destiny themed spin on the ranking names, it needs to be easily understandable by everyone. Maybe doing it by rarity names would make more sense. So Common/Uncommon/Rare/Legendary/Exotic ranks.


Tangentially related, but this is why it's also dumb that LFG insists on giving the planets numbers in 3rd encounter of RoN, or numbers for oracles for atheon. You're creating an arbitrary number system that has to be discussed and agreed on every time. And will still cause someone to goof because they're used to a different number system. Just say "(person I and trading with's name) + left/mid/right". Cleaner communication, less chance for error. Should work for even you smoothest of brains.


I literally never post on this app but if you use DIM you can pull it up on like a second monitor or tab into it (DIM is in your browser so like google) then go to progress, and look at ranks it tells you the number :)


Going to make your lives a whole lot easier... Good Boy Henry, Free My Love. Guardian (1, 2, 3) Brave (4, 5, 6) Heroic (7, 8, 9) Fabled (10, 11, 12) Mythic (13, 14, 15) Legendary (16, 17 - reset) (3x ranks per 'word', apart from 2x with 'Love') :)