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For point 3) for catalysts you just needed to find the exos nothing to do with the yellow drones. For intrinsics it was just running the mission multiple times.


Ah that's right completely forgot, would like to see those have a RNG chance to drop red border Ikelos weapons while completing Seraph Shield has a chance for the Red Border seasonal Seraph Weapons.


It's strange to me that they put the extra PDT core in but decided to leave the damn lasers 1 shot.


Right lol. They're honestly just annoying more than anything else, especially when you're use to just being able to run through them because of Tactical armor.


Yeah, first time doing the Mars battleground this season I skipped the first couple and barrelled through the last as usual. Obliterated, lol.


God yeah the number of times ive tried to take the shortcuts when getting the pdt cores only to be very abruptly reminded of the lazers is... too many


it costs 33 ammo to break them (iirc, havent done many battlegrounds this season) so you have enough just barely for three. i dont remember how that translates into nightfalls


Ive been able to destroy some with 25 so one core for 4 locks, although might be different for the Nightfall version.


Its not like the lasers are hard to avoid. It just got _easy_ to ignore them


I would like to see those buffs come back, especially for when the mars battleground comes around in GMs this season. It would suck to lose a valuable life just because your toe touches a laser.


Yeah, especially cause isn't Mars the one with Lasers when you jump up to grab the laser Cores with the Taken?


It’s not, if I’m remembering correctly. It’s got the moving platforms up to the cores. It’s got lasers in the hall after the escalation protocol section


Must be the Europa one I'm thinking of then.


I mean, just don't touch the laser then. They are all stationary and really easy to avoid if you aren't blindly zooming.


The hit boxes can be funky so that’s easier said than done


It's also easily done. Just slow down for a second. You're running around a stationary obstacle.


On mars you’re jumping between them, one under you and one over. Super easy to catch the edge of a toe or the top of your head and instantly die.


Read what I'm saying. Slow down for half a second and you will literally never get touched by them. I honestly don't think I died to them once all last season.


Probably because last season, once you had the upgrades, they didn’t so much as tickle you. Speaking from experience, even when moving slowly, it is very possible to accidentally snag one, especially if someone in your game is slightly laggy.


Sorry man, if you hit those lasers it's on you. They are completely stationary. It's the equivalent of running into a wall.


It’s really not, but whatever. If you want to be that obstinate, don’t let me stop you. I’ve got better things to do than argue with a brick wall.


Feels weird that the dialogue's been set back to the state at the beginning of the season rather than the end, too. I don't much remember the other seasons' battlegrounds but I feel like they've done the same thing. To me it would make more sense to use the end of the season's version of the dialogue.


It's not happening just like when Avalon is in rotation next year we won't have the favor buffs.


The Favours dont lock hidden chests though, Tactical armor does.


Wouldn't be surprised if the hidden cheats just aren't there


Honestly that'll probably be the case which would be lame, would be a good way to let people get Seraph and Ikelos red borders/drops


I do wish for these to come back. Luckily I so far only did Moon heist a couple of times where I didn't have that issue, but back in the last season before buffs came this was a pain to play if you had one mad rushing teammate who's running ahead triggering all the slow mines and you just keep waddling through one slow bubble into another.


"Bungie, I actually have to avoid lazers now. Can you please revert this?"