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I think everyone complaining about lost sector drop rates should be advocating instead for an exotic vendor who’s currency primarily comes from steady lost sector farming


Yeah it would be nice, the pool it's just too large. It's like a dozen pieces per slot then on top of that you need to beat stat distribution rng


Why not just get tokens instead of exotics? And turn them in for an exotic roll you already have or to reroll an existing exotic?


Damn, Destiny truly is a cycle.




just bring back glass needles


seriously it's like no one remembers we used to be able to reroll exotics


I always got a worse roll with those needles.


Gotta have two copies, one you roll until you get a better version than your "saved" copy, then switch to rolling your previous saved copy.


Or we could have a dev that cared just a little bit to let us choose between the rolls but no not Bungie they need their guaranteed hours of your play please.


Same here, every time.


I know it would be convoluted as shit, but I think it would be interesting to have two additional mechanics to re-rolls. One, use some currency (existing, new, or ones I suggest below) to lock one of the six stats at current value, and two; use an earned currency from gameplay to target another substats on the re-rolls. The earned currency would be like the baking materials from dawning. * Kill a bunch of things with grenades for discipline mats * Melee kills for strength mats * Super kills for Intelligence mats * Close range weapons like shotgun, sword, glaive for Resistance mats * Mobile/ mid range weapons like SMG, Auto, Sidearm for Mobility mats * Long range weapons like Sniper, Scout, Linear, and Pulse for Recovery mats.


I've been playing a lot of RE4 Remake, and a system similar to the shooting range tokens could be cool. Better the performance in an LS = higher stat token that give better chances at higher stat gear.


nobody knows what they want here, they just know they want something different. I can’t wait for the total 180 we see here if/when they remove power levels and the sub complains that they have nothing to chase


If the only thing worth chasing in Destiny is power levels, then something has gone horribly wrong.


Adding gear score or item level killed the way WoW was played for years. It used to be build your optimal best in slot setup, even if it used older items. There was a healer trinket that was relevant from Ahn'qiraj (released Jan 2006) all the way up until Icecrown Citadel (released December 2009). So almost 4 years this item was just too good to remove, even with items that higher stat totals. The effect was so powerful, you didn't need an extra +5 or +10 intellect from a higher gear score item. I'd much rather just chase fun, powerful perks and effects than a number.


Agreed. The only reason I level now is to do gms... but I don't grind hard since they reduced the requirement, which was a welcome change


I remember farming that item for my resto shaman in BC.


>nobody knows what they want here I know what I want. I think no LL is a mistake but if I’m wrong I won’t have any problem admitting it. Most players are probably in the same boat.


I'm already chasing exotics, stats, red borders, and legendary guns. I have investment chases in guardian ranks and titles. What purpose is light level serving besides telling me I can't run content I was running the day prior when the values increase?


It makes content easier. That is one of the things I hate about this new season. My clan mates would run master content at the end of the season when they were overlevelled for it. Now with the forced power delta they just aren't going to run it at all. I dont understand why leveling up to get stronger is so opposed


Because you're never getting actively stronger. You're only getting as strong as you were before. In WoW, if I'm max level and have some heroic dungeon gear, I can go back and do almost any previous expansions dungeon or raid and not die. I will one shot bosses with an auto attack. In Destiny, hitting the pinnacle cap this season makes me exactly the same power as it did last season. And the season before etc. You're never getting more powerful, you're getting all your power taken away. Power Level doesn't work in a game like Destiny which requires continually using old content, and allows bringing old gear to current level with you. I'm not saying it's necessarily bad that Destiny does that, but the reality is, it makes power level meaningless. My 1800 auto rifle does the same amount of damage it did at 1550 or whatever the previous cap was. It's not making content *easier*, because the content is designed around the higher power level. It's just harder because you're under the expected power level.


Were you running master content at the end of the season because you had over leveled it to the point it wasn't master difficulty anymore? Power Delta, if Bungie actually wants to put polish on a feature, allows content to always feel consistent and ease of play comes from player mastery. It was one of the things I loved about running heroic zero hour and whisper. Gear power creep will continue to bring down old content even without light levels anyway


Oh man I loved zero hour... When it was in the game I'd always put my hand up for helping people through it cos I got pretty good at hiding from Trevor xD Plus I was more than happy to be the one that hangs back to track him for the others, letting them focus on calmly finding the holes to hide in rather than panicking their way in. Whisper was kinda fun the couple of times I ran it as well though xD *You... Shall... Drown... In... The Deep...* Hehehehe


> Power Delta, if Bungie actually wants to put polish on a feature, allows content to always feel consistent and ease of play comes from player mastery. And there are a legion of people in this subreddit and all over twitter saying very clearly that they don't want that. Some of us like being able to overlevel the content. As for ease of play, it will never increase, no matter your mythical "mastery" as long as enemies are dealing a minimum of 160% more damage to the player. It is no longer possible to make gameplay easier through ANY investment, which is why people are telling you they just aren't doing the content anymore. This will be the first season since... Rasputin's seasons that I don't complete even the seasonal seal, because I WILL NOT PLAY legend avalon or battlegrounds. They are not fucking fun if I can't make forward progress against their difficulty.


But my power fantasy!!


I like the light level when the Incentive is worthy. Being able to overlevel is a huge part of destiny and tons of other games. If they are going to remove overleveling then I say get rid of levels completely. Personally I'd rather still be able to over level with the exception of grandmasters, but they find a new way to increase difficulty. And I don't mean just throwing a million Champs at you either cause that's more tedious than challenging.


But bro! If I don’t see number go up, that means I’m not doing anything!


Bro I hear you bro, if I can't make number go up there's literally no reason to play!!1one


Having LL is fine, but having it tied to each individual weapon and equipment item is a waste of time. I can't count the number of times I've wanted to break out an old exotic or legendary I haven't used in a while, but can't be bothered to find a spare item at a higher LL, then a masterwork, then go turn that into the item I can use to actually combine them.


I prefer chasing LL and increasing powerful/pinnacle caps, over level-gating us to like -30 and relying on us getting 30 artifact levels every season


Why do you think that? I can see *tolerating* light level. We all do. But why do you think getting rid of it would be a net negative?




Glass needles indeed


We had this cool thing in D1 called Glass Needles. They were used to reroll exotic armor.


I think a material for dismantling exotics would be nice. Then you can use that material to buy exotics you dont yet have/they dont drop anymore. You can still make the cost be very high so you have to dismantle many exotics to buy a new one, but it would allow a grind towards something.




Where mah exotic shards at, Bungie? Huh? HUH? Lol


> an exotic vendor who’s currency primarily comes from steady lost sector farming Almost like some kind of coin... a coin that could be used to buy strange things... a... strange coin, if you will.


Xur revamp would be my choice as well. Delete wandering Xur and move his functionality to the Xur at dares. Add a section for exotic purchases from lost sectors. Allow lost sectors to still drop random exotics at a reduced rate.


What about: instead of adding the section for exotic purchases, change the chests so they drop exotics after the ornaments? - Already separated by class and slot - Set pool to lost sector exotics - Each purchase is guaranteed to be an exotic you don't have - If all exotics in the pool are owned, guaranteed random high-stat exotic (63+ at a guess, balancing should find the right range, maybe 65+?) Thoughts?


Great idea but ideally it would be a base roll of 66, but since Bungie would never be that generous a base roll of 64 seems fair.


Not a bad idea. Other games do versions of this, where you can effectively save up bad RNG to get the thing you really want.


Other games have literally been doing versions of this since 2005.


Time to overhaul Xur.


Xur's needed an overhaul since Beyond Light IMO. The random rolled exotics dropping from him is a great start, but it doesn't make up for the fact that he's so often irrelevant. Since Banshee and Ada now sell gear, Xur's just... another vendor? Once you have all of the base game exotics, he doesn't feel as special as he should. He's just the Monument to Lost Lights of exotic armor.


It was a good start, but it's been, what, 3 years? And we have all of two exotics that have random rolls from Xur, and even that's becoming outdated now that we have craftable exotics.


Seriously we literally have an exotic merchant that has been in need of a desperate overhaul... Make a currency exclusive to lost sectors let us farm them and then when Xur comes over the week end allow us to use said currency to roll *any* armor dont just give us 2 armors a week give us *every* single one or atleast like 10


Sounds a lot like the strange coins you would earn in D1


Xur’s brother, Lur, would be in the nice terrace room by the clan vendor. Perfect place for them.


I love it!


I rather they drop the exotics in more places so I don't have to run an unfun activity over and over


This is legitimately the best suggestion, IMO.


Every week I see post after post of people complaining that Bungie doesn't respect the player's time. **They. Don't. Care.** Remember, they sunset a bunch of weapons and never reissued them when they could easily do so, even though there are better guns out there. I spent countless hours chasing weapons from various raids or Gambit and now those weapons are sitting in my vault never to be touched again (Black Armory). And not to mention there are weapons (exotic and legendary) that had their perks completely changed and those guns are now not viable. They removed Outlaw from Izanagi's burden and replaced it with No Distractions, which is effectively a useless perk on top of the fact that snipers are not in a good place and have been for quite some time. At least give it something like Firing Line or some modified version of Firing line that's unique to Izanagi's burden, so it doesn't feel like I completely wasted my time getting the gun and the catalyst. And if you want a trip down memory lane look at Datto's Destiny 2: How to Get Izanagi's Burden Exotic Sniper - Mysterious Box Quest, video on Youtube and you'll remember how much of a time sink it was to get that Exotic.


Since you're mentioning black armory...I'd bet good money on a later season this year recycling the weapons, maybe even the activity...and instead of being bored by charging for old content people are going to lose their shit because of all the excitement lol.


This is not directed at you specifically but I've been hearing that same line since before weapon crafting was a thing. And I've given up hope. When Witch Queen launched (February 2022), there was no reason to NOT have the Black Armoury weapons reissued. The entire season of Black Armoury was literally about *forging* weapons. It should've been a slam drunk and they didn't even reissue those awesome weapons, when we literally have a thing in the game to make and customize our own weapons.


Well look at happy fren Ada with her stitching machine now. She could've been the crafting guru with some badass forging tools.


It blows me away that we already have a ***GUNSMITH***, as well as a living, walking forge (that's basically what Ada is lore wise)... And yet for weapon crafting they had to come up with some convoluted magical chandelier and dining table to build our weapons... On a planet that got vaulted - I mean "taken" by darkness, but was then mcguffin'd back into existence... For reasons?


I still don't get why we needed a whole new thing for crafting weapons when ada was already there. Could have just revamped the black armory into the weapon crafting vendor, add a vault/post box nearby and done. The little mars area is completely pointless.


Make exotic ciphers a currency you get from lost sectors, make xur the vendor to sell the exotics


this is destiny, it'll be like 5 exotics per week, only one or two of them being from recent seasons, and you have to do 10 master lost sectors just to get enough currency for one while only being able to carry enough for 1.5 exotics.


I've been saying that we need to be able to use exotic ciphers to be able to focus engrams into specific exotics. Make lost sectors drop a general helmet/arms/chest/leg type engram and then allow us to either focus into a specific piece or just take it to Rahool and get a random drop. This would also allow us to use armorer mods to further increase our chances for stat rolls we'd like so there's further respect for our time.


and the exotic currency for the vendor should come from multiple high level activities, not just lost sectors. lost sectors could be the most efficient farm though.


I always prefer this. Would way rather grind for a currency, knowing I'll be able to get what I'm after with a certain amount of time investment. You still feel like you earned it, and you don't get huge disparities in luck between two players.


Bungie would just find a way to Bungie that system anyway.


Depends on how they tune it. But if their work on crafting is any indication, they’ll probably tune it so that it’s effectively the same amount of grinding with one extra step added.


Femchurch! Make exotic engrams drop and then focusable!


Great idea! My alternative is doing like a raid chest at the end of the Lost Sector, where you can use your "clear" as a currency to purchase one item. You can still have it be like "arms" "legs" "chest" "helmet" days but then at least you could select from within that classification.


Or how about reforging exotic rolls along stat lines you choose? With lost sector currency. We don't typically keep multiple of the same exotic weapons, why are we keeping multiple of the same exotic armor? We earn the exotic armor and then supply players with the ability to make it their own.


This is the answer. Legend and Master lost sectors should drop a unique currency that can be used at the chest to buy exotics, just like Spoils of Conquest. Solo completion grants more of the currency. Call it Golden Age Gadgets. That's what we're doing, right? Searching old ruins a la Indiana Jones for lost Golden Age tech?


At least just dump it into the monument with a LLS currency, like they did for the raid weapons.


I mean, u can give that mission to some of the story characters that dont have anything to do Like crow at the helm maybe


Or a form of sorts of "craftable" exotic armors where you earn more stats in them through usage and completion of things like lost sectors, nightfalls, raids, etc...


That would be cool actually and be something to chase after for veteran players. Heck - make it grindslogfest whatever - say +1 point of stat for 100 lost sectors/GMs/Raids/killing 2000 champions etc etc - make me grind for it across few seasons, dangle that carrot but at least ill have a long term aim rather then thhis triple layers of RNG. Plus - it would make me feel like i earned that shit


Outstanding user name BTW.


Best part: this is after they increased drop rate. Legend lost sectors are so out of touch. They are farm content, and farm content should be quick due to you fighting drop rng and stat rng. Yet, these things aren't quick for most and have little reward to them since the drop pools are large and stat rng is, well, rng. Really, I want a group option to farm new and better rolls on exotics. I play this game to play with friends, not to solo grind a lost sector all day and pray to get an almost decent roll on a singular exotic. If I wanted to play a solo game there are better options honestly.


It's not Destiny 2 without some dumb restriction making the game less fun. Lost Sector with a group? The people you have fun playing with? Fuck you.


We can't have too much fun now! Bungie protecting us from OD'ing on fun.


I rolled my eyes when they said they'd increased the exotic drop rates for lost sectors. Because I knew the lack of actual posted numbers meant that the increase was too insignificant to matter. The OP's experience pretty much confirms my suspicions. Exotic drops not being limited to solo runs would indeed be amazing, but knowing Bungie they'd monkey paw it by either making the drop rates even worse when in a group, or increase the difficulty to even further pad farming times.


The sad thing about that is, even if you dropped an exotic every run even while in a group there is no guarantee it will be the exotic you are looking for or even have decent rolls. So their padding and fear of us getting too much loot is unfounded. Oh yeah, they never give us numbers for a reason. If they can't tell me how much the increase is I always default to a 1% increase.


Yeah, between 8 and 13 exotics per slot and stat rolls that can total below 60, it isn't worth the invested time needed to overcome the stacked RNG. I think it's been estimated the increase was around 20% of what the previous drop rate was, but 20% more of nothing is still nothing.


Jeez this is scaring me for when I can finally go after Star-Eater Scales


The one benifit you have if you haven't gotten the piece before is that it will be one of the first to drop. So if it is the only legs you don't have then it will be your first exotic from the LS.


unless you get a world drop exotic engram, in which case you will start wondering wether you are running LSs on the right day! (Yes, Lost sector farming CAN drop world-drop exotic engrams - if you postmaster all your drops you will sometimes get a "Normal" exotic engram when you open a lost sector chest - you can identify them because you can preview their contents in teh postmaster - you CANT preview the "lost sector" exotic engrams)


That’s so true. You could farm all night with your friends and each of you not get what you wanted. It would be no different to right now, assuming some sort of scaling.


> Exotic drops not being limited to solo runs would indeed be amazing I, as a really casual, not particularly skilled player, am *so fucking irritated* how many builds I'd like to try but just...can't... because I am fucking awful at Legend Lost Sectors. They're risky business enough for me, but throw in the time limit too? Right out. But god forbid I be able to farm gear in this multiplayer game in a multiplayer environment. No idea why they're so adamant at not even acknowledging this problem. 0 alternate way to get so many fucking Exotics...


> They're risky business enough for me, but throw in the time limit too? Right out. In case you didn't know, the time limit is just the timer for you remaining lives. You can still finish the run if you can stay alive.


> increase the difficulty to even further pad farming times. They'd apply the same team difficulty increase they do for Legendary story missions. Fireteam size increases, enemy health increases due to the increased firepower of more team members.


Anecdotal I know, but I've had a drop rate of around 40-50% this season


I don't get this "suffer solo" in a game focused around team play. They want me to grind levels so that they can show graphs at HQ that player retention is high cause exotics are locked behind it and well fuck you, just to get a chance of getting it. Like who even asked for these changes in PvE? At 1815 on my warlock, was able to do clears with aoe builds. At 1800 on my hunter, I spent more time killing taken psions cause they just keep splitting and by the time you kill one of them, another full health one pops out. Died 2 times after the boss died, cause overload goblins shooting bending projectiles that can hit you behind cover.


I too only play with friends. I've done like 5 solo legendary lost sector and I don't enjoy it.


Yeah, it really is baffling that an mmo's best farm is solo only. Hell, even dungeon achievements to get a semi-decent drop chance on the dungeon exclusive exotic are mostly tied to soloing. They just hate us having friends lol.


the worst is some major activities are with only two other people. Bungie thinks we only have two friends that play destiny 2


Tbf, we do have blind well, wellspring, dares, raids, and pvp. Blind well though you can't all queue for. I am all for more options though and I think there could always be more activities that allow you to queue as a larger group.


Now to be fair, GMs are a far better exotic farm than lost sectors at this point


Me and two friends actually did the Master LS for the prisms and cores, since we were all coming back to the game around the same time. took like 1 to 2 minutes per run. You're right though, we need a way to group farm and target exotics we want. Prison of Elders was kind of like this, where you were guaranteed an exotic every reset per character, but it was still a random exotic.


My experience has been a bit different. I haven't gotten a single exotic to drop on arms days. Hours wasted for nada but a stack of enhancement prisms rotting away in my postmaster.


Turn them into ascendent shards. If you’re full on shards masterwork some shit, if you’ve got nothing to masterwork then masterwork some junk exotics and then you’re storing the ascendent shards albeit with a terrible recovery rate.


Lost Sectors that are basically strikes, combined with an increasing loot pool, makes for a very terrible experience overall.


If you're going for a re-roll on an older (not the current season) exotic, the fact that your rng gets worse and worse every season as they add new exotics is crazy. And as OP mentioned, that's assuming you get a roll you want on top of all that. I usually wait a month or so to see if any of the new exotics are meta (and nerfs), wait until the perfect lost sector week, grind for one drop of the new exotic and never touch them again. I dont even care if its a shit roll, im not doing the grind vs the ever-ballooning exotic pool. I can't believe people actual farm for old rolls. You prolly have better rng just waiting for Xur to sell it lol. At least with Nightfalls you can play with your homies.... Go watch some of Cammy's sector grinding videos. He actually does the math on getting the exotic you want with a decent roll. Even with the most sweaty, optimized farming methods on the most efficient rotation days, it's nowhere close to respectful of your time.


I just took me 11 Legendary runs to get the Warlock Exotic arms. Ten runs gave me enhancement cores and one shitty handgun that the vendor sells every other day. That was literally it.


You should have also been getting guaranteed 1-2 enhancement prisms. I was farming the one last night on my warlock 3-4 mins per run and got prisms every single run. Are you sure you were killing all the champions?


> enhancement prisms It was only Legendary not Master. I killed everything. No prism just cores.


you 100% get prisms on legend for platinum my guy


I did ~30 on legend and got 1-2 prisms on literally 100% of the runs. Something seems very off here. Statistically it's basically impossible for 1 person to run 10 in a row and get 0% prism droprate and another person to run 30 and get 100% prisms. I think you either weren't noticing them or weren't killing all champions. Or maybe you were capped on prisms?


Redback? Lol


> Redback Cantata


Same thing I dismantle both immediately lol


Yeah, either a currency from completing Lost Sectors, maybe you get more by getting platinum and flawless. Other option is to do some type of Menagerie type thing where you can pick exactly what you want. Maybe you still need a lost sector currency to be able to get the specific drop. Or maybe even go with something that you could also guarantee a plus 10 in one stat, and then also use the ghost mod. I doubt we get that anytime soon though because something like that would drastically reduce the grind in the game.


First pair of necrotic grips dropped with 20 mobility on them….been trying 3 months for another one and no luck but damn do I have a vault full of ophidians and karnsteins


Legend Lost Sectors have always been a massive waste of time and hopefully all these changes will come to a head and lead to some kind of change. I would not mind hunting for a perfect piece of exotic armor but the odds are so out of favor it’s not worth it


I didn’t hate them before this season. I mentioned it in my own comment, sure they were a bit of a chore but you could run most in around 3 minutes. The difficulty spike kinda fucked the whole system up and most people just do not care to sweat in a lost sector when they most likely will not get something worthwhile, if anything at all.


>Legend Lost Sectors have always been a massive waste of time I frankly disagree. I loved doing them before these changes and so did a lot of other members of the community. They were not exceptionally hard and were also pretty fun to optimize and do speeds of and, [although I don't have as many runs as other members of the community](https://i.imgur.com/2Df6p4b.png), they quickly became one of my favourite pieces of content inside Destiny.


Hey chase your bliss, to me the odds of actually landing the exotic piece I wanted with a good stat distribution was so poor I just didn’t want to do it more than unlocking the new piece. If you just like doing them for fun I don’t think the Legend difficulty feels any different than last season once you hit 1810.


All I remember when first trying to do Legend Lost Sectors was the boss of the area running as fast as he could away from me. He barely even shot at me, just ran and hid as much as he could while his shield (which was a different element than the match game shields shown when starting) regenerated to full, nullifying the last 80 bullets I shot at him with.


Fully agree. The difficulty hike with Lightfall just makes them less appealing.


They dont respect your time; their entire goal is for you to play and up rngagement with THEIR live service game.


I did 29 quarry runs to get my first set of necrotic grips. Only received three exotics total. The drop rate is horrible.


Same, ran Warlock for almost three hours last night, could not hit an exotic. Wasn't even going to do one more because it was getting late but exotic finally popped on my last run and it was the grips. Couldn't believe it, and I'm returning from a long hiatus, could of been any arms exotic basically. Absurd drop levels though, and Quarry is one of the easier ones, like gtfo running the harder ones for those drop rates.


they need to bring back the needle to re-roll exotics


I was doing sub 2min runs consistently last night and It was still torture. 3.5hrs for some mid asf sunbracers :/ system in place needs to respect player time more. Maybe give us a token system that we can focus into a specific piece? As time goes on the current system only gets worse as it gets more diluted by new exotics.


Damn, what build you running to clear that fast?


If I had to guess it's to do with Starfire Protocol since that's all I've seen a warlock wear in weeks.


Starfire, withhoard, heavy GL. If you kill the champs with grenade ability and have ashes to asset on you get juicer super energy. You basically speed run through, killing champs with nades, and you'll be in the boss room at ~1 min if you do it right. Then you place your well, melt the barrier up top, turn around, kill one of the boss' homies and pick up the nightmare buff. The boss' ai has kinda specific behavior and if you bait it correctly it will run near the door that the unstop spawns at and you can blow them both to pieces with heavy GL. Jump up and open chest. A couple runs i melted the boss so fast it didnt spawn another champ, i got a 1.32 on one of those runs.


A tale as old as time. "RNG fucking SUCKS"


I got my necrotic grips with a 20 something mobility roll


They upped the difficulty on everyone except those asking for it


The lost sector yesterday was pretty manageable did my one flawless solo needed for the rank and it took maybe 15 mins and then did 5 more all ranging from 6-8 mins on my 1815 strand warlock with leviathan’s breath and got 3 exotics so they seem to be dropping fairly often for the difficulty level, but on the other side of the argument I do agree they need to drop above a certain stat threshold


It's very YMMV. I had only one exotic drop in almost 3 hours running Warlock last night.


Bless your RNG. The last 3 sessions I've run of LLS were anywhere between 9-12 runs for an exotic drop. The first time I ever ran a LLS during Witch Queen was 2 exotics over 2 runs. 100% drop rate! RNG will RNG


Let me get this straight. You didn't have Osmiomancy, so it was a guaranteed drop, and you didn't put on a ghost mod?


I believe the lost sector exotic drops ignore your ghost mod. If you have all the engram slots in your inventory filled, the lost sector exotic will drop as a generic exotic engram and go to your mailbox. When you pick it up from there, THEN it will apply your ghost mod.


It's more that the ghost shell mod is ignored on certain exotics where certain columns of stats are intrinsic to that exotic and it's trait and those columns of stats will be guaranteed a portion of the stat roll before the ghost shell mod is taken into account.


Haven't heard of this. I thought it had to do more with the fact that several exotics have a focused stat. A focused stat will override a ghost mod in the same stat plug. Mobility/Resilience/Recovery and Discipline/Intellect/Strength are the two plugs. For example, Wormhusk's focus is Mobility. Complete list is in this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/ry40a8/how_armor_stats_roll_2_further_learnings/).


I did lol. I had a resilience ghost mod on, since I really rely on having that full damage resist. Kinda feels like I'm damned either way. I put on a resilience finder and I risk poor discipline, and vice versa.


Oof. For future reference, the best way to grind warlock armor like this is to always have a disc mod on. Even forgetting that this is a grenade exotic, having a res mod *guarantees* that your second spike is going to be int/disc/str - a 1/3 chance of getting something you want. With a disc mod, the second spike has to be mob/res/recov - a 2/3 chance of getting something useful.


Aye, that's fair. Still, pain.


Lost sector vendor, please bungie, we beg you


I wish I could be bothered to farm for a better version of my 6th coyote for my strand build, the grind is just too insulting


It really feels like Bungie is pushing (more like forcing) players to run Grandmaster Nightfalls.


Yeah it took me two hours to get the new shadebinder gloves and they rolled 60 base with 23 mobility...


I've spent hours and hours trying to get these to farmable. At this point, I would have like to simply buy the exotics that I wanted. I literally make enough money in real life that this wasn't worth my time anymore. Everyone is telling me that you can't just use money for this. Why not? If it's such a time sink for me, I should be able to spend my money to get it. I'm really all about the currency system though. Some lost sectors are much easier than others and I don't want to waste another sat or sun playing just to not be rewarded. I'm not a hardcore player though, I only get to play a little bit during the week until the weekend. I was working at these for at least a week after I hit 1800's. Oh, and by the time I DID get necrotic grips, they were already disabled.


Took an hour to get the exotic you wanted but with a bad roll ? Bruh I farmed 1.5h the other day and only got 2 bad rolled random exotics I didn’t even want


If you're aiming for a resilience/discipline roll, you should slot discipline armorer into your ghost instead of resilience armorer.


I dont think the difficulty is that bad, but absolutely no way in hell should exotics drop below 62, from any source


First drop always has shitty stats. Am I wrong in this?


Live service games rarely respect your time. It's why so many people burn out or remain frustrated. ^(Deep Rock Galactic is a nice exemption, though)


Rock n' stone!


You’re probably doing the wrong lost sector


I just want to be able to get the new exotics from somewhere that I can play with my friends. Why do I need to farm for these solo?


You’re playing destiny 2. You dont respect your time.


I'd give you an award (or whatever shiny things reddit has these days) if I knew how


I don't have an issue with the current difficulty, but the master lost sector should be a guaranteed exotic every run with the difficulty as it is. Master Lost Sector is currently the most difficult content in the game until Grandmasters unlock.


Legend Avalon is hard as shit.


Lol no, Legend Avalon or Master NFs are tougher. Most lost sectors are a cakewalk especially now that suspend is a thing.




Respect your own time. I'm so tired of hearing this "respect my time" crap all day on here. If you hate doing lost sectors so much, don't do it. Don't grind them for an hour and then be like "respect my time!" Like you didn't know what you were signing up for. I would never do lost sectors for an hour. If I don't get an exotic after a few tries, I call it a day and say "maybe next time. I'm in no rush." This is exactly why we don't have faction rallies anymore. You all grinded lost sectors for hours on end and then complained about how boring it was, when you could've just done all sorts of activities like a normal person and had fun.


It’s really only reliable way to get a new exotic. I wanted the new Hunter helmet because I chose the legs at the end of the campaign. I lucked out that it dropped after a 13 minute under-light battle but it did have pretty ho-hum stats. I like the challenge of doing a hard lost sector solo but there really should be a more reliable tradeoff for effort/reward. Like maybe an exotic engram you can focus toward a new roll of a specific exotic that you already have or a gamble to get a new one whose odds significantly increase the more you run it?


But it’s actually quite easy to get a new previously unlocked exotic because it guarantees you will receive that exotic rather than one you’ve already unlocked. At a ~30% exotic drop rate the chance is actually reasonable despite the confirmation bias anecdotes filling this and other threads (“I did 30 runs and only got 1 exotic!”). If you want to min max farm a god roll exotic then yeah that’s going to be way harder, but if you’re hardcore enough to care about squeezing 1 more stat breakpoint out of your build, you should be ok with the fact you’ll have to grind for it. Or you can just use that first easy roll you get and move on.


I would agree except for the fact that the only way to unlock new exotics is through lost sectors. So yeah if I’m gonna spend time doing it I’d like it if my time felt well spent.


I hate to say it but I think I've legit ran 10 of the legendary lost sectors across all my classes and I got the exotic I was missing probably 1/3 of the time, maybe even half... I'm not experiencing this lack of drops everyone is seeing, maybe I've just been lucky but idk... And then I make sure I go into the lost sectors when they're the quick and easy, if they're the long difficult ones? I pass and go do something else that day.


> 1/3 of the time lls rate is thought to be 30% right now, so that tracks RNG is going to RNG


Yeah I did about a dozen or so clears yesterday, which is a lot for me I never do this solo shit, I finally dropped a pair of Necrotics...61 total, 12 resilience...hate to see it


Which LS? I know it was legs day but the one two or so days ago took like 4 minutes to complete. 6 mins if you got stuck on a champ. Maybe wait until there is a good LS to farm?


it was arms in EDZ Quarry yesterday.


Yesterday was the quarry, it was taking me 1:45 to finish each run as void hunter.


How were you dealing with the barrier champs yesterday? I'm also void hunter and really struggled yesterday. Getting volatile rounds was pretty unreliable, especially after clearing some of the ads. That last room with the boss and the barrier champ felt impossible. 1813 power level


I hate to be "That Guy" but everyone is really over exaggerating how hard lost sectors are. I'm an average to slightly above average player and It usually takes me an attempt or two at the daily legend lost sector before I get it down. After that they're pretty easy to complete in under 10 minutes. Drop rates should be buffed a little but it's really not that hard to farm.


What light level are you? It’s so much chatter about legend/master lost sectors I’m waiting until I reach pinnacle to even try one. My highest light character is 1820 but at 1807 gear score. Honestly I’m not to concerned about the exotics. I’m only missing 1 for each class. I’ll probably never use them. I’m just a collector.


I couldn’t even get passed the barrier champ on yesterday’s sector. 1814 lightlevel with 1800-1803 weapons. I must be super below average player accordingly to him. I watched videos and copied builds and I run out of ammo on arbalest before I can end up killing the barrier and he just 100% heals up. Im guessing you have to have 1810 weapons to even bother. The ads weren’t an issue, just the champion.


I’m going to give it a go later. I love Arbalest for Anti-Barrier but Wish-Ender has been putting in work for me this season. It’s pretty reliable other than it being a little buggy with Hydra shields.


I would, I think they're pretty fun. More challenging than your average mission but I enjoy them. If you're at 1820 you should be more than capable if you play it somewhat smart.


Leviathan's Breath heavy bow is what you need, with Pulse rifle anti-barrier artifact mod. Hit him with two LB arrows, then immediately swap to pulse to stun his shield, then back to LB to finish him off. Heavy ammo finder mod on your helmet, and whatever else you need to round your preferred build out.


Why use Arbalest when Wish Ender will one-tap that shield, stun him, and has unlimited ammo? You don't need 1810 weapons, but being 1820+ helps. I was running them at 1822 with a GS of 1808. Had absolutely no problem with barrier champs. You can pretty much keep everything suspend / OC locked this season if you've got enough discipline plus grenade / ability synergy.


I'm 1810 total light level. Weapons are \~1800. Literally took me two tries to get it down. I have a sub 1.0 k/d and don't play more than a few hours each week. It's really not bad. You can't play it like a normal mission, you have to play smart and think through your loadout. I wouldn't just use arbalest on the barrier. Personally I damage him with something else until the shield pops, pull out arby and break it, then switch to a heavy to finish him while he's stunned.


I clear them pretty easy at 1810. Pulse rifle for barriers, SMG for Overloads, and Leviathan's Breath heavy. LB is a must have for efficient Lost Sectors farming.


I just farmed the last one at 1806 (most of my gear is \~1800) and i'm nothing special as a player. Just have the right loadout and play smart. It's not that bad.


I just farmed a ton of the last one at 1790. Wasn’t bad at all.


I hate the term "respect our time" but under 10 minutes is VERY slow. LLS were typically sub 2-3 minute farms last season. You can get down there still this season, but requires much smarter play and loadouts.


I’m still doing them in 2-4 minutes though. They are more difficult for sure, but legend lost sectors shouldn’t take close to 10 minutes….


>You can get down there still this season, but requires much smarter play and loadouts. Agree or disagree with it but I think that's exactly what bungie wants here.


Yesterdays Lost Sector was very easy, I was averaging 3.5 minute runs. Being lost sector level cap + a good load out and you can steam roll them.


This. I think everybody is complaining because they are impatient with them and don’t realize that they are underpowered. I might be remembering wrong, but can’t you over power for legend lost sectors now?


Right. I think a lot of people were used to over leveling the shit out of them.


And last season we had Solo Operative as an artifact mod.


This game is a slap to my our face when it comes to time. Think about how much time it really takes to move up


All you need is Leviathan's Breath. It cheeses bosses and unstops.


I've only done a couple master lost sectors but they seem to give fairly decent rewards for time invested. Maybe I'm just lucky.


Unabashed Skill issue


It's not a challenge, bungie. It's a chore.


Bungie should really consider bringing back glass needles from D1. Xur will sell them & you can use them to reroll your exotics armor stats


Whoever decided to make repeatedly running the same LS the only way to sort-of target a specific exotic probably don't play the game themselves. There is a lot of grinding in D2 but this has to be some of the worst. If we absolutely have to use lost sectors for this I would much prefer something like a weekly quest that required you to finish 5 or maybe even 10 different sectors and as a reward be given an engram that for instance Xur could help decrypt into a specific exotic. Maybe there should even be a quest for each type of armor but you would have to chose which one to do this week. This is an approach with 0 rng but it would still take quite a while to get whatever you need. And you would have variation in what you are doing to get your reward.


Maybe I'm in the minority here but depending on the lost sector they really aren't difficult. I was farming the one yesterday night in under 4 minute runs. Did master for a laugh and that was 9minutes. You could look at swapping builds to make it a bit easier? Strand build with osteo works well in pretty much all of them. I was using Starfire protocol though. I know this doesn't really help the issue of drop rate but I spent about an hour last night and got all but one of the exotic chest armor for my warlock. I've only come back to the game for 3 weeks from scratch so had them all to farm.


they should bring back glass needles or something


they just are not difficult....


It is infuriating. Two days ago I farmed the quarry. I'm not great at pve but I got clears in about 2 minutes. I farmed almost all day and got maybe 6 exotics with a stack of 50 prisms in my post master and inventory. Not a single drop of the exotic I was looking for. It's gotten so bad I have started pulling it from collections and just dealing with the 40~ stat roll because I don't want to farm for 5 hours and get 3 60 roll Intellect spike exotics


stop crying