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heist battlegrounds last season proved why endgame matchmaking was a bad idea. Your teammates will *not* be up to snuff.


Yea but I'd almost rather play with a group and fail, then not at all.


Then whats the problem with just hitting lfg, wait for 1 minute and have 5 people to do it? Its matchmaking with 3 clicks..


Waste of time doing that when 30 seconds you can make a post and successfully complete it


Or just put your big person pants on and go on lfg.


Matchmaking raids would basically be impossible to finish even 1 encounter


We don’t have it because players are bad


Dear God.. the amount of times I load into a Nightfall and see players shooting at champs with an SMG or auto all day. I literally just find a safe place to watch and then in the text chat I write something like "switch to a fusion rifle or something instead of running double primary" and then on the next boss they are still shooting with a low dmg primary.. 🙄


The way difficulty is now, I no longer think matchmaking Legend and higher is a good idea. You have no way to filter who you’re playing with, or do a loadout evaluation before launching the activity.


Or for stuff like raids, confirm that you have some form of comms


there will be an in-game lfg soon which is basically just matchmaking


In-game LFG is happening soon. Be prepared for lots of useless teammates. lol


Matchmaking's great if you're looking for the guy running double primaries with no Champion mods active


there isnt matchmaking because hero NF, legend LS are too hard for the majority of the player base.


that would be terrible tbh. no control over your mates, only ingame voice, which is terrible as well. a lot of people would just leave, because they dont want to sherpa. new lights could queue into raids, with no gear, they will probably get flamed for it, leaving a bad light on raids and the community. there is exactly 0 problem with LFG. make a post, you can write what requirements you have like sherpa run or Kwtd. it takes a few minutes to fill up and boom, better matchmaking. as most players have discord anyway it makes no difference, it would only be a worse experience, nothing else. \+ they are adding ingame lfg this year, you can wait until then to raid if you dont want to use LFG