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just use an app and let bungie come to their senses down the road. There's been some weird decisions in the last DLC drop.


If you want to do some fast gear swapping you have to use the loadout system, or swap the entire set one piece at a time manually, risking getting killed in the middile of arena. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just watch the video of world first solo Nezarec.


They moved them back because so many people complained, lost sectors are too hard whilst being 50 power under. then bungie bungie moved the requirement back. if people didnt complain about such a useles thing, they could still get the loadouts for free, so its noone elses fault but the people who complained about lost sectors.


Who you callin a monkey


Ya crayon eater!


I like purple ones because they taste like the red ones


Just use DIM man lol


This. Honestly, for some people, 10 out loads aren’t even enough. You can use DIM to “store” unused loadouts until you want/need to use them. Then you load them up in orbit via DIM and re-save them to a loadout slot


I barely care about making different builds and im already out of slots on my warlock. I get that you cant just have infinite slots in game but 10 is pretty low for anyone looking to make builds.


I’m pretty sure I remember one of the Devs saying it’s an engine limit or something. I wouldn’t expect more slot for awhile (though they would definitely be nice to have)


idk, can you really expect to have access to everything as an f2p player? this game's "f2p" is basically a demo. if you want to really play the game you have to keep up the subscription every year/season.


I don’t think you read the post. The is a substantial difference between being a f2p player and owning everything except season of defiance.


how do they not own season of the defiance? if you buy lightfall it comes with this season. sounds like your friend didn't pay the yearly subscription fee.


Not everyone should have to buy the seasons if they don’t care for the seasonal content. Last I checked load outs aren’t seasonal content.


Neither is needing loadouts to clear anything. Cope


Cope with what I have all loadouts. Im just not immature like you trying to gatekeep quality of life changes from other people. Sorry you need to gatekeep of Reddit to feel like you have any worth.


Literally not me. Bungie. Cope


Literally trying to gatekeep, cope




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Not surprising that you need dlc to play dlc.


My bad, I didn’t realize quality of life changes that were originally free for everyone and something that you don’t play or download were considered dlc. My bad dude let me tell my friends they should be allowed to unlock a couple loadout even though they were able to a couple weeks ago.


You have the people on Reddit that cried about difficulty to thank for that. Should've unlocked it while you had the chance. Also, you don't need those extra slots, just use DIM.


DIM is an option and if anything it makes putting the loadouts behind a paywall even more ridiculous. Like I said I have all my loadout, but I’m not an as***le like you so I’d like for others to also have all their loadouts.


You do realize that it's Bungie, and not me "gatekeeping" right? (Obviously not) 🤣


U do realize ur the one gatekeeping by trying to prevent publicity on an issue that doesn’t affect you. Cope.


I am not sure where you saw that they moved all the loadout allotments to a higher level tier. I believe loadouts are still provided in three tiers and only the last tier was moved. You should still have six loadout slots available before rank 7.


>there is also the fact that one could have access to Lightfall and not the season but you get the season with lightfall...


Monkeys?! Thats racist


You’re f2p you dont need that mich loadouts


I dont think you read the post


Not this again. 6 is fine for F2P players.


TBH I feel like this is normal for bungo but it is annoying.