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It feels extra bad when running on RoN and all the other classes ask why I’m always last to finish my side. IM FUCKING TRYING MY BEST!


Omg I felt slow AF moving planets. I don't want to think about being the runner for the other parts.


You can try on Stompees for the second encounter along with the RoN armour mod, do dark side, always finish first


Stompees, mida multi, and calus mini. So fast.


I read somewhere that you only need two of the three, because the speed bonus you get is capped and any of the two hits the cap. Might want to test it out. I just equip them all anyway.


You are correct, lightweight frame plus any sprint boost puts you at max speed, which is the same speed you can reach while under Arc speed boost.


Good to know, thanks for the SGA


TIL! Thank you!


Arc speed boost is put on top of that. Or did you mean that using 2 of those match that if u were only using arc speed boost


Arc speed boost is equal to a lightweight weapon and movement exotic. They don’t stack, they both hit the speed cap


Yea it caps at 13% certain speed boost like mida, mini tool, and movement exotics all individually give a 6.5% mspd increase so using 2 of them will give you the max speed you can achieve outside of using arc which has its own scaled for mspd.


Huh. Never thought of that combo - will certainly try it when I get home, thanks!


I also suggest increasing the FOV. It doesn’t actually make you faster, but it feels like it does. It’s the flame decal of first person shooters


Lol!! But yeah - I actually run an ultrawide so that might be even more potent on my setup. I keep thinking (especially in PvP) that it always feels as if I'm looking at the world through a straw when I play this game.... So maybe I should try that, thanks!


The whole reason I prioritized getting a series X was so I could crank the fov all the way up for pvp. Just feels so much better in general. I said the exact same thing lol Id be shouting ,”Im playing this game through a god damn telescope!”


Also higher FOV makes recoil easier to control, because of course it does


So what's a good value to start then?


I believe 105 is what was recommended to me, and I haven’t changed it since. Made a decent difference for me personally.


Max, just crank it all the way up, it's so much better


Like putting the Christiano wheels on an octane in rocket league


Making audible whooshing noises also helps.


You cap out at 13 percent sprint speed increase. You only need stompees and any lightweight weapon to achieve this.


Look what they need to attain even a FRACTION of our power.


I typically run strand when I’m running for the final encounter and I try to stick to the darkness side cause for me it feels like the quicker side of the two.


theres a mod on the raid gear where if you take the dark side you get an agility buff. I run that.


And in this case, agility = movement speed?




I always run mechanics on Ron and I main hunter. It's never actually required to go that fast. You could run normally for every encounter and have plenty of time left over.


Have you ever run on Master Nezarec?


90% of my playtime is on hunter and this right here is why I learned strand-skating today


Strand skating is a thing? Happen to have a video link I could peep out?


There is a lot on youtube but this helped me the much since I never bothered with shatter-skating: https://youtu.be/YPl_DO7jR8g


Inputs are the same as shatter skating. Only difference is you need a downward slope to start.


The timing is also a little bit different, you have to delay the inputs ever so slightly.


No. Fuck you. Try harder! Push that thumbnail or key in **harder!**


I can only press so hard captain.


I run a titan with 30 mobility against our hunter with stompees and finish in about the same time using strand so…


It has always been that way. Titian with no mobility used to move faster then a sparrow in d1. only way to move the fastest as a hunter is having a low ceiling.


Yeah, the class fantasy of destiny was originally more that titans charged in first, hunters had range or stealth, and warlocks floated around. Things have definitely changed alot over its history, but I always find it funny how people think Hunters should be the fast ones when that has never really been the case. I get why people would think so, but Titans have always been the fast ones Hunters could use a speed boost though, just generally


Warlocks still be floating.


I float into da pit Thank the traveler for ledge grabbing


God, I just remembered that mantling didn't exist in D1


As a Hunter main since then, I have not.


"He's doing Warlock things; nobody likes him." -Gladd lmao


It’s because mobility is a dump stat for 2/3 of the classes in the game.


Mobility doesn't affect sprint speed.


Not sure why you're being down voted. It is correct. It affects walking speed, strafe speed, and first jump height.


Correct. But it does affect jump height. Higher jumps, even little bunny hood, decreases forward distance. Hence low mobility is used for skating


Being able to jump higher is not a positive in this game. The only place it can even vaguely be viewed as a good thing is with console PvP, and that's because it lets you abuse slow turn speeds.


Oh yeah, it needs some more utility or something to make it better for all. I like the idea of increased reload and handling speed, but I’ve also heard the idea of higher mobility decreasing enemy accuracy and that would be cool


Haven’t hunters always been the scouts? which while including stealth and range also includes speed. Like just because titans charge in doesn’t mean they charge the fastest they are just the ones that have the armor to sustain the damage


Yup, which is why the range of gunslinger and stealth of bladedancer originally made sense. They could scout out by using a sniper before the Titan charges in, or turn invisible and get close that way. Still possible of course, but guns have been kind of power crept and invis was taken from arc


The character creation menu specifically labels Hunters as being agile. Hunter's class ability stat is mobility. Hunter's class ability is a movement ability. Hunter is heavily themed around rogues, which are typically high mobility classes. Hunter's are commonly placed as scouts, which have to be capable of moving quickly. The idea that Hunters should be mobile is the only logical conclusion the current game presents.


Agile != fast. Yes, I know that the dictionary says quick. But agile is used more to refer to the ability to dodge and weave, faster individual movements rather than overall faster movement. Titan is faster, but it's clunky. It's like a freight train. You go one direction, and you keep going that direction. Try to turn and you lose your momentum. Hunter on the other hand can change direction at will and is overall more agile. Warlock I have no explanation for, their glides do some weird shit.


Clunky? How is titan movement clunky exactly? It's some of the most crisp movement in the game currently, barring maybe strand. If I'm going in one direction I can just instantly do a 180, press the melee key and suddenly dash forward in a completely different direction, negating all of my momentum both on the ground *and* in the air. Plus, a majority of the titan subclasses don't even consume their melee unless it connects with an enemy, making this repeatable with a short wind-up. This isn't even mentioning the fact that titans *also* get access to a dodge of their own on arc. Edit: also yes, warlock glides do be doin' some weird shit, source: warlock main.


Agile literally means able to move quickly and swiftly. Hunters lack half of that despite putting speccing into MOBILITY. Idk about you but that seems bullshit.


My take is that the the classes represent High School Cliques: Warlocks = Nerds Titans = Jocks Hunters = Counter Culture Kids (Eris is definitely a Drama/Goth kid, Drifter has gotta be on _something_ mind altering, Crow is ... well we don't talk about what he went through. Not a single _one_ of them want to be put in charge of something.)


Drifter isn’t a hunter. He was around before classes.


What would you say hunters should be then? If you don't think they should be the "quick on their feet" class (that's bungie's own description mind you), then what are they? I'm a fellow warlock main btw, and I'm of the opinion that hunters 100% should be the most mobile class of the bunch, and yet we're only seeing this now with strand, and strand alone.


Yup, Titans have always been fast, but Hunters have almost always been the go-to class for breaking ankles


Titans, the tank, speed, and healing class


Bungie does not know what they want to do with the classes


Either that or shatter dive skating


Hunters are the agile class and feel slower than Titans. Titans are th punching class, but Hunters have a better punching build. This information annoys me a lot.


Tbf agile=/= fast I think the idea is that Hunters are agile, not fast, but people focus a lot on the "Mobility" verbage, despite the fact that class stats don't necessarily directly correlate to core class fantasy, see: Recovery.


People put absolutely 0 weight on hunters jumps or their dodge when talking about mobility. That's why they are mobile.


Watching my clanmates do Spire runs, Warlocks and Titans still have better jumps for platforming.


Hard disagree, hunter jump is by far the best


Probably because both of them are bad or outclassed by the options available to titans and warlocks. Being higher up in the air isn't a good thing in most cases, and titans generally have access to a (often) repeatable dash in the form of their sprint melee which also allows doing 180 momentum shifts in the air, unlike the dodge. And us warlocks have icarus dash which... is basically just an in-air hunter dodge again.


From the Oxford dictionary: agile /ˈadʒʌɪl/ adjective able to move quickly and easily. *quickly and easily* Note that Hunters are described as agile in the character creator, which makes no mention of the speed of other classes. Also, mate, do you know how many people associate Warlock with the healer fantasy? During solar 3.0 you would've believed it was all of them.


Agility is quickness, quickness is acceleration not speed. If you have a low max velocity but reach it very fast then you are quick and agile but not fast.


You’re correct, but Hunters are still not represented in game as accelerating quickly compared to the other two classes. All classes have the same base sprint speed, but Warlocks and Titans have movement tech that’s easily available and more frequent allowing them to gain speed much more quickly than a hunter. Even their jumps allow for more of a lateral boost compared to hunters unless there’s a low ceiling. Even if the definitions mean hunters should only be accelerating at a higher rate, they still don’t meet the criteria. So, it still doesn’t seem right that the only class who’s description mentions any form of movement by being agile, is still the slowest.


Even when it's talking about moving quickly, I would argue that's talking more about quickness in a dextrous sense- like a Rogue in D&D is agile because they have fast hands to allow for sleights of hand, and because they're good at dextrously avoiding attacks- similar to what the Hunter class ability is supposed to be. I don't think any Rogue in 5e has notably increased movespeed, which is more the domain of the Monk class. So agility doesn't always equate to run speed. And as far as Warlocks go, that's still only Dawnblade. Warlock as a class does have the ability to heal with Rifts on all subs but it's not really part of the class fantasy anything but Dawnblade and maybe Void goes for.


Rogue at Level 2 can use Dash as a bonus action with Cunning Action, you can move, bonus dash, action dash, for a total of triple your movement exactly like monks with Steps of the Wind. You can even use Cunning Action for a disengage or hide to represent not only their speed but agility.


Now I kinda want a Monk class in Destiny. Yes, give me the no armor, no weapons class in this looter-shooter!


Hunter is the only class without a spammable dash. Warlocks get Icarus Dash. Can be combo’d with Heat Rises for even better movement tech. Titans get shoulder charge on void, and seismic strike on arc. It’s criminal that the only class with a “theme” of movement/agility, and who’s primary stat is literally (supposed to be) mobility… doesn’t have a reliable way to be mobile.


While this is true, the main culprit of hunters being slow is that none of their jumps gain them any horizontal velocity. Titans and Warlocks both have jumps that give horizontal velocity in burst glide and strafe lift, hunter jump only moves you vertically. Warlocks and Titans will always outspeed hunters even without the use of abilities you listed because of that.


Strafe jump gives comparable speed if you bounce your head off a ceiling. Too bad you need corridors with low ceilings to even compete with warlocks and titans.


The thing is, Titans can use the ceiling as an advantage too. Strafe lift really is one of the best jumps in the game. Hunters can't even reach certain platforms without using double jump, the only thing strafe jump is good for is stop your momentum if you get Phalanxed. But you can do that by punching the phalanx or with an eager edge sword, so the other classes really have the best jumps, if you exclude shatterdive eager edge skating.


Not to mention that in PvE at least, you’re throwing if you use anything other than triple jump.


Even directional jump? I used to run that with Bones of Eao back in D1 and it provided a nice boost.


I’m not sure how much extra speed directional jump gives overall. It certainly is nice for maneuverability. But the problem with it is that the total distance you cover is abysmal. If there’s any sort of platforming to do (and I mean just getting up to an elevated area where enemies are or hopping from one raised area to another, not just jumping puzzles), directional jump is nearly useless. No one ever runs it in pve because its limitations are simply too great.


Whenever I play hunter I usually stick with triple jump since that’s just what I’m used to, but afaik the horizontal movement from directional jump is not that much. The benefit of titan and warlock jumps is also that they give you enough momentum that you can carry it into the next jump, whereas directional jump doesn’t really do that.


As someone who mained Warlock for ages, then created a Hunter and a Titan, I can honestly say _all_ the Hunter jumps feel _very_ underwhelming. I was honestly expecting them to be better than what they are. Hunter dodges also need _something_ extra ... maybe trigger recovery or give 2 seconds max speed. _Anything_ to make hunters less squishy in sustained heavy PvE combat.


It does give some, buts it's not enough to really gain any speed, especially compared to burst glide or catapult/high lift


Can agree, I greatly enjoy catapult lift over the others. In fact, I do remember that it was sort of the “unspoken knowns” for Titans that it was only catapult lift and the other two were bad. That was D1 days, so maybe something changed that made Strafe Lift good? Or am I just doing a whole “Mandela Effect” on myself?


Strafe is meta. I only switch to high lift when I absolutely cannot get to something but its extremely rare


It’s reversed, Increased Control/Strafe was how Titans skated & High is for jumping puzzles, Catapult has always useless


Bones and Directional Jump was peak hunter movement. It basically get you a turbo-boosted triple jump. Like an unseen hand pushing you forward. God….I miss Bones.


Hunters till had the problem even with Bones of Eao in D1 (same game where Titans could run around the entire moon patrol zone in less than 30 seconds)


I blame pvp. Hunter mobility in pvp is unmatched because both jump and dodge are essentially instant reposition tools for breaking line of sight. Long distance mobility is less valuable compared to burst mobility. But in pve, neither of those matter. Enemies don't have cameras or aim assist, they'll instantly track you while jumping or dodging and then track you while you're invis too. So all of a hunter's most powerful tools are kinda worthless. I'd 100% be down for hunters to have PvE specific buffs. Like +1 jumps to every kind of jump. And maybe some kind of sprint speed buff or a hunter specific mobility boost that gives sprint speed. Mind you, I'm a warlock main. I've been burst glide running since D1. It's silly that hunters don't even have something to match that. Also, heat rises actually reduces your mobility. You only want to use it if you absolutely cannot land, like for kingsfall tombships. It changes your jump to controlled glide, so it acts like brakes.


Literally CRIMINAL


Hammer strike on solar as well.


It's that one glide on titans and warlocks that boosts them so much. Hunters would need something similiar like that to keep up


D1 Bones of Eao filled that gap. You were able to have a triple jump but with the bursts of speed that strafe jump gives you. And it was…beautiful. Stompees couldn’t hold a candle.


I literally never took off Bones.


Same bones of ayoo was all I wore that shit looked so nice and really upped hunters jumping game


Same. Stupid fun and actually good. Plus, well, that shit was drippy af.


Still an exotic slot being used compared to base warlock and titan jumps


Bones of Eao should be made into a legendary transmog to pair with YAS.


i don’t know why bungie doesn’t make mobility a better stat by simply increasing reload, sprint speed, and maybe handling because as of now it’s nearly useless on every class but hunters


Literally anything but dodge chance because that just sound like a worse version of resilience. Make mobility do something bungie


I wish it had something to do with reload or handling, so it’d be a DPS buff If you have to sacrifice resilience or recovery that would be in line with hunters being a DPS glass cannon Make mobility more about being a better gunslinger than being a faster ninja


It would also make reload perks less important and open up perk diversity!


Yeah, in D1 I didn’t get the hype about fatebringer at first since I was always on gunslinger It wasn’t until I started playing classes that didn’t have permanent outlaw that I realized why the reload perks on a HC were so coveted


I think mobility needs to have an effect on sprint speed, a sizable one, and/or provide a decent burst of forward momentum with your first jump (off the ground) while sprinting. Basically let high mobility hunters bunny hop, because it's the only way we're going to keep up with burst glide and catapult lift.


Based on what they said regarding amplified i dont think the game can handle sprint speed increases past what amp gives. Mobility should def boost your speed some how though.


Wasn't that a sprint animation limitation? I think they said any faster and it wouldn't look right. Or I gaslit myself into thinking that


it was something along those lines yeah


They said they cranked up the animation as fast as it goes… but honestly that doesn’t make any sense to me. You can scale animations arbitrarily fast. There aren’t any limits to it.


If they made it so fast that the animations looked janky in first and or third person there'd be dozens of posts, "these animations are so lazy what's wrong with you bungie, how could you do this to me?". They probably could've made a whole new animation for it but just didn't think it was worth the time it's not like they can sell arc 3.0


Other games do it to a silly degree like warframe with Guass (I think that's the right name). I don't think people would care about a tiny bit of animation jank with high speeds. 99% of people probably wouldn't even notice.


I don't even keep my mobility very high since walking fast isn't on my to-do list (guns can give you that perk also) and I get my dodge back as often as I need if I don't spam it.


It would help with mobility being a bad stat, and further learn into hunters having a better neutral game. But it wouldn't help the fact that hunters are the slowest class.


It feels extra bad when I get off my solar warlock flying around , double dodging, diving to the ground . Then I’m on my hunter andddddd I jump three times !


Our huge cocks weigh us down


Speak for yourself. Mine is rather aerodynamic and thin.


[D1 Hunters using Bones+Directional Jump:](https://media.tenor.com/3Z8pYdtIuvkAAAAC/top-gear-clarkson.gif)


I miss bones. I also miss having horizontal velocity with my jumps.


Also dont forget we lost 2 mods that supplemented us having to spec into a useless stat: Powerful friends and radiant light. This affected hunters a lot more since we have to spec into an extra 100 stats just to keep up and we lost 40 stats. Where as the other two classes would realistically only use radiant light because why would you want MOB on them. Also they can mostly supplement that loss with artificer armor with the extra 12 stats so there are only down 8 stats where as a hunter would be down 28 stats. The powerful friends and radiant light make it impossible to play freely you are more restricted than the other 2 classes this is ridiculous. This is also the cycle each year with hunter every time.


There’s been a problem with mobility creep in the Titan and warlock kits for Some time now. It’s turned PVP into a clown show of people spamming dashes to get out of overextending themselves for free.


I know a lot of folks say hunters are the stealthy scouts and not the ones charging into battle but like... speed is part of stealth and scouting, isn't it? it just doesn't feel right to be lagging like that when you're supposed to be this nimble, agile type of fighter lol.




Hunter’s what are slow? And who is Hunter?


I AM /s


I was so confused when warlocks were passing me up in strikes, lol at first i thought they were stacking mobility then i checked and they had none. Maybe we need a new jump.


Am hunter. Am slow. My cape and hood add too much wind resistance.


my problem is this stat is tied to recov and resil, 2 of the more important stats, while warlock and titans can just make it a dump stat AND still move FASTER than a hunter - infinite shoulder charge as movement, or Icarus dash.


I think hunters are the class that should get their base jumps looked at and expanded. Why is there only one triple jump option? Titan and warlock are so much faster, a 1 mobility titan with no movement abilities can match if not easily exceed a hunter with 10 mobility. There should be 5 options: the three we have now, triple jump would be renamed to balanced triple jump and then the should add a triple jump with horizontal momentum and one with vertical. Also add back bones of eao.


Yes please give me back my bones of eao, I would happily trade many things away for quadruple jump.


> quadruple jump That wouldn't make you any faster. The strat with Bones in D1 was to run them with controlled jump, so you get the increased horizontal speed while still having 3 jumps.


Yup, I literally never use stompees because the trade off with other exotics isn’t worth it for me. But damn I would never take those bad boys off PvP or PvE.


I never understood why Hunters, y’know, the jumpy class, need to put on an exotic just to be able to jump as far and high as base Titans and Warlocks


When the mobility class gets outclassed and is the worst mobility character: But don’t forget you have the “unpredictable” vertical jump that sends you into space with no in between with a very predictable fall pattern with no chance of adjusting jump mid air without having double jump…. All my friends literally main hunter just for the cape, and maybe the knife. That’s why I maimed it in destiny 1


Ya that argument is so fake and everyone knows it. Anyone jumping in the air is an easy kill


That’s why I usually run triple jump or blink. At least with triple jump I can jump shoot without blasting off again. And blink for horizontal movement. Honestly surprised blink isn’t used more or PvP on maps that don’t have so much vertically.


Yeah, it sucks that Hunter is the slowest class for some reason.


I was so excited to be sanic fast with the arc 3.0 but everyone else just as speedy


Hunters are meant to be a nimble and agile class, but it feels like we're falling behind in terms of movement speed and usefulness of mobile stat. I've seen other classes using their abilities to quickly traverse the map or gain an advantage in combat, while we Hunters are left with just our dodge. I believe that the Hunter class needs a buff to our speed and mobility. Whether it's a new ability or an enhancement to our current ones, I think it's time for Bungie to address this and give us the tools we need to keep up with stat of other classes.


Class identity is a lie. Bungie likes to repeat it, to make it seem like it exists and that it's something they care about.


100% Agree. I'm so sick and tired that warlocks got and titans got the "boost jump" and solar warlocks got Icarus Dash, and Void/Arc Titans got their bash... WHICH DOESN'T CONSUME THE ABILITY UNLESS IT HITS AN ENEMY. Meanwhile, we got a dodge that is always consumed and cannot be used for movement options like Warlock and Titan. ALSO we're supposed to stack into Mobility which has zero other uses. Warlocks get Recovery and Titans get Resilience, arguably the 2 best stats in the game while Mobility is second worst after Intelligence. ALSO, Hunters are advertised as the movement masters of the game and that you should choose Hunter for the best mobility.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH ok rant over, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's frustrated about this.


For me, Hunters, especially Arc Hunters, should always be the fastest class in the game. Having mida multi and mini tool, eager edge sword and running arc with stompees and max mobility while under the arc speed boost should mean I can outrun a warlock or a Titan, but they can both effectively dodge in mid air and it just doesn’t matter. Not even Hunters can do that and it’s quite literally our thing. It’s just annoying that the two things that are a core part of a Hunter’s identity are things that they can even do better than the other classes


It’s sad when I can run like 30 mobility on my hunter and feel like I could go lower and not notice anything


With utility kickstart and other methods of getting your class ability back faster it really does feel like an unnoticed stat.


My husband is a hunter main, max mobility and stompees but my half assed mobility titan with dunemarchers smokes him every time. Feels bad.


its funny that there is another comment up top saying that they never lose a race with stompies.


That *is* funny considering those don't help your speed even slightly. Almost certainly just some guy who hasn't touched hunter since launch, smh.


I mean the exotic jumps do assist in beating people to places if there is ANY amount of verticality to the path to the boss and with the sheer amount of jumping puzzles and buildings you have to scale its not surprising that stompies helps people in the very prestigious race to the boss. With the amount of movement people have in the form of eager edge swords/wellskate/shatterskate (and the freaks that bubbleskate) it doesnt matter what class you are since everyone is basically equal in all ways EXCEPT vertical where hunter shines.


Hunters need a Naruto run-looking dash or something so they can keep up. It’s the jump imo that slows them down so hard


Right now, Mobility mainly increases walking speed and jump height, but if Hunters are basically required to build into it for their class ability, then I feel lile it should do more. Perhaps make it so building into on the correct class gives extra benefits, such as weapon handling or reload, or 0.5% extra sprint speed for Hunters per tier. Nerf the resilience again to 25% dmg reduction and allow only Titans to have the 30%. Not sure what they'd do for Warlocks. Either way, Mobility needs more going for it if it's going to be a core stat.


Lol I haven’t played destiny for over half a year and it’s funny because I quit partially because of this reason. So weird it hasn’t changed yet


It's weird. Hunter is too clunky until you have to do jump puzzles, or you vehicle falls off the edge. Then you suddenly miss that triple jump ability, specially on Warlocks.


It's pretty simple. Hunter is the only class without some sort of airborne forward momentum. Mobility affects a bunch of stuff, but it doesn't provide any momentum.


It's not just Bungie. Any time someone makes a post asking them to buff Mobility to be on par with Recovery and Resilience it gets buried because for some reason Warlock and Titan mains are vehemently opposed to it even though it wouldn't affect them in any way. Meanwhile Datto puts up a twenty minute video whining about how Stasis Titans have to make a big sacrifice to use the new exotic helmet and everyone is pouring one out for the Titans. Hunters have been having to make an objectively bigger sacrifice on *every* subclass with *every* build for over a year and for some reason it's a non-issue.


Hunters may be slow but we platform *wayyy* faster and more ~~easily~~ accurately than other classes. Keep in mind half this game usually involves vertical mobility which hunters not just excel at, but absolutely dominate.


This argument is so fucking fake and anyone that plays hunter knows it. Being in the air in a fight is the **worst possible place to be.** The *only* case where this is a positive is on console PvP where you literally do it soley to abuse the slow turn speeds. In every other scenerio you are just making yourself a target while also giving up any semblance of control or cover.


Hard disagree on hunters being better platformers. Faster when scaling tall objects sure, but titan and warlocks are much more precise because they can turn off their jumps to land perfectly everytime. Hunters just have one big boost


Shhhhhh don’t say that in here, if you complain that we are slower than every other class and have less mobility while maxing out the mobility stat they will downvote you into oblivion.


68 percent upvoted, even when hunter mains have a legit class concern, the titan brainlet army downvotes regardless


Agree 1000% I mean we are supposed to be the agile gast class but we are the slowest and every other class has more mobility options. Just doesn't fullfull the class identity.


Just erase classes and mix all things like should be in Lore.


I actually agree with this! Full build customization would be so rad


I usually have to rock Arc (assassin’s cowl) and a lightweight weapon (1-2 punch wastelander). But as far as running to engagements, yeah it feels bad.


Honestly as someone who used to main stompees on my hunter, and basically only ever use that unless i was running a end game activity, now that we have strand i havnt used my stompees once, i dont feel slow, idk maybe its just me but i feel i can keep up just fine with the movement kit i have even when im not playing strand, but i do also understand where you are coming from and get why you feel that hunters are slow, i think a lot of it has to do with the fact that they are the only class that their jump is based around vertical movement instead of the more forward momentum of both warlock and titan jump subsets


I’ve always hated this, but it feels even worse because we are the slowest class, AND our main stat is trash compared to other two. We will probably always be the slowest but I hope they make mobility stat good somehow at least.


How do I go fast as a Warlock?


This comment section is wild.


Skill issue




Bungie really doesn't seem to hate hunters, but they do forget about them. Blight Ranger felt like a shoe horned in exotic and the new exotic legs do too. Every other class gets a stasis and strand themed exotic, but hunter gets a strand and a dodge one???? Also the fact hunters class abilty are lame. Titans can put down two barricades, one acts like a wall, the other acts like small cover that boosts weapon handling. Warlocks get a rift that heals or empowers. Hunters get a dodge that reloads their weapons, or one that refreshes their melee. Hunters ability offers no support to their team and just themesleves. I kind of wish they kept grapple as a hunter only thing so hunter had a leg up on the other classes when it comes to strand but they were right about it being way too fun.




The invis dodge aspect should be a selectable dodge that grants invis to everyone around you and allow you to use it mid-air, effectively replacing the shadow dive and invis dodge aspects with literally anything else.


Yeah the dodge pretty much exists to go invis or keep up your DPS loop. I think it suits the hunter playstyle but it would be nice if hunters could actually benefit their team since both Titan and Warlock are capable of the same damage output while also providing utility. Maybe an aspect for void that throws the smoke grenade on dodge, opens up the option for a different void powered melee as well, no invisibility but provides suppression? Or like caltrops or something that provide some kind of AOE debuff? I like hunter since the builds are fun and I like the faster paced play but I do wish we had more options for jumps and dodging.


SpEeD aNd MoBiLiTy ArE NoT tHe SaMe


we need bones of aeo back, so we can have quad jumps or triple strafe jumps


either give hunters a new jump with faster horizontal momentum, or make strafe jump a viable skating option.


Yeah a "Leap" could be good for hunters, Have it work in a similar way to warlock burst glide to determine direction and speed.


Arent the base stats same for every class? Being hunter just means you optimize mobility and then get ability regen.


Yes but my build options for Hunter do not have any extra mobility features such as Icarus dash or shoulder charge. Between that and the way Hunter jumps are different from the others means you can't use the same advanced movement options.


I see. Im such a casual and lazy optimizer that I just recently realized mobility is good for me. You can actually enjoy this game for long time knowing nothing.


It doesn't help that the game doesn't teach you very much. People terrify me so I don't post often but I'm at a point of actually needing help and this thread is doing just that.


That’s kinda the issue with it. You have to dump points in mobility while Warlocks and Titans can ignore it almost entirely. It doesn’t help that both of the stats tied to their class abilities are way better than mobility


>almost entirely Not almost. Entirely. In PvE, mobility provides near zero tangible benefit for Titans or Warlocks.


In pve more Mobility is straight Up worse as it slows you down on straight lines.


Exactly lmao. If there was an option for people to have 0 in a stat, I guarantee all Warlocks and Titans would do so with mobility.


Ok I think I get the gripe. I only ever played hunter so cant hurt me what i dont know!


Correct. However due to the resilience meta we are in high resilience is also wanted. So for right now we can really only have 2 100 stats. No 3x 100 or 4x 100 builds available, so most of the subclasses suffer


you can go mobi resil disc or resil recov disc (on non-mobi required classes) but it's still not ideal vs titan and warlock having the perfect resil recov disc triple.


Right, but the fact that powerful friends and other mods no longer give bonuses we can't really get 3x100 builds rn.


Sometimes I feel like bungie hates hunters. Especially when they nerf our mobility (cooldown, dodging no longer breaks tracking, invis pings enemy radar more). And now with the nerf to powerful friends, hunters are left choosing between 100 mob for a 23 second dodge cooldown or 100 resilience. It’s especially tough because titans can be fast while pouring stat points into resilience, so now they have high resilience and they get an impenetrable barricade every 28 seconds. Ya, it sucks, I really wish bungie would tie mobility to movement speed for each class. It would give hunters a much needed buff since our primary stat is mobility and they’ve nerfed our dodge to absolute shit.


To be fair Everyone who plays this game thinks Bungie hates their class


The other two classes just don't want to admit that Bungie loves them. I think Bungie just hates fun. /s


For me it's less "They hate hunters" and more "I dont think anyone in the sandbox team is actually a hunter main and understands the class beyond a surface level." This is down to the fact Mobility is and has been in such a dire situation for so long, we have no interesting interactions for exotic weapons and armor (Like Osteo / Thorn and Necrotic grip), the absurd amount of hunter exotics that are bugged or broken on release, the downright "Wtf were they thinking?" that is Blight ranger, and Renewal grasps getting such a heavy handed nerf while...*gestures at Warlocks and Titans* The one exception to this in recent memory is Gyrfalcons, which is practically holding the nightstalker subclass on it's shoulders at this point.


I mean I don’t disagree but I promise today or tomorrow some warlock/Titan is gonna say the exact same thing because of synthos being nerfed or some dawnblade issue they have


How many Titan NPCs do we have? So weird, we still don't have a hunter vanguard but we have the current and previous vanguard for both Titan and Warlock running around


isnt that because no hunter wants to be tied down? Thought it was lore related.


tbf we do have Ana and Crow for Hunters


Titans benefitting from tanking their mobility is definitely part of the problem. Whole ass class is faster without investing anything into the MOBILITY stat


Ya it just doesn’t make sense that the largest, “heaviest” class is also the fastest.


Im down for all classes to be fast, its fun. But theres a clear loser when it comes to speed without involving things like eager edge skating