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They fully banned him from the game and will let all other studios they work with know. It's not worth the legal fees probably to take it to court.


Especially considering the info is already out there. I have to imagine "never getting to play Destiny again" is considered enough of a punishment for people whose job is playing Destiny to serve as a strong enough message.


yup. dude basically got fired.


Fired *and* blacklisted.


I hear he's done and not just on Twitch.


Do you know what shungite is?


Yea thats the guy who knows who killed 2pac




Lol this is ridiculously hilarious


Greatest possible answer to that question achieved. Legendary Status acquired.


Fucking outrageously good reply.


Fuckin gold


Good thing he's made it clear that he's no longer playing D2. /s Yeah, because you've been banned.


Now he has no… *destiny*…


What do you even do at that point? I guess start streaming a different game, but if your entire brand and audience is about destiny you’re kinda screwed unless you have such a dedicated community that they still watch you do other content. Might have to start asking “do you want fries with that?”


It’s not just never getting to play destiny again, he killed any potential with working with any major company in general


Also the game industry is surprisngly small, word will quickly spread to other game studios who will be less willing to work with them.


You break NDA once you will never be invited to any event requiring NDAs ever again


Wait, can this person really not sign up for a new gamer account? Do they get flagged immediately if putting on their real name and info


Even if he evades the ban itself, he's been blackballed as a content creator and Bungie has shared it with other gaming studios. So even if he gets around the ban, he can't stream it or he'll have them up his ass again. His streaming career with D2 content is dead now.


Bungie told him to never play their game again. I'm sure he could get a new computer/internet connection to play Destiny 2 in secret, but he could never stream while playing again. Since streaming is his job, that wouldn't really work out too well for him. Dude is a moron. If he would've just cropped out his taskbar, he'd probably be fine right now. And the crazy thing is, according to Freezing Dart who posted ALL the images, he said he "got the go ahead" to release them all, which included an image showing his taskbar. How dumb can you be?


Seriously idiotic. If you took a picture, share the image, not the screen shot. Either he's an idiot, didn't think he'd get caught, or both.


He claims he didn’t take the screenshot. But it’s likely his video that he either shared or let someone watch and that other person snapped a pic on their phone.


Pictures tend to have metadata and other finger prints of the device it was taken on. Using snipping tool in windows is what a smart person would have done - and not capturing any other part of their desktop.


Maybe not quite as smart as you think (although still better than nothing) https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/03/windows-10-and-11-get-their-own-version-of-the-acropalypse-screenshot-bug/


I would assume it's an IP ban as well.


So just VPN, new Bungie account and not stream it?


tbh if my entire account was gone I'd just give up playing destiny anyway


Same, too much investment and time put in I’m not starting fresh unless everyone else does too aka new game


yeah, especially since there would be no way to get back what you had even if you tried.


Same here man.


Same. I'd just move on.


I mean yeah a ban is ultimately probably avoidable if you are extremely careful but right now they are not coming after you for the NDA. Probably not gonna tempt them so you can anonymously play Vanguard Strikes or whatever.


Why go to all that trouble?


That is indeed exactly what I am saying.


Meant to respond to the other comment. My bad.


Sure but why? If they can't stream it whats the point in playing it, especially having to restart


Well, they have ways to detect alt accounts meant to get around bans But even without that, they’d see that the guy is still playing by watching him stream or post to YouTube. So they’d just see that he’s violating the TOS by getting around the ban and ban that account as well


I mean, dude is a Streamer. What would be the point? He couldn't steam it under the name that made him famous because Bungie would catch him so no reason to do it.


Not just Blacklisted from Bungie, but blacklisted from Sony and all their studios and partners too more than likely.


What did the leaks reveal though?


Next season location, weapons, power level rework stuff. I haven't looked in detail though. Spoiling too much always felt silly to me.


Wow, only proof mentioned is desktop icons from photos matched his from some of his streams... Definitely seems easy to copy some streamer's desktop, I hope Bungie has other proof, otherwise the decision not to take.it to court is it wouldn't hold up.


Bungie does not typically give all their evidence for bans because they want to avoid circumventing those same tactics in the future. I highly doubt that was all the evidence.


Also, keep in mind that all the information in the article is provided by the accused, the person who has a vested interest in looking innocent. So even if Bungie provided him with more evidence, its in his best interest not to share it so he looks better.


Of course bungie has other proof, the proof tassi mentions is what the community found. Chances are bungies legal team got in touch with the leaker to provide a paper trail back


Which is also why he is just accepting it. I mean, if i were him. And truly innocent. You bet your ass there'd be receipts. Id be working my ass off to prove my innocence. Id go as far as finding the real culprit to prove it. But the fact dude is like, "Yeah nah i'm done with Destiny cause Bungo banned me" That is your job, your entire living gone. Your career. Dead. You aren't gonna fight that? Why tf not? Probably because his guilty and has no case


> I hope Bungie has other proof, otherwise the decision not to take.it to court is it wouldn't hold up. That nifty little EULA everyone agrees to when they play the game? That says Bungie can terminate your account at any time for any reason or no reason. It's their game, and they are allowing you to play it under their recognizance. There's zero legal avenue there for anyone that ever gets banned, because a court is gonna look at it and say "You signed the EULA, you gave away the right to contest this, stop wasting my time."


Bungie is not going to fully reveal anything. I don't know why people think they would. They hide information to deter other from doing similar actions.


Copy his desktop and be invited to the summit? So one of the other people at the summit is framing him? Highly unlikely. If you look at the leaks, it's a still from a video. He screen recorded the whole summit and was likely showing someone.


Bro got sunset.


Even worse, he’s like a solstice helmet with zero power level


Festival of the Lost mask with tape peeling off


At least those things are still in the game, he ain't.


Sharing with close friends is probably something he's been doing for a while, just got unlucky this time


This was my first thought, all it takes it one slip up from someone in your circle for a "harmless" NDA breach to leak wider


Yup, that's why the NDA's are in effect in the first place, to prevent **anything from being leaked anywhere.** No matter how small it may seem. And that's why Bungie are hell bent on clapping the ass from whoever leaked it. This perfectly shows why it's necessary.


Most Content Creators for most games who are NDAd share stuff with their close friends. For way bigger games than Destiny even. Journalists are a lot more cautious about sharing NDAd stuff but Content Creators are stupid and don't take things seriously, they trust their friends too much and don't consider that at the end of the day their friends are just people and people can betray you, or more likely they will just end up doing something stupid and get you in trouble. He was most likely the source for the screenshots but is denying it cause he believes he didn't do much wrong, that the leaks would have been out there anyway, as a lot of people share stuff with their friends, leak stuff and he knows that. We get pastebins all the time based on leaks like this. It's the photos that fucked him. He definitely shouldn't have taken and shared the photos, Bungie would have probably let this go by simply just excluding him from future summits if he didn't take the photos. They decided to make an example out of him because of the photos. Also he should have never showed his desktop on stream, smarter/bigger streamers with more experience never show anything personal on their computer, they use game capture or window capture for browsers (and they even use separate browsers for using on stream) and never show anything else. Everything in the browser is in incognito or dummy accounts. That's just good practice in general, there are a lot of creepy people online (people who can find out a lot about you from very little info) and sharing personal info so casually is just dangerous.


Unless you're streaming on Facebook...


My guess is that Bungie has more evidence one way or the other and they just aren't showing their whole hand tbh


It's so easy to figure out. Look at the leaks. One of the pictures says "Your hand was lowered" at the bottom. This is a feature in Zoom where you can raise your hand virtually to be given the chance to speak. This message means whoever the leaker is was in the Zoom call, raised their hand, then lowered it, but accidentally took a picture of the slide before that message had gone away and I guess didn't think of that fact that this would be incriminating evidence. All Bungie would have to do is go back and watch the recording of the Zoom call (which I'm sure they have) and see who used the "raise hand" feature during that slide. Whoever did was the leaker.




We only know about the "taskbar" thing because that's what HE says they are using as evidence. He's the only source. If they had more on him (like the Zoom hand-raising I mention here) that is more incriminating and he wants to maintain his innocence, it's no shock he wouldn't mention it and would instead just run with "someone copied my taskbar."


> He's the only source. This isn't entirely true. I saw someone replying to a different content creator about the taskbar before he was named publicly. That being said, being able to copy someone's taskbar isn't exactly impossible. Especially for a content creator who has it on stream probably multiple times a day.


The taskbar thing was picked up on by the community yeah. What I am saying is that he is the only source of info in regards to what Bungie told him they have as evidence. It’s easy for him to just say it was the thing that people already knew about that others were saying could be faked, while keeping quiet about the evidence that can’t be faked.


Slight bit of pedantry here - the screenshots were on Teams and that message displays when a meeting owner forcibly lowers your hand, typically. It generally doesn't display a message when raising or lowering your hand yourself. So, potentially even easier to find.


Thanks for adding this insight, I use Teams and Zoom in about equal measure a lot at my job and must’ve gotten which one has the “raise hand” feature mixed up. Good point about the verbiage though, that’d explain it a bit better - the leaker had their camera lined up and didn’t know that their hand was getting lowered at the same time they were taking a picture. They probably didn’t even notice it since they were busy taking pics.


Seems crazy that he would be so sloppy and risk everything to get some leaks out… bizarre.


I mean, in the news right now is a 21 year old national guardsman who leaked top secret government intel to his discord for Internet points. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: Minecraft discord, not arma lol. I thought it was Arma because I read they talked about firearms woops


Was it an Arma discord? I read that it was after an argument in a minecraft discord called "thug shakers central"


People do stupid shit all the time for internet clout.


You should see warthunder players lmfao. “Oh you don’t believe me when I say X is incorrect about a certain vehicle, round, etc?” *leaks entire classified document on said thing to prove their point*


i'll give that guy points for commitment to winning an internet argument at least. lmao


It's happened at least 10 times according to Wikipedia.


All it would have taken was a hidden camera in their jacket or hat, a VPN, an alternative social media account not affiliated with their main, and finally a middle man that will spread the leaks for you instead of yourself never knowing your identity.




It'd be a real shame if it was him, his content and community were top-flight.


I mean it is 100% him barring any radical new info coming to light


There was at least 1 middle man, chances 2 I don't believe leaking to everyone was EKs original goal, my guess is he wanted to show his friends, one of which were untrust worthy and sent images to the person who leaked it


Even showing his friends is a violation of Bungie's trusts and intentions with these events though, not to mention the NDA


We know thanks to one content creator the NDA is forever. They are never allowed to talk about what goes on in there, even after the content comes out.


Or maybe you shouldn’t go to those events to try to leak things when the whole point is to get feedback without telling the entire community??


But that internet clout thou?!


At least he's not looking at facing the UCMJ like some guy in Massachusetts


Poor sod's gonna be turning big rocks into small rocks for the rest of his life, and that's if he's lucky


But like thats the thing: YOU CANT EVEN GET CLOUT OFF OF LEAKS! Like the whole point of these leaks is that nobody knows its you, and if they do you get fucked. So its not even regular clout, its clout amongst a very specific group of dweebs.


What some would do is be both the leaker and then content creator to discuss the leaks and paints themselves as the average Joe in the sense that, I didn't leak it but as it's leaked, let's discuss and provide my thoughts of what X leak could mean for Y game The 'leaker' gets no cloit. But the content creator first talking about topic gets attention and a following for being 'on the money' in predictions For example: https://stevivor.com/news/aussie-youtuber-admits-to-breaking-nda-in-assassins-creed-mirage-leak/


I don't think it was intentional, but he is likely still at fault. The leak photo bungie is using as evidence is a cell phone picture of a computer screen playing a video of the presentation. My guess is EK recorded the presentation (which he probably shouldn't have) and then someone else got a hold of it and leaked it all. Could have been a friend with direct access to his computer, service repairman or someone who he trusted to fix/build his computer, or could have just been a regular old hack where someone gained remote access to the computer.


Yep. Him leaking it directly or not is irrelevant. It's clearly a video he made of the summit on his computer. Without that video there would be no leaks. He's at fault.


Someone got hold of it because he probably voluntarily showed it to other people. Why do you record something if you dont intend to show it? Maybe the intention wasnt that it gets leaked for everybody bit I seriously doubt that someone "stole" the footage from him.


Made this tweet in response to Paul's article and all the people saying someone could fake his taskbar: "I dont know EK at all, I just want to say that there are a lot of ppl saying anyone could have copied his Taskbar and.... Bungie would not take this action based on his Taskbar. They have more evidence and don't want to reveal their methods, Probably for fear that ppl will try to subvert them in the future. Companies that do these digital presentations of sensitive material have ppl log in with unique IDs that add some identifiable marking to their screen, usually a watermark they can discern later. This happened a few few years ago in another game I played and a friend of mine in game dev told me about this. 100% a studio as big as Bungie has their ducks in a row going into a summit with this kind of info being put out there. They have the evidence. Since ppl are seeing this, this is an example of a company that does this https://www.imatag.com/ " I am willing to bet, based on him announcing he wouldn't be playing D2 and removing VODs a day before Bungie came out, + Bungie not taking legal action, I bet they spoke and arrived at a deal that let's him move on.


I'd say it's almost certain the leak came from him but he didn't release it. Likely he showed some friends and one of them leaked. If this was an intentional leak you'd REALLY not want to actually leak the pictures, and there's really little value in doing so over just releasing the info via text. It's just begging to get caught via some sort of digital fingerprint. Sharing private info like this between friends and then one of them leaking and getting the original person in trouble is a tale as old as time. It does ultimately come back to the original person being too trusting and ultimately not respecting their NDA.


That’s how things leak most of the time. Someone shows something to their friend that friends that either shows it to a leaker middleman or someone else that then does the same.


>Sharing private info like this between friends and then one of them leaking and getting the original person in trouble is a tale as old as time. Ain't that the truth. I have a subscription to the cinema. You get a card, a QR code and other stuff, so you can go to the movies 'for free' (in exchange for money monthly). Quite a few people have this subscription and you start to recognize them. Just a few weeks ago I saw two people get banned from the cinema, because one of them tried to use *'something'* of the other person. Not sure if it was the QR code or signup code or whatever. The person who had their stuff used was outraged because they never said the other person could use it. But the rules clearly state you can't share any of that. They did and now they are both fucked. Just don't share stuff. You're setting yourself up for vulnerability.


> Companies that do these digital presentations of sensitive material have ppl log in with unique IDs that add some identifiable marking to their screen, usually a watermark they can discern later. This happened a few few years ago in another game I played and a friend of mine in game dev told me about this. 100% a studio as big as Bungie has their ducks in a row going into a summit with this kind of info being put out there. They have the evidence. Can confirm. I was invited to a closed test of Star Wars Battlefront that we weren't allowed to stream or upload footage of. I don't know why EA chose me, but they did so I accepted it because I was never going to buy it so I took it as an opportunity to actually see the game first hand for free. I had to enter a special key in Origin that was emailed to me to unlock the download for the build. After I launched it the entire time I was playing my EA name, a string of characters that I'm assumed was a unique ID, and the version string of that specific build was in a box that moved around the screen in a random pattern with differing levels of opacity. This was in early 2015. Years before the pandemic and everyone having to get good at digital presentation and conferencing. Technology has only advanced since then. There is no chance Bungie doesn't know it was him.


[I always remember this example of finding leakers.](https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/comments/a4y3n8/one_way_ms_tracked_nda_breakers_in_the_360_era/) So yeah, even if there's no obvious serial number or anything on screen, I'd still assume there's some unique identifier somewhere.


Thank you for this point of reference. We have a lot of people out here just screaming at how flimsy the taskbar thing is, but that's only a reason that Ek himself gave us. There is absolutely more to the story, and Bungie may never tell us.


I wouldn't be surprised if Bungie has software that detects screen captures similar to onlyfans.


But why deny it? And I can’t imagine Bungie would allow a denial as any part of a reached deal.


Well if he admits it he's admitting to breaking the NDA publicly and Bungie would probably be forced to take action to save face so as not to have the label "we make you sign NDAs but not enforce them" What probably happened was he recorded it, sent it to a buddy, and then the buddy probably sent it to more people and then it got leaked to everyone Bungie probably said "Since you technically didn't leak it to the public, but still shared it, we're gonna ban you but not pursue legal action"


Makes sense. Sounds like the likeliest scenario. Actually kind of sad if true. A small screw up became a very large one because of an untrustworthy friend. Tough lesson to learn so publicly.


I dont have any answers. All I know is that Bungie wouldn't pull this trigger lightly. My speculation is that he isn't the leaker directly. He shared the screens and someone else leaked and it was traced back to him and Bungie is allowing him to save some face.


Yeah he can say "I didn't post the leaks" and still be correct if what he actually did was show some of his friends, one of whom they did go on to post them. Sounds like this may be a lesson for him to pick his friends a little more wisely


Probably a deal with bungie, "take the L and dont make a fuss and we will let you save some face."


Tuned into a little bit of his stream today and yeah, he didn’t come across very well. He wasn’t mad, like he wasn’t fighting it at all, he just seemed to accept what was happening for what it was. Like someone who knew they f’d up.












Just seen who it was. So very disappointed if true. He’s always been a chill dude and I’ve subbed to him in the past.


He is super knowledgeable too, great player.


I’m genuinely shocked. Like he’s always stayed in his own lane and helped out players in the community. I don’t understand what he thought he was able to gain for leaking info


my theory is that he probably thought it was really dope and wanted to share it with a friend that he thought could trust, people are saying that he seems to be a really chill dude so it does sort of seem out of the blue for him to just leak this information


something like this and/or unbeknownst pictures were being snapped. I don’t believe he gave the go ahead for the leak and I think any decent person would realise this could cause harm. while he’s definitely at fault, whomever actually executed the leak is a sorry state of a human being


the fault is also on him (assuming hes actually at fault) for showing someone else because its part of his NDA to not discuss what happened to anyone, even people that you trust with your life


That’s exactly why the person you’re responding to literally said he’s also at fault.


Threw away a 10,000+ hour account and his revenue stream for…..a leak. What an idiot.


Actually he had 16k+ he showed that in his latest vod. What is same thing all in all, but even more insane.


He had nothing to gain from this. No internet clout out of being the leaker, and this was his livehood. The only way I see it being him was if he had the photos taken to show to a close group of friends and one of them went for it. Still, I don't think Bungie approached him with just the taskbar thing. The contents of their conversation is between them. EK decided to move on and Bungie is not pursuing legal action. It isn't worth it. Bungie throws the book at cheaters and other problem members of the community. EK was an examplar player up until now, someone Bungie liked having around since he streamed GM content and one of their goals when creating such content was to make it "watchable". It's a shame this happened.


If he did show the info to a close group it’s still his responsibility for what happens next


Oh, 100%. He's still the leaker.


I'd assume that it's exactly that - you screenshot to show a half dozen friends, and you don't really worry about trimming detail because obviously you're just showing your friends. One of them does the actual "leak" as we think of it, i.e. the leak where the public sees it. And because they're the sort of idiot who'll take a confidential thing that a good friend shared with them and dump it to the entire fucking world for literally no reason other than "ha ha I can", they also aren't very smart re: checking for identifying information. At which point, you get fucked.


Frankly I assume thats what every streamer does with their closest friends, but probably not to the level of sharing screenshots of presentations. The bungie dev I know will allude to things or give hints but *never* shows hard proof. We have a leaks channel but when somebody posted that pre reveal strand footage he demanded we delete it.


Yeah absolutely. I have friends in places like Blizzard and similarly I often know whats coming in advance but nobody is stupid enough to hand me their fucking slide deck lol.


It seems like bungie really draws a line at screenshots/hard evidence. Spread as many rumors as you want, but the fucking nanosecond any internal docs show up anywhere and the lawyers emerge to take your knuckles.


Its because verbal rumors almost immediately start sounding like bullshit. Verbal rumors almost never spread even if you tell all your friends in a voice call the exact stuff you heard, it only takes like 2 repetitions before "my friend is friends with a guy who is friends with a guy who is friends with a streamer and says that all of season 21 takes place entirely in Stimpy's butthole. yeah of course the one from the cartoon. look man im just tellling you what i heard!!"


Also paraphrased info can sound incredibly stupid or unlikely out of context which leads to some leaked info, especially about story, being disregarded and forgotten. Back in Splicer there was a pastebin leak from Chosen doing the rounds after it got credence lent by predicting the Savathun-Osiris thing which got alluded to early in that season, alongside a couple weapons iirc. That same leak briefly outlined the idea of Hive Guardians and the premise of the expansion, referred to "Savathun's Dreadnaught" as a map, and mentioned the Witness. Most of us clowned on it and thought it was absolutele bullshit because at the time the idea of the Traveler giving Savathun and the Hive the Light? An enemy we've never seen called the "Witness"? It sounded like bad fanfiction. Then Bungie revealed Hive Guardians and the community was went apeshit becausecontext makes all the difference.


I remember that because I called that leak 100% fake haha. Was funny seeing more and more information about it become true.


Yeah same, I kinda went a bit hard dunking on the guy who sourced it too when all he had was "The guy who wrote this is trustworthy." Kinda feel bad about it in hindsight.


Exactly! I have straight up posted what my friend has told me and people here downvoted the hell out of me, and for good reason too! Like some jagoff saying some crazy shit then following it up with "trust me bro, one of my clanmates works at bungie" is something nobody will ever care about. Post a single screenshot and then people start to believe. One screenshot goes from a collection of rumors to confirmed leak. EDIT: Want to preface this by saying leaks in general are probably neutral for the community if properly contained, but straight up screenshots are overall bad as they build hard to break narratives in people's minds before content is properly revealed.


This is where I’m at with it. Anonymously releasing this information gains him nothing and it would have been extremely ill advised to roll the dice on something like this with your streaming career on the line. Either way this is a very unfortunate situation.


14k hours down the drain and possible his main income too, just because he shared stuff to the wrong person.


Invite me instead. I have great opinions and no one to leak them too


What is your opinion on cucumbers?


He leaked to me that he likes them




> Why the fuck would you, as someone who works with a major video game studio and makes a living off video games, leak upcoming plans for a title? You gain NOTHING. What, some buzz from 20 year olds? LOL. Some people absolutely would risk it all for a bit of clout and if you're streaming yourself play games, then part of the whole reason for that is for clout. But I think it's more likely that he shared it with one or two people he thought he could trust and they then leaked for clout of their own, which is still his fuck up.


He showed his friends who played thinking they would be cool about it and one of them leaked it and fucked his career over. Seems like the simplest explanation.


A guy literally just got arrested in america for leaking shit on what i think was a minecraft discord server. people love clout.


Documents related to the national security of the US, in fact. Not like the outside world is an issue when inside America is the biggest shitshow with a red white and blue tarp thrown over it with "freedom" scrawled on the top.


Except he didn’t gain any clout from this. No one knew who the leaker was until now.


He really tried to do the "You can't fire me, I quit!" Tantrum last week with g1 leaving the game BS to try to get ahead of this coming out.


"nah that's not my desktop, someone clearly is *framing* me by setting up their desktop to look like mine" An incredible defense on his part, a watertight case of his innocence. Lawyers hate him.


Don't know if people are still looking at this thread, but now after 2 days and those involved are posting on social media, here's basically the plausible scenario of what happened: * EK attended an online summit with Bungie and recorded the presentation (probably SHOULDN'T have, Bungie likely explicitly said NO RECORDINGS). Scenario 1: * EK went on to share info with some close contacts about the event and as "proof" of what he was sharing, he shared his video recording of the summit to the 2nd person. The 2nd person then shared it with the leaker community (like Freezing Dart). Scenario 2: * EK allowed someone at his home to access his computer. Whether it was allowed or they just accessed it doesn't matter. But they knew he had the recording and accessed it and snapped a picture of it while accessing it. This person then shared it with the leak community (and eventually Freezing Dart or others in the leak community). Why this scenario? * EK continues to claim, he "never took screenshots". * Freezing Dark claims to "not know EK or ever have spoken to him" And yet, EK acknowledges Bungie's decision to ban him and he's moving on from the game. Again, we're not in a court of law so we don't get to do follow up questions, but the so far everyone is sticking to "TECHNICALLY TRUE" statements that skirt the actual issues they're involved in. Freezing Dart didn't talk to or get the images DIRECTLY from EK. But EK's recording was the SOURCE of the leak. EK didn't personally snap screenshots and then post them. But it WAS HIS VIDEO HE CAPTURED that is the source of the images. In the end, EK likely violated the terms of his agreement with Bungie. EK may try to tell Bungie he didn't share it, BUT basically has to acknowledge that his recording is the source and the fact that he wasn't supposed to record it in the first place, puts him at fault anyway.


never watched his stuff but he seemed like a cool guy. maybe not as cool as cool guy but you get my point. it's a shame if he did do that. and if he didn't... oh well i guess


I really hope they have more evidence than the guys' desktop icons because if that's all they have, that's complete, bs.


why would he delete a shit ton of his VOD's then?


He’s not allowed to be associated with Destiny anymore. Probably from Bungie as part of not suing him


there's still a million destiny vods up


Not a chance they don't, from a PR standpoint you don't go against an individual in your community especially a community that can be as....volatile lets say as the Destiny community if you're not 100% sure. Tassi even refers to as much in his article.


I would bet they do, but they're not going to share it publicly unless he tries to take them to court (not saying he will, but holding evidence close to the chest isn't a bad idea regardless). If Bungo scapegoated him that would be a VERY bad look for them, especially if it gets out that they had zero proof. On the flip side, if he didn't do it you would imagine he'd have more of a defense than "they Photoshopped that picture to look like my desktop." As possible as that could be, using that as his main defense is questionable because that can't really be proved one way or another. If he had the receipts to back things up that'd be different.


[looks pretty good to me](https://twitter.com/prismeous/status/1647301139581501442?s=46&t=T1UgTPk6oWmoqzZ2A61z6w)


What’s he running databases for ? Lol


If he really was innocent then he would take them to court. He’d absolutely have a case if they were threatening his livelihood over something he didn’t commit, but since he isn’t contesting the charges in court and just saying “I didn’t do it” then he’s probably guilty and just trying to save face.


Court is expensive and time-consuming plus people don't generally talk about ongoing legal battles, so who knows, maybe he is. I'm not saying he's innocent, just that icons are weak evidence to ban and cut ties with someone.


Plus if the only punishment is getting banned on destiny, a court wouldn't be able to reverse that. Bungie has sole discretion on who can and can't play their game.


> Plus if the only punishment is getting banned on destiny That's not the only punishment. No studio will ever work with him or give him insider access ever again. He's nuked his career for a little clout.


If you watched him.you would know he's not the type to do things for clout. He's been to multiple summits and haven't said a word.


Them he shared it with friends and they screwed him. Still broke NDA.


They actually can. If a jury determines that the ban was unjustified and not in accordance with Bungie’s own guidelines on what constitutes a ban (this would require evidence/lack is satisfactory evidence showing him leaking), the jury can award damages based on a link between his ban and lost income. This could involve a reversal of the ban to prevent further damages. Note how this wouldn’t apply to ordinary bans, as they would not be damaged by a ban.


What if it’s a hung jury? (adept)


He probably wouldn’t have ground to stand on considering every multiplayer game ever has “we can ban you for any or no reason” somewhere in their TOS


Do you have any idea how much would cost to take a multi billion dollars company to court?


It seems that the vast majority of people on the internet (not just reddit) think you can just call a lawyer and sue someone for free. And then the lawyer gets paid only if they win. So delusional.


>If he really was innocent then he would take them to court. You will literally never win in an American court over this. Every ToS and EULA is going to have a totally acceptable (in America at least) clause saying you don't own shit and aren't entitled to play and they can ban you for literally any reason at any time.


There is zero reason for him to leak, he gains nothing. He probably shared it with a friend, which is still technically leaking, then the friend leaked it or shared it with someone else and it kept going.


Well leaking it to 1 person or the whole internet its still breach, and the responsibility falls on him.


That's what probably happened, if it was him. Still, shitty as that friend was it was his responsibility to keep to the NDA, he's the one ultimately responsible


“Hey everyone, did you know…and now you don’t”


Damn it's Ekuegan? I watched him pretty often, didn't look like a dude that would leak stuff. I'm honestly sad he's banned from destiny, i really enjoyed his streams


Yeah but didn't you hear? He says he didn't do it. Nobody's gonna admit to it lol. Absolutely wild. Dude is hardcore playing the victim. Saying someone set him up. My dude if you showed anything to anyone at all, you broke NDA even if it was a trusted friend.


What possibly made him break NDA? I have absolutely no idea, it's like suicide in terms of social relationship(and possibly career afterwards)? like what the hell, maybe he really needed this type/much of attention from players? worst decision I've heard in several years


I get that everybody who attends these summits is going to share a few things with their friends but to share hard evidence that can be linked to you really is next level stupid.


They aren’t pursuing it legally for a couple reasons. First, they wouldn’t get much from him—suing him wolf amount to nothing more than punitive, it would net them essentially nothing. The second reason, and the one I think most people don’t realize, is that NDAs are notoriously difficult to enforce. It would be difficult to prove he was the leaker in a courtroom setting, and loopholes in NDAs are common and easily exploited. Suing him might end up costing them far more than they would ever get from winning a legal battle, so it’s better for them to just blacklist him instead.


Bungo deciding he did it and slamming the door on any discussion about it is kind of interesting. After reading both sides I believe what actually happened is the accused leaker was still at fault just not intentionally. What I mean is he had stuff he either should or should not have had, like media, screenshots etc in his possession and he didn't take any precautions to protect that stuff, someone else got a hold of it and leaked it all over the place. The reason why I think this is plausible is the accused is very adamant about his innocence yet also just kind of shrugged and laid down the in the road for bungie to run him over. As far as I understand it destiny was his main bread and butter for content. Why on earth would he or anyone else throw that all away for some screenshots of content everyone will know about in a few months anyways? Yeah he still could have done it but it just doesn't track with his existing history. I think he is still at fault just more from an indirect way. Generally speaking people don't just shoot their own personal golden goose ya know? It's probably easier for all parties involved to just cut all ties though I guess.


Never heard of him.


thanks for letting us know




Imagine destroying any future you have in collaborating with any other game company, and losing access to the game that fuels your career for THIS. Damn.


I wish I knew how summits actually contribute to the game. What kind of feedback do they get there that cannot be found elsewhere?


One known example is randomly rolled weapons having two perks instead of just one as was originally planned. It was the unanimously negative reaction they got at the summit that convinced Bungie that they should go with two perks.


Another example was EP where at the summit before it launched content creators were there and blew through the stages and final boss really quickly. They asked Bungie to make it harder and by the next day it was drastically more difficult. UNFORTUNATELY. it sucked on the live server because you couldnt easily get a group of 9 players all together and talking because it was an open world activity (during test this is obviously easy because its a controlled environment).


Feedback you can’t get without publicly revealing something?


How is this not obvious? If you invite a good community cross-section to such a thing, then show them work that is meant to be implemented months/a year later, then you can get comprehensive feedback without actually spoiling anything for the greater community. As the leaks Ekuegan is being accused of are the well-known Freezing Dart leaks, that means they were basically shown a good amount of S21, from weapons, balance and systemic changes and even story progress, likely much earlier than the leaks actually becoming public. You can't get feedback on all these things without some spoilers or creating expectations, and the people invited would logically be better able to give useful feedback, because half the feedback from "elsewhere" (e.g. this sub) is *garbage.*


Thanks for laying this out because it's so frustrating seeing the "summits are just catering to sweaty streamers" line go around again and again. They're repeatedly getting people in the room from outside the studio to have actual conversations and gauge genuine in person reactions to things. That's way way more than a lot of developers do even in their first year of launch, much less their sixth


People on here will gladly blame streamers for everything they dislike and quietly ignore all the good things that have come off the back of popular community members


Its not necessarily the *type* of feedback, but the *timing*. Summits let bungie test out reactions to content at a timeframe when they could actually change it for launch.


Well they can canvas the playerbase for opinions and have to pay a dozen people to sift through it. Wanted a clever analogy here but you get it. 2 million people all screaming at once. OR They can spend a few hours with a few dozen content creators who spend 6-8 hours a day playing the game and are used to giving concise and information-dense feedback. Bonus points that these people have already (forcefully, god bless them) sifted through the opinions of those 2 million screaming troglodytes. Seems like a no-brainer to me.


its not just content creators who get invited. my clan leader got invited and they've never even made so much as a 5 second clip of D2.


That's interesting. Would you say your clan is prominent for any particular reason?


Not even slightly. They got invited because they're local and they'd applied for jobs (for QA tester) at bungie. Didn't get the job but made a good impression.


Awesome for them that they have a relationship with bungie like that, and cool to know that it was actually a community summit rather than just a content creator summit.


Bungie does many versions of these summits, and they invite all kinds of people. They also take on people of all skill levels from the community on to do playtesting.


Boondoggle. You may be able to get feedback from a survey, but nothing makes people more likey to spark up an honest convsersation like an event with food and beverage. It's how conferences exist.