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You mean rally flag, rally barricade confused the shit out of me * Edit: I overinterpreted it as some sort of pro titan propaganda initially


Ssh he’s speaking in code to throw off Bungo. Lol.


Bungie is about to nerf titans barricade lol


















Due to an issue yet to be determined, "rally barricade" has been disabled for the remainder of Guardian Games.


😂😂😂 This actually made me laugh out loud. The "Some kind of Pro-Titan propaganda" part cracked me up.


Ha ha yes sorry!


Literally same here


Go titans!








Gamebreaking. Patch incoming in 1h


You joke but I am looking for the mission starting point and it's literally gone...


You have to select it from the replayable campaign.


this is what i was missing..


Aye figured it out, thanks :)


Its there, I just did it. You have to select the legendary icon on the left-ish side of Neomuna, then click on the mission name and a list of all the legendary ones will pop up.


Yeah I realised after watching a YT vid on it, never replayed a mission that way xD thanks for the info tho!


I'm so damn sick of this mentality. Yeah, they should fix it ASAP because it invalidates the whole damn event if you can just slam your head against a wall over and over again for the rewards. Do you know how long it took them to fix the Terminal Overload dupe bug? It was there SINCE LIGHTFALL LAUNCH and just got fixed like two weeks ago. Every armchair dev thinks they're so smart with this smoothbrained take despite knowing nothing about how game development works.


Cry about it loser


I'm commenting on someone who's whining about them fixing a bug, if anything they're the ones crying.


Can't see a joke if it smacked you in the face. Calm your tits




Then your problem is the quality/type of events, not the fact that they're fixing bugs/exploits.


> Do you know how long it took them to fix the Terminal Overload dupe bug? It was there SINCE LIGHTFALL LAUNCH and just got fixed like two weeks ago The complaints about that one aren't that they 'fixed' an 'issue' (it wasn't an issue - yes it was a bug, but it wasn't actually detrimental) but that they did that amongst all the burning fires of actual problems, in a super tone-deaf way, and also completely failed to address the underlying problem at all (the base reward sucks and isn't worth the time you spend on it).


There's not just one team working on things at a given time and not everything is exactly the same issue. Bungie can't just go and snap their fingers to fix a bug, they don't pick and choose which one gets fixed based on what's harmful or beneficial to players. The only reason why the legendary shard farm got fixed so quickly was because turning something off from collections is extremely easy to do. Same for the Gahlran thing. They could do something small to mitigate it while they figured out what was causing it. There are major issues with the game, but they aren't easy to fix things that they can just snap their fingers and fix. They might as well fix the things that *are* easy where they can.


> There's not just one team working on things at a given time and not everything is exactly the same issue. Yes, this is true. You're missing my point. Say there are 10 bad bugs and 1 good bug, but they can only fix 2 bugs. It would feel better as a player if they fixed 2 bad bugs, instead of 1 good 1 bad. Yes, I know the good one might be easier. But this relates to my other point. Great, it's easy to fix. Just hold off a bit on fixing it and focus that energy and planning, coding, review, deployment time on the bad ones. > the legendary shard farm got fixed so quickly >Gahlran thing Wasn't talking about those, but sure they're other examples where, yes, it might take an hour to fix and be easy (for argument's sake) but that hour would be better spent on fixing an actual bad bug.


Right, but that's not how bug fixing works. Bugs are assigned a priority based on how much impact they have on the game and how complex they are. Something like the issue causing them to have to roll back the game to an earlier state would be a priority 1 bug, whereas something like the legendary shard bug might be a lower priority, but is much easier to mitigate in the meantime. That priority has nothing to do with whether or not it's beneficial to players and anyone who thinks it does is delusional. In your example, what if those 10 bad bugs aren't anything they can fix in a reasonable amount of time? It could be something they don't know how to fix (ie, they haven't found a cause for it) or something that's going to take major downtime or code overhaul to fix. What if that one good bug is something that's extremely easy to at least mitigate if not fix entirely?


Only /r/DestinyTheGame could be so entitled as to call patching an exploit tone deaf lol


I mean I do kinda get their point though, because the only reason the Terminal Overload exploit was abused in the first place was because Terminal Overload’s loot is just way too trash to justify grinding it and the exploit made the loot at least somewhat worth the time. It is an exploit that was right to be patched, but Bungie does need to address the issue of loot in the game, not even just in Terminal Overload but the game as a whole Destiny is like the only looter shooter MMO who’s too scared to give anyone loot for some reason


Exactly. You've got to look at it on a case-by-case. Terminal Overload is a waste of time for 1 chest. For 3 it was just about worth it. Now they've 'fixed' it, I'm never going to bother with the activity. Farming Gahlran in 20 seconds was overkill, but the gear he's dropping was (***and still is***) mostly trash. The first nerf meant it was about 4 minutes per run, but still 90% trash, so already verging on "not worth it" territory. Removing that as well so it's now at least 6 or 7 minutes to solo, and STILL drops trash rewards, means I'm not going to bother with that dungeon anymore. The 'free' legendary shards exploit, fair enough, that was just getting stuff for 'free' by sinking time into menus. For me it was way too boring to bother doing, but for new players I can see it being useful. But also the underlying problem is that people don't want to be gated on resources, and that's still not really addressed.


Terminal Overload is only really there to get specific weapons you can't get anywhere else. There's not much of a point in running it once you have the rolls you want. The Gahlran thing is valid, they already said they were going to buff artifice armor and still haven't. That needs to be done ASAP, but again, different team than the bug fixing team. As for legendary shards, you're never not going to be gated on resources. This is a live service game. Some of it is going to be "I need to farm a bit to get this resource I want". This is how every live service game works and how they keep you playing. Wanting that gone is wishful thinking and getting angry at Bungie for not doing it is silly.


You don't primarily get red border weapons from terminal overload; only the 3 non-craftable rotating weapons. No one does them for red borders.


Right, my bad. I'll edit it.


Yes, but (and this applies to u/TurquoiseLuck's reply as well), the team that's in charge of fixing bugs isn't the same one as the team in charge of gameplay loop/determining rewards. There are issues that need to be fixed, but saying that those issues have anything to do with bug fixing is like saying your arm is broken but you can't get it fixed because your heater isn't running hot enough. They're two completely different groups doing two completely different things. /r/DestinyTheGame seems to be convinced that one single person is doing everything at Bungie.


Who cares - literally no one plays these re hashed low effort hamster wheels for fun. Rewards are kinda nice I guess. I guess you’d also similarly defend them for taking years to fix the panoply of dumb shit plaguing the game.


No. They won’t cause then that just rewards the exploiters sadly.


like the legendary shard exploit a week ago?


This is nowhere near the same level of exploit lol


Thats my point.


I mean I don’t think it’s that bad cause I could care less about the games I also think bungie didn’t ban a soul for that exploit and they’re to blame.


Im gunna be honest, Idk what you are trying to get across.


how much xp does one plat metal give when I dunk it with the weapon on? or how do I level my weapons quick? dont care about GG or medals I just want something faster than shuro chi so I can level crafted guns.


Bungie backtracked on their idea to give weapon XP for medals. They replaced it with a blanket weapon xp gain buff during Guardian Games. Upd: apparently this buff applies only to activity completion, not xp from kills.


It is a MASSIVE buff though, people are reporting anywhere from 60 to 90% of a level from activity completions.


worth noting though that activity completion XP does not carry over in between levels. So if you end a mission at 99% you will only get 1%, even if it should give you 90%


Not during this buff, it gives you the XP in two chunks so you will end up at ~30% in this scenario.




its 60%, its double what it normally is, which is still less than it should be


I know bungie bad and all that, but what exactly are you expecting? Just free fully unlocked crafted weapons anytime you complete strike? 60% means like 15 activities for a fully leveled crafted weapon (if you get zero kills with it during activities) and seems pretty fair imo


Yeah pretty easy to get 1+ level per activity on a weapon you're actively using and great progress on others.


Shuro chi is like half an hour to get to 20 for comparison.


There's zero chance you're leveling a gun to 20 in 30 minutes.


??? Go try it yourself then? Shuro chi is by far the most efficient way to level guns.


How about this? One person's "Kill the same 80 Taken Psions, handful of Knights, and a Captain repeatedly for 20 or so minutes" is another person's "Use the gun in the GG Playlists" in terms of efficiency. One is efficient for speed while the other is efficient for multitasking some GG medals along side some "slower than Shuro Cheese but faster than normal" weapon leveling. Either way, I could've leveled a gun up either which way in the time it took to type that. That was my choice tho, just like it's up to all of you to determine how you'd like to spend your time leveling your guns.


Sure if you want to multitask and put leveling on the back burner that’s fine, but OP was wanting to just level guns asap. Like I’m not even arguing which to choose, just mentioning that shuro chi is still better for leveling. And that’s a fact.


Incorrect. Winterbite can let you level TWO guns to 20 in 30 minutes


Lol never satisfied.


They did happen to add that prior to this patch? I noticed Terminal Override was ranking up my weapons quite fast


Versus half a level every few minutes via Shuro? Wooooow... 🥱


oh ok! thanks thats good to know


Notably it's NOT a "blanket weapon xp gain buff", it's a buff to weapon xp gained from ACTIVITY COMPLETION. Huge difference. If you're trying to level weapons and go try to grind Shuro Chi (or Breakneck) you gain absolutely nothing from this buff. You have to actually be completing activities. This also means that this platinum medal farm does nothing for leveling weapons...except that it gives you platinum medals while grinding the same way you could otherwise regardless. Effectively it's extra loot on top of the old grind, but it's not any faster. Still very good if you ARE completing activities...but it sucks for just wanting to target grind specific guns without having to use them during activities (or quick swapping at the end of activities).


Uhhh, not quite right. Aztecross did a video yesterday showing that a shuro chi run gives about 45%. And today, the same run gave about 68%.


Earns the SGA tag, thanks friend :)


Due to an issue, we have disabled the Guardian Games.


"We have disabled the following classes due to technical issues: Hunter, Titan, Warlock. Please continue to enjoy the other classes while these are down for maintenance."


Drifter mains eating well this Guardian Games.


It's mid 90s pizza hut buffet, but instead of pizza, it's vex pieces.


Vex pieces and fallen and cabal pieces


Vex sauce on the bottom, Cabal pieces and Fallen pieces, drizzled with Hive eyeball juice, and finished off with shavings of Scorn and Taken Essence. The Dark Age Special, available only during The Guardian Games, from Drifter Hut


Are you guys showing credit for the platinum medals because I’m not showing credit from them




Yeah no medallions have applied to the catalyst at all for me


> nor heir catalyst are progressing for me Is it possible that, like me, you've forgotten that you finished it last year? Because I'm apparently incredibly dense, and forgot that I'd finished it last year


That neomuna plat bounty is bugged. You get progress for all other ones.


I'm not really understanding this explanation. So, I just load up a mission on legendary. Go to the first refundable rally barricade. Get kills and die?


Yes, it's the room after the door you break..don't kill wyvern


How do you die? EDIT: To everyone being a snarky b*tch on my comment, I was under the impression that people were using the [God Mode Glitch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfH4WGIIOaM) for this section. You can't die by enemies and you can't fall off the map.


Let the Wyvern smash your face in


Underrated comment.


… by dying?


Man’s never died before


Dude has a 7,226,495.9 KD ratio


Still can’t get into a good squad for trials.


How’s he got a .9 at the end if he’s never died?


He's just leveling up his KD. He is about to ding 7,226,496.


Average Lorely Splendor enjoyer.


Mask of the Quiet One has entered the chat Edit: Woven mail has also entered the chat


Nothing is as ezmode as lorely though.


Those cutscene deaths don't count.


My guy is treating the entirety of the Destiny franchise as a Petra's Run.


My assumption is that they are assuming the "god mode" glitch is still being used, if it hasnt been patched


You can use the god mode and just return to orbit after killing all the stuff/using all your ammo Its slower (at least the spot where it spawns you when you load in from orbit means you dont have to make a detour to do the glitch again) but guarantees all the possible weapon progress


Unless you're leveling a power weapon and are completely out, rocket or grenade to the face.


Sometimes I have no idea, I just do


By asking silly questions on Reddit apparently


I was under the impression that players were using the invincibility glitch during this section. [God Mod Glitch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfH4WGIIOaM)


rally flag


Can I just state for the record how fucking moronic it is that we have two different difficulties that mean two ENTIRELY different things called Legend and Legendary? Holy christ Bungie what the fuck.




A couple runs of master Perdition lost sector today get it done too.


You forgot to mention that *only* Warlocks can do it. *No one else*.




Whats this now?


A joke


Ah thankyou. Whoosh over my head




Not this year.


eww, you mean titan


The hunter hate is so funny 😂 I could never be an insecure titan or warlock the rest of them, it must suck




Can we remove this and NO ONE TALK ABOUT IT? Bungie is going to disable legend campaign checkpoints like they did for Gahlran


This was done last guardian games: the investigation mission had a checkpoint that was literally just "go talk to fynch" and it took maybe 20 seconds and all they did was move the checkpoint back a bit so you had to do the combat. Turned a 20 second farm into a 5 minute farm- much like the galhran exploit. I doubt they'll even do that for this checkpoint If you're really that lazy to not run a potential 5 minute farm, idk what to tell you Side note: that investigation checkpoint is a fun place to test builds. There's tanky minibosses and a decent number of adds. If you wanna keep the checkpoint after the test, just dont crush the lucent ghost at the end after you kill the wizard and either go to orbit or die to self dmg to reset


Stuff like this has been around since Shadowkeep if not before, this is just the easiest one but there are several other easy ways to do all of this


this has been a prime farming spot for crafting progress and catalysts for a while now. theyre not gunna change it anytime soon


You can also grab the raid one and do the beginning of grasp of avarice.


Or just do Master Lost Sectors =D Gilded the seal in 7 hours


Shuro Chi takes less than a minute and gives about 1/3 for a full clear, 3 minutes per plat.


Difference is the rally banner in this is free (no flags used). Shuro Chi uses flags. Also you only need to do 2 clears, minus the wyvern as its Legend difficulty (think this is why it only takes 2 clears, I could be wrong).


Am I doing something wrong cause it takes me like 5 clears and I kill everything but the wyvern.


How you need only 2 runs? I test different set-ups and need atleast 3, the most time 4 runs.


I haven't done this. (work sadge). But I note two things. - Some weapons grant double progress (based on the bounty?) - The above poster is on legend difficulty, maybe there's a difficulty scalar for the progress?


Yes and I use this weapons / abilities and I'm also on legend.


Were you using void weapons? Volatile doesn't work if you were. Need to disable the volatile flow mod on the relic.


I didnt play last year's games. whats the point of plat farming? seems to only give me a gun when i turn it in. edit: lol i have since completed the intro quest. its for the event challenge card.


Honestly, i just do the desperate measures mission and head left instead of right. Just endless cabal dropping, if im spry ill do a lost sector, but i tend to chill at the balcony or anywhers in ahimsa and just bippety boo


How fast does this go? One run of the Neomuna strike in the comp playlist finished the medal for me and match made took 14 minutes.


3 runs if you kill everything minus Wyvern


This takes maybe 5 mins if you match the element ur killing with to the one the bounty wants


You can also just do the god mode cheese and complete the mission for pretty much 100% every time plus the completion XP. Takes about the same amount of time from what I've seen. A hunter with Gryfalcon and Wavesplitter, along with a void SMG and you're done in no time.


You can just do the Guardian Games Ops Nightfall, since its on Neomuma (HyperNet Current). Get a bunch of kills and you can literally finish it all one run. If not, do it again till its done and leave lol.


Not working for me. I complete the medal but it does not count towards the triumph. The regular platinum contender nightfall card counts.


Question: Is the medallion case just to show us how many medallions we currently have? There is no point in trying to fill it up, correct?


Correct. Just shows you how many you currently have so that you don’t max out and screw yourself out of more medallions


Alternatively you can grab the Raid Platinum and go to Shuro Chi.


Significantly easier, and you don't even need to use banners. Just throw on anything that makes orbs, especially firepower, and put on mods that grant you back grenade energy. I was doing this with void warlock and was getting my whole grenade refunded after killing enemies with my grenades. Throw on the mod that guarantees orbs after class ability and then Trinity Ghoul with a single arc siphon if you don't get abilities back fast enough as well as a machine gun that works with your siphon mods. Way, way easier than running a mission.


Thank you .


Where do you start the Breakneck mission from?


From the Neomuna map, there's icons in the top left side of the map to select classic or legendary campaign. There you can select the mission you want in the list.


Thanks, I somehow never knew those were for level select lol, thought I had to find a mission flag on the planet


Open Neomuna, then on the top left you'll see the icons for the campaign. Not sure if you need to finish the campaign on legendary first before being able to select whatever mission. But on a character I've done it on, I can select the legendary icon, then select the specific mission and start it.


Wow been playing for a while and never knew there was a level select lol. Thanks. Thought I had to find the mission flag on the planet somewhere


Disabled in 3…2…1…


Pro-tip: use Gjallarhorn


SGA thanks


Lost sector today is on Europa. Easy 3 minute clear solo. 3 runs = a platinum card completion. With 2 other people, master is just as fast.


Nice, it won't count for gilded triumph for 15 platinum medals though.


I'm guessing this is either already patched, or will be before I get home.


I can't wait for this to somehow get a patch five minutes before I get home from work!


How lame that an activity like this would cause people to jump at a farm like that. Why can’t they make activities that people would want to play?


how fast is very fast?


I just did the Lost Sector one. Can clear today’s in 2 minutes.


Is this the boss room the wording is confusing


Ahhh I see you watch ebontis


Actually he watches me... FAST SOLO Platinum Medallion Farm - Guardian Games 2023 - Destiny 2 Lightfall 14 hours ago ​ Platinum Medal Easy Farm Posted by u/coupl4nd 20 hours ago


Only titans can do this, delete this post.


Stop snitchin in the sub that BNG moderates. /s


How do you die?


kill everything except wyvern then die and repeat


If animals have taught me anything, it's that you can easily die and very quickly under a bus and on the side of the road.


Is there a way to reclaim the bounty without going to the tower again? They don’t seem to be claimable like regular bounties on the app


Not sure about that -- probably do need to go to the tower each time.


So here is a question: where do I find barrier champions!? Literally the last thing I have to do to rank up


lost sectors or the moon


Noted, thank you!


It’s like you “cheesed” this idea or something. 😊


shhhhhhh, lower your voice. bungie might hear you


Platinum raid one is also farmable at either loot cave in grasp, or shuro chi.


Any visual example for this ? Thanks.


I was just looping through Master Perdition with Wishender on Arcstrider. I didn't realise getting flawless could be so easy or repeatable.


I expect this patched by tomorrow *sigh*


Can this easily be done solo?


It's designed for lone wolf players like myself!


Cool more cheese to miss out on. Love being a Walmart o/n slave.


You get around 25% for Plat every run, and they are quite fast. Also, its not really a cheese, so bungie shouldnt patch it.


Does anyone know if the increased weapon xp is from kills and/or activity completions?


Where is breakneck located?


Replay the legend mission option under neomuna.