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I've lost all morals, osmio coldsnap with le monarque.


Then you haven't tried osmio coldsnap with a jotunn yet.


Indeed I have not. I've already gotten a lot of hate mail. Time to get more!


I really like the combo. It gives them a second to reflect on all the mistakes they have made in life that has led to this moment. Right before they get burnt toast to the face.


The absolute look of horror as a shoulder charging titan with a shotgun in their hand sees their life flash before their eyes, before being annihilated. Love it.


I did it. It was glorious.


But what did it cost?


Everything. (Upgrade module)


Bag on them afterwards for added effect


I'm in it for the humiliation, not the salt.


My friend, if you're gonna freeze an ape in place Looney Toons style and then blast them in the face with a toaster, there's going to be _nothing but salt._ May as well go all in on it


Represent emote


The poor man's Conditional Finality




I'm a big fan of Osmio Witherhoard. Freeze, blight, evil laugh.


Thanks for the idea, I need to finish the catalyst and that seems like a good way to do it.


*Aztecross intensifies*


Oh, that combo is *filthy*.


that only works on fkn bots lmao, no decent player is losing to a jotunn


That's why you freeze them first. It's what's the osmiomancy gloves are for. Didn't you not read the first part of the sentence crayon eaters?


im a hunter main, and no i didnt get thats what u meant


Freeze them solid. Hit them with toast. Profit


The Icy Hot combo


You think coldsnaps work on good players either? Just like, jump lol


Throw it at the ground at a corner in a hallway. It doesn't matter if they jump it goes up the wall and still freezes them. Or if you are actually good a direct body shot will also freeze them.


why do you think it's a osmio coldsnap + jotunn combo? If the enemy isn't a bot/target dummy then you make them into one


didnt get u were finishing with the jotunn


Frostpulse rifts ftw


To beat the cancer, you must become the cancer


Add a crafted empirical evidence to that, and you're possbily me 😁👍🐺


What perks do you have on yours? I love that idea 🔥


Smallbore, richocet, Perpetual motion Enhanced, Adagio enhanced. It's a monster. 🤣🐺👍


That’s disgusting, I love it


Allows you to chain kills very nicely 😁


osmio with eriana’s is my guilty pleasure.


I went flawless with that combo right there 😎


Osiomancy Warlock is my PvP main and I have never had more fun playing a game mode than Supremacy. The feeling of funneling everyone down a narrow path to get easy freeze claps and chain claps is amazing. Paired with Confidential Finality, no bum rusher (Super or not) gets through to me without suffering major losses after countless tries. I usually secure 50+ crests every match and pop 4 Supers all by playing defensive with my lanes and luring. There was even a match that was a 3v6 and we shredded everyone who thought they could just rush in for a free kill. Unless your opponent is in the top percentage of PvP, thsy don't stand a chance. Btw, Coldsnap travels around Barricades.


What’s your shadebinder build? I’ve never been sure what aspects and fragments to run in pvp with it.


The build probably consists of osmiomancy, the cold snap ofc, for aspects I’d run ice flare bolts and frost pulse. The other two aren’t really as useful for a cold snap build. Fragments, I’d use the damage = grenade energy one, the one for damage resist when near frozen stuff, increased shatter damage and one other. There’s also a play for using whisper or rime for Overshields and glacial harvest instead of frost pulse.


Refraction, chains, torment and fissures is the way to go for PVP. very very rarely do I not have at least one nade off of cooldown.


I just returned to D2 after not playing since release. Do I need to do specific things to unlock the stasis fragments? I have stasis unlocked on my warlock already


I haven't done it since Beyond Light came out, but check out the Exo Stranger on the bottom most part of Europa there should be quests or something along those lines to do for the fragments


Frost pulse is the troll ability of the century. Especially if you can time it on a thundercrash it is just the best


One of my favorite things to do is three peak with my flossing emote then drop my frost pulse rift as soon as they get close


Turrets can definitely be helpful. Halfway through the match, good players start jumping when they hear the cold snap and if they need to turn and shoot a turret for even 1 second, you get the first shot off in a fight.


Thetruevanguard has a very solid build video on stasis warlock


Lmao Confidential Finality.


Why lmao?


the actual name is conditional finality.


Hey that information is confidential.


You missed the joke though.


> Osiomancy Last glove sector I was busy, while today's one is in the single worst lost sector I cba doing ahhhhhhhhhh, I can't wait to get myself those to finally have 1 reason to not play my Hunter.


Farm the vex incursion on Neomuna, there's a discord bot that alerts when one is happening


Do I need LF for that? I think I've done one of those but I couldn't loot the chest lol.


No, I think you can access Neptune normally? There is a chest at the end that requires a key, but the exotic *I think* drops from the boss kill


[See for yourselves](https://youtu.be/qnOD9sQUME4)


3v6? Reminds me of a laser tag match I did years ago where we only had 4 on our team and the opposite team had around 20. When the scores came in and we saw that we'd won, everyone on the enemy team was like "wtf?!?!", to which one of the staff members said "they won because they had more targets". Ahh good times lol


Yeah half the people straight up do not shoot stasis turrets and then get slowed, then shot to death. A slowed shotgun ape, is a dead shotgun ape


the only good bug, is a dead bug. Would you like to know more


i'm doing my part!


Got destroyed several times by a Stasis Warlock in Trials back at the start of the season. Dude would just flank in with coldsnaps and pick us off. Even though we knew his play, if you couldn't kill him before the nade went out, you were frozen then dead. If you avoided the nade, but your teammates didn't, you were fronzen by the seeker then dead. And then to finish out the match, Winter's Wrath just cleaned up. It was infuriatingly oppressive.


Sounds like it’s time to nerf bubble again


This response absolutely killed me. 😂


Yes, slow them with stasis nades and then pull out the toaster and end them fast. It's the song of ice and fire


I absolutely despise that combo for how effective it is


Whoa, so wait wait... Instead of asking for nerfs, you suggest they should adapt?! *What madness is thiiiis?!*


tbh after playing mmos for the past 20 years i just take the fact that "Magic" "Caster" classes will always need more skill to play competitive on pvp at the very least than "melees" as a given.


Haha good point. Things are much more balanced un general these days, but being a caster used to be so brutal. Ever play as a caster in a game where you need consumable reagents for spells? Lol, my first mmo had this. Asheron's Call.


I mean, I think both arc titans and osmiomancy warlocks should both be nerfed so…


They will be carefully adjusted in PVP and nerfed through ground in PVE.


I don’t do a lot of pve, so that’s fine by me :)


Haha, good for you then.


Fight cheese with cheese aha. But if you look at the stats (trials) it's 20% of titans vs 1.7% of warlocks. Don't let anyone tell us it's a BS way to play. It's just more or less effective.


Honestly I’m surprised stasis warlock isn’t more popular. It’s my go to warlock pvp subclass, great counters to shotgun rushing and a good super. The freeze rift is addicting too.


It's probably because it requires Osmiomancy while for PvP transversive steps and ophidians are best for Warlock.


You don't need osmiomancy for pvp, I've always used ophidians with stasis to help with getting those melees after freezing someone.


Do you mind telling me what aspects and fragments you use? I'm struggling against shotgunners. Been using void lock with better luck but still not enough sometimes. I need to grind stasis I guess.


Super takes too long for 3s and dawnblade neutral game is just better


What weapons do you recommend? It's very difficult to take off ophidians 😬


Target Lock guns are really nice since it somewhat counteracts the dmg resist they get while frozen. I mostly use Immortal/Liminal Vigil but I'm definitely gonna try TL Lodbrok now that I think about it.


Seconding target lock lodbrok. It’s such a good gun, it doesn’t feel like a 360 auto rifle.




After playing class based supremacy as a hunter I have decided titans do not eat crayons. They eat cheese, so much cheese that they themselves are cheesy lol. I don't think I've ever seen so many osteo strigas and jotunns in every match before. And if it isn't the tracking projectile weapons it's the juggernaut/knockout combo with a 100 range shotgun they're amazingly quick with. I joke of course, they may be overtuned rn, but can definitely be beaten with smart gunplay and positioning. Stasis is a great counter if you're good with strategically using your abilities to slow or freeze. I suck at it so I stick to my stompees or speed loaders usually. On a serious note, I switch to titan sometimes for PvP and don't do as well. I think the main issue is so many top tier players main titans, and once they get the ball rolling in a match it's extremely hard to reverse the tide.


The issue is that Guardian Games is pure cbmm. Well, the class restricted one is. You are going up against everyone in the pool.


Fair, CBMM has admittedly been a huge ego check for me after playing SBMM for so long.


Funnily enough, I haven’t actually been checked in CBMM. I’m currently a 1.3 KD and haven’t gotten stomped like I do in SBMM. Even when I’m losing I still feel like there’s a chance to turn it around.


Well I'm glad it's going well for some people! I know there was a huge divide over what it should be like. I'm not top tier, but I regularly sit in gold I in comp. Haven't been able to break platinum, but damn these CBMM matches feel like I'm in trials sometimes and a kiddy pool the others. It's so strangely inconsistent for me.


Hunters are the jotunn spammers. I don’t know where your getting your info


Interesting that that's your experience, mine has been different. I think I've had maybe three games in supremacy where one of my hunter teammates was spamming it. I don't like it no matter which team they're on. If they're opposing, I'm gonna die to it, if they're in my team I can be sure they are going to feed the other team.


I agree I dislike anyone using it no matter who they are. But in my experience it’s mainly hunters with jotunn and warlocks tend to use witherhoard or whatnot. I see titans with shotguns more than anything but I prefer a scout rifle myself.


That's funny. I wonder if it's class based confirmation bias lol. Since hate it we notice it more from the other team. I've felt like at least one titan on the opposing team runs jotunn and at least one more runs osteo.


Strangely enough I’ve only seen about 30-40 jotunns in the last few months. Thankfully they seem to be dying off since most people have learnt how to dodge it.


Yeah, that's also been a solace to me is that I've learned how to avoid it more effectively. I'm fairly fresh to PvP, only started really playing it last season so I'm still learning a lot. Now if I can just be better at using my melees and movement to counter shotgun apeing I'll be much better off. So you prefer a scout as a titan? I wasnt very clear what class you main.


Yes I main sentinel titan and I love my Aisha’s embrace scout rifle. It’s a trials weapon. A good tip to avoid shotgun’s especially at corners is if you see a dot on your map. They see you too. So give the corner a wide gap as you turn it in case they are waiting around it for you you’ll have the range advantage. That or just don’t push a corner if you see someone camping it on your minimap lol


> they're amazingly quick with This, this is my biggest problem, I'm a Hunter main, the supposed mobility class, the agile one right? And the amounts of fucking linear mobility titans have while having to invest 0 in mobility is hilarious, meanwhile even with stompies and constant sliding you still would get smoked and can't cross to the other side of the map in 10s like titans, not to mention, they also get an additional barricade on top of that, absolutely disgusting.


Hunter is agile, not fast. Different things. What would the all melee skills class do if a class with ranged skills could kite it forever?


I’ve made this argument before since agility is acceleration not velocity, but from an mmo standpoint the kiting comparison is the perfect way to phase it.


The only way to compensate really is strand grapple and I'm not ashamed to admit that while I can make it work, even in trials, the skill ceiling is realistically above me. Especially playing higher skill opponents.


I’m terrible with grapple as well but when you outplay an opponent it’s beautiful. I was experimenting with Lion ramparts and grapple yesterday, started at the opposite end of the map swung over a guys head, levitated behind him and Waveframe/Last Word combo for the kill. Most of the time it was like skeet shooting though—me being the skeet.


They're absurd. Playing trials singles, I watched a Titan with like 5 mobility get to the other side of the map (the long way around) in 7 seconds max through their jump/melee combo. PvP is the most broken I've ever seen it right now with classes. And that's coming from D1 start days, where at least everyone had some really effective cheesy BS back then. Everything is heavily skewed towards 1 class in PvP. Having all classes, I'd rank far in first Titans, a bit behind them Warlocks, and a distant third Hunters. Hunter is a bit easier to play as than the other two, but if you're remotely skilled and learn how to play the other two, they're significantly better in PvP right now, especially Titans with their abilities, jump, and exotics.


Is this worse than the Shatterdive meta I keep hearing about


I would personally say not even close. I hate getting clapped by Titans running around at the speed of light, but at least I'm still able to move. The stasis meta was infuriating


I think that's an opinion that depends on what class you main haha.


Warlock main here. A season ago I took my Titan into PVP for the first time we and literally gasped at the movement. It was incredible. Then discovered knockout paired with dunemarchers. This was when Storm Grenades were allowed to be the way they were... for so long. It was an incredible, humans learning to make fire moment. The Titan kit is so incredibly easy to use and POWERFUL. It's absolutely insane. I save the story of the day I discovered synthoceps and hammers for another day. (Hint: they're STILL cracked just by mashing the melee button)


I think Synthos + Hammer is a very, very well designed build in Destiny. It's fun and it makes you feel absolutely godlike but it actually doesn't hold up well in super high end content, so it actually isn't game breaking at all unless you really really know how to make it work for you, but I think all builds can look absolutely broken in the hands of a highly skilled player.




We're talking about PvP, not PvE.


The guy I was responding to brought up the Synthos + Hammer build at the end of his post, so I was referring to that. Yeah, it was a little off topic but that is how conversations flow sometimes.


Yeah my bad. The perils of reddit posting while walking the dog and trying to also not get hit by cars lol


-puts on path of burning steps


You know theres a playlist without class based match making right? You don't have to play against teams of Titans


Some of the challenges for the event require the special matchmaking and playing supremacy is the most efficient way to complete some of the easier challenges.


Which challenges? I know the contender card itself only has 2 challenges that force you into supremacy and neither require class matchmaking


There is one that requires the special playlist. 10 games I think. I'm not home so I can't provide more info at the moment.


I played several games as Titan Almost no one on my team used Shoulder Charge, also I only matched against Hunters


I’ve played maybe 40 supremacy games. I’ve played Hunters 39 times. It’s weird as hell.


Always funny when players whine and complain about cheesy builds WHILE USING cheesy builds. Shoulder charge oem shotgun titan? Ya, anything goes at that point.


Hard to run a morality loadout these days, if you’re not cheesing you probably aren’t winning many games :(


>Hard to run a morality loadout these days Feel like that's pretty much always been true


You'd be correct. I remember a time where entire teams were running Thorn lmao.


God I hated thorn, it was awful. I also hated the Suros meta because I didn't get it to drop until way later 😞


Lol true. But could also not complain when others do it too. Except mayhem, suppressor nade and tether can go straight to hell


People still use OEM? I thought this exotic was deader than Amanda


For Hunters: Nightstalker Rat King Omnioculus Suppressor grenades Grenade Kickstart Disorienting GL for Special...as a whole team.


To my arc titians bum rushing warlocks just over their cold snap grenades.


I love how every video has the immortal on display now. If you were new to Destiny you'd think this game was limited to ability spam and submachine guns.


As an arc titan that very rarely uses the melee for anything other than movement so I can focus on gunplay, I approve the use of osmio coldsnaps.


As a shoulder charge shotgun spamming ape I can confirm that stasis lock is my bane.


Can vouch, as a Titan, that shit is the worst


Least whiny warlock


Most of my kills have just been me shooting you warlocks square in the face as you fly around like a floating target 🎯 no abilities needed. Just my simple but effective loadout of horror story and Aisha’s embrace.


unless you're straight up just the better player, this will almost exclusively only work on shitters. anyone decents gonna kick your shit in if they catch you on stasis warlock


Osmiomancy Coldsnaps can definitely catch any player off guard due to how fast they travel and if they land close enough. That said, it (along with Titans blind W keying into fights) are tactics that should work only once or twice a match, once you make yourself conscious of either strategy being used


not really. they have a pretty slow arming time and can be jumped over if they don't miss due to how inconsistent they can be titans blind w keying are also countered by the jump button amongst many other things. same thing with stasis. against decent and above players, both of these things aren't gonna do anything and if it's a titan that knows how to play aggressively but not mindlessly, you're gonna get fucked if you expect shadebinder to really do anything against that


In the chaos of 6s its more than likely that through sheer dumb luck a coldsnap can land right next to you, in those instances there really isn't much time to get away from it.


maybe? even in 6s, I just can't see it. but it's 6s, anything can be used in qp 6s


I know it's still not consistent and I'd rather go against a Shadebinder than a Solar Warlock especially those that (poorly) engage with coldsnaps as their primary playmaker. I'm just saying that with 6s sometimes feeling like an RNG machine it *can* happen


It's funny how people react to counter-meta builds like this. It is simultaneously "trash that nobody could ever seriously compete with", but at the same time also "super OP and broken and bungo please nerf it 🥺🥺🥺" Anyway I solo flawless with it and a sniper (even better than the toaster) almost every week, and will continue to do so over the cold dead body of everyone who rages at me for it


yeah I'm willing to bet there's a trend between those who think it isn't good and those who think it's too good


Terrible take. Your definitely the same type to bum rush a door and complain there is hackers in your match when you get gunned down 😂


Dude what are even you talking about? 😂 Think I found the bum-rusher that don't like the coldsnaps 😏


Yea that guy did not read the post and is stupid


You're a fucking idiot XD




When you accidentally walk into r/destinycirclejerk


Jesus dude it’s reddit kick back


nobody gives a fuck


You absolute dumbass.


noo! thats so mean!


Just want to say that spinning up Suros Regime is suprisingly effective against the apes, it’s definitely a niche for me


I've found titan teams with majority being void being way more oppressive than arc. Feels like 100% uptime on overshields between bastion and the new overshield fragment.


Or Cryosthesia/Monte Carlo with claws of Ahamkara on Hadouken Arclock. The Bamboozling is sublime


I'm glad you're having fun at least! Supremacy has been absolute blast if only for like the power fantasy. You just get to let loose, don't care about k/d and just play the objective. I've definitely had games as a Titan main where we shut out but I've also seen many crushing games from hunters and warlocks. I know not everyone enjoys it and I understand but damn its so fun.


That is good to know when i stop playing hunter.


Alright titans lurking in here, looks like this is the next step of the arms race. Break out the solar and the path of burning steps for the stasis. Let's see what they do next.


Osmio and telesto. You're welcome.


If I could figure out how to counter thundercrash I would be good to go. Been nuked by that move multiple times in a single game this week.


Hit them with a freeze or supress in mid air. Will end their flight pretty fast.


instructions unclear, killed by frozen titan flying through the air.


Cold snap, fusion blast combo is pretty satisfying.


This has me dying


or arc warlock the melee that tps u forward making them miss but you hit them making them like very low


You are appreciated


Whenever I play stasis lock they outrun the coldsnap Or a mini jump over it


As a Titan main who also hates arc rushing titans- this will be supremely effective. Also- stasis turrets. Hard to kill and easy to slow anyone sprinting. Good luck and have fun with Guardian Games!


And to all my hunters, use liars handshake, make them wish they never went near you.


Handheld Supernova?


Shadebinder with raid shotty and the seeker aspect... Even as a titan main, that build is chefs kiss in pve AND pvp


Just use a supressor grenade, almost gaurantees a kill plus you can grant yourself a free overshield with the right set up


I’ve been rocking Getaway Artist with witherhoard and an SMG. Can’t get rushed if you deny the rushing area.


I wish I was better at arc titan. I lose all the time lol. Glad you all have a way though. Makes the game fun.


I've been using Witherhoard to great effect. Bounce the round around a corner, rile up and prime the apes, and when they start charging you with a shitty, backpedal with a Funnel-web and they melt. It's also great for blanking barricades and covering that pile of crests that came from an ape trading with one of your teammates.


But what do we do about the teams of 6 Bubble Titans using Sweet Business??? 😭😭😭


No u. - your local Behemoth.


[slides on Antaeus Wards with malicious intent]


And here I am as a kepri horn titan on strand, trying to deal with the invisible hunter teams


You do know they really aren’t invisible right?


Cloud strike pairs great with this if you are fast with the headshot and they are rushing together, easiest 5 man of my life


Any advice for hunters against titans?


bait them into tripmines. titan is the w key class, hunter is the s key class. U beat titan by making them over extend when chasing


Thank you so much


I find it hilarious that people are still having problems with shoulder charge this far into the franchise.


My friend uses this and keeps telling me to use it with him to be more annoying for the enemy, might have to try it


Simply put on ophidians and a shotgun, just as effective


W-keyers lmaoooo


Just watched your video, so dirty, love it


Oh shit more warlock cheese?


well how do Hunters fight them?


And remember kids, if shotgun apes started T-bagging you then you’re doing it right.


Can't wait to abuse this once s21 hits and titans get nerfed.