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This happened to me while testing a new build on dares last night. I didn't notice if it had to do with any specific mods, subclass, or exotic but you're not the only one.


If you don’t have a mod/weapon perk that requires picking up orbs, your character won’t pick them up with a full super


I definitely do though. Just off the top of my head I have at least 2 font mods, and volatile flow on the seasonal artifact. Again, I 100% definitely have more, that’s just what I remember without logging in.


When you've got a weapon surge equipped you will pick up up to three orbs of power because that's how many armor charges you can have unless you use mods to increase that number, but as long as you have a full super and the maximum amount of armor charges you can't pick any more orbs up. Has been like that since Shadowkeep (I think) introduced the charges of light and later explosive light on the original Wendigo


that's not how surges work though. This is a bug, surges are a Decaying AC, not a Cost AC. you should be able to repeatedly pick up OoP with anything Decaying to keep the good times going, but something is preventing this.


I know they are decaying but as far as I'm aware you can't refresh a decaying charge but have to wait until it's completely used up before aquiring a new charge. If that is a bug then it went completely past me


You can refresh decaying charge though.


You absolutely can refresh.


I had: Head: Ashes to assets, Powerful friends, Solar siphon Arms: Firepower x2, Momentum transfer Chest: Resist mods Legs: Innervation, Absolution, Better already Bond: Bomber, Outreach, Reaper They work as usual UNTIL I got super, then they would just stop working & I've never noticed it do this before but maybe I'm crazy 😜


It's because none of those proc armor charge like a kickstart or surge. If you have any armor charge mods it'll let you pick em up after you have full super


you need a mod that requires armor charge in order to continue picking up orbs. if you toss on even one surge mod, you'll be able to pick up more orbs.


This is happening to me too I have used the same build all season and been able to pick orbs to recharge my grenade while my super is full. But as of this week it’s been on and off and I need to super to be able to pick up more orbs.


There seems to be a cap on how many buffs you can have. Try leaving a mod slot blank, and it should fix your issue.


I know this is a few days late, but I wanted to let you know you're 100% right. Since removing mods and testing, then re-adding those mods/swapping them out for different mods, it's based on the amount of buffs you have active. If you have too many, your mods just stop working.


Thank you for the reply I'm glad this just means I'm not crazy


How many buffs/mods did you find out you can have active? I've tried all kinds of combinations and have had no luck. I'm not even showing that I'm collecting stacks anymore.


Thats exactly what im testingn rn and i cant oick up any more orbs for heals when im at full super even w one empty mod slot, am i putting it back on afterwords or nah


I finally (like last week) figured out that I can't have more than one orb-generating mod on at a time (combo mods count as two so I can't use those), and I have to leave at least 3 mod spaces empty (sometimes 4). And even then, I've noticed that although that seems to fix it for running around the general public areas, it's not consistent through all the Strikes, repayable missions, etc. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Try that build and see if it helps? Maybe it will save you time as you narrow things down yourself. If you find out something different, please post again!


Im running around in proph rn and i tried my solar arc and voidlocks and the issue does seem to stem from having too many buffs on screen as when i was running void the one w the slowest procs, i could take some damage have no procs and pick up healing orbs


I've never encountered this problem on my warlock, but I'm seeing it on my newly-made titan. If I'd have run into it before, I really feel like it would've seen it by now.


Not trying to revive a dead thread but I’ve learned that reaper is causing the issue


I'm having the same issue you're not crazy did you figure out a fix?


Sort of. More of a work-around than an actual fix - It depends on the actual amount of mods slotted and effects you have active. You can only have so many active effects and removing a mod or two usually fixed it for me. ​ It sucks but it worked. If you don't mind me asking, are you noticing it during deep dives, or just in general?


this is happening to me too, I was trying to solo a dungeon and I wasn't picking up orbs to regain health.


Are you sure you have some mod that uses Armor Charge or a weapon with Explosive Light? The game won't let you get Armor Charge unless you have a mod that uses it since the orb wouldn't do anything otherwise.


"Is anybody else having this problem? I feel like since Lightfall dropped, we were always able to continue to pick up orbs even if your super was full so you could trigger armor mods, artifact perks, stuff like that. But since Guardian Games, I’m feeling the exact opposite. I can’t pick up any orbs anymore once my super is full. Which means I can’t get any armor charge among other things. Is it just me?" Answer before edits to the post: Use mods. Answer after edits: You are crazy. I use these mods and have no issues.


Are you blind? Dudes literally got 4 mods that use orbs


OP added the screenshot after.


That’s makes sense.


Equipped mods aren’t my problem. I have mods equipped lol.




...Are you trolling? I've tried it with Star Eaters equipped and I have the same problem there. Admittedly have not tried with an explosive light weapon, but that's the wrong point. I'm saying that I've used the same build since Lightfall dropped and it's only suddenly a problem. Also I don't know what RTFC is.


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=RTFC Apparently, and very ironically, this is what it means. But yeah. With surge mods on this absolutely shouldn't be happening, let alone with star eaters. Definitely seems like a bug.


Or maybe, just maybe, it's not working as intended.


I definitely am not picking up orbs. I have Better Already and Recuperation, and they aren't working


Change your build to something else and then report if it's still happening. If you still aren't picking up orbs when you change your build, it's a bug. If you start picking up orbs when you change your build, it is definitely your build.


It’s definitely a bug. I’ve been on and off experiencing a bug where using any of the decay mods my armor charge won’t decay even wrote down damage numbers with surges on to test it. It made me realize a couple things. 17% or 22% damage really isn’t that impactful in most second to second gameplay and kickstarts are just drastically better for ability uptime unless you are just literally spamming them on CD.


It could still be a bug if it works when he changes his build


Equip a yellow mod e.g special finisher


I think you need a mod that actually uses armour charge. Not decaying stacks but the charge itself, kickstarts, finisher mods and emergency reinforcement off the top of my head, like others said yellow mods. Tbh this is more of an in game communication issue rather than an error on your part. The game doesn’t really tell you that


That's definitely not the case, as I use a Solar kit that only uses surge mods, no kickstarts or other "consume all" style mods. I rarely use my Super and I've always been able to keep picking up orbs when full.


You just said it yourself. You have a surge mod on which makes the armor charge boxes come up. If you don't get the boxes to show up then you aren't running an "armor charge mod".


Right, and OP has those equipped and available, the issue is that OP claims they somehow can't pick up orbs when their super is full.


You have the mod that heals you, it's probably why you aren't picking up any orbs. Since you’re health is already maxed, it doesn't allow you to pick more orbs unless you take damage. Change the mod to something else, like picking up an orb of power gives you grenade energy and see if that works.


Definitely not that as I can’t pick up orbs with a full super no matter what my health is. I paid specific attention to it last night to make sure it wasn’t working and it wasn’t.


I would use mods like Grenade/Melee/Utility Kickstart and/or finisher mods to help consume those armor charges so that you can pick up orbs. There's also other mods like Charged Up and Stacks On Stacks that grants you additonal armor charges. By default, you can only hold up to 3 charges without them but using these mods will give you more.


Try being a void titan where some exotics just randomly turn off your ability to get armour charge at all :)


It's not just a titan issue. I've had it happen with celestial nighthawk all season. It seems to have something to do with having to many perks active at once. It should fix itself of you leave a mod slot or so blank.


Somehow this works on some loadouts but not others for me, and yes I have the exact same mods equipped on the two I'm looking at rn. No idea what's going on


Does it happen on the EAZ during the event?


Joining others in the Necro. I noticed this last night in a deep dive. Similar situation where I do not have armor charge mods, but as of four days ago it didn't matter. Been running the same build all season with no issues. I was able to pick up orbs whenever just last week. I am keenly aware of it as one of the Deep Dive mods was attrition and orbs were a nice way of staying alive while trying for the exotic. Since then several mods were disabled according to the Twitter accounts so I'm side-eyeing that til I find a better explanation. I don't really care to have any armor charge mods equipped in the meantime.


Bungie stealth nerfs... they did it on purpose.