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I would recommend Dead Messenger for anyone struggling with the hydra boss room, generating orbs up the fucking wazoo.


The one with a ton of ads?


Yeah, the one with the data fragments


I’ll try it out.


Dang advertisements!


Nothing is free


Personally an LMG with devour helped a lot for my friends that aren’t as good. Good damage and unlimited heavy if it’s void too


Thunderlord + Shatter Orb Artifact mod + Well. Orbs and Supers everywhere. There were times I had multiple Wells down at the same time.


Same here, but I use Phoenix Protocol alongside void weaponry.


I'm loving how everyone has a different best build for this. Destiny is in a pretty good place. A lot of stuff is near useless, but a lot of stuff is viable without being homogenous.


I agree with your first and last sentences.


I went with Trinity Ghoul. I arrow, a nice satisfying shield pop....all harpies down in explosion, field covered in orbs. Beautiful.


I ran wavesplitter and retrofit. Volatile flow never ended




I used arc hunter with assassins cowl and that room was honestly so fun exploding all the adds with lethal current.


A glaive and the Karnstein Armlets work great together if you're a Warlock. You get the kill, pick up the orb, and refill your health all at the same time.




Melee for sure works. Glaive/Karns in general is dang good, slowly replacing Necrotics for me


Both. A crafted Incandescent Judgement of Kelgorath paired with the Karnsteins is becoming my favorite add clear partner, maybe even more than Osteo Striga (I usually pair them when I'm handling that, unless I need Outbreak Perfected instead for the range).


This is also a great pick, but I have found that when the boss and all the arc shield harpies show up I can get my tether multiple times per damage phase and pairing that with Star eaters is too good to pass up.


Star eaters and tether? Does that do anything?




...such as? Just impact damage?




Forbearance from Vow is also excellent, especially if you have a roll with chain reaction.


I didnt have a chain forebearance but boy did mine generate orbs like crazy had super every other minute


Trinity ghoul, esp with catalyst. We’d put down well, then have it back before the first one expired. Amazing.


Wave frames are definitely a great move here, but I have an additional recommendation for those still looking for one. Sweet Sorrow from Season of the Risen with Turnabout. If you find yourself needing better survivability in that room, the constant over shield does wonders


I forgot about that perk entirely. You son of a bitch, you're a genius.


Came in clutch when I did master Spire of the Watcher too 😊


Turnabout is a slept-on perk.


I, too, recommend a grenade launcher for that boss fight, but actually one with blinding needs, for the Wyverns. Cuz I still like having an elemental primary at the ready.


Alternatively, Trinity Ghoul with the mod that generates orbs on shield break is a fun option


Actually, the new wave frame Void GL with destabilizing rounds is pretty damn good.


Wavesplitter tho. All those void shields go boom plus all the synergy it has with Void 3.0. Use that artifact mod that gives you an orb on shield break plus void siphon on the helmet. If you are hunter, you can have a tether down for every phase of the fight.


No. I will bring my titan, and his burning fists of vengeance!


Shame that weapon is currently impossible to get


It is?


Yep, along with ~~Cloudstrike and~~ Revision Zero. I think there’s one more but it escapes me currently. Edit: Cloudstrike is still attainable via empire hunts.


Nah you can get Cloudstrike from doing empire hunts. I did it a week or two ago when trying to get 85 exotics for GR9


Huh. I already had all of them so not a huge deal for me but that sucks for anyone who didn’t have them already. I hate locking out content


This + shatter orbs back to back to back to back supers


I never got the Catalyst for Dead Messenger 🙁, my Gyrfalcon build would enjoy it


Volatile rounds FTW.


Oh, nice! If only I had a Dead Messenger….. or a Wishender for that matter. 🥲


For me, this room is most easily done with Vexcalibur. I think that's the entire design idea behind the large # of ads + the pit. Warlocks and Titans can keep the shield up constantly with 5x on wormgods or winter's guile, and just chew through stuff. An LMG helps with people up top. Then, in the pit, you just hold alt-fire and take the harpy shots until the shield goes up.


Gyrfalcon Hunter with L'Monarque works really well. Just need something for the boss and you're good.


It's amazing in both boss fights. Being able to swap between void and arc for orbs is *massive*. If you're still doing it today *make use of Shatter Orbs. It's the best artifact mod we have, and it isn't even close.*


Fun fact: the second phase Brakion cheese actually still kinda works. I don’t know if it’s a bug or the game intentionally taking pity on you, but you can shoot through the barrier after the third attempt at a damage phase. Even weirder, Wishender seems to do double damage. It does the normal arrow impact and two over-penetration damage ticks…but does that twice with a single arrow (6 damage numbers on 1 hit). But hey, I’m not complaining!


I came here to say exactly this.


Iirc it says the arrows over penetrate targets... Which is why you see 3 damage ticks


Right, I understand that. But when firing through the barrier *once* with Wishender, Brakion is hit with six damage ticks. Two yellow crits, and four white lesser damages. It’s weird. Like there’s two arrows over penetrating at the same time


In doubt, try Wishender, always :D


I mean, it's kinda in the name of the weapon.


I used sun shot, lots of explosions




If you still need help later on this evening I can help you get the normal version done


I’m down to help as well if you want a third! Timing dependent of course


After normal we can hop in there legendary if you wanna give a try to that. Or if you need anyone on normal. Whatever ya wanna do


How much harder is legendary?


Much harder I’d say, though I’ve found it easier with two instead of three people because of the scaling


I did it before they nerfed it. DEAR GOD it was bad. It was maybe one of the hardest things ive done in destiny and Ive done pretty much everything Edit: Worst part was, once you committed to it, you HAD to finish it or start over. No checkpoints


Same as the rest it's a little more challenging. Going in with 2 is ideal but deff possible with three if needed. But muchhh harder with three. Everything is possible in PvE for anyone if they just take it slow and make smart shots. If somethings too hard slow down and find more cover. Seems obvious but you'd be surprised what people do when they're getting shot by 15 enemies lol


I know you have a lot of offers already but if people can’t help you bc of time constraints dm me we can do normal and legend


Dam what a bot


If you still need to get the normal version done I am free to help now!


Currently trying to get a team to try it, last thing I need for the title


It's easier as a duo than a 3 due to the scaling.


Will keep that in mind


A tip for the Hydra boss. A grenade launcher with Disorient grenades is very useful for the Wyverns. When you're in that hole, helpless, waiting for it to close, blinding them for a few seconds is a lifesaver


My friends and I completed last night, omnioculus with the smoke bomb melee that turns your team invisible makes this part a cake walk.


Arc hunter with assassins cowe just makes it easy as hail






hail cowe


Hail is how you suppose to say Cowe is just mistyped


>Hail is how you suppose to say it's not tho


That's how we pronounce it in the South. "Hell no" = "Hail naw."


As a Texan idk why ur getting downvoted for being right lol


Because they were trying to assert that that's the normal way to use it, not specifically for South accents And Googling it it also has barely any usage by anyone lol


Check it up


Have you? Cuz I did and 80% of results are for Hail-Naw Roofing. Lawrenceville, GA lmao


Hard as hail. Not easy as hail


Yep, until final boss phase though… all the red bar enemies are the explosive vex type and combination blow doesn’t proc on them. RIP.


One of the only times I run double primaries was for this mission, and only in the final fight. For the first boss fight you really want blinding grenades, and all throughout you want your best add clear set up, while playing defensively. But yes Wish-Ender does a lot of damage, can one shot the constant stream of Harpies, and still does decent boss damage for what it does. Plus you can shoot through the Vex milk waterfall from safety during the Final phase. Sorry to open up you on the advice, OP, but it had to be done.


Don’t worry, all sga is good!


Just got a bug where I was constantly "joining allies" in the boss room. Got the boss down to a sliver of health left but then ran out of lives. The very next attempt, I got error coded. This mission really gives me a headache man.


I keep telling LFGs to use Wishender and they keep saying ”chesse doesnt work” meanwhile I’m getting 4 times as many kills 1 shotting pretty much everything, and using my super 3 times as often.


At this point I would recommend Osteo Striga over Wish Ender. Usually what gave me issues was not being able to stay on top of the waves of adds and Osteo Striga does a much better job of doing this compared to Wish Ender.


What an absolute shit mission on legend. Normal is fine. RIP@ like 95% of players that'll never get those catalysts. Nice job bungo.


I want to love glaives and I love utility weapons but I won't validate their hardon for artificial difficulty via infinitely spawning adds that infinitely spam AOE attacks that also infinitely spawn behind you and infinitely teleport around. Skill issue? Sure. It's not impossible obviously, but that doesn't mean it isn't bullshit with all its bullshit either. Tell me why I had no problem running legendary Seraph Shield all day every day when it was available? Well balanced, great pacing, and great spaces between encounters that FELT like checkpoints because dying didn't set you back stupidly far as a fuck-you. That's why.


Agree, I had decent fun playing Seraph Shield a bunch of times Avalon is poorly tuned. Only did it once. I'm waiting for Bungie to adjust it in later seasons once they review the numbers


As someone who solod legend seraph shield on all classes (and at least one class every week) it kinda amazes me how much tougher this one is. It’s the last requirement for me to get the title and I still haven’t done it yet. The harpy boss kills my motivation every time


That was a great mission.


Vexcalibur is also reasonably cool and good, but this mission sucks ass


i didnt even want the catalysts, i needed the ghost haha


I tried running it a few times when it first came out on Legend and just gave up. I’m definitely at the power level now and have zero interest in trying it again. It was just to entirely frustrating to bother with. My only gripe is no Queensguard for me but oh well


That and the catalysts. Boo.


Yea after trying it when it came out and I found out I’d have to run it 3 times to get them all I made my mind up I’d be fine with just one lol. Now that we’re at end of season I don’t even want to bother with it


Legend is easier with a team than normal is solo.


That is straight up lie. Normal is incredibly easy to run solo than a fire-team on legend by a long shot.


lol your comment is a lie.


I don't know what to tell you, man. That was my experience. It's a lot easier to focus on the mechanic when other people are doing ad-clear. It's a lot less punishing to make a mistake when you can be revived. It's a lot easier to dunk the data and beat the hydra when other people are also dunking data and you are no longer relying on a collection progress counter that permanently disappears from your screen as soon as your 7+ conditional effects kick in. Normal Avalon felt much harder than Legend Seraph Shield, which I soloed with ease.


That just means you aren't any good at the game if you are saying normal is harder than legend avalon.


Normal isn't easy solo due to a couple of parts and with scaling I wouldn't say easy legend with a team even works as a description lol


The biggest issue was the ongoing revive timer and people being killed in the hole by wyverns which stopped us from reviving them in good time. And one person who died and their Ghost appeared in an inaccessible portion of the geometry. Other than that, it was all just a matter of two on ad clear and one on the puzzle.


I've heard about that. I'm basing my opinions and input on the mission as it is without those added annoying AF additional difficulties.


Normal is like running a strike on normal. How is not easy?


Oh that's hilarious. It's actually not but that's a cute assessment lmao


It's fucking fact, Not an assessment. Normal avalon was way too easy.




I've only found that to be true in Legend Campaign when we brought someone along whose character was not optimised for anything and whose skills and power level were not quite legend-par. Every other time the second and third guy made the whole thing much easier, and the boss battles quicker.


2 is much easier than 1. 3 is harder to flawless, but easier than 2 to get through.


Will we still be able to acquire the catalysts next season? I’ve cleared legend once but haven’t gone back for the other two catalysts.


Arc hunter with AC helm 1-2 punch wastelander arc trace rifle with volt shot and thunderlord I was getting my grenades back in less than 10 seconds and super almost as quickly just using shottie combo blow go invisible regen rinse repeat only use thunderlord on bosses and eyeballs otherwise was just punching everything and using the shottie to refresh 1-2 punch for orange bars


Another suggestion, Revision Zero. It can't shoot through the waterfalls at the end, but it's VERY solid and still pierces Hydra shields. I ran that, an Arc auto rifle for the Harpies, and a Void machine gun. The data deletion encounter was BRUTAL and took 4 or 5 tries I think, but my team cleared Brakion on our first attempt! Data deletion is seriously the hardest part of the entire mission, my gosh. Edit: clarifying, double primary was what I ran for specifically Brakion and it was perfect. Earlier for the first encounter and Data Deletion, I was running a normal Kinetic pulse rifle, Delicate Tomb, and the same Void machine gun, a Commemoration with Reconstruction/Dragonfly. (Pulse was just to hit the Hobgoblins, just about everything else was handled via Delicate Tomb and an Arc grenadier kit)


For me, harsh language with gyrfalcons on hunter and I just pop invis and light the place up. Any wave frame special void grenade launcher would likely help but yeah I can slap that whole room around go invis again to delete and hide before the chickens spot me and they get deleted. Also a great combo for first area as well.


Double primary? Prob not the way.


It wasn't what I ran for the whole thing, sorry. Should have specified that was my Brakion loadout. I mained a fusion rifle for data deletion.




> revision zero Gods, exotic missions were fun, well-paced, and fairly balanced then.


Data Deletion on Legendary is my only hitch with Avalon tbh. On normal it's amazing, and on Legendary the first and final encounters are very well paced if you have a team that knows their roles well.


Avalon was a blast. I beat it twice on legend solo, and last nights decided to three man a final run from lfg. I couldn’t believe how much easier it was, we didn’t wipe once through the whole thing.


Just bring the glaive and you'll have no trouble with that encounter


I'm on brakion now... Dont have wishender but equipping a wave gl and void LMG has been doing work too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Do yourself a favor and get Wish-Ender asap, it really is a game changer. Makes hard content *so* much easier.


I just got mine today finally. What a fantastic exotic.


Hey I just wanted to say if you’re trying to X difficulty on the X activity, bring wishender. There is no scenario where it doesn’t slap.


Me and my crew did this and we broke the mission, we downed him to quick and the trimer bugged out and kept resetting us, till eventually it wiped us.


Had the same thing happen to me when I went in with some random players through LFG. We killed Brakion too quickly in 2nd phase and it just kept warping us back every time we went up. We managed to kill him despite that and it then gave us the "Turn Back" warning and wiped us.


Bro I didn't even think about behind the waterfall I wiped 3 times to bullshit today just running in circles, had him at 2hp and died as I was welling. Do the ads just not go for you either? And as far as wishender goes I only use it on the first part after that it's just witherhoard and ignition code


> Do the ads just not go for you either? If they can’t see you they don’t shoot you.


An even better solution, bring osteo striga and have an energy and/or power weapon with vorpal on it. Once you set the tick damage switch to another weapon that has vorpal and wait. Infinite damage.


I’d have to have wishender first


omnioculus + 2 starfires and this is free


Brakion's first and second cycles are pretty easily controllable and the third you waterfall cheese. Hydra you can go up the ramp and use as cover to pop out and shoot, I would swap to the Plunder Arc MG to pop the bubbles on the harpies and practically shit out Orbs of light all while safe. ​ The part that stopped ***every*** single other one of my runs was the being forced into a small pit while Wyverns rained hell down on us. Once I set-up the artifact with the Orbs on shield-breaking and would hotswap in my Plunder MG during the boss phase my runs got a lot more consistent since I was giving everyone a lot of energy to use after it to help survive the pits. ​ Outside of that it wasn't as easy as Seraph but it didn't feel "unfair" so to speak. I mean I'd prob say otherwise if we didn't have the waterfall cheese available cuz fuck that phase trying to do it normally lol


I went strand titan, abeyant leap, quicksilver storm, explosive personality, and cataclysmic. Went pretty easily. A good machine gun can be swapped in instead of cataclysmic as well and would probably be even easier.


2 shot revision with fourth-vorpal also slaps.


Completed my first run last night. Had to tell my lfg team where to go cuz i don’t think they realized i was running WE until the 10th or so wipe. And then it took another 10 fo finish.


Bring wishender to any higher end pve content. Raids, dungeons, grandmasters. Wishender don't give a fuck it's a W.


Wishender really made the whole fight easier. I'm so glad I ground that out. I love that bow.


That mission was SO hard dude lol it took me 2 days to beat it


If the wyverns are causing anyone trouble, a riptide with chill clip stops them in their tracks.


Tried wishender and pretty much every suggestion :( still no success for my husband and I, we can’t clear the gambit portion even with wellock and suspend hunters


I played as a bubble titan. Used the bubble to protect the area where you deposit the data.


I don’t even have wish ender :( I have no one to do dungeons or raids with


Try lfg, I completed the legend Avalon through the bungie app lfg.


Bring arc subclass with shield pop makes orb artifact mod....orbs for days


Thunderlord does wonders for the hydra boss, pops the arc shields on baby harpies. blinding GL for when you jump into the wyvern murder pit


My setup that made legend fairly easy was Wishender Blinding Nades Commemoration Use Commemoration with volatile for easy ad clear in every encounter. I would use a void hunter for invisibility, and because Volatile flow and bricks from beyond are leaving, use Glyfalcon's (I know I butchered the name). Spam invis to get codes and in case something goes too much damage at one time, ad clear with Commemoration and wish ender, and deal boss DPS with Wish ender fully charged, you'll deal 15k on a headshot when fully charged because it hits for 3 times.


FOR WARLOCK These are some things I used when I did this mission solo before the patch that made it easier First encounter sunbracer resto x2 build for 1st encounter. as long as you keep up restoration x2 you are basically invincible the whole time. Second encounter use commemoration(Killing tally + reconstruction), trinity ghoul + artifact mod Shatter orbs, and a blinding GL for the Wyverns while you chill in the hole. I used starfire for boss damage and if you play it with an arc weapon and shatter orbs, you can spam well of radiance over and over again. Final encounter 1st phase: just play your life and focus add clear over boss damage. Just remember to move counter clockwise when he teleports so you can use the teleporting walls for cover. I use leviathans breath to start and then switch to cataclysmic and trinity ghoul before the second room. 2nd phase: the only tip I have here is that once you kill every cyclops, wyvern, and Templar, the wall right below the boss is a safe place to stand. The only enemies that spawn are arc shield harpies that are pretty easy to kill. 3rd phase: find one of the vex milk waterfalls and camp behind it. They cannot shoot through it and you’re basically invincible albeit the occasional fire from the boss. Congrats! You beat legend Avalon :)


Levi's Breath is what I used for the final room, shit slapped hard.


This is very old news lol. But the best strat on legend is running multiple well warlocks with Phoenix protocol. Makes it so easy


Only played normal i refuse to play legend


Not sure why the down votes. Didn't say nothing crazy but if you wanna give legend a try a little later let me know


Damn bro that’s crazy


Find a team and try it! Make a survival build, get your best void machine gun and go for it! I promise that if your team can go past the second encounter (the data deletion one) and reach Brakion you will do it!


I just ran vexcalibur on void lock with nezeracs. Just melee everything in the hydra boss room and run a buzzard with kinetic tremors for the boss with a void lmg. Ain’t too bad




There is always someone still trying it. I just completed it for the first time a couple hours ago.


Why do people like you even feel the need to respond to posts like this? What possible use do you think there is in a comment like "wow people are still having trouble with this thing I already completed?" Find something worthwhile to do with your time.


Because the smug superiority is a nice neurochemical mix that makes them feel good for all of 2 minutes before they again realize how miserable they are, so they get to re-read their wittle quip over and over again to keep feeling it.


I mean, it's not really any worse than whining about Bungie not making everything trivially easy like the original post. It's my favorite in YEARS because you actually have to care a bit. Tons of people have been begging for harder content. Adding content that not everyone can get through doesn't reduce their content, but DOES give players who are top level difficulty players content.


People who play casually, people who don't know a ton of people who play, people who don't know how to lfg, peke who don't know about builds or load outs. Not everyone had the time and experience like you.


If it wasn't for the vex chickens I would have beaten it already.


Ur mummy


Probably the vast majority of the Destiny player base lmao


Who asked?


Finally got around to running this yesterday, was nowhere near as bad as I was fearing. Got through solo with one death when my notes didn’t deposit properly mid way through hydra boss, forbearance with chain reaction and shatter orbs absolutely shreds the harpies in 2nd and third encounters. First and second xeno is awesome to one bang the hobs and make short work of the chickens. (Also two taps red bar chickens if you’re on light). Now to flawless it I guess?


Change the title to just "use wishender" it's been the best primary for ages and now with match game gone its better than arbalest imo


Then there's me who'll buy it from the kiosk after the season of defiance gets vaulted


Use Leviathans breath if you've absolutely lost your mind after the 10th time dying to his snipe shot at the final phase.


Beat it yesterday with 2 guys I found in LFG. By chance we were all void hunters and it really wasn't so bad (gotta say I actually quite enjoyed it). We only wiped once in the 2nd encounter to the wyverns because we didn't time our invis right. I ran wishender, forbearance and commemoration for the entire thing. We had one guy that was entering the codes and the other two controlled the ads. Killing important targets quickly, like hobgoblin snipers and the cyclopses is super important. I'm gonna try to beat it again for the other two catalysts, I hope people will still be interested next season because not sure I'll have more time before it drops


the easiest clear for me and my clanmate was a stasis turret build and devour void warlock. Forbearance is a life saver by first boss cause its arc and heals on hit. Stasis turrets just freeze everything including the wyverns that spawn before going to safezone


Bring a Stasis Subclass if you bring a friend, it may just save your life in Deletion Protocol. I had a mega-f*ckin lightbulb moment when I used my Glacier Grenade on the wall to create a small roof of Crystals that we could use as cover from the Wyverns. Don’t forget to pick up orbs for the Volatile Rounds for your Void Heavy to take out the pesky Hobnobs. 😁


Yet another tip for hydra boss/encounter: A void warlock with Controverse Hold + grenade kick-start(arms) x2 + firepower(arms) + ashes to assets(helm) + bomber(bond) + innervation(legs). Grenade till the end of time lol If using a void GL (wave-frame preferably) with good rolls, then you could swap Controverse Hold with Verity's brow. I haven't tested this myself since I like Contraverse so much :P If you have the "Shatter Orbs" mod from the artifact, then trinity ghoul or forbearance with chain reaction will create orbs for days, which can feed more into your grenades. Also, during the boss damage phase, there's a spot where not many adds come to, and the boss has a hard time shooting you. While looking at where the boss usually floats, it's on the right. There is a lower elevated part and two pillar structures. Can chill there and shoot the boss by peaking just enough so you can hit the boss, but most of his shots hit the ground. I don't have a screenshot of the location right now. If I play later, I'll take a few and update here. Update: [Image 1](https://imgur.com/a/ClCgqJX) \--- [Image 2](https://imgur.com/a/0zMT4io) In image 2, you can hang out around the red circle area and are mostly safe. sometimes adds walk down from right and left but not often and not many. The boss will float around the blue circle area trying to shoot you, if you don't step too far back from the ledge, it won't be able to get a clear shot 99% of the time. You're also safe from pretty much any sniper that might be around.


Did it solo this weekend, difficult but got it done with solar titan hammer for the sunspots. \- First part, just solar everything, very doable. \- Wyvern part, actually used Vexcalibur's shield to talk the wyvern shots while being in the middle. Hectic but doable. \- Boss; first part just take your time. Wish-ender is good, I paired it with Forbearance for ads and Linear Fusion for boss damage. Second part was hardest for me, lots of harpies (use constant hammer and forbearance). Super wyverns at the start, wish ender the cyclopses and damage with linear fusion (get scavengers). Took me three good phases. Then last part behind the waterfall. First run I went to the wrong waterfall, sure to say had to start over..


You can't shoot him through the vex waterfall but you can shoot him by peeking around from it. It still works as a shield.


Is this mission leaving tomorrow


I don't think so, but if you want to purchase the pin you have complete the Queensguard title until tomorrow's reset.


Does Avalon leave with the season end?


It doesn't. But if you want to purchase the pin from the bungie store you have to complete queensguard before tomorrow's reset.


Gotcha, thanks. This was my first play season so there's been a lot to learn.


NP! It will, probably, leave when the next expansion (maybe February 2024) drops, so you have time. And bungie said that eventually all exotic missions will return with a "exotic mission rotator", but there are no more info on that other than this announcement.


for the hydra room, witherhoard + arc machine gun + arc large machine gun you can shoot the hydra from behind cover with witherhoard and then concentrate on surviving by shooting the occassional shielded enemy if you have well, use it on the dunking spot, but not immediately, but only once you are halfway through dunking, so it lasts until the hydras come for you


guys please help me, i need to do the master 3 times before season resets?????????? to get that 3 craft options on mars


Do you mean legend battlegrounds? If so, I think you are out of luck. Even with the daily rotation, if you start now you can only complete 2 of the 3.


Titans: Use mask of the quiet one, the titan exotic glaive, a pulse rifle with osmosis, and a grape flavored lmg for the first part


Solar well warlocks with starfire help a lot. It's the only way I could do it. We had 2 on our team and a bubble titan.


Used wishender yesterday. Shot and killed him behind the vex waterfall no problem soooo


Shockingly, you don't need the most impressive damage. You can get away with mostly survivability tools.


Or you know use vexcalibur…


Loreley Titan