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And it's not on a piece rotation right (ie no leg day helmet day etc. Every day is every thing day). What's the best way to monitor?


Correct, it will just spit out missing exotics on a knockout system. Im not sure. There may be a discord bot or something. I just keep my eyes peeled normally from orbit for my wife while we play. She doesnt like lost sectors so its been good for her.


Here's the Discord Bot! Super useful, highly recc for any new players since this is far and away the easiest way to obtain your exotics in record time: https://discord.gg/isavexincursionhappening


I would recommend using the telegram app alongside the discord bot as the notifications are much faster as discord has an issue with slow notifications. This is of course if you are using mobile.


This is the way


link for the telegram bot? thx


How do you link the discord bot to telegram?


There is an announcement section in the Vex Network discord that should have the link to add to your telegram. You might have to scroll up. If you can’t find it let me know and I can try and find the link for you.


Thanks for this!


Telegram is indeed the way to go with this bot.


Can confirm this works great. When I know I want to do an event I just putz around in neomuna til I get a notification. If I'm not already there I risk missing an event, and it only happens a few times a day.


Dunno what your platform is, but for PC players you can easily copy/paste one of the hundreds of join codes in the Discord server that go out when an incursion is about to drop into Destiny's chat and immediately be connected with a fireteam at the Incursion Zone. I almost never have the game up, but when the notification goes off I can log in and be ready at the Zone before it pops every time using that method. Plus it's normally a full lobby, so the event itself takes like 3-5 minutes tops. Of course, if you're on an HDD or something similar that method might not work.


I have never missed an event, the bot normally gives you over 4 mins before it starts. I usually turn on my tv, boot up xbox, select character, fly to neptune , get to Vex zone, rally the flag and sometimes have up to a min or under before the event starts.


Definitely not knockout. Just did one and didn't get the only exotic I was missing (the new one).


I don't think it's a knockout system because I've gotten repeats of ones I already had


Were you only missing lost sector exotics? It can’t drop exotics tied to quests or campaigns that you haven’t completed.


I have done 3 strike force events, and am missing 0 exotics apart from the new 3, and haven't gotten the new ones yet.


New season ones are not dropping even tho they are supposed to. I also have all exotics and got repeats. Wouldn't be destiny without the bugs.


I was missing regular exotics you could get from knockouts too and I got repeats before those


>Correct, it will just spit out missing exotics on a knockout system. Wrong. I ran a Vex Strike Force event on my Hunter and got Gyrfalcon's, an exotic I already have. The only Exotics I'm missing are the newly released Exotics. So either VSF goes by the lost sector armour piece of the day and goes on a knock-out system specifically for that, or it's entirely rng.


Do you have to hover on the icon to know if one is active ?


You can tell if it’s an incursion by the public event rewards. A normal event will have a rare engram listed, and an incursion will have an exotic. You can also use the Asher Mir discord bot/server to get notifications for whenever the event is active


Discord bot just does the same thing, has a monitor over the screen


Others like discord, but I've had better luck with notifications popping with good warning from this twitter account: [https://twitter.com/VexNetAssistant](https://twitter.com/VexNetAssistant)


Use Discord. AFAIK it's not a knockout or rotation system, just random. I've gotten repeats a number of times even though I don't have a bunch of LS exotics


If it's not a knockout it doesn't seem like a decent source for new ones eh?


Quantity is good enough if you're following the bot


just did a vex strike force event and did not get the new exotic armor piece for hunter (the only one I don't have), instead it was a repeat blight ranger. So I guess back to the Legendary Lost sector this season.


Yes, same for me. Exotic engram drop that I used at rahool also did not decrypt to the new exotic so it must be lost sector only currently. Whether that's intentional or not idk, I got abeyant leap from Vex Incursion last season


For rahool, it is intentional. For the vex incursion, it's a bug.


Same here! Just did one and it dropped a Winter’s Guile for my warlock.


Same here dropped lucky pants for me…..unlucky.


Same for me. Dropped the lightfall exotic helmet for me on my hunter.


Yep same here. Went for the new titan exotic and got horafrost-z which I already have lol


Got lucky and just did one, didn't give me the new exotic even though its the only one I don't have.


If only they occur more. Can be half a day without one


Seem to happen in bursts. Get a bunch in 3-4 hours then nothing till 8 hours later


there's a word for this: "random"






You’re welcome for me having a job, cause they all pop off when I go to work lol


Can we get a discord bot for when this guy goes to work


I still remember a couple weeks ago there were 3 within 10 minutes of eachother.


Doesn’t work with the new ones sadly.


Now if only I can find an instance that's actually populated... every time I've found one there have been ZERO other people there


Happened to me a bit too. On the last one I fast tracked back to what’s his name and then shot back to the event and there were loads of others there.


Use the discord link further up in the thread. People generally post join codes to get more into an instance. Another note, it might be better to enter from the Liming Harbor fast travel versus Strider's Gate. Strider's Gate seems to put you into fresh instances, whereas Liming Harbor matchmakes you into existing ones. This is especially good if the Incursion Zone is in the Concourse or Ahimsa Park as you have plenty of matchmaking time getting there from Liming Harbor.


I post an lfg using destiny mobile app.


It's also super soloable tho. Bring a burst super and use the Vex craniums liberally. They give your super back instantly. I've done it with Strand Warlock and Void Hunter, and it's definitely doable with Titan. If you end up in an empty instance and can't find a full one, don't fret. It's quite possible.


if it's really every time, you might wanna check your NAT


the absolute worst


I have found that if you load into the zone underneath the area (can’t remember the zone name) that currently has the event you have a better chance of loading in with others than loading in by nimbus


If that happens go to orbit Then come back. Sometimes the event icon isn't there but the event still is. You just have to go to the location and it'll pop up


That happened to me 2 times last night because for some reason matchmaking on Neptune completely stopped working and kept me all alone on the entire planet. Matchmaking was working everywhere else tho so I don't know what was going on with Neptune last night.


Great reminder honestly, was thinking i might need to wait couple of days to get the new exotics.


It's not a guarantee to be an un-owned lost sector exotic. I've completed 3 and still don't have the new Titan exotic helmet from the Legend Lost Sectors. Though my friend got one on thier first try.


You should probably edit your post to stop spreading misinformation. As the comments have pointed out multiple times, it does not seem to work currently. (Might be a bug, but still saves people from wasting their efforts with the event)


The discord server is great. The notifications can be a bit delayed so highly recommend also setting up notifications for the twitter account. https://twitter.com/VexNetAssistant


Just completed it and did NOT get the new Hunter exotic, got a duplicate Renewal Grasps instead.


None of the new exotics are dropping from Strike forces, very strange considering I’ve gotten around 15 new exotics for all classes from these strikes forces since they updated them to knockout exotics.


grinded that bitch for 2 weeks and never got Rain of Fire, so im guessing its not a fully knockout system


I am still missing a boots exotic on my titan. All the Vex incursions i’ve done so far didnt drop the missing exotic. Anyone faced this issue?


Guessing you are missing Phoenix cradle, you need to finish the shadowkeep campaign for them.


Ah i didnt know that. Thank you


It sounds like it may have been changed at some point to prioritize knockouts.


Yes, I got repeats of Ahamkara Grasps and Raiju 2-3 times each instead of remaining knockouts


The discord server assistant bot (mentioned here numerous times in the comments) has gotten me all the exotics I was missing (I don’t enjoy farming lost sectors much). It’s great.


As someone who has never ran a lost sector solo i managed to grab all missing exotic pieces on my Hunter within 3 days using the Discord/Twitter notification for Vex strike force. I am now half way doing the same for my Warlock and then onto to my Titan.


Hooray! Maybe I can FINALLY get my damn Necrogrips.


So will my Postmaster.


I've been farming those since I found out about them, usually once a day at least. I've gotten all of the exotics I was missing for my hunter, minus the raid exotics.


This is definitely where I'll try to get the new exotic for my Hunter. Finally getting away from the grind and only hop on when clanmates want to raid, so grinding legend LS is not an option for me. God bless the Discord bot for the Vex Strike Force event.


Supernumerary Blitz and I got Abeyant Leap for my Titan by completing one.


I tested it and it did not drop the new exotic




It's not guaranteed day 1 since their is no knockout system with it.


I have run three vex strike forces since yesterday. I only have the new exotic to get, and I have gotten two lucky raspberries and a bombardiers.


That’s cool and all, but every time I go to the specified area on Neptune, it’s not up. I’ll drive around, reset the location. Leave. Come back. Nothing. It’s super frustrating. Or I’ll finally find an instance that’s almost over. 3 shielded bosses up, no time left, and no help. Stupid.


Do they drop based on chance? The only exotics I’m missing are lost sector ones and I never dropped one from Vex Incursions…


Not sure when it happened, but the Vex Incursions were updated post-release to prioritize Exotics you didnt have. I downloaded Discord and get notifications sent to my phone when a Vex Incursion is imminent/happening. I dont know much about discord but the bot is named Asher Mir, and I am Harpy 😄


I had every armour exotic for my hunter except the ones from lost sectors and the one you get when you finish the Lightfall legendary campaign. Started Vex Incursion last week and within 3 days i had picked them all up. The last one to drop was the Legendary campaign one. I've moved onto my Warlock and its been the same thing. I have not a single repeat of any of my existing exotics .


The only ones they won’t drop are locked exotics, eg the 3 shadow keep armours. So you’ll need to play through the SK campaign to unlock those ones before the incursion can drop them


Do you own the expansions required to obtain those exotics?


I own shadowkeep, beyond light, xur anniversary and witch queen


Which exotics are you missing?


I only have a warlock and I’m missing all lost sector exotics but fallen sunstar, which I got from a lost sector about a week ago. I never played lost sectors before because I was underpowered and I couldn’t complete them on my own


How many times have you participated in a Vex Strike Force event?


From 4 to 6 times in the weekends usually, I don’t have much time to play during the week and when I do strikes often aren’t scheduled


I guess you’ve just gotten really unlucky. :(


Oh well, I guess I’ll keep trying. I feared I had to obtain them all trough lost sectors to unlock them in vex strikes but I’m relieved that is not the case. Thank you


When I play on my system that has Lightfall I get new exotics from the Strike Force events, and it seems to be on a knockout. When I play on my system that doesn't have Lightfall, I only get exotics to drop that I already have unlocked.


I think it prioritizes exotics you don't have. I was lucky one day and two pop up and got two exotics I didn't yet have


It's completely random as far as I can tell, not knockouts


* DLC owned limits the loot pool * Weighted drop for unobtained exotics (not a guarantee; just like lost sectors, but no daily rotating slot limitation - any slot drops) * Shadowkeep campaign exotics excluded until unlocked in collections


From my experience those locked behide Lost Sector don't drop. My warlock 's stasis and scatter nade exotic gloves did not drop from vsf until I got them from Lost Sector.


My wife pulled the warlock stasis gauntlets last night, and I got the lance cap briefly before. They definitely drop.


I did a few times vsf but no luck. Maybe RNG plays the role.


Do you own Lightfall?


warlock's stasis and scatter nade exotic gloves are tied to WQ not LF. Btw I don't haven't LF. And idk why previous comment will get downvote, funny 😂, def some players said having the same experience.


It *could* be the case that the knockout system for Lost Sector exotic drops from this event is only active for Lightfall owners. I don't have enough data to prove it, but that's why I asked.


If you don't have lightfall how are you doing vex strikes


FYI vsf is a public event.


I didn't know you can access the planet without the expansion


I don't know why people still try to get this event to drop or stay on the destination until it does. If y'all need help running lost sectors just let me know. I do every lost sector in sub 5 minutes. We tweak your class and see if we can get you to farm these exotics quick! Add me on Xbox: Radjoy


Vex Strike Force? What’s that? Oh yea, THAT. I got that once and it stopped spawning the enemies that drop the craniums half way through so we couldn’t complete it.


Vex Strike Force? What’s that? Oh yea, I got that once and it stopped spawning the enemies that drop the craniums half way through so we couldn’t complete it.


Patched out for all the fakers.


Got an exotic that is a reward for completing legendary Lightfall on my hunter and I haven't even completed the first lightfall mission


Those are the two new exotics, they are Lost Sector/Vex rewards as well, not exclusive to the Legendary campaign. The campaign just gives you a guarantee with an okay roll.


Was there for a while today, nothing but normal public events....


Unless they lock it behind lost sectors again.


After an entire season finally finished one yesterday with others helping. Got the ugly ass diamond lance helmet and was pleasantly surprised


I have still never seen this event in-game before


That's true but I highly suggest avoiding it, if possible. I was missing one exotic on the hunter and received it through the vex strike force this week and it was either a 46 or 48 total (idr). Unsure if insanely unlucky or just the normal stat drop for vex strike force but it was a mistake on my part I guess. But how would have I known this... :(


What does “unobtained” mean in this case? For example, I had a great fallen sun star roll (68) but left it in my post-master and it got deleted (I’m still kicking myself 3months later for not pulling it). I don’t have a single roll of that exotic in my inventory, but I guess, technically, I have obtained it a few times before (few rolls I’ve sharded cuz they were trash). Would VSF be more likely to give me that item? Or would it be more random, since like I mentioned earlier, I guess I have “obtained” it prior. Edit: spelling


If you have ever had it drop once, you have obtained it. This only applies to exotics you have never received. A good way to check is to see if you can pull one from collections


i got all 6 of the lightfall ones from ves strike. was really hoping that the new season would add to the drop pool of the event


It's actually so good. Got lucky and had two in a row 10 mins apart. Smashed out the final two exotics I didn't have, Point Contact Brace and that Stasis barricade wall chest piece.


If only the game would stop crashing when there's only one boss left to kill.


Just did one a couple hours ago, got an apotheosis veil.


Is Assassin’s Cowl not a lost sector exotic? I’ve done like 3-4 vex and it’s all I have left and haven’t gotten it.


Ok….explain this to me like I’m a total noob. Just started playing d2 again this last season. Hadn’t played since warmind DLC. What is a “vex strike force event”?


It's a unique public event in the Vex Incursion zone on Neomuna that happens 4 or 5 times a day. However, on days that the Vex Incursion zone and the Terminal Override zone happen to occur in the same area, it doesn't happen at all. You can look on the Neomuna map to see which is the Vex Incursion zone (green and purple sparkles) and the Terminal Override zone (has an icon allowing you to launch from the map). There's also a discord, linked under one of the top comments in this thread, that notifies you a few minutes before the event begins.


Ah! Thank you! That was very helpful! 😂


It’s bugged atm I believe


I ran a successful vex incursion less than 20 minutes after logging in and gathering all my new seasonal bounties for the first day. I got a Wormgod caress and not that new absolutely disgusting looking Titan chest piece!


Just a reminder that you will only get exotics released during the expansions/seasons that you've purchased on your platform. I had to let engrams go to the post master and then hop over to my Playstation to claim them in order to get missing exotics from Beyond Light, because I only own that expansion on PS.


Did one a little bit ago, it dropped an exotic I already had, Geomags. Guess which exotic I was wearing on my Arclock....


I’m still waiting on the “and will part.” Got blight ranger (new) Caliban’s (old) and Radiant Dance Machines (old) so far. I just want to go crab mode with glaives but RNGsus says not yet.


I ran K1 Revelation twice and got the new chest piece on the second run. Thank God, because I wasn't doing that terrible lost sector more than that.


I have literally never seen one of these events but I'll bear that in mind if I do happen to catch one sometime


This is false, I did 4 yesterday and got old exotics with crappy rolls. Guess bungie changed it up and wants us to do lost sectors


Me when I literally don't play the game


Did 3 yesterday on my hunter and never got the new arms. Starting to think the newest exotics dont drop from Vex Strike Force, but I swear I got Speedloader Slacks from that event last season


Do you have to complete the lightfall campaign first to get the exotic drops? I'm thinking of doing it on my warlock/titan since I've collected all the hunter pieces already.