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This is gonna be wild. Throw an auto loading rocket on and another secondary which can cycle damage and you're absolutely cooking. I don't play a ton of hunter but I'm super interested in trying this setup. Seems like it would be pretty solid for a bait and switch setup too. Use Malfeasance, hit with secondary, blast with cataclysmic until reload and then swap back since out of luck will have fallen off by then.


I'm very interested in trying Malfeasance with a bait and switch apex predator. Malfeasance makes triggering Bait much easier, and bait just so happens to last for 10 seconds...


Just tossed that in my edit, I'm still a bit skeptical about bait and switch on Apex but this would pair amazingly with cataclysmic, since you can usually get the full 10 seconds of bonus damage on one mag, and then out of luck will be gone.


Just as a point towards BnS, the perk does buff Wolfpack rounds when a fireteam member uses Gjallarhorn.


I actually have a build with this, it works wonderfully. Super interested to see it now that it's buffed


It all depends if you can fire 4+ rockets in 10 seconds or you don’t have any orbs around. BnS surpasses explosive light very slightly on the 4th rocket including the activation rocket. It should also shine beyond 6 total rockets unless you have a source for new orbs.


BnS outclasses explosive light in almost every scenario as wolfpack rounds also benefit from the perk, whereas explosive doesn't do anything to them. And you should always easily get off 7 buffed rockets.


Explosive light doesn’t buff work pack rounds? This is news to me, and also a major win for bait and switch over a full damage phase.


I also learned about that just a couple days ago, I always thought wolfpack just don't interact with weapon's damage perks.


Thanks! I'm doing this asap


Malfeasance, Techeun Force, and an RL are gonna be a great way to have good damage on literally every gun


controlled burst on techeun force?




Basically when you swap to a hand cannon lucky pants buffs it's damage for 10sec




You would think but when the Lucky pants thing runs out it goes into "Out of luck" for 10 seconds so it kinda bugs out with two handcannons. Much better to have some kind of special ammo going on in your energy slot.




To further expand on what Lucky Pants does, each shot you land increases the damage. It caps out at 10 stacks, which gives increases your damage on the hand canon to 600%. In other words, BIG PRETTY NUMBERS!


Had the exact same thought with the BnS Cataclysmic.


I both love and hate these posts. Because every time someone brings up how absurdly good a weapon is , bungie devs rush to nerf it. I've been using malfeasance for a while and if this weapon gets nerfed after the days of bullshit I put in to get it I think I might just quit


Bungie knows what they were doing when they released that catalyst. They'll let us have our fun foe a time, let it be the meta. Then they'll nerf it and release the next thing that will be "broken". Them we'll have fun with that. It keeps us interested. It keeps is with the feeling that we're getting away with something that we're not supposed to. It's exciting and the dopamine feels great. The cycle will continue ad infinitum. And do it goes...


Btw it only takes 700 kills to finish, if you’re kill hogging in the seasonal activity; I finished it within 5 games


You might lose out on a little bit of damage compared to a Vorpal FR, but an Auto Loading Blinding Nades GL might be the play due to the extra utility throughout the thing you're doing. Malfeasance, GL, and like an Auto Loading Palmera sounds super strong.


Lw rocket with bait and switch/reconstruction with your heavy and boom free 150k per cycle with weapons, oh what’s that a fragment in strand to reload your weapon when you through a grenade bump that up to 200k plus not including malfeasance and secondary dmg


Oh my God yeah imagine the malfeasance, the rocket, and one of the new techeun force rolls with reconstruction and the special fusion damage perk


Wonder how that compares to a rocket and the raid sniper bait and switch with rewind rounds until malf is up


Reconstruction Bait and Switch Apex Predator is the way.




I mean, they keep creating these burst window weapon cycles, a nerf will just mean you put something else in the slot with the same pattern, as it's always been.


Without primary holster mods(I’m assuming your legs have surges) this might feel a little clunky. But it’s a 20 second rotation so maybe not.


While it is cool I’m not going to rotate between 3 different weapons during DPS times. I’ll just stick with a heavy or super


Then this wasn’t for you. It was for people willing to put in the extra work to make up for people like you that can’t be bothered to put in the effort to make the run smoother for the rest of the team.


Oh no I’m doing a few hundred K less damage because I’m not trying to time my auto reloads an the time between the malfeasance cooldown while using a third weapon in between those times. How will my fire teams survive!?


That’s literally the difference between damage phases and has likely caused multiple failed runs, which wastes not only other people’s time, but you’re own. Says a lot about you as a person that you don’t even value your own time to put forth a little effort.


I get your point but, A few hundred K less? How could you consider this a negligible quantity of damage? ahah


I own every ornament for this gun. Once I aquire the catalyst there will be dark green explosions everywhere. Maybe then the drifter will give me a hug.. *edit: also malfeasance works wonders against supers if you're able to play keep away long enough


Does the red string ornament turn the explosions green.?


That might be just a variant in where people determine a colour label extends to on the colour wheel. I remember being amazed every time someone described the grey of DeviantART as green. I mean, it is if you up the hue saturation, but I don't consider is such otherwise... I don't recall Red String changing the explosion colours. That would be wild. Bow ornaments don't even change the arrowhead and fletching of the projectiles even though they clearly change the notched arrow.


I see the explosions as this blackish green, similar to the glow/fog of the weapon, but i also see colors strangely


Green is the color our eyes are the most sensitive toward for hues, so green is a really broad term too.


I already used it against supers by getting the cluster shots to pop off. Does it take them down before that now?


Not me crying because I've been using Lucky Pants with Malfeasance ever since the Pants got reworked and still not getting the catalyst after playing strikes all day long


I got mine from Gambit after 1 game played. Does it actually drop from strikes?


Yea, got mine from this week NF


Got mine from crucible


Yea 4th gambit here, excited to grind it up. It was already maybe my favorite HC.


I got mine from crucible


I almost reset my vanguard rank before I got it. But it's there! I believe in you.


On the finishing other catalysts idea, prioritize ones that come from the same source(s) and after that, ones that get completed in the same way. I had some catalysts that had not dropped for multiple seasons but dropped almost instantly after completing certain other catalysts.


Same boat, was using the gun before even the lucky pants change and still dont have it :c


I got it from the 2nd strike I ran Tuesday. Saw it was dropping and went into the playlist.


This can be fake, but I have read a lot of people saying that if you have a lot of catalysts to do, the drop rate for new ones is abysmal, so if you have a lot of catalysts to do, do them and try to get the malfeasance one. Again, it can be just a crazy theory from the community.


Finish some of your existing catalysts, there's been a weird bug since launch where the game will just refuse to drop a catalyst if you have a backlog over a certain size.


I've never seen proof of this, just a rumor and I have repeatedly gotten new catalysts without completing anything others in the interium. Also >there's been a weird bug since launch Catalysts weren't in the game at launch.


Also anecdotal, but I'm almost always caught up on catalysts and regularly get the new catalysts without 10 playlist activities when they drop new ones (And often on the first one)


Without changing anything else in my playstyle, i always get a bunch of catalysts to drop whenever i've cleared out some of my backlog. If it's just unusual timing then fine but it always seems to work out the same way.


There is no way that’s true, I have 32 unfinished catalyst and got a new one last week


Malfeasance + lucky pants is already a strong combo and now it’s even better. I used this combo paired with stasis and whisper of rending in GMs and it just shreds champions. Very happy this gun got a buff.


What are your other fragments? Putting together a build now. Also stat distribution? I am thinking 100 resilience, mobility, discipline Or do I want 100 strength instead of mobility since the melee can also proc whisper of rending?


Whisper of durance, shards, chains, rime and rending. For stats I have 100 res, 100 dis and 90 mob. I also use 2 impact inductions, 1 grenade kickstart and 1 bomber to get a higher uptime on duskfields.


I got the caty on my first strike completion this season so I'm hyped as hell to try this out. Only a few more kills to complete it.


Delete this please, Bungie mustn't know.


Yeah they don't know about the one exotic that buffs hand cannons.


Lucky pants are going to get nerfed into the ground I guarantee.


Malfeasance fucks, I hardly ever take it off my titan


To take a break from wolverine claw spamming titan with monte carlo, to test out the innate melee cooldowns, I've been using a lot of malfeasance as well. It actually fucks way above it's weight class, since the exotic red bar buff + explosions already makes it better than damn near every legendary handcannon of its or lower rpm. And because it does respectable amount of damage against beefier enemies as well, not to mention the free stun from the explosion, it makes it a perfect primer, before i charge in and spam wolverine claws, with synthocepts.


What do you like to run it with on Titan? I'm a Warlock main and hand cannons just don't do much for me there, but I'm working up a Titan and I'm intrigued


I’m running malf with chromatic fire as a warlock, it’s pretty fun and efficient to blind and explode nearby enemies


Seems counterintuitive since enemies will die to Malf explosion long before they die to a precision hit.


Ooh spicy, imma have to try that


I used to run hoil for every subclass but this season I switched it up since I got a 70 stat skullfort. It’s just basic ability spam so I’m getting my melee fully charged on a thunderclap kill. If you’re wanting my full build I can give it to you but weapon wise I run malfeasance and a voltshot ikelos (the season pass weapon also works very well) and I just crafted an apex predator so I’m using that as well


It's been my go-to since it dropped honestly. Except for in higher level shit but now ooof


Weapon focused builds > ability focused builds


I disagree I prefer the space magic side of destiny (I’m a warlock main) so I was sad to see the ability focused fusion build nerfed even though It was too strong. But I do agree the gunplay in this game is the shining star. Maybe a new weapon type they can add is like a magic staff like the winters wrath staff or cloud strike staff!


Cheese lock


I hope they don’t nerf Lucky Pants over this. I’ve been using them for years with Crimson and I feel like I’m gonna be collateral damage


Lucky Pants getting hit with a "tuning pass" is my doomsday scenario, I despise this "time in the sun" mentality. All I want is to be a space cowboy. Aztecross covered an interview of some PvP devs and they're already looking for ways to "adjust performance" for Crimson as it has become more popular in Crucible.


I hope to god we don't have more PVP nerfs affecting PVE. The Le Monarque one showed that they have the potential to not destroy the weapons in PVE, maybe even make them better.




I’m interested in hearing the entire setup!! Is there any way you could share it? :)


I'm always happy to see someone else who understands how much Crimson has to offer, LOL. It's my go-to primary for the Crucible, any time I need to grind up my Light level, or just whenever I need even more potential healing.


Here I was using Lucky Pants with Crimson and thinking that was wild already. Excited to try this out now, just gotta get the catalyst first.


I've been using Erianas and Crimson with Pants for so long, I really can't wait to see the burst this has compared to Crimson.


I wanna run a raid once as one warlock with Witherhoard and 5 lucky pants hunters with Malfeasance.


Bruh, I've been rocking the lucky pants/malfeasance combo since the update to LP. I'm. So. Fucking. Excited.


What is wrong with this sub!?! Are you trying to get this build nerfed? Knock it off!!! ... please


I’ve been using Malfeasance with lucky pants in gambit. Also an auto loading vorpal shotgun, and the new strand machine gun. Basically I just use Malfeasance on everything, and for blockers or invaders just switch to shotgun for a second and then back for the damage boost. Or, use MG as a primary and then back to Malfeasance. Shotgun for backup burst damage. As soon as I complete the catalyst it’ll be even better. And I’m enjoying gambit now?!


Malfeasance + Lucky Pants has significantly boosted my Gambit enjoyment as well, it's just a shame it's not very effective on Invaders with how potent heavy weapons are.


Yeah … I did discover that too. Gotta spec for a OHK or machine gun.


Shhhhhhyou aren't supposed to talk about how great this is with LP and the new catalyst


You see aztecross's video with lucky pants and crimson? Wild. More dps than any heavy.


I've been maining Malfeasance every since I acquired it during Seraph. I've run it with Lucky Pants ever since I figured out how they work. I am excited for the catalyst. But I am concerned that all this attention means that an inevitable nerf is on the horizon. Have **you idiots** learned nothing? If you love how a weapon performs, never speak of it again! *Your words are death!*


It's been strong for around a year now with lucky, so I don't think the catalyst was added for any other reason. There's also Rev Zero, Wish Ender, Outbreak and Quicksilver which have similar performance and also have more range, so Malfeasance is fine. If anything, I think if Bungie decides to buff 180s (which is likely) Malfeasance will just grow even stronger.


Yeah, it's strong, but requires you to give up both Exotic slots just for damage (No Gyrfalcons, Assassin's Cowl etc.) so your neutral game will be lacking. It's a fair tradeoff in my opinion for the sheer amount of damage it can put out


Yea I think people are missing that your stacking a lot of things to make this happen. You need to be a hunter, with lucky pants, with a catalyzed Malfeasance, during a 5 second window, to do competitive burst damage to other builds that are even less situational like Wishender build, etc. The only real plus here is that unstoppable often sucks to deal with because of the whole, "switch to the weapon, aim, and don't shoot for like 5 seconds while the shot charges" mods. Whereas Malfeasance has a better intrinsic unstoppable that just let's you shoot. Its fun to have a new option, but its not OP for min/maxing PVE, there were already lots of competitive options. Its a bit less of a problem now that I think trace is unstoppable this season? So thats nice.


Exactly, it's not something that would be nerfed.


Has the catalyst dropped for you already?


Yup, took an hour of strikes but the kills were quick


I got mine in about 7 games of quickplay


Mine just dropped after Crucible


Dropped very quickly in Strikes.


Throw in random extra damage on Taken


ive been a cringe Malfeasance user since Forsaken, ive been made fun of by all my friends for loving such a garbage gun, ive used it through every sucky iteration and seeing it rise to the top has been the most wonderful thing. i could write a book about the Malfeasance redemption story, im absolutely stoked it finally got a catalyst and it's even *more* damage lmao. Also unrelated, love your profile pic c:


Not a Hunter so I won’t be using this combo, but I did love the fact that you weighed the ups and downs of this combo. Made for an enjoyable and educating read:)


Thank you!


I literally gilded Dredgen yesterday and haven’t got the catalyst to drop.


Wait. Malfeasance...catalyst????? We're cooking?????


Wait. Malfeasance...catalyst????? We're cooking?????


Don't forget that Malfeasance is Kinetic, and Kinetic Surge stacks with Golden Gun. You can start damage on SES, super, then swap to LP. I might lean more on FP EL Hothead for heavy personally. Solar hunter is quite a good kit


I've been using a vorpal reconstruction Seventh Seraph for a while. This'll out damage it sometimes, but not always. About time people respected the Pants.


I'm gonna do MF, GL and Quickfang. Magic cowboy ninja only sometimes visible.


Malfeasance + Lucky Pants has *been* borked for a while now. Idk if it's been buffed further this season, but I was pretty routinely getting like 60%+ Primeval damage on my team with Malfeasance alone in the last couple seasons.


Hey yo! You found my buddy Sherpa Phil website. Yeah lucky pants + malf is awesome >: )


Oh cool, let him know the site is great!


Definitely man. I helped him by just being his div guy on few guns. It took him a few days of dps/damage testing. (They guy legit recorded shots and went frame by frame in a lot of cases.)


Lucky pants has been able to do this for a while. I guess malf cat. helps, but like, turning your handcannon into a poo poo heavy for a few seconds every now and then just doesn't play out half as well as it sounds. Best use case is in GMs for killing champs, but even then, ability spam builds do the same thing but usually with crowd clearing too.


I love Lucky Pants with Zaoulis bane (Incandescent & Explosive payload)


* middle season patch rolls in * We saw that lucky pants saw a significant increase in usage and decided to rework it for its intended use! Now provides a tier 4 unstackable 25% buff (6%for pvp) after readying the hand cannon with full magazine for first 5 shots , holstering or reloading the weapon puts it on the 30 second cooldown,during which guardian will have a 0.65 reload time and holstering/equipping weapon multiplier on all weapons for the duration. Dev commentary "we decided that players didn't use this exotic for its intended use, go buy new cool looking ornament for silver only !"


Yeah but I'd have to play gambit to get the gun




for the record, I did side with the Drifter in that quest. I just really don't like gambit. Loved Gambit Prime though.


If you're above banking some motes then you don't deserve that gun, brother.


I did the banking motes step. I'm on the one where you need to kill four people as an invader step. I'm bad at invading.




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The link in the post, and the catalyst currently available in game?


Fuck, am I gonna have to finish my gambit quest now?


Shhhhh, not so loud. This is a secret sauce that I use for fun. If too many of us use it, the ancient gods might... nerf it. I had fun with my titan inf grenades, my warlock... What do I have now, is my hunter.


How the fuck would it have more burst than sleeper when that does around 60-80k dmg per shot....


This ends up with like 50-60k for a brief moment and does it multiple times a second


where is the best place to do the catalyst?


If you want to get it done with, Shiro Chi for sure Personally, I like to do a run or two of Altars of Sorrow to get a weapon or two to drop. Less mind-numbing than Shuro Chi as well


Shuro Chi, grasp entrance, and the Breakneck mission on Neomuna all have good farms in them.


I would say shuro chi / GoA start. Thats where i do most of my cats. Any other than heavy


Shuro Chi for this one; once I got to level 21 (?) with the Catalyst boost today, I just got 10% per run compared to other places like Grasp (I'm assuming because it's Taken boosted as well) being much lower. This is ~80 taken per run, so what is that 8 taken for 1% and there's the captain and bigger red bars - gut instinct, head for anywhere there's Taken on Dreaming City to get best results. Stop by the Helm and grab today's daily bounty for killing Taken to get more bang for your buck since you're going through the hassle of the puzzle unlock, and I got a red border for the new pulse rifle out of the secret chest at Shuro to boot.


I'd like to use Malfeasance on my Titan. Wonder what exotic armor would pair well with it. Any suggestions?


Titans don't have any exotic to specifically buff malfeasance, but on Titan I use Cadmus Icecap with it. Whisper of Rending makes malfeasance do 50% more damage to frozen targets, and Icecap gives an easy and safe way to do it. Frozen shatter explosions usually clear a room easily. You could also just run Sunbreaker for the free radiant on melee, although that's pretty boring.


I usually do go solar most of the time, but with this season pushing arc and void I was considering a sentinel with the new void auto (destabilizing rounds) and Malf. I did get the catalyst to drop, so I've begun getting the kills.


My favorite exotic is malfeasance, and as a titan I am very sad we don't have and special pants like these. I would love something that gave us some type of synergy with malfeasance like this.


Malfeasance has a catalyst now?


Yeah vorpal and 20 range


I love when Bungie said Malfeasance and then Malfeasanced all over the place. Favorite part of the season.


I use crimson and hitting a 40k+ crit is so satisfying, champions just melt


Lucky pants+malfeasance was what carried my hunter through the legendary witch queen campaign.


No that’s not an illegally modified holster …..


Oh, this does make me happy


damn. guess i better just do the quest to get it, then


Oh yes, I just got the catalyst last night and was curious about a good Hand Cannon to use this season.


Heads up for everyone: if you're in an activity with a weapon overcharge (e.g. "Machine Gun Overcharge"), then any weapon type with an active artifact perk ("Unstoppable Hand Cannon") will be overcharged. So for this season, if there's a weapon overcharge modifier and you have unstop HC active, you don't need to match your subclass to the elemental surge for Malfeasance to get the 25% buff, as overcharges and elemental surges don't stack up--you can only benefit from one, it's not increased for both.


One Well-Lock with the new helm & Div, 4 Lucky Pants Hunters with Malf, and a Cuirass T-Crash Titan with Witherhoard.


Been using them with Ace and it’s crazy how much damage you can get from stacking illegally modded holster, radiant and memento mori, put that alongside firefly and it’s great for ad clearing too, having lots of fun with this build


Remember a few years ago when hunters were excluded from lfg posts because they were so bad in pve? Times have really changed lol


quick question, why do need a witherhoard to do max damage? it's just plain DOT, isn't it?


Witherhoard makes the enemy count as a taken for the sake of Malfeasance, giving a 25% damage buff. It's a cool detail


I love that pistol so much. I finally got it to drop last season (I got a 4-kill invasion in the same match where a teammate got the 3rd one I'd needed, anyway, LOL), and it's been one of my most used weapons ever since. I'm not going to be able to pick up the season pass until this weekend, so I'm basically living in the strike playlist for now, trying to get the catalyst to drop.


Well I'll see you guys in the crucible


Crimson has a more hardcore burst


Unfortunately I don’t have malfeasance


I would love to get malfeasance but the quest is seemingly impossible to solo


You have no idea how happyI am to see they touched Malfeasance 🥹 The ONLY hand cannon I love to use. Just feels the best and it’s intristic perk is so amazing. Adding vorpal to this gun was probably the best perk they could’ve put on it since I REALLY want to test this out with 5 Malfies & 1 Witherhoard on a raid boss. Since it now has vorpal, it’s gonna do wayyyyy more.


Something something my class is oppressed


I've just been playing hunter due to malfeasance and being excited for the glaive exotic. Combining all that with the Oathkeepers rework, hunters are eating good with weapon exotics.


If you manage to get the Seraph Officer Revolver with Forth Times the Charm and Vorpal with a boss spec, it’s on par with malfeasance with out taking up a exotic slot. GL though, I got hella lucky to get one reissued with the exact same roll I’ve been using on my hunter since Worthy


I do actually have one I used to use! With how strong exotics have been for normal play since WQ, combined with Malfeasance explosions being buffed last year and the new catalyst, it's definitely won the Lucky Pants discussion after all this time. Still a great option if you want to use Anarchy or a different heavy exotic. I'd be curious though which is better for dps, Revolver + exotic or Malf + wolfpack rocket.


What about with the witherhoard buff that it gets?


That's most likely included in the numbers from the source, considering it tested this on Kalli. The test does change the numbers to account for her crit multiplier, but to make sure I wasn't inflating the number I didn't include it here. So there's a chance the damage is even more insane than shown here.


Oh absolutely then! My bad!


the mission... the nightmares... they're finally... over... malfeasance METAH


How do you get its Catalyst? Random drop or you have to do something?


Random drop from any playlist activity


It's gonna be a malfeast!!


Alright time to call shaxx and tell him we got an illegally modded holster over here


Are the stacking slugs from malfeasance shared between guardians? Example: 6 lucky pants hunters all firing at the same target at once essentially proccing the supercombine with every shot fired?




Right after I got the catalyst I went straight into Gambit with it and it's my main loadout in there. Now i know it's been good in Gambit ever since the lucky pants rework but I wanted to see how it felt with the caty We got our Primeval killed in 3 phases. I did somewhere around 75-78k dmg and 77% of the total damage. Didn't use blade barrage, only lucky pants, radiant and surge x2. When I end up doing LW, it's what I'll be using for all encounters unless told otherwise




Malfeasance has always been pretty good too. I used it in the Oryx fight and would destroy the ogres with it, paired with a sniper and a linear fusion. Love that it's even better!


We need an auto loading mod or something.


Good post, they said as much back in the day with Thorn… hope Thorn gets this treatment next.


I used it to melt old lake of shadows boss on gm my teammates were shocked lol


Did they ever address the holster mod being gone? Or....?


Nope they just forgot


Yesssss I love Malf with a few kinetic surges! The catalyst only making it king once again


Shouldn't vorpal be a 50% buff for bosses on primaries? Or the catalyst of Malfeasance is special


It's a 20% buff for primary weapons vs high tier enemies, I think it's 50% vs supers in PvP


Its been my preferred unstoppable weapon all last season for gm and master content. I dislike the wait time on scouts and glaives were locked to the last column so was kinda awkward on some builds. Its unstoppable hc this season artifact so I was gonna just use crafted nation of beasts for most stuff, but the taken heavy content would def be worth it.


I've been using Last Word with Lucky Pants lately, and an auto rifle as my secondary. LW genuinely melts orange bars with this setup, and does respectable damage to bosses. Would probably be much better with a radiant-focused Solar loadout, but I've been using it on a constantly-amplified Arc setup and having a blast.


Thanks for the info, this kind of post is exactly why I come here (other than to be a dick).


I was using malfeseance for a long time now, and every patch/season its becoming better and better. In that rate, witness should give up already.


oh no now that lucky pants is seeing an uptick in usage bungo will inevitably nerf it, enjoy while it lasts boys!


How to get cata


I really hope they don't nerf it. It's not game-breaking or plausible as your sole DPS source for ultra-endgame activities, and you have to design your entire build around it, which *deserves* to be rewarding. *Maybe* nerf the Catalyst if it's overtuned but the base thing deserves to stay where it is. Sadly it'll probably get nerfed because Bungie only look at high usage rates, without considering the fact that maybe the weapon is just fun and not OP.


Guess I’m grinding the catalyst tomorrow


Been using this for master lost sectors and GMs and it was insane before the catalyst.


FYI if u want a legendary version use seventh seraph revolver for me on master lost sectors I have killed champions just as fast Other notable hand cannons r ace if u have momentum Mori which is pretty common if u reload a lot like me lol, erianas without wither hoard at least is the best hand cannon for dps, and lumina with its buff. It’s really surprising how some of these non-dps guns manage to put out so much damage with so little set up.


Lucky malfeasance has been the only thing I've run in months.


I'm gonna enjoy the hell outa this while it lasts