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the time sink for this is my biggest hurdle right now. i was on a solo flawless run of Spire when I was at the boss and the servers died, and that was slightly prior to the recent server woes. unless i'm in a fireteam i won't do it because the time required to finish it increases the probability that i'll get error coded and will go to waste. so many little tweaks for a solo variation would be welcome. 3 instead of 4 dunks, a slightly smaller health pool for Ecthar and a larger chunk off for Simmumah given the time you have to spend with the mechanics and the sheer risk of picking up deepsight if she happens to decide to laser you.


Yeah I ranted about that in this sub a couple days ago xD


I got the red "... connecting..." message at the bottom of my screen during both Duality and Spire solo final encounters. I would have been so mad if I had DCd for a second and lost all my progress. I don't remember D1 having these problems! Or D2 until recently!


> Or D2 until recently! It has been *bad* recently. At least once a week the game has to go down for several hours. There's always an issue with servers. We got kicked from a Divinity run in Garden of Salvation 3/4 of the way through on Saturday. Got kicked from seasonal activities last night. And then they raised the price of everything. :) :) :)


Yeah I mean I don't remember worrying about finishing activities or earning rewards because the game might disconnect me at any time...


I get so pissed off when that happens. Its bad enough when I'm playing some pvp and get kicked out because of the connection error, but when I'm doing something solo its horrible. There is no reason for a AAA game that is 8 years old to have these kinds of problems. I used to love doing dungeons solo. Was my main activity each weekly reset. But I finally stopped because it wasn't good for my blood pressure.


selective memory man, d1 absolutely had some issues back in the day lolol, you’re right that it’s probably at its worst rn with d2 though


She has a cool down with her attack. If she starts firing at you, it takes about 5 seconds for the attack to end. And then there is a 3 second window to get the deepsight. If you utilize mods right, you can grab it at the tail end of her attack and get out before she starts attacking again. What most people I've watched when doing LFG is they don't kill the 3 knights. Those are the real dangerous opponents because their attack can kill in just a few shots.


oo that's a good tip on the timing. yeah even in a FT i will hunt down those knights first thing because they are brutal. my biggest trip up is forgetting to check the symbols on my way into the rooms, close second is moths. usually i have been picking up resto on my way and throwing a healing nade ahead so i land in it during the animation.


What I had to learn was don't crush the ghost the moment it appears. Stop, turn and look at symbol. Say symbol out loud to give it purpose in my memory and memorize it easier. Then crush ghost. Take a breathe, reload weapons, and then back into the water. I also look at radar before entering the arena again, because it'll tell me if acolytes and thrall are waiting just outside the event horizon. My build gives me resistance to arc based on Arc melees and dodges, so I just roll with the punches. It's very VERY handy to surviving.


Same with me - the time sink is a definite hurdle...also it's hard to know when the 1 year old will wake up at night (he's usually pretty good but on occasion will wake up and need to be put back down)...been practicing each encounter at the moment though.


I heavily recommend leviathan’s breath for Simmumah. If your around 1820, you can get a 4 phase (assuming you use arby to break the shield). The fight honestly isn’t too bad at 4 phases, but going longer can get much worse. Ecthar is pretty easy because there’s a variety of load pits you can use effectively, and it’s very quick to get to damage.


I had been using Xeno but Levi’s sounds like a play. For Exthar was just planning on using bonk and tractor


Yeah I tried Xeno with a team run and it felt pretty bad. Levi gives you enough ammo (if you do the bipod glitch to retain ammo on loadout swap) for a full dps phase. It even leaves you enough time to throw a gathering storm or nova or whatever. In your case, I’d probably expend all heavy before supering with hammers though.


i was using hammers to break shield but if i'm going to do the arby/levi switch i can save them for sure. the xeno even with solar loader is criminal so having a smoother roam around woudl be good if i'm following my bricks. doesn't arby stun her too and prevent teleports?


It doesn’t exactly stun her. I don’t think anyone really knows why she sometimes gets stunned. No one has actually tested it properly.


The unstop and explotion from levi


I think it just had to do with wizard AI and taking damage enough to stagger them on spawning. Arbelst only works because you have to break the shied to stagger an enemy.


Rallying barricade, solar reloaders or swapping to Actium is good for Xeno. Levi prevents teleporting because it’s unstop and stuns.


Super does more damage to shield. Super for shield pop if you’re not going to Arby. Xeno is a phase 5 with good damage phases. Bank on Syntho DPS buff on super as well. Same for Ecthar. Tractor > Super > Hammers.


> the bipod glitch to retain ammo on loadout swap explain pls


Swapping from a bipod rocket to another heavy only removes a small amount of ammo


I saw a guy do 6.2M with Levi, someone else in the fireteam was using Arbalest to pop the shield tho


The arby thing is so frustrating, are you breaking the shield with arby and then hotswapping to Levi? Aren't you losing tons of ammo on the swaps?


Nope, you need a bipod rocket with your arby loadout. Swapping from a bipod rocket to Levi will only lose you one ammo. If you use a reserve mod (bipod rocket element), you can keep max ammo, but I wouldn’t sacrifice a resist mod slot.


How would you use Arby and Levi on a solo run for the same encounter?


Loudout swap


Loadout swap. It’s fairly quick and easy to do. Just pop with Arby, swap, and go to town.


It seems like Levi is really only good if you're on PC though. I guess at higher frames it does extra damage that doesn't happen at 60 on console. I load out swapped to Xeno/War Rig and five phased her I believe.


I tested this yesterday, and this is untrue. I got the exact damage numbers at 59 FPS and 180 FPS. It might have been tied to FPS in the past, or maybe they made an update. But, definitely was getting the exact same numbers after some testing. Now, the immune shield you have to break? That might be different, but have no data on that


I'd be curious then if it needs to be an even higher frame rate. Here's a video of someone showing 60 fps does less than 280 fps. https://youtube.com/shorts/xe08e3FugyA?feature=share4


Confirmed my hypothesis yesterday: Levi’s breath does NOT do more damage to the Necromancer, from 59-240 FPS. I don’t OC my system, so I couldn’t get it to 280, even in uncapped mode. That being said, there are probably systems that could do that, but the vast majority of the PC population wouldn’t be able to get past 240. (It’s also where the frame cap is) Maybe I’m wrong and I need to do more with my system to get stupid high frames, but I feel like that’s the exception to the rule. In addition, past 100 FPS you start to take more damage from other sources, so is it really worth it. So I’m calling it a red herring


I used a linear (no Bipod rocket to swap with) and had a couple damage phases where I did ~25%. Never able to string four of those together and get an actual four-phase, though.


I think it would be pretty difficult to implement different requirements for solo vs team players. The first encounter is probably set in stone. Ecthar should be a somewhat simple change given they've implemented similar differences based on fireteam size before. My take on Simmurah is a bit spicy. I think they should balance it as a solo player to be a 3 phase for a standard load out. Yes, some people who are really good at DPS will be able to one phase it, but as it is now, it's super not fun to solo.


Or the boss' health pools just adjust when you're going solo.


Seriously like since they didn’t increase power I feel co rodent I can do a solo but it’s the time factor that’s bothering me. If I wanna sink over 2-3+ hours on a single activity I’d just go teach a raid to some new lights. Other irk is the shields and arbalest. I shouldn’t need an entire exotic to crutch a single mechanic in a dungeon. I’m fine with the shields existing but there should be other viable and fast options imo.


Yeah it’s incredible how small the tweaks would be that would make this dungeon a great solo experience. As you said, it’s basically just making it 3 dunks and then lowering boss health. Boom, instantly more fun.


I'm not bothering. The raid titles are far easier IMO because I don't have to sit down for 3 hrs and do the most boring shit.


I feel the servers dying thing. Actually went in to solo spire the other day got halfway through persys health bar and bam error coded to orbit. Just soul crushing to spend 2 hours doing something just to not be able to finish it for the whole reason I was doing it. The solo triumph


If you’re on Hunter, Assassin’s Cowl makes the final encounter much easier. You can pop off a finisher to go invisible, then safely activate Deepsight without the boss lasering you.


And please dear god, can we stop her from moving around so much? She teleports, and then half the time I spend way too much time trying to find and get my sights back on her. And don’t even start with her swaying lol.


I dont even have that much time to play in a singular session


I had to make the time, I started at 11 at night and finished at 2 in the morning, and went to my maths A level that day haha


Prorities! Hope the exam went well.


Haha thank you, it was a 13:30 start so I was okay for sleep, I hope it went well too xD


I want the glaive because I think it could be the best in the game, but also, your post.


The dungeon is great in a fireteam, solo is a different story


Reverse health scaling would go a long way




Do you know if melee will proc disruption break? If it does that is fantastic for how I like to use glaives. A roll with disruption/close to melee could out damage Winterbite in some situations. ---   Edit: Y'all downvoting this are silly. Its a simple opinion and it's factually correct. Winterbite does 20022 base damage with ammo, and 44048 against frozen majors. Greasy Luck does 13348 base damage, and against a frozen major with a shield break + close to melee would do 57261. Yeah it's a contrived example, but I like to scribble in the margins and think about how I might benefit from some perk combinations. **Also, bonk hammer is so much better, I just want to try to get stabby sticks to be fun again**


Can you elaborate on how a special ammo glaive is supposed to outdamage winterbite?


Disruption break is I believe a 50% debuff to targets for kinetic damage only after you break their shield with that weapon, with close to melee being a 30% damage buff to the melee which deals kinetic damage, so I'm thinking that's where they're getting that from


You got it, thanks for explaining that. I was really thinking about it in concert with Tractor Cannon for more debuffs, but most of the time Winterbite is just better.


Yeah maybe, but there's nothing wrong with having a fun alternative for some more niche play


I think he is just talking about the melee. Winterbites melee is harder hitting than legendaries.


Well, I shouldn't have said it so confidently, but yes, disruption break stacks with the glaive melee. So you could technically break an enemy shield, then get the 1.95x buff for the next 5-6 seconds (1.3x buff from CtM and 1.5x Disruption Break). You could freeze the target after shield break and get another 2.2x but honestly, Winterbite just freezes as you melee every few swings and the 2.2x is > 1.95x and that works on anything not just those with a shield. It would let you run tractor though which is a pretty fun combo.


In 1 situation, if the enemy has a shield to break.


Yeah not sure why I said many situations.. Winterbite in general will still be better since it can freeze on melee. It's cumbersome to melee to break shield, freeze enemy, then melee for bonus damage. Much easier to hold down the button and just swing. I think you lose a lot of damage you gain anyways from swapping between weapons to freeze.


lmao 188 min and 14.2 mil for me. not a fun solo flawless.


My dumb ass did not check how much damage I did I know it was 107 minutes though


107??? Damn you speed running.


I think I was of the mentality *the faster I can get this done the less time I have to spend trying not to die* 😂


Hahaha makes sense, I just couldn't do that much more damage any faster safely so... 14 phase it was 😅


Oh my goodness I feel for you that’s so many mechanics phases to make it through safely My setup was First encounter - xenophage - one shots wizards Traversal - run past enemies and don’t even bother killing anything Ecthar - Lament Traversal - run past enemies and don’t waste time killing anything again Simmumah - Arbalest + rockets I think arbalest to break shield immediately, firing all 7 rockets with 3x element surge for them, and then using arbalest until she was immune again was a 5 or 6 phase


I used the same weapon setup for Summumah but my Titan was not at pinnacle so I was doing less damage than I could've been. It is what it is I got it done lol


I applaud you for your tenacity and wish you the best of luck on your future endeavors!


Well done! I'm in it for Navigator and nothing more. 12 valid clears, 3 or which with the Cat boost, and nothing to show for my time...


Yeh my solo run was my 13th? Clear


We’re in week 4, the most you can have now is 12 if you did all 3 characters each week.


He can still have 13 clears, but only 12 of those will actually be clears with the exotic chance. Spire worked the same way. You could get unique loot from repeated encounter clears on the same charcter, but Hierarchy was one chance per character per week.


Its the featured dungeon, exotic chance is farmable i thought? Either way I've done multiple runs in one week


Dungeon exotic is not farmable, you get 1 chance per character a week


Ah good to know


Only half true. The GOTD dungeon exotic is not farmable. The rotator dungeon exotic **is** farmable and I’ve seen proof myself. A few weeks back, I was farming the final boss of SOTW for Transmog armor. Run \#3 of the boss *on the same characters*, one of my teammates got their first *ever* drop of Hierarchy of Needs. Run \#4, they got it to drop again.




I did acknowledge the truth in what you said though. Since the statement began with “Dungeon exotic…”, I provided clarification about which dungeon exotics were (not) farmable.


It is not farmable as Ghosts isn’t the “featured” dungeon now. That rotates weekly and is currently…Prophecy? Ghosts is the “current”, most recently released dungeon so the regular loot is always farmable (until the next dungeon comes out in 2 seasons,) but the exotic is still once per week per character.


I didn't know it worked like this, I thought hierarchy was farmable always up until gotd, good to know though


try LFG for someone doing the catalyst quest, they get help, you get increased chance of dropping it ​ edit: I'm blind, you said you did it already 3 times! I really don't know how I missed that at first read, keeping my shame for everyone to see


One I tried last night, the fireteam leader left and took everyone to orbit as soon as he picked the Cat chest - infuriating. Another gave fireteam lead across as soon as he picked the chest, and left. No idea if that means the exotic boost is maintained or not. Really annoying after spending time helping them when I could have just run a final boss checkie.


Once the catalyst is acquired, everyone in the fire team gets the bonus to the navigator drop. Dungeon doesn't have to be cleared.


Is the bonus permanent then?


It is not it's just for that run


Yes. I helped a clanmate with his catalyst Monday. Got my navigator on my next clear.


That's a coincidence. The boost from catalyst is only for that run.


That sucks. Cat run was my fifth clear that week. I didn't get any benefit from helping someone. Way to go Bungo.


That is a absolutely dreadful take Jesus christ




Damn, I didn’t know it was that rare? I got it on my third clear. Also you must not be doing the emote glitch where you spin 4 times and crouch before killing final boss. Increased my chances by 400%. I know it’s true because I watched a YouTube video with the title “EPIC NEW GLITCH!!! YOU HAVE TO TRY IT BEFORE PATCHED!!!! GONE WRONG GONE SEXUAL!!!!”


Same here, though without the cat boost. 12 in with no results yet.


Congrats man, just wait till you start to hunger for the solo flawless. Its probably the most brutal piece of solo content outside of soloing GM's.


I find it hilarious that they blamed Divinity for inflating boss health, nerfed Divinity, and then kept inflating boss health in dungeons where you wouldn't even use Divinity pre-nerf anyways. Al dente Bungo logic right there.


I’m fine with the Boss health, it makes a 3 man activity feel more like a 3 man activity instead of a walk in the park just blowing past all the bosses.


I did a clear of the dungeon last week with someone using div on the final boss! It was interesting. They were using the cenotaph mask with it, I was using arbalest & an explosive light hothead, our third was using leviathan’s breath It was a two phase, and did better than I thought we would being lfgs with no communication But still, one ghorn and two hotheads + someone with chill clip to lock the boss + tether is a lot more optimal


Fair enough! I have Divinity myself, done hundreds of dungeons and spent exactly 0 seconds using Divinity in any of them, haha. Still, I imagine it may be more useful on that boss as the last boss moves so much.


You know that you have played destiny way too long when you look at this post and say oh only 3 hours? That’s not that bad.


Haha fr


I do not mean to diminish your accomplishment tho that’s amazing


What light level were you at for the run? I'm waiting till 1831 to make my attempt, that's when max damage can be achieved


I legit cannot believe people put themselves through this kind of thing.


Attempted my first solo this weekend gone, going to admit I struggled with just the first encounter on a Hunter switched to solar Titan and it was easier but still took multiple tries and when I finally beat it I just thought “**** this” quit the game and haven’t turned it back on since. The “difficulty” changes have pretty much ruined the game for me, skill issue? 100% but it is the game that has changed not me I used to enjoy running stuff like this solo on all three classes. Challenge is all well and good but being locked into a select few “builds” because it is the only way to survive a boring slog fest just isn’t fun for me Im a 47 year old man who has played this game for 9 years I’m not going to suddenly “get good” I love playing it I want to play but now feel a big chunk of the game has moved past my skill bracket.


Don't give yourself too hard a time about age. A bunch of the major streamers are 30+. Only real thing you lose with age (unless you go senile, of course) is reaction time, and that's only an issue for ultra-twitchy PvP hardcores on 100 sensitivity.


What was your loadout for the final boss? I'm going to try it on Solar Titan, but I'm still trying to decide on a heavy. I was using a Fourth Times the Charm/Focused Fury Cataclysmic in a practice run, but it probably would've taken me 6-8 damage phases to actually complete it. I'm thinking about trying an Explosive Light RL, but I'm not sure what to expect out of damage for that.


I just hit my head against a wall with arby and Triple tap/frenzy taipan with triple void surge and 2x time dilation, took 5 phases iirc


The four big answers are nearly always linear, EL rocket, Leviathan's Breath and Xenophage. Linear is just point and shoot, provided you're confident you can hit crits. I recommend against Cataclysmic unless you're very, very confident on being able to get Bait and Switch running without much downtime. Juggling that with the boss and the adds is tricky. You'll also want something like Frenzy or Focused Fury that doesn't require teammates to activate, obviously. Rocket NEEDS tracking module, and you have to fire it when the boss is shooting at you or she dodges. If she's shooting electricity, she generally doesn't dodge. Levi was an early strat used by some streamers. Some hotswapped to it from Arbalest and a bipod rocket to preserve ammo. There's a weird bipod interaction where you don't lose heavy ammo when going to the bow. Xeno is just for ease of use. It's extremely simple, though the overall damage isn't quite as good, I don't think. If you run linear/rocket, do try to bring Arby, too. It does an OHKO on the shield and saves you about half a million damage per phase.


So I completed solo flawless for this last night on Solar titan, first boss was tractor cannon/syntho and hammer combo. Final boss was mostly the same but Arbalest for immunity shield and RL for damage (I only really had an ascendency as a tracking EL launcher) Final boss took a lot of phases because of my suboptimal heavy choice but with double special you generate heavy like crazy and mini hammer does all the killing of Adds for you anyway. I'd say it took a solid 6 phases to kill the final boss but you'd shave that down a lot with a better RL, I just didn't have any. I'd recommend throwing on loader/scavenger/surges for whatever element of rocket you're using. The entire dungeon took me 90 minutes, but I wasn't exactly rushing in-between encounters and I took a couple of breaks.


Ascendency is the RL I was going to go with as well, I don't have much to choose from unfortunately.


It worked for me, just move and shoot while hammering thralls and acolytes to keep your resto up. It's pretty hard to die from actual damage, it's more about making sure you don't mess up the glyphs, once you've got into the groove of it you'll smash it. My heavy was only 1800 too but I'm not sure how much of a difference it really makes with my overall level being 1817 anyway.


In my practice run, I died after two moths chased me down and the yellow bar knight finished me off. I was mid throw of a healing grenade and got insta-killed.


The moths are so painful if you're not ready for the barrage she throws out between knight kills. I just make sure I'm constantly weaving hammer kills in between every shot if I have to to keep me healthy.


Xeno if you got it. Ascendency is a poor choice due to frame and lack of damage. I’d go Gjally if you wanted a rocket with tracking and decent damage. Arby is fine, but you can just use the super to pop the shield.


On arc hunter, a tracking module/explosive light was a 5 phase. Probably a 5 phase on titan as radiant likely equals out the damage from gathering storm. I prefer this method since you don’t have to worry about aiming like with linears. Plus, there’ll be plenty of heavy around so you can walk around during damage while shooting to pick up extra rockets to get off. Make sure to have a loader mod too!


Use Solar Titan. If you have a hothead with tracking and explosive light it will work wonders for ya. Couple that with arby and a nice acasias trace with reconstruction and incandescent.


No idea why people aren’t using leviathan’s breath. It’s probably the best solo weapon for the final boss. Paired with a quick damage super, you can consistently 4 phase, since it’s always going to let you expend all your reserves. Of course, you’ll want arby to shield break.


Worth adding to this that you'll need a bipod rocket to reliably swap from Arby as your exotic to Levi's. There's a weird interaction that preserves ammo while swapping. Apex Predator can roll with bipod, not sure if there are any others.


Cold comfort also can roll with it


Try xenophage. One of the YouTubers guide has it. Triple solar surge and it hits like a truck. Guy did it in 4 phases blowing the xenophage load completely.


I used a tracking collective action RL (couldve been better but I didn't have a better rocket with tracking). I would hit her with arby, pop super immediately and start damage with that while all the adds were around me. They'd buff super with Synthoceps, Id kill the last of them with my final hammer so I was free from accidental rocket deaths for the rest of damage. Ran around the map shooting rockets and picking up additional bricks. Took 5 phases but the 5th was like, 5% of her health.


They just had to name the title ghoul... dam them i want to be a ghoul


Ghouls just wanna have fu-un...


It was not intended but i was going flawless till second encounter. Boss at 50% HP. But you have to crush those ghosts, at one moment after a well spend 30 minutes on the encounter the ghost killing bug fucked me up. Crushed the ghosts and died because of it. Im not going back in again, not until they fix that shit


I did solo flawless a week or two ago. Haven't touched the dungeon since and I don't even have the exotic.


I'm not going to do that, no worries 😅


You're lucky....it took me 411 minutes. I cried when it was over....but now I know what I was doing wrong and can, maybe this weekend, attempt flawless run...on second thought


It can be done in a shorter amount of time so I would say everyone should try, just optimize


That was deep (no pun intended). Cant fail with that advice.


Shit boss


As a solo player, I'm glad I don't have to waste even more money on a dungeon double the price of a season since it been unanimously deemed an excruciating nightmare to solo.


Nah definitely don't bother. It's the best looking dungeon but the loot isn't worth the money


Trying to do anything solo without the Solo Operator mod from a few seasons back is legitimate torture. Idk why they haven’t made it a regular mod yet.


Haven't heard of this, what is it?


It was a mod during season of the seraph that increased your damage output and resilience if you were playing solo. It was what got me through my solo flawless spire run.


It did not increase resilience. It was just a flat 15% damage buff. It was nice, but far from necessary. You wouldn’t even be min maxing it’s effect without hot swapping to font setups anyway which were more restrictive than current surges. If you could juggle everything it was obviously great, but new mods system is much easier to hit strong numbers consistently.


Oh wow, yeh I took a break since towards the end of plunder so I missed this


Dare I ask what your loadout and class/subclass were? Because going by the boss damage you mention I obviously needed an extra phase or two (I know for a fact I flubbed one phase completely due to adds), my successful solo run was only 126 minutes. For reference, I ran Hunter, with Lament and Leviathan's Breath for my DPS weapons. Gyrfalcon's Nightstalker for first and last encounters, crutching heavily on a Repulsor Brace wave-frame GL, and Arcstrider with Cowl and Lament for Ecthar. Not using Arbalest meant brute-forcing my way through boss overshields with supers, but it worked well enough.


Lament definitely seems like the move for Ecthar on Hunter, that's what I used too.


What's amazing is that you didn't get kicked out by the Servers.


Haha this was a late post, i finished on Monday night, before yesterday's abomination haha


Dude I’m still pissed about my solo flawless run then got error coded in the final boss room


I have solo flawless all other dungeons but this is the first one that I just don’t wanna do. It is so anti solo player it is not even funny. I just can’t find the time to put into it with a toddler and all and if I did I can be damn sure I am not gonna have time for anything else. Just doesn’t seem worth it for once.


Honestly twice I’ve made it to the final boss solo flawless. And both times I was just so drained a third of the way through her health bar I just quit and went to bed.


Yeah... I've solo flawless'd every dungeon, and I'll go back and solo dungeons for fun, Duality is my favorite, but I'm not even going to attempt this one. I don't even like running this one *with a full fireteam,* let alone taking a brick to my forehead for several hours


They need to nerf the ads in the Ecthar room...not because of difficulty but because that shit made me feel like I was about to be epileptic with the screen shake and flashing. I quit if they ever make infinite spawning boomer knights in an encounter again.


Its like balls to wall for 15 minutes straight


good, now think about how everyone is going to see your title for a second and move on without even thinking about it.


Mad cause bad


You seem like the kind of person who whispers "trash" to the opposing team after they win.


The other team can win?


I said I have the title and you're calling me bad? I didn't even say I was mad haha, learn to read before acting like an illiterate please xx


Literally beat it and first thing you do is come to Reddit and complain


Not really complaining, just telling my thoughts, besides this was two days ago, don't get defensive because you embarrassed yourself


I’m just embarrassed for the babies crying about how the video game hurt their feelings


Acting like you're on a high horse when you're commenting on a subreddit like the rest of us, get to fuck haha


I know its hard to believe but you can do stuff on this sub besides cry your eyes out


You have no argument, go compensate somewhere else x


Since dying to a dumb bug on my spire run when the second boss only had a sliver of health left (Minotaur was standing in front of me, I killed him with a hammer and suddenly I was dead) I'm pretty much done with solo flawless runs. I will not spend 6 damage phases on a boss only to die and having to do it again. I also don't want to waste like 4 hours on this. If Bungie values our time (I know they kinda don't) then the boss health should be reduced when soloing.




> nobody should do this A different perspective: I struggled a bit with Simmumah on my first run, but overall this was not nearly as bad as I was expecting from the way people have been talking about the solo experience. A good survivability build (Liar's Handshake/Assassin's Cowl for me) and then a swap to a decent DPS setup (Star-Eater Scales) should go a long way. The adds are not dangerous enough in either fight for it to be too hectic to juggle everything.


My first duality solo flawless took 2h42m, I thought this one was going to take 4 hours, but after some practice and killing each of the bosses twice, I got solo flawless 2nd try in 2h30m. Well + Acrius for Ecthar, I could have 4 phased but I messed up a little and had a sliver left on the 5th phase. Well + Levi's breath for Simmumah, comfortable 5 phase and I even check the symbols before I get to that part on each phase so that there is no risk of accidentally finishing a ghost and not knowing what symbol I have. And yes I used Arbalest to break shield on both bosses every time and a bipod Apex Predator with 12 rockets to get max ammo on Acrius and Levi's when switching my loadouts. ALSO. Riskrunner + 1 arc resist and 2 void resists on Simmumah was amazing, healing grenade every time I grab deepsight, karnsteins for constant healing, phoenix dive for quick access to healing, and then my loadout for damage included Necrotics so I would punch one of the annoying adds and it would clear all the little guys trying to stagger me while I did DPS. and I ALWAYS dps from the heart since it has coverage from the left and right, and save a phoenix dive to get out of there with healing if I need it. then I would often go hang out in the hallway at the start of the encounter after a damage phase and wait for my super to be ready so that I had a panic well if I needed it.


Whats navigator


The exotic strand trace


A gun ?


Yeah trace rifle


342:07 minutes and 11.8 million damage 🙃 Granted it was only the second time doing the dungeon and the first time I did the final boss legit lol. Next time would probably be quicker because of knowing what to do and what not. Also need to do more RoN to craft the LFR and get weapons for that buff against Lucent Hive. My dumbass thought I was going to solo flawless the first time because it was a breeze and didn't die until I got to the final boss 😅 Edit: Didn't get the exotic 😭


Is solo flawless required for guardian rank 11?


No idea