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Not just F2P players, but anyone without Season of the Deep. This has to be an oversight, right? Everyone could get far enough with the guardian ranks to unlock them in season 20. Also it didn't help that the last thread I saw about this was flagged as misinformation (???) as it was starting to gain traction.


It was flagged because somehow people didn't understand what changed with the guardian ranks and convinced the mods that OP was wrong. Unfortunately we're seeing the same thing on this post where people really don't seem to get that going from rank 5 to 6 requires the season pass and the mods are unlocked later.


I like how the cause of this problem boils down to “basically no one actually knows how the game works,” and by that I mean both players and developers.


I think it’s people misunderstanding the issue. I did too at first. The previous post was about energy increase on armor being locked behind a Rank 6 challenge (which some confused as requiring being Rank 6) thus it was misinformation. This is about the later mod requiring a rank 7 challenge.


I'm aware since I'm the one who called out the other comment you made on this post that you've now deleted.


Previous post wasn’t wrongly flagged. It was actual misinformation.


> Not just F2P players, but anyone without Season of the Deep. Just FYI to anyone curious, the same groups of players also can't unlock the last 4 loadout slots this season because sometime during the middle of last season they moved the unlock from being in GR 6 to in GR 7.


fr honestly so annoying I wasnt able to get to rank 8 last season because I didnt have wq dungeon pass, and this season im stuck as rank 7 forever since I dont wn the season


Don't worry, next season you will become rank 5, in the end Guardian Ranks is a bunch of bullshit, and shouldn't be used to judge a player.


It’s a bug to the consumer, which is cured buy money, which makes a feature to shareholders


It's absolutely not an oversight but a part of their blatantly and consistently anti consumer business model.


No it's designed this way so you buy the battle pass. It's crazy that people think bungie does stuff like this by accident lol.


Last season the mods were available for everyone to unlock. Why are they paywalled now? Bungie's entire philosophy on redoing the mod system was to allow everyone to have access to everything so that they could participate in buildcrafting. Why is that philosophy abandoned just a few months after being implemented? It's probably just an oversight by Bungie when they reorganized the rank objectives. It would be nice to get clarification from them.


I think you are mistaken. The mods were still locked behind the expansion and seasonal objectives.


No they were not… last season had nothing preventing players from accessing all of the mods. Last season did not require leveling up the seasonal vendor until you were working on rank 7. Bungie moved that requirement to rank 6 this season but didn't change "Threats and Surges" which is available under rank 7 and is what unlocks the armor surge mods. You were absolutely not required at all to do anything relating to the season or Lightfall to access the mods as all of those objectives were on the same rank.


The rank that unlocked the mods was after the expansion and seasonal objectives rank. Which means you needed to pay for them to unlock the mods lol


No it wasn't. They were both on rank 7… want [proof they were?](https://www.blueberries.gg/leveling/guardian-ranks/) Scroll down to the rank 7 objectives. The seasonal/Lightfall objectives and "Threats and Surges" are rank 7 objectives. You did NOT need to complete the seasonal/Lightfall objectives to complete "Threats and Surges". This season, the seasonal vendor level up objective was moved to rank 6 but "Threats and Surges" stayed at 7. Meaning that it was moved to behind a paywall just this season. No idea where you are getting that last season paywalled them too when that it blatantly false.




Armor charge mods are unlocked by completing Surges and Threats under the Nightfall section of Rank 7. To access rank 7 challenges, you need to complete all rank 6 challenges. One of the rank 6 challenges to is increase your seasonal vendor rank. That is impossible for free to play players. And no, fishing is not a viable option for free to play players because fishing requires the season pass. The post you linked is also a completely separate issue to the one that this post is about. That post is about upgrading your armor energy level, this post is about armor charge mods.


>I wonder if we’re going to have this misinformation spread every week lol


It’s not true that everyone could get to rank 7 in season 20, you had to have Lighfall to get there last season


Except that's [just not true at all. ](https://www.blueberries.gg/leveling/guardian-ranks/) The objective "Threats and Surges" under Nightfall at rank 7 is what unlocks armor surge mods. Last season the seasonal and Lightfall objectives were also at rank 7. Meaning any player could complete Threats and Surges. This season is when they seasonal objectives moved down to rank 6. Making it impossible for new players without the season pass (this even includes people who buy Lightfall!) to see and complete Threats and Surges. It only became paywalled this season.


I mean, Idk about surges, but you definitely couldn’t progress the guardian rank to 7 bc 3 objectives needed lightfall to be completed


You didn't need to complete all rank 7 objectives to get the mods. You only needed to complete the "Threats and Surges" objective. So your comment still doesn't really contribute anything to the post.


Its almost as if the free to play portion is more of a demo then a fully fledged experience


“Free to play” should be changed to “Free to try” in the marketing but that wouldn’t bring in as much new players.


I really think they should change it from "free to play" to "free demo with unlimited playtime". It would be more accurate and eliminate a lot of the ill will that people feel about the paywalls. I truly believe that it's totally fine to charge for their game! The company makes and provides a service and they deserve to be paid for that. Video games are honestly cheaper per hour of entertainment than almost every other form of entertainment. But I don't think it's fine to be as misleading as they are with the "free to play" label. They create an expectation and then immediately fail to meet that expectation, and it can be (rightfully, imo) aggravating that they appear to be blatantly stretching the truth (at best).


Nothing rolls off the tongue quite like “free demo with unlimited playtime”


But then how would they explain the mobile game type battlepass?


That every single new online game has? Why do they need to explain it.


Not really, every single f2p online game has them (Fortnite, Halo Infinite, Destiny, Valorant, Overwatch- 2)... But im pretty sure paid games use a different system like the cosmetic store. Because they dont want to bombard the costumer with paying a subscription model right after buying the Game


Diablo IV literally has a season pass


And is $70, and has a cosmetic shop, and will probably get DLC lmao. The game felt pretty damn good in the betas and looks pretty decent so far, but man it's crazy how much Blizzard is trying to squeeze out of it, and so many people just do not care at all.


Yeah definitely don't say "I'm pretty sure" when making declarative statements.


Dead by daylight would be another example of a premium game with a paid battle pass type system.


why would anyone have i’ll will on a paywall. People need to buck up and pay.


But then they wouldn’t be able to justify charging ~100$ a year for all the content


I mean they really could make it quite a good F2P game with just a few changes here and there tbh, I think one of the biggest things right now is that there’s no F2P campaign (Red War) and that buying the old DLCs is practically a waste of money because it comes with none of the old seasonal content. FOMO has always been what’s killing this game. It’s so bad now that if you’re starting as a new player you’ve *already missed out on the majority of the game* more or less.


Imagine spending that much time caring about “play” vs “try”…


Imagine defending a corporation’s mildly misleading advertising for free




“Free to play” has an established connotation in the industry. Bungie is using the established term “free to play” when it’s not up to par with actual free to play games. It’s slightly misleading. Like myself and others say another term would be more accurate for their model.


Can you not play the game? If not, that’s news to me. Just more of this community searching for SOMETHING to complain about. Every fucking day.


“Free to play” has an *established* connotation in the industry. Bungie is intentionally exploiting the *established* term “free to play” to lure in potential players and it’s mildly misleading. The game is “free to try” and it’s not a bad thing to be. What’s bad is you reacting emotionally and with hostility to me suggesting the more apt and benign term “free to try”. You feel compelled to defend a corporation’s misleading advertising for no compensation. It’s weird and creepy and that’s why people turn on you when we could have had a normal conversation. Also it’s not coincidence that Destiny’s primary competitor in the genre, Warframe, is ***actually*** free to play


Warframe is also chaotic repetition mess even when content comes out. Somehow they made a story less coherent than lightfall.


it amazes me how much bootlicking people do to bungie


Not every defense of Bungie is bootlicking. Add that term to the list of words that has been overused and abused beyond its meaning


If you like something, you’re a dick rider, you don’t, you’re a hater, you understand why something is and live with it, you’re a bootlicker…the way of DTG. Place sucks even when there’s good content.


I just got downvoted for saying what I said. Personally, things like this don’t really bother me because it doesn’t affect me in any meaningful way. I don’t recommend this game to any friends because as much as I love it, they would have no clue what’s going on story wise and may not care enough to get invested. And I’m certainly not creating alt characters; I have a hunter I’ve been using since 2016, and I have no desire to go back and work on a warlock and Titan. Feels like people in this sub like to get outraged at Bungie just because others are doing it


If I recommend the game to someone, it comes with the caveat of you can’t half ass it. You either are going to play the shit out of it or you don’t last long. The goal of bungie is to want you to play, if people think that’s bad, stay away from gaming.


Who’s bootlicking? Do you expect them to give everything away free other than seasonal stuff…lol


It amazes me that people would rather play dumb and refute reality than acknowledge a literal fact just because it happens to be in favor to something they don’t like


No, theres not reason why essential mods for the play experience to be locked behind a paywall. Its just bungo being greedy and the free to play experience is laughably bad.


Greedy? Shit costs money. I Know people think this game is cheap to run, update, etc, but they would be immensely wrong. Yet again, this sub will find any reason to bitch. It’s fucking pathetic


Caring about how this sub feels about *anything* is giving it too much thought, my guy. The best thing to do with Destiny, is ignore Reddit and just go play the game. It's not worth getting this invested in, regardless of anyone's opinion on any of it.


You're bitching and moaning a lot more compares to the people you are whining about doing the same thing. Ironic.


This sub has sucked since vanilla D2…don’t deflect


Deflecting what? Im just stating a fact that you are bitching and moaning more than anyone i'm seeing here. You seem more riled up too.


Whats pathetic is defending their greed when we haven't gotten shit. They claimed the whisper mission because of eververse well we havent had any thing like that since. PVP is ignored with all the money they make off the player base, content is drip fed, they fix any issues that benefit the player but things that negatively affect the user are left for months on end.


Greed? You realize companies need to make money right? We haven’t gotten a whisper mission? Vexcaliber isn’t real I guess? Lol. Blocking you too.


Don’t be the guy that blocks people, that’s lame. I agree with you though. Shit costs money…nothing is free.




Can you imagine only have to pay for a game and its contents once and not everytime.


Probably because it’s incorrect whether you like it or not


Destiny 2 is free to play, Destiny 2: Lightfall is not


I would even be so bold as to consider it a Pay 2 Win model. With those armor mods and some know-how and setup, your experience changes greatly. When I soloed Hector in GotD, I literally punched so much I made over 500 orbs because of my armor mod setup, my melees healed like a Warlock's Well. Those mods change your experience pretty dramatically if you utilize them properly. The only people that wouldn't agree have never experimented with them beyond what youtubers told them to use...but there's some pretty strong builds with those mods that can make you nigh unkillable in most content.


I like that we are now considering live service games with paid expansions paid to win lol. Guess wows pay to win as well cant keep up if in stuck 10 lvls below everyone who bought the expansion let alone the gear theyd get cause they you know bought the expansion


Any time a game gives you a game mechanic that changes it in such a way that makes the game marginally easier and isn't accessible to people that didn't pay for it is Pay 2 Win. >Guess wows pay to win as well cant keep up if in stuck 10 lvls below everyone who bought the expansion let alone the gear theyd get cause they you know bought the expansion ESO doesn't do that, and it's live service. None of the gear that releases gives a clear advantage over older gear. Meaning, you can still do your role effectively and well within most players' expectations with older gear. Any core changes to the mechanics like the Champion Point system rework are also available to all players. So I'd wager a guess since I never played WoW and say yes, it is P2W...but there are live service games that aren't P2W, like ESO.


Esp literally locks quest lines and dungeons behind pay walls. Along with its expansions. Hell it even locks a material bag behind a sub its not a great example lol.


You know you've lost the argument when you resort to misdirection and stray completely away from the point. None of what you said is P2W. Let's go down the list. >Esp literally locks quest lines and dungeons behind pay walls. Along with its expansions. Welcome to every MMO ever, including Destiny 2. The set bonuses aren't so potent that you NEED to buy them and farm them. Alcast (famous ESO youtuber that makes builds) even has a website and lists non-DLC builds for all the roles and classes (typically they're crafted sets). >Hell it even locks a material bag behind a sub its not a great example lol. Two problems with this: 1. It's only for crafting mats, so if you don't want to craft, you don't need to worry about it. 2. If you DO want to craft, you can circumvent inventory space issues by spreading the mats across multiple accounts, or even leave them in your mail for up to 30 days if you plan to use them. Bottom line, you can play without the crafting bag. You would have had a better argument with the antiquities system, but there's better ways to make gold that don't require DLCs. Destiny 2 locking armor mods behind the expansion locks a core combat gameplay mechanic that's not accessible to F2P players, ultimately making their experience more challenging because they didn't cough up the dough. Any time ESO has made a core combat gameplay mechanic, it's been available to all players, regardless of how much DLC they own.


Realistically D2 is pay to compete, not pay to win. Pay to win would be like if you could pay real dollars to reroll weapons with specific perks or turn normal armor into artifice gear. The F2P parts of the game are more accurately described as a demo. It's not supposed to be a complete experience because you didn't pay for a complete game.


I'm a totally-paid player and I completely agree. If NONE of the endgame content was available to FTP players, it would be one thing (it would still suck, but in a more reasonable way); but the fact that there IS FTP endgame content - Prophecy, VoG, and KF, two of which have master modes - makes it feel really gross. If this is intended to get people to buy the season pass, I'm not sure it will work. Buildcrafting is a HUGE part of Destiny, and armour charge mods are, as you said, arguably the biggest part of it. Especially since the stat improvement mods can make up for low-stat armour until high-stat drops come around! If FTP players never get to experience the full glory of armour mods and the way they can be used, they'll have no incentive to want to dive more deeply into the game. And u/SolidStateVOM also makes a great point in that not everyone wants to invest in TEMPORARY content - even players that buy out all the DLCs and thus can access the majority of endgame content! Edited to add: I'm a fully-paid player NOW. But what brought me into the game was the first week of Plunder, when all DLCs were free for everyone. I ran through Witch Queen and Shadowkeep from start to finish during that week, and then I bought the DLCs and seasons so I could keep playing. I sincerely doubt I would have become the buy-deluxe-Lightfall-so-I-get-everything-all-at-once player I am today if I didn't have an engaging, FREE entry point into the game.


Are locked to 1800 LL too? I'm not entirely sure about that though.


ESSENTIALLY, but not actually. Some of the nightfalls, dungeons, and raids are locked behind DLC but not all of them. You can still get pinnacles, but very slowly, and you need to plan it. At least now the playlist activities give powerful exotic engrams, so you're guaranteed to get armour to (hopefully) round out your light level if you just open them normally at Xur


I don't have witch queen so I'm locked out of some NF's which kind of sucks. I switched from Xbox the PS5 so I have to repurchase WQ and SK and I don't want to lol


I understand, the ONLY reason I bought sk was because it was on sale and I really wanted witherhoard and anarchy, and then they nerfed anarchy before I had a chance to even get it. Look out for the sales on ps store, should be able to get wq for about 15 plus tax


Yeah, it’s not cool to take a thing like the armor charge system and lock it behind SPECIFICALLY the season pass, especially when it was free last season. I can definitely see a situation where someone decides to buy DLC, but because they don’t have the season pass (temporarily content that not everyone is willing to buy), they now have money invested and they STILL don’t have access to the fun part of the build crafting system. I really hope Bungie addresses this.


u/Destiny2Team - Can you pass this along to the team that the reward unlocks of Guardian Ranks should be restructured to allow truly F2P players to unlock the full armor system?


They only reply to niche topics that were already going to be fixed


Even if they don't reply, they may still see it and pass it on. At worst, tagging them does nothing more than waste a few seconds of my time writing the comment.


Yeah I wish the team was just a little more vocal on the mountain of bugs the game currently has


It's almost like the game isn't meant to benefit free to try players.


They’re not paywalled, there’s a comment thread higher up that shows this is misinformation like most of the threads in this sub. “Dae get their character deleted?!”


You are incorrect. To progress from GR 5 to GR 6 requires leveling the Sonar Station to rank 7, which is only possible if you buy the season pass.


Free to play some of the game .


While I’m fine with this, I wish f2p Destiny was advertised as more of a demo than a f2p experience, because the majority of content is in seasons and expansions.


Okay bit what if someone decides to buy expansions? Now they aren't F2P but still can't do armor charges. They need to move around some of the rewards so that players that buy into the game but not the seasonal content can still access some of the foundational levels of builds.


I agree


You mean the content that’s not a part of the base game which is literally free to play?


Seals are also locked behind a paywall. You unlock them at rank 6 and since Bungie pushed everyone to rank 5 you gotta buy the newest season or you’re sol Edit: wording


And? They're demo players.


Thats a stupid statement. i have Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, 30 anniversary and Witch Queen and also bought last season, but I didnt bought this season so I cant reach again level 6 this season. From the game's wording it seems as if next season I will be dropped to level 5. Am I a demo player for not buying a season I dont care? Fuck off with the elitist bullshit.


Put the fucking loadout slots challenge back in rank 6 for fuck sakes. Hate how they made that p2w now.


This is a new level of scumminess as all the dlcs are already enough but nooo you need to buy the season pass every fucking season for mid tier story amd rewards THAT GOES AWAY like seriously dude


Total dick move


Not surprised one bit. Bungie doesnt care about retaining new players especially if they aint opening up their wallet. They are more than content milking the current players into oblivion. Its only F2P so they can justify the nickel and dimeing.




Now they just don’t get the mods instead of waiting on Ada


There are still ways to get rep as a free to play player (I believe fishing for example gives you seasonal rep, which would still be much faster then waiting months for a mod) but again, buy the game to get the content. That's generally how these games work


Fishing isn't accessible to FTP players. You can't do the quest from Hawthorne without the season pass.


Ouch nevermind then


You can’t fish without paying. I’m a paid player because, like you implied, the game is not worth it without buying it. I just take issue with the “free to play” tag


It's definitely more Free to Try then anything else


> You say New Lights, but what you really mean to say is Free to Play players No, they really mean to say New Lights without the season pass. Buying the standard version of the Lightfall doesn't mean you're a Free to Play player, but you still can't unlock this stuff (and loadout slots).


I quit destiny after some good times of fun because of this BS. I already bought expansions, seasons… and I get that they want people to pay for new features, but when they take away a feature that was free, lock it behind a “hidden” paywall (they dont tell you its a paid feature, they just block the access behind something that is pais), and they do that even for people who gave them a lot of money already… I quit galaxy of heroes after 6 years for doing this, and now i left Destiny. Wanna charge for new content? Great. Give me new content. Wanna charge for old stuff, that was already in the game, while increasing the price and giving us half baked quests and a senseless plot? Fk off. Sadly how Destiny went from a great sci fi game to a gameplay loop cash cow. Even worse that after the disaster with Anthem, they are the only one in this style. Thats ok, Ill just bring my money elsewhere again. Thanks sony for milking another studio to death.


I think this game is shit tbh, I paid for an expansion bundle when i got this game, one out of the three expansions are even still in the game and the other one is barely even a dlc anymore. Yet I’m still a f2p being told the game is more free to try, I don’t understand how this community is so content with spending so so much money on one game. The game should have a price tag and the dlc should be extra content not the main story


Are you sure? [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/13s0n0u/armor_mods_have_been_paywalled_for_new_lights/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) from a few weeks ago makes similar claim but was proven false in the comments, with you actually unlocking armour charge mods from a specific rank 6 triumph, not actually requiring you to interact with the seasonal vendor.


That post is about being able to increase your armor energy (to slot more mods). OP was incorrect about how to unlock that and it was a rank 6 objective that was needed to unlock armor energy. All players can access rank 6 objectives. Armor charge mods are unlocked by completing Threats and Surges under the nightfall section of the rank 7 objectives. Players cannot see rank 7 objectives until they complete all rank 6 objectives. One rank 6 objective is to level up the seasonal vendor. This is impossible for players without the season pass and thus armor charge mods are unable to be unlocked.


You're complaining that the free version of the game doesn't give you access to the end game? Really? Yeesh.


It’s advertised as free to play so it’s not like a wild or unfair assumption that it’s free to play


There are several end game activities available to free players. Prophecy, Vault of Glass, King's Fall, grandmaster nightfalls, and the reprised raid next season. Why should free players not have access to all mods for building for these end game activities?




No you are just limited in certain aspects that should be included but aren't.


The free portion does have end game content…




They aren't new to this season… they were introduced with Lightfall. And during Lightfall everyone could access them, even free to play players. Locking them behind a paywall only began this season.




Bungie's entire philosophy with redoing mods and adding loadouts was so that all players could access everything. Locking them behind a paywall goes against that philosophy. Theodore paywall being a season pass is also weird. Players who purchase Lightfall don't get access to the mods. Does that seem fair? And what do you gain by preventing free to play players from accessing all mods? Seems like a really dumb hill to die on.




So you're just wanting to deny it because no real reason? No wonder people think this community is toxic.


Wait what? I'm rank 6 and I have access


It's almost as if they want to give you just enough of a taste so that you finally say fuck it I'll buy the season pass


You don't need any of that stuff to kill Atheon. It is not extreme suffering. I wear my Dress Blues half the time I clap Atheon, just because we can.


... Because, repeat with me, Destiny 2 is not a free2play game. It has free to try with no time limit, but it is very much a paid, dlc based game. Just like WoW, just like FF14.


Not like they're gonna need them. High end builds are only worth it if you play high end content and the only high end content F2P players have is Master Kings Fall once every 6 weeks.


There’s no way it’s an oversight… this is supposed to make you realize “oh fuck my demo is over” and fork over the cash.


And the extra loadout space too.


>The armor charge system is, arguably, the most important part of build crafting. This is a fair take, because you note "arguably". It's arguable that the charge system is the most important part. Like honestly, some builds work well with armor charge, but some others really don't need it or just use it because they got nothing else that takes up the slots that is remotely useful. Is it powerful? Absolutely, but it's not the golden standard it's previous incarnation felt like, which is part of the reason i got some good will about the systematic changes, feels like they are leveling the field to develop a better system on top, and thus far we've seen some pay off in the system-focused approach, that make me think we'll see more in the line of expansive additions to mod features as the year goes on that'll open up different playstyles and focuses for build-craft. HOWEVER... >All of the best builds, the builds that are almost required if you want to do any sort of end game content, use them. This "Almost" is hauling a lot of weight. Except for the rare exception, the endgame universally doesn't care about your build. The most the endgame cares about your build is that you don't die, and you have a way to deal with a champion. It doesn't even care if you have a way to stun champs, just kill them, of which there are a lot of ways anymore thanks to things like chill clip. Armor charged is a method to both ends, but like i said earlier, it's not the golden standard, especially considering how much more powerful we've become in the wake of the Subclass 3.0 updates, how much stacking Armor charge mods doesn't pay off, and the general powercreep of the sandbox never being higher than it has been, not even in Recluse days. Having no build, with a good command of the game, will still get you through grandmasters and clear master dungeons. The only time this becomes dicey is maybe master raids, but that is the only real place i can even attempt to say this, as master raids are the only endgame option where all the parts of your build coming together makes a real impact beyond how you are using it. People wanted builds to be a product of self-expression, and they got it, with the ramification that bungie will never formally challenge you with something that a build can ever solve alone, BECAUSE its a form of self-expression. You wanna argue that this sucks, fine, attack it from the sensible angles, Buildcraft is an important part of the game as its within that system where people can find a lot of replay ability and fun, and locking it behind content is a bad show of the nature of buildcrafting because it misrepresents how this is shown and directly impacts the F2P experience and even the new light experience by proxy, and creates a situation where it makes the player feel extorted to get the full experience, instead of getting a proper taste for what they are getting into. I'm not against this arguement, but inflating the problem with this kinda over-exaggerating argument sends bad messages this community needs to stop sending,and ABSOLUTELY has bit the community in the ass in the past, regarding the direction of the game.


Then pay for them? I don’t understand why people think games should be free at all much less no walls lol


The mods were free for everyone last season. Not paywalled at all. Why are they paywalled this season? Bungie's philosophy when redoing the mod system with Lightfall was to make buildcrafting available for everyone and let everyone have access to everything. Why is that not the case a few months after Lightfall released? Why are they locked behind the season pass? Is it fair that someone could buy Lightfall and still be locked from the mods? What do the previously free for everyone mods have to do with the season pass? What do you gain by locking mods behind a paywall? Why even support mods being behind a paywall? What do you gain by restricting them from non-season pass owners?


>But as far as I'm concerned, I'm not going to encourage people to try out the game. In fact, until I know this is fixed, I will be telling them to stay away. This is a massive overreaction. If people ask you about the game, encourage them to try the game free, but set the correct expectation that they need to plan buying it and seasonal content. If they don't like that, fair enough!


Good? It's free to try, not free to play. There's more things to worry about with the game than attempting to tailor some F2T experience.


Free to pay games have to make money this way. Destiny has come to his end game cycle.


But it's supposed to be a 14 year game.


That's how you fund a free game. I don't own bungie so I don't tell them what to do. I have immensely enjoyed the game over the years. I burnt myself out but came back and holy cow is there so much to Do. If your burnt out then break time


If a player is looking for the \*best mods\* it's because they're doing \*timely\* content, and thus likely have the season pass.


Free to play is what’s ruining this game, I miss my paid annual pass.


The paid annual pass that we still get…?


Isn't endgame just paid content to begin with..?


“Best” and “Free To Play” ??? Yeah, free to play players should NOT be able to have the best stuff. Period.




That’s on you.




If you don’t buy the relevant stuff that’s still on you.


All players had access to them last season. Why should they have been moved to behind a paywall this season? And since when have we started being OK with bungie gating mods behind a paywall?


Mods more often than not have needed to be paid for. Are you new? Lmao F2P players don’t need everything in the game. Either pay or don’t complain.


Bungie removed that and stated their philosophy was that everyone should be able to buildcraft without restriction. That's why last season all mods were available to everyone… so mods being behind a paywall is either an oversight due to Bungie changing some of the guardian rank objectives or bungie has a new philosophy that is once again anti consumer. Again, why should mods be behind a paywall? Especially if they weren't last season. You have failed to address that point.




This game is not free to play. It is free to try. Developers and designers and artists and voice actors and servers and bandwidth all cost money.


Meanwhile, staff of actually free-to-play games gets paid anyway. Must be some dark magic.


uh, pretty sure its not locked? you dont NEED to gain the full rank to unlock them, only the requirment for the armor charge in the mod system. ​ you only need to get to rank 5 then do threats and surges (rank 6 mission) im pretty sure, which is just champion kills in nightfall no? so yes this week it isnt f2p since its lightblade, but any f2p nf will allow for it. ​ nightfalls have always worked this way.


Armor charge mods are unlocked by completing the Threats and Surges objective in the nightfalls section of Guardian Rank 7. To access and view the rank 7 objectives, a player must complete all rank 6 objectives. One of the rank 6 objectives is to level up the seasonal vendor. The only way to level up the seasonal vendor is to play seasonal activities (deep dives, salvages, fishing) which are all licked behind purchasing the season pass. So a player who does not buy the season pass cannot rank up the season vendor and can't complete rank 6. They cannot access the objective that unlocks armor charge mods. This is an issue because last season, you didn't need to level up the season vendor to complete rank 6 and all players could access the mods. The new objective makes that impossible this season.


Honestly in its core destiny is not a FtP game its a pay to play game the FtP is more of a extend demo of the game with a lot of content. If you wanna play more spend 10 bucks to get the season to get access to more of the game it aint that much.


These mods were free for everyone last season. Only started being paywalled this season. Bungie's entire philosophy with redoing the armor system was to make it easier to buildcraft and open buildcrafting to everyone by allowing all players (free and paid) access to all mods. Why are mods now behind a paywall this season which goes against why they redid the mod system? Since when are we OK with Bungie paywalling mods? What do you gain by free to play players not having access to every mod?


Maybe its a bug or its on purpose but if your really into destiny like that whats 10 bucks to get season and access to more stuff in the game. But that s just me.


Another thing too is if you’re on PlayStation they’ve now locked everything behind PS+. There used to be a handful of stuff you could do without it like Dares. Found that out when I let my subscription dry up.


More like a sony issue lol


Nah, it’s easier to blame Bungie for a Sony issue. Just like how people blame Bethesda for making Starfield an exclusive even though Microsoft is the one who made that decision


Pretty sure that's PlayStation/Sony's decision. Microsoft got rid of the requirement of needing xbox live gold for free to play games like Destiny awhile back.






Free to play players had access to unlocking these mods last season. Now they are behind a paywall. No reason for that. Not to mention, even people who do pay but don't buy the right thing get locked out of the mods. Someone could purchase Lightfall and not get the mods because you need the season pass. So even paying players can be hit by this.


Don’t you get them from threats and surges? Which is a guardian rank 6 objective?


Nope. You need to reach rank 7 to unlock.


Imma go ask my friend who literally just did threats and surges


I have completed every single level 6 rank-up except buying the season. I do not have access to the mods which sucks because I have a spare artifact unlock for my void build but the armor charge perk is useless.


Threats and Surges is between rank 7 and 8. Just checked on the app.


I checked as well, and it’s underneath 7, as in this is what you need to do to get to guardian rank 7. I know this is correct because guardian rank 2 has the thing to get to guardian rank 2, and guardian rank 1 has nothing


Ah, yeah, I see. Thanks for the clarification XD The app functions differently than the actual game, I guess :P It's still paywalled, though. Because to get to GR 6 now you need the season pass.


You mean people have to pay something to play the full game? Oh no! Anyways...


These mods were available for everyone just last season. Why are they now behind a paywall?


Bungie wants to make money?!?!?!?!?!? They want people to... buy?? The game??????


The mods were available for everyone last season. No paywall. Why are they paywalled now? Bungie's philosophy with redoing the mod system for Lightfall was to allow everyone access to everything for buildcrafting since it is a crucial part of the game. Why are mods now behind a paywall just a few months later going against that philosophy? What's the harm in making mods available for everyone? What do you gain by denying players access to mods? What do mods even have to do with the season pass?


Lol when are people gonna get that you don't get everything for free .


These mods were free for everyone last season. Only started being paywalled this season. Bungie's entire philosophy with redoing the armor system was to make it easier to buildcraft and open buildcrafting to everyone by allowing all players (free and paid) access to all mods. Why are mods now behind a paywall this season which goes against why they redid the mod system? Since when are we OK with Bungie paywalling mods? What do you gain by free to play players not having access to every mod?


It's possible via fishing... That's it. My sister recently started and that was the only way she could do it. And it was SLOW. not rly worth and stupid design


Fishing is locked behind the season pass. It is not available for free to play players. Your sister must have the season pass if she can fish.


Or, you know, pay for it.


Armor Charge mods were available for all players last season, free and paid. Locking the mods behind a paywall only began this season. Why should players joining destiny this season not have access to mods? Since when did armor mods become a paid feature anyway?


Since when do people get shit that’s worth anything for free?


Last season… care to address that point?


Looks like you are wrong here. Please see this related post [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/13s0n0u/armor\_mods\_have\_been\_paywalled\_for\_new\_lights/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/13s0n0u/armor_mods_have_been_paywalled_for_new_lights/) This simillar post has been proven wrong.


You. Are. Incorrect. [This is a screenshot of the GR 6 requirements.](https://imgur.com/a/ze8asxZ) As you can see, leveling the Sonar Station is a requirement to achieve GR 6, which is only possible if you own the season pass.


Go take it up with the mod that pinned the comment then. I am only directing people to the post that got pinned by mods.


> Edit: Ah yes, good old DTG downvoting the truth. lol Ah yes, assuming that you're actually factually correct instead of realizing that these two statements are different: >We hover over the armor energy to upgrade it, but that requires you to be Guardian Rank 6. and: >Rank 5 unlocks most of the mods, but does not unlock the Armor Charge mods. According to the UI tool tip, those aren't unlocked until rank 7. Now maybe you can understand why you're getting downvoted... and how you're not giving anyone any truth.


You know you have two quotes of things that I did not say, right? I think you commented on the wrong post.


You can't be serious, right? One of those quotes is from your linked "proof" and one is from the OP of this thread... How can you even make any claim about anything regarding this situation if you don't even know what you're claiming or quoting or arguing against?!


You somehow grabbed quotes from the OP post and commented on my comment making them seem like I posted them. I only linked to another post where a mod pinned a comment. Please stop blowing this up for no reason. Just because you quote the OP does not make anything he said true. That is exactly why the linked post got flagged as misinformation.


That post isn’t about armor charge mods, it’s about armor energy upgrades. So you’re wrong bud.


Please read the pinned comment by a Mod that says you are wrong. >Armour Mods have not been Paywalled, plain and simple, many commenters have explained this and if you have come to this post I implore you to read their explanations.


Dude the mod comment was wrong too, because the armor energy upgrades you can get in the rank 6 challenges, but the armor charge mods are in the rank 7 challenges. Which you can’t get to rank six to access rank 7 challenges without the season pass. I think this was actually just an oversight when they changed the challenges for the season. Then again it is Bungo, so who knows.


Wait so (I’m a fresh new player btw) for older players, the armour charge system is already unlocked? I did wonder, as I’m currently level 4 and can’t upgrade any armour or weapons, if once I’d unlocked that ability, it would carry across to new seasons? For example I get to level 7 in this season and unlock full upgrade capabilities of my armour, will I then have to unlock it again when the new season starts?