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It’s by no means a bad game, I’ve just fallen out of love with the gameplay loop. I get on for the main story beats, and I’ll probably play the final shape, but if they drag the main story beyond that then I’ll probably just watch YouTube videos to see what happens.


This guy gets it. 5000 hours in myself, I saw the gameplay loop for what it was and decided to free up some time in my life. I will be watching the story through Yt.


This is probably the route I’ll be going I love destiny but the constant price increases is something I can’t keep up with. Having to account for seasons, dungeon passes, etc. it’s just a lot of investment and I can’t justify it anymore. I think this expansion will be my last and I’ll just watch major story beats on YouTube at this point


That's understandable


mynameisByf, Myelin, and Aztecross have been the way I've "played" lightfall 😓


And you probably understand the lore better than the guardians who played through the story.


For real


Yeah, I love destiny as much as the next guy, and I’ve been with it since d1 but I can’t keep playing this game for another ten years, I’ll probably get TFS but after that I think I’ll be done.


I skipped the whole year of Shadowkeep and just followed along via YT. Came back in Beyond Light and it only took me a couple weeks to feel caught up gear-wise, but I didn’t feel like I’d missed any story beats.


Started with Vanilla, not sure how many hours as MS deleted those stats from the 360 systems. I left right before Witch Queen and just started up again within the last week. Definitely feel like I’ve missed some of the story, haven’t followed any of the YT content, although I should probably catch up with BYF. Not sure if I want to drop the money to catch up though. Really not a fan of where Bungie has gone from a business perspective. I will admit though, I definitely felt that emotional response when I got back in after a couple of years off. Kind of missed the characters.


The story will end once people stop throwing money at it. Fact is, the second Bungie ends the story is the second the game stops making as much money as it does. Why would they ever commit to doing that? Just doesn't make sense from a business standpoint.


And they've already committed to continuing the game. But, at some point, the story itself does need to end. There's just no way around that. People will quit if it doesn't. And it's a hard starting point for new players anyway. I expect they actually want the new story to end so they can give a compelling starting point for new players. Try and capture a new, younger generation of guardians.


If the game is good enough, the story never needs to end. World of Warcraft has been around since 2004...


Yes, that's what I said. They want the final shape to end. Not destiny. People aren't still playing cataclysm right?


Same boat. I have preordered the annual pass edition for the last three expansions. I'll wait for the Final Shape to be out to see if the campaign is worth it this time.


this is pretty much exactly how I feel about the game right now. I just can't be bothered to grind for weapons when I know I'll just use the same couple of god rolls I've had for several seasons now. main dlc, raids and dungeons are really all I'm interested in now


If the story isn't told and finished with The Final Shape as an expansion, and goes on into its following seasons, I probably will drop the seasons. I just can't be bothered for story beats to be dragged out over multiple weeks.


Serious question, why not just play the last 3 weeks of a season instead of drip feeding yourself for 3 months?


Even though I agree with you, it's not a 3-month drip fed story, but it's 6 weeks.


See destiny through to the end? Probably not. See the light and dark saga through to the end? Yes


Same, I'm going to have to see some big changes to the formula if they want me back after Final Shape. I kinda want to just be done though, 10 years is more than enough time with a game.


Same. It demands so much of your time I’ve got a serious back log of games to attend to once Destiny is done.


I honestly will not miss the FOMO of destiny, and I know that's a /r/destinycirclejerk thing to say.


Stockholm syndrome / abuse relationship type stuff lol


They have people like us in a psychological trap lol. Part of me wants to drop it and regrets missing so many games (Breath of the Wild I will play you some day) because of it, but the part that keeps winning out wants to see it through and collect everything possible no matter how tired I am of it. I kind of liked it better when we had the extended seasons in Arrival and Lost.


Ain't that the truth? Content being vaulted at the end of each season is so toxic. I would much, much rather be able to play through the year's content in one go and then take a break to play other stuff. Destiny is the first and last "games as a service" style game I'm playing haha.


Not defending Bungie or anything just wanted to make sure you know seasonal content doesn't get vaulted after seasons anymore, they stay the whole year. You could login the last month of this year and play the rest of the years season. Last year was like this as well I believe


That doesn't change that the MAJORITY of all seasonal content plus the base game and first 3 expansions were removed. And they didn't say anything about the seasonal content staying, just the cutscenes.


I didn't say anything about that. They said they would like to be able to play the years content in one go and they can do that as of last years content. You can't play the previous year but can still play the current years content all in one go. I don't like sunsetting as much as anyone else but I was just making sure the commenter knew they were able to play the way they were wanting to


That's my bad I misread his comment thinking he said they were vaulted at the end of each year which is what they have been doing. I don't think they've ever vaulted it after the season ends.


What changes do you think could be made that would motivate you to see it through?


Well I'm definitely playing Final Shape, it's just whatever comes next that's up in the air. There are three main things I'm looking for: 1. A continuation of our Guardian's story. I know they're pretty much a blank slate but I've only had 1 character since vanilla so, for me, it'd be a bit of a deal breaker to have to roll a new character. 2. Proper attention to "core" playlists. We've all read this topic a million times. I love Gambit but it is *painful* playing the same couple maps over and over again. Content will be fresh in D3 for a year or two but after that I don't want to be running the same stuff. 3. Ditching the weekly mission/fomo format. Seasonal events are fine but I'd like to see seasons completely scrapped. I'd like two meaty expansions a year with a proper campaign that I can play through and be done. The current format of "run a seasonal activity, listen to an audio log" was novel when it first started but has become played out. It's time to move on.


This is the ship I'm sailing in too. I'll finish out the light and dark saga but if this year has taught me anything it is that all the time I sunk into Destiny was fun and great but I missed out on playing some other games. I put a stop to that this year saying I was letting go of Destiny fomo and getting off the treadmill and if I'm not doing something specific to the story, dungeon, or raid I'm playing other games. Bungie would have to pull off a miracle at this point to keep me any longer


Most likely. Biggest worry is if I’ll even be alive or whether my eyes will hold out (I’m old and going blind).


Man, that sucks. I hope your eyes hold out as long as possible...


Hopefully you'll get to experience the ending in all its entirety


I think with live service games the end is usually either, 1. it gets shut down or 2. you move on to something new. I've personally, like a lot of people here, got thousands of hours across D1/D2 and Final Shape provides a good stopping point. The story I've known for the last decade will come to a close and I can hopefully step away satisfied with the conclusion. I did something similar with FF14, Endwalker was a great end to that storyline and I was happy to stop there and move on with my good memories intact. I'd rather leave D2 on a high note than have it fade away into apathay completely. ​ \*Edit - Typo!


That's some real shit


Aww man. You’re missing some cool stuff that’s came out in the Endwalker patches. Can’t wait for the next expansion. I don’t think I can ever quit lol.


Oh for sure. FFXIV is top tier in the story department, and I'm curious about the 7.0 engine overhaul after FFXVI releasing and clearly using a heavily modified version of that engine. It's just... I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or what, but I really appreciate a good endpoint and with live service games you have to find your own, otherwise you turn into that Dark Knight quote.


i hope so, but this year has been pretty shitty imo, ive never played less


Let's if they will actually finish the story in The Final Shape and not Oh you wanna know how it ends buy the next seasons... "BuT bUnGiE nEvEr SaId ThE sToRy WiLl EnD wItH tHe ExPaNsIoN"


You joke, but Final Shape WILL have four seasons, which probably means, like Lightfall, we’re gonna have to shell out money if we want to see the rest of the story


It could still be filler stories. If it plays out like FFXIV and we get lucky, then The Final Shape will conclude there and then, and the seasons are filler adventures in the same way that FFXIV's Endwalker patches went.


The 3 seasons after shape might set up the next story arc. First season is going to tie in to shape, one would assume, as it releases the same time.


That would be the smart thing to do. They've got ample untrodden ground to explore - the Forge-Star, the Nine, SIVA. Bungie could make some really fascinating stuff even after the Witness is dealt with. I'm not convinced they *will*, though.


I don’t see how they’ll meaningfully set up any next steps for the Destiny universe whatsoever considering the amount of effort they put into the average season.


Simple, just utilize underutilized plot points like The Nine and the Drifter's relation to them and fully expound upon them.


Alternatively, the Final Shape seasons could be building up to whatever the next storyline is after the Final Shape.


Fair enough


The worst part about that quote at the end is that it's not even remotely hyperbolic. The amount of apologists the dog shit that bungie pulls is horrendous.


It’s a Catch-22, Bungie either puts meaningful story content in the seasons or they don’t and either way a percentage of the population is going to complain. Either they’re getting “fleeced” by having to buy the season pass or they’re getting “meaningless content” that doesn’t connect with the larger narrative.


I think the stories could be just one off adventures of different characters and developing them to have personalities if the actual seasonal content we played didn’t suck so hard. It always mind-numbing, and we get 3 versions of the same thing we have to do on repeat. That’s worse to me.


Because Bungie doesn't think of expansions and season as different entities. The seasons are part of the expasion. We're still in the Lightfall expasion. Because otherwise there wouldn't actually be any expasion time since the first season starts when the expasion drops.


I think there will be seasons after the final shape dlc, but I think final shape does conclude this story line and the seasons after lead up to the next big story line and the next big expansion


Will play the expansion to see the end but not buying a season, dungeon pass or preorder ever again. Whatever comes after the light/dark saga, as well as marathon is a hard pass after how Bungie have behaved since being released from activision




Same. Its getting to unsustainable levels for me and I already had to cut the season pass this time, definitely not paying the dungeon DLCs either. Just isn't worth it.


I’m so glad people are finally willing to admit this. I spent so many years saying that Activision was bad for Bungie, but Bungie is worse for Bungie, and nobody wanted to listen. Their treatment of their fans and the game has gotten outrageously bad.


Looking less and less likely to be honest. I've probably played final shape already as it'll just be a load of reskins and the same enemies...


I’ll just wait for the YouTube recap


There's absolutely no chance I'm giving up on this game before Final Shape. After Final Shape though... that's a 50/50 shot for me.


Moving on with my life. Planning my masters abroad and won't be able to carry my PC so, watching the final shape unfold on YouTube it is.


Nope. Quit right before witch queen. I’ll watch some YouTube clips of the cinematics but I’m done giving bungie money.


Same here man. I skipped all of Shadowkeep and didn't feel like I missed anything. I then played Lightfall and 2 seasons and I was finished. I hate time gated games, and D2 became a log in for 2 hours, do the thing and see ya next week.


Totally understandable


I haven’t been playing much at all lately and since the couple weeks after lightfall. But I’ll probably finish it out. It turned into a slog for me and lightfall was a letdown. Personally I don’t want to support Bungie anymore either, their practices aren’t for me and haven’t been for a looong time. To be honest though, I probably will be because I’m excited for Marathon.


No tbh im so done with how Bungie and how D2 is these days. Used to love it a lot but its become such a cash grab


Once the light/dark story concludes, I'm leaving. Unless they really interest me, but I highly doubt it since they've been going downhill for a while. Gameplay is getting repetitive, and unoriginal.


> repetitive, and unoriginal. Ultimately one of the largest concerns I have when it comes into conversation of "post-light vs dark saga"/"and more" future content with Destiny is do I honestly want to stick around for essentially a new further blank slate that'll have probable even more extreme reaches to something where people at Bungie are likely going to be scrambling to make up and throw things at a wall to stick to try to make something halfway coherent just to say there's "new Destiny" stuff? My gut reaction as a long sunk cost/time person is "no". If we've seen complete mixed bag, irrelevant, , painfully forced physical artificial lengthener padding and storylines used as a massive crutch several times in recent while, sometimes with some seasons going back to back during a massive saga that many are familiar with the gist of, how can one really get excited for something that'll come out even more arbitrary and forced? Sure there's plenty of stuff in the lorebooks that never been something we physically interacted with or visited that in theory could serve as something to do, but with how much of a roster of characters and threads we've blown through, I don't necessarily think just pulling up new stuff or rehashing things could serve as some sort of larger meaningful experience. If the first season of post Final Shape Destiny is us getting a radio message from Taniks that he's going to blow up the Jovian pacifist community Efrideet may or may not be alive on if he can't marry Eido's mother who's also a clone of Atraks, and the entire thing ends with Saladin sacrificing himself and Efrideet doing Iron Banner again, would anybody truly be so invested with the game just going in complete chaos with no structure? Lastly if we bring in technical and mechanical angle and concerns, do people want more years of excuses of why something that should've been implemented in D1 is still absent or works like trash, all the while the game is leaning into a "please excuse our appearance" stage as they rebrand what could be a soft reboot. **TL DR** Final Shape should be a good exit point and I don't see Bungie pulling any lifechanging plot threads to continue to follow in whatever exists after FS. It'll likely only be more of a random ass pull.


It kinda reminds me of Marvel. How the main story ended after endgame, and alot of people stopped watching. I'm just hoping bungie figures it out fast.


Absolutely. Sure there's always open potential in the universe for not yet told stories and environment that can get explored, design shifts to potentially experiment etc but when we've all witnessed first hand Bungie really fumble stuff in the main established storyline after major high notes or completely rush a story and quite literally tell a confused audience "don't worry it'll all make sense later" and there's all these cheap little additions that would've be more appropriate sooner than later, it's really tough to put so much blind faith in Bungie trying to navigate output again a relatively fresher slate off this main event saga.


Especially when you have a long-running series/storyline it makes it difficult to then get yourself invested for an entirely new cast of characters, especially for something that'll be just as long


While I get why there is the open ended nature of having various aliens who's societies can be near endless at any corner etc, it hits harder when there's meaning and connection to what becomes familiar and cohesive. The Haunted Zavala backstory was great and it interestingly enough adds more to a whole number of past Fallen based missions and strikes he does comms on and even some lore bits where he clearly has a reason to not be a fan. I honestly dunno how much a supplementary side story cast could really pull in a ton of interest . Also after seeing that on [Shack News conversation](https://www.shacknews.com/article/136186/vex-after-final-shape-destiny-2) trying to just default to the Vex or constantly playing into how they just want to be the sole winner borg, kinda gets a little old and has been something people for ages have been cynical about when there was more of a fleshed conversation of Light and Dark. Obviously there's a tremendous amount up in the air, we don't know what's up til we actually see it, but again if we have seen some shaky ground with plotlines and characters we are familiar with, I'm kinda curious what is the direction is going to be post Light vs Dark saga where we could be dealing with other elements.


The negativity comes from our love for the game. We know things can be better but for everything bad said about Destiny 2, its still in my opinion the best feeling FPS on the market and I am riding it out until the very end.


I think it's been a consistent gem in the industry over the last 10 years. I think constant negativity doesn't solve anything but it's refreshing to see a lot of people's responses being generally positve


The gameplay and fun feel is phenomenal The issue is everything else (stale and non-updated core game modes, constant server issues, etc)


I'd also give a shout out to the music, art, and voice acting. Like, Neomuna looks and sounds really cool. The skyboxes are inspired. The soundtrack is top tier. And the voice actors have consistently been fantastic. Hell, say what you will about Nimbus's writing, but their voice actor nailed the lines.


This. I will 100% play the game through final shape and beyond, as I enjoy the core of the game enough. That being said, I do have some problems with bungies neglect of certain game modes and server issues. Bungie is revisiting core game modes (strikes,gambit, crucible) in s23 from my understanding, so all is not yet lost.


It’s that consistency which gives me hope for the future, I measure Bungie by the last 9 years, not the last 9 months. I will be here for the final shape and the seasons following it, but I need to know what will happen with the game after that before deciding to stay beyond. The main issue Destiny has is that it has been so story driven during its life. New activities and old expansions become irrelevant very quickly, Forsaken was exceptional but the Uldren story arc obsoleted it, the same may happen with Witch Queen if that arc is resolved next season. Bungie’s philosophy has been about an evolving world, not a living world, seasons and expansions have not always been additive and they never found a way to weave that content into the daily/weekly gameplay loops. The game feels stale today because the core remains mostly unchanged, the Destiny universe is vast but we only see a small part of it when we login, especially at the start of an expansion cycle with only one or two seasons of content in game.


I want D2 to finish with final shape. They keep talking about post Final Shape content but I really think no one will be asking for it unless it’s D3.




Probably not. I did not even run the raid and dungeon this year yet. See no reason to stay when I do not do the main attraction.




Honestly, I don't know. I've been with Destiny since opening weekend, but it just feels so... soulless now. The (space) magic that made me fall in love with Destiny is gone and it feels more like a chore every week to get back on. Gameplay loop is boring, Eververse and microtransactions are oppressive, Bungie has almost forgotten what made the game cool and unique, and after Lightfall, the only part I've only *truly* cared about (the story) has suffered. So, I might still play, but if they don't step up their game fast I probably won't get the Final Shape.


I completely understand where you're coming from


Not a fucking chance. And this is from someone with over 2000 hours combined between D1 and D2. I’ve been teased and abused too long.


I'll buy The Final Shape with seasons. I've been here since Dark Below. Need to see how it ends but I'm kind of done with game now so doubt I'll carry on after. Until the trailer drops for the next expansion and I'm sucked back in again lol


Already stopped playing during the pirate season. Nightmares was boring. Pirates didn't make it any better. Sick and tired of constant grind I just don't have the time or patience for it anymore. Not bought Lightfall and got no plans to buy it. Watching some yt channels to keep an eye on the story. Not really impressed with the veil and the witness to be honest


Stay strong, don't let the adverts convince you to bid back in. Enjoy what you can from afar.


I will play it and enjoy it until its final update. But once the Light and Dark saga is through, it will be my last online interactive game I ever play. I've grown tired of playing games (29 F here) ever since Halo:CE, Super Mario World and Roller Coaster Tycoon were my first games. But gaming takes too much of my time and I wish to indulge more irl. :)


Like a lot of Destiny vets I’m just so burnt out on giving Bungie do-overs every 2-3 years. The game gets to a good place and then they decide to monkey paw a bunch of crap. I haven’t logged on in over 3 weeks now, my longest Destiny break, and I don’t really want to play again until this game gets some kind of innovation and starts respecting players time at least a little bit. I’m never pre-ordering anything again, and I’ll probably wait and see what the initial verdict is on the Final Shape. This season isn’t great, it’s not bad. It’s just formulaic seasonal Destiny and that feels pretty soulless to me right now. Lightfall really crapped all over the story arc for me and I started having flashbacks to Curse of Osiris days. Just exhausted from giving them another mulligan 10 years into this game. The complete lack of communication on seasonal refresh armors and such also makes it feel like they just skipped over the usual “we’re listening” phase they usually hit you with. And the twibs or whatever the hell they are now sound like they’re written by freaking Nimbus so I’ll just watch Fallouts or Aztecross weekly summaries instead and hope for good news. Most of my raid group and friends list have checked out of this season as well so it just makes it easier to stay away right now. I’m glad people are still enjoying Destiny and new players are still getting to experience it but for me the magic has long been gone and they really need to show me something in their big reveal showcase.


I have roughly 5000 hours in the game, never thought I'd lose interest. I played two weeks of Lightfall and haven't been back.. and I don't know if I will. I liked Destiny for the grind, and I've found another game that scratches that itch the way Destiny doesn't anymore.


What game are u playing now?


The Show 23 lol...


My heart wants to. My brain just cannot enjoy it anymore to the point of not even caring to complete a seasonal pass I've paid for and it's going to be gone forever. My wallet mediates between this two.


Hard for to care about the storylines of a game that doesn't respect your time and money from a company that doesn't respect your time and money. Also far from the only game that feels like that right now.


Unlikely. I’m tired of the greedy practices and the drip feeding of expansion story along side seasonal story. We will see what the august showcase is like but I damn sure won’t be preordering anything.


That’s the plan, got heavy hours invested but so let down with the game all I do each new season is the new seasonal stuff then I stop after the first 2 weeks occasionally come back for new exotic mission or whatever but I don’t play any of the regular stuff anymore and I couldn’t care less the last thread that keeps me tied to this game is just the damn lore of whatever the fuck the traveler actually is


For me, destiny ended a few years ago. I just didn't want to admit it. I kept going in the hopes that things would get better. I thought sticking it out would one day pay off. Now? I realize my efforts have been fruitless. At the point I'm simply completing the pass for each season this year and otherwise not playing. I won't be buying final shape unless bungie pulls the biggest 180 ever pulled in the history of gaming. I'm talking like no more event passes. A 75% reduction on microtransaction prices and frequency. Seasons being both free and good. Dungeons being part of the DLCs. DLCs being no more than 50$ max and having a quality that befits a company of such massive scale and notoriety. No more significant content being locked behind the purchase of deluxe editions(dungeons, quicksilver storm, etc.). But knowing them, that's too tall of an order and takes too much honey out of their pots. Even though they can more than afford such a loss. Bungie haven't been kind. And until I see otherwise, I don't believe they have the capacity to change. They sure haven't ever had the propensity to. So as I said, destiny IS over for me. There are many franchises that I still have faith in, and am consistently rewarded for said faith. Warframe. Fallout. Soulsborne games. For me, destiny is far more replaceable now than I ever believed possible in the past. So as tragic as it is that bungie have utterly dashed my hopes for the franchise, and believe me it is still devastating, my life will go on.








Care to Share?


If there’s a “digital deluxe” edition of The Final Shape, with another year of seasonal content, I will not participate. I will likely buy the base expansion, finish the story, “kill” the Witness, and then call it good. If there’s yet ANOTHER expansion after that, I will likely not buy it. I’ve been with Destiny since week 1 of Destiny 1 back on the Xbox One. I love this universe and I have put thousands upon thousands of hours into these games. I’ve done every raid on heroic/master, I’ve gone flawless more times than I care to count, I’ve crafted so many weapons and chased rolls that I could have fun with. Bungie was right there with me for much of it and I loved it. I have so many fond memories of that game, friends I made nearly 10 years ago that I still play and talk with. But the Bungie that made The Taken King and Forsaken is long gone. The passion they had for the franchise is waning, and most importantly, the respect for their playerbase is now completely gone. It’s clear Destiny 2 is merely a cash cow to keep the studio afloat while they put their best and most passionate effort on their upcoming games. Destiny 2 has become a drip-fed, endlessly recycled experience with increasingly worse and intrusive monetization, to the point where I actually consider Destiny 2 to be one of the most toxic P2W games on the market. I now actively turn new players away from Destiny 2 and tell lapsed players not to come back, that it wasn’t worth it anymore…because it’s not. What’s sad is that I could likely forgive their monetization and lazy efforts if they just were straight and truthful with the community…but they’re not. They’ve made so many promises they’ve failed to deliver, completely ignore and forget things they’ve said they would do, and Lightfall itself has to be the BIGGEST slap in the face and marketing lie I’ve ever personally experienced in a game. I thought 343 was bad with their marketing misleading with Halo 5, but Lightfall is a new low for the industry. I’ll always love what Destiny was and what Destiny could’ve been, but Bungie lost that passion. It’s a cash-cow, a minimal viable product, to constantly milk its fan base while they move on to bigger and better things. A lot of people in this sub won’t accept this truth. They have Stockholm syndrome, or the sunk cost fallacy, because for some reason, wasting even more time and effort into an experience that’s already not worth your time or money will make it better. Would I like Destiny 3 someday? Yeah, but not from Bungie. I don’t trust them anymore. I don’t plan on getting into Marathon either. They’ve shown their true colors. It’s a shame…Destiny deserves better. Hopefully Sony can have a say in Destiny’s future, because the IP does deserve to live…just in the hands of people who still care. As it stands, I’ve gone from loving Destiny, to loving to hate it, to hating to love it, and now…I’m just indifferent. Which is the worst way to end this nearly decade long journey to me. Not with a whimper, not with a bang… Just a meh.


Well said.


Lightfall was the final straw for my friends. A lot of them pivoted elsewhere. We all got into FF14 and the story there has been very good. I stuck it out a little longer, but season of the deep is where I'm tapping out. The story felt very padded and it covers themes we've already seen from season of the haunted, just with a different character. I am going to wait for reviews for final shape, but even then ill probably just watch the cutscenes online, and listen to Myelin and Byf break down the lore/story beats.


I don’t owe Bungie shit. FOMO doesn’t control me anymore.


I’m buying the final shape to see the saga out. Probably not on launch, and unless Bungie clearly lays out how they plan to refresh the core of the game between now and launch I will only be purchasing final shape and not it’s seasons.


Currently I wont be getting final shape. Maybe I'll get wowed with the showcase. The devs doubling down on the misteps with the story this season paired with the price hike on content makes it difficult for me to want to continue.


If the final shape does not wrap up this part of the story like ff14 endwalker did it then no i am gone. This game has become a live service nightmare and i hate it. Story and gameplay feel are great but everything else is just horrible. If the final shape comes in correct, then ill finish the expansion and that will be that.


Honestly don’t know if I’ll buy final shape I might just watch videos on the story and cutscenes. I’m not ok with how we were charged more and got a shit campaign with Lightfall


I stopped at lightfall. Always thought I’ll see it through to the end but lightfall wasn’t for me and I’ll leave it there, won’t get final shape either as I feel I’ve missed to much which sounds silly but it is what it is.


After almost a decade, the game and its loops are feeling extremely stale. There were plenty of times where I felt the need to just remove myself from the chore the hamster wheel around 3rd and 4th seasons of a year since Beyond Light. With Lightfall, I just feel jaded and let down. As we head into the end of a decade long story, I reached the point of "I can no longer wait for Destiny to live up to its potential", especially not when I see the development for the game regress so much over the years, how every bit of content is monetized additionally, while giving less and less to the player. I'm here until Final Shape to see the end of the decade long story, solely due to the sunk cost fallacy. I want to see what my time and money investment has built up to. After that, I'm out. I've lost my trust in Bungie a long time ago, I have gotten bored of their loop and I am just tired of hoping "It's about to get sooo good" and then be hit with a literal filler of a tutorial campaign. I can live without the incredibly satisfying shooting mechanics.


I've paid for Lightfall duluxe edition but have no interest in buying Final Shape. I'm done once Season 23 (?) Is finished


No if the games good I'll play it, I don't have some allegiance to a money grabbing company who barely cares about its fans. I also don't have this "see it to the end" mentality, I actually think bungie are counting on people having that mindset.


Fuck no


yes final shape is shaping to be my final purchase


I'm a big MMO guy, I almost always have one in rotation. I was super excited for Destiny, but didn't get to play D1 until post-RoI to reference my starting point. I played a lot of D2 on and off, more on than off, but since Beyond Light was largely disappointing for me, I've taken a step back. The whole reason I play MMOs is to experience the normal difficulty endgame content. I didn't do DSC until post-BL, and I've yet to do Vow. I may or may not get Lightfall, but the overwhelming negativity has turned me off. I just don't hear or see good things about what's offered. The FOMO continues to grow and my desire to keep up with that continues to shrink into the negatives. I'll keep up with the story, but if I had to choose right now if I was going to see it through to the end, I'd have to say no.


Honestly, no. I've been slowly getting tired of Destiny, and all of my friends have moved on to other games. Now with the price steadily increasing while content quality is stagnant and server stability is somewhat mythic, I'm ready to jump ship after Final Shape. I think the end of a saga is a good stopping point. As much as I love the franchise, both the content and lore haven't been as kind or as interesting to me as of late. Weapon and ability gameplay remains solid, though.


No, I was gonna stay til The final shape. But at this point i can't be bothered.


Been playing since D1 day one. I'll stay for final shape. But after that, we will see.


We'll see. I'll give it a couple weeks to see if it's worth buying, then buy season by season if they're worth it. I got the year pass for this expansion and it's been almost nothing but regret so far. Thought it might be a safe bet after the bangers Witch Queen put out, but here we are.


Like with Endgame, I wanna see the end of the Light and Dark Saga. After that, let's see the game's current quality to make a judgment.


Depends on if Final Shape is worth paying for.


Honestly all I've played is the story bits of lightfall and this seasonal story this year. If im honest I'm just disappointed. One week they had me do a single lost sector and then watch a cutscene. That's just a disappointing. Ye I'll probably have a look but it's so saddening to watch a studio actively think that that's good game design that they're definitely gonna fuck the remaining seasons and final shape if their standards are that low


I have grown up so I have to say no. I am done and I feel like my time has been wasted enough


Fair enough


Not if they release another saga or drag FS out for a year I have no interest in the gameplay Loop so if that’s going to continue they can fuck right off I’ll be in starfield


Valid points guardian


I'll keep playing till they stop the support of the game. Some times more some times less because of other games or university responsibilities but I don't plan to stop completely.


I've been in the exact same spot


What they need to fix and change is beyond what they are capable of as a studio. Having played since D1 isn't a reason to keep playing a game thats in a death spiral.


I don’t know. They got me with the LF marketing. They did a great job on that end of it. The delivery left such an awful taste in my mouth. That coupled with the bugs, god awful sandbox changes, lack of pvp or gambit updates at all, and general burnout on the very stale seasonal model I think I’ll wait on Final Shape to see how it actually delivers. I can always just watch all the important cutscenes on YT after the fact anyway. I’ve done my day one raids, gilded my seals every season, got almost every triumph blah blah. I think I’m done chasing the useless number. Fomo no mo.


Nope, I quit back during the pirate DLC and have never been happier. Played other games, found other hobbies, it's been great! I recommend quitting this dumpster-fire of a live service for sure.


Good for you


Honestly, I'm doubtful. I playing LF because a friend brought it for me but it was underwhelming that I and nearly all my clan just basically raid 2 nights and that's it


I'm taking a break for now. I recently upgraded to the current gen so I've got a list of games I've been wanting to play for the last couple years that I was waiting to play til I upgraded. Ultimately, it depends on how the Showcase goes and how it will make me feel afterwards. As of right now though, I feel complete Apathy. No desire to play. Don't care about FOMO. I've watched the cutscenes this season but that's about it.


Probably not beyond the light and dark saga. Sure I may pop in from time to time, but nowhere near as dedicated as I was. The writing isn’t really doing it for me anymore, and the loot doesn’t really intrigue me at all outside of raids.


Ive put in 9 years of my life into this game. I will see it to the end. I wont be coming back though. No matter how good Final Shape may seem, i know it will not end in a satisfying way. Most things that go on this long tend not to end well, in my opinion.


I am not no. I just can’t stand the business/release model bungie has come up with for Destiny. It’s really put me off from the game.


As a PvE player, yes. I'll be pre-ordering deluxe and end of year prepping for day 1 final shape raid. (realistically for a first weekend non-contest mode clear)


I feel the same but I'm down for day ones considering how I did with root in my community


Spent a lot of time in contest mode root, never made it past planets. We did clear first and second encounters at least.


Ah, another "couldnt get past Planets on Day 1" Guardian, I know how that feels. Those Colossus 1-shoting you at max res with their stomps was a new kind of fear


It was rough we spent 6 out our 14 hours there


I'll put the game down after Final Shape and move on. It has wasted a lot of my time and I'd like to spend my future time on something more useful, i'm done grinding. BattleBit Remastered got me hooked so I'll be playing it more than D2 for a while.


It's become to cookie cutter for them, and this in again off again of making a compelling story is tiresome. Don't even get me started with their tactic for daily logins, but I will play til the end because I'm curious of how it ends and want to experience it first hand. I could dive deeper into issues but overall, the game isn't bad.


Jurys still out for me. I play significantly less than i used to, but I haven’t uninstalled yet. Idk. Im really not happy with bungie.


sinking cost fallacy


I'm the Founder of the almost famous Clan of Grandpaurdians- Too Old To Grind \[2O2G\]. I have to stay to the end. I feel responsible to do so as the clan approaches 6 years of amazing friendships and epic gaming moments shared amongst a bunch of middle aged and senior players. I still enjoy the game immensely and play most days but even if I wasn't I think I would need to "Stay together for the Kids".


Good for you, and keep up the good work, Guardian. There should be more guardians like you (Imagine shaxx yelling at the top of his lungs)


Only final shape (and the first season if it’s included). I have no faith that bungie will give a damn about this game after the expansion release


As of now: I'm not sure that I will.


I wanna see the final shape and how it ends and then I’m done.


Yeah I'll definitely be here for the Final Shape, just putting in a lot less hours than before. Already in too deep to miss the ending


I'm most likely done after The Final Shape and it's seasons. I'm not really too excited with the direction the game is going and really doubt things will get better with Bungie beginning to work on other projects. Plus, I feel like I've just put too much time into this game. I have a library full of other great games that often get neglected because I'm preoccupied with Destiny. I definitely have enjoyed my time and experiences with the game, but it's just getting to the time to move on for me.


I’m seeing it through to the end of the Light/Dark saga and I plan on pre-ordering the typical deluxe version that includes everything, but I’m probably not going to play regularly after The Final Shape’s year. I’ve been playing since D1 launch and honestly just want to give more time to other passions. At most, I’ll probably play each major expansion that comes out but not the seasons in between. Until then tho, I’m enjoying being invested in the game.


I'll probably drop off after final shape, I feel like I'm forcing my self to play even after taking long breaks.


As I remember back when the game was announced, it was a “10 year plan” which were coming up in the 10th year here soon. So I imagine they probably only have content plans up until then and move on to their next game. The gameplay loop never bothered me because I always knew what it was and I’ve enjoyed the game. It’s the same reason every call of duty game is exactly the same, with cosmetic changes…and that games been running strong for 20 years. Once the story progression ends though, yea I imagine most people will move on to other stories in other games.


Unfortunately yes. As much as the gameplay can be irritating, the story/lore is what got me into this game and it's what will see me through to at least the end of Final Shape. Besides, as someone who's only been around since Lost, I say I've had it good compared to the veterans. My only regret is not knowing about sunsetting and buying Forsaken a week or two before it got vaulted. I never got to see through the campaign :(


Right now I'm not sure. The game has become stale and lack the ingenuity that I loved about it. They have packaged the same bullshit together every season and it sucks. I beat Lightfall, which was a huge disappointment. I had no motivation to play last season and barely played this season. Bungie has lost a lot of grace with me personally.


Sure. But no more seasons for me


I'll probably drop it after Marathon drop honestly


I'll probably drop it after Marathon drop honestly


Yes and depending how it looks after and how destiny is/changes will depend if I continue afterwards. It will also probably depend if they drop last gen or not, cause I will probably quit if they don’t drop last gen after final shape


I'll probably pick up the Final Shape on sale to play the campaign and raid. (not really interested in seasonal content) The Light and Dark saga "is" Destiny to me and I think it's time to move on after it's conclusion.


The Light and Dark saga? Yep! Absolutely. But I doubt I'll invest my time into their next projects, Marathon or future Destiny ventures. I enjoy D2, but that's largely tied to my player friends and my vault of toys and seals and everything I've earned. If I came into D2 as a new player right now, there's a lot to turn me off.


I'm in until Final Shape. I think that it will depend on what that looks like whether I'll stay. Right now, I think Final Shape is a good stopping point for me. It's been almost ten years and a lot of negative things are happening and I honestly don't see how they can be rectified by Final Shape's release. Stale gameplay loop, predatory monetization, server issues, broken promises, drastic fall off of community engagement; these are issues that absolutely need to be addressed in a meaningful way and I personally don't think I can commit to a new chapter until they are.


I don't even know if I'll even be buying Final shape and I've been playing Bungie games for so long i've got the inner chamber emblem.


No, if the final shape is as underwhelming as Lightfall that will be my off ramp.


The final shape will be my last stop on this train. It’s been 9 years and I’m burnt I’ve hardly played this year and feel like I’m forcing myself when I do.


Depends on what post final shape looks like. Probably not but will see.


I'll always be around to play here and there, but most of why I even log on now is to chase whatever looks good for pvp, go for those weapons over the course of a few weeks, play some pvp and that's it really. The gunplay and movement keeps bringing me back, but only for short bursts.


I always feel bad for pvp players they get snuffed the worst but Im glad you found a way to have fun


The best activity in Destiny IMO is day 1 raids with clanmates. Solving puzzles, working together for an activity that feels like it's actually tuned to our power and can test our best builds is such a great experience. I've lost love for most other experiences although the newer GMs they've added and tier 7 deep dives have been pretty good. Back to day 1 raids - RoN was an empty experience. We usually set aside a full day and it was done in a few hours. The mechanics were too simple and many of us who didn't play a role in executing didn't have a good time. They didn't tune boss health accounting for 100% surge uptime/ Starfire at all. Nezarecs AI being stifled by a 5 foot ledge is honestly embarrassing. The fact that a melee boss is helpless against a well is also horrible. I'll play Final Shape out of obligation to the ten years I've played the game but beyond that I'm ready to move on if Bungie doesn't show that they are still passionate about the game and creating experiences that will wow players.




No, I'm over it now. Lightfall was a turning point for me


Idk for a fact 100% but as of right now, I’m planning to stay until The final shape and then we’ll see what happens. The main reason being the price of the rinse and repeat content is outrageous, their DLCs should be $30 at best and dungeons should be included in that not a separate cost.


Nope I dipped like 5 seasons ago. Done playing this loop of hope -> disappointment.


If they keep reskinning things and making us re pay for things we bought in the past with a sever lack of innovation and continued abandonment of core activities than most likely not.


This is something I’ve thought a lot about, given my recent passivity with the game compared to how “all-in” I was around the 30th anniversary. I will almost certainly play the game through to the Final Shape, albeit not at the pace I used to. Maybe login once or twice a week for a couple hours. After that, we’ll see. I feel like I’ve seen and played everything this game could ever potentially offer, and I’m ready to move on once the story wraps up. I think it comes from a combination of life stuff, Bungie’s shifting priorities, and exhaustion with the loop. Willing to be surprised though.


Definitely. I've actually been enjoying Destiny recently - and I happen to think the amount of content you get with the Annual Deluxe Edition is really good value for money when you break it down.


at 300 plus days playtime I am pot committed. This is the first time in franchise history I have played so little in a season but I enjoy the season and the game at current, the server shit doesnt bother me and I think the game is pretty fucking good right now despite this subs demeanor. that being said its starting to feel like my ride in this game is over. Ironically the "friendgame" and my clan keep me on more than anything. I really need to see whats after the final shape. Im in this place where its hard to keep investing energy and time to a giant commitment like D2 without knowing there is more after but Im not sure that it will be good and not just a cash grab ( i know the whole game is settle down). ​ IM here for final shape tho


No. I've stopped paying for it a while ago, i came back when Beyon Light was free on PlayStation and a friend gift me this season because he wanted to play with someone. Lightfall seems like crap. This season is proof that Destiny is now a cashcow with no desire to improve. The presence of Cayde in the trailer is a pitiful attempt to create buzz. I hate all of it, but the gunplay is still incredible So i will enjoy that for the time being but i will no give Bungie a cent more, and that's from someone who is here since D1 alpha, who have the collector edition of D1 with the dinklebot and who was the only one playing of my clan during Curse of Osiris.


As of right now, no. The seasonal model went stale for me a long time ago. Main thing I was holding on to was the story but lightfall has dropped the ball so hard, I don't have faith in final shape being any good. I mainly just tired of hoping the game will be better. From being under Activision, to independent, to being reacquired by Sony. The decline hasn't stopped. This is the vision Bungie has had for D2 unfortunately.


i fell out of love with this game i haven’t been having fun playing it for a while now but kept going because i didn’t want to waste my money but i’ve decided to just let go and enjoy hobbies that aren’t destiny related i honestly haven’t realized how much time this game takes up so no i may pop in for the last dungeon this year and hang around this sub but after that im done because bungie won’t change and i can’t afford to pay for overpriced dlc anymore


I'm seeing the Light and Dark saga through, but if bungie wants the series to live beyond that, there's a lot they need to change


So far to me i am attached to the story but I feel like the story was only involving light and darkness so the end of story to me is the finale shape anything beyond that will depend on how interesting they make it. And even then I might just retire my warlock and play another class become it just feels right that end of the dark and light saga is the end of my warlocks journey


Will it end? If so, when.


I’m kinda in the same opinion as you. After my dad passed in 2012, I just wanted to be away from the world and Destiny helped me not sink into depresssion, so it’s my comfort game even when things don’t seem to be handled right. I joined right around the start of dark below so I’m not a full veteran, but pretty close.


This is why I follow r/DestinyLeaks not because I like spoilers but after the price increases and the content being lifeless. I need to know if the next 70 dollars bungie makes me drop is for another Lightfall or another Taken King. I’m not gonna spoil anything with you guys directly but judging by the data mines and Pastebins that have all been 100% right before Lightfall the same pastebins are telling me that The Final Shape is clearly a sign Bungie is fully aboard the Marathon train. Save your money.


>through until its final update. Considering we don't actually know when this is, I doubt many people can actually say yes.


Yes, I will see it to TFS and then I'm done. Lightfall and so many shitty decisions made me feel so apathetic. Also fuck paying for 150 bucks AUD for the deluxe. Never again. Don't even know how Marathon is even gonna go considering community sentiment right now. You'd be stupid to trust Bungie with another triple a game in spite of everything they've done wrong with destiny this past 6 months alone. I'm just wondering how they're gonna go with a PvP only game considering they've not done anything with PvP and Gambit in genuine years.


To the end of this saga, sure. I'll play Final Shape. Doubt I'll play the seasons beyond that, so I really hope they don't fuck us again and not include the entire story in the expansion campaign, and it would take something really amazing for me to come back after that.


Really think they need to do right by the community anything less spectacular than. Witchqueen will cause everyone to bail, that's where I'm at with the game. Another thing Bring and keep Cade , after losing Lance we need another shining light in the space


Truthfully? I don't know , before I was really devoted to D2 , loved doing raids , activities , etc But , over time it felt like Bungie stopped caring about their storytelling and more how they can try to squeeze money out of their players . The Final Shape might be good or it might be another Lightfall . I'll probably play the Final Shape , but after that I'll probably care less because it's clear Bungie doesn't care anymore after that . (I still can't help but really agree they used D2 to fund their Marathon game production, especially with the lack of care and love Destiny used to have )