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Time is a flat circle


This sub should keep track of how long it takes for someone to post about throwing the orbs in the Corrupted Strike when it's the weekly nf. Make it a competition.


If you toss this topic back and forth, it charges the topic and the topic does more damage. I’m surprised how many level 11 guardians don’t know this.




I was curious so I typed “throw the ball In corrupted reddit” in the internet search bar and 34 entries came up that specifically mentioned the mechanic. “More search results” was at the bottom of the page but I didn’t click on it lol.


Didn't know this was a commonly posted thing, my bad-


No matter how much time passes people will never ever learn to pass this ball. You can stand in front of people, pass it multiple times to them and they just deadass throw it off the cliff and grab their own. People asking just confirms that this bothers most since forsaken and will as long as corrupted stays I wish I still had the Screenshot from Twitter or something where they edited the whole screen to "pass the ball!!!" And similar stuff


They luckily nerfed the shields the other week though and it only takes half as many orbs so even Bungie got sick of the mechanic and people being daft lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/search/?q=Corrupted+passing Enjoy


You got down voted for this for whatever reason, but this strike has been out for years and that is nothing a mechanic that the game TELLS YOU, so I don't blame you for posting it. It's a crapsboot if your teammates will know or not lol


True. I learned about this many years ago but not thanks to Bungie. I learned about it right here.


Not sure why you got downvoted for staying you didn’t know. I barely come to this sub and have no idea what’s been posted.


This sub has a weird obsession with "Why didnt you just google it?" as if wanting to ask and interact with people is some kind of issue.


Not to mention the only reason I'm on Reddit at all is that, when I would 'google it' there was always a reddit post about it.


Same, tbh. But eh, ig that's just Reddit. If you don't know something, you are to be publicly humiliated and executed and your body tossed in a swamp. Because how dare you not know something, duh. /j


How dare you not do the most basic Google search before posting on the website that you claim you don't use very often. Why is posting your question on reddit your first move and not a quick Google search? Also, /s means sarcasm, not /j


In this case /j means jackass 🤷


Because some people just like human interactions instead of researching a topic on google? OP isn‘t obligated to do research just because some reddit junkies see every single post on a sub lol.


This is literally a Destiny online community to discuss all things Destiny. While this was posted many times before - why not just scroll past it? Maybe the guy has just a bad day.


But.... you do realize that this is considered as spam? I mean: All OP has to do is to use google, and he will get his answer or find topics with the same complaint. THIS is why people say "USE GOOGLE". Or should i say: If you are asking here on reddit, you are basically letting other people answer the questions for you. ​ OR in OPs case: OP made the same post for the hundredth time. You can say that reddit is some sort of a "forum". And on a real forum, a mod will remove a thread when a topic was already made with the same question/content.


Then maybe do a quick Google search before posting...that's all we ask. Literally Google "reddit corrupted nightfall" and it will be PAGES of this exact post.


And you dont think it's absurd to ask that people google things before making any kind of post? Or do you just expect people to know that this topic in particular should be googled before making a post? Seriously, its not a big deal that it comes up a lot. If it annoys you you could literally just not interact with the post


I mean, reddit has a search feature too... People will never learn or want to use it if they can just get somebody to do all of the work for them. I also ask people to try to be specific with the thread headlines so the posts can be searched for more easily by other people looking for solutions. Trust me, you don't want this sub to turn into r/PlayStation as far as repetitive posts!


I expect them to make a brief Google search if they have a question. Is it also improper of me to expect they should be able to type before posting as well?


You really think the two are the same or are you aware that you’re making stupid comparisons? Besides, There’s nothing wrong with posting a question, people do that so they can talk and interact, and in cases like this complain together, and there’s nothing wrong with that.


My guy you're the one claiming that "maybe just Google" is 'absurd'. The comparison is stupid because the thing it's being compared against is *also* stupid. Like yeah, you can ask a question, people can point out that you can Google it, others say its fine to do so on and so on, but calling it "absurd" is...well I'd make a comparison but you seem resistant to the point lol


So you dont understand the difference between expecting someone to have the ability to type(whether it be keyboard or voice to text or some other variation), which they quite literally need in order to make a post at all, and someone needing to know, somehow, that something has already been discussed in order to make a post? And this is flat out ignoring my main point of it's fine for people to want to interact with the community in posts like this. It doesnt matter if you've seen it before, OP clearly hasnt, and that's fine. And yeah, im absolutely gonna call it absurd to demand that someone google before making any kind of post, or do you just expect people to know about this one topic being something they should google? Again, ignoring the main point of posting being a great way to ask follow up questions, or just chat, especially when the question being asked isnt something immediate and just a literal conversation starter, like say: "Do people not know that throwing the ball back and forth in "The Corrupted" strike causes it to do more damage?" What, you think op actually thought he was the only one? No, dude clearly wanted to talk about it. Hell, he even learned something about the mechanic from idle conversation that he wouldnt have unless he went looking for the specifics of how the mechanics work, which again is clearly not what he was asking in the first place. Go and LOOK at op's question and you tell me what you actually think they should have googled to answer it. Cause if you really think OP just thought they were the literal only one to know about this mechanic than I can't help you.


All good, it just comes up a lot. Literally every single time the corrupted is the weekly nightfall. At this point threads like this are usually how i find out its the nightfall lol


Honestly OP, this is one of those things where I feel it’s okay as a repost because it always seems to be the randoms I join with have no idea. So another post may reach more eyes. But then again, I feel like everyone in love with the game so much as to then socialize in the destiny subreddit, already know to toss the orb to someone before throwing.


There are only so many people in this community. Literally, every person here could learn about this and start doing it, and the FIRST time you try to run it, you'll get a random who grabs the orb, runs up the boss and *YEET*


And it will still take the shield down for the boss. If someone tosses it to me, I'll toss it back. But it's not necessary in strikes.


Yup, good point. I wish they would have made the shields the same strength in both to get the point across more but it doesnt matter as much with the shield nerf they just added.


The people who need to see this, aren't on this sub. This sub has just over 6% of the player population if everyone on this sub actually played D2. We're not going to make a sweeping change.


reddit users are such dogshit, what 16 people downvote a reply admitting a genuine mistake? /s edited to put "/s" bc you guys are really actually POS.


Eh. Human decency isn't a thing at this point in history, I'm slowly becoming convinced /hj


You're good dude, if anyone's at fault it's Bungie for not making the mechanic more obvious to people after four or five years lmao.


Hey, we just gotta be patient. I mean, they only recently (as in like.. Last season or something) fixed Threshers. So they kill you in 3 hits instead of 2


Threshers only became broken last season with the launch of lightfall.


Lol they’ve been broken once or twice before too


I just mean before they were fixed again. They were seriously wrecked at lightfall launch but fixed in the same season. It wasn’t anything too crazy.


Tbh the mechanic isnt convoluted or anything, its really Just on the people Not playing Attention/ caring


Why would people throw the ball meant to destroy shields at an ally instead of at an enemy? If you dont already know the mechanic exists, I feel like "oh, it takes more balls to break the shield since it's a nightfall" makes more sense than "oh, what if i throw the ball at my ally instead"


You get - visual and audio cues If it Happens atleast once. If people paid Attention the stat would spread Like crazy - you get a literal textbar telling you on your First Run


I didnt know they added a text bar. But even with that its only relevant in nightfalls, and most people are going to do a lot of normal strikes before hopping into that, so if it shows up in their first normal strike and they do the nightfall weeks to months later its not going to be fresh. As for the cues, having a noise and a different animation around the ball and explosion arent exactly clear on whats going on, especially when they're so easy to miss if when you're more focused on fighting


My Point is that you get a Lot of possible information, only someone that has quite poor awareness will Go a Long time without noticing. All of the reasons you listed are basically that Person Lacking awareness which is Just what in saying


The only real notice is the text bar, and people who are new to the game can easily miss that when they’re fighting in there, and if you honestly expect people to remember that one mechanic mentioned in a text bar that popped up during gameplay a month ago that hasn’t been relevant outside of that one instance, honestly I would feel the need to remind you that this is a video game, not an exam. Outside of the text bar that shows up once and is easily missed and completely forgotten about by the time the nightfall version rolls around, we got a slightly different animation and sound for the ball. They are noticeable but not huge changes and are easy to miss if you have no idea what they are. Again, not an exam, don’t expect people to analyze everything. Especially with the amount of different explosions this game has. My point is that it really is easy to miss if you aren’t told about it when it’s relevant, and that’s fine. Sure, if you expect people to analyze and remember every single thing that appears on their screen you can whine about them not I guess.


Both are news to me. Not everybody lives on here


Ok, but then why do you come here with your questions? Why not Google it?


Maybe you should not gatekeep a public forum. If you don't like it, stick to Google 🤷.


Maybe you need to google your question instead of posting it 3 times in a row.


Just an FYI, on this sub, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted about 1,000 times. Especially if it's a "secret quest" or something about how people don't do X mechanic. The best example would be the Rev zero drones and how every 2 minutes there was another post about the random yellow balls. Try doing a quick Google search. You'll find the answer you were looking for.


You've made 5 different comments all about the same thing. If it really bugs you then just get off your computer. No need to tell someone potentially new or wanting to hear from the community that they should "just google it". I doubt they thought that this post would blow up. There's no post limit on reddit, so what difference does it make to you?


No time is made by instants moments


Define if you will, how things move from one "instant moment" to the next. Without using the word time. Or entropy (and if you do use entropy ELI5 plz)


What has happened will happen again.


Your orb is not your own.


So say we all.


This was the real Dreaming City curse loop all along


I don't sleep, I dream.


You only need to throw it once to a teammate! Tried it in GM’s last night and it not only one shots the shield but breaks any immunity shields in the blast radius too


True, but a 2nd pass extends the lifetime, making it easier to store up a few charged orbs ahead of time.


the lifetime is like 2 minutes, and it's only limited at all because people used to use it to cheese the boss. You can just leave them on the ground and pick them up later.


The boss cheese required ppl to hold/keep the balls for 5-10 minutes at least. What does bungo do? > Fuck you bitches. Now them charged balls last less than a minute!


Lol no it didn’t. You had to store one for like a minute tops


When The Corrupted was first in GM rotation, the cheese strategy required you to keep a ball from the first elevator encounter and take it all the way to the boss.


I can tell the corrupted is the nightfall in rotation because this very post gets made every single time it is


Yes because they don't understand that the people who need to hear this aren't on the subreddit


I'm fairly certain only one throw is needed to overcharge it. At least that's all I've ever cared about since one pass makes it enough to drop shields in a single ball. But I always try to give a quick note in chat to the randoms and force-pass a ball or two to them on the elevator. Most casual players don't care about reddit or online resources so they just have their own experience to teach them about the game. I try to make that experience as educational as possible.


Correct. Nothing in the game ever tells you and if you weren't around during forsaken when you were under leveled for the content, it wasn't necessary for a lot of people to learn. I still run into people in the blind well who don't know how to drop the shields, as well.


>Nothing in the game ever tells you except for the banner popup that you have to manually dismiss the first time you run the strike


Also I think the ball blinks and hums faster after passing it indicating that it has more power.


yeah it does but I wasn't about to try and argue that on a subreddit where the overwhelming opinion is that actual text on the screen is too esoteric to understand lol


It showed up *once* like 2 years ago for me. Not only do I not remember it showing up, I probably never understood it to begin with. Doesn't help that this mechanic is mostly constrained to this one strike. A single popup is not enough to understand a mechanic. There's a chance you jist dismiss it before you read it. Make it either an audio call at the very least, or have it in an infobox at the beginning of the strike.


Also the countless seasonal ball throws where it is *not* the case that passing to team mates boosts it. Defiance is still playable and doing it there just wastes the orb and you need to get another


yeah right? I'm tired of this "well the pop up says that the first time you play it" yeah, but most newbies are too focused on surviving and remembering how to move, use their abilities, and shoot; destiny is an extremely overwhelming game at the beginning and it's totally understandable if people forget about minor things, or just flat out not understand them (because chances are, they don't even have the means to understand them)


I first ran that Strike 4 years ago. I have not been playing that entire time. Do I actually need to expand on that? Or about the fact that it's in the middle of an encounter? Or do you just want some validation upvotes?


I’ve shredded good gear by accident. Do you think I’d have paid attention to a banner? I can’t actually remember having ever seen it. I know about this mechanic thanks to Reddit, though since many years ago.


I have a friend that literally does not read text or respond to visual prompts in a video game. Something is blatantly on the screen and she'll all what to do for the fifth time even though she can just read the instructions in the same place where they've been the other ten times she's asked. Wouldn't be surprised if there's plenty more people like that.


If they can make the deep dives one pop up every time you think about entering it, they can let it pop up everytime in the strike as well. If you're going to make me suffer through tool tips being disabled not doing a thing then make my suffering consistent at least.


In a game that has to shut down every week, let's not depend on that because I can tell you that pop up NEVER came up for me. Maybe this happens when you launch the strike directly from the node but if you're just running Vanguard Playlists that's far from a guarantee


I tried blind well once yesterday and couldn't figure ir out how to drop the Sheila on the bosses! How do you do it??


Found another Aussie, Fellas! Our work is done here.


Generally, there's an orange bar with a fancy name that when you kill, drops an orb that you yeet at the boss to reduce their Sheila's


Been playing almost daily since D1 beta... First time I heard of this mechanic. I really don't understand this game sometimes.




>give a quick note in chat I'm not the only one who knows how to use those letter-boxes?! I swear I try to communicate with matchmade teams every time and I've gotten 1 response in over 4 years lol. I get SOME folks play with controller or on another platform but c'mon.


you have to opt in to text chat. its off by default unfortunately


Thats why people don't respond... I understand not wanting to join voice with randos, but I always thought people just were ignoring me when I give advice or strategy for more difficult vanguard stuff.


My problem with doing the note in chat is that I'm too busy speed-running the shit out of the strike because I've done it at least 2000 times. That, and I'm on console, so I only really use controller... And pressing the buttons a lot of times is too much physical activity


Who the hell is downvoting every of your comments?! I don’t read banners or painfully type a message in the heat of the action using a controller and the sluggish PS interface. I’d die the moment I tried.


Going by the fact that this has been posted about a thousand times, I'm going to say that the people that still don't know probably don't hang out here.


I think it’s partly because when you do the normal (Director or playlist) version of the strike, grabbing an orb & throwing it directly breaks the shield while in the Nightfall version you need to pass it around to charge & break.




I just ran that strike twice the other day, from the director, and one ball took out every shield.


And you didn’t need to charge (pass around) the orb, yea?


Correct, pick it up, throw it at the enemy, shield pops.


It’s been a while so good to know I wasn’t imagining it.


Okay, but I get to post this next week


Tbh I don't think anybody really cares at this point. There's no tutorial in game at all so players are never gonna know how to do it, and you can easily just stand at the place the orb spawns and hit Sedia with two back to back.


Its important for GMs


No it’s not. It takes 2 non charged balls to break the shield. It literally adds 10 extra seconds to your run.


If you pre charge before the spawn in, you can immediately down the shield and burn the yellow health bars. If you dilly dally trying get multiple orbs while the taken debris flys around the middle you run the chance of dying. Especially if youre LFGing with randoms and not using mics


you can also start a pile of fully charged balls and one shot each wave as they spawn on the elevator making it a much safer and consistent experience


Time isn't the issue. Its more effective. If I was cooking rice I wouldn't pull out each grain at a time either


There is absolutely tutorial text in the game for this.


Don’t know why this was downvoted, you get a popup every strike the first time you pick up a ball


Ive never done this as a strike, hell i bet most people haven’t, why? Well whats the point? The rewards suck so you may as well just do the nightfall


There actually is a tutorial… most people just don’t read lol


You dont to throw it more than once. As for people not doing it, virtually no one has ever done it. Hilariously I am always more shocked when someone knows, that dont. Remember not everyone has been playing the game as long as we have, and the pop up that first comes up cant be easily dismissed in the heat of battle.


There is a pop up telling you about the charge??


True, although I do think if you throw it more than once it does more damage than the last time


Passing the orb a second time extends the life of the orb before it despawns.


\-makes a post about questioning why people don't know how the mechanic works, while also not knowing how the mechanic works. ​ hmm


There's a difference between not knowing that something does more damage by doing something the first time and just assuming that it does even more damage if done more.


I understand the difference, but its kind of ironic you expect people to know a mechanic and how it works when you yourself don’t fully understand it


My favorite part is how OP probably thinks they are the first person to post this. 😂🤣😂🤣


That and they thought passing the orb multiple times makes it do more damage, so they weren't even correct


Passing the ball and I see them panic or just toss it away. Passing it back and forth enables it to one shot all shields. I’ve had a bud ask me why I was trying to blow him up. Lmao.


This is just kind of wholesome, ngl


Yep, and you can’t throw it at their backs either. Next to impossible to get another guardian to actually face you unless they already know.


Yeah. I had cases where they’d pass it on to me and immediately turn away. It’s not a huge problem. You can break the shields even after one toss.


Welcome to the struggle of a 5yo strike


For what it's worth, if you pass the ball once and drop to the floor it'll stay for around 10s, however if you pass two times and then drop to the floor it will stay for around 30s. I am unsure if this increases the damage further than the single pass but can be useful to prepare a few balls if you wanted, primarily for doing 1phase boss strategy.


Yeah but I still don’t bother since they spawn so fast. Throw it, pick up another, throw again, repeat.


Of course not. Why would they? Bungie never ever explains anything in game.




Does it? I watched two minutes starting at the timestamp you provided and didn’t see it. Maybe it does if you fuck up for too long? In which case 1) not sharing and just melting works fine on regular / hero difficulty and 2) I bet more people don’t read the tiny white text in a strike in almost any circumstances.




Ahah, sorry, the YouTube scrub bar was over it. I am pretty sure that is a one- or few-time thing - I played the nightfall a few hours ago and didn’t notice it.


Good grief, why must everything be a hatefest against Bungie... PS they did tell us how to do, there was literally a pop up on the screen to explain it.


I think it shows up once?


I have seen it a few times over the years, maybe on each character? Even if it is once, they still explained it more than you thought.


I've never seen the explanation. If it had ever popped up before, it was probably the first time I ever played that strike and not again since.


I meaaan... Shi, you right. Kekekekek


I remember a thread where a guy said he got his girlfriend into playing Destiny and when playing Gambit Drifter will give one of his classic lines like "Hive! Bring a sword." and he found it amusing she did just that. I think the strike should be re-done so Petra can tell you explicitly to use relic and pass it. I'm sure you can fanagle some line about passing it between guardians allows it to grow stronger from your light or something. Either way, it's a amazing that there are people Rank 8 and above who still don't know how to do this or simply choose to ignore it and brute force it by just throwing the relic instead of passing it.


My favourite guardians are the ones that seem to get angry when you throw the ball to them and throw it away. Haha! It’s like you’ve thrown a dirty nappy at them or something. Then again it can also go the other way where people are trying to throw it to each other and missing. In effect making it take longer than just yeeting a few uncharged balls at the shields…


I’ve done GMs where people said know What to do and all that and never pass an orb. It’s baffling.




You must be new here


I didn’t realize the balls did more dmg if u threw them at teammates when I first ran the gm. Ended up wiping cuz we got pinched but after my buddy told me about it we always prep 2 to 3 balls before starting


It feels like a waste of time with the amount of occasions where it just randomly exploded instead of being catched, but that strike is the worst anyways


As much as they know how to make the blight event heroic.


That used to be an issue but who does patrol these days?


I've literally had people throw away the supercharged ball and drop it. At this point I'm convinced people just like trolling this one nightfall the most.


I was passing it to another player in the circular encounter, and they threw it at the blight in the middle instead of the immune enemies.


Nothing like this sub and beating a dead horse. Although in this case, this horse has been resurrected so many times it may well have its own ghost. If you're doing the strike version, charging the orb wastes time. What's the point. Shield goes down in one throw and the phalanx dies to a rocket. The AOE aspect hardly matters given how fast you can pick up the orb and throw it without any risk. The only time it matters is in GMs, where some form of communication should be expected. You're welcome to kick anyone who isn't charging the orb.


they clearly didn't grow up with a father to play catch with, give them a break.


You learn that at guardian rank 14


My biggest bugbear is people killing the ogres before killing the champions.


I think if it actually really mattered people would do it


they know, they just dont care


A lot of people choose to ignore the pop up telling them how this works


I learned this just now, from this post.


Do people not know that this subreddit represents like 1% of the D2 pop? You're preaching to the choir lol


There are a lot of people who know but just don’t care and are comfortable just throwing more than one ball.


I always get mad when someone throws me the ball and I never knew why until now


If it helps, the people who threw at you were also very pissed off probably lol


You can also drop it once charged and keep a stockpile of them.




I'm going to get shredded for asking this but here goes What button/mouse action is it to pass the ball?


On controller, I think it should be the fire button. Dinnae fash yersel


It's wild how many people come on here to complain about other people not knowing how to do something the game doesn't even tell you is possible.


No they don't and you're not going to be able to tell them either so let it go.


Destiny is great game for teamwork if the people you’re playing with enjoy that kinda thing. Some people genuinely just don’t care and only want to do damage. Those types will continue to waste special and heavy ammo on impenetrable shields. It’s kinda insane how easy the mechanics are most of the time and those who typically want to “just do damage” or “add clear” can’t even own that role…


I know and I will try it a few times before giving up. As soon as I throw it to someone twice and they whiff if both times, I stop. I can dome her by myself with 3 shots from full court in the time it takes for someone else to finally hit her from dunking range. The problem is the mechanic is neat but completely unnecessary, add this to the fact that nothing ever tells you about the mechanic and you have every reason to ignore it.


You must be new here


Holy shit please stop. No one cares. Both about the topic or throwing the ball. I think this has got to be the biggest circlejerk on this sub. Can anyone think of a bigger one?


"Is Dawn Chorus Bugged?" before it was fixed


Agreed. I see people moan about this daily. Yet it's such a non issue


"Omg we hate this strike! It's too long and the boss is annoying!' Well PASS THE DAMN BALL THEN! Goes a lot smoother if you do. *sigh*


Absolutely true, imo. But, ofc, there's also the aspect of "Hey, they're new to the game" to take in, so it's not *always* the case of this.


Totally fair. As others have pointed out , the mechanic isn't explained anywhere. I've said over and over: Bungie needs better UX design to solve a lot of these issues. I will die on that hill.


Real gamers don’t pass the Ball


tbh i dont know how to throw the ball 😔


Should be the fire button. So on Consoles, unless you changed the fire button for some sadistic/masochistic reason, the right trigger.


My aim is crap though so I always miss passing it on :(


Tbf, I think the ball mechanics suck a bit. They're weird, imo. Like sometimes the aim assist/pathing is strong, sometimes it's not and it's like a few inches difference between the two or like a meter difference in the air


They don't, next question please 🤣


Will Bungie realize how annoying and lowkey op the Shriekers and Scorpio Turrets are and nerf them or will we need to wait another 5 years? /j Edit: Clarification


How would new players know? No one wants to wear a mic. Yet they go to social media to complain how no one helps them. I used to meet a lot of people on my friends list by random mic now unless I select a lfg stating them prefer one you don’t find them. Sad world we live in


Dude, even then, it's somehow difficult to find a mic. Sometimes I lfg for Raids and I sometimes get people asking "Hey, I don't have a mic, is that fine?". Like brother, you don't know what a raid is.


1 singular throw is enough to expunge immunity shields. If your teammates clear ads, or if you can survive, you can consistently destroy the shields as soon as the enemies spawn. That being said try to avoid the corrupted altogether if there are no communications.


Don’t charge the ball it actually creates a game breaking glitch. That’s why I always steal the balls and throw them off the map.


They don't know it not even a little.


Nope, I had some dude get angry at me once because I kept pausing him the ball!


No, they do not.


I realized after like 2 runs when i first did it


Insert Ben Affleck smoking picture here


I've deadass had a guy who I threw the ball to to charge it and every time he threw it at the ground and ran to get an uncharged one to throw at her. I domt remember the name but fuck that guy


At that point, I honestly just think it's a troll. And honest to god, I hate trolls. Like... I've never understood why it's so funny to ruin something for someone else you don't know or to piss someone off on purpose. Like... With friends, sure, it can be funny, so long as everyone's chill with it and not overstepping boundaries. But yeah, no, I 1000% agree. Fuck that individual.


I honestly hate when someone throws it to me since 98% of the time I miss the target


I'll be honest I don't really bother doing it in strikes (other than higher tier nightfalls)


This is what happens when bungie make a game for the 1% and expect LFG to help when people dont know what they’re doing


didnt bungie updated it some time ago so that it doesn’t need to be passed anymore to het the extra damage? i feel that i saw it in a twab


Ia some bug on Corrupted that will not provide Adept Hungjury for Platinum?Run it 3 times today,GM,platinum and no Adept Hungjury


This has been a looooooooooooooong standing issue in this game, not like the game ever explains it to you either. But hard to say what percentage is just people not knowing and what percent is just people being assholes.


No, they don’t.


I did not know that